Ai Yori Aoshi Fan Fiction ❯ Necessary Evil ❯ Necessary Evil - Helping Friends ( Chapter 3 )
Chapter 3: Helping Friends
It had been two weeks since the trip, and Kaoru was liking his life a lot. Miyabi and Aoi were much more affectionate with him, and Tina snuck into his room from time to time. It did worry him just a bit that he was getting so used to this kind of life, but Aoi seemed to fully approve. She and Tina had even started to hang out a bit. Miyabi had explained to him that the rogue factions within the Sakuraba group had pulled back to regroup and rethink their options since all they had were him having an affair with her and possibly Tina. He had been surprised when Miyabi had told him that the group had sent people to watch him on his retreat with the photography club.
But that little news flash was pushed to the back of his mind by her next tidbit. Aoi and he were allowed a certain leeway inside the house, provided that she was there to supervise. He had asked her what exactly she meant by leeway, and Aoi-chan had answered by slapping a kiss on him that had left him gasping. Miyabi had said that they were free to act like boyfriend and girlfriend as long as they didn't leave any marks and her maidenhood was intact. Aoi had blushed from her forehead to her chest at that revelation. Kaoru had asked who had authorized this, and Miyabi had just told him that he didn't need to worry - it was taken care of.
Happy to take her at her word, he had kissed Aoi again. It had swiftly progressed from there to caresses, then petting. It was during this time that he discovered that his Aoi-chan didn't wear anything under her kimono. Seeing his look, she had modestly bowed her head and replied that it was not traditional to wear anything under the tsumugi. Kaoru had assured her that he didn't mind in the least, earning him a leer from Miyabi.
It was a considerable irritation to have to cut the rapidly heating make out session short, but Aoi had to make the meal, and she noted that she had not finished her housework for the day. So, she had reluctantly left him and returned downstairs. Miyabi had noted that Aoi-sama bore the brunt of the household chores, and her days were far busier than his and Tina's put together. Kaoru nodded slowly. Miyabi had seemed to grasp what he was thinking, as she had pointed out that Aoi's busy schedule would mean there would be less time for them to play boyfriend/girlfriend. Gotta figure out a way to help her. He thought. Miyabi had cautioned him that he must not allow his grades to drop any, as his getting his degree in law was necessary for him to successfully pursue Aoi's hand in marriage.
Kaoru had seen Miyabi smile as she reached out toward him, but just then, the two heard Tina's unmistakable Hakata-accented voice from downstairs. Glancing at each other, they had both burst out laughing. Side by side they exited her room and headed down to see what Tina was doing up and around after she had had so much to drink. Seeing them reach the bottom of the stairs, Aoi had called from the kitchen that dinner would be ready shortly. The two had escorted a still-tipsy Tina to the table, and within a half hour, they were devouring yet another excellent meal.
"She always makes such good food." Mused Kaoru as he sat up in bed. It was morning, and he was a bit curious as to why Aoi-chan hadn't come to wake him as she usually did. Yawning, he got up and stretched as he headed for the small bathing area that he shared with Tina. While not exactly tiny, it was hardly more than the bathroom in his old bachelor pad. Since Tina had arrived, it seemed smaller. Grinning to himself, he had to admit that that wasn't necessarily a bad thing.
Like the day before yesterday! He thought fondly. He had come in from helping Miyabi with some rearranging of some furniture, and since he had gotten hot and sweaty, he decided to take a fast bath. Opening the door, he had seen Tina standing in front of the mirror, drying her wet hair. The fact that she was stark naked didn't bother her at all. She was still damp from the bath, too. Kaoru had suffered instant woodage. Tina had noticed. "Heh! Is that for me?" she asked him, setting her brush down and turning to face him. He had smiled at her breasts, since his eyes seemed to be stuck there for the moment. "Good." She purred. Reaching out, she had pulled him in to the bathroom, closing the door with a kick.
It had taken only a moment for his pants to fall, and for Tina to grab his cock. Already hard, she had only stroked him for a few moments before grinning at him and turning to lean over the counter. "Ever done it like this before?" she had husked. Kaoru stepped up behind her, carefully nudging her feet a bit wider before positioning his tip at her entrance. It was already hot, wet and slippery.
"Maybe." He teased her, pushing forward, his tip spearing into her pussy, wringing an aroused moan from her. "Is this right?" he asked her, settling into a deep, steady rhythm, reaching forward to caress her breasts. Tina began to moan a bit more.
"Y…yeah." She panted. "Something like this." She added. Kaoru began to slowly increase his pace. Thanks, Yabi-chan! He thought to his first lover and teacher. If you hadn't of helped me out, I'm not sure that I would be doing this right. He leaned forward and kissed the nape of Tina's, enjoying her shiver of excitement. "Ooohhh." She breathed. "Have you been practicing with someone?" she asked breathlessly.
"Could be." He replied nonchalantly, rolling her hard nipples and gently tugging on them as he bottomed out in her sheath. It was too much for Tina, who fell over the edge into an orgasm. Her orgasm triggered his own, and he shot his load deep in her passage. It had taken the two a period of time to recover. Finally, Tina pushed him back off her, and the two separated, his soft member slipping out of her cunt, releasing a trickle of their mixed juice.
"Great. Now I have to shower again." Said Tina, sounding very happy at the prospect. Kaoru just shook his head.
"Well, we better hurry, Tina-chan." He said. "Aoi-chan will have dinner for us soon, and we can't go in there like this." He said, motioning to their groins. Tina nodded.
"Yeah, you're right." She said, starting the shower. "But who have you been practicing with?" she asked. Kaoru swiftly considered his options on that. Discretion is the better part of valor, I suppose. He decided.
"Who said I have been practicing?" he asked her innocently. "Maybe I've just seen some porn." He suggested to her. She considered that as she washed herself off.
"Yeah, I suppose so." She said. I don't care; he's good and that's all that matters in the end. Kaoru took the nozzle from her and began to scrub himself clean as well. Another thought occurred to him.
"I've been meaning to ask, Tina-chan, but you are on birth control, right?" he asked her.
"S…sure I am!" she said, "What kind of an idiot do you take me for?" she asked. Kaoru decided not to answer that.
Another day was drawing to a close and Tina and Kaoru were entering the house proper, Aoi greeting them as she swept the front porch and walk. Before they could get the pleasantries over, they heard the sound of running feet and someone calling out "Kaoru-sempai! Tina-sempai!" Both turned to the gate, frowning.
"Sounds like Tae-chan." Noted Kaoru. Tina nodded.
"Wonder what she'd be doing out here?" she wondered. A moment later, the glasses-wearing newcomer arrived at the gate, wearing a maid outfit and carrying a large suitcase. All three blinked at her.
"Kaoru-sempai! You've got to help me!" she begged. Kaoru noticed that there were tears in the corner of her eyes. She was panting hard, and that caused certain parts of her to jiggle enticingly.
"What's wrong, Tae-chan?" demanded Tina, approaching the girl, Kaoru beside her. Taeko managed to catch her breath.
"I…I got fired again!" she wailed. Tina blinked.
"Again?" she asked. Turning to Kaoru, she quirked an eyebrow. "Is this the fifth or sixth time so far?" she wondered.
"Seventh." He corrected her. The girl manages a firing just about every two weeks. He noted. "Tae-chan, it's not you haven't been fired before. Why the big commotion?" he asked her. Behind him, Aoi silently watched. Taeko smothered a sob.
"It…it was a live-in job, and now I don't have a place to sleep." She managed to explain.
"Can't you find another live-in maid position?" asked Tina. Tae-chan shook her head.
"No one wants to hire because word is going around about my accidents." She said, her tone bordering on despair. Tina and Kaoru both nodded to themselves. It could be really expensive to keep Tae-chan around, given her tendency to accidentially break things. Thought Kaoru. Still, she's not doing it deliberately, and she's a good person. I wish there was something I could…! He spun to face Aoi.
"Aoi-chan, is there any way that you could…?" he asked her softly. Aoi nodded.
"Of course. This house is really a handful for me to keep up all by myself. A maid would be extremely helpful." Said the girl. Bowing to Tae-chan, she spoke to the girl directly. "Hello. I am Aoi Sakuraba, the owner of this house. We happen to need a maid, and we can spare you a room while you work for us. Would that be acceptable?" asked the girl. Tae-chan smiled a dazzling smile.
"Yes, Aoi-sama!" she said excitedly. Behind them, Miyabi approached.
"Lady Aoi." Said Miyabi softly. Aoi turned to her governess. "As the manager of this estate, I should be consulted when hiring help." She said simply, bowing to her charge. Aoi's hand covered her mouth.
"Of course, Miyabi-san." She said formally. Miyabi inclined her head.
"It is of no importance, Aoi-sama." She said easily. Looking the chesty maid over, she had to agree that the girl seemed eager to work. And Kaoru and Tina both say she is a good person. She reflected. They also come home every day with a new tale of her getting into bigger and bigger accidents.
"I am Miyabi Kagurazaki, and I am the manager of Lady Aoi's estate." She said formally. "I presume that you have experience in household duties. Therefore, I will evaluate your performance for twenty four hours and decide then if you are to be retained or not." She said. Tae-chan bowed deeply to her.
"I will do anything you ask of me to the best of my ability, Miyabi-san." She said. Miyabi crushed a wicked smile as a stray thought crossed her mind. Don't be too hasty to make promises, girl. "I should tell you that this house has some special considerations and therefore special rules. If you cannot abide by them, then you will not be able to work here." Said the manager. Kaoru glanced at her, but let it go. Miyabi knew what she was doing, so he should just trust her.
It had been a rough day for Taeko, but she had managed - with some covert help - to pass her trial period, and was now in the third room of the servant's quarters, at the end of the row of rooms occupied by Kaoru, Tina and now her. Over the next few weeks, she had settled into the household, and her performance of housework left more time for Aoi to be with Kaoru in the safety of the house. Still, with school and studying and housework, it was a tight schedule for the girl.
The odd rules of the household were puzzling her a bit, but she just shrugged them off as the peculiarities of that group. That Aoi-sama's family - and thereby herself - was rich was beyond question. Taeko and worked for some of the more affluent households, and each had been a bit different from the others. This one was just more strange than most. She attributed it to the fact that this was the richest family she had ever worked for.
Finished with her studies, she closed her book and got ready for bed. As she changed into her bedclothes, she heard a scratch on her door. Frowning, she put her glasses back on and opened the door. Tina was crouched there, smiling manically. "Tae-chan, the club drive begins tomorrow." She said softly, slipping into Taeko's room. The girl nodded.
"I know, Tina-sempai. Suzu-sempai and Sato-sempai have been talking about nothing else for the last week. Why are you reminding me?" she asked, confused. Tina leaned closer to her.
"Because I have an idea that will let us raise more money than any other club." Said the blonde. Taeko listened to the plan, and finally had to agree that it was a sure fire hit. "Good. Now, all we need to do is get the right costumes." Tae-chan had nodded and followed the American's lead. After a sketchy planning session, Tina got ready to go.
"Um, shouldn't we tell Kaoru-sempai about this?" she asked. Tina waved the question away.
"We shouldn't spoil the surprise." She said, giggling. Taeko had no reply to this. Seeing her marginally-concealed doubt, Tina reached out and fondled her friend's impressive rack. "Hey, with two racks like ours, how can we loose?" she asked rhetorically.
"This place looks like a bomb went off in here." Noted Miyabi as she stood with Kaoru, Tina, Taeko, Suzu and Sato in the wreckage of the clubroom. "Café Animal seems to have been a bit wild." She added, enjoying the look on Tina's face.
"But, they're so cute!!" she protested yet again. Business had been booming as she and Taeko had waited tables in the jungle-themed room in skimpy outfits. Suzu had been practically counting the money when Tina had gone for her show-stopper and announced `audience participation'. It turned out the audience wasn't as adventuresome as she thought.
"Cheer up, everyone." Said Aoi, emerging from the wreckage of their temporary kitchen with a tray full of teacups. On her head was the cat-ears headband that had gotten knocked off Tina during the riot. She's a natural kitten. Thought Kaoru, struck by his betrothed's grace and beauty. "Have some tea." She offered, extending the tray. Everyone took a cup, and sipped before sighing collectively.
"Man, tea really is a cure-all for you Japanese, isn't it?" commented Tina. Kaoru just shook his head. You're hardly one to judge others, Tina! Suzu and Sato were sniffing the tea and sipping thoughtfully.
"This can't be the club's cheapo tea." Muttered Suzu. "No way." He repeated, sipping again.
"Ha! Shows what you know, Suzu-pi!" mocked Tina.
"Yes, Aoi-sama in miraculous in the kitchen." Seconded Tae-chan.
"It's nothing special." Demurred Aoi, blushing a bit at the compliments. "You exaggerate my skill." Suzu's eyes narrowed.
"I've got it!" he yelled, startling Aoi. "I know what our next booth will be!" he crowed. Sato jumped to his feet.
"Yes! All this will be forgotten!" he echoed his leader, gesturing grandly to the wreckage surrounding them. "We will surpass even the very heights of earning with our new booth!"
"Make sense, knuckleheads." Muttered Kaoru. Suzu turned to him, smiling patronizingly.
"How limited the mind of the club flunky." He said grandly. Kaoru just smirked at him. "You have gazed upon the answer yourself and still cannot see it." He added sadly. Slowly, he pointed to Aoi. "That is our new booth!" he said. Aoi's eyes went wide. What could he possibly mean?! She wondered.
Japanese Teahouse Aoi was coming along nicely, since Miyabi had assumed logistical control. Within an hour, she had things in motion to transform the room for the next morning. Renting a truck, planning the materials to borrow from the main house, coordinating schedules - it was all second nature to Miyabi. With her on organization, it left Aoi free to try to transform her friends and their club members into traditional Japanese people. It was proving to be interesting.
"Here are your clothes." She said, holding a stack of clothes. Suzu and Sato each took one.
"Sorry we don't have our own." They said, examining the outfit. It was of high-quality cloth, and the fit was excellent. Aoi waved off the apology. Turning to her beloved, she offered the last one. Slowly, Kaoru took it, absently touching the front flaps. His scars began to hurt just touching the traditional clothes. "Kaoru, stop spacing out and let's see how they fit." Directed Suzu. Behind him, Sato was trying to remember the correct layering of the folds. Kaoru blinked.
"Uh, sure." He said simply. From a few doors down in the house, she heard Tina calling for her. Bowing to her lover, she exited the room to let them change and hastened to where Tina and Tae-chan were working on getting into costume.
"Landlady-san," whined Tina, "if I wear any underwear, the lines show through!" Unlike the light cotton material of the men's outfits, the girls were wearing silk kimonos, and the fine, light material made any lines visible, even through the dyed color works in the material. Aoi nodded.
"Yes, and that is one of the reasons you don't wear any." She replied. Tina blinked. Looking over at Tae-chan, who was trying to get her chest covered, she reached into her own kimono and withdrew a simple silk handkerchief. "With as much cleavage as you have, Tae-chan, you should cover it with a cloth." She noted, placing the cloth over the girl's ample cleavage and layering the silk up correctly. Holding the flaps in place, she expertly wrapped the obi around Tae-chan and tied it off. "There. Now, for Tina-chan." She said, turning to see Tina kicking off her panties. Her gaze lingered for a split second on the American's trimmed blonde patch before moving up to check on the positioning of the folds of the robe. "You need to make them closer, like this." She said, adjusting the overlap correctly. "Now, we wrap the obi and tie it securely." She said, tying the band firmly.
"Huh? Hey, where did my tits go?" she asked, frowning at her chest. Aoi decided not to answer that one.
"How do they feel?" she asked the two. "Are they comfortable?" Both girls moved around a bit.
"Yes, thank you Aoi-sama." Said Tae-chan. Tina moved around a bit more.
"It feels funny." She noted. "It's so light and cool that it feels like I'm not wearing anything, but at the same time, it feels like I'm wearing too much." She frowned. Aoi smiled at her.
"You will get used to it quickly." She assured the girl. "Now, we need to practice the tea ceremony." She said, leading the two to the room where the men and Miyabi were waiting.
It had been a long, long night, and while the girls still weren't anywhere near Aoi's level, they were good enough to earn Miyabi's grudging release. For the last two days of the club drive, the clubroom was packed to capacity and beyond, but with Miyabi and Aoi lending a hand, they managed; though just barely. Now, the materials were back in the house, the clubroom was returned to normal and they were heading home. Suzu and Sato had taken off a few hours earlier, leaving them with the last few details.
Once they were home, Tina had declared it a drinking night in celebration of the success of Teahouse Landlady-san. The others had gone along with her out of fear of what she might do if they didn't. Taeko and Tina were still in their kimonos, and Aoi always wore one, while Miyabi had changed back into her accustomed skirt and low top outfit. Kaoru had changed out of his traditional clothes the instant that the teahouse had closed.
After a couple of hours of drinking, Miyabi had subtly gotten Aoi off to bed, leaving Kaoru to deal with a lit Tina and Tae-chan, who was a bit tipsy. Working them back to their hut, he glanced up at Aoi's room, but the light was off. Looking to the trees outside Miyabi's room, he noticed that they were dark, meaning that Miyabi was out, too. Still, he had an armful of girl, so who was he to complain?
In Tina's room, he had used one hand to steady Tae-chan, and the other to untie the obi, the material swiftly slipping off Tina, leaving her naked. Smiling at the sight, he helped her to get more or less into her bed, tossed the covers over her and left, helping Tae-chan to her room. Sliding the door closed on Tina's room, he entered Tae-chan's room to find her untying her obi.
"Here." Said Kaoru, giving her a hand. Once it was untied, the kimono seemed to peel back from her chest like a popped balloon. Kaoru blinked at the sight of her naked chest. They're frickin' huge! He thought absently. Taeko's cheeks colored, but she didn't say anything. "How big are you?" he asked her. Tae-chan blushed a bit more.
"Right now, I'm an F cup." She said, not looking at him. "They're still growing, though." she said. Kaoru blinked.
"Still growing?" he wondered. Instinctively, he reached out to touch them, but just short of it, he froze, realizing that this wasn't Tina, Miyabi or Aoi. "Sorry." He mumbled.
"You can if you want to." She said softly, sneaking him a glance out of the corner of her eye. Kaoru's eyes got a bit bigger.
"You…you're serious?" he asked her. She nodded. Slowly, he reached over the last little distance and gently touched her breasts. They were somewhat like Miyabi's but fuller and softer than the manager's. Marvelingly, he began to caress them. "They feel so good." He breathed, noting her large, puffy nipples becoming erect. Tae-chan whimpered a bit. "Are you ok?" he asked her, concerned. She nodded.
"Yes. I've just never done this before." She said, eyes closed. He ceased his rubbing of her breasts.
"You haven't?" he asked her. She shook her head. "Then, why are you…?" he asked.
"Because it's part of the terms of my service here." She said, turning to look at him at last, her eyes a bit scared. "Aoi-sama and Miyabi-san both made it clear that you were to be considered a member of the household. So, it's ok." She said, smiling a little. "What do you want me to do?" she asked him, turning to face him. "I'll do anything you want." She added. Kaoru found himself studying her form.
Large breasted, she wasn't fat, just rounded. Her waist was actually pretty small, and her hips were solid without being heavy. His eyes slid past her bellybutton and came to rest on her unshaven pubic hair. It was curly and a bit overgrown. Seeing him staring at her lower beard, she colored a bit more. "Sorry." She said, nervously. "It's not tended." She added. Kaoru nodded. He had become used to Tina's trimmed patch, Miyabi's bare pussy and Aoi's lightly furred mound. Taeko's was thickly covered and untouched. His dick went hard. Looking back up into her eyes, he felt lust in his loins.
Taking her arms in his own, he laid her down on her bed before swiftly divesting himself of his own clothes. When Taeko saw his skin off his boxers, she blushed a bit more, though her face was a little pale under the blush. Laying down next to her, Kaoru touched the girl's belly, making her twitch. Steadily, he pushed his hand down, over her bellybutton, into her hair and settling with her slit in his palm. Cupping her sex with his palm, he began to gently rub it. Within a few moments, Tae-chan was moaning and panting. Kaoru smiled at her puffy nipples came erect, dipping his head to sample them.
After a few moments of steady nipple sucking and pussy rubbing, Tae-chan began to moan, her groin growing wetter against his palm as her clit became aroused. Grinning, released her wet nipple with a soft pop and moved up to her open mouth, kissing her lightly, then slipping his tongue into her mouth in search of her own member. As he caressed her slippery muscle with his own, he made an interesting discovery: Taeko tasted good. He increased his speed and slightly increased the pressure of his palm on her sex as he pushed his tongue a bit deeper into her mouth. Tae-chan didn't seem to mind in the least, her hips beginning to buck against his hand.
It was only a few minutes later when she trembled, a modest but good orgasm rolling through her body. Slowly withdrawing his tongue from her panting mouth, he slowly circled her clit with his fingertip, causing a couple more mini-orgasms to roll through the top-heavy girl. While she stared unseeingly at the ceiling, he carefully pushed a finger into her wet channel, steadily working it deeper into her. At the halfway mark, he frowned a bit. "I don't have one anymore." Came Tae-chan's quiet voice, making him flinch. So engrossed was he in the search for her hymen that he had forgotten to check on her to see if she was still out on orgasm break or not. She blushed at his look. "I…hand an accident when I was younger." She explained. Kaoru quirked an eyebrow at her.
"How could you have an accident that tears your hymen?" he wondered, confused. Taeko blushed more, and Kaoru gently began to tickle her inner walls. A high squeal escaped her lips.
"A…bike!" she managed. "I was learning to ride one, and the seat came loose. I slipped off the petals and the post…well, you can guess." She managed, reaching for his wrist. Kaoru began to withdraw his finger, figuring that she was satisfied. Instead, she grabbed his hand and pushed his finger back inside her, adding one of her own, which she used to guide him inside her pussy. Hanabishi smiled at her as she began to help him finger fuck her. Her hips began to buck again, driving his finger deeper.
"What did your family say?" he asked her, beginning to push another finger into her wet sex. Tae-chan moaned, biting her finger on her free hand to help stifle the scream that was growing in her throat. Kaoru had found her G-spot.
"M…my mom is the only immediate family I have." She managed, urging his second finger in with another of her own. With four fingers now in her, she began to really hump their combined hands. "She didn't really believe me, but ah-nother kid had seen it, and told her it was just like I said." She gasped out a sort-of giggle. "I ruined a pair of pants." She recalled. She reached down with her free hand and grabbed his wrist, pushing his deeper into her. "I discovered soon after that that I liked to touch myself." She added.
"I see." He said, knowing she was close to another orgasm. Moving his thumb, he pressed directly on her engorged clit, driving her over the edge. With a shrill keen, she fell back on her bed, her pussy flooding with her juice as she had a major orgasm. Kaoru's member throbbed with the need to enter her. Still, he knew that he shouldn't just push into her. Miyabi was very clear on that. He noted. Withdrawing his hand her hers from her gaping vagina, he watched as it swiftly pulled itself closed again. Has she been doing this regularly he wondered. His balls tingled, but he waited for her to focus on him again.
When her eyes fell to his cock, she silently spread her legs, holding her knees back and apart in invitation. Kaoru swiftly got into position above her and touched his tip to her wet entrance once before looking into her eyes for a final go-ahead. She nodded once, maintaining eye contact. Kaoru thrust forward, sinking himself to the balls in her ready passage. A low moan was her response, her arms closing over his chest. A moment's pause and then he was thrusting into her sheath. She was not tight like Miyabi or Tina, but was snugly comfortable. He felt her press her face into the joint of his neck and shoulder as he pumped harder and harder into her. After so long a pause, he didn't last as long as he could have in other circumstances, and within five minutes, he felt himself about to blow. "Cumming!" he warned her.
"Not inside!" She managed, Kaoru barely getting his penis out of her before his first load decorated her lower belly and tits. He had three good spurts before it taped off to nothing. Taeko was panting beneath him. After they caught their breath, he moved over to lie beside her. Tae-chan timidly turned to him and kissed him. "That was…great." She said, her tone a bit unsteady.
"I guess I wasn't as bad as I thought." He admitted. She blushed deeper. "How many lovers have you had?" he wondered. She looked away.
"One." She whispered. He slowly nodded.
"I see. Who was he? A childhood friend?" he asked, genuinely curious about her past. Tae-chan shook her head.
"You were my…first." She murmured, her blush reaching to her breasts. Kaoru blinked.
"What?" he said. She nodded. "But, you were so sure of yourself!" he protested. Miyabi was the same way, so I assumed that it was from being experienced.
"I…I've been practicing." She said softly. "I would always fantasize about my first time when I touched myself, and…well, now it really is my first time." She elaborated. He didn't know what to say. So, he changed the subject.
"Do you do that often?" he asked her, feeling a bit of energy return to him.
"Touch myself?" she asked, her blush regaining some lost ground. He nodded. Silently, she returned his nod.
"I've been doing it since I was twelve." She confessed. "I was taking my bath the first time I touched my button. It felt good, so I did it more. After the accident, I discovered that it felt even better to put my fingers inside, so I did that a bit more each time. I usually masturbate every couple of days." She finished, unable to look at him while she said it.
"How many fingers do you usually use?" he asked, never having thought to wonder before her confession. She paused. "Come on, you can tell me." He prodded.
"Four." She said, holding her pillow to her face. "Sometimes…more." She whispered. Kaoru felt his dick stir, but it remained mostly passive.
"More?" he pressed, touching her breast, his fingers closing on her semi-erect nipples. Slowly, she nodded.
"Sometimes, after I've cum a couple of times, I can get my whole hand inside." She confided to him. Kaoru blinked.
"It doesn't hurt?" he asked her. She shook her head.
"It feels kind of good." She answered, yawning. Kaoru mulled that over. Hmm. There are some interesting possibilities there. He thought. He glanced at the clock. It's getting late, and tomorrow is a school day. He leaned over to Tae-chan and kissed her softly.
"One more question, and then its bed time." He said. She looked at him expectantly. "Have you ever tried anything else inside you?" he asked her. After a few moments, she slowly nodded. He knew his eyes got a bit wider, but he felt himself yawn. "Well, good night, Tae-chan." He said, pulling her covers over her. She waved, her eyes already mostly closed. Taking his clothes, he slipped out of her room and closed her door after shutting off her lights. Entering his room, he swiftly tended to some matters before slipping into his own bed. Pleasant dreams of Tae-chan danced in his head all night, intermingled with Aoi-chan, Yabi-chan and Tina.