Avatar The Last Airbender Fan Fiction ❯ Metamorphosis ❯ Our Lives Rounded With Asleep ( Chapter 6 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

"Metamorphosis: Our Lives Rounded With Asleep" by Abraxas (2009-12-21)
It is beyond man to conquer uncertainty.
I am haunted by a thought while I sit in front of the fire. The crackle of chips, consumed by flame, is like a lullaby. It calms me despite a frigid, bitter wind calling at the entrance.
Aang - Katara's first born son - sleeps between us. A resemblance is strong through that family. I picture the child almost as offspring, of course, it is a fantasy.
I am transfixed by the awesomeness of your face. A tested, warrior's face. I cannot do justice to your stoic yet fierce expression. And to your eyes that reveal the tenderness of your soul.
I fondle your braids, molesting, while you work.
You display the pipe with its feathers - unlike my uncle's and Paku's which was blunt, ours is capped at the end.
I fill it with peyote and light it with a chip.
Smoke passes our lips under the blanket we share. Time crawls breath by breath. Space is illusion. The universe is but the feel of our skins commingling.
I want this forever but along with peace comes the echo of the ranch. Its cellblock is the only part of it I care to recall. Because what happened within its walls is what connects us still.
It resonates afresh as though I did not leave yet I know the truth. It is gone. It is gone. By my power. Like father it passed into history.
Now...new and different dangers brew; at least in side of the teepee we are free.
Sokka dries my tear with a kiss.
I relive that first kiss as if trapped by a spell.
"What if this isn't real? Sokka! I fear I dream...."
"Let it be, if a dream is as real as anything, let us not awaken."