Ah My Goddess Fan Fiction ❯ Valkyrie's Knight ❯ Act VIII ( Chapter 8 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Oh My Goddess! - Valkyrie's Knight
The sound of the waves crashing onto the crowded beach, the gulls screeching their calls overhead, and all around picnic baskets, and their own respectively screaming owners at such. The breeze of the sea, and the sounds of fishing boats and far off shipping lane horns, as cargo ships line up in static order along the hazed over, watery horizon.
And the yelling of kids and their parents all around, when the parents aren't yelling eat each other, or the gulls as mentioned.
A deep taken breath on this most hot and muggy summer day.
And only `he' could get away with saying.. “Bein erinm, sien Gûl..”
Lind just joshed at him in turn from behind. “Hey, set up work is over here Rochben.” ..this Imladris chuckles and turns to see the family morass splayed upon this patch of found upon sand and territory. A commodity most difficult with the souls aplenty all abouts and arounds this family and friends clan. Skuld just quips in turn as she plops down a cooler of ice cream, a cooler more advanced than any on the present mortal plain. “Are you gawking at something `else' now cousin?”
Bell just giggles as she finishes spreading out the super sized beach blanket. “Cousin hasn't been to the beach before.” ..this Takano on another end of the blanket remarks. “Sounds right for our rustic boyo.”
Imladris just turns towards the large pile of beach goods the lot of them brought. “The last time I saw a mortal ocean, it was getting off a troop ship heading for the Ardennes.” ..and hefts a heavy cooler of colas and teas. “Not that this version isn't any more chaotic.”
Keiichi looks around as he spreads out an umbrella with Keima's help. “No kidding. I'm surprised we found this place.” ..he then gulps.. “I hope it was alright to use a spell like that.”
Bell just remarked simply. “I wanted us to spend as much time playing here as we could. Was I wrong?”
Keiichi gulped and Keima just bonked his `son' upside again. “Hey, never look a gift cycle in the tailpipe.”
Megumi and Urd meanwhile just giggle as Urd croons. “when in Japan, do as the Japanese do, which in this case means fighting and clawing tooth and nail for a small patch of highly eroded rock and ancient seashells.
To each their fair and victorious share.”
Megumi chimes. “Yeah, we got our spot, and it's time for some action!” ..a high five with Urd to boot.
Keiichi just dryly quips at his lil sister. “Urd's being a bad influence on you.” ..just before Urd flicks static cling at him. (Literally, as three towels suddenly smacks into him without warning.) Lind meanwhile looks up from her side pack of beach essentials, and shouts.. “I don't hear griping and complaining over there!!”
“(x6) We're coming already! There's too many mortals here!!” ..this as Eddas, with Gate leading, in somewhat childish looking swimsuit versions of their goddess accord, struggle to bring the last of the beach supplies to the beach encampment. Gate just moans. “Why do mortals put on such smelly accouterments on their bodies? It's giving me a headache.” ..this as they finally pass the gauntlet and reach home base. Imladris just grabs the last lawn chairs from Gate. “And yet there's such romance attached to such.”
Takano leans over as Keiichi shoves off the towels and elbows. “Now that's a boy that understands romance.” K1 in turn stutters with Belldandy looking on a tic clueless again, (or so seems..) “W.. wa.. wha.. mom!”
Takano reacts instinctively by leaping on and pinning Keiichi into the beach towel! “What'd I tell you about that!!”
“HELP! PARENT ABUSE!!” ..as Takano demonstrates for Bell and Lind looking, a full nelson. (Just before Takano orders Bell to tickle the poor bloke, done so obligingly and a bit too readily at that.) Skuld meanwhile notes off to the far right, Peorth in her classic swimsuit (sorta,) one piece.. (or two, can't really tell without a nosebleed.) ..this as she's surrounded by admirers and more roses that come for Almighty knows where. Skuld just bluntly remarks. “She's not coming over here.”
Sentaro, also invited to the beach party, after rubbing on some sun block, (like all good responsible kids should,) notes as well, and plainly says.. “Doesn't she ever get tired of that?”
Skuld and Urd hearing, just moan.. “I think that's her addiction.” This Sentaro wisely just goes back to rubbing. He however then asks Skuld without thinking.. “You want some sun screen Skuld?”
Skuld looks, just as Urd leans in on down. “Oh my, even Sentaro is growing up amongst us. You dirty little Sister you.”
Skuld just huffs. “Watch it Urd, or I'll shove sand down your' bikini. And maybe a crab.”
Urd just giggles, as Sentaro gulps and realizes. “Oh, uh.. sorry..” ..before Skuld retorts. “I didn't say no!”
While Sentaro suddenly gets rather jittery for some reason, in application, Keiichi keeps being tortured, and Lind bossing around the Eddas, Imladris just finishes setting the last beach chair and stretches, taking a good look around at the family chaos that is the Morisato clan. (Even the goddess part, as far as he was concerned.)
A good tryst from what was otherwise before, a morbid expectation of a sweltering and balmy day, full of mugginess and short tempers. A few days after Lind finished `straightening up' the troops, and the settling in of Takano and Keima, things were at an impasse, and even the mundane miracles of the goddesses were wearing off the mortal lot, as learning to live with something new, just simply means it's begotten of environmental use in relatively short order.
Other than a few spells and angels singing here and there sporadically, Takano and Keima realized, as much as Chihiro and the others of mortal vein did, that Keiichi indeed did have a family life here. It was so much less about the magic, and more about the relationships, that made this place it's true form and character.
Keiichi and Belldandy would take time after work to visit the new homestead, as Keima got squared away with his glass making, while Takano and Megumi managed to forge a temporary truce of coexistence. (Neither of them were so unknowing of relationship fears and history now past.) Bell always would bring tea, and Yokan was readily available most for every other day. (Cake and other Bell-heavenly treats on the other days.) Keiichi even hazarded a query about Takano opening her open confectionery shoppe.
“I'm too selfish for that.” Takano just plainly answered to `that'. Keiichi just chuckled and didn't ask further. Course the tea shoppe idea Chihiro once brought up kept nipping at him for some reason, what with now a Yokan maker in the family.
Meanwhile, the Eddas finally got a Directive from Heaven for their rather gross violation, and were given over to Lind to command for the short term, until the Eddas were ready to return to Heaven. Not much more was said on that, which disturbed everyone else, Imlade most of all, but Lind made good use of her new servants. Lind would have them, in between their new human history study activities, something meant to give them reason of where Imladris came from, attend to helping keep the Temple spotless and in good repair.
The Eddas usually were sent to help Belldandy, to keep out of Imladris's hair. Bell usually would just have the Eddas in turn help Urd and Skuld with their chores around the residence, which meant Urd and Skuld just dumped everything on the Six, whit to Peorth and Eihwa would chase down the two Norns and drag them back to do their fair share. (Mostly to keep them from messing with Keiichi and Bell, a relationship that was slowly growing more and more intimate, finally..)
Gate meanwhile was busy, the Temple based aura zone gateway, busy with not just nominal travelers from across the multiverse, but also tourists that had come to see the budding celestial attraction that was Temple Tarihikongan. This also included more than a few Valkyries, ones that took one day passes to get a gander at the ol Hero of Heaven in his mundane activities.
Lind would just laugh each time this occurred, as Imladris just went about his meditation and combat exercises, of whit were his only real need of presence here to do as real duty. Of them all , Imladris was one that had to find reason to do plain chores around the Temple. Unlike Urd or Skuld, Imladris craved doing plain stuff like that, a literal side effect of his humble nature, in all elemental form and fact.
And of course, Bell would usually only allow a few moment of this before sending him back to his proper duties. (She even chased Imlade away a few times, since it was Bell's penchant and pleasure he was meddling with. Dang..)
Apparently Imladris's task was literally to be like a Samurai of old, practicing and looking important while around the temple. And `like' said Samurai, ended up doing a heck of a lot of studying of current terran literature, making a few bad poems, and otherwise enjoying his second mortal existence, when not in sparring sessions with Lind and/or Scetu.) Indeed a strange quandary, but `that' was essentially a true mode of the Title set upon him. (The same vein that demonstrated the character traits of the Norns, attached to their temporal Fates status.)
As a result, doing too much mundane stuff actually detracted to that, as Almighty actually had to remind him once, via phone, when Bell decided such a reminder was in order. Keiichi was sure flabbergasted with that one, but being pious in duty was elemental in all truth, as Belldandy ensured as such would be upkempt by.
This was the kind of stuff Takano and Keima would see daily on evening visits when they with Bell/K1 would return. Here Chihiro was reintroduced with Keima, Takano and Keima with the other guys in the `secret circle', as such was known of the goddess truth, and overall the rambunctious nature of them all would come out with the sake, tea and Yokan.
Velsper just kept clear away, as Chihiro always kept hunting her/him/it down each night, half the time succeeding.
And overall, the Temple had never been anymore livelier. (And Chihiro's childhood stories more disturbing to Kei.)
Which leads to the present, that same mugginess and saturating heat that melted Skuld's ice cream faster than she could cry about it. (Or Urd laugh in same said.) With the radio relegating doom in the order of 103 degrees F, with nary a relief of any kind, in came Megumi to the rescue of all those lonely readers out there wondering if of the following..
“Hey, why not go to the beach?”
Keiichi blinked, a miracle considering his sticky with sweat his eyelid were at the time. “Today? You know how many people will be there on a day like this?”
“1.4 million.” Keima regarded for his eye twitching son. Kei just dryly quipped.. “Uh.. yeah.” Megumi just leaned in at this... “Oh? And I guess seeing Belldandy-chan in a suit again, isn't important to you.” ..this Takano just chides in the same tune. “What kind of a boy are you bub? You'd say no to `that/?”
Keiichi just looked at the two, and wondered if they were being more buddy like than let on. (Though where Megumi got it all from was clear..) Keiichi just blurted.. “No, but..”
Bell on cue just chimed, looking as if the sun had `no' affect on her, like she was a Jedi or something. “A day at the beach would be fun! Come on, let's go Keiichi!”
Keiichi just snickered. “Sure. (Can't say no to that.)” ..this as Megumi and Takano just pump their fists in victory. This of course got infectious, as everyone soon got into the spirit, in one format or another. (Enforced or otherwise, take a wild guess upon whom..)
Megumi of course gave Imlade the same `treatment', as.. “Wow, I wonder how Lind looks in a suit.”
Imladris took one look at a smiling Lind, and his imagination ran off to Pluto. Urd waved her hand in front of the knight lord's gaga eyes, and chided Megumi. “Good going Meg, we've lost him.” ..this Megumi just shrugged, her task done.
Takano of course didn't give Keima a break either. “Think I still look good in a numbur?” ..and of course Keima stuttered, blushed and gagged like a male dope, as we all do. “Oh, uh.. ah.. excel.. ah, of course Takano!” ..as Takano just egged her elbow in for good measure.
Peorth then leaned in on Keima. “How bout me big boy?” ..whit to Keima just leapt away on cue. Takano just sighed and calmly chided Peorth. “Please don't do that.”
Eihwa just leaned in on Peorth next.. “Bambina, you're too pudgy in the goddess love handles.”
Takano just scooted away from the hair tearing fracas that ensued next. This as Bell announced. “Alright everyone, let's go to the beach!”
One freaky screen capture shot of most everyone cheering with fist pumps and raised the same, one kooky and bad sounding AMG/OMG road trip soundtrack cue later, and here they all were, just as biting at each other, and intermingled with the rest of the soon to be sun burned. (And no, goddesses don't burn, they `tan'. Remember the last episode with the Sun?)
And yet despite the chaos, Imladris was loving every split micro second of it all. Lind knew this and planned to maximize that, while everyone else planned their own versions of chaos. Imladris looked up from the revelry, and saw down the coast about a kilometer off, a closer look at the sea side carnival, Ferris wheels and all, that were ad-hoc (and safety tested,) put up, and were bevy to more crowds down yonder. He had his own ideas, as he then heard Bell chime. “Isn't this fun?” ..after allowing Keiichi to breathe again, Takano now having Keima gingerly rub oil over her back, in as much sloppy fashion as Sentaro was giving Skuld. (While Urd gave appraisals and were told to shut it by each female of note.)
Imladris and Keiichi in their perspectives, gave eye to this by looking over the female numbers that out numbered them readily. Ones with quite replete swim suit choices that were now being openly shown, Lind's two piece lavender and black-blue number that looked fit for an Olympic swimmer, as her light peach colored beach shirt draped down her shoulders, as she fiddled more in her new tote bag. It was equaled readily by Bell's famous once piece number that was all flowery in faded fashion, and easily out did Urd's black nose bleed number.
Peorth afar, as mentioned the same, while Skuld sported this time, a new blue and white lined two piece that was meant to get Sentaro's eye. (Those romance manga were quite helpful., as it (suit) `did' it's job.) The utility goddesses as mentioned, sported child like versions of their goddess robes, in swimsuit fashion, still managed to look rather attractive, and was said as such already several times by the lay male observer as they navigated the human trenches to this beach party.
Not to be outdone, Megumi and Takano `struck back', in two pieces of black and blue, ones well accentuating their curves, and the eye of more admirers. Takano kept her cut off shorts on, to deliberately accentuate the eye of her husband. Megumi meanwhile just sighed at all the overly gawking eyes that kept calling for her.
Yes folks, the swimsuit beach extravaganza chapter is underway folks! (And the author is likely to get a lawsuit or two, soon after this writing.)
As expected, all that goddess beauty garnered more than enough attention from around them, as many male packs kept finding excuses from their girlfriends, to pass by this area in oft note. But it ended up just as ilk note for the gals too, as the males in the group weren't too shabby either.
Imladris, that chiseled and cut scarred, in a set of white and light blue trunks, was an obvious note. But Keiichi had become quite muscular in the recent note, after all that work in Whirlwind and all, and it showed in his plain blue-black number. Sentaro still had a ways to go, but Skuld didn't care. And Keima wasn't that bad off either, as Takano was proud to note, his old dark brown number, faded and all.
This caused some of the male packs to end up running into female versions, that had their own girlfriends in them, the ladies in turn lambasting the males for doing exactly what the females were doing! It wasn't pretty.
Not that the group here paid much heed, as Imladris noted one of their number absent. “Hey, aren't we missing one of us?” ...this as Lind remarked dryly. “Does it matter?” ..as just then, the knight feels a couple of very slender, tanned yet pure of aglow white, managed the same, wrapped around his suddenly twitching neck.
“Ahh, my templare. A bit of oil for me later too perhaps?”
Imladris just sweated more than the heat caused, as Lind shouted. “Cut that out goddess!”
Imladris tried to eke accentuate.. “Like my beloved said..” ..with Eihwa only responding. “Oh, and after I went so far as to help a friend reach us.” ..this as many of them look, as Chihiro appears, a cooler and a towel in one hand, a tote the other shoulder. “Heya sports!” ..her sun glasses, all cheap and fitting in with her simple gray one piece, with white beach shirt and work grade brown shorts.
Keiichi sees and quips. “Uh oh.” ..as Chihiro hears and zips right up to him! “'Uh oh' what?”
Keiichi just snickers. “No nothing! Please join us.”
“Uh huh, sure.” ...Chihiro doesn't buy in turn. Bell just chimes happily once again. “Do please join us!”
Chihiro gladly plops her stuff down and knees unto the beach towel. “If you insist!” Takano quickly greeting Chihiro to the party, others all about in turn soon after.
Imladris asked of Chihiro next.. “Hey boss, any of the other guys end up around here?” Chihiro just waved a hand. “Nope, most of them had to work today. study, or deal with wedding details. Ahh, the ol college life.”
Keiichi blinked. “Satoko is really set up on all that huh?” Chihiro took out her sun block and replied. “Oh, we had a little talk and reached an understanding about all of that. As for me, I intend to get lots of sun today, before I abuse you puppies back at work.”
“Lucky us.” Imlade and Kei blunted out in simult. Kei got another towel in the face, while she `handed' Imlade off to Lind. “Go drown that one.”
Lind took that as her cue. “No problem.” ..and yanked Imladris away from Eihwa. “Hey!” ..both shout.
Now the adventure really has begun.
“Wow, you swim good!”
“Thanks.” Sentaro replied, as the two kids.. (Skuld: Watch it..) ..swim out towards the nearby pier, connected to the amusement park, and where not as many swimmers are at the moment. (Heavy riptide problems of note..) As they do so, they are shadowed underwater by a certain meddling sister. Skuld and Sentaro meanwhile dare each other to swim out a bit father, before they reach a darker patch of water.
Sentaro notes. “Uh, maybe we're a bit far out. There are sharks that can come here sometimes.”
Skuld notes this, but then notes something else in the watery `shadows'. This because a few nearby swimmers are in a pack, as well as all of them are male. “I think we have a worse problem.” ..this as she actually fishes in her swimsuit, so doing both brining out a Skuld bomb against all physics of the act, as well as blushing Sentaro out of his all too young mind!
Meanwhile, Urd, giggling to herself.. Wonder how I should approach them. Maybe I can.. ..just before she hears a splash behind her. She looks and blurbs despite being underwater.. “Oh good gods.” ..and sees the lonely dopes trailing her even `still'. She gets annoyed enough now, to twiddle her hands to give a few choice jolts, before she hears another underwater splash, one from towards her target area.
She looks.. “Oh good grief.”
A nice anime spray of water and bodies shoot up the side of the pier south length, all depth charge like and all, as two more couples walk along with hands held each. Such as how Bell and Tanako are escorted by their respective loves.
Takano with a look towards an ice cream parlor on the boardwalk here, also gives note of.. “I haven't done something like this, since my Keima and I were dating ages ago.”
Bell just smiles, as Keiichi notes. “We should give Megumi our compliments.”
Takano nods, though doesn't respond, even looking a bit somber. Keiichi sees, but doesn't prod. Even Bell notes the air just turned a bit downtrodden. Something was obviously off there. However the duos didn't get much time to dwell on that, as suddenly a couple of kids shoot past, Skuld yanking Sentaro along, as Urd chases maniacally after, and all hair frazzled behind. “GET BACK HERE!!”
Keiichi just sighs. “Won't they ever grow up?” as Keima however notes behind. “Watch it.” ..before everyone notes on the second version of chase.. “Pardon me!!” ..as Imladris shoots by, the duo looking back just before Eihwa shoots by as well!
“Mi scusi!”
And then a split second behind `that'! “Pardon! Get away from him!!” ..ala Lind.
Takano after this, looks back and quips wide-eyed.. “Anyone else by darn?!”
Bell just smiles and openly comments.. “They sure are full of energy today.” ..with Keiichi adding.. “No more sweets for them.”
Takano however just remarks. “Anyone for ice cream? I'm buying.” ..with Bell clapping her hands. “Vanilla please.”
Keiichi and Keima just dryly eye each other, both quite bewildered by it all.
Nearby, a separate head glances again, and giggles `just' as Belldandy like.
“Lind wins!”
Eihwa just complains vocally at Megumi's split on the spot judgement of who nabbed ol gold guy first, at the end of the pier. “I demand a redo!”
Lind just rolls her eyes. “Go get your own cherished mortal. We have some fun to do.” ..as Imladris just meekly smiles at everyone, as he's dragged away in a willing fashion. Eihwa just sighs, with Megumi actually following suit.
“Non è valido....”
“You said it girl. Uh, whatever it was you said.”
Eihwa just smirks at Megumi, just before another goddess emerges along the other side of the boardwalk, with a large trotting along throng of rose admirers, so many of them, behind Peorth. Megumi twitches an eye, as Eihwa grumbles.
“Brutto ragazza.”
Peorth just floats away and twirl stops between the two gals, mortal and goddess alike. “Don't be jaloux. Join me.. (please..)” ..the last whispered in a somewhat beleaguered manner. Megumi and Eihwa respond by getting defensive. “No wait, I need to rescue my love from that evil Lind!”
“And I hear Tanako calling! Wait!”
Peorth just pushes them both with her, mostly done out of self preservation, distraction purposes. They'd be busy for a while.
Gate just shakes her head, standing at the top of a high pole, much to the chagrin of a few supposedly knowing better parents on below. Her sight of all of the following interpersonal events, just gives her a headache, instead of her normal enjoyment of experience.
“Relationships are all so complex.”
However just then, she sees one of the Eddas waving at her from near a hot dog booth, and Gate just responds by zipping out of sight of the wide-eyed mortals below. She appears next to.. “Uh.. number 4 is it?”
“Nay, number 2. And over here, quick!” ..as Gate is pulled towards a simplistic, and rigged, shooting game range booth. There the gathered Six just quip to her. “Guess who we just saw!”
Gate blinks. “Not Hild or Mara is it?”
“(x6) Nope, try the other end of that spectrum.”
Gate wonders, and wonders, and wonders some more, before then realizing, in her code-log archive for the day, a gate activation occurred as she was distracted by Keiichi's complaining about the traffic on the way here. (That and Takano's `ladylike' manner, that she shouted at it all.)
Gate mentally takes a belated look, and drops her JAW!
“That's impossible!!”
“(x6) Not any more.” ..the Poets croon back. However just before Gate can consider further, the implications of `Her' being here, a young `boy' leans in. “Pardon..” ..towards the Six. “(x6) Aye?”
“Do you ladies always do that?”
The Six react by giggling in various fashion, as Gate wonders who this interloper is. “(#5) Wow, a nice little boy we have here.”
“Sorry, my mom is pretty strict about that.” ..the kith replies back.
Gate shakes her head, but then blinks and gets a feeling this isn't coincidence. She can't finger why, and doesn't get much of a chance, when Edda #1 suddenly grabs the unnamed youth's arm and pulls him along without equal warning.
“(x6) Lets go over this way! Just for fun!”
“O.. ohkay.” ..the boy yelps, just as Gate is then yanked along by Edda #4!
“Hey!! Hey Wait! Why do I have to go?!?”
All she hears in response is the giggling from the Six. It gets infectious unto Gate rather fast, soon after.
And again a certain deity giggles further, as she turns eye back to the noted all around her now. They all indeed have become most interesting to observe.
The most since the origination of this world.
Belldandy looked around, and felt something, but didn't know just what though. Keiichi came up just then with a cone of Skuld's favorite addiction. “Here you go.” Bell just smiled back without fail. “Thank you dear.” ..and then took a nice lick. “Mmm.. tasty.”
Keiichi smiled, while Tanako made of light scene of Keima by sharing her own cone with him. He took his own slurp, but a good dribble dropped as he did so. “Dang it, it's so hot.”
Bell was about to chant a silent spell to help alleviate this, when a large shadow suddenly cast over much of the pier area. Keiichi then notes as soon as it does, the ice cream actually firms up, and the heat settles a touch.
“Eh?” ..he only blurts, as Bell realizes something else is afoot. The shadow of clouds that were not exactly natural to the senses.
“I felt that one.”
“Eh?” Keiichi repeats himself, as Takano comes up. “Dear golly, did it just get cooler abouts here?”
Keiichi and Keima just trade a blank look each, just as they have to scoot back, as the Six and Gate pass by on a giggling spree. Keiichi blinks.. “Gate is looking happy.” Bell however sees the extra soul that is with the utility goddesses and gasps.
“That's impossible!”
“What?” All three mortals spoke unto her as one. Bell turned to Keiichi and apologized.. “Excuse me for a moment dear.” ..and half-trotted/rushed after to verify her unfathomable suspicions. Meanwhile Takano just quips to Keiichi-kun. “That girl is sure strange.”
Keiichi just sighed. “Told ya it'd be like this.”
Keima just speaks, inspecting his uneaten cone. “Hearing, and seeing are two different things Kei.” ..before changing that status to the said cone. Keiichi soon does not see Bell in the crowd, though he doubts she's in any danger.
There are more troubling things of apparent, as Megumi manages to extricate herself from the gawk fest, Peorth dragged her and Eihwa into. The other mortal Morisatos see this as Megumi comes up, looking like she has a hangover.
“You okay there Megumi?” Keiichi asks, as Takano squints an eye. Megumi just drones out. “I don't get how those goddesses can take being so popular. I just think they don't see how shallow most guys are.
No offense big bro.” Keiichi dryly replies back. “Gee, none taken.”
Takano however takes up the role of teacher here, as she sees Megumi in that same somber mood again. Takano just slides on in. “Now look girl, all you need is lessons in how to handle them just like they do, while being completely heartless in your judgement of them, and have no regrets.
Come with me.” ..this as Megumi blinks. “Say what? Tanako?”
Keiichi blinks cock-eyed, just before Keima sees that he's alone with too many unfamiliar females around him. He just nervously announces.. “I'll be over there behind the girls.” ..and scampers off after Tanako. Keiichi yelps. “Wait a minute!”
He then realizes.. “I've been dumped! Good heavens.
Is this how Skuld feels sometimes?” ..he chuckles nervously, and can't seem to find anyone for a moment. That is until a friendly voice asks. “You okay my young Master?”
Keiichi looks to his left. “Gold dude?”
Imladris makes a `shh' sound and whispers. “Ignore me, didn't like seeing ya alone, but trying to avoid Lind and Eihwa for a moment.”
Keiichi just quips. “Uh, Eihwa is with Peorth, I think.”
Imlade blinks and looks up head taller and around, before seeing. “Oh, you're right milord.” ..just before Lind suddenly `nabs' him again! “Got you!”
“Eihwa...!? Oh, ah, Lind.”
Lind blinks, not realizing her leap brushes Keiichi back some towards the pier overhang. Keiichi however reacts with no ill, seeing how happy Lind is just to be all over her gold guy. He leans back onto the wood railing, getting a good look of this in, as apparently even this is not enough distraction to keep the Imlade from glancing to see if Keiichi is safe.
He wondered.. “Wonder if Bell and I will ever get like that.” ..he sighs, somewhat somberly. He thinks this as another woman steps up near him, to his left. He makes room, a bit difficult with the other side of him taken up by plenty of other people.
He looks around again to see where Bell went, when he hears. “Don't worry about her. She'll be back soon.”
Keiichi nods, but then blinks and looks to where he noted the woman that emerged nearby. “Uh, pardon?”
He then hears a giggle sound from the woman, something that reminds him of another the same, of one he holds desperately dear. Kei blinks, as Imlade notes where Kei is looking. However Lind defeats further examination, when she drags him back to where they were previously, quite far off to the end of the pier.
“Come on, I promise that white wench won't wear with us.. warily.”
Imlade just quips. “She shows sea shells by the sea shore?”
Keiichi meanwhile gets a better look at the strange woman, and sees some stark similarities he didn't expect to see. Ones he notes of certain details that are not on the other nearby females all around. Of one note, a forehead mark of small circle with four detached compass spokes, or some format there of. The cheeks with small triangles, just like...
..and a hair style and jewelry `just' like..
“Eh? Are you a...!?”
A finger to his lips, as the all too obvious of another goddess of note, simply compliments.. “My daughter chose very well indeed. Smarts and looks.”
Keiichi blushes as expected, and the goddess giggles again, drawing back to whence prior, one that looks fit for a Malibu beach, her golden mane and single silver one piece with a pink beach shirt, is the only real difference in look, between this one, and...
Keiichi looks over, as he sees to his mixed relief, and surprise, the one that is being compared, this as Belldandy drops her jaw!
He then sees Skuld nearby with Sentaro looking blankly on, with the same agape look on the younger goddess's face, before he realizes, and looks back at the smiling goddess beside, and thinks in shock.. Is this who and what I think she is?!?!
His thoughts are outright answered, as Belldandy easily composes herself with a grand smile. Skuld the same in fact in the same unintended cue. The new goddess present turns and gives the `same' look!
“Oh.. oh my..” ..Bell manages out, before she `and' Skuld rush unto, shouting.. “MOTHER!”
“Daughters!” ..the new goddess exclaims just as fast, much to the shock of more than a few around, Keiichi no less. (Sentaro looking not in as much in the loop, by experience.)
For a moment however, once the obvious truth sinks in, Keiichi just stops being surprised, and just enjoys the family embrace shown before him.
At least it's a better motherly reunion this time. He mentally quips.
Urd huffed, Skuld managing to elude her, as she kept shoving off some of the remainder of the ogling sets of eyes that trailed. However just before she heard it, she sensed a strange shiver suddenly overtake her. And then she saw the cloud shadow that suddenly appeared overhead.
Where was none really to be had.
Urd blinked and then heard her Sisters shout of joy.
She didn't feel very comfortable at that moment.
Just then, Eihwa and Peorth run up, leaving a trail of crying suitors once again. “Mon dieu! Urd, you won't believe...”
Urd just held up a hand and sighed. “I heard.” ..as she blandly saunters over before she's hunted down anyway. Eihwa looks and wonders. “Does this mean the obvious again?”
Peorth smirks. “...Oui.”
By now, most of the family crowd were gathered at the (somehow) available picnic table on the boardwalk, as Chihiro gawks at how `similar' Belldandy and this new goddess is! “Are you sure there isn't a mirror trick here?”
Skuld just snips.. “Get a brain girl. Where do you think my precious Big Sis got all her looks?”
Takano just blinks and leans in past Keiichi. “Gee oh my, I have gots to get the numbah of your stylist.”
Bell just smiles happily. “My mother was always special, even by Heaven's standards.” ..this said deity mother giggles in turn. “Oh please, you'll all make me blush. Oops, I just did.”
Keiichi half smiles, half twitters his left eye, as he professes. “Well you deserve it. Bell I bet got more than just looks from you as well.”
As the new goddess blushes again.. “Mortal flatterer.” ..as Takano hawks over Kei. “Hey! Where's my motherly compliments!?” Keiichi just dryly plops back. “If you'd let me honor you in name and more, I `would'.” ..which garners a headlock/noogie as punishment.
Megumi just asks in vein of everyone else present that is confused. “Uh...”
The goddess of note realizes.. “My manners most holy. If I may.” ..this Belldandy nods. The new goddess stands with her right hand over her cleav... uh, breast bone.
“I am the First Class, Type Three Unlimited, Permanent Special Authority Exemption License..
Keiichi, the one with the most, albeit haphazard, knowledge of the goddesses among them, quips out between his wincing pain. (Takano knows how to discipline.) “Wow, sounds quite.. ow.. powerful.”
Belldandy just beams out without really thinking about it. “Mother dearest is more than just our mother. She also is in charge of all creative elements over all creation, over all newborn worlds and civilizations. Through her, new civilizations are engendered, and then allowed to evolve from this, most never knowing ever of this truth.
But she oversees so much more, more than I can adequately address here.”
Chihiro quips in turn, oh so calmly.. “Must bring in one mighty paycheck.”
Frigurina just shrugs. “Well, someone has to put a goddesses touch to all those wondrous creations my husband produces constantly.”
Keima suddenly blurts in.. “Wait.. husband, you don't seriously mean.” ..with a quick nod back, which of course gives nice lumps of ice formed in mortal stomachs all around. Takano ends up letting Keiichi go, whom thumps down to the wood worn decking below. “Goooooooooooooooooooooolllliiiieee.”
“Tell me about it.”
Everyone suddenly looks as Urd, Peorth and Eihwa appear near the gathering, Urd the wary toned author of the statement. Bell looks and withholds her comments, Skuld looking a tic reserved, as everyone else watches Frigurina stand and give a steady nod, one Urd returns the same in near simult. However Urd just sweats bullets a bit, not sure what to say next.
She ekes out.. “So.. uh, how's Father?”
Frigurina however coughs, a trait somewhat Skuld like and all, as she frowns. Urd gulps and then sighs. “Yes Mother's Goddess?”
Another cough..
“You know Hild doesn't like me.....”
Another cough..
“But we really aren't.....”
Another cough..
Urd finally just yells. “Oh fine Mother! Hello Mother! Happy!!”
Everyone smiles off kilter, (save for Bell's natural version,) as Frigurina just gloms swiftly, and actually quite naturally. “Always dear daughter!”
Keiichi blinks and asks.. “Uh...” ..as Belldandy answers simply.. “Mother always saw Urd as her own daughter, from the moment she was adopted after Urd came to Heaven. Even though Urd tries to keep that relationship, the same as she does with Hild. Distant and all such.”
Skuld just sighs. “I'd rather keep it distant.” ..before Frigurina flicks a sudden hand on Skuld's melon, much to the amusement of the others. “Don't sound that way towards your elder Sister.”
Urd just rubs in. “Yeah, don't be mean.” ..which of course Skuld frazzles at. Which makes the next worse. “Mommy, Skuld-chan used another nasty-rude bomb on me today.”
Skuld just snap stands, making Sentaro fly to a landing ala Keiichi's.. “Don't you start making Mommy take sides again Urd!!”
Frigurina just looks over at Belldandy. “Did Urd get a shot back in likewise?”
Bell just nods, smiling. “As always.”
Frigurina just rubs Urd's white mane melon.. “Good girl.”
Megumi just quips over to Keiichi's head, just raised up over the page panel. “I thought we were bad about that.”
Keiichi just remarks back. “We have ages to go it seems. Eons too.”
Belldandy then wonders, in asking Frigurina.. “Pardon, but a query about the boy with the Six and Gate?”
Urd is dumped outright, ala Keiichi/Sentaro, much to Skuld's manic amusement, as the motherly goddess shoots in and fingers Bell's lips closed. “Shh, that's a Priority secret. Just trust your mother on this one.”
Bell blinks, which makes Keiichi `blink'. Frigurina just explains. “Just let them be. I thought my new stepson would be a proper distraction for the Eddas, after what happened with that Gate violation.” ..she then looks around. “Meanwhile of such, I hear we have new family to note. Been living to see him at last, another reason for moi being here.”
Bell chimes. “Oh yes, I believe Cousin is around here somewhere.”
“Oh, he's busy.” ..Frigurina then note to Eihwa in focus. “You will find him at the end of this pier. Better hurry in about a minute.”
Eihwa blinks.. “Mi scusi.” ..and shoots off in said direction. Peorth just blurts out. “Crétin! Get back here!!” ..as Peorth chases after to save Imlade's life unwittingly. Bell just asks plainly of her mother. “Pardon, but was that wise?”
Frigurina just chuckles and rubs her melon. “Sorry, you know me with my gift of foresight. And the meddling in fun relationships.”
Skuld just blandly remarks. “You call Lind, Eihwa's and Imladris's relationship fun?”
Frigurina just hops once happily. “Indeed. This vacation is going to be most fun.”
Three Norn sisters just exhale lightly in disbelief. Keiichi notes.. “Is this one of those: `Here we go again', moments?”
The watery view of the vast ocean beyond, was captivating to him. For her, holding him while he gazed, was equally as so. One she returned him to as she intended originally.
“A bit hazed for a nice view, if I may judge.”
Imladris chuckled at the Valkyrie melon, buried in his left pectoral. “Might as well be on fire, such is my first time with this viewscape.”
Lind then offered, nuzzle muffled in light tone.. “I can arrange that.”
Imladris just blandly-chuckle retorted. “And have a mass panic all around us?” ..actually imagining several hundreds of thousands in an anime mass panic. (Funny, if only in pure imagination, and kept well away from reality..)
Lind just giggled despite herself. “It'd clear out this beach at least.” ..before nuzzling in more with. “But then Almighty wouldn't care for that much.”
“Nope.” ..is all that is returned. And for a moment, the two feel the sun indelibly glowing down, the aura of romance deepen between them once more. One that is all too short lived, in the proper AMG/OMG tradition, this as the shout of.. “Amore mio! Tuo dea dell'amore è qui!!”
Peorth chasing behind, shouts. “Will you quit that dope!!”
Imlade yelps, as Lind ZIPS right in from of her personal charge! “Don't you blessedly DARE!!”
Eihwa just reaches and nabs an arm anyway! “But I do! It's my truth of existence!!” Lind starts trying to pull on the other arm.. “Find another truth!” ..as Peorth zips in and pulls at Eihwa in turn! “Let's go back to being mentally undressed over yonder!”
Meanwhile, Imladris is reminded why this is more painful than any similar torture device of similar creation, as such his YELPS of.. “My tendons! My spleen! My soul!!”
Meanwhile an elderly couple of many, many decades, nearby witness this `loving' chaos, as the lady elder remarks. “Oh, such to be of young love once more.” The elder Nippon male however remarks. “Not for much longer. Another hot dog dear?”
The elderly couple saunter off, leaving Imladris praying for `anything' but divine providence! “I'd like to keep my limbs please!!!”
Just then, a shout from nearby makes the four look, as a mother is crying with arm waving wildly downwards. “SATO!!” This causes a large number of onlookers to see a splash below, as a mother, father, and a sister shout down in terror.
Imladris and his celestial trio see all too quickly, as someone well under by now, has a wave swamp over before a head can resurface!
“Not good!” ..as Imladris on cue as Frigurina expected, never even needing to `see' it occur, reacts in outright habit of pure character, and a split second later, he leaps over, just as Lind shouts.. “We need to.. ah..?!” ..as he dives on down, to the shock of a LOT of onlookers!
Everything happens very fast, as Imladris fights the swamping current, to reach the semi-shocked and starting to drown boy of five, or so, and in split seconds of brute strength, nabs the so named Sato, and wrenches them both to the surface!
Peorth in that split second, shouts.. “He's folie morale!”
Eihwa croons in lovey fashion. “Sì, certo...” ..just before Lind makes the same leap, a split second after Imladris gets Sato to the surface! Eihwa looks in shock, as Peorth just plainly comments.. “Well, there went your chance Sœur.” Eihwa in turn whines lightly, knowing using spells openly was something she'd even chide vehemently against.
And she wasn't in as progressive as the two warriors now below, being cheered and all, were. Hence her sigh in dejected agreement with Peorth.
Meanwhile, Imladris sees Lind quickly, as another splash from a proper lifeguard follows. After being directed to a boating ladder and platform nearby enough, Lind keeping the unconscious Sato on Imladris's back, as he swam as balanced a manner as possible, the two watch more lifeguards and an EMT reach, and within minutes, all appear back topside, pier wise.
And then there was the thanks from Sato's family, as the boy was recovered, mostly from the shock of impact of the fall, while onlookers found a reason for new gossip. One happy ending later, (with a big fat talking too for the boy later,) and Imladris/Lind are drying off as some of their family rush on up!
Urd in the lead shouts.. “We just heard from Peorth!”
Imladris just smiles meekly as also in character. “Aye, the boy is alright.”0
“Wow, you just don't stop being a hero.” Chihiro chimes, as Lind offers. “And not likely ever.” ..this Imladris chuckles. “Hey, you helped milady.”
Lind blushes as the two stare for a longing moment. Keima of note, finally gives a look of much, much less distrust than he had kept bottled up prior. Everyone else just gives what was due, as a bystander comes up with two juice bottles. “Here. A present for your troubles.”
After gratefully taken, Imlade just comments. “Good lifeguards around here too.” ..Keiichi notes.. “They are usually busy around here, this time of year.” ..just then, one said lifeguard comes up. “Thank you stranger.”
Imladris just takes the handshake, and offers. “And thank you for the guidance.”
All this of course gets more than just one set of admiring gazes, with more than just thanks on their mind. One comes first however, as Belldandy offers.. “Congratulations, your training served you very well.”
Imladris keeps up his off handish manner... “And if not for certain training beforehand.”
“You are too humble, fair hero.”
Lind is shocked at the voice, as Imladris, not realizing as much as he should, both look at the appearance of the motherly goddess. Lind on cue rises outright, which Frigurina holds a hand up, to prevent mysterious titles from the ears of others too focused at present. Lind just nods, and gives Imladris a look.
As does the Motherly goddess...
“Holy light.”
Skuld quips.. “Nice one.”
Frigurina and Belldandy share a giggle, as Imladris realizes whom just presented herself unto him. Frigurina just replies after.. “Not often you get to see a Higher Seat of the Council on thus elder burg of a plane.”
“More like once in ten Ages at a microscopic minimum of all space-time.” Imladris just plainly puts. Urd just sighs in kind. “Strange how such things come from a catalyst.”
Keiichi just rolls his eyes. “And yet you keep staying down here.”
Urd just snips back. “And whom helped make that magic warding circle, back in chapter forty-seven?”
Frigurina just sighs out loud. “You know, that mess back then messed up some very delicate genetic emplacement calculations, when that ward crashed Intracel?” ..which three Norns and a main character mortal just gulp reflexively. “..just so you know.”
Megumi just sighs... “Keiichi-kun knows how to make messes.”
“Maybe I should tell that secret you told me as kids.”
Megumi gasps, but Takano beats him to the punch. “Oh, I know all about your various messes.” ..which Megumi blinks. “Eh?” ..and Keiichi.. ”Oh great.” Frigurina then comment adds... “We can trade notes from the ones my daughters made.”
Bell/Urd/Skuld: “Mom!”
Imladris blinks.. “This doesn't sound particularly appealing a subject.” Lind just keeps her thoughts to herself on this matter. Chihiro as well in fact..
Bell changes the subject in a nice and smooth fashion, with.. “So, Mother dearest, how long will you be here with us?”
Frigurina just fingered her chin. “Hmm.. not sure. Haven't had a real vacation from creationism for a few Eras now, so I got a lot of back time here, vacation wise..
..guess as long as you want be to stay.”
Bell just happily claps, as Urd and Skuld moan and eye each other mentally.. Long haul it seems.
Keiichi just offers.. “Our place is open and all to stay at.” Frig nods in compliment, though Chihiro notes.. “Um, aren't you guys running out of room? Even for a place that size and all.”
Frigurina just giggles on deliberate cue, and picks a small tubule from her rather extravagant earring seals. Everyone notes as she puts it.. “Not a problem good mortals. My trans-dimensional habitation unit. In a handy carry along size.”
Bell looks, and compliments. “Guess we only need a small area to put it.” Keiichi and the other mortals just look in confusion, as Imladris started guessing where it would end up, around the Temple of note. After some light banter between the lot of them, Chihiro just commented. “We ever going to check out that park there?” ..put with a thumb towards the amusement park of nearby note.
Imladris put at that moment to ask. “Um.. where'd Gate and the Six annoyances get to?” ..this Frigurina clips her tubule away, and quickly snips in Skuld-esc fashion. “Nevermind that, you have a couple of goddesses to show around.”
Imladris blinks, just as Lind beats Eihwa to the divine punch. “Let's try that Ferris wheel!”
Imladris is quickly dragged off, as Eihwa shouts. “I heard plural in that commandment! Wait up!” ..and scampers off. Peorth groans like a dying cow, and chides.. “Migoddess, mighty and all the same..”
Frigurina just waggles a finger. “Careful, there's a lot of mortal suitors that I can garner attention..”
Peorth shoots off so fast, Keima almost lost his trunks! “Sœur!! Wait up!!” ..as Urd blinks weirdly. “Peorth `not' wanting attention?”
“I know Troubadour's code string.”
“MOTHER! I don't need that twit all over me!” ..this Urd snips at a hair blown back Council goddess, to the anime eye pipping of the onlooking mortals.
Skuld just leaps near Sentaro and snatches his hand. “Don't let her near me.”
“Ergh, so many damn mortals.”
Mara is always like this in large crowds, not much of a relief for a day off from a CEO's demanding... everything. She just walks around in her normal biker like bad fashion. (Both alignment, and fashion taste sense.) As a result, the heat isn't all that peachy to her demonic mood, as she tries to find a reason to not be bored.
It's not working.
“Maybe making all these mortals fight each other, will make me feel.... YEEK!” ..just as she's spun around by a passing gold blur! (Not even needing armor apparently..)
“Excuse me!”
Mara spins several times, and only slows enough, just in time for.. “Sorry Mara!” ..as Lind shoots by, after Imladris freaked again by being torn in thrice-twain, as Mara starts to feel sick. It's not helped as Eihwa rockets by! “Mi scusi Mara!”
Peorth makes for a final tryst of this.. “Pardonnez moi Mara!” ..before said demon, all green faced and such, stumbles awkwardly around for a bit. She holds at her mouth just long enough.. “Oh.... -ugh- ....damn...” ..and finds a trash can, much to the nausea of a bunch of onlookers.
“This way you two.”
Skuld and Urd squirm and squeal in protest to their mother's `handling' of them. “Mom! I can't let Keiichi lay a finger of Big Sis!”

“And I can't let them out of sight where I can't see them!”
Sentaro blinks as Chihiro prods him forward. “Better keep Skuld occupied as well. Urd, who cares.”
“I heard that!!”
Keiichi and Bell just wave warily, just before Takano announces. “Well, I'll just make Keima treat me to a good time.”
Keiichi blinks, as Megumi also announces. “I'll take Chihiro and go play some arcades.”
“Racing games or bust!” ..a continuously quirky Chihiro remarks, as within moments Keiichi and Belldandy find themselves quite alone. Keiichi just smiles at Bell in normal, reserved fashion. “Guess we're all alone.”
Bell just smiles, but sighs out. “Mother's influence is absolute apparently.”
Keiichi as a result gulps and rubs his hair. “Uh, if that means you don't like what's happening.”
He feels a hand take his, and cup it to her breast. (Guess what façade Keiichi has, at that moment.) “An opportunity we shouldn't waste, however. No?”
Keiichi just smiles back. “Nope.”
Belldandy has been pulling Keiichi around a lot as of late, no?
-Cue some pretty darn good AMG/OMG fun-romantic flitsy tunes.-
The cute, romantic fling is flowing-flooding the air.
Bell and Kei end up starting off with a trip to the ancient tradition of `Hit the Bell', that ol thing with the hammer and all. Keiichi did well on the initial swing, (before Bell playfully helped out.) Then a skim past the shooting range, where they ended up meeting Imladris and Lind, with Eihwa in soon tow.
The proprietor had to shoo the lot off, after Keiichi and Imlade all but shot out the place in a mini-competition, and four big prize cat plushies were won.. (two for Lind after Eihwa got the second he won. Bell's was the biggest version though.) From there, they all end up at a merry-go round, with Bell happily holding onto Keiichi, to his chagrin when other couples vocally expressed how cute it all was.
Not so much as Lind and Eihwa kept fighting for the best spot to glom poor Imlade.
The spirit of this fettered to the bumper cars, as Lind and Eihwa kept smacking into each other to keep each other away from Imlade. Bell and Keiichi however kept more teaming up on poor Imlade, and by chance, Chihiro and other rabid bumper car purveyors.
Bell and Keiichi then ended up crossing paths with Takano and Keima, and ended up sharing cotton candy and a nice story of Keima and Takano in one of those camera arcades with the cut outs one's stick their heads through.
The Ape and Jane one was funny with Keima as `Jane'.
Keiichi commenting on the Ape one, ended up with him running for his life from Takano. Keima and Bell just follow, and all lose each other, prior to the better halves finding their lesser male versions. This as the afternoon began to wane.
Skuld and Sentaro were shooed off by Frigurina, as Urd spent time with the step-motherly goddess, and found that life was still as fun as Urd remembered those times in the ancient past. Some things for goddesses, are indeed timeless.
Skuld and Sentaro meanwhile ended up repeating everything Kei and Bell did about an hour earlier, as by the time they noticed the dusk sky, Skuld had a smaller plush to call her own, and a proprietor was wondering if Sentaro was with the other two shooters from earlier. (Heh, if he only knew.)
Urd eventually comes across Frigurina, as she found Peorth taking advantage of more admirers, which soon after, Urd lost track of where her Mother (step-wise) went to. Unbeknownst, a wife goddess major wasn't to be alone as the night began to creep across the sky.
Chihiro and Megumi play their own racing games, and become terrors of the bumper car scene, before they just gab about their various viewpoints about things, the men in their lives not left out. No drinking this time, since Megumi didn't want her folks seeing her drunk.
And Chihiro had to drive. (Take note kids..)
Eventually, the stars would take hold, and more on whim of `the' celestial whim of note, the stars were very much sparkling this eve.
And couples in love of note, were not remiss on the chance.
Bell trot runs with her hand holding fast to an equally laughing Kei's, as they reach near a fountain, set at near the entrance of the well kempt beach side park, amusement or otherwise. This as Belldandy chimes.. “This is so much fun.”
Keiichi in chuckling mode, replies. “Yeah, isn't it great?”
Bell looks up at the stars, as they peer through the atmospheric layer, twinkling in the lavender-blue deep of the sky. “How beautiful.” ..Keiichi notes and looks up, giving one of those majestic couples poses for a double page layout of the duo, a few other couples just off the sides of the pages.
“Yeah.” ..Keiichi just says.
He finds his hand readily taken once more in unexpected, and silent fashion.
Keiichi looks, as Bell keeps a soft hold.
And for once, as eyes lock. Keiichi just quips out more naturally than he anticipated. “Wow, I have been so lucky.”
Bell blushes dearly, and so does Kei when she gloms right into him.
“No. It has been I that has been truly blessed.”
He couldn't help the beam of innocent pride upon his façade, before she looked at him again. This time, nice and dangerously close.
Skuld thought she should be feeling something, the lit arcades of all kinds passing by, it so seemed. But her hand felt something else, as Sentaro just found himself not letting go. (Or she wasn't either, neither was sure, or both `were' so..) Skuld just commented defensively to Sentaro. “I hope you're having a good time.”
Sentaro just beams back. “Only if you are.”
Skuld feels her heart `thump', a most unused to feeling, and one she felt ready to run away from.
And yet, while not daring to lose what was easy to grasp.
Skuld just huffed, but lightly toned back. “And if I am?”
“Then this is all a blast.”
That sounded quite... longing...
The fading sunset cast their shadows very long, before they became one upon the wooden plans behind them.
Keima saw Takano in the light of a pink neon light, off of a silly, and tall at that, crane machine, one that was all too large and gaudy for it's own good, and made mostly good for gawking into, such as how Takano was hence looking, and catching the highlights in her hair.
The same he remembers so many years ago, at the `last' amusement park he was at, before...
Takano eyes over and easily interprets the look in her Keima's eye.
“Is that a pick-up line, my invincible one?”
Keima almost felt a flutter in his heart, sometime long disused to feeling. The games of the young passing him by long ago.
Keima just fished in his pockets.. “Wonder if I can win ya something.”
He feels a hand take his as he's fishing, and a voice that accompanies.. “You already did.”
Their eyes flutter, as...
“You left them alone?”
Eihwa smiled. “Sì, certo.”
Peorth blinked as Urd, the lot of them sparsely surrounded by the hardiest of the desperate, commented... “So you gave up on our hero?”
Eihwa just flung her gorgeously white hair and only replied. “For now. After an understanding was reached.”
Peorth just shook her head, as she plucked a pink rose from another all too desperate.. “Ça alors, the games will never end, no?”
Eihwa smiled. “Not on my watch. But I know whom the heart belongs.”
Lind was shocked, but only so much, as she heard the willing and truthful admission from her all too pushy White rival of Tests. This as Imlade was shooed off by them both, to get them all a smoothie like drink for the trio, Lind had then originally planned to lay down the lover law of her possessiveness for `her' Hero of Heaven.
That was before... “I know I can't win.”
Lind for a moment, just held her tongue, as Eihwa professed, making sure Imladris was well out of earshot. “I know, and accept as much as the rest of our kin, of his choice in full truth of heart. No one of Heaven dares dispute how much in love he is in, with you.
You've grown quite powerful and strong because of it. It easily shows dea terrestre.”
Lind hesitated, and then just nodded. “I never expected to feel this way. I still think it is a dream. I readily admit how selfish I am about it, only though to ensure I love him for all merit he deserves of me.”
“I would too if given the same chance.”
Lind heard, as Eihwa professed then and there. “I.. Eihwa of Test and of Heaven, love our mutual Lord in Title, as equal in truth and fierce passion, as you do. I do not deny this.
I also do not deny there are others that love him `just' as deeply. Hero's like him are as rare, as the mortal's like him are. And anyone that can best Lord Thor's fancy and tests, and become a respected pillar for both sides of the Ash Tree, garners yet even more with each passing displacement.
Time and heart beat alike.”
Lind hears this, and her shock is utterly deep. She then realizes, not that she should change her feelings on the matter, but rather that she didn't realize how much the same others would feel.
She thought she `would' be the only one, the only one that would have his heart, all alone. She thought any other such, would only go so far as how Urd, Skuld and Peorth felt for Keiichi. Now that was folly to believe beyond fantasy now, it so seemed.
“I don't know.... if I can accept that.”
“Of course not. A Valkyrie so proud shouldn't so easily.”
Lind gave a dour look. “It's not of my status you should speak of.” Eihwa blinked, and listened, as Lind professed all her own. “I fear if I allow others in too far, I would feel I am not doing enough, to give full trust to our love.”
Eihwa really became surprised her own in regard, when Lind added.. “So many others gave their hearts to him, long before I did. I took so long, because of all my various distrusts, and felt the burn of loss when after that first battle with Caceroth. I made the wall broader and thicker when he lost his memory. I didn't want to let him in. I didn't want to feel a pain I couldn't combat with my own Axe.
I don't... understand why, I still don't... I don't... why he gave me his heart, when I wasn't ready for such. When I actively was disdainful of him for a time, when there were so many other goddesses to choose from. Ones that had no ill to withhold, if he simply asked of them instead. Like you Eihwa. Like of so many much more kind and soft than I ever will be.”
Lind sighed, not the one to cry, indeed to her proud nature. Eihwa took it all in, as she added.. “I.. I'm afraid. I'm afraid now, that if I lose him, it will be because I haven't loved him as much as he deserves. That if I don't bear my entirety unto him, he'll grow displeased with me. It seems, I am so incredibly dependant on him now, to hold what I wanted for so long, even when I did not.
And to lose him now, is beyond unbearable.” ..she sighs greatly, her chin now on a nearby leaned on wood guardrail. “He professed to me so openly. Now you are doing the same of him.
All I can do is say how jealous of it all, that I am. And yet he still gives unto me without fail.
“You sound like him.” ..this Lind looked over, as Eihwa went from rival, to celestial shrink in one smooth phrase. (All such anime love rivals take note, for the health of many a ship or planet resided upon.) Eihwa looked and calmly explained. “If I was to hazard a guess, something indeed hazardous unto a Valkyrie, you think `you' aren't worthy of him.
He'd love to hear that.”
Lind smirked, and then looked deep within. Bearing a soul isn't a light matter.
“He saved my life, that day of Invasion so long ago. I have never forgotten it. I have never forgotten it.”
Eihwa watches in amazement, as Lind reaches for her right cheek mark, and softly draws out a glowing orb, one most beautiful and quite intricate, set in the Intracel code standard, rotating within upon itself gently. The soft aura of white-blue, was matched by the intensity of pure white within the highly detailed code strings. She cradled it, and Eihwa smirked at what it was.
It was too obvious.
“I held that actual memory of that moment in pure code, ever since the day he lost his memories. I swore beyond all measure, I'd remember for him.
It was almost too long a time since then, but when I saw him again during the Crisis, this began reminding me again. It has it's own will after so long. But prior hand, it was `the' anchor that would keep me going, in all those lonely days in training sessions, and brutal regimens. The days he wasn't near for me to gain strength from.
And yet despite, I still would forget at times anyway. I am ashamed of that. The focus on bringing Cool Mint out, and then my first mission here when Tenshigui tricked me here.” ..Lind stopped and chuckled at herself lightly, as she rolled the Spell Orb, a celestial equivalent to a demonic Curse, as she realized she was being too somber.
Eihwa leaned over her shoulder, their mutual hair of length meshing together as Lind eye glanced over her left at her.
Eihwa took a good look `inside' the orb, and saw the moment Lind cherished, like a mortal with a picture in a locket. The saving move that Imladris made as Caceroth had her, and them all incapacitated. Lind least of all at that moment, realized how indelible an impact that moment had on her. She then finished.. “Now with reality set in, this is my reminder of what I cannot bear to lose. I'm sorry, but I won't, nay to goddess, demon, or mortal alike.
Even if it is harsh, it is my truth.”
She looked deeply into the orb, swimming in the memory, enraptured by the memory, not because she was saved as the imagery shown within, but because by whom. The one moment she realized how far she had already fallen for the knight lord. How shaped her life had become, how longing it had all turned.
So many things that were so little known by all around, most of celestial make. So much the better Lind secretly held to heart.
Eihwa just sighed and smiled, and then quipped.. “What's in the other cheek?”
“The Confession, what else.”
Eihwa nodded, and rubbed her right cheek into Lind's left. “And you doubt yourself? My my, such poor form.” ..and drawing away.. “....something I never would have thought of conducting, and even with my own special memory at that.
Eihwa drew fully away, and then noted on approach, then took a light step away from Lind, as she saw Eihwa approach a laden Imlade, deftly carrying three slushies. He saw Eihwa and gulped, as Lind quickly (and needlessly,) turned away, and replaced the memory orb into her right cheek mark with a blush to boot.
Imladris meanwhile decried.. “Oh, not again!” ..and was surprised when all Eihwa did, was grab one of the slushies. “Grazie infinite.” ..and then make a light twirl of fingered spell power, and `poofed' the other two Styrofoam cups into a large single one, much to his.. well, ya'll know..
“Remember, sharing a drink is indirect kissing. Ciao.” ..as Eihwa simply left. Imladris, cock-eyed, watches her go, as he takes a slurp of the combined drink. He looks at it after..
“Hmmm.. Mint pineapple strawberry banana orange. Interesting combo. Where'd the chocolate go to?” ..he notes, and shrugs, coming up unto seeing a `very' enamoured eye, look unto him back. He just offers.. “Quite sorry, didn't think Eihwa would do this.”
Lind just simply took the cup, and made a good slurp of the concoction. She lip smacks a couple of times, before she offers.. “So, this is what love tastes like.”
Gee golly, the blush he had just then.
Peorth `really' gave Eihwa a look. “I can't believe you did all that.” Eihwa just shrugged. “Call it a loan, I'll be over to collect soon enough.” ..this Peorth just blandly eyed her childish sister, as far as she was concerned.
Peorth however just steered things back to her own sense of impropriety. “Shalt we return to breaking hearts? No idea when we'd be going home at this rate anyway. Where'd Urd get to anyway?” Peorth looked around, as she found sight soon thereof, of a goddess-major nearby...
..and someone... “-GASP-!”
Eihwa bonked Peorth in the head. “Do it louder, maybe your code string will pop.” ..just before Peorth points. “Is.. is... isn't that.... that... with... with....”
Eihwa looks, and doesn't see Frigurina, or whomever else Peorth is gabbing about, however major a sight Peorth indeed did see. Eihwa just quips after.. “I think those rose fumes are messing your code, girl.” Peorth just decries.. “But I just saw... I swear...!”
Eihwa bonks Peorth nice and keen. “Poor form. Goddess don't swear, especially high class First types, such as us.”
Peorth rubs her melon, and keeps some `more' choice language, under her muttering.
Nothing simpler than a park bench, this one, one of those well made architectural types with a small name plate, as someone's paid mark on the world. Here it's use was that as Lind acted awful un-Valkyrie like, girly and all that, as she held her hand clenched pose about a meter away from a star gazing mortal love.
“Oh my, the stars are really shining this eve.”
Lind blushed, taking cue. “You need better focus.” ..and draped her self in one `smooth' motion, all over him. He saw, obviously, and gulped.. “O.. or just a different one.”
A held moment in each other's eyes, just before a bunch of endless running peds trample by without warning. This as they are interrupted by the sight of Six, one Gate, and a strange boy still amongst them. Lind saw this and blinked.. “M.. my.. don't they have an energy cap or something?”
Imladris however saw the boy, and for a split moment, saw eyes lock, and he felt weirded all out, as his own mind seemed to echo and swim though two different sets of eyes, things he couldn't understand yet, just before it all snap-stopped and shot all back to reality focus..
Lind saw as Imladris blinked a few dozen times.
“Di... did I just.... what did I just...”
Lind looked back, but the boy and the utility goddesses were already gone. Lind realized however this might be what Frigurina was keeping sa lid on, and besides..
..this as she turns her head back, and nabs his in turn. “Hey, I said `focus'.”
“Oh.. o.. okay.”
Frigurina smiled, knowing that many hearts were in tune at this moment. And her hand was no less occupied. She was sure surprised when her company came down without notice. The Core Secretarial Section must be going lower-lifeform ape right about now.
Not that she cared, and such as He intended....
...at least before...
Mara frazzled, having taken all day to find the perfect spot to make her revenge for the day, now night, most sweet to her. (And more in line with the manner from the early volumes of the series, in fact..)
“I'll show those goddesses what it means to mess with me on my fricken day off!!” ..as she looked down from on top of a large statue of some kind, dark from not being used. Her hand sparkled with hex energy, one meant to cause random havoc and mess with the sappy mood she was sensing all around her.
At least before...
“Mommy!” ..Mara heard, and looked down, some few dozen meters. This as a kid came up and pointed. “This is the statue!”
Mara blinked.. “Eh?” ..just before she heard. “Alright, time to start her up!”
Mara wondered just long enough, before a proprietor below, flipped a switch, just after getting 15 yen, for the right to look at the largest lucky cat statue in Chiba prefecture, on display at the park for two weeks only!!
It glowed so bright, meowed so mightily, and made the kids below so happy.
And Mara... poor Mara.
“Did someone just scream in pain?”
Chihiro and Megumi looked around, not seeing the allergic meteor-like flame splashing off behind them in the ocean. They shrugged, as Megumi looked at another passing male of decent looks. She shrugged, and wondered.. “When will it be my turn?”
Chihiro notes this and shrugs. “Hey, don't rush it. The right guy will find you.”
Megumi looked over sidelong at Chihiro, and replied.. “Oh? Where's yours at then?”
Chihiro just coughs and replies sheepishly. “I'm too busy building bikes for all that.”
Megumi smirks. “Wish I was that busy.”
“I can use another pair of hands.”
Megumi smirked. “I'll think about that.”
Chihiro just smiled, shrugged, and let it stay like that. Hardly the type to prod. Not with the calm mood of the ocean to soothe by.
Course what happened next, killed such inquisitive thoughts anyway.
Five couples all around the park, found romantic reason to give into the urge that could only be satisfied, one in Keiichi's case, long wanted to experience again. Skuld for her part, a first timer. Lind just too outright wanting. Takano long practiced.
And Frigurina no less enamoured..
..and all equally...
YOU WANT TO PAY ME, HOW MUCH, FOR WHAT!?!?!” -Urd-FAT-bolt strike quickly after-
The level of tone was so loud, Skuld outright smacked her head unintentionally into Sentaro's. Bell and Keiichi leapt into each other's arms in abject fear. Keima leapt a nautical mile up, and Imladris felt his eyes expand like balloons!
Frigurina and.. (gee..) ..Him, were even caught greatly off guard.
A split second after recovering, about everyone named in this series just said one thing, wherever they were.
That's our Urd.”
“What the Light was..”
His head didn't make a full turn to the source of the noise, such was her redirection n hands, to her lips..
Pretty much everyone was gathered near where Urd was still huffy as all heck. Skuld just chided as usual. “I think you broke all the windows in this country with that one.”
Urd just miffed back. “The nerve of that devolved mortal, thinking I was worth that much for a one night stand. I mean the `nerve'!”
Keiichi just eye jittered, still hearing a ring in his ears. (..and just about everyone else with normal eardrums, in a six nautical mile zone.) “At least you had a good reason for making us all deaf.”
“What'd ya say boyo?” Takano shouted, Keima still trying to get any hearing at all back, bonking his head like so.
Frigurina just sighed blandly. “Your standards, if not your propriety, are at least in regard.”
Urd just spouted back. “You kidding? A high class goddess like me is worth five times what the dope offered. I mean really, at least offer what I'm truly worth.”
A lot of rolling eyeballs, as.. “Zilch more like.” Peorth droned back, an d nearly caused the ruin of the amusement park, such how Urd in restraint by Chihiro. Keiichi just winced, chuckling nervously, as he gave a glance to those around him, including one with an eye patch. He looked away, blinked, and looked again, seeing only empty space on the double take.
Bell just looked. “What is it dear?” ..this Keiichi just chuckled. “Uh.. n.. nothing. Nothing I guess.”
Frigurina however gave a good cupped giggle. Her sight wasn't so obscured, and hence not absent either. Still, she was silent in admiration of Keiichi's growing ability of sight, and the fact that he `had' seen correctly.
Now how to properly meld these two to their own liking. She silently thought, knowing Keiichi was too good a commodity to overlook nowadays.
Chihiro however on glancing, not seeing quite as well, did of note. “Aren't we missing someone?”
Keima noted as well. “Someones.. “
A scene in as much romantic, as it is uneasy to see for unknown reasons, as the group lot home in on Bell's and Frig's clairvoyant sense of direction, to where the last two of the party, grown-up in nature at least, were found.
And in so finding, uttered by Bell's accenting voice.. “Oh my.”
Frigurina smirked, as much them all, as the sight of Lind completely drawn all upon Imladris's bodily form, kissing him so deeply, nothing else existed in the multiverse to them at that moment.
Eihwa frazzled a bit, as Peorth commented.. “Mon dieu, how long have they been like that?” ..as she looked over and FRAZZLED at the sight of Urd and Eihwa taking notes quickly soon after.
“We can make a best selling tome back in heaven about this stuff.” Urd quipped, before Frigurina flicked a finger, and a swirl of cloud shot in, and nabbed the `pen' out of Urd's hand.
“Now be respectful dear.”
Urd.. “What about Eihwa?”
“Not my daughter.”
Skuld just poked a demented looking Urd. “Poor fake Sis.” ..Urd just stamped her feet nice and hard.
As such just then, Lind realizes the presence of others and breaks open an eye lid toward the others, and sighs soon after doing so.
“Sorry, having fun?” Keiichi offers, a bit jealous his chance was interrupted again.
Imladris hears `that' and looks over.. “Oh.. wha?! Yipe!”
Eihwa just huffs.. “Just like a knight to take advantage of a damsel.”
Half the other goddesses just quip... “Lind is a damsel?” ..in response. Lind just replied back.. “He earned the privilege.”
Imlade just eked out.. “Where am I exactly?”
“Earned interest charge it would also seem.” Urd remarked.
Imladris was left to endure more laughter. Lind didn't care, her hands clenched on his thin shirt was evidence enough of this.
A demonic moan as she thumped the basement door open, only made Hild break an eyelid open.
“Huh, I guess you can't handle a day off girl.”
Mara just sighed, flaking off some allergic-crispy skin. “This land has too many damn lucky charms.” ..this as she slumps over and down the same onto a couch most ragged.
Hild just tossed aside a manga of the artist she'd soon be reaping `other' rewards from, from her midair lap, and asked. “So, anything interesting?”
Mara just remarked. “The usual crew, one of those sickening days of romance at the beach, as well as playing me for a fool.
Oh, and your `rival' is here too.”
Hild cocked her eye, ever so slightly. Her level tone was not so level, if one listened to it too deeply.
“So I see.”
She fiddled behind her, and found a circular object, one most red in the shadows of the new hideout. She flipped it open, and saw one of a multitude set of complex hands and time keeping apparatuses, flick a notch further unto the watch.
“Hmm.. three more days.”
Mara gave a bland look.. “..till what?” ..with Hild just rolling her eyes and picking up an innocent looking bottle. “Oh shut up and drink this.” ..so tossed to Mara.
And so opened without inspecting first, just as a POOF of mist explodes out from the bottle, and Mara sees a familiar sight of a tiny man she knows only means trouble!
Hild just yawns and stretches, as Mara is assaulted by all sorts of bad luck, pans, buckets, mops, whatever is loose around and can be stumbled into, like some bad cartoon skit. Hild just admonishes. “That's for an unauthorized attack you tried today.
Like we need the goddesses on guard for what I am about to ruin unto them.”
Hild just ignores the pleading screams of unholy mercy from Mara, as Senbei does his `happy' dance, (Still disturbing and all..) ..this as Hild shakes her head and picks back up the manga she tossed aside.
“Still don't see why she uses that thing, tiny and disturbing.”
-That night-
“Woo, I'm bushed.”
Takano's announcement pretty much sums up the mutual theme for mortal and goddess alike, as they all drag in, bodies and possessions alike. Even Bell is good and tired, as she had to use her powers to help keep Keiichi the chauffeur awake on the home trip.
Frigurina was no less, not used to using her powers on mortals just yet. At least they all made it home.
Not all of them made it inside though. Not even Lind and Imlade were unaffected, the day having been so fun, the intensity just burned energy from them all. Some like the utility goddesses just ended up sleeping just outside beyond the doorway. The warriors just at the top of the Temple steps.
Everyone else barely said enough of good night, before collapsing in small bundles all along the hallways, to the TV room.
Kind of a bland end to an Act.
..this act `part' that is..
(End Act VIII-a)