Ayashi No Ceres Fan Fiction ❯ My Angel ❯ Chapter 1

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Author's note: Like "Forever," this story depicts Tooya negatively. You may think I'm a Tooya hater from this, but that's not true at all. It just happens to fit with the storyline. And besides, I like Yuuhi better ^_~. Another thing, like in "Forever," Aya and Aki are not twins. Although in this story, Aki will actually be mentioned. So... This story is AU but not as OOC as "Forever." It's also nowhere near as disturbing/depressing/bloody, so those of you that are queasier or more innocent can enjoy this one more. Don't expect an entirely happy romance though- after all, I wrote it. Heh heh. Also, it's labeled "angst" for a reason. It's just nowhere near as angsty as Forever. So hope you enjoy it. Please review! No flames, please, but constructive criticism is always welcome ^_^

Aya entered the room, welcoming her parents in. "Just set the suitcases on the floor. I'll unpack them later."

"All right," said her dad as he and his wife dragged Aya's bulging suitcases into the dorm.

"Good luck!" her mom added, embracing Aya. "Study hard, take care, don't get into too many wild parties, be careful about who you date..."

"I know, I know," sighed Aya, exasperated. "I know you're worried about me being apart from you, but I'm still the same responsible girl as always."

Mrs. Mikage smiled. "I'm glad." She hugged Aya again, and then said, "Goodbye! Call us often!"

"Hai, hai," said Aya, now accepting a hug from her father.

Her parents left, and Aya sighed, wondering what she would do with the freedom of college next?

"Nice parents," came a voice from across the room. Aya's eyes looked in the direction of the voice, and she noticed a petite, cheerful girl sitting on the far bed.

"Ano... You're my roommate, then?" Aya asked.

"Yeah. My name's Chidori. And you?" the girl asked.

"Aya. ...So, are you a freshman too?"

"Yup. I came in this morning. Hoping I'd have a nice roommate. Looks like my hopes were granted."

Aya beamed at Chidori. "You seem like a nice person too," she said, digging into her suitcase. "Where should I put my clothes?"

"I left the side of the closet nearest to the door for you," Chidori said. Then, looking at Aya's clothes, she exclaimed, "Wow.. You brought a LOT of clothes! You know, there IS a laundry machine you can use."

Aya didn't say anything until she finished unpacking her clothes, then said, "I'm starved! Wanna get something to eat?"

"Sure," Chidori said, jumping up.

They walked to the cafeteria. Aya walked almost immediately to the pizzas. There was only one slice of cheese left.

"Do you want it? It's OK, I can get something else," said a gentle masculine voice. Aya looked up to see the most handsome boy she'd ever laid eyes on. He had dark red hair, soft, kind eyes, and a well-built body.

"Thank you," Aya croaked out, barely more than a whisper. She felt her cheeks burning.

The red-haired man left without even saying his name.

Chidori came up to Aya. "Ready to go?"

"Hai," replied Aya. They walked up to the cashier and purchased their meals. Aya looked around the dining room for the red-haired man, but didn't find him.

"What're you waiting for? There's a table right there!" Chidori shouted, dragging Aya to it. Sitting down, Chidori asked, "You seemed lost in thought."

"I just saw a really cute guy, that's all," commented Aya.

"Really?" Chidori smiled, resting her chin on her hands. "What's he like?"

Aya described him and her brief encounter with him.

"He sounds hot! What's his name? How old is he?"

"He didn't say. He didn't say anything more to me."

"Oh..." Chidori said, disappointed. But almost instantly, her eyes brightened up again. "Maybe you'll see him again soon... And then you two'll get together!" Chidori shouted, drawing eyes from across the room to her. Blushing, Chidori added, quietly this time, "You don't have a boyfriend right now, do you?"

Aya shook her head.

She looked to see another boy walking up to her and Chidori. "Mind if I sit with you?" he asked.

"No, not at all," Aya smiled. She looked at Chidori to see what she thought.

Chidori was smiling, completely blown away. "Kakkoii.." she muttered.

Aya laughed. "Maybe this one's for you," she said. Then she turned to the boy. "Sit down."

The boy sat down, and said, "Hi. My name's Yuuhi. This is my first year, so I was thinking maybe I'd try to find some friends."

"We're firstyears too," Aya said. "I'm Aya and this is Chidori."

"Nice to meet you," Yuuhi said with a warm smile. He turned to Chidori. "Hi."

Chidori's heart raced. Not only did he look beautiful, but he had a beautiful voice as well. "Hi!" she shouted, jumping up to hug Yuuhi.

Yuuhi eased Chidori off of him. "Pretty friendly for a first introduction, huh?"

Another boy, similar in looks to Yuuhi except with lighter hair and a face that was actually more similar to Aya's, walked up to the table. "Yuuhi! Looks like you found some chicks to eat with."

Yuuhi smiled. "This is my roommate, Aki," he said to the girls. Then, to Aki, he introduced Aya and Chidori. Aya greeted Aki, but Chidori was too busy paying attention to Yuuhi to say anything to Aki.

"Nice to meet you," said Aki. "So, the foods not as bad as I expected.. I thought it'd be the crap they fed me in high school."

Yuuhi laughed. "You actually ate that food? I made my lunch every day." He sighed, "It's too bad we don't have kitchens here. I'm gonna miss cooking every day."

Chidori jumped up, excited. "Wow! You cook, too?"

"Yup. It's one of my favorite hobbies. Along with music."

"You have to cook for me one day!"

"If only I had a kitchen.." Yuuhi said.

"That's OK!" Chidori shouted, glomping Yuuhi once more. "We can just get married and you can cook for me every day then!"

Yuuhi smiled, lightly blushing. "Maybe we can wait till we've known each other for at least fifteen minutes to decide that," he said.

Aya smiled. College would definitely be fun. She glanced around the room once more, looking for the red-haired man.