Ah My Goddess Fan Fiction / Ranma 1/2 Fan Fiction / One Piece Fan Fiction ❯ When worlds collide ❯ Enter the Goddesses ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

When Worlds collide.

A crossover series.

Thanks to Rumico Takahashi, The creator of Oh! My goddess and the creator of One piece.

Please do not kill me for using your characters in this fanfic.

And to all the fans out there and love the various characters enjoy the story.

The story will also have a few references to a fanfic, which I have grown to like. I would like to thank the author for allowing me these references to his fanfic. For those interested they can read Second Chances by Lord Archive.

The Ranma time line is about 2 years after Book 38 and Ranma and Akane are finally married when the straw-hat pirates of One Piece drop in on them. What mayhem will they cause in NERIMA no one knows.

Chapter 2

Enter the Goddesses.

Back at the temple where the three goddesses were staying.

"What will I tell Keiichi." Belldandy asked her sister as she packed her things for the trip to Nerima. "Why don't you bring him along just tell him we are going on a months holiday." Urd answered as she threw her potions into a bag.

"Hey it's all her fault I don't see why we have to go along with her!!" Sculd fretted as she set up the trans dimensional gate.

"Hmmm. Don't tell me you don't miss Akane-Chan??" Belldandy asked.

"You mean the girl that Urd transported back through time to have another chance with her boy friend??"

"Yeah that's her!" Urd shouted from her room. "Didn't you read the files Kami-sama gave us you little twerp!" Urd shouted at her.

Just then Keiichi walked into the room. "Hey what's up girls?" He asked.

"Well sis screwed up so we got to go straighten some things out." Sculd answered as she worked on the gate.

"Oh Keiichi would you like to come with us?" Belldandy asked looking at him. They have been together for a long time and they have not gone on a trip together at all.

"Hmmm. I don't have anything on and the workshop is closed for a few weeks. Alright I'll come." Keiichi answered Belldandy he always couldn't bring himself to say no to Belldandy. "Gimme a minute I'll go pack some clothes." He then ran out.

Soon he was ready to go. They gathered in front of the gate. "Here." Skuld gave each of them a bracelet each.

"What this??" Keiichi asked as he put on the bracelet. "Oh that's a tracking bracelet if we get lost when we get there just in case. All set?" she asked as she picked up a device.

"Get on with it!" Urn said angrily.

Belldandy held on to Keiichi. "Here we go!" Skuld pressed on a button. A sphere of light enveloped them and winked out.

Meanwhile at Nekohaten. The lunch crowd was just coming in. Shampoo was serving some customers when suddenly there was a flash of light blinding her and the customers.

When the flash receded and Shampoo looked around she notice 4 new customers whom she didn't see come in.

The girls were all dressed funny and had strange facial markings on their faces.

She served all the other customers and then she went over.

"Wow what a ride." Keiichi said as he tried to get his bearings.

A wave of wonderful aroma hit him and his mouth started to water.

"That was the lousiest jump I ever been in! My Hair!!" Urd complained and tried to settle her hair as it was standing with static electricity.

Belldandy looked around. "Oh my it seems we landed in a restaurant." She exclaimed then she noticed a girl in Chinese clothing walk towards them.

"Nihao. Welcome to Neko haten. Table for 4?" She asked.

"Hmmm shall we eat before we go?" Belldandy asked.

"Sure I'm feeling really hungry." Keiichi said as his tummy rumbled.

"Table for four please." Belldandy answered the girl.

"This way please." The girl motioned.

Soon the four were seated down and were looking through the menu.

"Wow they sure got many varieties of food." Keiichi said as he looks through the menu.

"Ooohh. Dumplings." Skuld cooed.

The girl was still standing next to the table waiting for them to order.

"I'll have the special. What about you? Bell-chan?" Keiichi asked.

" I'll have the special too and an order of shrimp dumpling please." Belldandy said as she put down the menu.

" I'll have the cha siew ramen and a large order of dumplings." Skuld ordered.

"And I will have the Nekohaten special fried rice." Urd said as she put down the menu. "Your order come in a while." The girl said and left the table.

<Two specials one, cha siew, one shrimp and a large normal dumplings and an order of special fried rice!> Shampoo shouted in Chinese to the kitchen.

She went into the kitchen. "Grandma have four strange guest at table 10." Shampoo told Cologne. "Eh? Is that so grand daughter?" She stopped her work and bounded over to the counter and took a look.

She saw the three. The girls were strange, one had a mane of white hair and had dark skin and was very beautiful. The youngest of the three was about Shampoo's age and the third had an air around her that reminded her of Kasumi. Always smiling. And the three had markings on their fore heads and cheeks. "Hmmm. Strange. I will go meet them later." Cologne said and went back to help Moose to complete the orders.

Awhile-later Cologne hopped out of the kitchen on her staff and to the table where the goddesses were sitting.

"Ah did you enjoy your meal." Cologne asked looking intently at Belldandy. " Oh the food was very delicious you must tell me the recipe." Belldandy said as she wiped her mouth with a hanky.

"I'm glad you enjoyed your food. If you don't mind me asking you all are not from around here right?" Cologne asked.

Urd stopped eating so did Sculd. The two were about to answer but Belldandy beat them to it.

"Yes we are not from here we are here to visit some friends." Belldandy said still smiling sweetly.

"Oh I see. I hope you enjoy your stay." Cologne smiled back and turned to leave.

"Oh please wait." Belldandy called out.

"Yes?" Cologne faced her.

"I was wondering if you could tell us where we can find the Tendo Dojo?" Bealldandy asked.

Cologne's eyes shot up at the mention of Tendo.

"Are you friends of Ranma's or are you all engage to him?" She asked glaring at them.

"No we are not we are Akane Tendo's friend." Belldandy giggled and answered her.

Urd was holding on to her temper and Skuld well she was trying not to laugh her head off.

Keiichi looked at them wondering whom they were talking about, as he knew Belldandy didn't have many close friends back home.

"I guess you have not heard she is now Akane Satome. I am glad you are not." Cologne said as she relaxed. The boy sitting with them had not said a word through out and was eating intently.

"I am Cologne and the girl who served is Shampoo my grand-daughter. We are friends of Ranma and Akane I will get my grand daughter to show you the way." Cologne smiled.

"Oh where are my manners. I have not introduced us. I am Belldandy. This is my Sisters Urd and Sculd and this is my fiancé Keiichi." Belldandy introduced.

"Nice to meet you. Your orders are on the house please come again when you have the time." Cologne said then excused herself and bound back into the kitchen.

Inside the kitchen. "Who they grandmother/" Shampoo asked as she got ready to bring out the orders. "I am not sure grand daughter but they do seem very familiar to hmmm." Cologne rubbed her chin. "Child later you will bring them to the Tendo's and I want you to find out more about them alright?" Cologne instructed.

"But what me say to stay?" Shampoo asked

"Take away to the Tendo Again!" Mousse shouted from the counter.

Cologne smiled and looked at Shampoo.

And went back to work.

Belldandy was talking to Mousse as she held Keiichi as they left the restaurant.

She was asking about the recipes for the dumplings when she found out that he made them.

[Hmmm. That strange girl make stupid duck boy smile like that wonder what they talking about.]

Shampoo thought angrily ever since they lived in Nerima she has not seen Mousse smile like that at anyone not even when he pesters her to be his bride.

Urd was grumbling all the way as she tried to get rid of the static in her hair.

While Skuld was wondering what to say to Akane as they were friends for a year and a half back.

[Wonder if she still remembers us. I got to ask her how she managed to get married to Ranma.] Skuld thought as she happily walked along side Shampoo.

Half an hour later they were in front of the Tendo's gate they took the long way and not Shampoo's short cut.

Shampoo was about to bash the door down but Belldandy beat her to the doorbell.

[Strange girl fast.] Shampoo fumed at not being able to knock down the door.

A minute later the door opened. "Oh my. I was wondering if you were coming." Kasumi said as she opened the door. "OH!" She noticed the group of people who were with Shampoo and Mousse.

"They say they friends of Akane." Shampoo said as she barged past Kasumi and put down the heavy food boxes. "Grandmother told me to bring them here." Shampoo explained.

"Oh I see I will go get Akane." Kasumi smiled and when to the living room.

"Akane you have visitors!" Kasumi called out.

Soon there was a thundering of feet and Akane bound down from the stairs chasing Ranma.

"RANMA!!!" She screamed at him swing her big mallet at him.

"Hey!! I didn't do anything wrong. I didn't know there was anyone in the bathroom." Ranma tried to explain. But it was too late, the mallet struck him in the face embedding him to the wall.

[I see that she is still using the mallet I gave her.] Skuld smile.

Keiichi was sweating when he saw the scene [Wow lucky for me Belldandy is not like that.] he thought wincing in pain as the mallet hit Ranma.

Akane came to the door panting. When she looked to see who was looking for her, her face broke into a smile and she jump and gave Skuld a big hug.

"It's great to see you." Akane said as she hugged Skuld. "It's been what a year? Where were you…??"

Akane asked as she let Skuld out of the hug.

"Been busy lately and I saw that you were doing so well so …….." Skuld replied.

"Any way enough about me how are you?" She asked as they went into the house.

"Erhm….." Urd cleared her throat and glared at Skuld.

"Oops.' Skuld stop and started to introduce her sister and Keiichi.

"This is Belldandy my sister and her fiancé Keiichi and you know Urd. Don't you." Skuld glared back.

"Nice to meet you." Akane greeted the two and Urd.

"The pleasures all mine. It's an honour to finally meet you." Belldandy said.

" My sister Skuld has told me about you and the incident involving Urd. I hope they were no trouble to you." Belldandy started to apologise.

"Oh no they were all a big help. Mostly Skuld thanks to her for the help." Akane said still holding on to Skuld's hand.

"This must be Ranma." Belldandy asked stilling smiling.

Ranma was peeling himself off the wall when they walked pass him.

"Nice to meet you." he muttered as he fell to the floor and stood up and followed after them.

--------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------

Soon they were seated in the living room. The Straw hat pirates were already there. Nami and Nabiki were sitting in the corner talking and giggling occasionally.

Usoop was watching television and was marvelling at the strange device, which has moving pictures and sound coming from it.

Robin was having a game of chess with Mr Tendo while Mr Genma was watching at the side. He was impressed at how Robin played.

Chopper and Ryoga were talking in the garden while Zorro was taking a nap under a tree.

Sanji was in the kitchen swooning over Kasumi.

Luffy was sitting at the table drooling while Shampoo and Mousse put out the plates of food on to the table.

The goddesses were introduced when they were all sitting down to eat lunch.

"Akane who are our new guest?" Mr Tendo asked as he sat down.

"Oh sorry dad. These are my friends Belldandy, Urd, Skuld and Keiichi." Akane introduced them.

Chopper looked at Urd intently.

Suddenly shouting. "You are that girl that came out of the mirror and gave me that wish!!" Chopper said in surprise pointing at Urd.

"Looks like I got a lot of explaining to do……" Urd muttered and shook her head.

"Goddesses?" Nabiki asked scratching her head and looking at the trio sitting at the table. Urd produced 3 name cards and handed it to her.

The entire straw-hat pirates were stunned to find out that they were transported here by Urd.

"You must be joking right? A 100 year storm and you so conveniently coming to our rescue?" Nami asked in disbelief shaking her head.

"Hmmm…That explains how we got here. I was beginning to wonder how in the world did we get here and the things they have here." Robin said pointing to the television and the lights.

"So how do we get back." Zorro asked

"Yeah how do we get back??" Nami asked Urd losing her temper.

"Please. Calm down." Belldandy pleaded. Trying to calm the nerves of all of them. Its not every day that you find out that goddesses had just turn your life upside down.

Everybody calmed down when Belldandy started to talk.

[Belldandy sure has the power to calm any situation.] Keiichi thought happily as he stayed out of the way and started to sip on the tea Kasumi offered him.

"Yes. Its no use getting angry at them you all should be happy that you all are still alive." Kasumi said as she carried a tray of tea and started to give everyone a cup each.

The crew backed down and soon calmed down.

[Wow.]I wonder if Kasumi is also a goddess Keiichi wondered as he looked at Kasumi.

She reminded him a lot like Belldandy always smiling.

Shampoo had her mouth hanging open when she heard what was being told.
She was invited to stay for lunch by Kasumi who insisted that they stay.

Sanji was waltzing in dancing a strange dance. He had heard everything in the kitchen. But was now too besotted by the beauties all now in front of him. "Oh joy so many beauties and so little time." He said as he danced around love struck.

"Alright. Looks we were sent here by Kami-sama to settle this problem so don't sweat it.' Urd said as she sip on the tea. [This is good tea.] She thought as she drank some more.

"Yes don't worry according to Rumiko-chan you all are stuck here until she can get enough energy to set up another warp gate to send you back." Skuld explained try not to go to the bad part.

"And how long is that?" Nami asked when she noticed Skuld zoned out a bit.

"Ahh…ohhhh.mmmmm…." She stammered and looked at Urd and Belldandy for help.

"That would take any time from a month to several years….." Belldandy finally said.

"WHAT!" Nami exploded. She tried to throw herself at Urd and strangle her.

"Hey! Hey!" Urd tried to back away but was too late.

The two were rolling on the floor. When suddenly there was a bright flash and the two were zapped by the static electricity on Urd's body.

The two lay on the floor smoking and twitching. " Oooo… That has to hurt." Ranma commented trying not to laugh.

Chopper too was trying not to laugh but finally the dam broke and everybody was laughing.

It took a while but soon everyone settled down.

"As you can see we are here to help you all here and tell you when it's ready for you all to leave." Belldandy explained.

"You got nothing to worry about. Kami-sama said that when you all are returned to your world it will be like you just left for a few hours." Skuld explained as she wiped the tears in her eyes.

"That's nice to hear." Robin said relived that even if they were stuck here for a year it would not effect them when they returned.

Suddenly there was a flash a figure was going around the girls.

"Sweeto!! What beauties!" the figure exclaimed.

It zoomed around groping the girls.

"It's Happonsai!!" Ranma shouted as he tried to catch him and bash him into the ground.

Akane tried to help but to no avail.

The girls were screaming and running around. The only two people untouched were Belldandy and Kasumi who were sitting side by side smiling and drinking their tea.

"Is it always like this." Belldandy asked smiling at Kasumi.

"Oh yes it's always like that but with so many guest it's even more rowdy." Kasumi answered also smiling.

Nami was bashing Happi as he groped her on the breast.

"I will save you Nami-chan." Sanji said lashing out with a kick.

Soon the whole house was erupting into a free for all.

Everyone wanted to bash Happi into the ground. But he was too fast.

He glommed onto Urd, which was a big mistake. He was zapped by the static electricity and was thrown to the wall.

"Wow that's what I call shocking!!" Happi said as he leaped for another hug on Urd.

Urd tried to run but was too late.

She struggled to get him off screaming. "Get him off of me!!! Get him off me!!" she tried hitting him. Finally Robin used her devil fruit powers to pry Happi off Urd and secured him in a tight bundle of arms.

"Hey let me go!!" Happi struggled. Mr Tendo and Mr Genma quickly ran and got a chest and threw him in and started to wrap several lengths of chains around the chest then finally putting it in to a larger chest and too wrapping it in chain and locking it with several locks.

"Now to get rid of him but how??" Mr Soun scratched his head.

"Let me." Nami said grabbing Luffy.

"Luffy kick it into orbit!" She told Luffy. "Sanji help him!"

Sanji gave the chest a kick. Kicking it into the air.

"GUM GUM PISTOL PUNCH!" Luffy wound up his arm and letting it stretch like a rubber band then letting it fly at the chest and hitting it with such force that it disappeared into the sky.

Ranma and gang were astonished at the display of such powers.

"Hehehehe. That was fun." Luffy said as he went back into the house.

"If that thing comes back I am going to turn it into a toad!!" Urd screamed.

"Ah. You can get off me now…." Skuld said as she struggled to get up. Ryoga had thrown himself at Skuld to protect her from Happonsai. He was blushing furiously and he was nose bleeding all over the place he got up took a few steps and crumbled to the floor.

"Now what??" Ranma looked at Ryoga and the puddle of blood forming around him.

"Should we help him?" Skuld asked Ranma worried for Ryoga.

"Don't worry he's always like this around girls." Ranma answered and turned him over and stuffed tissue into his nose to stop the bleeding.

Meanwhile Sanji was trying to feel up Urd. "Oh I hope you are alright." He cooed and held Urd's hand. A sudden zap and Sanji was twitching and smoking on the floor.

"Don't ever touch me like that again!" Urd said angrily.

"Ooh. I'm in love…." Sanji muttered then lost consciousness.

Author's note:

Whew! Finally the next chapter is finished.

I hope you people enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it.

The next chapter will be out soon I hope. (Nope I am not having writer's block. Not yet anyway)

To all those who read the story thanks and I hope you enjoyed it.

Please feel free to drop comments or if you would like to see a pairing.

I will try to accommodate it into the story.

And thank for the comments and review.

Well see you all soon.

The next chapter The clash of the love sick fools.