Ah My Goddess Fan Fiction ❯ Valkyrie's Knight ❯ Act VIII - B ( Chapter 9 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Oh My Goddess! - Valkyrie's Knight
Act VIII-b
Keiichi just sat there, with at least one cup that was still intact. He was thankful for the short moment of chaos around him, that his morning tea survived. He took a slurp, as he saw the goddesses having a good spat over what happened a moment prior.
It was quite the scene.
“Wow, cool Mom!”
Frigurina smiled. “Yup, time to show the skill of a High Council goddess! Now I need a simple door that can adapt a second dimensional existence. Someone here will be freaked out for awhile.”
Urd/Skuld/Peorth/Eihwa just announce outright. “Use Keiichi's door.”
Keiichi of course just sighs. “What a surprise.” ..and picks up his tea cup. Belldandy in turn adds with pride. “It's an honor to have my mother use your door for her needs.”
Keiichi blinks. “Hope that sounded right.”
Lind and Imlade each just add further. “Indeed, the only mortal in this existence to have such bestowed.”
“Aye, just say aye. What could happen?”
Keiichi just grabs at Imlade's shirt collar suddenly. “Never say things like that around here!”
Imladris just smirks back. “You `have' been around them a lot.”
Frigurina just picks her earring tubule and one hand juggles it, in her right hand. Bell just pleads. “Please dear? I promise everything will be alright.”
Keiichi just melts on the spot. “Oh, ah.. sure.. (..I'm weak.)”
Frigurina only complimented. “Remind me to make some alone time for you two later. I'm good like that.” Urd just cheers this, as Skuld decries.. “No! Bad idea mother!”
The look from `mother' in response to this, just makes Urd all happy as beans. “I like that trait.”
Frigurina just flips the tubule in the air. “I also like her mecha ideas. I'm taking Banpei for a spin later to check current mortal technology.”
Urd sighs as Skuld beams. “The electronics shop likes catering to me these days.”
Imladris meanwhile leans in unto Bell. “Is this such norms?”
“Replete.” Belldandy just smiles. Frigurina is distracted by this for a split second, just as the tubule starts falling. Frigurina spouts.. “Normal is how you.. ah? Eeek!” ..everyone `notes' as the tubule misses on the initial downswing, Frigurina wildly grabbing for it..!! “It's active!! Catch it! Catch IT!!” ..as Keiichi and Imladris see a good number of hands lunge, grab at, smack each other's hands, and more, as Bell tries to anticipate where the tubule will fall, as it bumps and flies amid all the flurry of hands!
She makes a good lunge.
..but so does Lind in that moment!
Their hands hit each other's, just below, the remaining goddesses doing likewise below theirs.
Keiichi looks as Imlade makes a last deft grab. “Got it!” ..but so does Frigurina a last! “Ah!!”
The tubule as a result, bounds off their hands, and towards the hallway, where Velsper rounds the corner, and sees it before he/she can react! “Wha..?”
Frig shouts! “Nay!!” ..as Velsper reacts to biological imperative, and bats the tubule outright on hitting his/her head! The tubule then just bounds back further into the hallway!
“Oh snap.” Frig only has time to say, before a H*U*G*E* temporal inversion field begins violently expanding outwards, with a LOUD sound accompanying!!
“RUN!!” ..is her last...
Keiichi just slurped, as the goddesses (even Bell in a fashion,) got their manic arguing out of the way, Imladris standing nearby, out of the verbal fire line, commenting.. “You were right Milord.”
“-slurp- Told ya..”
As it was understood, it was essentially a format that the Quantum Space Expander used, except the tubule borrowed from a single second of already elapsed time, from ALL parallel time lines already used and past, to expand them all for the space desired, essentially recycling entropic time for this unique version of an expander. One that took a LOT of power to control and harness.
One that went quite out of control for a split second, as about six years worth of seconds, expanded into the hallway, and blew the Temple grounds into kibble-bits! All in a second, and all quite spectacular to see, as Keiichi sighed within the shield the mutual First Classes threw up as they all moved to a more open spot of now ruined temple ground, debris raining down lightly.
All in all, a more spectacular morning, and one Keiichi didn't even cry about.
He had expectation, as Frigurina commented with hands clapping. “Enough goddesses, we need to clean up.”
Bell just hopped. “Oh, I wanted to see you cast a spell today.” ..this Frig beamed back. “Well I still need a door after all.”
Keiichi, expecting that, stood and blew a whiff of water vapor from his still warm tea, as Frigurina simply twirled her hands, and only chants.. “: Repair and remuster to whole and One! :”
Now Keiichi was impressed, as every last atom of the temple suddenly went from ruin to paradise, in all of about... oh... four seconds.
Hey, the goddess liked taking time to do things right.
Keiichi just applauded.. “Wow.”
“Agreed.” Imladris consented, as everything was made whole, as it was and all moments prior. The last time something this powerful was seen, was after Bell, unSealed, after the Lord of Terror fiasco, used her power to repair the `then' ruined temple grounds.
And `this' was with Frig's power still Sealed.
Yup, go `wow', all you like.
Keiichi and Imlade did that, as they clapped readily. Frigurina did so, as Peorth came up with the tubule, and a neko-demon in left and right hands respectively. “Madame.”
Frigurina just tapped Velsper's nose. “Bad kitty.” ..and a comical hiss in return, as Bell retrieved the neko.
Urd then remarked. “Well, so, what's the fun for today on this Sunday?”
Imlade just moans. “Well it tain't cleaning. And no work till tomorrow.” ..Lind just smirks. “Try not to read the same books I am this time.” Imladris just remarks back.. “As long as it's not dealing with the Six again, I'll live.”
The goddesses kept their mutual tongues. Something new of note, only recently told, about Frig's new Stepson, something that was a severely high class secret. This was no understatement. And such was one reason the `kids' were no where in sight right now. All Frig said to them all on the early of this morn, was.. “Fly the world as if on wind and fun.”
As a result, Lind just jumped in and offered.. “Hey. Maybe you can give the ol Illistrum a once over today. Keep old Scetu on his ploy-aluminum toes.”
Imladris just blinked as he was led/dragged away.. “Uh, okay. Three days is long enough I guess.”
As they fail out of sight into the temple, the lot of them sigh in relief, much to Keiichi's pip eyed confusion.
“Nice I'm in the loop.” ..he commented meekly.
Belldandy offered only. “Sorry, something very sensitive we can't let Cousin know about. Just trust me.”
Keiichi just meekly smiled. “Okay.”
Frigurina smiled, knowing how pure and trusting this mortal was. At this, she offered. “I wonder how the mortal penchant for a picnic works around here.” This Urd chimes. “Ooh! That sounds fun! Just need supplies!”
Keiichi just quips. “Only food this time lady. The last time reminded me of that octopus demon thing we had here once.”
Urd just moaned back.. “Hey, I only used a little bit of potion in that soup.”
Skuld rolled her eyes and commented. “And only a little bit of that hill got blown up, dear oafish Sis.”
While Frig fought off a fit of manic laughter at this banter, Eihwa offered. “By chance, maybe a Italian flair might be of theme this day?” ..this Bell claps once. “Oh how wonderful an idea! I like it!”
Peorth moans in.. “French flair is more fit for a picnic.”
Eihwa in turn just hawks back.. “And for the lazy! An anti-pasto is refreshing and healthy, you...”
Peorth huffs back. “And boring!”
Urd and Skuld hopped away from the hair pulling fracas just then, as Frigurina offers. “Maybe a hodgepodge of options to please all sides? I imagine more than one stomach present will be appeased.” ..this everyone looked happy as pea pods when suggested..
Until the sound of HEAVILY screeching tires stopped this gravy train cold. Everyone's hairs and eyes went six ways to Sunday, as Keiichi looked towards the entry arch. “What the heck was that!?”
Lind/Imlade stick their heads out in time, just as a LARGE biker clothed individual, with assorted NAPA parts all over him appears. Keiichi blinks.. “Otaki?” ..as said personage rushes up and grabs Keiichi's shoulders! “DUDE! I need your help!”
Bell asks as Keiichi is being shaken asunder.. “What's wrong Otaki?” ..this said dude sees and actually nabs her with the same intent! “You too! I need boths of your help!”
“Excitable, is he not?” Frigurina comments, as Urd remarks in kind. “Wait till you meet Tamiya.”
Otaki sees the elder-eternally-young mother-goddess and blinks. “Uh...”
After explanations.. “Whoops! Sorry! Sorry!” Otaki pleads as he brushes Bell's shoulders off. Frigurina just judges. “My, such a nice young mortal.”
Keiichi just adds.. “Where?” ..dryly. Otaki however binks and remembers, NABBING Keiichi again! “DUDE! I neeeeddss your help!”
Imladris on cue, leaps in and yelps! “Hey! This Milord isn't a toy!”
Otaki just sees and then GRABS him now! “You too! In fact all of ya!” ..as his oversized arms just grabs them ALL in one manic swoop, even grabbing Lind as she tries to scamper away! They just get dragged away in the back of, in a pile of limbs, of the old mini-truck, two sizes too small for Otaki's size!
By the time the tire smoke fades, Sigel pokes her head out. “/ Is it over? \”
Banpei suddenly appears behind her, with Sigel seeing and snapping. “/ NOPE! \” ..and shoots off on her rollers, as Banpei chases after her again, all over the temple grounds!
At least Scetu won't get a surprise, yet....
“Ma che me ne importa?!”
Peorth just quips, looking around with her head craning wildly. “You and me both secur.”
Everyone is looking around, the huge convention center building, all the weirdly dressed people, the ragged looking ones with boxes piled high, others looking like it's Halloween, despite such being months off. And there were a heck of a lot of them, all over.. everywhere..
Only one thing in Japan could rival something like a Trekkie convention. (When one of `those' ain't in Japan that is..)
Keiichi just moaned. “Don't tell me you didn't. You really didn't dude.”
Otaki just sheepishly rubbed his head. “Sorry, but I swear there's a good reason for this. Really lil dude.”
Keiichi just blinked, just as a squeal, (more like a SCREECH actually,) as Skuld suddenly hop-ZIPS all about.. “WOW! Look at all of these cool manga! All of these independent comics!”
“The dork acting more like one.”
Urd just gets smacked in the face with a rather large Shohen manga volume. “Keep it up bolt brain!”
Keiichi just smirks, just before seeing Peorth, Eihwa, and.. (WHUH!?) ..Frigurina start doing the same! “So this is the fabled books of legends here.” ..the latter comments, hefting one large girls comic, with her left arm stacked high ten thick the other!
Bell just comments looking around in amazement. “So much color and vibrancy, so many interesting people. Where are we?”
“Why are we here?” Keiichi asks instead. Otaki just imparts.. “Welcome to the Otaku-con of Nekomi Tech! The biggest such in the prefecture.”
Bell hops and claps. “Oh, how so exciting!”
Keiichi however.. “Uhhhh..”
Otaki realizes. “Oops, sorry.. uh...” ..and looks around. “..where did she say to meet?”
Lind and Imlade meanwhile look off kilter at everything, gold guy commenting.. “I don't think the Generals had anything like this in their social training regimen to go by.” ..this as a badly dressed, way too baggy, hanging, revealing, magic girl costume type walks by.
Lind just rolls her eyes. “How come humans put so little effort into things they care too much about?”
“Actually it's a skill problem, more than caring for most of them. That and measurements off kilter and all that. Saw that a lot in my old days when clothes were made in the home. Rags and all that even.” ..Imladris quips, before looking and seeing Lind at a clothing rack full of female otaku costumes.

“Ut oh..”
Just then, Keiichi notes someone in a large panda costume waddling over towards them. “Eh? What's with the Manda Panda costume... what.. is that?” ..as Otaki looks and hops happily, in a disturbing way. “AH! She's here!”
Everyone looks, variously, as Bell remarks. “Is that Satoko?” ..this Keiichi blinks even moreso than he usually is allotted, this as everyone indeed notes the façade of Satoko poking through a panda costume, one that could give the Greety Kitties a tooth decay run.
Course the sight of Otaki and Satoko greeting each other WAY too sweetly, both just hopping into each other's arms. “Otaki-pie!” “Satoko-sweetie!”
While many of the others try to mind wipe themselves on the spot (with spells no less,), Keiichi walks up.. “Guess that talk with Chihiro set things right.”
Satoko just smiles. “Hello back to you.”
Bell of course comes up in the next and bows. “Greetings once again.” ..this Satoko bows in turn, a bit tough to do in her current costume, but managed anyway. “Thank you.”
“Are you both here for what I think you are?” ..Keiichi drones on further..
Otaki just rubbed his head. “I didn't actually know until soon after she came back.”
“What? It was my father that got me all into it.” A cutely defensive Satoko replies. Skuld just chimes. “What a fun family.” ..this Urd quips.. “Only a comics nut like you would say that.”
Frigurina walks by as Imlade is assailed by both Lind and Eihwa testing out various, and cleavage type endangering costumes, commenting.. “Careful, I see the cultural value in it.”
Urd: 1,239,452, Skuld: 1,239,453.. (or something such.. who keeps count of this anyway!?)
The two apparent otaku (well one for sure,) note the new personage. Saving a lot of greeting talk, Bell introduces her mother again, Keiichi goes wow again, and Otaki is easily more than nominally surprised. Satoko, having only been lightly indoctrinated so far, just takes it at a plain face value.
“A pleasure to meet you ma'am.”
“Pardonnez moi..” Peorth starts to the heart of the confusion.. “..but why are we here?”
Keiichi blinked, as Satoko admitted. “I only wanted Belldandy and Keiichi's help. This is too many people dear.”
Otaki chuckled nervously. “Sorry, I thought you needed all the help and all.”
“Help with what?” Keiichi quips, and Satoko's explanation comes on the heels of..
“Well well..” ..as everyone notes a new, mocking voice entering the scene, one dressed with a nigh degree of precision, as a space cadet trooper of some kind, as Satoko notes the mocking tone with.. “Mishu.” ..a dry one in kind.
Everyone looks as a purple haired lady about the same age as Satoko, haughts her full figure before everyone all around, with many a lustful glance from passersby. Mishu, with a number of cronies around her in similar garb, looking like some space biker gang or something, just quips with a baneful finger across her left cheek. “...did you finally find some more losers to humiliate yourself with? The last ones sure were a sight.”
Satoko as expected, frazzles like the dickens, as Otaki groans about as dryly. Everyone else not quite fully grasping the situation, watches, though getting the feeling they just got dragged into whatever this is.
Satoko just snaps back.. “The way you intimidated them didn't help a bit! Have you no shame?”
“Why? I have all the trophies, and all the fans. Why would I need something `you' are better having as a reward.”
Satoko keeps growling like a wildcat, as Bell comments to Kei. “I sense a history already.”
Otaki just blurts out.. “Stop teasing my lady, girl! You aren't going to win this time! I swear it!”
The words kinda take many of them back, a nit more iron than usual from the normally... weird... laid back... mess prone.. more.. ..gear head. Satoko gives a loving look in kind to her betrothed, though Otaki in turn gets..
“Oh please, another bite full of pride to choke on. Try and back it up on the stage, why don't you?”
“Stage?” Keiichi quips, which this Mishu takes and grabs at, like a piranha... “Oh dear, you mean they don't know? What losers.” ..the second time being called that too generally, makes Peorth and Urd start to frazzle some. Lind and Eihwa however keep calm for them all, as Satoko just comments in this banter battle.. “You're overconfidence is you downfall Mishu. Not even you really know the spirit of the otaku, and `that' will cost you soon enough.”
Mishu way too balefully retorts. “Words.. just words that don't get judges points.”
Keiichi just blinks blandly.. “Not another one of these antagonistic characters. How many is that now?”
Bell just counts on her fingers.. “That biker Etsushi Ohtaki in chapter twelve, Aoshima starting in chapter twenty, quite a while after. And then Dana Lockheed and David Porter in chapters twenty-two and twenty-three, though they were just being competitive. And then the ninjas in Chapters fifty-two and fifty-three.”
Urd adds helpfully.. “Don't forget that Shinnentai.”
Skuld.. “What about the Lorerei in chapter 202 to 206.”
Peorth.. “Gate in that rather annoying arc in Volume 31.”
Eihwa jibes in.. “Don't forget you guys as well.”
Urd/Peorth/Skuld: “Watch it.”
Keiichi just speaks up suddenly and nervously... “Woah guys, a bit too much info.” ..this most everyone gasps into neutral. Bell and Frig meanwhile just glance at each other. “You guys have had a doozy life here already.”
Bell just smiles. “Don't forget Otaki's friends as well.” ..this Otaki chuckles. “Now that you mention it.” ..and Satoko gloms cutely just then.
HEY!” ..Mishu just yells. “Pay attention to me!”
Satoko just dryly quips. “Do we have too cousin?”
Otaki blurts from ignorance.. “Cousin?”
“Here you all are.” Everyone hears `yet again', anew, as heads turn towards. “Oh! Father!” ...Satoko chimes, as Otaki bows. “Mr. Yamano sensei.” ..this the elder nods back, before Mishu adds. “Uncle, forgive, but we were going through our paces here.”
Yamano sighs thickly, yet nods. “Yes I know, for too many years now. Even if it has become unfair in my eyes.”
“And yet still such remains.”
Otaki and Keiichi blink in mixed confusion, the former not knowing what the latter knows too dearly. This Satoko jumps in with.. “I still can't believe you make a simple hobby like a personal vendetta.”
“One I've won for four years straight! Guess what that means poor girl.”
“Hey!” Keiichi snaps, but Bell puts only a gentle hand in silent restraint. Mishu just ignores and continues. “One more, and forget ever having that oaf as a husband. Like people like `him' ever are caliber to our high standards and pedigree.”
Keiichi blinks, as Bell even remarks. “Goodness, what does that mean?”
Otaki just imparts. “There's been an inter-family clan bet for awhile now, concerning my marriage to Satoko. Ever since you guys helped us together.”
Bell and Kei look, as Mishu looks more focused on the two now. “Oh? So `those' are the fools that started it all.
A foreigner and a shrimp boy caused all this? I should make an example of them too.”
At this, Keiichi about riles out a response, but is pounced upon from the rear, by Bell's sisters and Peorth in a smooth, if trampling motion. “Watch that language wench!” Urd shouts to essentially the same for everyone.
Mishu just flutters a hand. “Watch the dope you just stomped on. What rubes.” ..this everyone urks at the flattened Morisato.
“My pride on display.” ..so moaned like a dying cow...
As Keiichi is `recovered' by the concerned lot, Skuld just snips at Mishu. “No one talks to my Big Sister that way lady. No one!”
“Such big talk from another shrimp.” Mishu eggs on to her unknowing, growing hazard.
In fact, two camps are more than forming in the convention center parking lot just then, as Lind, Eihwa and Imlade look on behind it all. “What the Light?” Imlade only comments, not sure how to approach this mentally. The ears and brain comprehend well enough of what the apparent stakes are, and why they were brought here.
Satoko just remarks. “This year is different. Not even you can truly understand the spirit of the otaku theme this year. We'll see who comes out on top, and who is forced to watch a wedding there after!”
Everyone then hears, as Mishu, apparently the only one saying anything of notice among her drone like throng. “The same additional wager then, is it?”
“Eh?” Keiichi and the goddesses around him remark. At this, Mishu starts looking around, and in quickly so doing, sees what she wants for her trophy this year. She stabs a finger dead at.. “Him! That interesting bloke right there will do!”
Everyone looks, save for one suddenly uncomfortable gold dude, as Bell remarks in shock. “Cousin?”
“Say what?” Otaki adds strikingly, moreso when Lind and Eihwa leap in front of their `charge'. “What did you say!?” ..ala both!
Satoko of course objects outright. “Hold it! I don't even know him! You just can't take a stranger and...”
Mishu just remarks, apparently hearing and seeing well enough.. “He's with you guys. Looks like the lot of ya anyway. The only looker in the bunch.” ..this the males around her look, and find reason for guarded jealousy as they see Imlade in full.
Imladris of his part, under a lot of stares, just sighs.. Blast it Intracel.. ..as the actual responsible party for `why' he's looked over in this fashion. Eihwa for her part exclaims.. “You don't enforce such will on another, under the veil of ignorance to cover by. Che maleducazione!”
“Wouldn't be my first time though.” Imlade quips dryly with a look from the others in continuance. Eihwa more reserved, but Lind rather neutral. (Lind could smell something afoot, or of the Meld..)
Frigurina, more calmly looking on, then takes a step forth and bows before Yamano. “Greetings elder Yamano, if I may have the honor of calling you such.”
“As you wish young lady.” Yamano puts, hardly realizing the actually difference in age between them. (In astronomical truth and all..) Frigurina just nods and then adds.. “Perhaps a light shed on what this is all about will clear up the stakes of merit.”
Yamano nods. “Apparently that would be prudent.”
Mishu however objects. “Not before I get acceptance of what I seek.”
Urd just dryly blares at the broad. “Jeeze, you sure need manners beat into ya. Can I do it?” ..this in turn Urd and Mishu zap anime bolts at each other, from their eyes. Satoko can only look up with helpless eyes at an equally confused Otaki. Whatever Otaki intended, this wasn't a part of. (Course stuff like this, has been a classic problem of his/them all, as it was, all through the series.)
Not that it matters, in the next. “Fine.”
Everyone looks even more incredulously at Imladris, as he takes a stand, one rather characteristic of his more famous Cousin. “As I said, this is not my first in this unbeknownst field, before a battle of many a kind. And this be no different, nor will the field we face between us.” ..and his eyes turn more iron than few expects, save one beside him. “Nevertheless, let there be that field, and us upon it. For I take no ill in heart, and allow it to suffer further. Not when my heart is then willing to combat it. No matter what is at stake. For myself or others alike!”
Mishu gulps greatly, with the finishing phrasing.. “I harbor ill against such dishonor, as this stands.”
Mishu just in turn stutters back.. “F.. fine.. I'll take that as a yes then.” ..and turns before she betrays more obvious nervousness, waving a hand thereof.. “See you all on the stage fools!”
A moment later, Keiichi and Otaki lean in on the shiny bloke. “You're nuts!”
“No argument.”
Urd just plops on top of his head, arms as such, while Belldandy offers. “A noble decision.”
“If rushed.” Urd adds..
“Of what I so did, I'd love to know as of now.” Imlade puts, as Lind and Eihwa take an enamoured arm each. Frigurina, teardrop and all, looks back at Yamano.. “I think information would be more than needed now. Such a foolhardy moment this is.”
Yamano betrays a good chuckle, a rarity in fact.
“A contest?”
“In a nutshell.” Otaki puts for Keiichi. Satoko nods. “Yes. Mishu, my cousin, ever since she found out about my betrothing of my Otaki-chan, has been trying various ways to defeat our coming union, using every loophole in our marriage contract to stop us.”
“Jeeze.” Urd remarks to the obvious. Everyone listens as Yamano explains. “Even though I still myself hold reservations of Otaki-kun's blue collar associations, I still gave my consent with full respect when I so did. Even now what Otaki did to save my daughter's life during that cooking fire, impresses me to even this day.
Unfortunately, not all of my clan is so giving. Mishu the worst of them all.”
Otaki just sighs. “I've tried everything to make nice with her, but she won't even acknowledge my existence, from all looks of things.”
“How horrible.” Peorth judges. Satoko continues.. “It's been the primary reason I haven't been around Chiba to be with my Otaki. I hoped that with time, Mishu would grow to accept our relationship. But instead, all that time, she's used various ways to defeat me and the same at each turn.
The worst has been my favorite hobby.”
Around them, at a crowded foot court table, the fanzine extravaganza is well underway. Everyone takes a look around at the fracas and teardrops. “Are all manga nuts like this?” Keiichi admits. Satoko and Yamano choose that moment to `cough' somewhat embarrassed. Keiichi sees this and Otaki explains.. “They've been big fan participants for many years. Guess they dragged me into it all now.
It's fun really.”
Urd smirks and comments.. “Otaki the otaku. Heh, say that ten times fast.”
Urd frazzles when most of the goddesses `actually' do that around her, and succeed moreso, while Belldandy remarks. “You both have grown to be quite fond of all of this, haven't you?” Yamano sees those blue in blue eyes, wanting truthful answers.. “Yes, quite young lady. Ever since I was a child, in the very early days when anime and manga were only first coming popular, even before they were known by such names. I ended up passing this trait to my daughter, and it's one of the things that bonds us together.”
Keiichi smiles. “Hey, that's cool. Everyone should be able to share something. Especially family.”
“No matter what the subject may be.” Bell compliments, and each give a mutual look of admiration to each other. That is before Skuld POPS in between them all, hefting a large pile of uber-sized manga issues! “Who cares, this stuff is COOL!” ..and then a devil anime look at the goddesses most ill to her.. “And you guys won't be touching these this time!”
Eihwa and Peorth just wring their hands in anticipation. “A challenge is it `CHILD'!?” ..which about causes a nuclear incident. (The yell in kind scares off several fat slobs that had been eyeing Skuld, as it was. She's a scary one..)
Lind then asks.. “What's her issue with taking trophies.” ..this her note of what happened to Imladris, whom in turn quips.. “Trophy? Am I such? Interesting quandary.” ..quite cock-eyed. Satoko just sighs dejected. “One of her ways to really pour salt in a wound. Everytime she has beaten me here at a fan costume contest here, Cosplay being the term, she'd take something from me that would add further embarrassment.
But never before with someone I didn't know.” ..she looks quite directly at Imladris. “I am so sorry for her rudeness. I didn't mean for this to happen to you.”
Imladris considers an answer, though Lind remarks in kind. “Can such a demand be rescinded?” ..put in her possessive tone, one Satoko easily recognizes, yet Satoko only sighs. “Only at risk of infuriating her. And unless I beat her fairly, I can't marry Otaki, per our ancient house rules of tradition, of the Yamano clan. To her, such a balk may cause her to permanently ban our marriage.”
Keiichi asks in turn. “Why is `that' so important, sorry for asking and all.” Yamano imparts. “Because young lad, our traditions have lasted for almost a thousand years. It's survived many challenges, and themes of many kinds.
To our house, this is our tantamount honor. Even if it involves something as silly as this convention and all.”
Skuld just quips in complaint.. “Jeeze, this country has weird customs and traditions.” Belldandy however follows suit. “Despite, this is their ways, ones we must respect and abide. Even if they are troubling in this regard.”
Yamano nods, as Frigurina comments.. “This Mishu more than knows how to ensnare and entangle `using' these sacred traditions. A calculated and politically motivated young lady.”
“Conniving also, if you can add.” Lind remarks. Eihwa however balks at this.. “Nonostante ciò, surely such ways preclude those outside of such rules.”
Yamano imparts rather directly. “And yet Mishu has acted in accordance with our traditions. She `will' see a withdrawal in a dim light. I dare not consider the ramifications of such an action. Our many interests in our society are of merit, and Otaki `would' be inclusive of such, if he were to marry my daughter.
Without this, Satoko would be disgraced in the eyes of our family, and much of society. Like it or nor.”
Keiichi blinks. “All this over some Cosplay judging? Good grief.”
Not one of them didn't sigh in agreement. And yet, so here it was.
Imladris just comments. “So, we just have to beat this `lady' in some dress up competition?”
Skuld bonks Imlade on the melon. “Don't be so plain. Cosplay is very serious stuff, if you noticed all the costumes around here.” ..this Yamano nods. “Indeed. If I may judge on your foreign character, this is to us, the same as the pageants are in your home country. Whichever that indeed is.
Our entertainment industry thrives on such, even if it seems childish on the veneer.”
Imladris smirks, and looks at Lind... “Goddesses, you have to love culture.”
Bell then remarks. “You did mention this wasn't your first time in this kind of situation.” Imladris just sighs. “Don't remind me, even now I remember three separate cases like this. I'll refrain from details, since the details get graphic.” ..not to mention alien in worldly nature. Belldandy nods and imparts.. “For us, this is the same. Many a time my Keiichi and I have been though such ordeals.
And we have succeeded each time with grace and determination. The victory ever the sweeter because of the best we have done.”
Keiichi however imparts.. “Don't think a cosplay was ever something we had to deal with.”
Urd looks around on this and remarks.. “What is the theme anyway. Looks like everyone is decked out in bad space costumes or something.”
Satoko then imparts. “Yes. The theme this year is based off a new space opera, a theme from a new game being created for the general public. There a great deal of excitement about it this year, some kind of freeform theme with RPG and world building elements. Might be a MMORPG even, but everything is hush hush about it.
But there's a lot of buzz about it.”
Bell asks in kind. “What does it have to do with this convention?” Satoko complies.. “Apparently there's a cosplay theme, that the winners of it, will have their characters become main theme characters for this game. Not sure there's been something like this before, cosplay or gaming convention wise.
Hear there's a lot of money at stake even. Goodness knows what else too.”
Keiichi and Bell look at each other, before Keiichi looks back, and regrets it, seeing the bevy of fame and greed laden facades on most of the other goddesses, (and thought bubbles filled with fame-greed stuff that makes for Idol types and all.) He just jitters his eyes unhealthy-like.. “They don't look sane.”
Lind however, one of the ones `not' in such a state, comments on.. “Did you mean to say, the theme was `space'?”
“Indeed.” Yamano replies. Bell goes further.. “Exactly what kind of theme, other than what is already said?”
Satoko shrugs. “No idea, just some kind of epic scale thing or something that supposed to revolutionize the genre or something. Lots of similar boasts however don't have anywhere near the hype that this whole thing seems to be having.
Sounds like a space version of those fantasy RPGs, like those six movies or such, but even moreso.
I think the creators want to see really original ideas, hence why so much hype, but little information.”
Otaki and Keiichi just trade `don't know' looks, as Otaki does impart. “I guess I brought you guys here, since you all might know something of this stuff. You know?”
Keiichi cocks a bland eye. “We `know'?” ..and questions.. “And `how' much is that anyway?” ..he puts of the fact Satoko, and especially Yamano, haven't been so included in the steadily growing circle of truth. Satoko sees Otaki wring his hands nervously and all, and imparts.. “He's told me something, not that I'm sure about it.”
Yamano looks, but Frigurina changes focus to whit Lind was suspecting. “I suspect one of us has practical knowledge in this theme and arena.”
Imladris groans, as the goddesses give him a look, on cue, the others in quick suit. “For the love of pete.”
Satoko blinks. “What does `practical' mean?”
Imladris groans and rubs his head, and groans and rubs his head, and really groans with almost rubbing his skin clean off.
“You `know' this world isn't ready for such knowledge. Even if such truths exist in all reality.”
Yamano and Satoko blink, as Otaki and Keiichi start hearing things they probably wish they didn't. Imladris however realizes, with a look past everyone, at the cloth and obvious setups all around, constructed or not, the atmosphere that the theme seems to be going by.
For a moment, he remembers the galactic campaign, but moreso, the `life' that was in Galaxy 2189. He realizes the difference between fantasy, and reality here. Some of it more fantasy than reality for sure. Some though real looking enough.
But was any of it... “Practical. Hmm..”
“And the mind mulls once more.” Lind `announces'. Everyone in the midst of their halted mental mullings, see Imladris stand, and give rather detail of hawkish eye looks around at everything. All he imparts in summation.. “Space isn't like that.”
Skuld pops up next to.. “A lot of them using stuff from various anime and books. Can't blame them for what they don't know.”
Imladris turns and rubs his chin. “And knowing what I know, how would `you' approach it all cousin?”
Skuld blinks, as Urd leans toward them. “Using Skuld's advice?”
“Using her knowledge with my own.” ..Imladris then notes. “Unless I missed my guess, we only need to beat one entry in all of this. Winning outright might not be the point here in the end.”
Belldandy remarks. “A balancing act between what needs to be done, with security, if I can guess proper?”
“Verily.” Imladris imparts. Keiichi and his ilk just listen, as Imladris then imparts.. “If they want a good show, we can give one.”
Eihwa just teases.. “Knight's aren't Bards.”
Imladris just raises his eye brows.. “Like I wasn't forced otherwise before.”
Mishu, after chewing out one of her lowly paid servants, just turns to one of her more (barely) respected cronies, dressed in a off color purple space military like uniform, like some badly colored U.S. Army dress uniform type. She just snickers.. “Soon, one more trophy for the Yamano family case, and one less oaf to worry about in the grand scheme.”
The crony just rubs his head. “Isn't this a bit silly to keep competing with them in? I mean it's stupid comics for cripes..” ..before Mishu smacks him hard to the ground, and punts him away like a football! “There's millions at stake in all of this! My face could be immortalized on covers for years to come! Let it be silly and stupid, if I'm famous for it!!”
The poor shmuck just moans somewhere near another magic girl manga table. “Famous for something.”
He then sees.. “Hey..” ..as he stands up. “It's those people with Satoko.” ..this Mishu looks, and sees the whole lot of them, in a nice line, following Satoko towards an area reserved for dressing rooms and prop setups. Mishu sees however, a couple more figures with them all now, ones that make her suspicious.
Like she isn't always, even sleeping.
“They're up to something.” ..duh.
The crony blinks, before he's grabbed by his fragile collar, several frays developing in the seams. “Trail them. Whatever they're doing, I want to know and up them one on it.”
“But you spent so much money on your theme, why worry?”
As he's slapped silly, during in fact, Mishu grinds in.. “Because I don't want them to have any hope of a chance of anything resembling hope. Plus if that oaf is married into the family, HE gets the inheritance, and I get squat!”
And a second punt-kick on a hiney after.. “Now go sabotage them! I don't care how!”
The crony nabs two more fools to follow, with Mishu turning, swearing that she would `never' let Satoko upstage her. Ever.
Such the theme with all selfish megalomaniacs.
“That's it, close in more together.”
Skuld happily chimes. “Cool, always wanted to try this.”
Urd just pops her head over at Imlade. “What about this panel?”

Said knight points. “Put on the table next to that fabricated focusing ray. You'll like it, trust moi.”
Urd complies, as everyone takes Imlade's instructions to the letter, soon seeing not only form, but function in the ideas being professed. Keiichi, as he tugs at his tunic, comments. “Guess we got him really going with this.”
Bell smiles.. “I believe cousin is more in tune with this theme, than he allows himself brevity to demonstrate. It's easy to see why when you think about it.”
Keiichi blinks, and looks at his costume, a version of some priestly cloth. “Should I? Not sure I want to.”
“Oh come now. It's all not as far fetched as you may believe.”
Keiichi looks uncertainly of this, at Belldandy, as Otaki comes up, wearing a nice suit of armor, almost as extravagant as the knight's original own. Bell looks and compliments. “You look very dashing today, Sir Otaki.”
Otaki just chuckles, trying to not seem so nervous. “I can't believe the guy wanted `me' to be the knight in all of this.”
Keiichi smirks. “This time you `can' wear that stuff for Satoko. Better than the last time you tried.” Otaki just laughs, and smacks Keiichi's back, doing so with a heavy armored hand, and with great pain, shown in Keiichi's dish sized eyes! “Ain't that the truth!”
Lind meanwhile comes up and asks of Imlade. “How does this look?”
A quick judge of Lind in a nice, tight, and proper fit uniform, though enough `hunter' shows through in areas, that looks both light, crisp and recognizable, while far more seam tight, gets a nice thumbs up. “Aye. The Valkyrie jumpsuit colors really help you stand out.”
Lind smiles, but frowns a split second after, as Eihwa drapes herself over his backside. “How about me, amore mio?” Imladris hops away, and gives a once over, Eihwa in a futuristic looking kimono setup, gets a nice thumbs up. “Cool, great. Don't touch me.”
Eihwa just grumbles, to Lind's beautiful amusement, when Satoko comes up, still dressed normally at present. The trio see and Imladris quips. “You're not dressed?”
Satoko considers just walking away, but garners up the strength for a question she'd been wondering about, ever since she learned enough hints from Chihiro and Otaki. (and Tamiya second hand as well..) “Um.. can we talk? I need to know something, before I proceed with this.”
The three exchange glances, and Lind nods. “Of course Lady Satoko.”
Satoko just waves her hands defensively. “Please, just Satoko. I'm not comfortable with titles and stuff like that.”
Imladris just snickers. “Boy, more than a few royal types I know could use that kind of humility of lesson.”
Just then, Skuld chimes up. “He's ready to come down cousin!” ..this Imlade blinks and shouts to Satoko's surprise. “We need that suppression field guys!”
Satoko is essentially treated in the next few seconds of intent looking, of what her query was going to be, as Bell and Peorth throw up an optical illusion distraction spell, before a quick, and `actual' teleport beam form right in the middle of the room.
Satoko, not to mention Otaki and Keiichi again, jitter like heck, as Scetu appears before and nods his hyper-advanced melon at Imladris. “// And here I am summoned for play once more. \\”
Imladris just huffs. “Stifle that, this is as important as any martial operation.”
Scetu just waves his hand around on a joint. “// Fine, fine. \\” ..before adding.. “// I have the special operations detachment ready for the... er.. procession. \\”
Skuld hears this and SQUEALS, to the point Urd about throws up from the dizzy spell her head receives. “You mean I get to use them? COOL!!”
Lind just smiles and pats Imlade's head. “Well one person will be satisfied by sun's end.”
Imlade nods, and then orders.. “Okay, level Six society chameleon protocol. No need to over do the special effects.”
Satoko just quips. “T.. too late.”
Just then, Frigurina and Yamano walk in, arm and arm and all. Bell sees and blinks. “Mother, your being too open.”
“Oh shoo, it's just a bit of fun.” ..she cutely shoos off, which Bell just giggles at. Yamano however sees the new, and extravagant arrival, as Scetu engages `chamo' sensors to reduce many of the technological framework of his superstructure, to look more like a unit fit for a certain movie.
Anything more advanced looking, and people would talk. This was a `bad' place for actual rumors to spread out from. Yamano sees and blinks, in line with the other mortals. “That... must be expensive.”
“One of a kind.” Frig echoes.
Imladris then smacks his hands together. “Alrighty, we're already almost there! The basic holographics will take care of the rest. Assuming the projectors are already in place.” ..this Skuld yells.. “Cut that out! I already set things up!”
Keiichi looks around. “When? She never left!”
Bell and Urd just giggle to themselves on cue of this, and Keiichi blinks. “What? What?”
Bell just holds his hand. “Worry not until on cue. Form can do with surprise beforehand.”
Keiichi just gulps and looks over at Satoko, where Otaki just walked over, and exchanges a look with, as Skuld and Imlade start comically yelling at each other, with jaw trap like jaws gabbing at each other, about the final setup of the performance. Everyone else finished getting ready, save for Imladris himself. Something that wouldn't be tolerated once participation was supposed to be low key on his own whim. At such, Bell and Keiichi came up with their own scheme, one that would shake the performance to come.
One that wouldn't be so easily forgotten. One megalomaniac sure wouldn't.
But beforehand.
The crony, (heck with the actual name,) pokes his spiky, brown haired head out from behind a box, near where the Satoko team camp was setting up. He squints his eyes to try and see any detail. However the two dopes with him are more focused on a few tight skin suited babes that walk by.
“Hmm.. might have to be blunt about this one. Don't want Mishu mad at me again.”
One of the lust filled idiots just blares out, eyes `quite' focused elsewhere. “Who cares.”
The crony looks and slaps at the offending moron, starting a three way hand slapping fracas that makes more than a few people wonder about their mental stability. (If they only knew.)
Just a moment later however, the crony shoos then quiet. “Here they come!”
Most of the whole lot follow Satoko out, leaving only a couple left behind, mainly Bell, Imlade and Keiichi inside. Otaki follows last, seeing the three looking nonchalant, not quite yet realizing the costumes being worn are the same as the Mishu camp.
After they pass by, the crony rubs his hands. “Time for an old classic.”
Imladris wriggles uncomfortably, as he's being `redressed' by Belldandy's power. “Uh, this isn't really necessary. Or wise.”
Bell just chides.. “Keep still, the spell is still working.” ..though Imlade in turn complains to Keiichi. “Milord, please?”
Keiichi just holds up his hands. “No way I'm stopping this. Plus it makes sense really.”
“No it doesn't! I only meant to be an idea knight here!”
Belldandy just finishes her spell, as the new, heavy and decently extravagant cloth adorns her cousin. “We have a better use for you.”
Imladris looks himself over and gulps. “Uh, this is quite overkill.”
Keiichi just retorts calmly. “Stop being a baby about it.”
Imladris sighs. “I'll be more `royal' about it, if I have to.”
Bell and K1 in the same tone, just huff at the complainer, one that teardrops, just before they suddenly hear a loud, metallic thump and clack! Keiichi looks back, and sees the door.. “H.. HEY!! The door!!”
On the other side, the crony just tosses up the key to the heavy metal type door. “Ah, my manhood is safe for another day.”
One of the accompanying stooges.. “You have one?” ..before he's clocked by the crony, losing the key on the floor in the process. He then just announces. “Well, let's get going to her ladyship before she skins me for being late.” ..with the three trailing off, forgetting the key and all that.
Keiichi meanwhile on the other side, pounds at the door and pulls at the knob, with his entire body standing on the wall and door! “Jeeze! How old is this prank!!”
Imladris blinks. “As old as these kinds of doors are, even more than I.”
Belldandy offers.. “I can simply pass through a mirror and open it from the other side. Or this side with a spell.” ..this Keiichi hops off and notes. “You sure? You already used some of your spell power just now.” ..worried about her sleeping due to power drain.
Bell considers, but then Imladris walks up to the door, and grasps the steel knob. “So this is a key lock of this world.” ..and twists it.
A few passers by note the other door knob suddenly snap `quite' strikingly, as it drop-clangs to the floor, the door swinging open, with Keiichi (wide-eyed as all heck) and Bell noting the sight of Imlade, holding the other end of the knob!
“Good lords!” Keiichi puts.. well..
Imladris comments.. “Gee, isn't this rather fragile.” Keiichi quips.. “Um, that isn't it.”
Bell just waggles a finger and chides again. “Poor form cousin. That lock was only doing it's job. We must respect all things as they are created for.”
Imladris just smiles meekly. “Sorry cousin.”
Keiichi just reminds himself `never' to try and arm wrestle the dude.
A demonic pocketwatch is opened, looked unto, and shut....
“Where were you guys? The show's already starting.”
Belldandy and Keiichi just smiled to Urd. “We got held up. How's Satoko and Otaki?”
Urd looks over at the pane shift, to her left rear, at the sight of Otaki and Satoko huddled together, sprinkling the floor with their nervous tears. The scene shifts back to Urd smiling.. “Never better.”
Skuld hops over on cue. “Wow, you need to see all the cheesy get ups everyone is doing! We got this all in the bag!”
Bell scolds lightly. “Now now Skuld, the work of all these people is a special moment for them. Be sure to be respectful.” Peorth just emerges, wearing a super skin tight, mecha pilot jumpsuit, in her normal colors. “The lawyers of mortal note won't. Some of the offerings will just get lawsuits in the end.”
This in fact, probably wasn't far off. Over the proceeding twenty minutes, a procession of fifteen entries ply across the stage, with everything from warrior themes, to roman-toga ones, to stereotypes from all the major popular themes of the day and age, coming across. There was even one that tried to use fast food chains as a theme.
Star-Burgerlar the Third was a messy costume.
That was a problem with most the rest of them anyway, as lack of proper funds and skill for a third of the participants, meant rather sloppy costumes, and way too many bellies and cleavage showing, kinda defeating the intent of their themes. A few others however made for a good showing, though the warrior-Roman-Hawaiian-Klingon-like space theme with caveman like grunts, just didn't seem too right.
Did we mention that space Burger King? (Ut oh, now I'll be sued..)
The gang watched and clapped as honorably as many, though some of the fat bellies made the goddesses look ill. “Signore Prezioso, they need more lessons.”
Satoko however remarks. “They aren't the problem. Even if they beat us.”
Otaki just pats Satoko on the shoulder. “Don't worry, we'll beat her this time. We got a secret weapon.” ..he notes, as Satoko nuzzles his hand. “Oh Otaki-chan.”
Frigurina notes, looking around. “Speaking of whom, where is our trophy knight?” ..this just before they all hear decent foot falls, and two figures arrive in sight of the multi-color lights that reflect from the stage. Lind remarks. “Beloved? Where were you?”
Imladris smiles and nods to Yamano, who only remarks. “Ensuring the message will get through.”
The goddess and mortal meshed in lot look at each other, as suddenly the announcer speaker.. er.. announces... “- And now, the number one Cosplay team in Japan, with their offering for the judges, the Mishu team! -
Everyone looks out through the curtain, as Mishu and her lot trot, and.. er.. trot in, from the other side of the stage. On immediate sight, of the high class Cosplay display of a rather convincing space fleet troupe, set in costume elements that look quite futuristic and all, along with plenty of `enhanced' curves to match, Satoko ekes out in her own costume. “Oh dear, there they go again.”
Everyone watches, as some kind of effectual model kits of original looking space craft and starships, shoot through in at various speeds, without anything more than radio signals or such to guide by. Mishu just waves her hands in perfect showmanship, as she acts all too much like a pageant contestant, while the crowd sorta cheers on, though enough to make them the most popular group so far this contest.
Imladris honestly notes. “Well, they know their stuff.”
Satoko just sighs. “It's hopeless then.” ..but then Bell wraps herself around her, making for a cute scene with them both in their futuristic garb. (Or it so seems..) ..as everyone else notes with mixed blushes and such.
“Never give in to your fears Satoko. They don't rule you, if you don't want them too. If you believe in yourself, then you won't be ruled by fear. And with our help, you won't need to face anything alone.”
Satoko.. “Belldandy.”
At this, Urd, with the gang all around her, echoes Belldandy, with her fist held nice and proud. “Yeah, we're here to win this, we ain't going anywhere without beating the tar off of em!” ..with the lot hurrah-cheering on cue behind.
Yamano in that moment, sees why Satoko chose well, sure much more than he ever expected.
As this all occurs however, one of them keeps in mind a much larger picture. (And another showing that larger picture...)
“This is what mortals wear for fashions? What a rip.”
Rend just shushes her and grabs Mist's popcorn. “Know that there are many forms of fashion, some better than others.”
Hirund rolls her eyes.. “You `do' know that this is simply a costume contest, not an `actual' fashion show?”
Rend and Mist just look blankly at the wine red maned General. Hirund just sighs and shakes her head. “Why do I bother?”
Just then, heavy foot thuds approach, and enter the mighty viewing room chamber, as Lord Thor finally finds and notes.. “So this is where you wenches have swoon, all away from proper duties. And what be of source here to the eye anyway?”
Hirund grabs the popcorn (very heavenly fluffy and such,) from Rend. “A visual feed from Lady Frigurina, apparently something all of Heaven is watching, for some apparent reason.”
Thor blinks.. “What? Why is my Sister in so doing?”
Mist just quips, the lot of them splayed over some large and plushy couches of white cloud silks. “Apparently our mortal kin is involved. The Norns no less even.”
A nice and heavy thud, as Thor drops right in between the lot.. “Oh really? Where's the popcorn?”
Thor gets a face full of the fluffy heavenliness from Mist. “Who said we invited ya!!”
And one wonders where the Valkyrie-pillow style of combat came from. Ugly scene soon after in the room there be.
After Mishu's act concludes a minute later, she haughts her laughter as all dopey villains do in this series. (Or Skuld/Urd/Peorth at times..) “oh, we so have this one in the bag.”
Her crony of poor choice, plops over.. “Yeah, all that's left is Satoko's bunch.”
Mishu asks as she shoos off rudely, some autograph seekers. (Mostly Ebay types and such..) “You `did' take care of our mutual problem, right?”
The crony nods, or so he thinks, just as Mishu grinds.. “You better if you want to keep certain organs below the belt.” ..this the crony sweats buckets at, just before the announcer.. er.. announces.. (Yeah, yeah..) “- And now folks, the final entry in this competition for the judges, from here in our very own little burg of Nekomi, give a hand to the Cosplay of Miss Satoko and her Comrades of the Stars! -
Mishu blinks. “What kind of stupid title is that!?” ..just before the lights dump to black outright. “Whaaa!!! I can't see!” ..her dumb crony screams too girly like, before Mishu smacks him in the dark.
And then the fun starts, as from somewhere in the dark, as eyesight is about to gain bare night-vision...
Unto us, the Future, Present, and Past of what to come, we show destiny of what can be, and all too see and believe!” ..as suddenly, a show of pure white sparkles flood out and away from a corner of the stage, where the three Norns, in semi-futuristic robe white versions of their normal goddess attire, remeshed as if melded with classic, yet future like Valkyrie-like armor, spread their arms out and wide, to the oohs and ahhs of the crowd.
Mishu blinks, as her vision recovers.. “HuH?!” ..dizzily.
Then, on cue from a voice most noble and striking, as well as unseen. “- Once, long ago, in a reality so far away, there came a new faction that sought to unite the myriad civilizations of the galaxy, and begin a new era for the greater good of all! -”
A light then smacks on, and focuses on where Otaki and Satoko, in matching future armor knight costumes, get more approval from the audience. “- Now, see the heroes that will lead the quest, to unite a galaxy, and begin the next golden age for all inhabited space! -”
Another light flares over, as Keiichi, in a future looking Shinto garb, waves meekly. “- With the help of the spiritualists, the heroes will travel through the galaxy and help defend against the many enemies that threaten the stability and prosperity of all star systems! -“
Another light flick in another spot. “- But not done alone, as many forces will aid the heroes in their quest, from even the heavens beyond the stars! ~” ..this as Skuld reappears, with Sigel and Banpei flanking, with a good line of robot mecha behind her. “- Here, meet the young child prodigy that helped build the tools that will help protect and serve the militias of the galaxy! ~” ..with Skuld yelling out.. “CHILD!??” ..much to the amusement of the crowd.
The next light flick, has Peorth and Eihwa in their revealing future numbers, (even the kimono bit of Eihwa's, yiyi..) with `cheering' quickly incoming. “- The greatest warriors are ready to help assist, in more than just with weapons too! -“ ..this the two skin tight goddesses get their full fill of `cheering'.
The light however flicks onward, unto Lind and Urd, with a very advanced looking Scetu behind them, just enough to really garner looks. (But not enough as intended in nature.) “- And even those that fight evil unconventionally as hunters, see the light of the coming unification of the galaxy. For these are times foretold in legend! -“
The full lights spread mostly back on, as Keiichi has Belldandy join him. “- One that said heavens brings when our heroes come across a family on the run, as the honorable empire faces it's greatest test! -“
The crony spits out.. “HEY! They got out!” ..this Mishu grabs his neck. “What do you `mean' by that?” ..this as the crony pats at his clothing, of which there are no `actual' pockets. “I musta dropped the key!”
Mishu just dumps him outright, shouting.. “Does the meaning of sabotage mean the same to you as it does to me!?”
The crony cocks an eye with sudden suspicion, as the voice then changes to Belldandy's above. This as her voice is equal to that of a microphone.. “- We face difficult times fellow citizens of the cosmos, for our king and master needs us all to help the heroes face the greatest challenge ever faced! -“ ..this as she waves her hand behind her, and a final light snaps on, where their `kingly' character appears, with two elder souls just below her. The original noble voice returns, as Yamano, the source (fooled ya..) ups with voice, as all three sport high royal futuristic fashions, yet still business and recognizable in form.
“- It is without our noble king, that the journey of the heroes would not begin from. For it is the voice of one on high we take all value from this noble quest! The heroes and the galaxy alike! -“
A good number of cheers arise, as Imlade sighs, not exactly thrilled with the role he got saddled with, one decided with very little notice in fact. Frigurina then adds in with her own booming voice. “- Here, o children of the Stars, we beseech you all for your help. We all together can not just save the galaxy, but begin the next great golden age long waited for! -“
At this, a hefty amount of cheering quite rather clamors over the gathering, as a holographic galaxy, and holographic looking spaceships ply around within the stage area. Keiichi notes with amazement.. “Wow.” ..this Bell takes his hand with her own actually nervous version.
Satoko and Otaki just look at each other, and then without warning, add with raises arms.. “For our king and galaxy!!” ..with cheering reaching a crescendo.
Mishu, frazzling worse than a furious Kodiak bear, endures all this, but just barely. That however dies swiftly as Mishu realizes she's about to.. “I think you're losing Mishu.” ..the crony shouts, just before he's stomped all over by the huffy maiden.
But the real surprise comes next, as Imladris nods to Yamano, with Frigurina cocking an eye, just as the `space king' steps down and past everyone on the stage, up towards his `knights'. He begins rather simply with, as Yamano looks towards some stage technicians. “Know that I have only one call to give for my native galaxy, and that it is that all it's citizens, on all levels, of all races and civilizations, can learn to stand together as one.
Even when they do not know they are all working towards the same goal, or even know of each other's existence.”
At this, flood lights start popping on, one by one, over the `other' contestants now around and within the audience, all intermingled together in recognizable clusters. This of course shocks the audience, as the `king' continues. “Our journey is of many paths, all leading to one true, and mighty goal.
The galaxy is truly massive, and majestic. Yet all the differences are of strength that can be united, not derided, if we all can learn to work together.” ..he then walks `through' the holo-galaxy image, adding..
“`This', is the holy mission the heavens lend unto my brow, and my command to my heroes to begin the long task of completing.
For together, a dark future can be averted, and no enemy of darkness, of any kind can ever hope to stop us all!” ..and at this, the lights flat out turn on all around `everyone' in the audience, suddenly giving that good ol crowd participation effect that as expected, gives unease to all.
Imladris just remarks unto everyone. “We will need you all, as our heroes, to accomplish this.
The power of one, of all, `can' change the course of all galactic destiny. Join us now!”
Mishu, and everyone else for a split second, thinks this is crazy. The next, only Mishu thinks it is. Talk about one easy to influence, not to mention loud as heaven, audience!
And not only just in the convention center at that!
Satoko, at the point of the most joyous tears of her life, hears Otaki suddenly quip. “Knew it was a good idea to kidnap these guys into all this.” ..this as the Morisato clan bunch up together, while Imlade and Keiichi gesture for the `other' participants to come on stage, as if it was all one big, giant entry all along!
And it seems to get the approval of a judge, from the development team, at that.
However in the midst of this, at the highest point in the rapture the crowd gives for a now well melded set of contestants, Mishu in a furious tiff, STOMPS right up to the stage! (With several stage steps caved in and `all'.)
Eyes start to note this, as Satoko blinks at the sudden scream of.. “ALRIGHT! What the hell is with this crap!!”
“Mishu?” Satoko quips. Everyone in moments is focused on the gaudy voice of.. “I mean REALLY! This is all just a bunch of show staging crap! How can anyone believe this could be real!”
Otaki just snaps out. “Hey! This is a great idea! What's the big problem!?” ..with a `lot' of the crowd echoing this at Mishu, whom just about cracks from the ego cutting this all `seems' to be to her. She just shouts at Yamano. “Uncle! I demand this farce be stopped!”
Yamano just blinks.. “Why?” ..plainly, as Frig rolls her eyes. Urd just then snaps out. “Hey, stop being a bimbo and let the people have their fun!” ..with more cheering with Urd `showing off' to color with further. Mishu, edging off the edge of sanity a bit more, keeps at it with.. “Fun!? With what?! I mean there's supposed to be more to it all than `fun'!!” ..and she then stabs a finger at.. “And what are YOU people doing over there!!” ..this as her `own' Cosplay crew apparently defects to the majority! The crony adding. “Hey, we like it here better. Less insults.”
Mishu hears more laughter, quite at her expense, as Belldandy comes up, and offers. “Come please join us. We hold no ill towards you ideas. We all can benefit as my cousin suggests, and give greater glory to the same effect.”
“Oh shove it broad!” Mishu snaps, and then is BOOED like something never heard before in her `past' life even. Keiichi just quips.. “Bad move.' ..as Belldandy `still' has a major following with most of the current campus crew, many of them NIT students in attendance.
Mishu as a result, just snaps! “I won't stand for this!! I am the queen of the Cosplay! I am the head of this household, and I will be the one to set the rules for everything!!” ..as she betrays apparently more than just Cosplay, with a shot of a finger at Otaki. “And that OAF will NEVER inherit a single Yen, not while I have anything to say about it.
I will `never' give consent to their marriage, or anything else for that matter with that fool!!”
Otaki just blurts.. “Huh?” ..this Satoko quite openly blinks. “What the heck are you talking about cousin?”
Mishu just folds her arms, as all evil dopes do.. “The deal is off! He won't be touching any of the inheritance, and will `never' enter the Yamano family clan! Ever!!”
Mishu stands there for a moment laughing, while the `rest' onlooking, are silent as clams. Dead silent at that...
Otaki looks over at Yamano.. “Eh? What inheritance?”
Yamano just remarks for all to hear. “Uh.. indeed. What are you talking about?”
Mishu stops laughing, and comments.. “The family fortune. Like you think I didn't know Uncle.”
The parties involve, trade confused glances, before Yamano offers.. “There isn't a fortune. Just contacts.”
Mishu frazzles. “Eh?”
Satoko wonders openly. “I never heard that we had much money. You were just a government official for the early Japanese cabinet in the..”
“1960's. Yes.” Yamano nods. Mishu blinks more and more like an idiot does. Otaki just looks over. “You were in the old cabinet? Cool.”
“Indeed. We were the first to implement policy during the years after reconstruction, before the modern era.
Hardly a job that paid well, but I grew rich in more political favors than I could count!” ..he laughs quite heartily, as things go from a play show, to strange family politics in short order.
The goddesses, audience, and more, listen on, as Mishu blabbers.. “But b.. b.. but the family history, all those stories about being rich and all that!”
Yamano just sighs, looking rather convincing in his futuristic version of his old cabinet garb. “You must mean our family friends, the Yamato clan. `They' have all the money and economic influence. We just have the political contacts they need to get things done still these days. Keeps us nice and comfortable, but hardly `rich'.
Everyone gets us both mixed up. I thought you knew all this time.”
Satoko then surmises. “You mean you've been like this for our entire `lives', because of all `that'?! Even `I' know that.”
Mishu slumps about sa much as dead sand in a split moment. “Oh no.”
The goddesses look at each other, getting a strange lesson in Japanese politics, as Otaki rubs his head. “Um, not that I ever cared about being rich and all. I guess Satoko is all I need for that.” ..Satoko just gloms happily, “Oh, Otaki.”
Keiichi looks over at Yamano. “Sorry again, but then why go through all this?” ..this Yamano explains. “Because I felt it would all help Satoko grow as a woman. The world is a harsh place, and challenges are replete.” ..this a `lot' of people all about, in heaven, ala nod in exasperation. Yamano then adds. “And besides, Satoko is the one next in line to be Family head, not you Mishu.”
Mishu stabs back up standing. “Only if she gets married! And besides, she still hasn't won this contest yet!!”
As if on pure cue, a judge/developer appears and shakes Imlade's hands. “Congrats! You're this years winners!” ..which causes the crowd to cheer like 1999, and Mishu to faceplant! Imlade just blushes as Lind and Eihwa glom in on celebratory flair. “Oh no, it's because of Satoko and Otaki that we got our chance. In fact..” ..he openly puts.. “..if not for everyone here, there wouldn't be all these great ideas anyway!
Everyone here is a winner!”
Yep, more all around cheering. It's a mood thing.
Mishu vents in a broke matchstick type of fume, and leaps back up! “I still want my trophy!” ..and lunges to grab Imlade's arm. However doing so is akin to trying to move a mountain with a wet noodle, or something such, such as how Mishu ends up flat on her back, dizzy and all, without even budging Imladris's arm from it's original spot.
Everyone looks, as Keiichi just quips off key.. “Poor form.”
The next thing Mishu sees, through her bleary, dizzy laden eyes, is three heads glowering over her, two unfriendly goddesses, and one no less so droid.
“// This is starting to get on my nerves. \\”
“Agreed. / Concordato.”
Woowhee.. you never saw someone run more dearly for their life, in the next split moment, much to the ending trail of laughter that follows. This as Imladris just looks and sighs dryly. “Good thing they aren't on caffeine.”
Satoko and Otaki meanwhile get their share of congratulations, while Bell and K1 one smile at another adventure accomplished.
“That was actually fun. Si?”
Most acknowledge Peorth's assessment, as they all leave the shadowed convention center, as the sun starts to wane once more. More than half of them laden with plenty of future reading material, or `study' material, as Frigurina puts it all.
Meanwhile, Keiichi asks over to Otaki, all of them still dressed in cosplay.. “So, when's the wedding?”
Otaki on cue stutters like a dope, as Satoko answers.. “Within two months. Another house tradition.”
Belldandy just exclaims. “Oh, that would be most lovely to attend, if you don't mind.” ..this Satoko beams, glomming permanently unto Otaki. “If you `all' would.” ..this Yamano adds.. “As honored guests.” ..this the lot of them happily agree.
Urd then leans in between K1 and Bell. “Might want to take notes.” ..as Frig appears (and smushes) Urd. (Urd: Oooff, heavy Mama.) “Why that would be grand of design.”
Keiichi just coughs and flutters off in usual rambling fashion. “Oh, uh.. we don't want to rush things.” ..this Bell cutely asks.. “Rush what?” ..this before Skuld objects in.. “No rushing!!”
As another usual tussle ensues, one Satoko and Otaki make room away from for dear life, Lind on her own betrothed's right arm, offers.. “A most dashing day, this was my good king.” ..before Lind groans when Eihwa does the same on the other. “Affettuosamente così, mio consacrato re.”
Imladris just coughs out.. “Please don't.. I don't feel comfortable as one as this. I prefer my knightly version, since there's only one True king in my holy book.”
Lind and Eihwa just smirk, as Lind offers.. “I doubt Lord Almighty minds, since there have been so many of them in all of universal history. In one form or another.”
Imladris just puts in further defensings.. “I still don't like it.”
Eihwa just rolls her eyes. “Careful that doesn't come back to haunt you.”
Lind in turn snips. “Poor form, future sight is not what is needed now. Even if it is to be so.”
Imladris in turn blinks.. “'Be so..'?” ..before Lind and Eihwa look away suspiciously.
Just then, Yamano comes up as they all walk, and pats Imladris on the shoulder. He looks, as much as everyone else that isn't being bamboozled by `marriage' concerns. (Poor K1..) “A fine demonstration of acting, and possibly even some honest leadership.
I can't find the words to thank you.”
Imladris stops and turns, simply offering a hand, one taken and given a good, stiff shake.
“And my own for knowing one of such wisdom, and free will at that. I can see where your daughter gets some of her traits from.”
Yamano nods. “Most of them come from her mother, Kami bless her soul.”
A touch of twinge, filtered off, as Imladris looks over at the soon to be `very' happy couple. Bell notes this in the midst of the trauma Keiichi is lambasted with, and smiles in knowing her choice of a cousin was well placed.
Such a look which Lind and Eihwa glom onto with, that much more tenderly.
...before they shoot lightning at each other from their eyes again.
Imladris then considers, and asks.. “Pardon me, a query if you will?”
Yamano nods. “Of course lad.”
“Tell me, how many contacts did you say, you had?”
“Quite a few. Many of them are as old as I am, but they have many families and relationships of their own. If I may ask of why?”
Imladris blinks, then considers openly.. “I wonder, are any of them fans of good glass art and works?”
Yamano blinks, `that' much more of the goddesses still looking/hearing.
“What is this?”
Back at the temple, Keima looks up at the rather LARGE pile of boxes, one opened, as he, Takano, Keiichi and Megumi, several goddesses, and three Mecha look over what are explained as... “Orders for glasswork.”
`Everyone', Satoko and Otaki included, look in amazement, as Imladris just offers.. “I found someone that can help boost your workload and.. heh.. income, since I know how expensive this area is now. This Takano looks in endearing amazement at an `obvious' solution of a problem the clan was already facing.
A lot of bills.
Bell just claps. “What a novel idea cousin.” ..this Imladris hides (badly,) another blush. A lot of obvious things not be said here, as Keiichi just gives a thumbs up. “Yeah.”
Of course, that doesn't stop Keima from suddenly growling at him. Everyone looks, as Keima stabs up and into the knightly façade.
“You realize how much WORK you just gave me!? I'll never have a day off again!!”
Everyone just smirks nervously, as Imlade anime waves his arms wackily.. “I was just being helpful!!” ..this Keima screams girly like again with.. “And where is all the SAND going to come from!? All my addition supplies! All my BEN-GAY!”
Megumi just smirks. “I think you started something bigger than you understood, good guy.”
Imladris just looks down. “What?!?! Being helpful I said!”
Lind and Eihwa just shake their heads, Lind commenting. “There he goes again, getting his nose stuck in big things no prepared for properly.”
“A problema più comune.” Eihwa chides. This `all' the other goddesses shake their heads at, much to Imlade's annoyance. “A howdy doo to ya all then too.”
Imladris just sighs, sensing his problems as a business manager had only `just' begun.
A demonic pocketwatch is opened, looked unto, and shut....
..an eye closes back shut, waiting patiently..
(End Act VIII-b)