Ah My Goddess Fan Fiction / Ranma 1/2 Fan Fiction / One Piece Fan Fiction ❯ When worlds collide ❯ Lost boy and his girl part 3 ( Chapter 6 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

When Worlds collide.

A crossover series.

Thanks to Rumico Takahashi, The creator of Oh! My goddess and the creator of One piece.

Please do not kill me for using your characters in this fanfic.

And to all the fans out there and love the various characters enjoy the story.

The story will also have a few references to a fanfic, which I have grown to like. I would like to thank the author for allowing me these references to his fanfic. For those interested they can read Second Chances by Lord Archive.

The Ranma time line is about 2 years after Book 38 and Ranma and Akane are finally married when the straw-hat pirates of One Piece drop in on them. What mayhem will they cause in NERIMA no one knows.

Chapter 6 Regrets.

Ranma ran and ran.

When he stopped he was at the place where he had beaten up Ryoga.

He looked at the bloodstains on the soil.

And at his hands and he started to regret what he had done.

Back at the Tendo's Ukyou, Akane and Skuld were worried about Ryoga.

The three were pacing around waiting for Doctor Tofu's call.

When it came the three dashed out of the house and to the hospital doctor Tofu told them they were at. When they arrived they dashed into the hospital.

Doctor Tofu was waiting at the entrance for them.

"How is he?" Ukyou asked worriedly.

"He's in a bad way they are still operating on him. He has bone fragments in the lungs, his right arm was broken so was his left leg, he has a serious head injury and several fractures to his skull and not to mention his spine …... serious internal bleeding. " Doctor Tofu said.

"It's amazing that he is alive….."

"Will he be ok??" Ukyou asked.

"I don't know there is a possibility that he could die or become a vegetable for the rest of his life." When Ukyou heard that she fainted.

Akane and Skuld managed to catch her and brought her to a seat.

Akane went to make a call home.

After several hours of waiting out side the operating room a doctor came out.

"Doctor how is he?" Ukyou went up and asked.

The doctor shook his head.

"We managed to get him patched up. But he slip into a coma right after we stitched him up." The doctor said

"I'm sorry there isn't any thing else we can do." And he walked away.

The nurses came out pushing Ryoga's bed he was stuck with tubes and was on a respirator his face pale.

Ukyou broke down again crying.

Akane went to her holding on to her.

The trio left for home.

When they arrived they all crowded them asking questions.

Ukyou was too upset to say anything.

Akane helped her to her room to rest.

Skuld broke the news to them.

Chopper was devastated his new friend was dying.

He ran from the living room and into the garden crying.

Belldandy was comforting Skuld as she too started to cry.

Genma shook his head his own son had almost killed his friend.

He quietly left the house to look for his son.

The others were quiet not knowing what to say or do.

A few hours of searching Genma found his son still standing at the same spot looking at his hands. Genma went up to his son.

Ranma was crying.

"Boy." Genma called to him.

Ranma looked up.

"……." Ranma stared at him.

"Lets go home….." Genma wrapped his arms around him and lead him home.

All the while Ranma was looking at his hands.

The next few days Ranma was avoiding everyone including his wife.

Always disappearing and only appearing very late at night his breathe smelling of alcohol.

One night Ranma stumbled home and Akane was waiting for him at the doorway.

He stumbled pass her and into the garden.

"RANMA WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS!!!???" Akane screamed at him grabbing hold of him and shaking him.

Ranma just stood there limply.

Taking everything Akane was throwing at him.

He took her hands off his shoulder and kept on walking into the garden.

Akane ran up to him turned him around and gave him a slap on the face the sound of the slap echoed through the house.

Ranma held his cheek now reddening and swelling.

He put his hand into his mouth and shakes lose a tooth and spat out the blood.

Ranma looked at Akane.

Akane was shaking with anger her hand hurt from slapping Ranma.

Ranma turned away and walked out into the garden.

And went to the back storeroom and went in.

The storeroom was the place Ranma was sleeping.

After the incident with Ryoga Ranma has not been sleeping in the room with his wife and only sleeping in the storeroom.

Kasumi left a futon inside but it was thrown out into the garden.

Happonsi's bottles of sake were all drank up by Ranma.

So were Genma's.

Empty bottles littered the outside of the storeroom.

Everyone tried to talk to Ranma.

Even Luffy and his gang tried to talk Ranma into coming back into the house but he refuses.

Even his mother tried but to no avail.

Belldandy shook her head as she watched Ranma destroy himself.

"You know he's going to kill himself if he drinks like that any longer." Urd said as she walked next to Belldandy.

They were on the roof.

"There is nothing we can do except wait." Urd said.

"Wait…? But how long Skuld said there was no change in Ryoga's condition and we can't use our powers here to help him. I never felt so helpless before…" Belldandy said and sadly shook her head.

Akane was in her room with Ukyou.

She had Ukyou to stay in her room while she was here.

They talked a lot since the incident.

They shared a few smile and a few tears.

Ukyou was all torn up.

One night before they settled in to sleep.

"You know something Akane?" Ukyou asked as she shifted to face Akane.

"What?" Akane asked amused.

"Remember I was so caught up with Ranma always wanting to get him married to me……" Ukyou said amusedly smiling. Akane looked at Ukyou seriously.

" Don't get me wrong Akane. Yes I use to think that it was because of that promise and the strange attraction I had with Ranma when I was younger. But now I know. You when he said that he treated me like a sister and loved me like a brother does the night before the two of you got married." Ukyou said.

"…….." Akane looked at Ukyou not knowing what to say.

"Yeah I broke my damn heart……. Everything I loved and wanted was telling me that I was nothing more then a sister and he couldn't love me like he does you. Thousands of things went through my mind I wanted to kill myself so that Ranma will regret for the rest of his life. I also wanted to kill you that night. But that stupid fool Ryoga had to break through my back yard wall….. That stupid directional confused fool" Ukyou said smiling.

Tears were falling from her face Akane got up and went over to Ukyou and held on to her hand.

"So what happened." Akane asked as she held on to Ukyou.

"Kami….. It was beautiful like I imagined……" Ukyou sighed. "??" Akane looked at Ukyou.

" You know something funny Akane remember the time at the tunnel of love." Ukyou said smiling. "Yeah I remembered you and Ryoga were close then…." Akane said with a giggle.

"I guess that was when I had a feeling for Ryoga I guess but I always put him down by comparing him with Ranma. But after that night in his arms……" Ukyou looked at Akane.

"He was always there for me even though I don't need him a willing ear to listen to me complain and rant about you and shampoo and how Ranma was treating me…… the way he looked at me and try to comfort me. Damn I was so stupid the man of my dreams was all along right beside me and I was so blind to let him slip by…… After that day when I got back from sending Ryoga over here I had a long time to think. I was hurting and what Ryoga and I did was so damn special I knew in my heart that I was a bitch to use him like that he deserved more than that. I lost it I trashed the restaurant and decided to leave. But after I reached home I was still devastated that all those I loved were not with me." Ukyou trembled as she said it.

"It was almost too much to bear I almost killed myself then the sickness happened a month later……" Ukyou paused.

"Hey don't stop…." Akane teased.

"I went to the doctors and found out I was pregnant. I almost went insane when I got home that day. But that's when I remembered Ryoga…… His cute smile, that cute scream he always do when he bashes into some one's backyard. Most of all I was carrying part of him and that snapped me out. I told myself I was going to have the baby. Nine months later out came Kyoga my pride my joy." Ukyou beamed.

"Oooo. That Baka Ranma doesn't want kids anytime soon so…." Akane said dejectedly.

"Don't worry….." Ukyou squeezed her hand.

"I wanted to tell Ryoga but I was too ashamed to look for him and anyway where can I find him and I didn't want to burden him down with it. He's always getting lost one way or the other so I decided to wait until Kyoga was older and tell him all about Ryoga." Ukyou said.

"And now after so long he comes back into my life. And I'm going to lose him again…….." Ukyou said as she suddenly hugged Akane.

"Akane tell me he's going to be all right…." Ukyou whispered as tears fell from her eyes.

Akane was at a loss of words.

She just held on to Ukyou trying to comfort her.

That night the Luffy and gang came back from their visit to the hospital.

Chopper was all quiet so was Luffy.

He had not seen anyone injured like Ryoga was.

Usually his opponents would get up after a few days stay in the hospital.

"So how's Ryoga??" Nabiki asked Nami the two were becoming fast friends.

"Not so good. He's still asleep and he can't wake up." Nami shook her head sadly.

"It looks like he has lost the will to live or he is running away from his problems….." Robin said shaking her head.

[I wonder if it would work.] Belldandy thought for awhile then took Urd with her and went up stairs to Akane's room.

She knocked on the door.

"Come in it's open." Akane said.

Belldandy went in and closed the door.

"Hi Ukyo….." Belldandy greeted.

She saw that Ukyou had been crying.

" I just remembered something that might help Ryoga…. But I don't know if it would work….." Belldandy said.

Ukyou looked at Belldandy and held on to her shoulders.

"Tell me what is it . Do I have to give part of my life or my soul???" Ukyou asked holding tightly on to Belldandy.

"It's call a dream walk…. You go into Ryoga's mind and wake him up….. But there is a catch and it's a bit dangerous……" Urd explained.

" What is it ?? I don't care about the risk I just want Ryoga to wake up….." Ukyou said starting to cry. "Our powers cannot work here but my sister Skuld might be able to make a device to enter Ryoga's subconscious and we just might be able to wake him. But as far as I know Skuld's inventions are very dangerous and unpredictable." Urd explained.

"We will not be able to pull you out if anything goes wrong and you might lose you soul if that happens… Your body will live but your mind will be gone." Urd explained further.

Ukyou looked at Belldandy.

"I am sorry if my powers were stronger I might be able to guide you there but it is not these are the limitations Rumico chan and Kami sama put on us and so we are powerless to help you in your need. But I am sure my sister's invention will work." Belldandy said.

"Then what are we waiting for…"Ukyou went for the door.

Belldandy stopped her.

"Skuld said that when the device is ready she will call for us so you have to be patient and wait." Belldandy said.

"Where is Skuld anyway??" Akane asked.

"She's in Ranma's old room she said that she needed a room to set up the device so Mr Soun let her use the room. Luffy and the others are helping out too getting the things she need." Urd said.

"Don't worry everything will be all right." Urd said smiling confidently then looking at Belldandy. "Yes everything will be fine. You get some rest we'll let you know once the device is ready." Belldandy said as she and her sister left the room. Belldandy hated to lie she bit her lip as she went out. Urd closed the door as they left.

"Don't worry Ukyou everything will be fine you go get some rest I'll wake you if anything crops up," Akane said.

Ukyou nodded her head wiping her tears as she lied down on to the futon on the floor she drifted off into sleep a few minutes later.

[Finally…] Akane sighed and left the room to see if she could help in any way.

Author's note: sorry people for the long delay in posting this new chapter but it was challenging when you have writer's block but I managed to churn this chapter out.

Yes you must be asking why Ryoga and Ukyou are getting so much story time sorry about it I promise that the next chapter will be the last in the Ryoga & Ukyou saga.

Chapter 8-9 will focus on Zorro and a love interests (Having a hard time deciding the name for them. I have decided to make them twins and they look like Tashigi/Kuina. So if you all got any ideas please feel free to drop a line. The two are in the kendo team and are in the St Hebereke's) that's all I am going to give so watch out for it.

Chapter 10 will be for Sanji and his insane quest to date Shampoo and falls head over heels over Kodachi……

Chapter 11-12 will be a short on the dynamic duo Nabiki and Nami on how they cheated Kuno out of every cent he has when he crosses the both of them.

Chapter 13 will be on Luffy and his day at Nekohaten.

Chapter 14 will be for Nicole Robin and Urd when the two decides to go out for a drink. (Lemon???)

Chapter 15 Usopp and his big mouth get him into lots of trouble and everyone has to bail him out.

Chapter 16-20 Misc……… (We'll see)

So watch out for all these chapters coming soon(I hope…)

See you all around bye……