Avatar The Last Airbender Fan Fiction ❯ Fun and Games ❯ Discombobulated ( Chapter 9 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Bunnie: Okay so I usually do about a page of story. More if there's dialog. If you guys want a longer chapter you can always e-mail me with suggestions or anything. O r leave more reviews. It only takes a second, and even if your review is “I love it” or “I hate it” I appreciate it.
Zuko paced around his room. He had gotten what he had wanted. So then why did he feel so terrible? Would he have done the same to any girl? Was he so indiscriminate? No. He had chosen Katara carefully. There had been several reasons of course. Her being with the Avatar was one of the main ones. Then there were the lesser reasons. His conscience was steeped in confusion. She was pretty and even if he didn't like to admit it, she did remind him of his mother somehow.
Why had he done it?
After he had finished and looked back, he could see what a wretched state the girl was in. He saw the tears that had leaked from her eyes. He could see the small amount of blood dribbling to the floor. She was hunched over feebly trying to gather her clothes to her again. Zuko turned and walked away.
Walking to the records room Zuko tried to calm himself. It wasn't working. In the records room he poured over the annals of fire benders. Maybe one of the eminent fire masters of the past would help him. After several hours of fruitless search Zuko gave up. The only thing he had noticed was that fire benders never seem to admit they were wrong. They would lead their soldiers into completely insane battles and never retreat.
Maybe it was time to change this pattern.
Zuko knew it was time to admit he was wrong and eat a large slice of humble pie. But could he really do it? `What am I going to say?' he thought to himself. He mulled over a hundred different scenarios. Each one ending in the same thing: Katara attempting to beat the shit out of him. Of course, he realized, she probably has no will or fire left inside of her. Maybe that was what reminded him of his mother so much. A fire inside. Even for a cool and supposedly calm water bender she always had a spark.
He slammed the book closed and placed it back on the shelf. It was time, he knew. There had to be something done. He had a tinge of apprehension but he knew he must get over it. The corridor was dimly lit, but Zuko marched down it diligently.
Within moments he was outside Katara's room again. He paused. Since when had it become Katara's room? But it was now. Casting a dirty look at the two guards, reminding them that he hadn't forgotten about their trespass, he opened the door.
As he expected all the light had gone from Katara's eyes. She was merely sitting there. Starting at the wall with a very flat affect. Her eyes were unfocused, her mouth opened slightly.
“Katara,” he started but never finished for as soon as the words left his mouth she turned. Faster than anything Zuko had ever seen she attacked him.
Bunnie: Okay new words: indiscriminate- choosing at random, steeped- soaked/ drenched/ saturated, annals- historical records, eminent- high reputation/ outstanding, tinge- a trace. New idiom: to eat humble pie- meaning to accept your failure, realize your error and apologize.
Katara: `A fire inside?”
Zuko: *Cough*shamlessplug*cough*
Bunnie: Shut up! At least I'm not doing it like “Katara looked out the widow. There was a field of KoRn blowing in the wind…”
Katara: Yeah, other than the fact that I don't have a window.
Bunnie: You know what I mean!
Zuko: Maybe you should try some humble pie…
Bunnie: Maybe you should shut your mouth. Or I'll shut it for you.