Ah My Goddess Fan Fiction / Ranma 1/2 Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction / Tenchi Muyo Fan Fiction ❯ moons hopes ❯ usagi's story ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
moons hope

a ranma sailormoon crossover.
by lasthope ranma.

disclamer-we all know the drill these characters arent mine, so please
dont sue me.
in the end is sung by linkin park.

chapter 1- usagi's story

(background music commenses...)
(...it starts with one..)
(one thing i dont know why it doesnt even matter how hard you try)
(keep that in mind i designed this rhyme just to explain in due time
{all i know})
(time is a valubue thing watch it fly by as the pendulum swings)
(watch it count down to the end of the day the clock ticks life
away{it's so unreal})
(didnt look out below watch the time go right out the window try to hold
on ya didnt even know)
(but wasted it all just to watch you go)
(i kept every thing inside but even though i tried it all fell apart)
(what it meant to me will eventually be a memory of a time i tried so
( i tried so hard and got so far in the end it doesnt even matter i had
to fall to loose it all
but in the end it doesnt even matter..)
juuban mall. 8 am

music still keeps to the background. we see sailor moon...


The youma looked up from its usual rompage and destruction bit to see
five girls in fuku's.
being a monster of high intellgence that it is and never having seen
five girls in very short
fukus and having heard five ridiculous speches, did what any being would


the sailor scouts used to dealing with all types of reactions about
themselves in their uniforms stood there proud, and let loose their


the youma never knew what hit em. moon laid her back against a nearby
wall. " oh i thought we were done with this kinda stuff."
she whined to mercury. mercury however wasnt paying attention, actually
her entire attention was focused on her computer which she was typing
frantically into.

" there's something very powerful and very evil headed this way!!"
mercury screamed. the other senshi powered up their attacks and formed a
circle around sailor moon protecting her while she charged up her attack
for a quick kill. to their surprise something spiraled from the heavens
and landed in front of them leaving a small crater. also suprisingly
said thing stood up looking tattered and banged up but otherwise unhurt
from the fall. the scouts seeing the creature decided on the dust youma
first and ask questions later tactic, fired their attacks at it missing
by large margins.

" how the hell did he do that?" jupiter yelled as a reddish blue
fireball soared over her head.

" i sense a strong magic, but i also sense a higher level ki.... no wait
there's multpile energys from that thing." mars said while dodging
between attacks. she seemed a bit confused at the whole turn of events.

" guys i got a reading on it.. it is human but.." mercury started but
was cut off by the creature slowly walking up to them. now standing ten
feet from them the girls, the could get a good look at the creature. the
creature was no more than a 3ft tall balding old man who was smiling in
a lechours way. he was eninating power the girls never felt before.
probably cause said man had a floating box next to him that seemed to
radiate power, maybe because the girls never were privy to a lecherous
battle aura. or maybe cause the midget was holding two distinct
crystals. one was a bluish type that the girls couldnt make out but mars
was sure it was ki being generated from it. And the other the girls knew

" that's a pure heart crystal!!" venus yelled pointing at the dwarfs
left hand.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~
happosai wasn't paying attention, in fact he had stopped paying
attention when he noticed two things. one he didnt have one of the
boxes, two he wasn't fighting ranma anymore he was fighting very young
beautiful girls...with very short skirts. ' the sailor scouts huh?
figures serenity would save them to pay for her sins... i dont recall
there ever being a sailor moon though' thought happosai as he smiled
lechorously at the girls.

" can it die?" asked moon. fortunatly or unfortunatly depending on how
you look at it, happosai was already tired from fighting previously. and
needed a recharge.

" ahhhhhhhhhh!!!" came from each girl as happosai glomped each of them
on the chest.

" how sweet it is!!" he said as he landed. he turned just in time to see
the pretty soidiers
run at him, all except one.

mercury was still.

venus tried to cresent beam him but he evaded it and sent her sprawling
to the second floor window bridal shop.

mercury still didnt move.

jupiter tried to make good on the promises that she happened to be
yelling at him: " you little @$%&^ im gonna ram a lighting bolt up your
little @#@ hole and let it fry your vital organs." she didnt make good
on her promise and ended up flying toward the bakery for her trouble.

mercury's left eye started to twitch.

mars tried to flame snipe him and surround him with flames, but happosai
just flipped out of it using her fire to light his pipe. he stood back
to back <if thats possible> and rubbed her legs grinning at her
discomfort. she turned to strike at him but he used his pipe to propel
her to the statue.

happosai sighed and puffed his pipe. then he tilted his head to the side
for a moment and watched as a frisbee like object soared by his head. he
turned his gaze on the leader. ' oh yeah forgot bout you.' he sized her
up. and promptly groped her up.

sailor moon was furious." COMMITING ACTS OF PERVERESION IS.." she was
sent packing toward a brick wall but was caught by strong arms... 'small
arms' she thought.

" pity she sounded like she wanted to say something important." happosai
commented while puffing his pipe.

" how dare you harm the princess!!" happosai turned around to see three
new arrivals.
the one who spoke was tall had sandy brown hair and was currently
holding sailor moon protectivly. on her right was a girl with aquamarine
hair standing on her left was a smaller girl in purple holding some kind
of wicked looking blade.

happosai immediatly knew who the second girl was. and scowled. " the
silence bringer."
he wasn't ready for such a contingincy THIS time, but being as he was
happosai reincarnated or not he was still happosai as of such he quickly
assesed who would be first. he looked at neptune forgetting all about
his contingency plan to deal with saturn first. and dove right for
neptunes chest. he would've made it too if he wasnt blasted by an aqua
rhapsody. the forgotten mercury had such a scowl that made even the
outers back away in fear.

" nobody touches me like that NOBODY!!" she screamed. punctuating each
word with an attack. beating happosai unmerciously. punching with ice
fists. and slicing with ice daggers. happosai was knocked into a sports

" mercury final attack!! ARTIC DESOLATION!!" She yelled as she sent a
solid line of ice and mist at happosai. happosai moved just in time
from being frozen slush completly... however his arm got clipped and it
exploded into fine blue and red goo. mercury fainted from exhaustion.
happosai looked behind him and gaped where a few moments ago was a wall
half of the mall and an achre of trees were gone.

'damn.' he looked at his arm in wonder.

happosai didnt feel the pain. but he did notice the missing arm. as well
as he was running low on energy. he ran for what the girls thought was
the exit but he ran for the womans lingerie store. he jumped in and an
exploson ocurred. he walked out of the building with a bag tied around
his body and jumped through the skylight getting hit by a world shaking
and a deep submerge in the process. sailor moon now being able to stand.
walked over to the fainted mercury. moon had seen the attack mercury had
done and was shocked to say the least. By then the other sailor senshi
were regaining their footing and walking<sortof> toward their leader.

" sailor moon i found something!!" yelled mars. she held a little blue
crystal in her hand and was favoring her ribs.

sailor moon nodded her head and motioned for uranus to pick up mercury.

" listen i want everyone to meet at the outers place asap uranus take
mercury make sure she's safe. mars and neptune cover the rear. and
jupiter and venus take point." moon said in her serenity voice.

the others were stunned to say the least moon was acting more mature
nowadays. maybe it had to do with tuxedo mask dumping her. but they
nodded their heads and quickly left. if any of the other scouts were to
see if moon had left they would've noticed she stopped to pick up a
dirty box and leave after.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~
up above happosai cursed his stupidity. he lost both boxes and the ki
crystal. he was in so much trouble when she found out.. at least he had
the pure heart crystal.... and some pantys.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~
setsuna's place 12:00pm

the inners and outers were sitting on the couch. rei and mina sat in
chairs next to the door. guading it like usagi wanted. she said that the
pervert whose name was happosai could possibly know their identities.
makoto sat with hotaru and haruka, the former sitting on hotaru's left
while the latter on the right. michiru stood next to the door across
from them keeping an eye on ami because ami didnt wake up. they
currently were waiting for their leader to say something. but she seemed
to be scowling out the window, and having an eternal conflict with
herself about something occasionally nodding absently. now they were
sitting thinking about their leaders new atttitude. fifteen minutes
passed and then they had went to the kitchen to get some food makoto was
cooking. it was thirty minutes later now they were waiting for said
leader to quit pacing around the room so they could finally start their
meeting. for some reason when they got back usagi hadnt stopped pacing.
the others thought it was because mecury hadnt woken after she fainted.
even when ami woke up and told usagi she was alright usagi still was
pacing obviously lost in deep thought. she wouldnt even eat the cookies
that were brought out. that was 3 hours ago. then sudddenly she stopped.
she stopped and murmured what the senshi thought sounded like a thank
you to someone. she turned to regard her guardians. she had a look of
determination on her face. and she was blushing.

"so lets review shall we?" the contingent of girls facefaulted.

ami got up first. she opened her computer." well i left my computer on
while we were battling the youma. and the perv." she said the last part
with a bit of disqust." apparently the youma was just that. the other...
was human, or so thats what my computer says." she said. everyone knew
she had diffrent reservations for the freak. they all did. " he was
carring that.." she pointed to the blue gem on the table. " and a pure
heart crystal. he also had that..." she pointed at the thing usagi had
cradled in her underarm protectivly." both have incredible unreadible
power. as well as the box seems to be made of solid gold, and other rare
gems that would be worth millions to a jewler." she closed her computer.
" thats all i got." ami pointedly left out the part with her new attack.
she hadnt even figured how she did it.

" it looks like a dusty old box to me." rei said. yeah's were said
around the room.

" it's not!! i can feel energy from this box. and i will not let it from
my sight till i know what it is." usagi said sternly. the others stood
there lookin wide eyed at their princess. haruka made her way to the

haruka walked to the blue stone and tried to pick it up. the key word
being tried. the stone became extremly hot. she dropped it just as

" well all i know is except or the occasional fireball he launched he
beat our asses with just martial arts!" makoto screamed. the others
" we gotta find out how he did it. did that blue stone help?" she

haruka tried again. " oww!! the damn things hot." she said while waving
her hand attempting to cool it.

makoto looked at haruka quizzically and walked to her side. ahe examined
her hand and tried to pick it up bracing herself for intense fire.
instead she got extreme cold.

" waoh that's cold!!" she yelled throwing the gem accidently at rei. rei
instinctivly caught the crystal and held it as if it were nothing much
to the others suprise.

" how'd you do that?" asked makoto and haruka simultaneously.

rei just shrugged." i dont know what's your guys problem it seems pretty
fine to me." just then she felt a severe surge of chi she didnt know
people could have. she fell back in her chair. she felt at peace holding
the ki crystal.
" woah. uh guys i think i should hold on too this for a while. it seems
that i am the only one to be able to hold it anyway. and i'd like to ask
the sacred fire some questions about it."

haruka looked like she was gonna say something but usagi cut her off."
lets not fight about this now?! ok?!" her words held finality. the
scouts have rarely heard their princess talk this way let alone act this
way it was kinda freaky.

" anyway's usagi-sama what is the deal with the old box?" venus said
trying to change the topic. " why'd you bring it here?"

" well im not sure but i think setsuna or luna may know. it looks like
somethng from the silver millenium." usagi said pointing at the moon
on both sides of the box.

" and thats why you wanted to meet here instead of the shrine.." venus
trailed off wondering if usagi should be groped more often to be smart
like this all the time. that thought was tookem to the back of her mind
and crecent beamed.

the other senshi thought similar things and like venus's thoughts were
quickly destroyed.

" but theres one thing, setsuna-mama went to the time gates earlier in
the morning." hotaru added.

" how do you know that hotaru-chan?" michiru said softly.

" well because i can feel her there now. i dont know how but right after
she left i sorta knew she left." hotaru said the last part sheepishly.

" it's ok kiddo. so we wont be able to get in contact with setsuna
anytime soon." jupiter said while patting hotaru's head.

" thats nothing new. so what we cant find setsuna she'll find us when
she needs us right now we need to heal from the battle, and find out
what we can from these artifacts. as of now everyone go home an get some
rest and we'll decide what to do later." usagi said while eating some
left-over cookies. the senshi nodded their heads in understanding and
made a move too leave then paused by the door just to watch usagi stuff
her face the serious serenity fascade gone. they collectivly sighed. and
left for home.

about a minute after the inners had left the phone rang. haruka picked
up the phone and her face brightened.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
8:00 pm hiwaka shrine.

rei sat in front of the sacred fire with the blue crystal in her hand.
she was meditating like that for 2 hours and still found out nothing.'
stupid crystal, why cant i find anything about you?' she thought. After
another 3 hours she got real frustated. " ARGHH." she said as she threw
the stone accidentally in the fire. 'oops.' she sweat dropped. suddenly
the fire burst to life. and she saw images. A tribe of warriors, a buxom
violet hair girl, a man with really thick glasses, a boy with fangs and
a large umbrella, a cat,pig,and duck. a decrepid old man, a handsome
rugged tall man. a valley with pools and poles extending over them. then
a girl who held a stricking resembelence to amy. The last part confused
her a bit. First she saw a very attractive man with a pig-tail, then a
girl who looked exactly like the boy except for the obvious gender. The
boy over lapped the girl and in the background lightning struck and she
saw a wild horse behind the pair. And she saw the same cute boy by
princess serenity..holding each other in an intitmite embrace. sailor
saturn and the boy staring out in the vast space. said boy dying. with
his last breath he gave a brooch to someone who made a promise... he
gave it to endymon.

then the fire turned blue and an elderly women on a stick stood in front
of her. she smiled a bit and turned young. looking a little like the
girl with violet hair. " rei hino... sailor mars, please you must find
the son-in-law. it is of great importance that you do."

" wait who are you? who is this son-in-law? how will i even find him?
and what is that crystal?" rei asked.

colonge smiled once more. " i am colonge child. the son-in law will find
you.. and all other questions will be answered when he is here. now go
find the sun in law." colonge said evenly. and the fire started to
flicker and die out.

" wait how will i get in contact with you again?" rei yelled jumping at
the apparation.

" the crystal..." and then the flames died down to it's original state.
rei sat there for a while pondering what she saw. she stopped on the
boy's face his image stayed in her mind. for some reason she knew him.
wild horses? she wrote the kanji for it. it didnt seem right. she tried
again and again...
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~
9:00 usagi's house.

usagi sat on her bed thinking about mamoru. even though he broke up with
her she still wondered what he would be doing in america now. her
thought's were cut off as her brooch opened suddenly and started playing
her melody... their melody. she looked at the hologram of what was
supposed to be her and endymon. instead it was her and...

" ra... no." she said to herself and went to find luna.

said cat was reading one of usagi's manga. usagi walked to the cat and
picked her up and held her to her eyes. " luna we have to talk.."

later a faint yell could be heard. " where did you get that box?"
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~
10:30pm hiwaka shrine.

rei sat at her table with hundreds of papers with the kanji for wild
she even wrote it in seven diffrent languages. finally tired she figured
she'd write it one more time...
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~
12:45am juuban train station.

a lone figure stands by the tracks waiting for a train from nerima.
the figure nervously shifts a long bundle to the other hand. as the
train pulls up the figure smiles. the figure steps toward the door and
bows slightly to the other figure who inturn bows back. the second
figure looks at the first and smiles warmly then produces a backpack and
a square like parcel. Ranma saotome has come back to juuban.

" thank's for meetin me here mom. it's good to see you"

nodoka smiled. " it is good to see you too son. i had an old friend of
yours drive me here. ' though i really think i should have taken a bus.'

" oh who?" ranma asked. then out of the shadows a tall figure dressed in
mens clothing appeared next to her. "hey ranma." haruka walked towards
and hugged him. ranma didnt mind being hugged by his old buddy haruka.
but he hoped his mother wouldnt mind two guys huggin friendly like. then
something snapped in his mind.

now ranma is dense and i mean dense but he knows first hand what breasts
feel like. i mean shampoo glomps him alla time right? and he knew guys
who arent jusenkyo victoms dont have breasts.(ranma hasnt really been
out in the world so give him a break. how's he supposed to know
hermathridites?) so his mind almost burnt out before he realized that
ukyo was always a girl. and he didnt know that either.so he had to
approach this carefully. he asked." hey haruka have you always dressed
like a boy?"

haruka's eye developed a twitch. " yes ranma except for when i was
around you." she stated calmly ' he thought i was a guy i'll bet. baka.'

" ok thanx my memory is a bit messed up. hehe he " he put is hand on
back of his head and chuckled.

" ranma dear lets go home it's late and you have school tommorow."
nodoka said.

" ok mom. shall we?" they walked to the car and drove off.

" say ranma-kun? whats that?" haruka asked eyeing the square parcel.

" it's an item i found at home... when i decided to move here i brought
it with me so um people wouldn't be uh tempted to throw it away." he
said nervously.

haruka said nothing and kept driving.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~
12:50 am hiwaka shrine.

rei finally gave up and went to bed feeling really frustrated. well
they'll just have to talk about it at the next meeting. she sighed and
went to sleep.

on one of her papers the kanji for 'ran' was visible.

end chapter.

i decided i like the whole ranma and haruka friends thing if you ever
read destiny you'll know where i got the idea from. i like the whole she
yells at him while he takes it in stride however they will not be
lovers. just good friends. well see ya later. ja ne!