Ah My Goddess Fan Fiction / Ranma 1/2 Fan Fiction / One Piece Fan Fiction ❯ When worlds collide ❯ The lost boy and his girl part 1 ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

When Worlds collide.

A crossover series.

Thanks to Rumico Takahashi, The creator of Oh! My goddess and the creator of One piece.

Please do not kill me for using your characters in this fanfic.

And to all the fans out there and love the various characters enjoy the story.

The story will also have a few references to a fanfic, which I have grown to like. I would like to thank the author for allowing me these references to his fanfic. For those interested they can read Second Chances by Lord Archive.

The Ranma time line is about 2 years after Book 38 and Ranma and Akane are finally married when the straw-hat pirates of One Piece drop in on them. What mayhem will they cause in NERIMA no one knows.


Lemon warning to readers. Those 18 and below and those who are offended by sexual content please do not read this chapter. Don't say I didn't warn you.

Chapter 4 The lost boy and his girl.

Part 1

It was 3 days since the Nekohaten was rebuild.

Cologne was so happy to have the place the way it was.

Cologne said that she was forever in Belldandy's debt.

And everyone were out looking for Sanji and Mousse who were both missing since that day they got thrown out of Nekohaten by Cologne.

Some where in Japan, Ryoga was setting up camp and building a fire.

He had carried those two dummies for 3 days now and they were still unconscious.

He was contemplating whether to dump them somewhere and try to find his way to Tendo's.

As he was starting to make something to eat Sanji was the first one to awaken.

"Ouch I feel like I got hit by a boulder." Sanji moaned as he got up.

"Where are we?" He asked as he got up.

"Don't know been wandering around for days already……" Ryoga said shrugging his shoulders. "What happen to you two?" Ryoga asked as he poured a mug of coffee for Sanji.

"ME and that Blind idiot got into a fight at the restaurant and got thrown out by the old woman." Sanji said as he sipped the coffee.

"You were what?…." Ryoga was trying very hard not to laugh it was the first time he had heard Cologne throw anyone out from the Nekohaten.

"Oooowwww." Mousse groaned as he got up his head spinning.

"Gahhhhhh I'm going to kill you!!" Mousse tried to lunge at Sanji but fell short as he held his head in pain.

"You better not move that much you have a bad concussion." Ryoga said and handed him a mug of coffee too.

"Where are we?" Mousse asked wincing as he talked.

"Don't know I have been carrying you two for 3 days already and I don't know were the hell am I…."Ryoga said.

Then it hit Mousse.

"You are lost right?" He asked looking at Ryoga.

"Ermm." Ryoga stammered.

"What? What's wrong?" Sanji asked starting to get worried.

"Our friend here has the lousiest sense of direction in the world we could be anywhere!!" Mousse told Sanji.

"He what….???" Sanji asked,

" He can even get lost in a toilet." Mousse said shaking his head at their predicament.

"Hey it's not that bad." Ryoga tried to say.

"But I know that we are still in Japan." Ryoga said holding up a sign, which he ran into last night. It read Tokyo 40km pointing right and Nerima 80km in the opposite direction.

"That comforting. We are still 80km away from home! You stupid idiot!" Mousse said angrily.

"I knew it. I should have left you two to rot where I found you!" Ryoga angrily said.

" And this is the thanks I get!"

" Hey, hey." Sanji cut in.

"This can't be that bad all we got to do is find out the general direction to walk towards we should get home." The two looked at him.

"You got a map?" Sanji asked.

"Yeah sure in my bagpack." Ryoga went over and started to rummage through his belonging and finally pulled out a map.

"Gimme that." Mousse grabbed the map and looked at it squinting and practically putting it right in front of his face.

"Damn where are my glasses when I need them!!" Mousse grumbled.

"They were broken in the fight." Ryoga said as he grabbed the map from Mousse and gave it to Sanji. Sangi was scratching his head trying to make out what the map was saying.

"Sorry guys. I don't live around here so I don't know what the hell this map is saying." He said as he took out a cigarette lighted it with a flame from the fire and took a puff on it.

"Oh shit." Ryoga banged his head on to a nearby tree. [I won't be able to see Skuld again!!] He banged on the tree shaking the tree with each bang.

"Wahhhhhhhhhhhhhh! I can't see Shampoo again!! I am going to die with this directional inclined idiot!!!" Mousse started to brake down.

"Hey stupid ever heard of roads? IDIOT!" Sanji said as he took a last puff and threw the cigarette butt into the fire.

"All we got to do is get to a road and ask for direction you two MORONS!"

Mousse and Ryoga looked at Sanji.

"Our hero!!" The two hugged Sanji squeezing the breath out of him.

"You two want to let go now can't breath……" Sangi said as he turned blue.

" Oops." Mouse and Ryoga both let Sanji go.

He fell to the ground gasping for air.

"Ok this settles it we rest and we make for the nearest road around here and soon we will all be back home." Sanji said as he picked himself up.

"You got anything to eat? I'm starving." Sanji said as his tummy rumbled so did Mousse's.

`Sure." Ryoga started to pull out a pot and several packets of instant ramen and several bottle of water.

As Ryoga prepared the ramen he remembered something he went to his backpack and pour out everything out.

" Hey what are you doing?" Mousse asked as he tried to see what Ryoga was rummaging about for. Sanji was too busy watching the ramen cook.

"Here it is!" Ryoga held up a small black object.

"I knew this would come in handy one day." Ryoga was jumping for joy.

"What is it??" Mousse asked.

"It's my new hand phone which I got months back for emergencies like this." Ryoga said as he started to dial the phone.

Back in Nerima, the Tendo's household.

They were all having breakfast.

"I'm worried about Ryoga. I haven't seen him in the last few days." Skuld said rather worried about him.

"Don't worry about him if I am correct he should be back in the next few days. He's always getting lost." Akane explained to Skuld.

"I'm more worried about Sanji and Mousse. Those two bakas are missing for 3 days already and still no news of them." Akane said as she ate her breakfast

" Hmmmm. That idiot Sanji must be mooning over some girl somewhere once he gets dumped he'll come back." Nami said too a bit annoyed that Sanji's disappearance had caused a lot of problems.

The rest of the crew nodded in agreement.

"Anyway he has the duck boy with him what could go wrong??" Ranma said as he and Luffy were racing to finish their meal.

Just as they were about to finish their meal the phone rang.

"Who could that be?" Kasumi said as she got up and picked up the phone.

"Hello Tendo's residence. Yes. This is Kasumi speaking. Yes. Oh it's you Ryoga. What? Mousse and Sanji are with you and you are lost in a forest some where?" Everyone stopped eating and strained to hear what was being said.

"The three of you will be coming back together? Alright. What? Alright I will tell the others that you are all right. How are you calling here when you are in the forest?" Kasumi asked.

" Oh silly me is that right. Alright I will tell them ok bye." Kasumi put down the phone and went back to the living room.

The others were looking at Kasumi waiting for her to say something.

" That was Ryoga he said that Mousse and Sanji are with him and they are lost in a forest somewhere and they won't be back for the next few days and not to worry about them." Kasumi said as she sat back down.

The room was totally silent except for Luffy's gobbling.

"Oh god! They are with Ryoga, it's a miracle they are still in Japan." Ranma exclaimed.

"It's not that bad Ranma!" Akane said.

"Not that bad the last time he was lost he sent us a post card from Africa!" Ranma said putting down his bowl and was trying not to burst out laughing.

"Those two are in deep trouble…….Bwahahahahahahahahah!" Ranma started to laugh hysterically. Everyone sweat drops looking at Ranma roll all over the floor laughing.

When suddenly a mallet imprinted him into the floor.

"THAT"S NOT FUNNY." Akane hefted the large mallet away.

Ranma was groaning in pain.

"It can't be that bad right?" Keiich asked also getting concerned.

"You know everyone has an internal compass." Nabiki said "Well Ryoga's points in only one direction and only one direction only."

"Oh my that's bad." Belldandy said holding her hand to her mouth.

"He got lost even going to school. When the school was three blocks away from his home." Ranma sat up rubbing his head.

"That bad ….." Keiichi shook his head in disbelief.

"Now that's serious. We got to go look for them or they will get even more lost." Nami said as she started to get up.

"Yes we should go looking for them." Skuld too started to get up she was getting worried about Ryoga.

"It's no use if they have started to walk with him in the lead Kami know where they are!"Ranma said then started to laugh again.

"For all we know the could be in Hokkaido by now bwahahahahahah." Ranma laughed tears flowing from his eyes but he suddenly stopped when he felt a very, very angry battle aura beside him.

Akane slammed the mallet on to Ranma before he could move this time imprinting him to the wall. "Does she do that so often." Robin asked Nabiki who was sitting next to her.

" It's his habit of making her angry. After all the two married each other." Nabiki answered. "Hmmmm. What an odd couple?" Robin commented.

"I'll go call Cologne and tell her that mousse is all right." Akane got up and went to call the Nekohaten.

Back in the forest the trio were getting even lost. The 3 ran into a hungry bear which Sanji sent flying via a mouton shot.

"Are you sure this is the way to the road??" Sanji asked Ryoga as he peered at the map trying to make sense of where they were.

"Err. Yeah I'm sure a few more miles and we should hit a road."[I hope.] Ryoga said getting a bit worried.

Mousse shook his head [We are dead.] After several hours of roaming around.

"Hey isn't that the same tree we passed just now?" Sanji pointed to a tree.

"Nah it can't be anyway all the trees look the same." Ryoga was sweating bullets.

They had passed the same tree about 10 times already.

"I'll go make a marking just in case." Sanji said and stuck his hand into Mousse's clothing and got out a large sword, which he then made a cut on the tree.

"There done. Lets go." They continued on their way.

An hour later, "Hey that's the tree I made a mark!!" Sanji ran over to the tree and examined it. Sanji looked at Ryoga and Mousse squinted at him.

"I think we should kill him." Mousse exclaimed angry at walking blindly for hours in circles.

"We have been walking for hours and you lead us in a circle you bloody idiot!!" Mousse lunged at Ryoga but went crashing into the tree next to him.

Sanji was shaking his head they had walked for about 4 hours already and made no progress anywhere. "Ok lets do this. I will lead and you two follow. Anyway Ryoga ever heard of getting a compass or something." Sanji said as he took the lead.

"Compass..??!! Hey I have one in my backpack!!" He threw his bag down and started to rummage through it again and brought out a small pocket compass.

"I won this in a fair don't know if it still works…" and passed it to Sanji.

Sanji looked at it, it was the same as the one Nami showed it to him the large N W S E markings on the thing and a large big red arrow.

Sanji tried to remember what Nami had said about navigating using a compass.

He closed his eyes and tried to remember.

"Hey what the hell is he doing???" Mousse demanded as he got up from the ground.

"Shut up you blind fool I am trying to remember how to use this. " Sanji snapped at Mousse. "What direction is the place we are going??" Sanji asked Mousse.

" Hmmm…. Let me see." Mousse frowned and tried to remember.

"Got it Southeast of the Japan I think." Mousse said.

"Ok I got a bearing all we got to do is follow the bearing until we get out of this forest and to civilisation." Sanji started to walk according to where the compass was pointing.

The others followed behind.

Back at the Tendo's. That morning in the living room.

Skuld was getting worried.

It was two days after they got the call from Ryoga and they still haven't return from where ever they were.

Skuld decided to go look for them and prepared to leave the house.

"Hey where are you going?" Akane asked as she stepped into the living room.

"I'm going to look for Ryoga and the others. They have been lost for 5 days already I'm worried." Skuld said as she strapped her trusty jetpack to her back.

"You don't even know where they are…." Akane said as she tried to talk Skuld from trying to look for them knowing very well that the trio could be anywhere in the world.

"We should wait awhile longer I'm sure they will turn up eventually…." Akane said trying to convince Skuld from doing anything.

"Ok alright I'll wait one more day." Skuld finally relented and shrugged off her jetpack.

"Maybe I can get Bell to see if they are alright." Skuld said as she ran to the room where Belldandy and Keiichi were staying.

After breakfast, Usoop and Chopper decide to follow Kasumi to help her with her shopping of groceries.

Robin was playing chess with both Mr Soun and Mr Genma at the same time the two were trying their best to beat her.

Nami and Nabiki were both were in Nabiki's room having a conversation.

Luffy said that he wanted to go over to Nekoken for free food.

Ranma volunteered to lead the way.

Zorro well he said that he would be back by lunch and left the house for a walk.

Meanwhile Belldandy, Skuld and Akane were trying to figure out what to do.

Urd was on the deck of the Going Merry getting a tan.

Keiichi was sitting and watching the chess game.

"Sis why don't you tray to cast a spell to look for them." Skuld ask hopefully.

"Skuld you know our powers are only limited to Nerima and not out side as Rumiko chan had agreed." Belldandy explained.

"So there is no way to find them if they are out of Nerima." She said trying to comfort Skuld.

"You know if I know Ryoga he should be around the neighbourhood by now. He doesn't get lost that long." Akane tried to calm Skuld and decided to switch on the TV.

It was showing the news.

"Now on to the local news today at one of the branches of the bank of Japan a robbery was foiled by three unknown persons according to witnesses. The three came bashing through a wall and stunned the robbers. The three disappeared before the police could apprehend the three for destruction of the several walls in the bank. Now to our reporter live at the scene."

The new caster disappeared from view and a reporter appeared standing in front of a bank. "Thank you. I am Kiniko reporting live from the scene. According to Witness reports the trio who interupted the robbery were a Chinese man, a man with a bandanna carrying a large backpack and a man dress in a suit with blond hair and a curly eyebrow. Police are asking for any information on the three persons and to report to the nearest station if they are spotted. The police are advising everyone not to confront or try to stop the trio, as they are considered dangerous. As the three had caused millions of dollars in damages, putting the five bank robbers in intensive care and evading police apprehension. This is Kiniko handing you back to the studio."

"………" The three girls were stunned at what they had head. Keiichi too was shocked and was sweat dropping.

"They are in deep trouble." Keiichi shook his head.

"Oh no now not only are they lost. They are wanted by the police!!!!" Skuld went ballistic and started to run around the house in panic.

Belldandy too was a lost of words.

"I don't believe they did that. We got to find them now or Kami knows what else will happen." Akane said as she tried to stop Skuld from running wildly around.

"Let's wait for the rest to come back then we decide what to do." Belldandy said.

"I'll go make some tea for us." With that she disappeared into the kitchen.

Earlier that day. "Hey we are in a road!!!" Sanji said excitedly as they stepped out of the forest.

[I can see Skuld again!!] Ryoga silently cheered.

"Not bad at least you didn't get us lost like him!" Mousse said as he stumbled on to the road.

"So where to now?" Mousse said as he sat down on the road.

They had been walking for 6 hours already. There was a sign nearby.

"Hey Ryoga what does this say?" Sanji asked and dragged him over to the sign.

He didn't want to loose the lost boy again.

"It says that we are about 10 km away from Tokyo and 110 km to Nerima and there is a town near here about 4 km away.

"Wanna go there for some food before looking for a way back." Ryoga suggested.

"Sure no problem." Sanji answered. Mousse was fast asleep on the road. Sanji gave him a kick to wake him up.

"Ouch!!" Mousse cried in pain rubbing his head.

"Time to go blind boy." Sanji said and they carried on walking to the town.

[Got to get me some new glasses so that I can pound that no good hentai!!] Mousse planned.

"Hey Ryoga you got any cash on you?" Mousse asked.

As he walked holding onto Ryoga's backpack and Ryoga in turn walking in front of Sanji.

"Uh yeah sure I got a bank card we can got get some cash from the bank." Ryoga said as he patted his pants for his wallet but it wasn't on him.

He stopped suddenly causing Mousse to crash into him and falling to the ground.

" Hey what's up??" he rubbed his nose in pain it wasn't Mousse's day.

Ryoga quickly took off his backpack and searched through the pockets on it and finally found what he was looking for.

"Hey what that??" Sanji asked as he walked over.

"My wallet you dummy." And opened it and several cards fell out.

All was flashing as they fell.

"What the hell are those??" Sanji asked as he picked up one of the cards.

"Those are credit cards." Ryoga said as he took it away from Sanji.

"Hey are they made of gold it sure flashes like it…" Sanji said as he lighted up his cigarette with a box of matches he found in Ryoga's backpack.

"GOLDCREDIT CARD???" Mousse shook Ryoga and looked at him with new eyes.

"My buddy." Mousse suddenly hugged Ryoga.

"Hmmm now are you turning gay?" Sanji asked as he backed away.

"No idiot do you know what you need to earn to get one gold card you dummy." Mousse asked facing a lamppost instead of Sanji.

"I'm over here blind fool!" Sanji called out to Mousse.

"Huh." Mousse turned to try to locate Sanji.

"I think you got get that blind fool a new pair of glasses." Sanji suggested.

"Alright come on lets go!!" Ryoga said as he walks toward in the direction away from the town. Sanji ran after him and turned him around.

"It's that way!" Sanji said as he shook his head as he dragged Ryoga in the correct direction. [God why are you punishing me!]

An hour of walking they entered the town it was quiet as it was still early in the morning.

The trio walked down the street looking around.

Slowly the town came alive as the shops started to open and put out their wares.

Sanji was looking at the various food stuff and seafood on sale.

The other two had no choice but to follow him.

As they walked Ryoga notice a shop and a person with a large spatula was putting out the shop's sign and opening the door for business.

Ryoga ran towards the person.

"Ukyou is it you?" he asked.

Ukyou was taken aback to see Ryoga suddenly running up to her.

"What are you doing here Ryoga?? Don't tell me you got lost again??" Ukyou asked then she hugs him.

Ryoga hugged back.

Ukyou turned blue.

Sanji walked up to the two. "Ryoga you want to let go now. She can't breath." Sanji said as he led Mousse over.

"Oh sorry.." Ryoga let go causing Ukyou to stumble back.

Sanji did a nice save and held on to Ukyou's waist and looked into her eyes.

His left hand caressing Ukyou's cheek.

"Mmm. What a beauty please tell me your name." Sanji asked as he helped Ukyou regained her balance.

[Who the hell is he??!!] Ukyou brought out her hug spatula and whacked him into the ground.

"Don't ever touch me like that!!" She screamed at him. Then she looked at Ryoga and she noticed Mousse standing next to him.

"Who the hell was that and why is Mousse with you??" Ukyou demanded. "Oh boy." Ryoga sighed and then started to explain what had happen the pass few days.

Ukyou was trying her best not to laugh out loud as Ryoga told her how he meet the two and what had happen after that.

"Who is she??" Sanji asked Mousse as he watched Ryoga talk to her.

"That Ukyou one of Ranma's ex-fiancée." Mousse answered as he drank a glass of water.

"How have you been?" Ryoga asked looking at her.

Ukyou's cheerfulness suddenly disappeared.

"I'm doing alright can't complain. You guys want something to eat?" Ukyou asked as she changed the subject.

She had never gotten over Ranma's marriage to Akane.

She left Nerima right after the wedding closing down her shop there. No one knew where she went until today. "Ok. 3 orders of okonomiyaki. Coming right up. You guys take a seat" Ukyou went behind the grill and started to put together her famous okonomiyaki.

"Mmmmmmmm." Sanji said, as he smelt the aroma.

"What that she making??" Sanji asked as he sat down.

Mousse sat down next to him and Ryoga took off his backpack and sat down next to him. "Don't worry you'll like it." Ryoga said.

The trio watched Ukyou expertly prepared the okonomiyaki and she flipped it into the air and onto the plates infront of them.

"Enjoy. I'll whip up some more if you want." Ukyou asked.

The three were already munching on the okonomiyaki and nodding their heads.

[These are good. Delicious!!] Sanji thought as he ate.

The other two were also gobbling down theirs hungry for anything other then instant ramen.

The trio were gobbling the okonomiyaki as fast as Ukyou could make them. The other dinners were amazed at the number they ate. An hour later, Ryoga was drinking some tea and Sanji was lighting a cigarette. "Hey no smoking in the restaurant sugar!" Ukyo said as she flipped a okonomiyaki to a dinner. " I'll go out for my smoke." With that Sanji walked out of the restaurant. "Need a hand?" Ryoga asked watching Ukyou work. Mousse was snoozing in a corner.

Of the three girls who chased Ranma Ukyou was the one most dedicated to him.

Ryoga wondered if Ukyou was over the incident.

That day at the wedding ceremony she was the one most devastated.

After the wedding she destroyed her own restaurant and disappeared after that.

No one told Ranma until after his honeymoon.

By then Ukyou had already left Nerima.

Ukyou looked the same except that her hair was longer and her chest was not bound with a cloth.

Her body had filled up since the last time Ryoga saw her.

She looked more feminine than last time.

Ryoga's heart skipped a bit as he watched her busy herself at the grill.

Mean while out side Sanji was trying to chat up some girls.

[Ukyou sure has changed a lot. She prettier then the last time. What am I saying?] Ryoga pounded his head in a dilemma.

Being caught in between two girls is not fun.

Ryoga and Ukyou even they both don't admit that they are close friends.

But Ryoga sometime has feeling for her.

He found out the hard way when the two were drinking the day before the wedding.

Flash back

That Ukyou was closing up Ucchan.

She went in to the darken restaurant.

[I'm not going to cry. I'm not going to cry.] She told herself over and over again.

She was the last one Ranma and Akane had a talk with that day.

Ranma as usual was stumbling over his words, which got Akane mad at him, and he got pounded into the ground.

[How is it that un-cute, hot-tempered girl like her had such a strong hold over Ranma? I'm so much better then her!!] Ukyou fumed as she listened to them explained why Ranma had picked Akane rather then her.

She was trying to keep her temper from taking over her.

She sat there silently trying to digest what they had said.

"I'm sorry Ucchan……… I don't love you ……… like I do Akane I like you more as a sister." Ranma explained. Fidgeting as he said it.

Ukyou's eyes started to water and tears began to fall from her face.

"You are telling me that you prefer me as a sister!!!???? And I wasted 3 years hoping that I would be the one you marry!! YOU SON OF A BITCH!!" Ukyou pulled Ranma to her and gave him a loud and stinging slap.


Ranma stood there holding is cheek in surprise.

Ukyou had never did that to him before.

He turned and left without a word.

Akane was shocked. "Ukyou……." Akane looked at her.

"WHAT?!YOU BITCH??!!YOU ALREADY GOT HIM! LET ME BE!! GET OUT BEFORE I THROW YOU OUT!!!!" She screamed taking out her giant spatula.

Akane stood up and went to the door.

"I'm sorry….." Akane said as she opened the door and left.

Ukyou then broke down and cried.

She stumbled to the storeroom and lugged out the huge sake barrel, which she was going to use when she got married to Ranma.

She slammed her fist into it braking it open and dipped a large bowl into it and gulped it all down. When suddenly she heard a load crash in her back yard.

She stumbled to see what happened.

It was Ryoga he had broken down her wall again.

Ryoga was looking around trying to get his bearings.

"Where the hell am I!!??" he said fustratedly.

"This place looks familiar…" Then he saw Ukyou standing there her top opened exposing her bound chest her face red and tear streaked.

"Ukyou……" Ryoga stammered looking at her.

Ukyou ran over and hugged him and started to brawl in to his chest.

"Wh…. What happened??" He asked.

"Ran…. Ranma….. Ranma is getting married to Akane……" She stammered and cried even harder. "He is??" Ryoga asked in surprise.


"They came over this evening…….. and I … and I slapped Ranma………." Ukyou cried as she told Ryoga. Ryoga helped Ukyou back in and closed the door.

The restaurant was in a mess.

Except for the large barrel of sake in the middle of the floor.

"Drink with me ……" Ukyou asked Ryoga not letting him go.

"Yeah sure …" Ryoga said as he took his backpack off and put it onto the floor.

Ryoga knew Ukyou and Ranma went back way before him and he was sure that Ranma cared a lot about her.

He did not want to leave her alone and kami knows what she might do.

Ryoga joined her gulping down the sake offered to him.

And hour later Ukyou was sing very loudly and rather off key.

Ryoga had a high tolerance to alcohol so he was fine except for a flushed face.

He watched Ukyou sing and cried her heart out.

It was getting late so Ryoga forcefully carried Ukyou to her room.

"HEY WHAT ARE YOU DOING??" Ukyou demanded.

"You had enough. Its time to go to bed." Ryoga said as he went up the stairs and into her room.

Ryoga struggled to open the room door finally opening it and going in.

He pulled out the futon and threw it to the floor while holding on to Ukyou with one hand.

"Hey watch where you are holding sure….." Ukyou said drunkenly.

Ryoga was groping her bound chest.

"Oh crap." He cursed then he let go of Ukyou in surprise.

She fell to the floor with a loud thump.

"Ouch that wasn't nice sugar." Ukyou said as she rubbed her butt. She tried to stand up but lost her balance and fell over.

Ryoga managed to catch her and the two went tumbling on to the futon.

Ukyou was on top of him and he was below he was fighting the urge between his legs.

[Please, please don't notice it.] Ryoga silently prayed.

Ukyou propped herself up and looked at Ryoga.

"Did anyone tell you that you look cute sugar." Ukyou said as she played with Ryoga's hair.

Then she took off her hair band and let her long hair go.

Ryoga tried to get up but Ukyo had him trapped between her legs.

"Ooooooooo…. What's this." Ukyou asked as she ran her fingers over Ryoga's chest.

"Mmmmm. Yummy…." Ukyou licked her lips.

Ryoga couldn't stand it any more his self-control melted away.

"What's that under me." She teased knowing full well that it was Ryoga's member.

She moved over his crotch area teasing the full length of Ryoga's member.

Ukyou felt her panties got wetter as she teased Ryoga.

Her tight silk pants rubbing on him.

"Uhhh…." Ryoga moaned.

"Mmmmmmm.." Ukyou went faster then slowed down.

"Ryoga tell me am I beautiful?? Tell me the truth." Ukyou stopped what she was doing and looked into Ryoga's eyes.

"Yes you are so beautiful." Ryoga said taking a hand and caressed her cheek.

His thumb tracing across her lips.

Then wiping away the tears, which was now falling from her eyes.

"Don't cry." Ryoga said as he wiped them with his fingers.

Ukyou bent down and took Ryoga's face and kissed him.

Ryoga's eyes widened in surprise.

He was a bout to push her away when the kiss got deeper.

Soon the two was kissing each other passionately their tongues seeking each other out as they kissed. When they broke the kiss a thin line of saliva connected them.

"Ukyou….." Ryoga stammered.

Ukyou started to unbind her chest.

"Ukyou??!!" Ryoga started to panic.

"Not you too. Don't you want me??" Ukyou stopped and started to cry.

"No its not that Ukyou…. You shouldn't do this….." Ryoga tried to reason with her.

"I'm pretty enough like Akane??? Or are my breasts not as big and bouncy as Shampoo's???!! Or am I not as sexy as that mad bitch Kodachi??!!!" Ukyou demanded now getting angry.

"No it's not that….. Shouldn't you do this with someone you love…..???" Ryoga asked.


She suddenly pulled on her binding ripping it off letting her breast bounce free.

[Ohhhhhh Shit…..] Ryoga started to nose bleed.

Ryoga was captivated.

All thoughts of self-control collapsed.

His alcohol-controlled mind was in control.

He took one of Ukyou's breasts and started to massage it then he sat up and started to kiss it. "Ryoga……" Ukyou's temper started to give way to pleasure.

Ryoga started to like on the nipple teasing it hard.

Using his teeth occasionally to nibble on it. His other hand was on the other breast as his mouth was on the other.

"Ooooooooo Kaami……… Yes. Don't stop…." Ukyou moaned as she held on to Ryoga's head.

She could feel his member get harder and harder under her.

Ukyou struggled out of her tattered top letting it fall to the floor.

Ryoga then gently pushed her down on to futon.

Not stopping what he was doing.

He nibbled and sucked on her nipples till were all-hard.

Then kissing her well-toned body.

Her neck leaving love bites all over then towards her face.

Then finally kissing her again on her lips.

Ukyou moaned in pleasure as Ryoga kissed her all over.

She took off Ryoga's shirt revealing his well-muscled body.

She pulled away from Ryoga and stood up and started to push her pants down.

She took it off and threw it to a corner.

Ryoga gasped as Ukyou slowly pulled down her panties.

"You are so beautiful." Ryoga whispered.

Ukyou threw the panties aside standing before Ryoga all naked.

Ryoga's eyes went all over her his member getting even harder then before.

Ryoga whimpered as his hard member strained to get out.

Ukyou went over to Ryoga and pushed him down to the futon then started to untie his belt and pull down his pants.

His member finally bounced free of its confines and Ukyou gasped in surprise.

It was so big and hard. Ukyou gently stroked it teasingly.

Sending Ryoga moaning his pleasure as her fingers danced over it.

She then licked the tip slowly.

Nibbling on it and suddenly taking into her mouth.

Her tongue went all over it teasing it.

"Aaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh…………" Ryoga moaned out loud as Ukyou proceeded to suck hard on his member.

Taking it all the way into her throat.

"Ukyou………oh kami …….. Don't stop ………….." Ryoga moaned as he held on to her hair. "Ukyou let me lick you too…" Ryoga said as he shifted her lower body to his face.

Ryoga licked at the lips of Ukyou's pussy sending jolts of pleasure into Ukyou.

She moaned as he licked and teased her flower then spreading them open and letting his tongue to probe in deeper.

"Ooooooooo yes …….." Ukyou moaned as Ryoga hot tongue explored her.

He sucked on her pussy.

Suddenly a clear liquid drenched Ryoga's face as it squirted out from her pussy.

Ryoga licked it all up like a cat licking up cream.

It drove Ukyou wild.

"I must have you in me." Ukyou said as she turned over.

Her wet dripping pussy over his big hard member.

"Do you really want to do this Ukyou??" Ryoga asked looking at her full of concern.

" Yes, yes." She answered and started to lower herself on to Ryoga's member.

The tip touched her lips and slowly spread them apart.

" MMmmmmmmm. You are so big……" Ukyou moaned as the tip slowly inched into her.

She managed to slide Ryoga's member a quarter way into her.

When she collapsed on to Ryoga as she a came again.

"You are so hot Ukyou so wet…" Ryoga moaned.

He suddenly grabbed Ukyou ass and forcefully pushed her down on to his member.

Ukyou screamed in pain as his hard member tore through her hymen.

Ryoga stopped when she screamed in pain not wanting to hurt her any further.

He pushed her on to the futon he looked at her grimacing in pain.

"Lets stop." Ryoga said as he was pulling his member out of Ukyou.

"Don't you dare." Ukyou said as she locked her legs on to Ryoga's waist.

Not letting him go.

"I want you to make love to me now!!" Ukyou told Ryoga.

"Alright…." Ryoga started to trust into her wet and hot pussy.

Each stroke Ukyou gasped in pleasure.

Slowly Ryoga increased his speed.

Thrusting deep into her with each stroke.

He pulled her legs away from his waist and put them on to his shoulders allowing him to go deeper. "Kami……. Yes, yes, faster, faster Ryoga…….." Ukyou moaned and held on to the futon

She felt herself tensing up.

"COMEWITH ME!!" Ukyou screamed.

Ryoga was like a wild man thrusting into her faster and faster.

He felt himself build.

When Ukyou's pussy started to clenched on his member when she came her warmth engulfing him. He shot his seed deep into her with that he slump on to her sweat soaked. Ryoga moved to pull out his member but Ukyou stopped him and hugged him to her.

"Stay in me for while." Ukyou asked.

After a few minutes with out moving.

Ukyou moved to pull out Ryoga's member and to her surprise it started to harden again.

"Oh my…" She said as she smile slyly at Ryoga and started to kiss him then she straddled him and started to ride his hard member again.

As the night wore on the two made love all through the night both not getting enough of each other.

As morning approached the two finally went to sleep both satisfied.

The next morning Ryoga woke up with a start.

He sat up his head was pounding.

It felt like someone was using it for a bell.

He looked around and found himself naked and in a strange room.

"What the hell??" Then he remembered last night.

He quickly put on his clothes and ran down.

There he saw Ukyou was preparing okonoyakis.

He smiled at her.

Ukyou looked at him and blushed remembering what they had done last night.

"Here eat up." Ukyou flipped a piece over to Ryoga.

Ryoga gulped it down.

"Ukyou can you bring me to The Tendo's….." Ryoga asked meekly not wanting to upset Ukyou. Ukyou's smile disappeared.

"Yeah sure sugar I'll bring you over after breakfast." Ukyou said as she made another okonoyaki.

After breakfast Ukyou brought Ryoga over to the Tendo's.

Ukyou spotted Ranma outside the entrance greeting the guest and decided not to go any further.

"You go on without me. I'll see you later." With that Ukyou turned and left.

Ryoga went on without Ukyou.

Later that night after the wedding party and all Ryoga managed to ask Ranma to lead him back to Ucchan's saying that he left his pack there.

Ranma asked Akane who nodded her head.

A few minutes later they arrived at Ucchan's. The whole restaurant was demolished and Ukyou was no where in sight.

His backpack was out in the front with a letter stuck in it.

Ryoga tore it open and read it.

Dear Ryoga

Last night was magical and I hope you will treasure that moment forever just as I am going to do.

I can't stand being here anymore. I have given it a lot of thought and I decided to leave Nerima once and for all to sort out my personal problems. I hope the wedding went well and I wish Ranma and Akane all the best for the future.

PS I took one of you bandannas as a momento I hope you don't mind.

Goodbye Ryoga if fate agrees we will meet again.


Ryoga had tears in his eyes his first girl had left him Ryoga screamed and Ranma ran for cover as he Shi Shi Hokodan the area a large pillar of energy and light shot up into the sky and when it subside a crater was what left of Ucchan's.

End of flash back.

Ukyou was happily working the grill.

When a lady walked in carrying a child with a bandanna tied on his neck.

Ryoga recognised the bandanna as his.

He looked at the child.

He looked very familiar.

He had a sharp tooth sticking out from a corner of his mouth.

"Hello Ukyou. I brought Kyoga back. He's such a handful." She said as she passed the child over to Ukyou.

"Thanks for looking after him." Ukyou thanked as she carried the child in her arms.

Ryoga was rooted to the spot.

Not knowing what to say when Sanji broke the spell.

"Hey that kid sure looks like you." Sanji said as he walked back into the restaurant.

Ryoga looked at Ukyou and at the child. "…Is he……..???" Ryoga tried to ask.

Ukyou nodded her head.

"It was confirmed a month after I left that night." Ukyo said blushing.

Ryoga fainted dead away and crashed into the floor.

Author's notes:

Finally the end of the chapter whew.

It's quiet hard to get ideas for the story and my brain is now double it's size.

I hope you all approve the part about Ryoga and Ukyou getting together. I really hope it wasn't a mistake. Well do you all want a clash between the two girls in Ryoga's life or should I let it end in the next chapter.

I would like to thank all the readers and the 4 comments and reviews I got.

Sorry about the Title I didn't know a bout it until I went through the site.

Well keep on reading and don't stop gotta go back and continue the next chapter.

See you all soon.