Ben 10 Fan Fiction ❯ Blood Of A Hybrid ❯ Five Years Later ( Chapter 1 )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Summary: You should know this fanfiction will diverge from canon plot in specific areas.
For the first time in a long time, Gwen is feeling a little stressed out. Ben is gone, and the past two months of her life have been plagued by mercenary thugs, murderers and a very troubling kidnapping situation on Earth, in which all the victims are hybrids. To make matters worse, fighting all the time with little to no rest has placed an enormous strain on her human body, and she’s trying desperately hard not to push herself over the edge. Naturally, the first step to relieving a burden is to share it. Even though Kevin split from the team five years ago after the Aggregor incident, he’s the first person that comes to mind. Whether or not he’ll actually help her and return to Earth is another matter entirely.
Pairing Focus: Gwen x Kevin (ages 21 and 22 respectively)
Chapter Rating: Currently Rated Y (mostly for language)
Author Notes: Here’s to the start of a longer fic! Expect the rating to change as time elapses. If you guys turn out to like it, I’ll update at least once a week. Be sure to leave a review or two. ^^ Take note, the chapters that follow after this one will be longer.
Disclaimer: Nope. I don’t own the show created by MOA and I have no intention of making any money off of this fic.
“I told you, sorry Tennyson,” a necrofriggian said behind her. The low hiss in his voice was very similar to that of Big Chill, one of many alien forms in Ben’s omnitrix, but this necrofriggian bore solid black and white wings, not blue. His eyes were a soft shade of green, shadows flickering in his insect like gaze as he watched her. “If I were you, I’d get off this rock before Levin finds out you’re here. Genix owns him now, there’s nothing you can do about it. Besides. Levin almost killed you once. I promise you, he’s still a bastard.”
She could have listened. Should have, maybe. Five years time had separated Gwen from Kevin and the last time she saw him he wasn’t himself. Confused, furious, and power hungry, he rampaged around on Earth as an insatiable monster, a barely recognized shadow of his former self. A growing obsession with settling old scores haunted him for weeks, and fueled by a lust for more power, he attacked the people closest to him. Enemies and friends alike, it didn’t matter. She tried to help him. She wanted to. Everything she did was just another attempt to bring him back from what Ben considered impossible to fix.
And then he got a hold of her.
Kevin, you’re hurting me!
Her shoulders set as the memory resurfaced. For a moment she could almost feel a pair of heavy hands at her shoulders and the bruising power of a very strong grip. The pain was absent, just an echo of a bad memory, but the fatigue was still there. Gwen raised a hand to her shoulder, closing her eyes and turning her head as if to relieve herself of the memory and of the truth happening right in front of her. Five years, she told herself. The past was the past. The proof was right down there, with Kevin. She opened her eyes again and leaned closer to the rock cliff she was waiting behind. “I can’t leave,” she said. For a split second she almost smiled. It was just like before. She wanted to stay and help him. He would do the same for her. But instead of saying so, the smile vanished before she turned to face the necrofriggian, an alien who was content to call himself Motte. “Kevin knows the underground better than anyone. I can’t do this on my own.”
“So you’d risk working with an Osmosian, a psychotic freak like Levin, in spite of how he betrayed you before?” Disgust decorated his tone, but Gwen turned away from him.
“I appreciate you leading me here. You’ve helped a lot. But he’s different. I’m different. People change and Kevin’s a good person.” She paused, ignoring a flicker of doubt that began to show itself as she looked down into the valley. Her eyes hardened briefly. A dozen different alien species were moving around down there, sliding crates into place for a smuggling operation. The facility they came from was no more than a mile walk from where she waited, looking down on them. “Even if he doesn’t come with me I’d rather Kevin know. Something could happen to him. He’s a hybrid too.”
“Cute,” Motte said, peering up at the darkened atmosphere and patches of glittering stars. “But he won’t give a damn about missing kids, Tennyson. He doesn’t give a shit about anybody but himself,” Motte spat. “If you go down there you’ll only be disappointed. Don’t let that human form he’s got fool you. He’s just as fucked up as he was before, and this time he’s perfectly capable of killing you. Probably twice as willing now that he works for Genix. You do this Tennyson, and you won’t come back.”
Gwen’s brows furrowed as she slid her gaze over to him. Everyone was assuming lately that she couldn’t do anything without getting into trouble. Agitation flared below the surface of her calm expression but she didn’t round on him for the mistake. First Ben, now Motte. She sighed mentally as she realized that asking Kevin for help was in a way, proving their point. Why couldn’t anybody remember that she wasn’t helpless? She could take care of herself. “Just stay here and calm down. I’ll be fine.”
He hissed, his breath pluming on the air in a form of white smoke. Cold air rushed over the precipice as his wings unfolded, eyes burning. He snatched her wrist as she stood up and tensed. “Listen, Tennyson. You’re crazy. This is the guy your cousin wanted dead. The same guy that almost killed you. Levin practically owns these mines; the men that work here are his. This place seems calm now but those aren’t ordinary criminals down there. Smugglers are just their front. The minute you go walk into that facility they’ll tear you to pieces. Murderers don’t play nice, Tennyson. You should go, before you’re caught.”
Something was wrong. She knew it before she turned to look at him again. He was not so easily flustered, nor spooked. When she found him on Earth, he was down on his luck, thin and ragged compared to most necrofriggians. Ben would have been less trusting, more suspicious, but she helped him. She could see the frustration of that truth in his eyes as he growled under his breath and turned away from her, an iridescent spark of fury lighting his gaze. What was it? Was it just Kevin that made him so angry? Motte’s wings folded against his body in agitation, creating a makeshift hood and cloak as he stared off and down into the valley. Gwen felt a trickle of energy begin to pool in her fingertips, her eyes softening on him as she gently pulled out of his grasp. Maybe he thought she was like his missing daughter, and he was trying desperately hard not to lose her again.
“Motte, I’ll be okay. Kevin’s the only one that might be able to help us find her. You really want me to leave him behind?” The thought of leaving without warning Kevin didn’t sound or feel right. All of her senses were on edge. She felt a headache coming on but it might have just been the cold atmosphere of this moon and the chill coming from the mines. There was a good possibility it was also her nerves. Her green eyes rested on the wide black and yellow compound in front of them. She could easily get across to it, it might cost a little energy, but she had some to spare. And Kevin wouldn’t hurt her. He’d hear her out at least, as frustrating as he could sometimes be.
“Stubborn,” Motte said, defeat lining the edges of his tone. “But fine.” He picked up his head and looked at her again. “Don’t waste your energy with them,” he peered down into the valley where the other aliens were. “That’s all I need. For you to-” he paused, “lose your human body. I’ll buy you time. But hurry up.” He grumbled as his wings shot open. “Go!”
Before she could stop him, he leapt from their hiding place and dipped down the cliff at a blinding pace. She hesitated only a moment before she realized what he was doing; he was freezing the cliff face. Ice splintered and grew out over the rock as Motte breathed across the surface, catching the attention of those down below. Part of her was worried for him, but Motte could handle himself and a lot of the people down there were former coworkers of his. She threw herself over the cliff side, her eyes flickering as energy pulsed through her veins and flooded her hands. After falling for less than a millisecond, her feet hit solid magenta shaded mana and she started running. The platforms were thin and not nearly as wide as they should have been, but she was trying to save as much energy as possible.
Already, she was tired.
It wouldn’t have been a concern if for the last two months she hadn’t been in more fights than she had ever been in when Kevin was still working on the team with her. Worse, Ben was gone. She was capable of handling things herself without him – most of the criminals on Earth were just thugs looking for trouble. But in the wake of Ben’s absence, something much worse than a street thug was stalking the streets. First amongst those problems, was Genix.
Gwen suspected that the Genix Corporation had been gaining power for years. On its face it reminded her of what the Plumbers wanted so long ago: a vast majority of alien species cooperating under one name to maintain peaceful relations and prosperity. Ben left before Gwen could catch it in time and understand what was really going on. Genix was a crime spree nightmare. It sent out employees to destroy competition to its markets, it bought out poor worlds and created new laws enforced by Genix members, some of the strongest aliens she had ever seen. What Genix wanted and couldn’t buy, it killed to obtain.
Then, to add to her problems, hybrid children on Earth were disappearing at an alarming rate. Friends she and Ben knew were hybrids –Plumbers even- scrambled to find out why or stop the source, but there weren’t any leads. Plumbers that went in search of an answer sometimes disappeared too. Parents were at a loss and full of confusion and rage, particularly if they were parents like Motte – fighting to remain upright citizens and support a family away from home. When Motte returned to Earth, his daughter, the most precious person in the world to him, was gone. He spent every cent he had searching for her and then combed the city streets himself. When all of his options were exhausted, he turned to the Plumbers for help.
Sadly, they couldn’t do anything for him.
Too many agents were already working the streets for other cases. The Plumbers promised to keep a lookout for her, but the chances of finding his daughter were slim. Like dozens of other hybrids, she was gone, and not a single person knew where to start searching for her. Gwen found him later on a rampage in the subway station, half dead from driving himself ragged, and threatening to kill hundreds of civilians if someone –anyone- didn’t help him.
It was doubly important she didn’t mess this up. It was easy enough to pacify Motte by giving him her support. There were very few people in the galaxy that had as impressive a reputation as she and Ben did, so when she promised to help him, he took it to heart. One of the good things that came out of the new partnership was that she found Kevin. Two months too late maybe to help break up Genix, but early enough to maybe help save a few more kids. He was the only person she could think of as someone who would know what to do. The Plumbers had no leads. Kevin had the criminal experience, he had the connections no one else had and he could fight. She needed his help.
Her gaze dropped, her breath catching briefly as she ran. That and…she missed him.
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For the first time in a long time, Gwen is feeling a little stressed out. Ben is gone, and the past two months of her life have been plagued by mercenary thugs, murderers and a very troubling kidnapping situation on Earth, in which all the victims are hybrids. To make matters worse, fighting all the time with little to no rest has placed an enormous strain on her human body, and she’s trying desperately hard not to push herself over the edge. Naturally, the first step to relieving a burden is to share it. Even though Kevin split from the team five years ago after the Aggregor incident, he’s the first person that comes to mind. Whether or not he’ll actually help her and return to Earth is another matter entirely.
Pairing Focus: Gwen x Kevin (ages 21 and 22 respectively)
Chapter Rating: Currently Rated Y (mostly for language)
Author Notes: Here’s to the start of a longer fic! Expect the rating to change as time elapses. If you guys turn out to like it, I’ll update at least once a week. Be sure to leave a review or two. ^^ Take note, the chapters that follow after this one will be longer.
Disclaimer: Nope. I don’t own the show created by MOA and I have no intention of making any money off of this fic.
Five Years
She’d been holding her breath for the better part of a minute before she let it go. Five Years
“I told you, sorry Tennyson,” a necrofriggian said behind her. The low hiss in his voice was very similar to that of Big Chill, one of many alien forms in Ben’s omnitrix, but this necrofriggian bore solid black and white wings, not blue. His eyes were a soft shade of green, shadows flickering in his insect like gaze as he watched her. “If I were you, I’d get off this rock before Levin finds out you’re here. Genix owns him now, there’s nothing you can do about it. Besides. Levin almost killed you once. I promise you, he’s still a bastard.”
She could have listened. Should have, maybe. Five years time had separated Gwen from Kevin and the last time she saw him he wasn’t himself. Confused, furious, and power hungry, he rampaged around on Earth as an insatiable monster, a barely recognized shadow of his former self. A growing obsession with settling old scores haunted him for weeks, and fueled by a lust for more power, he attacked the people closest to him. Enemies and friends alike, it didn’t matter. She tried to help him. She wanted to. Everything she did was just another attempt to bring him back from what Ben considered impossible to fix.
And then he got a hold of her.
Kevin, you’re hurting me!
Her shoulders set as the memory resurfaced. For a moment she could almost feel a pair of heavy hands at her shoulders and the bruising power of a very strong grip. The pain was absent, just an echo of a bad memory, but the fatigue was still there. Gwen raised a hand to her shoulder, closing her eyes and turning her head as if to relieve herself of the memory and of the truth happening right in front of her. Five years, she told herself. The past was the past. The proof was right down there, with Kevin. She opened her eyes again and leaned closer to the rock cliff she was waiting behind. “I can’t leave,” she said. For a split second she almost smiled. It was just like before. She wanted to stay and help him. He would do the same for her. But instead of saying so, the smile vanished before she turned to face the necrofriggian, an alien who was content to call himself Motte. “Kevin knows the underground better than anyone. I can’t do this on my own.”
“So you’d risk working with an Osmosian, a psychotic freak like Levin, in spite of how he betrayed you before?” Disgust decorated his tone, but Gwen turned away from him.
“I appreciate you leading me here. You’ve helped a lot. But he’s different. I’m different. People change and Kevin’s a good person.” She paused, ignoring a flicker of doubt that began to show itself as she looked down into the valley. Her eyes hardened briefly. A dozen different alien species were moving around down there, sliding crates into place for a smuggling operation. The facility they came from was no more than a mile walk from where she waited, looking down on them. “Even if he doesn’t come with me I’d rather Kevin know. Something could happen to him. He’s a hybrid too.”
“Cute,” Motte said, peering up at the darkened atmosphere and patches of glittering stars. “But he won’t give a damn about missing kids, Tennyson. He doesn’t give a shit about anybody but himself,” Motte spat. “If you go down there you’ll only be disappointed. Don’t let that human form he’s got fool you. He’s just as fucked up as he was before, and this time he’s perfectly capable of killing you. Probably twice as willing now that he works for Genix. You do this Tennyson, and you won’t come back.”
Gwen’s brows furrowed as she slid her gaze over to him. Everyone was assuming lately that she couldn’t do anything without getting into trouble. Agitation flared below the surface of her calm expression but she didn’t round on him for the mistake. First Ben, now Motte. She sighed mentally as she realized that asking Kevin for help was in a way, proving their point. Why couldn’t anybody remember that she wasn’t helpless? She could take care of herself. “Just stay here and calm down. I’ll be fine.”
He hissed, his breath pluming on the air in a form of white smoke. Cold air rushed over the precipice as his wings unfolded, eyes burning. He snatched her wrist as she stood up and tensed. “Listen, Tennyson. You’re crazy. This is the guy your cousin wanted dead. The same guy that almost killed you. Levin practically owns these mines; the men that work here are his. This place seems calm now but those aren’t ordinary criminals down there. Smugglers are just their front. The minute you go walk into that facility they’ll tear you to pieces. Murderers don’t play nice, Tennyson. You should go, before you’re caught.”
Something was wrong. She knew it before she turned to look at him again. He was not so easily flustered, nor spooked. When she found him on Earth, he was down on his luck, thin and ragged compared to most necrofriggians. Ben would have been less trusting, more suspicious, but she helped him. She could see the frustration of that truth in his eyes as he growled under his breath and turned away from her, an iridescent spark of fury lighting his gaze. What was it? Was it just Kevin that made him so angry? Motte’s wings folded against his body in agitation, creating a makeshift hood and cloak as he stared off and down into the valley. Gwen felt a trickle of energy begin to pool in her fingertips, her eyes softening on him as she gently pulled out of his grasp. Maybe he thought she was like his missing daughter, and he was trying desperately hard not to lose her again.
“Motte, I’ll be okay. Kevin’s the only one that might be able to help us find her. You really want me to leave him behind?” The thought of leaving without warning Kevin didn’t sound or feel right. All of her senses were on edge. She felt a headache coming on but it might have just been the cold atmosphere of this moon and the chill coming from the mines. There was a good possibility it was also her nerves. Her green eyes rested on the wide black and yellow compound in front of them. She could easily get across to it, it might cost a little energy, but she had some to spare. And Kevin wouldn’t hurt her. He’d hear her out at least, as frustrating as he could sometimes be.
“Stubborn,” Motte said, defeat lining the edges of his tone. “But fine.” He picked up his head and looked at her again. “Don’t waste your energy with them,” he peered down into the valley where the other aliens were. “That’s all I need. For you to-” he paused, “lose your human body. I’ll buy you time. But hurry up.” He grumbled as his wings shot open. “Go!”
Before she could stop him, he leapt from their hiding place and dipped down the cliff at a blinding pace. She hesitated only a moment before she realized what he was doing; he was freezing the cliff face. Ice splintered and grew out over the rock as Motte breathed across the surface, catching the attention of those down below. Part of her was worried for him, but Motte could handle himself and a lot of the people down there were former coworkers of his. She threw herself over the cliff side, her eyes flickering as energy pulsed through her veins and flooded her hands. After falling for less than a millisecond, her feet hit solid magenta shaded mana and she started running. The platforms were thin and not nearly as wide as they should have been, but she was trying to save as much energy as possible.
Already, she was tired.
It wouldn’t have been a concern if for the last two months she hadn’t been in more fights than she had ever been in when Kevin was still working on the team with her. Worse, Ben was gone. She was capable of handling things herself without him – most of the criminals on Earth were just thugs looking for trouble. But in the wake of Ben’s absence, something much worse than a street thug was stalking the streets. First amongst those problems, was Genix.
Gwen suspected that the Genix Corporation had been gaining power for years. On its face it reminded her of what the Plumbers wanted so long ago: a vast majority of alien species cooperating under one name to maintain peaceful relations and prosperity. Ben left before Gwen could catch it in time and understand what was really going on. Genix was a crime spree nightmare. It sent out employees to destroy competition to its markets, it bought out poor worlds and created new laws enforced by Genix members, some of the strongest aliens she had ever seen. What Genix wanted and couldn’t buy, it killed to obtain.
Then, to add to her problems, hybrid children on Earth were disappearing at an alarming rate. Friends she and Ben knew were hybrids –Plumbers even- scrambled to find out why or stop the source, but there weren’t any leads. Plumbers that went in search of an answer sometimes disappeared too. Parents were at a loss and full of confusion and rage, particularly if they were parents like Motte – fighting to remain upright citizens and support a family away from home. When Motte returned to Earth, his daughter, the most precious person in the world to him, was gone. He spent every cent he had searching for her and then combed the city streets himself. When all of his options were exhausted, he turned to the Plumbers for help.
Sadly, they couldn’t do anything for him.
Too many agents were already working the streets for other cases. The Plumbers promised to keep a lookout for her, but the chances of finding his daughter were slim. Like dozens of other hybrids, she was gone, and not a single person knew where to start searching for her. Gwen found him later on a rampage in the subway station, half dead from driving himself ragged, and threatening to kill hundreds of civilians if someone –anyone- didn’t help him.
It was doubly important she didn’t mess this up. It was easy enough to pacify Motte by giving him her support. There were very few people in the galaxy that had as impressive a reputation as she and Ben did, so when she promised to help him, he took it to heart. One of the good things that came out of the new partnership was that she found Kevin. Two months too late maybe to help break up Genix, but early enough to maybe help save a few more kids. He was the only person she could think of as someone who would know what to do. The Plumbers had no leads. Kevin had the criminal experience, he had the connections no one else had and he could fight. She needed his help.
Her gaze dropped, her breath catching briefly as she ran. That and…she missed him.
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