Avatar The Last Airbender Fan Fiction ❯ One Day ❯ Rescued ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

This is not an original work. All credit goes to the creators!!
With every step she heard Katara drew closer to the back of the man standing in front of her. Zuko reached back and squeezed her shoulder and quickly retook his stance.
“There not getting you alone, who knows what they'll do to you”.
Katara felt herself blush and then quickly told herself that this was not the time to be thinking ridiculous thoughts.
The foot steps drew closer and closer. Zuko tensed when the foot steps reached the door a familiar voice shouted.
“Get down I'm coming in”.
Zuko quickly shielded Katara with his body seconds before a huge wind blew in the steel door. Soka and Aang entered the cell. Soka seeing the fire nation prince on top of his sister went into a rage. He quickly snatched the prince by the color and threw him to the floor. Soka moved to hit Zuko but Katara stopped him.
“Don't Soka; he was trying to protect me”.
“Protect you!” Soka wasn't looking convinced.
“The fire nation prince was trying to protect you”… Soka was in a confused stupor. Aang looking to the left and to the right perked up.
“Let's not worry about it right now we have to get off this boat”.
The four led by Aang ran for the bottom of the boat.
“We snuck in through an opening I made with water bending .we should be able to get out that way to”.
Making there way passed the guards who had been knocked out they reached the small opening in the bottom of the boat. Katara went through first followed by Soka, then Aang and Zuko. When under the water Aang made an air bubble so they could easily walk back to the shore unnoticed. Katara took the opportunity to heal her hands. When they finally reached the shore, they Found Toph who was trying to fend off Azula. Aang stepped in to help Toph, Seeing as she was out number she jumped back a bit so she was out of reach.
I guess I was a little late sending the girls back to guard the prisoners. Hmm. Azula Studied the group for a moment, and decided Katara would be the easiest to Attack first. Azula made her move toward Katara but was blocked by Zuko.
“You guys get her out of here”. Zuko was blocking Azulas Attacks as fast as he could but even he couldn't keep her at bay for to long.
“AWW trying to save your girlfriend, how noble of you”.
Soka Stepped forward.
“She's not his girlfriend, where did you come up with that. I mean that isn't even funny”. Aang had to drag Soka Back to Oppa, Soka still mumbling the whole way about girlfriends and such. AS Oppa took of Katara was almost frantic.
“We can't just leave him. He might not be able to get away from her”.
“Don't worry. That Iro guy was there he was helping me up till you guys showed up. I guess he took another Tea break. He just walked off saying, you can handle it. I need a drink. What's up with that guy anyway”?
Katara giving a sigh of relief lay back on Oppa and fell into a deep sleep. Soka and Aang exchanged glances for a moment.
“Should we wake her up and ask her what happened”? Soka had a worried look on his face.
“No she spent the night in a cell with the enemy; I doubt she got much sleep”.
“I wonder though, those guys seem different since Azula came into the picture”. Toph looked as if she had gone into deep though and Aang and Soka assumed that it wouldn't be best to try and get reasoning for her comment just then. They kept flying with no destination in mind. All they could think of was what happened last night…
Sorry it took me so long guys and sorry this chapter wasn't so good. I'll let you know September is a horrible Month for me. Something sad happened a year ago this month and I went into a small slump where I didn't want to do anything but I'm ok now and I will be updating faster.. Thank you for your patience!!