Ah My Goddess Fan Fiction / Ranma 1/2 Fan Fiction / One Piece Fan Fiction ❯ When worlds collide ❯ Clash of the lovesick fools ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

When Worlds collide.

A crossover series.

Thanks to Rumico Takahashi, The creator of Oh! My goddess and the creator of One piece.

Please do not kill me for using your characters in this fanfic.

And to all the fans out there and love the various characters enjoy the story.

The story will also have a few references to a fanfic, which I have grown to like. I would like to thank the author for allowing me these references to his fanfic. For those interested they can read Second Chances by Lord Archive.

The Ranma time line is about 2 years after Book 38 and Ranma and Akane are finally married when the straw-hat pirates of One Piece drop in on them. What mayhem will they cause in NERIMA no one knows.

Chapter 3 The Clash of the lovesick fools.

That evening in the Tendo kitchen. Kasumi and Belldandy were both preparing that night's dinner the house was filled with delicious aroma.

Sanji was in the kitchen too waltzing around trying to help cutting all the vegetables and washing the pots and pans.

Out side Robin had gone back to playing Chess with Mr Tendo.

While Mr Gunma in his panda form sitting beside watching (He was splashed by Nami when she was passing a cup of tea to Robin.).

It took awhile of explanation by Ranma how he got that way and he told them how he and his dad were cursed.

"Let me get this straight you two swam across an ocean and went to this place with cursed springs and you two had a spar there?? And you fell into the spring which was the spring of the drowned girl and your dad got the Panda right?" Keiichi asked not believing what he was being told.

Nami was playing around with a pail of cold water and a kettle of hot water splashing Ranma.

Looking at his transformation not believing her eyes.

"Hey you got bigger breast then me!!" Nami complained jokingly.

"Yeah tell me about it." Ranma rolled his eyes he was already immune to those remarks.

"Wow." Usoop exclaimed. "This is too far out."

"You think that's far out watch this!" Ranma took a glass of water and splashed Ryoga who was talking to Chopper.

"Wha…… Bweeeeiiiiiii!!!!" where Ryoga was sitting was a black pig.

Chopper looked at Ranma and said, "Ryoga said that when he changes back he's going to kill you."

"Oh yeah he and what army." Ranma smiled when suddenly a black blur went at him.

He swatted Ryoga and he flew straight into the arms of Skuld who was just coming into the living room with Akane.

"Huh? Kawaii!!!" She looked at the little black pig and hugged it closed to her chest. The little pig started to spew blood from its nose.

Akane saw that it was Ryoga and snatched him out of Skuld's arm and slammed him into the floor and malleted him.

"Ryoga No Hentai!!!"

"That's Ryoga??" Skuld asked in surprised.

Ranma was laughing his head off when Akane looked at him.

"Why do I have a feeling that this started because of you." She asked angrily. " Not my fault." Ranma stood up and started to back away.

"Was it Ranma's fault?" she asked the others. They all nodded.

"Oh shit…." Ranma sweats drop and started to run but too late a huge mallet came smashing down on him and smacked him into the floor.

"That will teach you." Akane said as she putted away the mallet.

All the others were sweating like mad at the carnage.

"Got hot water here." Chopper said as he took the kettle of hot water and started to pour it on Ryoga.
"Oh no!!" Akane couldn't stop chopper as the steam dissipated Ryoga was standing there with his hands covering himself and flushing red with embarrassment.

The girls were all screaming at the sight and all ran from the room.

Except Urd who was standing there.

"Yummy you sure have a nice body." Urd said sexily and floated over.

She poked on his abb. "Ooooo. Where have you been. Yummy."

Urd was getting lusty.

Keiichi grabbed Ryoga and ran from the room.

Chopper followed behind carrying his clothes.

"Oh fuwee…." Urd grumbled and followed them.

Ranma was groaning as he picked himself up.

He slipped on a puddle of water and fell on to the bucket of cold water. "Aww shit…."

Ranma picked himself up just then Sanji came in.

"Oh my another beauty!" Sanji had hearts in his eyes and started to waltz over to Ranma.

"Oh Crap." He got up and leaped away into the garden.

"No come back!" Sanji tried to stop but he was too late. "Oh I am in love." Sanji cooed.

Back at the Nekohaten. The dinner crowd was getting larger.

Shampoo was running up and down with trays and trays of food for the customers.

It was insane ever since the arrival of the goddesses the restaurant was always flooding with people and there was a large queues out side the restaurant.

In the kitchen Cologne was having the time of her life it was not every day you get to fight a battle in the kitchen.

She was frying, chopping and putting out the food in various plates and bowls.

Mousse was not faring any better.

He was almost being overwhelmed by the number of ramen orders that he almost cooked himself in the boiling water.

<Grandmother we have to get more help! > Shampoo shouted over the din in the kitchen.

<Yes my child but who can we get to help us? > Cologne asked as she carried on cooking.

<Me know!> Shampoo ran to the telephone and made a call.

Back at the Tendo residence. Nabiki picked up the phone which was ringing.

"Hello?" then she held the phone a way from her ear.

It was Shampoo screaming for Ranma on the phone.

"Ranma! It's for you." Nabiki said as she went back to her dinner.

Ranma was vacuuming up his food then he went to the phone.

"Ranma here." He held the phone away from his ear and grimaced in pain.

"You don't need to shout!" Ranma shouted at the phone.

"What? You need a hand at the Nekohaten? Business is that good? What Cologne asked? All right. I get some help over." With that Ranma hanged up the phone.

"What was that about?" Akane asked suspiciously.

"Shampoo said that the restaurant is being swamped by loads of people and Cologne was asking for a hand." Ranma said as he went back to eat.

"Oh no." Belldandy exclaimed and everyone turned to her.

"You didn't." Keiichi asked looking at Belldandy.

"I'm sorry the food was so good and I thought that a blessing was what the shop needed." Belldandy said slightly embarrassed.

"Hmmm. But that should be anything wrong….." Keiichi said knowing that Belldandy didn't mean any harm.

"If I am correct Cologne once told me that the restaurant is situated on the luckiest site for business in the whole of Nerima. She used geomancy for that." Ranma said as he continued to eat.

`That bad I just increased it ten folds." Belldandy was at the lost to what to do.

"Never mind. We'll go over and give them a hand too." Keiichi said and stood up.

"We'll all go too." Nami said as she stood up.

"Any way we got to find something to do here if we are going to be stuck here." Nami answered.

"Yes it would be good we haven't been out of this place since we landed." Robin answered standing up and stretching herself.

" Where are we going??" Luffy asked as he stuffed the rest of the rice into his mouth and stretched his arm to Kasumi for another bowl.

"We're going to go help Ranma's friend. You know the girl who brought the food here this afternoon?" Nami explained.

"You mean that pretty girl with purple hair? Ooooo. I will go too.' Sanji said and started to waltz around.

"I am not going I don't do waitressing." Urd said as she continued to have her dinner.

"All right that settles it we are all going come on lets go." Ranma said as he ran for the door.

Only Kasumi, Mr Tendo, Mr Genma and Urd were left behind.

---------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------

Soon the whole gang was at the Nekohaten. Nabiki and Nami volunteered to be behind the cashier counter collecting all the payment for the bills.

Ranma, Ryoga, Zorro, Usoop and Chopper were waiters balancing several trays of food each and serving the customers.

Ranma had Chopper to look after Ryoga.

"Don't let him out of your sight or he'll land up Kami knows where." Ranma said to Chopper before they started to get down to work.

"Ryoga has a extremely bad sense of direction. He'll get lost even in here." Ranma told Chopper.

"Ok I'll keep and eye on him." Chopper said as he followed Ryoga to serve the food.

Akane and Skuld joined Shampoo in taking the orders.

And in the kitchen Belldandy and Robin helped Cologne prepare the various ingredients for the orders. Robin used her devil fruit powers to cut up all the ingredients.

While Belldandy and Keiichi prepared the various plates and bowls for the food.

Luffy was helping to wash the mountain of dishes and occasionally stealing some food to eat.

Which got him several lumps on his head when Cologne caught him.

Sanji was in his element in the kitchen and he was cooking up a storm with Cologne instructing him on the food preparation.

Sanji was cooking up a storm wanting to impress Shampoo.

But she took no notice of him her eyes were always on Ranma.

Mousse was not a happy man.

He spied Sanji taking several glances at Shampoo making eyes at her.

It infuriated him.

[How dare him!] Mousse threw a pair of chopsticks at Sanji.

The chopsticks hit Sanji Square between the eyes.

"Hey what gives!!" Sanji glared at Mousse.

Mousse glared back squinting wondering if he was looking in the right direction.

"Keep your eyes off Shampoo." Mousse snarled and tried to put on his glasses.

"And what if I don't." Sanji taunted.

Cologne stepped in just in time and bobbed the two of them on the head with her staff.

"No fighting in the kitchen!" and went back to work.

Bobbing Luffy on the head again as he stretched his hand out to snag a fried chicken wing. "And you stop stealing food."

3 hours later Shampoo had to turn away the remaining customer as the restaurant had ran out of food and this had not happen before.

The guys who did the waitering were all sprawled all over the floor exhausted.

Nabiki and Nami were happily counting the day's sale.

The cash register was overflowing with money.

Cologne came hopping out on her staff and looked around.

The Nekohaten looked like it suffered an attack.

Belldandy and Robin were bringing out bowls of ramen.

Keiichi helped Luffy to bring out the rest of the dishes.

Shampoo, Akane and Skuld cleared the biggest table and started to lay the table the food was brought over as they finished.

"Alright everyone come and have supper." Cologne said as she took a place at the table.

Soon the guys managed to crawl over to the table.

Luffy had his stomach all bloated up with food but he was still hungry and couldn't wait to eat he quickly brought out the remaining dishes and sat down mouth drooling.

Mousse and Sanji were still glaring at each other as they sat down Shampoo sitting between them. Shampoo could feel the two's battle aura flair as they sat down.

Cologne bobbed them on the head again.

"NO FIGHTING IN THE RESTAURANT!" Cologne shouted at the two her patience worn thin by the two. The two winced in pains then finally grumbling settled down. "First of all I would like to thank all of you for your help tonight. This meal is my token of thanks. Please enjoy." Cologne thanked them. Then motioned them to dig in.

The group went into a feeding frenzy. Luffy being the biggest eater polished plate after plate of food.

Cologne shook her head.

[And I thought Ranma was a bigger eater.] She thought and went over to where Belldandy was sitting. " We meet again." Cologne greeted Belldandy.

"Hello." Belldandy make a small bow and greeted Cologne.

"You are very special from the moment you stepped in to the Nekohaten and the time you left something happened please tell me what did you do." Cologne asked

" I am very sorry Cologne I blessed the restaurant with good fortune when we left as thanks for helping us I didn't expect it to turn out like this….." Belldandy explained.

" No need to apologise. I should thank you for making the Nekohaten so popular." Cologne thanked smiling.

Cologne hopped into the kitchen and brought out a large jar of Chinese wine and opened it.

Then she started to pour everyone a cup each.

"Please eat and enjoy." Cologne said as she poured the wine for them.

Sanji and Mousse were both vying for shampoo's attention.

The two tried to out do each other taking choice selections of the food and placing in her bowl.

Soon her bowl was overflowing with food.

Sanji spied the last piece of shrimp dumpling and made a grab for it.

But Mousse intercepted him and started to fight with him using his chopsticks. The two were locked struggling to get hold of the dumpling.

The rest of the others were watching in amusement at the two while Shampoo was very uncomfortable at the two's attention.

"Let go I got it fist." Sanji said as he tried to take the dumpling away.

"Never. It's mine." Mousse said as he struggled to hold on.

Suddenly the dumpling slipped from the chopstick and flew into the air.

Sanji made a grab for it.

Mousse not to be out done launched himself forward to get the piece of food.

Soon it turned into an arial combat.

The two was fighting with chopsticks.

Suddenly an arm grabbed the dumpling.

It was Luffy he had snagged the dumpling with his devil fruit powers and popped it into his mouth. "Mmmmmm. Yummy." Luffy said as he licked his lips.

"LUFFY HOW COULD YOU!!" Sanji exclaimed.

Ready to kick his butt.

Cologne was impressed but then started to laugh. Soon the rest too followed.

Soon everyone was singing and eating.

Most of them drunk from the wine.

The next morning, Cologne went around waking the youngsters up.

They ended having a party in the Nekohaten when Mousse and Sanji decided to have a drinking contest

Ranma, Akane, Belldandy and Keiichi went back to the Tendo's leaving the rest to party.

Cologne had a hard time waking Luffy up as he had a wine jar stuck to his head.

And he was still sleeping.

The others were slowly waking up groaning.

Mousse had lumps on his head after Cologne repeatedly hit his head for suddenly hugging her and shouting Shampoo's name.

Sanji, he was sleeping in the laps of Shampoo.

Who woke up to her horror and bashed him into the ground with her bonbori.

Chopper was all curled up sleeping with Ryoga who was his pig form.

He had taking a face full of cold water when the two lovesick fools had a fight throwing water at each other.

Skuld woke up wondering where Ryoga was but saw a cute little black pig sleeping on top of Ryoga's clothes.

"Kawaii." Skuld said as she picked up the little pig.

Ryoga jolted awake. [Oh no!!!] He started to panic as Skuld held him to her chest.

Suddenly there was a spurting of blood and Ryoga slump in her arms unconscious.

"What a funny pig." Skuld said as she wipes the blood from his snout.

Just then Chopper groggily woke up and saw that Ryoga was in Skuld arms.

"Ryoga what are you doing in there??" He asked as he got up.

"You want some hot water??" Chopper asked.

"Ryoga? This is Ryoga?" Skuld asked surprised.

" Here let me have him." Chopper took Ryoga from Skuld and went to the kitchen for a cup of hot water.

Chopper pours the hot water on to Ryoga triggering the transformation.

It gave Skuld a shock. Her face turned red in embarrassment when she saw that he was not wearing anything.

She ran away in embarrassment.

Chopper shook Ryoga awake.

"Huh what happened??" Ryoga asked as he got up " I thought Skuld was carrying me what happened?" He asked as he put on his clothes.
Chopper told Ryoga what happened.

"Oh No…." Ryoga's face turned all red to hear what had happen and he ran out of the restaurant making a large hole in the wall crying " I have tarnished her!!!!!"

That ruckus woke everyone up and everyone looked at Chopper for answers he just shrugged his shoulders.

During breakfast Sanji and Mousse were still at it trying to out do each other to impress Shampoo.

It was the last straw when Sanji held Shampoo's hand and gave it a kiss.

It filled Mousse with rage he took out a large spike ball from his clothing and threw it at Sanji.

Sanji managed to dodge it in time but the spike ball slammed into Luffy whose head was still stuck with the Wine jar.

"What hit me?" Luffy groaned as he pulled out the spike ball from his face and threw it a side.

When he tried to get up another spike ball slammed into his face and he fell down.

"Ouch that must hurt." Skuld winced as she saw what was happening.

"Don't worry about that baka he's made out of rubber nothing can harm him." Nami said as she carried on eating a bit jealous at all the attention that Shampoo was getting.

Zorro also batted away one of the spike balls with his sword. "Can't they do this outside!" He grumbled. " Hey Sanji why don't you two take it out side I don't want to be eating pieces of plasters added in my food!!" Zorro shouted at Sanji.

`You keep out of this you green bug juice hair. It's between me and him so shut up!" Sanji replied and kicked a spike ball at Zorro. Which he batted out of the way. `WHY YOU…….." Zorro was about to join in but was restrained by Robin. "Sit down we don't need another one fighting here."

A spike ball flew at her but Robin managed to bat it away with her devil fruit powers.

"If those two don't stop it. Someone is going to get hurt!" Robin stood up and got ready to restrain them.

But she was too late.

"Eat this! Thousand balls of spikes!" Mousse jumped into the air and threw a barrage of spike balls on chains at Sanji.

"Oh Crap!" Sanji jumped away and started to kick away at the spike ball coming his way.

Sending the spike ball all over the place.

All the others immediately took cover under the table.

Shampoo ran into the kitchen to get her grandmother.

<Grandmother stupid Mousse fighting with that cookboy they destroying the restaurant. > Shampoo told her grandmother.

<What?!! I thought I told those two no fighting in the restaurant! > Cologne was getting angry and when she got out to her dismay the two had already destroyed half the restaurant.

Cologne used her staff and knocked Mousse out through the roof and sent him flying.

She turned to Sanji and did the same to him.

Sanji tried to run but she was too fast and he too found himself flying out trough the roof. "Waaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh!!!!" The two cried as they flew.

The restaurant couldn't take the beating anymore and started to collapse.

"Everyone out!!!" Cologne shouted. Shampoo made a hole in the wall and they scampered out as the restaurant collapsed.

"Hey where's Luffy?" Skuld asked as the dust settled.

"Yeah where's Luffy??" Usoop asked as he looked around

" Oh No we left him behind!" Skuld cried out.

" Don't worry a house falling on him won't kill him." Robin said as she helped Nami up.

Just then Ranma, Akane, Belldandy and Keiichi arrived.

"I heard of partying the house down but this is ridiculous." Keiichi shook his head as he saw the damage and destruction to the restaurant.

Cologne was fuming mad hopping up and down shouting chinese expletives < 300 years I have been living and I never had this happen. I am going to cook that boy and the other one I am going to make him pay for the damages!!!!!!! Where are we going to stay now!!!>Cologne screamed and ranted. Shampoo was edging away from her grandmother never seeing her that angry before.

She spied Ranma and the others and ran to them.

"What happened?" Belldandy asked concerned.

"The cookboy and Mousse fight. Bring whole restaurant down." Shampoo explained.

"They did what?" Ranma asked in disbelief.

"Man this has never happened before even I don't do this." Ranma said shaking his head.

"Those two are dead meat when cologne catches them. I sure don't want to be in their shoes when she finds them."

`Oh my." Belldandy exclaimed and went to comfort Cologne who was still ranting and raving.

"Cologne?" Belldandy called out. Ranma was worried that Cologne might lash at her as her battle aura was flaring at strongest he had ever felt and tried to stop her.

Keiichi stopped him and said, "Don't worry. Belldandy know what to do."

Cologne turned to look at her, eyes filled with anger and rage but when she saw Belldandy her battle aura dissipated and calmed down.

"How did smiling girl do that?!" Shampoo asked in awe [No one had calmed down grandmother when she was that angry before.]

Shampoo went over too.

"Belldandy I didn't expect you so early." Cologne said as she hopped over to Belldandy.

"Those two boys have destroyed my restaurant! Our home for 4 years and those two just destroyed it in a day!!" Cologne said angrily trying very hard to control her anger.

"I am sure they didn't mean it." Belldandy held on to Cologne's hand.

" I will see if I can help make things better." Belldandy said and walked away.

"Wow that was awesome how did she do that?" Akane asked not believing her eyes.

Keiichi smiled and shrugged his shoulders and went over to Belldandy.

Belldandy was talking to Skuld.

" Sister can you help me repair this?" She asked Skuld.

"Sure no problem sis." Skuld said and stood up dusting herself.

"I'll do the spells you'll back me up is that alright?" Belldandy asked as she stood in front of the restaurant.

"Sure." Skuld stood behind Belldandy. " Ok everyone I want all of you to stand behind me quick!" Skuld told them.

The group scampered up and ran behind Skuld.

They all had forgotten about Luffy who was still trapped in the rubble.

"Spirits of stone and earth. Please go back to the way you were. Spirits of the wind and air help your kin in their work. Let what was once broken be one again I ask the spirits to grant me your help." Belldandy chanted.

Her hands glowed and the rubble began to move and float.

The rubble was putting itself together again.

Like jig saw the pieces of the restaurant went back together.

The others were watching mouths all hanging open in astonishment.

Keiichi was smiling and looked in wonder as little lights danced all over the restaurant bringing it all together.

The two unlucky once flew and crashed into the field near the local high school.

The two staggered up and glared at each other.

"It's not finish yet!" Mousse screamed and jumped at Sanji throwing his entire arsenal at him.

"Wow are you throwing everything at me except the kitchen sink?" Sanji taunted as he blocked and dodged all the objects flying at him.

But he could not believe his eyes when a kitchen sink came screaming at him and smacking him out of the air.

"You were saying." Mousse sneered and continued to throw large sharp and deadly objects at Sanji. "This is getting way out of hand. You want some of this you'll gonna get it!" Sanji launched himself into the air and kicked all the objects fly at him back at Mousse.

Mousse was taken by surprise he didn't expect his own weapons turning against him.

He tried to dodge them but there were too many and he took a few hits and was sent flying into a wall.

" Why you!!!!!" Mousse screamed at him and went charging at Sanji.

Taking two large swords from his sleeves.

"Oh shit…." Sanji saw the large swords appear out from Mousse `s sleeves.

"I HAD IT! ANTI-MANNER KICK COURSE*!" Sanji launched a lightning kick at Mousse hitting him on the back. Mousse staggered back at the assault. But that didn't stop him. He launched another barrage of weapons at Sanji. Sanji used his kicks to block all of them. "My turn." Sanji prepared himself. "I'm going to give you a course of kicks!" With that Sanji went at Mousse. The speed of Sanji's attacks took Mousse by surprise. "Mouton chop *" Sangi lashed out hitting Mousse on the chest sending him flying but Sanji didn't stop there.

"Poitrine Shoot. *"

"Reception. *"

"Flanchet Shoot *"

"Cheek Shoot *"

"Basses Cotes *"

"Longe *"


"Ciusseau* Jarret-*"

"Flanchet *"

"Veau Shoot *"

The kicks took a toll on Mousse.

He was bleeding in several places and so was Sanji who was covered in sword wounds.

Sanji managed to kick Mousse's swords away but out of no where Mousse took out a large bonbori and slammed it into Sanji's body who also connected a Concasse* on Mousse's head.

The two stood there for awhile then fell to the ground unconscious.

Just then Ryoga who was trying to find his way back to the Tendo's found the two was sprawling there. [Hey I know these two. It's Mousse and Chopper's friend. Maybe they will tell me which way to the Tendo's.] Ryoga thought and started to treat their wounds.

Author's notes: Hey and welcome back to read this fanfic.

I don't know if you guys and gals out there like this piece.

I am trying to formulate many more moments and try to put them in words.

I would like to thank all those who have read the first two chapters and I hope you all liked them.

I know the other crew members of the one piece are not getting a lot of attention I promise that I will try to fit them all in the coming chapters.

I would also like to thank my wife who is a fan of One piece for providing me what all the kicks that Sanji uses.

Sanji's kicks

*Mouton Shoot (Muuton Shuuto)- Sanji puts all his strength into one leg, and kicks the opponent. There's no room for dessert after this attack.

*Poitrine Shoot (Powatorinu Shuuto)- A flying kick to the opponent's chest

Reception- facing the opponent from the front, Sanji puts his leg up behind the opponent's neck, and kicks them down to the ground.

*Flanchet Shoot (Furanshie Shuuto)- A flying kick to the stomach.

*Anti-Manners Kick Course- Sanji displays his amazing ability to lift his leg up 90 degrees with this attack. He uses all of his strength and kicks the opponent using a vertical kick. That's what you get for making noise while you eat.

Cheek Shoot (Jyuu Shuuto)- A flying kick to the opponent's cheek.

*Basses Cotes- In the air, Sanji pulls his leg back and unleashes a powerful kick across the opponent's face.

*Longe- A sweep-kick to the opponent's hip.

*Tendron- A kick to the opponent's collar bone.

Quasi- Sanji turns upside down, uses his hands to hold himself up, legs like a helicopter, and kicks the opponent in the ass. This is followed by...

Queue- Following Quasi, Sanji kicks the opponent in the tail bone with the other leg.

*Ciusseau- A kick to the opponent's thigh, which is followed by...

*Jarret- An upwards kick to the opponent's shank.

*Flanchet- A swift kick to the belly.

*Veau Shoot (Vuu Shuuto)- A flying kick hitting the center of the opponent.

*Concasse- Sanji leaps up, somersaults in the air, and the heel of his foot lands on the opponent's head, crushing their skull.

Troiseme- Sanji backflips towards his opponent and lands both of his feet square in the opponent's face. It is then followed by...

Hache - Upon connecting with the opponents face (or while he lands on the target, I really can't tell) he spins, thus "dicing" up his target.

Bouquetiere [Mixed Vegetables] Shoot (Bukutereeri Shuuto)- Sanji upside down holding himself up by his hands, does a hand squat, and then does a powerful upward kick to the opponent's face.

Slice Shoot (Suraisu Shuuto)- I can't really tell what he does exactly, but it appears Sanji jumps into the air, and brings his foot down on his opponent like a guillotine.

* denotes the kicks used.

The next chapter The lost boy and his girl.