Ah My Goddess Fan Fiction / Ranma 1/2 Fan Fiction / One Piece Fan Fiction ❯ When worlds collide ❯ The lost boy and his girl part 2 ( Chapter 5 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

When Worlds collide.

A crossover series.

Thanks to Rumico Takahashi, The creator of Oh! My goddess and the creator of One piece.

Please do not kill me for using your characters in this fanfic.

And to all the fans out there and love the various characters enjoy the story.

The story will also have a few references to a fanfic, which I have grown to like. I would like to thank the author for allowing me these references to his fanfic. For those interested they can read Second Chances by Lord Archive.

The Ranma time line is about 2 years after Book 38 and Ranma and Akane are finally married when the straw-hat pirates of One Piece drop in on them. What mayhem will they cause in NERIMA no one knows.

Chapter 5 The lost boy and his girl part 2.

"Ryoga? Ryoga are you all right??" Ukyou was kneeling down patting his face.

Sanji was about to douse him with water but Mousse managed to stop him just in time and got slashed instead.

Sanji took one look at Mousse's cursed form and started to laugh his head off.

Ryoga looked at Ukyou and at the child she was carrying.

"Is he really…..??" Ryoga asked still not believing what he was seeing.

Ukyou nodded her head and help Ryoga to stand up.

Sanji and Mousse were both fighting again.

Mousse quacking at him angrily and throwing various objects at Sanji.

Ukyou got very angry when Sanji used a chair to block one of the object thrown at him.

She passed the child over to Ryoga and took out her huge spatula and batted the both of them out the door.

"No fighting in my restaurant!!! You want to fight do it outside!" with that she slammed the door shut. It was already almost evening.

The dinner crowd was coming in.

"Can you look after him for awhile. I couldn't get anyone to look after him." Ukyou said as she passed Kyoga to him.

And went back to the grill to take the orders.

Ryoga carried Kyoga out of the restaurant.

He looked at Kyoga and found that he looked so much like him when he was younger.

Kyoga cooed at Ryoga and was waving his arms around.

The street was getting a bit busy and he didn't want to get lost with the child so he hopped up on to the roof and sat there.

Kyoga was bubbling with joy as he watched the bright lights came on and the stars appearing in the sky.

Ryoga held on to Kyoga carefully.

Looking at him as he lay in his arms.

He had fallen asleep.

[Kami I am a father….. What have I done ……..] Ryoga was perplexed.

Nothing had prepared him for this.

Sure he was certain that he would be a father one day but not like this.

[What have I done to Ukyou……. She must hate me for making her go through this.] Ryoga thought sadly his eyes starting to brim with tears.

[Two years without a husband pregnant………… She must have went through hell………] tears were falling from his face.

The tears dropped on to Kyoga's face waking him.

Kyoga looked at him with his big round eyes.

Ryoga wiped his tears away and tried to smile.

"Hi awake yet??" Ryoga cooed Making faces at him to make him laugh.

Kyoga smiles and started to giggle at Ryoga's antics.

As Ukyou was closing up the shop with the help of Mousse (Ukyou changed him back.) and Sanji.

She was worried.

Ryoga and Kyoga were not upstairs or in the restaurant.

Sanji said that he saw him standing outside the restaurant but disappeared after a while.

"Ryoga! Ryoga!" She called looking around for signs of them.

When he heard someone land just behind her.

"You called?" Ryoga asked still holding on to Kyoga.

"Where were you? I was so worried that you might have wandered off." Ukyou said as she carried Kyoga from Ryoga's arms.

"Oh I was up on the roof. I was worried that I would get lost so I stayed up there." Ryoga explained. "Alright. Come on in and have dinner." Ukyou said as she went in. Ryoga followed.

That night Sanji and Mousse were fast asleep in the guestroom.

Ryoga was wide-awake trying to make sense to what had happen today.

He sat the edge of the window looking out.

He climbed out silently and jumped to the roof.

He sat there watching the star filled sky.

"Ryoga…"A voice called out.

He looked around.

No one was on the roof.

He went to the edge and peered down.

It was Ukyou dressed in a robe standing at the window.

"What are you doing up there sugar?" She asked.

"Thinking…." Ryoga answered.

"Can I join you?" she asked as she climbed out.

She took a leap but lost her footing and almost fell off.

Ryoga caught her as she fell into his arms.

"I see that you haven't changed at all." Ukyou felt his chest as she got up.

" Hmmmmm…." Ryoga got up blushing.

Ukyou sat down next to him.

"Ukyou." Ryoga finally broke the silence.

"Why didn't you try to look for me when you found out……." Ryoga asked.

"I….. I didn't want to burden you with it…….. And it was my choice." Ukyou said not looking at him. "Not my burden?! You left all of a sudden. Ucchan was demolished and you didn't tell me where you went!! You practically disappeared. I looked all over everywhere all the places I got lost in looking for you. I was worried about you." Ryoga said angrily trying to keep his emotions in control.

"And now after so long. When I finally find you, you tell me that I am the father of a child." Ryoga asked as he crushed a roof title to pieces.

"Why the hell did you do it for…….." Ryoga asked his voice wavering.

"Do you know the countless nights I thought I wouldn't see you again……" Tears were falling from his face.

Ukyou looked at him her heart was pierced by his tears.

"I'm sorry Ryoga. I had to get away before I went mad. I couldn't face you or Ranma after that night. That day after I left you at Ranma's. I thought long and hard. I was feeling guilty that I used you to satisfy my needs and to get back at Ranma. I was so a shame. I tore through the restaurant smashing everything. Then I decided to leave as I was so afraid to see you again later…….." Ukyou tried to explain.

"I was in so much pain, guilt and frustration. That I ran……." Ukyou said tears also falling from her face.

"The first few weeks after I left Nerima I wondered back to my home town. I was miserable, I was contemplating killing myself to end my pain and misery but one morning I got up feeling sick and queasy. I was throwing up a lot and I missed my periods. I went to see a doctor and found out that I was pregnant 3 months from the day we made love." Ukyou said looking at Ryoga with sad eyes. "I freaked out. A life was growing in me and I was afraid I almost wanted to have an abortion. But when I remembered that night I ……………" Ukyou broke down crying now.

"I…….." Ryoga hugged her to him and held her.

"I went through the whole thing and Kyoga was born. It was him who brought me back on my feet. Without him I could have been dead by now….." Ukyou said holding on to Ryoga not wanting to let go.

"But why didn't you try to contact me I could have been there for you." Ryoga asked.

"I didn't want to burden you with this. We did it out of passion and we didn't love each other and I didn't want you to take all the responsibility for your actions and both of us end up miserable." Ukyou answered. Ukyou looked up at Ryoga.

"I never had another man after that night." Ukyou confessed.

"………." Ryoga was taken aback.

"How did you two end up here??" Ryoga asked.

"Well. All the people in my hometown started to gossip when I was pregnant.

So I decided to pack up and leave. I ended up here and I opened an okonomiyaki restaurant it took some time but I got it done. I had Kyoga last year. His birthday is coming soon actually." Ukyou said as she shivered in the cold night air.

Her robe was a thin one.

"Oh Ryoga….." Ukyou cried then kissed him.

The two kissed passionately holding onto each other tightly.

When the two broke off the kiss.

"Ukyou…" Ryoga began.

"No don't say anything treat it like a dream. I want you……. But I don't want to hold you back……." Ukyou held her hand to his mouth.

"It's been so long ………" Ukyou moaned as she felt her body get hot as she held on to Ryoga. "Ukyou……" Ryoga moaned as he felt Ukyou nipples harden against his chest.

Ukyou nodded and he carried her down off the roof and into her room.

Where he laid her down on to her futon and started to make love to her again.

The two made love all through the night only stopping almost hours before dawn.

The two finally fell asleep in each other's arms.

The next morning Ryoga woke up to the sound of crying.

Kyoga was crying in the next room.

Ryoga looked around and found that he was alone in the room he quickly dressed and when over to see if Kyoga was all right.

Ukyou was there feeding Kyoga.

"Morning." Ryoga walked over.

Kyoga was happily drinking his milk.

"Morning sugar." Ukyou said giving him a small peck to his cheek.

"I got to go to the bank to draw some money with the guys I'll be back later." Ryoga said then he left the room.

He found Sanji and Mousse already awake and were both tending to the grill.

The two were trying to out do each other making okonomiyakis.

The diners were all watching the two duel it out.

Okonomiyakis were flying all over the place.

Going to the diners who ordered them.

Then when the two were finish there was a loud applause.

The two looked around and took a bow.

"Hey guys we got to go to the bank." Ryoga shouted over the din.

" Right coming." Sanji said and pulled Mousse along with him.

The two took off the apron they were wearing and hanged it behind the counter.

That when Ukyou came down with Kyoga.

"Ryoga mind taking care of Kyoga while I work??" Ukyou asked.

"Sure no problem." Ryoga took Kyoga from Ukyou and strapped on the baby carrier to his chest.

"Ok guys let's go. ` Ryoga said then left the restaurant.

As the trio made their way to the bank mousse asked if they could stop at a optical shop to get a new pair of glasses for him.

Soon Mousse was wearing a stylish pair of glasses, which the storeowner said was made of unbreakable material.

Soon they made their way to the Bank there was a long line of people.

Sanji and Mousse wandered off to keep busy when suddenly three men in ski mask came in and started to fire into the air

"NO ONE MOVES AND NO ONE GETS HURT!" One of them said.

The other two pushed their way to the counter and threw three empty duffel bags over the counter. "Fill them up Quickly!" one of the robbers motioned at the bank employee with his gun.

A few minutes later there were sounds of police sirens.

"Shit cops!!" One of the robbers cursed.

One of the robbers climbed the counter and Screamed at the bank employees.

"I THOUGHT I SAID NO ONE MOVES!" He then picked out an employee and shot her in the leg. The girl screamed in pain and collapsed on to the floor.

The robber turned again and fired several shots soon there were screams of pain as four more employees were on the floors screaming in pain.

Ryoga was angry at the wonton use of violence.

He spied Sanji who was on the ground with a scowl.

And Mousse was no where to be seen.

Suddenly the wall next to one of the robber suddenly exploded.

It was Mousse he had used the breaking point technique.

The robber was sent flying.

The other two were taken by surprise.

Sanji saw his chance and leaped at the robber standing on the counter and connected With an Anti manners course kick to the chin sending him into the ceiling of the bank.

Ryoga took out the last robber with several heavy punches to his body literally knocking off his feet and into a wall.

"Come on lets go!!!" Mousse said as he ran over and demolished another wall for them to escape.

The trio ran for it as Sanji ran he grabbed one of the filled duffel bags and winked at the counter girl and ran off.

As they ran off Ryoga remembered he was carrying Kyoga.

He looked at the bundle, which he was carrying on his chest.

Kyoga was sleeping soundly.

A few minutes later they arrived at the shop and went in.

"That was fast…….." Ukyou said as she flipped an okonomiyaki to a diner.

"There wasn't a lot of people there." Ryoga lied.

Mousse was about to say something but he splashed him with water.

"Whoops." He put the cup down.

Then he notices that Sanji was carrying one of the duffel bags.

He grabs Sanji and Mousse and went upstairs. [Wonder what's up with those three??] Ukyou wondered.

Upstairs, "Hey…." Sanji shrugged off Ryoga's hand.

"Where did you get that??" Ryoga asked and pointed to the duffel bag.

"I found it on the floor. So I grabbed it." Sanji said as he started to open the bag.

Inside were stacks and stacks of money.

Mousse's eyes popped from his head and started to quack angrily at Sanji.

"What did I do?" Sanji asked.

"Well you just made us three wanted by the police." Ryoga said and slump to the floor.

"Huh??" Sanji scratched his head.

Mousse ran into the room and was trying to pull Ryoga's huge backpack.

"We got to get out of here!!" Ryoga said and picked up his bag.

"Let's go." He said and went down.

Ukyou was closing up the shop for the afternoon when he saw the three come down.

"Leaving so soon?" Ukyou asked.

"Yeah. We got to get back or they will worry about us." Ryoga lied again.

"Need help to get back?" Ukyou asked.

"Uh no. No problem at all." Ryoga shook his head.

"Yeah right sugar you and your bad sense of direction is gonna get you three lost again." Ukyou said as she took off her apron.

"I'll come with you. Anyway it's been a long time since I saw Ranma and the rest. Gimme a minute, I'll go pack." Ukyou ran upstairs and was down 10 minutes later with a few bags.

The four left the restaurant and walked to the main road.

Soon they were on their way.

They managed to get a cab and were on their way to Nerima.

While they were travelling.

Sanji was asleep with Mousse on his lap as a duck.

Ukyou was sitting in front also asleep with Kyoga.

Ryoga was wide-awake wondering what he was going to say to the rest when they arrived.

The ride was boring and long the cab driver had said that they would arrive in a few hours time.

Ryoga thought a while wondering if what had happened will disappoint Skuld.

He was admitted that he was somewhat attracted to her but in this situation what is he going to do?

He slumps back to the seat and was soon fell a sleep.

Back at the Tendo's. Akane had gathered everyone together in the living room.

Luffy was eating several meat buns Cologne had given him for his help at the Nekohaten.

Nabiki and Nami were exchanging money-making idea as they waited for what ever was going on. Ranma was sitting next to Akane trying to look serious.

He had heard from Akane what she and the others saw on Tv.

Zorro was snoozing in a corner holding a hanky in his hands.

Usopp and Chopper were still captivated by the moving pictures in the Tv.

While Urd was dressed in her bikini and lying down in mid air in the garden.

Akane cleared her throat.

Everyone looked at her. " This morning we saw Ryoga and the others on Tv. They are in a lot of trouble." Akane said seriously but Ranma's giggling shattered the atmosphere.

Akane remedied that with a blow from her mallet. "It not funny Ranma." Akane said angrily.

"So what happened??" Nabiki asked drinking the tea her elder sister had given her.

"Well according to the news report they made several holes and put three persons into the hospital." Akane answered.

"Well that's not so bad. I thought they killed someone….." Nabiki said jokingly.

"And 1 billion yen is missing from the bank." Akane continued.

Nabiki choked and spurt out the tea she was drinking at Ranma.

"Hey watch it!" Ranma said as he cleaned up the tea on his face.

Just then they heard someone knocking on the door.

Kasumi went and answered the door.

"Oh my what a surprise we were just talking about you." Kasumi said.

The others heard and rushed for the door.

Standing there were Ryoga, Sanji, Mousse in his duck form and a girl standing behind them carrying a baby.

"Hi we're back." Ryoga greeted.

Everyone face faulted on to the floor.

" Oh it's Ukyou." Kasumi said in surprise

"How are you??" she asked.

"Yes how are you. It's been awhile since." Akane said as she went over.

"Fine thank you." Ukyou answered.

"Ooooh and who is this…." Kasumi asked looking at the child she was carrying.

"Oh this is Kyoga my son." Ukyou said showing letting Kasumi carry Kyoga.

Everyone strained to see the child.

"He looks just like Ryoga…" Kasumi commented.

"Hmmm now that you mention it he really looks like Ryoga." Akane said as she spotted the bandanna on his head.

Ryoga went headfirst into the wall.

Ranma and gang looked at him.

"I can explain……" Ryoga said.

Soon the whole group went back to the living room.

Ryoga told the others how he and the other managed to get into a town and meeting up with Ukyou and the incident in the bank.

Nami was relief to have Sanji back and went back to talking to Nabiki.

The Tendo household was back to normal.

Ranma brought Mousse to the bathroom and threw him into the furo.

After that he thanked everyone and headed back to the Nekohaten.

Ranma, Akane and Skuld were still waiting for Ryoga to explained himself.

"Can we go to some where a little bit more private….." Ryoga said.

"Alright lets go to our room." Akane said then went up stair with Ranma and the rest in tow.

Belldandy and Keiichi went along too, as she was worried about her little sister.

Soon the group was settled down.

"Hmm….. How do I put this….." Ryoga said fidgeting around trying to think of what to say.

He looked at Skuld and look back down to the floor shamefaced.

"Get on with it already!!" Ranma said.

"Ranma!!" Akane scolded him.

"Let me sugar." Ukyou said. And she told them who the child was and who the father was and how it happened. Ranma and Akane were shocked to hear that the child was really Ryoga's and that Ukyou had the child and had brought up the child herself. Skuld was devastated. She ran from the room in tears. Belldandy ran after her. Keiichi sat there with his arms folded thinking of something to say. "Look it wasn't Ryoga's fault and it sure wasn't his idea that I take care of Kyoga myself." Ukyou said defending Ryoga. "But Ukyou….. You are a single mother… Surely…… I mean……." Akane was having a hard getting some words out of her mouth. Ranma sat there without a word his face grim. His knuckles white with strain. He grabbed Ryoga and threw him out the window and went after him. "Ranma!" Ukyou cried as he pulled Ryoga along with him over the wall and bound away.

Under a bridge near the river.

Ranma stopped and let Ryoga fall to the ground.

"I am going to hurt you a lot." Ranma said as he cracked his knuckles and grabbed Ryoga by the collar and prepared to bash him into the ground.

"You bloody bastard." Ranma threw a punch into Ryoga's face.

Ryoga took the punch.

"I thought you were better then that." He threw another punch.

"I told you to take care of her for me but not like this!!"

Ryoga started to bleed from nose but he made no move to retaliate or block the punches.

"How could you do that to her you bastard." He punched him again.

"How could you hurt her like that!!"

Ryoga looked at Ranma tears streaming from his eyes.

"I'm sorry." Ryoga whispered.

"Sorry ain't going to help you! I'm going to pound your face in!!" Ranma shook him and started to beat the shit out of Ryoga.

Blow after blow Ryoga took them all.

Ranma's knuckles were all bleeding too.

Ukyou was his best friend in the whole world and he didn't want to see her hurt like that.

She didn't deserve all this.

Ranma hit Ryoga till he was panting for breath.

Ryoga was on the ground bleeding and coughing up blood.

Ranma was about to continue but was stopped by someone who grabbed his arm.

He turned to see who it was it was Doctor Tofu and Cologne and they were looking at him.

"Enough Ranma or you'll kill him." Doctor Tofu said as he restrained him.

"He deserves to die. This honourless bastard." Ranma tried to struggle free but Doctor Tofu had a firm grip on him.

Cologne bent down to see if Ryoga was all right.

His eyes were all swollen, his nose broken and bleeding, his lips cut and bleeding too and he was having difficulty breathing.

"Doctor I think Ryoga has a punctured lung." Cologne said as she sat Ryoga up.

He started to cough more blood and struggled to breathe.

Doctor Tofu let go of Ranma and went over to see to Ryoga's injuries.

"Yes it seems that one of his broken ribs has punctured his lung. We have to get him to the hospital immediately." Doctor Tofu carried Ryoga in his arms and ran to the road to flag down a cab.

Cologne looked at Ranma and asked, "What happen Ranma?"

"That bastard dishonoured Ukyou." Ranma said shaking.

His hands suddenly trembling when it finally dawned on him that he could have killed one of his best friends.

"Oh kami. What have I done?" He looked at his bloodied hands.

"Come Ranma I will walk you back." Cologne said and pulled him along.

A few minutes later they were at the Tendo's.

Ranma was still staring at his bloodied hands.

"What happen to Ranma?? And where's Ryoga?" Akane asked.

"Ranma beat Ryoga very severely.

Doctor Tofu had to take Ryoga to the hospital for treatment.

"He what??!!" both Akane and Ukyou asked incredulously and looked at Ranma.

Ranma looked at them the both were angry with him.

He ran from the house before anyone could stop him.

Author's notes.

Finally another chapter is finish. Gah major headache.

Hope the major revelation doesn't spoil the story.

Thanks to all readers and comments. Please don't stop.

Hope the touchy issue on single parent hood doesn't upset all of you.

Anyway gotta get on with the next chapter see you all soon.

PS watch out for my new crossover fanfic Onimusha Ranma coming soon.