Ai No Kusabi Fan Fiction ❯ The Final Decision ❯ Chapter One ( Chapter 1 )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: I do not own or profit from this story. The characters of Ai no Kusabi, or the Taming Riki series, are not mine.
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Chapter One
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Inside Depravities, the dark hair mongrel turned to see Maiko waving enthusiastically at him from the bar. Pulling the cigarette from his lips, he blew a soft plume of smoke before grinning and returning the greeting. It had been a few months since Jupiter had upgraded his status to that of a citizen and an A-class pet, and Riki had fully enjoyed the newfound respect he had gained throughout his old stomping ground. Though being a `pet' was often viewed as a disgrace, Riki was a pet that had become a citizen; a mongrel citizen at that. It had made him something of a hero in the eyes of his peers.
Taking one last drag on his cigarette, Riki flicked the butt away and ran a hand through his dark, unruly hair. It felt exhilarating being back in Midas, enjoying something that resembled a social life. Although he tried to play the part, he knew his life as the infamous `Riki the Dark' and the leader of Bison was finished. Now, he was just plain `Riki'; mongrel citizen and pet to the Head of the Syndicate, the Elite Iason Mink.
There were some good aspects to being Iason's pet. He lived well and wanted for nothing. His custom clothing, the expensive Dark Baccalias he smoked, his brand-new 6500 Supernova and his Zerovian were proof enough of that. Lighting another cigarette, Riki slumped into a nearby chair and pressed his face into his hands. It was foolish for him to wish for his freedom; especially when Iason had offered it to him just a few months earlier. Although he didn't regret his decision to stay with his handsome Blondie master, Riki couldn't help the bitterness that he felt in becoming Iason's precious `pet' once more. He had hoped that by choosing to stay, the Blondie would treat him with a bit more respect.
Riki sighed as he angrily crushed the cigarette butt into the surface of the table.
“Hey,” Maiko said as he approached, a little breathlessly, “didn't you hear me? I was trying to get your attention.”
“Sorry,” Riki muttered, tracing nondescript patterns on the table with the still-smoking butt.
“Riki, what's the matter?”
Sighing once more, he straightened in his seat and studied Maiko's concerned expression. The kid was sweet, and his friends had been fairly nice as well, but it was pretty transparent that they fawned over him because of his status as Iason's pet. Riki was the only pet to own a car and have special privileges, and, the more he thought about it, the more it seemed that his new `friends' were less concerned with him, and more interested in how many credits his Blondie master put in his portfolio.
Riki's heart twisted painfully as his thoughts suddenly turned to Guy. His old gang had respected him. Before unwillingly falling into Iason's clutches, Riki had been a feared and esteemed leader. Yeah, they were mongrels, but they lived by their own code, their own rules, and everything had always worked out just fine. It took several seconds to realize that Maiko was still talking. Feeling a little guilty, Riki fired up another one of his precious Dark Baccalias and offered the pack to the startled kid. “What was that?” he asked, feigning interest.
Happily accepting one of the expensive cigarettes, Maiko didn't seem to take any notice of the dark mongrel's distance. “Do you want to watch a pairing tonight?” he asked, taking a long drag. “There are a few new ones that are especially pretty.”
Riki's eyes gleamed for a moment, before harsh reality took over. “No,” he answered sharply, shoving the remainder of the Dark Baccalias into his pocket. The kid was startled by the curt reply and immediately adverted his eyes. Sensing his confusion, Riki gave him an apologetic smile. “Sorry, I…it's just -”
“Pet stuff?” Maiko asked with a pointed look.
Clenching his teeth, Riki nearly bit through the butt of his cigarette. “Yeah,” he growled. “Pet stuff.”
Though he was no longer the proud, mongrel leader of Bison, he still tried to maintain an air of dignity; something that was nearly impossible to do with all his restrictions and limitation. Hell, he couldn't even ejaculate without Iason's permission, thanks to the magic of the pet ring. As if on cue, Riki's handheld phone began blinking with an incoming signal. Resisting the urge to smash the annoying contraption, he flipped it open.
“Riki.” Iason's voice was as unmistakable as the annoyance in his tone. “Where are you? I specifically told you to be back to the penthouse by 8:00 sharp.”
Drawing a ragged breath at his master's words, Riki's eyes widened in genuine guilt. Usually, the mongrel would have ignored Iason's ridiculous curfew - as he often did - but that particular day, the Blondie master had told him it would mean a great deal to him if he showed up on time. It was as close to a plea as Riki had ever heard. Hell, it wouldn't kill him to listen to his master every once in awhile. “Was that tonight?” he asked. “Shit, Iason. I completely forgot!”
“Be that as it may, you will return this instant.” Iason's tone betrayed his anger.
“Yeah, yeah,” the mongrel sighed. “I'm on my way.”
“And you can expect some sort of punishment tonight for your lax in judgment.”
At those words, Riki froze and pulled the phone from his ear, staring at the device in disbelief. “Wait a minute,” he said heatedly, his knuckles turning white with anger, “you're going to punish me? I said I forgot, Iason!”
“It makes no difference, pet. I was exact in my instructions.”
“You bastard,” Riki spat, shaking with rage. “You selfish -”
“If you persist in this childish display, my pet, your punishment will increase in severity,” Iason interrupted. “I suggest you obey my command.”
“I bet you do,” Riki shot back. “You never have it any other way.”
Iason's tone turned icy. “That is correct as long as I am the master and you are the pet.”
Taking a deep breath to reign in his fury, Riki decided on a different tactic. “Iason,” he murmured demurely, “I'm sorry, okay. I really did forget. I didn't mean to disobey.” He hoped the gentle tone would soften his master's mood.
“It is not open for discussion,” came the curt reply. “You will be punished tonight.”
White-hot rage heated Riki's blood until it boiled out of control. Ignoring the other patrons of Depravities - all of whom were openly gawking at him - the mongrel slammed a fist down into a nearby table, shattering it. “Give me a break, Iason! It was a fucking mistake!” he shouted into the phone.
“And now it appears you've destroyed some of Lord Ghan's furniture,” Iason chided as the alert came across via terminal display from the barkeeper at Depravities. “You are really in for it tonight, pet.”
“Fuck you,” Riki hissed, clenching his bleeding hand.
“Do not speak to me in that manner, Riki.”
“I'll speak to you however the fuck I want!” he snarled.
A hush fell over the bar as everyone paused to listen to the escalating argument. They all knew who Riki was, and who he was undoubtedly speaking to. The mongrel pet's obstinacy was legendary, but to see it first hand was a spectacular sight. No one but Riki the Dark would have the courage to address the Head of the Syndicate in such a disrespectful manner.
“Riki,” Iason's tone was frighteningly cold, “come home right now.”
“I made a mistake,” the mongrel growled angrily. “Are you always so perfect? Why can't I be allowed to mess up every once in awhile?”
Iason snorted. “Every once in awhile? Pet, you require correcting on a regular basis.”
“According to you!” Riki protested. “You punish me for every little infraction! Even after I saved your ass from that whipping!”
An eerie silence fell over the bar as Riki's words hung in the air. No one dared move, fearing that Iason's wrath might be unleashed through the very phone at any moment. For several seconds, Riki thought that he had gone deaf as even Iason didn't respond to his declaration. Oh hell, he thought miserably, since I've already come this far, I might as well finish out strong. “I'm not coming,” he stated simply, smiling at his own foolish pride. Oh, he was really going to get it now.
“You'll come home, Riki, or I'll come and get you,” the Blondie stated menacingly. “Is that what you want? Because I will bring your chains and the taming stick, and I will teach you a lesson in front of the entire Midas district that you won't soon forget.” His voice shook slightly with the force of his building rage. “Remember the art exhibit at the Emporium? That will be child's play compared to what I will do to you if I have to come fetch you.”
Riki flushed with embarrassment as he recalled his public punishment with the taming stick in front of all the Amoian Elite and their pets. How could he forget? Having already been punished and brutally taken that day by Iason, the pain of the taming had been so severe that he hadn't been able to stand afterward. It was only with his master's compassion and an Opiate-6 that he had made it through the rest of the afternoon.
Suddenly aware of his audience, Riki scowled and threw his phone, cursing as it shattered against the wall. Furious at not having noticed the nosy onlookers before, he slammed some papers credits onto a nearby table and exited the establishment. He'd had enough of the Blondie's condescending manner and his constant interference in his life. Ripping his keys from his pocket, Riki threw his leg over his Supernova and started the bike with almost violent force. With a sharp squeal of tires, Riki headed back toward the beautiful city of Tanagura. He no longer appreciated its splendor. Amoi, Tanagura, Eos Tower - they had all come to represent a cage that he would never escape.
He wasn't worried about Iason coming after him. No doubt by now, the Blondie had activated the tracking program imbedded within the pet ring and was watching - probably with a look of smug satisfaction - as the pet made his way back toward the penthouse. Picturing Iason's quiet smile as the infuriating Blondie sipped a glass of expensive wine, Riki was overcome with an uncontrollable rage. Suddenly, he wanted to hurt Iason. The mongrel knew he didn't possess the strength to do any physical harm - not that he wanted to even if he had been capable of it - but he wanted the Blondie master to feel a little bit of the pain and humiliation he had brought down upon the mongrel pet.
The answer came to Riki in the form of flashing lights and a single siren. A bit startled, he looked over his shoulder to see a police hovercraft carefully following him. Moments later, a small screen lit up on the instrument panel of the Supernova and Iason's beautiful profile glared angrily at him.
“What do you think you're doing?” the Blondie asked with obvious annoyance. “Slow your bike down immediately.”
“So they caught me speeding and called you instead of stopping me?” Riki asked, astonished. “Is everyone so afraid of you that they'd do anything to prevent a stain to your public image?”
“You're behavior is unacceptable,” Iason hissed, his mouth tightening in anger. “Slow your bike, Riki. This is your last warning.”
Grinning under the helmet, the mongrel sat up a bit, and, lifting one hand from the vibrating bike, presented his master with his middle finger.
“Very well, pet. You leave me no choice.” Iason's eyes flashed as he moved his attention from Riki to something off-screen. “I'm sending your access codes to the Midas and Tanagura Police. They will disable your bike and bring you to me in chains.” His piercing blue eyes focused once more on Riki's image, conveying all his rage in a single, menacing look. “Make no mistake, Riki. You're in for a sound thrashing when you arrive home.”
With that, the screen darkened and the police sirens cut through the air. Within minutes, his Supernova shuddered beneath him and his speed immediately began to dwindle. Riki was furious with Iason. First, for arranging his arrest, and second, for being completely untouchable. It seemed no matter what happened, Jupiter's golden boy was above it all. Even after going against Jupiter herself and forced to endure a public whipping, it had not damaged the Blondie's reputation among his peers. On the contrary, many who had been fond of Iason Mink, now idolized him. He was the embodiment of courage, wisdom and strength. Unfortunately for Riki, his act of bravery was quickly overlooked as many felt it had merely been his duty as a pet. Though a bit of hero in Midas, as long as he was a pet, he would never garner any respect in Tanagura.
Riki didn't know why, but he suddenly felt the need to show Iason that he could hurt too; that the great Blondie was not above humiliation and pain. He knew that the night would no doubt end in a severe and brutal punishment, but, for now, he had to prove that Iason Mink was just like anyone else. Using skills he had not utilized since his days as Bison's leader, he quickly scrambled the Supernova's systems, overrode the access codes, and gave the machine the full throttle.
Laughing wildly, he smashed the visual receptacle on the instrument panel before Iason's angry expression could ruin his sudden elation. Glancing over his shoulder, he was excited to see at least six hovercrafts pursuing him, their lights a harsh contrast against Tanagura's night sky. At that moment, he regretted breaking the bike's communication center. It would have been priceless to see the look on Iason's face when the Tanagura Police updated him on the current situation.
In Eos Tower, Iason paced restlessly by the dining room window, clutching a glass of wine so tightly in his gloved hand that it was a wonder it had yet to shatter. He was beyond furious with Riki. Since the public whippings, his position and reputation were both on shaky ground. An incident like this - one where Jupiter would most certainly become involved - was something that needed to have been avoided. Didn't Riki understand that this was precisely the attention they must shy away from if they were to remain together?
“It will do no good to wear a rut in your floor, Iason,” Omaki Ghan commented with obvious amusement. “Tanagura Police are exceptionally good at what they do. They will bring Riki back quickly.”
Iason smiled appreciatively though he continued to wring the glass in his grasp. “My apologies about the table at Depravities,” he commented slowly. “I will, of course, fully reimburse you for any damages that Riki has caused.”
Omaki laughed and dismissed the apology with a wave of his hand. “Don't be ridiculous,” he snorted in glee. “That pet of yours is the most entertaining thing to happen to us in years! Besides, I have no doubt it wasn't the first, nor the last table to be broken by Riki.”
“That pet of yours is a disgrace,” Headmaster Sung voiced in a disproving manner, looking up from the Book of General Code and tapping his crop whip against his firmly, muscled thigh. Xian Sami, Heiku Quiahtenon and Megala Chi all stared at the punishing device with a mixture of disgust and apprehension. “This is exactly why Jupiter wanted you to get rid of him a long time ago.”
“At the very least, he needs a good, long whipping.” Raoul sipped a glass of cognac slowly, grateful for the temporary reprieve from having to recite sections of the General Code.
Frowning, Iason set his wine on the bar and turned toward the rest of the group. “You would suggest that, Raoul,” he said with a hint of disdain. The memories of Riki's torture and rape were still fresh in his mind. He had forgiven Raoul, but he would never trust the imposing Blondie again.
“You can't deny the truth behind his words,” the Headmaster protested. “Jupiter was wise to warn you against keeping that pet. He's an embarrassment to you, Iason. Someone of your standing should only have the very best from the Pet Academy, not a mongrel from -”
“Enough.” Iason was startled and ashamed of the way he addressed the Headmaster, but he could no longer listen to any of them regard Riki so reprehensibly. It was ingrained in every Elite, since their first days in the academy, to despise the mongrel class. However, had Riki not proved that the two species were both capable of great courage and love? Though he didn't expect the other Blondies to immediately welcome Riki's status of citizenship, it bothered him that they still viewed him with obvious contempt. Developing a nasty headache, he closed his eyes and pinched the bridge of his nose. “Why would Jupiter make a law allowing me to keep Riki if she wanted me to get rid of him?” he asked quietly.
None of the Blondies, nor Lord Sung had an answer.
“Excuse me, Master Iason,” Ayuda said with a curt bow as he entered the dining hall. “May I speak to you in private?”
The bodyguard most likely had information about Riki. Unconcerned about what the others would think, Iason shrugged and retrieved his wine. “You may speak freely, Ayuda.”
Hesitating only for a moment, the bodyguard nodded. “Sir, we've just received an urgent message from the Tanagura Chief of Police. Apparently, Riki disabled the Supernova's speed governor and is currently leading both Tanagura and Midas Police on a dangerous chase.”
Iason nearly dropped his wine in disbelief while the six other Blondies gaped in open-mouthed horror. Of all the things he had thought Ayuda might report, the bodyguard's announcement had caught him by complete surprise. His long strides carried him swiftly to the communication center where he entered the code to activate the tracer in Riki's pet ring. Instantly, the beacon flared to life on the screen and to Iason's immense horror, his pet was moving far too fast and erratically through the streets of Tanagura for his comfort.
“Slow down, Riki,” he whispered, gripping the table with white knuckled strength. “You're going to get hurt!”
Iason held up a hand to silence the young bodyguard. Turning back to the terminal, he typed in the code to access the Supernova's visual screen, preparing to give Riki the lecture of his life. Steeling his features, he waited for the program to load.
Error. 6500 Supernova, Register number 346023 visual output damaged.
Damaged. Riki had probably destroyed the screen or scrambled the bike's sensors when he overrode the governor codes. Gritting his teeth with anger, he brought up the tracing beacon once more.
“Sir,” Ayuda addressed him again, holding a phone away from his ear, “the police are requesting the use of any force to bring Riki down.”
“What!?” Iason shouted, causing all within the penthouse to jump in fright. Horrified by the phrase `bring Riki down' more than anything else, the Blondie's face turned red with anger that the police would even suggest such deplorable means of capturing his pet. “Tell them they may not use any force! I demand that he is brought to me safe and unharmed!”
Nodding, the bodyguard pressed the phone back to his ear. “Use of force is denied,” he repeated Iason's command sternly. “Z107M is to be returned unharmed.”
Resisting the urge to smash the glass of the visual terminal, Iason turned toward his bodyguard and gave him a hard look that successfully concealed his inner torment. “Ayuda, I want you to assist the Tanagura Police on this issue and personally escort Riki back to the penthouse when this matter is finished.”
Relaying the instructions to the Tanagura Police Chief, Ayuda nodded once more and disappeared through the penthouse doors.
“Come,” Heiku said softly, stepping forward and placing his bionic arm around Iason's trembling shoulders. “It will do no good to fret over this matter until it plays out.” Nodding toward Raoul, Heiku helped Iason to his favorite chair and poured him a fresh glass of wine. “Now earlier, you looked as though you were suffering from another headache. Perhaps Raoul could be of some assistance?”
More than a little eager to reestablish this particular intimacy between them, Raoul smiled widely and stepped behind his old pairing partner. Gathering Iason's long and wonderfully luxurious hair, Raoul carefully pulled it aside and began to knead out the tight knots of muscles. “There,” he murmured, tracing the line of Iason's throat with his lips, “isn't that much better?”
Responding to sensual stimuli, Iason's head fell back as he relaxed and allowed Raoul to work his magic. No matter how wonderful the massage felt, however, Iason could help but wish it were Riki's hands playing their comforting song over his weary flesh. More than anything, he wished for his pet to be in his arms and in his bed.
Since the whippings, the two of them had been getting along wonderfully. He shivered as he recalled Riki's declaration of love and his choice to stay with his Blondie master. It had been the happiest day of Iason's entire life. He couldn't understand what had brought out such aggressive and obstinate behavior in his little mongrel. Had something happened at Depravities that he was unaware of? The last time he had acted out in such a fashion was when he had seen his old pairing partner, Guy, on their trip to Midas. Had Riki run into another shadow of the past?
“Does that feel better?” Raoul whispered seductively as he slid his hands down the flat plains of Iason's chest in pursuit of more stimulating conquests.
“Much,” Iason answered as he carefully disengaged Raoul's roaming appendages and stood. “I owe you my thanks.”
Feeling slightly hurt by the obvious dismissal, Raoul stood with his arms held limply at his sides. “I would perform that service for you anytime, Iason, if you'd only ask it of me.”
The Head of the Syndicate did not answer, though in his mind, he voiced that he much preferred Riki's touch to that of his old pairing partner. Oblivious of his other guests or Headmaster Sung's disapproving stare, Iason moved toward the communicating center once more and sent a beacon to his bodyguard.
“Sir?” Ayuda answered his call.
“Anything yet?” Iason's impatience was clear.
“No, Sir.”
Sighing, Iason nodded and rubbed his temple. “Keep me updated,” the Blondie commanded before terminating the communication.
At Police Headquarters, Ayuda carefully closed the phone and turned his attention toward the Chief of Police. “What is Z107M's status? Have your men apprehended him yet?”
Shaking his head, the Chief managed a shameful look. “Both my men and the Midas Police are in pursuit, but the pet has considerable skill on a hoverbike.”
The bodyguard nodded, secretly pleased with Riki's ingenuity. He didn't agree with the pet on all his views, but he admired the mongrel's stubbornness and his endless, hopeless quest to earn equal status among the Amoian Elite. “You need to tell your men that Riki is to be returned to his master unharmed, and then you and I will be heading to his location in a hovercar.”
Nodding his understanding, the Chief sent out a beacon, alerting all his men of Iason's instructions.
“Use of force is denied. At the request of Iason Mink, Head of the Syndicate, Z107M is to be apprehended and returned unharmed.”
“Do you hear that shit?” A bulky Tanagura officer scowled, slamming his fist into hovercar's instrument panel. “How the hell are we supposed to catch him without using force of any kind?”
His partner shrugged with a look of annoyance as he piloted the vehicle. “Can you believe this? A pet with a hoverbike. I heard the mongrel also drives a fucking Zerovian.”
“A Zerovian?” the bigger man gaped in disbelief. “Please tell me that you're joking!”
The smaller officer shook his head. “I guess the Head of the Syndicate bought it for him as a gift right after the mongrel took his whipping. Isn't that just fucking insane?” His eyes shone with bitterness. “And here we are, busting our balls to make a living, when all that piece of filth had to do was weasel his way into an Elite's fucking bed.”
Frowning, the bigger officer pulled up Riki's profile and studied the image carefully. He found nothing that he thought would interest the Head of the Syndicate. Riki the Dark was nothing more than a filthy mongrel; a waste of space on Amoi. Why had the great and respected Iason Mink granted such a creature his favor?
“We'd just shoot any other pet,” his partner was grumbling to himself. “Fucking pet of Iason Mink getting special treatment…it's enough to make me sick!”
“How are we going to catch him?” the bigger man asked, pushing a few buttons to make the holo-pic of Riki disappear.
His partner shrugged once more before turning toward the window with a mischievous smile. “I have an idea,” he said, suddenly excited. “Hold on!”
The bulky officer squealed as the hovercar nearly rocked dangerously to its side. Clutching his chest, he shot a menacing look at his reckless partner. “What the hell were you thinking?”
Expertly maneuvering the vehicle, his partner silenced the siren and cut the lights. Turning the next corner, he reached toward the communication channel and opened the frequency that connected them to the other cars. “This is Hovercar 2048 in pursuit of 6500 Supernova driven by Z107M.”
“Hovercar 1849 responding to beacon. Go ahead 2048.”
“Are you currently in pursuit of the mongrel pet?”
The smaller officer grinned. “We're going to try to cut him off via an alternate route. The Emporium has only one artery running through it. If we can guide him there, with some help, we can block the entrance and the exit and trap him there.”
After a short pause, the Chief's voice drifted through the communication device. “An excellent strategy, Hovercar 2048. I will dispatch more officers to that location. This is a reminder that use of force is denied and the pet is to be apprehended unharmed.”
“Yeah, yeah,” the bigger officer grumbled before switching off the communication beacon. Flashing his partner a mischievous grin, he pulled his laser from its holster.
“What are you doing?”
“I'm just going to scare the bastard a little,” he answered, powering up the weapon just as the mongrel's Supernova shot past them at rocket speed.
Riki was a bit startled when the siren suddenly blared through the night. Glancing to the side, he was stunned - to say the least - to see a Tanagura Police Hovercar heading toward him on a collision course. Where had they come from? Using a tricky Bison maneuver, Riki managed to bring the bike almost perpendicular to the ground, his strength alone keeping it from tumbling completely out of control. Skidding to the side, he just barely brushed past the hovercar, and his heart nearly stopped when he saw the two men inside.
One of the officers held a laser.
“Z107M!” a voice bellowed from the outer speaker of the newly arrived hovercar. “Halt your vehicle! We have been given permission to use whatever force is necessary to assure your capture!”
“What!?” Ayuda was nearly beside himself with rage. “Don't your men listen, Chief!? Master Iason Mink said that Riki was not to be harmed!!”
Red-faced with both anger and humiliation, the Chief quickly sent a communication beacon to the wayward hovercar. He could only imagine the Elite Blondie's wrath if his precious pet were to be hurt. It was no secret the Head of the Syndicate was overly fond of his mongrel stray. “It's being ignored!” he stammered with disbelief as the beacon continued to blink. “What are those two thinking!?”
Pinching the bridge of his nose, the bodyguard released a frustrated sigh. “I can only guess they are trying to intimidate the mongrel,” he answered. “What they don't understand, is that Z107M doesn't respond like any other pet! We need to stop this before something serious happens!”
Riki's heart was pounding furiously as the police officers repeated their threat. He wasn't sure exactly what he should feel in light of this new development. Tightening his hands on the handle grips of his bike, he fought the sudden, overwhelming urge to cry out his sorrow. Riki was shaking with rage; there was no doubt that he was absolutely furious that Iason would give the police permission to open fire upon him. However, another part of his heart shriveled and quietly wept in utter anguish. Perhaps the Blondie didn't love him as much as he claimed.
Riki straightened as another thought entered his mind. Maybe Iason hadn't given that order at all. Was it possible they were just trying to frighten him? Making up his mind, Riki decided to test his theory. Releasing the clip under his chin, he yanked off his helmet and shook out his unruly hair. The Tanagura officers had only a few seconds to contemplate the pet's strange behavior before the discarded object shattered the hovercar's windshield. Sputtering with rage, the bigger officer knocked out the rest of the jagged glass with a taming stick. “That insolent bastard!” he shrieked, taking careful aim and firing the laser at Riki.
The hot hiss of burnt leather snaked across Riki's right shoulder as he piloted the Supernova around a sharp curve. The pain of the wound was minimal, but the pain in Riki's heart encompassed everything else. They had fired on him, and, had he not instinctively moved to the side, they would have seriously wounded him. So that was it. Iason had given them permission to bring him down. He couldn't believe it. The agony that ripped apart his very soul pushed all rational thought from his head. He couldn't think straight or feel anything but the tortured pain of his broken heart.
His speed decreased when he suddenly realized where he was. Cursing, his head whipped around to study the surrounding area. It was no use. There was only one way in and one way out of the massive structure surrounding the Emporium, and, no doubt by now, the police would have sealed any means of escape. Furious at himself for his lack of concentration, Riki gave the Supernova full throttle, quickly putting distance between his bike and the Tanagura police hovercars. His thoughts were cut short, however, when he felt the distinctive sting of a laser cut through his side.
Biting back a scream on pain as another laser tore through his left shoulder, Riki forced the Supernova through a small alley and cut the power. He trembled as he pressed his good hand into the oozing wound at his side and assessed the damage. Wincing, he explored the smoking injury, probing his fingers carefully around the torn flesh. If he wanted to survive, he would need to get to the Tanagura Medical Center…soon.
“Z107M! You have been surrounded. Surrender immediately to prevent further injury!”
“Injury!” Ayuda was red-faced with fury as their hovercar took its place in formation around a darkened alley. “What do they mean?”
The Chief was at a loss for words. He didn't know what his men were doing, or what they had done. He could only hope that they had the situation under control, and Iason would not be overly harsh when dealing with the mess the Tanagura Police and his pet had created.
Ayuda, on the other hand, was beside himself with anger and worry. Could something have happened to the stubborn mongrel? Surely those fools hadn't really used their weapons on him? The fearsome and imposing bodyguard trembled at the thought that he would have to report Riki's injuries to Iason Mink. He knew Riki meant a great deal to Iason and the Head of the Syndicate would not take it well if his precious pet were hurt.
“Z107M! Surrender now and we will hold our fire!”
Rage blinded Riki, surrounding him in an almost perceivable glow of hatred. At that moment, his heart turned black with the abhorrence he felt for everything. He hated Amoi and Jupiter. He hated Eos Tower and Tanagura. He hated Guy and Kei for dying so tragically, and he hated the rest of the Bison gang for turning their backs on him when he needed them the most. He hated all pets and furniture for being mindless slaves and the Blondie Elite for having such absolute control over them.
Riki hated himself as well, but it was nothing compared to the hatred he felt for Iason Mink.
Three years of punishment, rape, and torture, suppressed deep inside dark mongrel, was suddenly released with frightening intensity. It was in that moment that Riki came to a sort of epiphany. No matter what had happened, Iason had always insisted on keeping him as a pet. Nothing seemed to bother the Head of the Syndicate like the prospect of losing his special toy. Riki had thought Iason wanted to keep him out of love, but, the more he thought about it, the more it seemed Iason just wanted to have control in all things. To tame Riki the Dark, a mongrel from the slums of Ceres, was an accomplishment that no other had ever achieved.
Smiling softly, hidden in the darkness of the alley, Riki came to his final decision.
He would hurt Iason Mink, Head of the Syndicate and all the Amioan Elite, by removing himself from the Blondie's life.
“Z107M! You will -”
The transmission was cut off by the sudden intensity of light from the Supernova's headlamps. Tanagura and Midas police all shielded their eyes, tensing in both fear and anticipation. The unmistakable roar of the hoverbike's engine pierced the night air, singing its final song to the stars and the twin moons of Amoi. With the speed of a laser blast, Riki shot from the shadows of the alley and rode straight toward them. His eyes blazed with frightening intensity and the wind mercilessly whipped his dark hair. In that moment, Riki resembled a hound from the very pits of hell rather than a stray mongrel from the slums.
As several of the police officers began to open fire, Ayuda nearly ripped the door to the hovercar off its hinges in his haste to get out. “Stop!” he screamed, his heart nearly stopping as a laser blast ripped through Riki's leg. “Hold your fire!!”
The world seemed to quiet as the next few minutes played out in slow motion. Ayuda eyes widened in disbelief as Riki's Supernova crashed through two hovercars with a smoking screech of tortured metal. No longer able to use his full strength to control the bike, the Supernova wobbled dangerously out of control, flipping onto its side and ejecting it's unfortunate passenger. Metal flew as the bike bounced and rolled along the smooth stone streets before crashing into the entrance of the Emporium, shattering the windows of the massive, arena-like structure and cracking the stone bases of the two statues, Ios and Erphanes.
“Riki!” Ayuda felt he might be sick as he came upon the twisted form of Iason's mongrel pet. Sinking to his knees, he carefully turned the body and gently cradled Riki's head in his massive arms. Though a hardened warrior and trained bodyguard, Ayuda felt the hot sting of tears assault his eyes as he assessed Riki's many injuries and noted several laser burns. Those stupid, fucking, trigger-happy bastards!
“Iason…” Riki's whisper was almost lost to the howling Tanagura winds.
“You stupid little mongrel,” Ayuda growled affectionately, slipping his arms around Riki's trembling body, cradling him like a child. “What the hell were you thinking? Why did you pull a stunt like this?”
“Iason…let them…shoot me…”
“No, Riki!” the bodyguard instantly realized the mongrel's terrible mistake. “Master Iason ordered them not to hurt you. Riki? Riki!” His heart thumped painfully against his ribs as he realized the mongrel had already fallen unconscious. Lifting his head, he screamed at the horrified police officers. “Get a medical team here, now!”
Within minutes, two medics were kneeling beside the distraught bodyguard.
“Are you his master?” a red-headed medic asked, filling a syringe.
“No,” Ayuda replied. “He is the pet of Iason Mink.”
The medics froze.
“What?” Ayuda was getting quite desperate. He could see Riki's injuries were severe and with every second, more of the mongrel's warm blood soaked into his tunic. They had very little time to save his life!
“We were going to administer an Opiate overdose,” a sandy-haired medic answered, hesitantly.
The bodyguard's grip on Riki tightened slightly as he stared at the two medics in disbelief. “You were going to kill him?”
“It's not as barbaric as you make it sound,” the red-head snapped angrily. “His injuries are severe. Even if he makes it to Tanagura Medical, there is no guarantee that we can save his life. And if he lives, when they give him acceleration, he'll wish he had died in a calm and painless way.”
The sandy medic nodded. “If we administer an Opiate overdose, it'll take away all his pain.” He placed a hand on the bodyguard's shoulder. “He'll die quickly and peacefully just drifting off to sleep.”
Ayuda switched his gaze from Riki, to the two medics, unsure of what they wanted of him.
“We can still give him overdose,” the red-head soothed. “No one would have to know how he really died.”
Horrified at their implication, Ayuda closed his eyes, feeling sympathy for the mongrel. He knew what Riki had done was nothing short of a suicide attempt and that the pet would most likely be grateful to him for making the call. However, he had come to respect Iason Mink in the short time that he had worked for the Blondie, and he knew that Iason would be devastated by his pet's death. Stupid mongrel, he thought sadly, is it really so difficult to see how much Iason cares? In the end, Ayuda's choice was simple as he had no authority to make such an important decision. “You had best do everything you can to make sure he survives,” he threatened menacingly, “or you will have to answer to Iason Mink personally.”
The red-headed medic sighed and emptied the syringe as his partner called for medical transport.
“Come on, Riki,” Ayuda pleaded with the unconscious pet, “you've got to hold on just a little longer.” His eyes widened in horror as Riki arched his back, released a strained moan, and fell limply back into Ayuda's embrace. Alarmed, the bodyguard lowered his ear toward the pet's slackened features.
Riki wasn't breathing.
“Medic!” he shouted, placing Riki gently on the ground. “He stopped breathing!”
Both medics quickly went to work, the red-head tilting back Riki's head while the other started compressions on his chest. The sandy-haired medic winced as his forceful movements brought further injury upon Riki's ribs, but he didn't dare let up. The pet's heart had given out under the sheer strain of the agony his body was suffering. Looking up sharply, he gave his partner a questioning stare. “Start the breathing,” he ordered.
“I won't put my mouth on a mongrel's,” the red-head snapped back in irritation.
Resisting the urge to wring the impertinent fool's neck, Ayuda shoved him aside and took his place by Riki's head. “Tell me what to do,” he said urgently.
“Give him a breath every five compressions.”
Ayuda counted silently, breathing on cue and reigning in his utter fury at the red-headed medic. No wonder Riki fought for respect in Tanagura. Even as the pet of the renowned Iason Mink, he was still mongrel trash in the eyes of the citizens. Suddenly, Riki protests didn't seem so erroneous and selfish. Even after becoming the first mongrel citizen since the revolution, Jupiter had merely made him a citizen `pet'. As long as he remained a pet, he would never truly be respected; he would never truly be free.
A low groan brought a flood of relief to the anxious bodyguard. Settling back on his heels, he carefully lifted Riki by armpits and cradled his fragile body against his broad chest. “Don't scare me like that, you bastard,” he chided gently as the sandy-haired medic inserted a tube into Riki's side to help drain his lungs of blood. “You gotta make it or Iason will take a taming stick to your corpse. Come on, Riki, show me you're a tough Ceres mongrel!”
He continued his quiet suppliant until the transport vehicle hummed to a halt in front of them. Sick with concern, Ayuda lifted Riki's limp body in his arms and carefully deposited him on awaiting gurney. Turning back to the medical staff, he gave them his most fierce and menacing scowl. “Save his life,” he commanded. The medics quickly closed the doors to the transport, aware that the terrifying bodyguard was giving them an order rather than a plea.
“This is most disconcerting,” the Chief of Police muttered as he bowed his head and approached the irate bodyguard. “Please inform the Head of the Syndicate that -”
“I will be informing him of your officers' inability to follow orders,” Ayuda interrupted, whirling around to face the alarmed Chief. “Surely, he will be paying you a visit very soon.”
Incensed, the Chief folded his arms and shot his own menacing glare at the bodyguard. “Now wait just a minute,” he protested vigorously. “That pet of his caused an exceptional amount of damage! How dare you try to hold me responsible for -”
“Lord Mink gave specific orders; orders which you then disobeyed.” Not one to be intimidated, Ayuda rose to his full height and stared down at the trembling man. “He knew Riki would react this way if provoked. Your men went against a direct command, not only from you, but from the very Head of the Syndicate.”
The Chief paled, realizing the truth in Ayuda's words. Before he could piece together a suitable apology, the bodyguard had flipped open his phone and sent out a beacon to Katze.
“Yeah,” came the curt reply.
“It's Ayuda,” he said solemnly. “I need a ride to the penthouse.”
“Do I look like a fucking chauffeur service to you?”
“Katze. It's Riki.”
The pregnant pause that followed told Ayuda that Katze had realized the enormity of the situation. “Please tell me the incident being broadcasted all over the scanners isn't the one you're talking about.”
“Tanagura Emporium.”
Glancing down at his tunic, his stomach twisted in disgust. “I need to get to the penthouse as soon as possible, Katze,” he pleaded. “And bring a car you don't mind getting a little blood in.”
“On my way.”
Closing the phone, the situation finally caught up with the weary bodyguard, and he sank to his knees in the grass in despair. He desperately rubbed at the congealing blood on his arms, shocked that his eyes burned with the unmistakable sting of hot tears. He hadn't had the urge to cry since he was a boy, watching his mother slowly wither away from an incurable disease. Trembling, he hung his head and dropped his large hands into his lap.
It was in this same position that Katze found him, merely minutes after he had made the call. Assessing the situation with wide eyes, and horrified by the amount of blood staining the bodyguard's tunic, Katze helped Ayuda in the hovercar and quickly took off toward Eos tower. The ride was silent as one man's imagination painted horrible scenarios in his mind, and the other tried to think of what he was going to tell the most fearsome Blondie on Amoi.
In the penthouse, Iason was having difficulty concentrating on the Headmaster's lecture. Not that he needed much of an excuse. Headmaster Sung was renowned for his winded speeches on the General Code, some of which could last the better part of an evening if given the chance.
Tuning out the Headmaster's droning voice, Iason sipped his wine and allowed his thoughts to drift back to Riki. He couldn't elucidate it, but he felt an unexplainable wave of terror beginning to rise in the pit of his stomach. It took all of the Blondie's skill in concealing his emotions to keep from outwardly expressing his overwhelming sense of dread. Something had happen to Riki; he just knew it.
Startled, Iason nearly dropped his glass of wine. Blushing madly, he glanced around at the questioning stares aimed in his direction. “My apologies, Headmaster,” he murmured, straightening in his chair.
“This is exactly the problem, Iason,” Headmaster Sung sighed and lowered his crop whip. “That mongrel is affecting every aspect of your life!”
Irritated, but not wanting to be rude, Iason stared at the swirling wine in his glass before lifting his gaze. “Forgive me, Lord Sung, but I hardly see how Riki is a distraction.” He mentally grinned at the blatant and obvious lie. Everything about the mongrel distracted him, from his obstinate attitude, to his erotically enticing body.
Nodding at the challenge, the Headmaster stepped forward and pointed at Iason's wine. “Any vice, whether it is food, drink, or cigarettes, can be hazardous if not consumed in moderation.” He moved and sat down in an empty chair, regarding Iason thoughtfully. “Your pet has become a dangerous diversion, Iason. Like any other addiction, you've allowed him to slowly take over your life until nothing else is of any importance.”
Iason frowned. While he did agree that Riki was more important than anything else in his life, he didn't concur with the description of his beautiful mongrel being a vice. He loved Riki. Loving someone meant putting them first and foremost in one's mind. “I am merely worried, Headmaster,” he corrected amicably. “Riki was supposed to be home hours ago.”
“That is another thing,” Lord Sung continued as though Iason had asked for his advice. “You do not treat that mongrel like a normal pet! No wonder he is so difficult and high-spirited! You've done nothing to tame -”
“Headmaster,” Iason interrupted pleadingly, ignoring the amused stares from the other Blondies, “let us continue with the discussion of the General Code.”
Omaki coughed lightly and sipped his wine, attempting to conceal his amused smile behind the amber liquid. Raoul did nothing to hide his disgust and the other Blondies feigned indifference to the conversation. With an exaggerated sigh, Lord Sung retrieved the Book of General Code and thumbed through its content. Having found the section they had just finished, he prepared to continue his lecture.
“Master Iason,” a hollow voice sounded through the wall speaker, “Ayuda has returned.”
Lowering the book with an expression of extreme irritation, Headmaster Sung stared pointedly at Iason. “I suppose you'll want to be excused now,” he remarked snidely.
It was true that Iason wanted to rush to the door, and, once having ascertained that his pet was unharmed, commence in giving the mongrel a taming like he had never received before. However, he couldn't help but be hurt and upset with Riki at his callous disregard of their precarious situation. Iason wanted to punish Riki, and the best way to start was by ignoring his existence. Nothing infuriated the mongrel more. “Please continue,” he nodded, settling comfortably in his chair.
Several of the Blondies exchanged looks of surprise before turning back toward the equally shocked Headmaster. “Ah, yes…of course,” he stammered, struggling to regain his composure. “As I was saying, part 3 of section 8 states that -” His voice trailed away as a shadowy figure caught his attention, and, glancing up, his mouth fell open in horror and shock.
Confused as to what could have caused such an expression to grace the Headmaster's normally stoic features, Iason turned toward the great hall as well. His heart nearly stopped when he spotted Katze walking toward him, followed by Ayuda. Dark stains of blood marred the fabric of the bodyguard's tunic, and his eyes spoke the words that he would never be able to voice to the distraught Blondie.
“Master Iason,” Ayuda's said, his voice punctuated by his relentless trembling. “I'm afraid there's been a terrible accident.”
* * *
A/N: Well, there you have it. Before you start a fire under me, allow me to explain. I fell I love with this series a very short time ago and read the entire Taming Riki saga in one sitting. I was so inspired that I broke free from my usual fandom and quickly worked out the first chapter of this story with every intention of continuing on.
Unfortunately, the Taming Riki series is no longer available and I failed to take notes. Without it, I lack both inspiration and the tools necessary for research. My mind is sieve, and, all ready, names, events, locations and such are slipping through the cracks. I'm afraid that this piece will forever remain a single shot. I hope you enjoyed it, nevertheless.
Regards, clnv