Beyblade Fan Fiction / Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monster GX Fan Fiction ❯ Whats the difference between Kelli and Ashlee? ❯ The last day of school!! ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: I do not, repeat: do not own any of the anime characters in this story. (I do own Kelli and Ashlee though) Unless they are completely unfamiliar to you, then I probably made them up ^_^
I love Beyblades and Yugioh, but I do not own them and I am not receiving any money for this!!!
I am Lyson,…okay lame.
Any way, this story consists of characters from both Beyblade and Yugioh respectively. All characters are either 17 or 18 years of age, unless mentioned otherwise. I sincerely hope you enjoy this story.
What's the difference between Kelli and Ashlee?
Ashlee ran into the school passages. They were deserted, just as she knew they would be.
“Perfect…” she whispered to herself.
She looked back across the school grounds at the building that was Elton High Schools hall. Every one of the senior students were there for the graduation, so she knew she wouldn't be caught. She had conveniently discarded her graduation robe outside the hall along with the hat.
Feeling extremely brave now, she walked into the schools passages without worry, pulling out her cell as she strode. She pressed the 3 key for quick dial, the 3rd most important person in her life.
Putting the phone to her ear she became irritated as it rang and rang. She was just about to get a hissy fit (which she only did when she was by herself) when the phone was answered.
“Took you long enough…” she all but screamed into the phone. She didn't bother to wait for an explanation before she continued in a very friendly voice (she could be skitzo?)
“The coast is clear. Get your ass over here pronto!” she ordered and hung up. Now she'd wait, and she swore if she waited any longer she'd die.
Ashlee Maddrick was one half of twins, the other half being Kelli Maddrick. Not to sound predictable, but the two were almost opposites.
But not too different, summing it up, Ashlee's Gothic and Kelli's, well, not Gothic. Kelli was the 2nd most important person in Ashlee's life next to their mother, who was her 1st. Just then her 3rd showed up and lifted her off the ground holding her around her waist. Ashlee hated this obnoxious habit,
“ARG! Put me down Tala!” she protested and he laughed as he put her down. She turned to look at her Russian born, American raised boyfriend.
“Tell me Ash, are you like Dr Jeckal and Mrs Hyde or sum thin'?” he said grinning at her angry expression. She frowned, knowing full well what he meant about her mood swings. Then she smiled,
“Well if you can't handle it then I guess I'll go back to the graduation ceremony!” she said sweetly.
His face changed quite suddenly as he gripped her waist and directed her around the corner until they reached a closet. When she looked at his face again he had a terribly naughty grin and Ashlee got a little worried as she was pushed into the closet. The closet was slightly dark and crowded, she watched Tala jam the door with the bottom of a broom.
“Are you crazy?” she asked him starting to laugh quite amused.
“No, but I am horny!” he said childishly pushing her against the wall, a few broom sticks and things dropping. She continued to laugh,
“Tala, I am not having sex with you in a closet you moron!” she tried to stop laughing.
“We'll see…” he smirked holding her hands behind her back with one hand and slipping his other under her school shirt and under her trainer top. He ignored her laughing, Tala thought Ashlee was probably a little loony, but he loved her all the same. He muffled her laughs as he started kissing her and Ashlee eventually stopped. When her red headed boyfriend finally let go of her hands she let them roam down to his pants and started un-buckling his belt.
­­­­­­­­­­­ ;
Kelli looked around the graduation hall,
“Oh for the love of God!” she whispered quite annoyed, noticing her sister and her sisters boyfriend had disappeared. Kelli pouted that oh so adorable pout. She hated her sister's boyfriend because as far as she was concerned he was a complete prick. She couldn't understand what Ashlee saw in him. She watched as the stupid teachers who she gratefully would never see again, gave their ridiculously long speeches. When she realised her sister wasn't back yet and the diplomas were being handed out, she panicked. Kelli quickly got her act together and scampered out of the hall.
She rushed across the grounds, he long jet black hair flailing behind her helplessly thrown out of place.
She reached the school and saw how empty it was. If she knew her sister at all, then she knew what they had snuck away to do.
“Ashlee!” she shouted hurrying along the passages. She heard a door open a little ways behind her and she headed back.
Kelli nearly laughed at the sight, not the first time though.
“I don't get it, you guys are going to the same university, so what's with the final goodbyes?” she frowned at her sisters dishelved appearance, completely ignoring Tala who had a satisfied grin on his face.
Ashlee stood up straight and cleared her throat, pulling her school skirt down properly and then retying her loosened long black hair.
“Its not goodbyes…its Tala being horny…” she sounded angry even though she wasn't. Tala grinned wider and tucked his shirt in,
“You complaining babe?” he asked.
Ashlee couldn't help but grin, she turned to walk,
“No…” and she led the way back to the hall. Tala glanced at Kelli and made a `what are you gonna do face' before laughing and running to catch up with Ashlee.
Kelli huffed, she hated that bastard. All she did was pray her sister didn't marry him, or she'd have to see his sickening face everyday. For once Kelli was glad that Ashlee was not the committed type, of course Tala, didn't know that. She grinned and walked curtly after the two.
­­­­­­­­­­­ ;
“Ashlee Maddrick?” the headmaster's voice called out for the third time.
“I'M HERE!” she shouted rushing into the hall, pulling on the robe untidily followed by the hat. The entire assembled senior grade all turned to look at her and the headmaster shook his head seeing the infamous Tala walk in after her. As she walked through the rows of people a few whistles were heard and a few people were shaking their heads, everyone saw the grin on Tala's face.
Ashlee reached the podium and grinned completely fake at the headmaster before he hesitantly handed her the diploma. She then turned and walked away happily,
“Kelli Maddrick.” His voice was tight now. But Kelli, the model student walked gracefully up to the podium, smiling genuinely and receiving applause.
“I really don't like your sister…” Tala pulled his face. Ashlee smiled proudly,
“And she doesn't like you…” she said smiling, hearing Tala scoff sarcastically
“Oh no…how will I go on!” he said in a weeping voice then laughed, Ashlee just rolled her eye's as the headmaster continued to call out names.
“Geez! That was the longest 3 hours of my life!” Ashlee complained walking into the parking lot.
“Oh shut up or I'll start telling you about the shortest 5 minutes of your life you had back in the closet just now!” Nikki, Ashlee's closest friend, said grinning with glee. Ashlee shot her a look that clearly said shut up. Nikki started laughing,
“Don't be angry, its just it was so obvious by that smile your boyfriend was wearing back there. And I think a couple of girls got jealous.” She laughed even more and Ashlee started smiling.
“What are you ladies laughing about?” Brian Kuznetsov placed his large arms around the two girl's shoulders.
“Nothing, Nikki is just jealous cause' my five minutes with Tala in the broom closet is better than her entire sex life…” Ashlee whispered then winked at Nikki's gaping expression. Before Nikki could respond Brian lifted her over his shoulders,
“You're coming with me…” he grinned naughtily and carried her to his car; Nikki protested but was using her hands to cover her backside with her skirt.
“Have fun Nikki!” Ashlee shouted smiling quite happy with herself.
“Your sister's friends are so vulgar Kelli, I mean, look at them.” Tara pointed over at the group across the parking lot, Nikki being carried over Brian's shoulder. Kelli barely even looked,
“It's that bastard boyfriend of hers and his dick friends, most of them didn't even show for graduation, and Enrique was sent home because he showed up totally sloshed!” Kelli shook her head, and Tara giggled. Tara was Kelli's best friend.
“Why don't you like him, Kelli? Aside from that terribly un-tanned skin and creepy red hair, his actually really cute.” Tara made a face.
“I never said he wasn't cute. But I was talking to one of my boyfriends friends who knows Tala and apparently, he went through 5 girls in 2 months once.” She shook her head as she flipped up the mirror in the driver's seat after applying light make up and lip gloss.
“So be happy, they'll break up soon and your sister's heart won't…” Tara frowned at the thought of Ashlee having a heart, “and Ashlee will find a new guy.” She smiled as Kelli started her car and waited for a group of people to walk past the rear end.
“That's just it, I think Ash really likes this creep, and worse I think he likes her too. They've been dating for like 6 months now, and their going to the same university even. I just hope Ash knows what she's doing…” Kelli sighed and reversed out of the parking space.
She hooted to Ashlee who was kissing Tala against the car. Ashlee, waved as Kelli sped out of the schools parking lot. Brian, having strapped Nikki down in the car, pulled out after Kelli. And when Ashlee had managed to pull herself away from Tala, they got into his car and drove out too. Leaving Elton High for good.
“Hey Ash, is Tala picking you up?” Kelli walked into her sisters bedroom fully dressed to go out. Kelli wore a tight stone wash denim jeans that sat low on her tiny waist, she wore pointed black stiletto boots and a low V neck powder blue cotton top with long sleeves that hung on her hands. She carried her stone wash denim waist jacket over her arm. Her long hair was pulled back into a high ponytail with two long bangs in place of side burns. As usual her make up was virtually non existent aside from natural earth colours on her eyes with a light line of silver and a shiny lip gloss.
She was the pinnacle of pretty at that point. The two sisters both had slender faces with almost chinky eyes (almost) their eye's were a simple hazel brown colour, and they were both the right height and slim.
“Ash?” Kelli repeated when she didn't get an answer.
“No” Ashlee said walking out of her bathroom. Kelli wasn't the least bit phased by her sister's look, as it was the usual.
Full black from head to toe. Leather Doc Martens knee high tie ups, tight leather pants, also sitting low on her hips. She wore a really short black halter neck top showing off her tummy and she would top it off with her black leather trench coat. Her long black hair was open, sleek and straight and her make up consisted only of really dark eye pencil.
“What, that asshole isn't picking you up?” Kelli looked shocked.
“No Kelli, I told him I'd drive myself.” She shuffled around the room looking through the mess for her cell phone.
“Why?” Kelli started helping her by neatening the room.
Ashlee found her phone and slipped it into her cell-phone arm pouch,
“Because, this way I'm not obligated to anyone.” She headed out switching off the light.
“But why, where are you going?” Kelli rushed out of the dark room.
“Me and Nikki are going to a cult party later after 12.” She said as if it were nothing, continuing down the stairs.
“Are you like serious?” Kelli asked eye's wide.
“Yes and shut your mouth ok. Don't tell Tala.”
Kelli's eyebrow went up, as if she would even talk to Tala.
“Are you just gonna leave the graduation party?” she asked.
“Yep.” Ashlee said calmly as they reached the front door.
Ashlee opened the door and stepped back at the shock she got. She had opened the door just as someone was going to knock. The boy raised his eyebrows at her,
“Wow Kelli, I didn't realise you were into that stuff?” he looked worried.
Ashlee raised her cheeky eyebrow at him and pulled her face,
“I'm not Kelli, you dork.” She said softly after assessing the boy who she decided she didn't like. Just then Kelli popped up and smiled,
“Hey baby!!” She squeaked and hugged her boyfriend.
He recovered from Ashlee's nasty remark and hugged his girlfriend. Kelli looked at her sister,
“Ash, this is Kai, my boyfriend.” She smiled happily.
“Oh, the one from the `I'm better than ever one else' prep school. Oh the joy.” She said sarcastically and Kai decided he didn't like her either.
Kelli pulled her face,
“Stop being a bitch Ash.” She turned to Kai, “This is my twin, Ashlee.” She said smiling.
“Hi Ashlee.” He said blandly.
Ashlee just sighed and opened her eyes wide before walking out passed him.
“She's nice.” Kai said sarcastically and Kelli laughed,
“Lets go.” She kissed him quickly then pulled him along out the door.
Ashlee pulled up at the party and then waited for Kelli and her boyfriend. Once they got there she jumped out of her car and went to Kelli,
“Could I talk to you?” she said softly then looked at Kai as if to say `get lost'. Kai rolled his eye's and kissed Kelli on her cheek,
“I'll see in inside Kel.” And he left.
“His a dork.” Ashlee couldn't help herself. Kelli sighed,
“And Tala's a dick head, so we're even.” She looked defeated.
“Alright, fair enough. So when do we tell them about the road trip?” Ashlee asked.
“Shit, I forgot about that. Well they'll all be here, so we'll tell them tonight. And we'll leave Saturday morning. That gives us tomorrow to prepare and pack and whatever.” She thought quickly.
“Ok, but you have to tell them, cause' I'm going later.”
“No way! I am not telling your asshole boyfriend anything. That's your beef.” She looked decided.
“Oh fuck…fine. You're such a baby.” She provoked Kelli, but Kelli shook her head,
“Not this time sis.” And she smiled and walked towards the massive house.
The host of this Graduation Party, was none other than Joey Wheeler. A senior student and very wealthy boy from the same prep school Kai went to. He held a graduation party for all graduates in the same year as him, he'd planned it from the beginning of his senior year and it was definitely going to be the biggest house party of 2006.
Kelli walked in, the house was really crowded, and not to mention the 100 people she saw standing outside. She didn't know where she'd find Kai, but she figured he probably went to see Joey.
“Kelli!!!” she heard her name. She turned as Tara and Alainah ran up to her.
“We were looking everywhere for you! Where's this boyfriend of yours that we all wanted to meet?” Tara asked excited.
“Where's Joey Wheeler?” Kelli said plainly.
“Why?” Alaina asked stupidly.
“Because you idiot, her boyfriend goes to Kinsington Prep. as well.” Tara made a `duh' face.
“Oh, I knew that.” Alainah, the typical blonde pulled her face at Tara who just rolled her eyes.
“Hey geeks!” Ashlee shouted at Tara and Alainah who both quietly seethed, they weren't quite bold enough to say anything. Ashlee laughed and walked away.
“Your sister is such a freak!” Alainah said now that Ashlee was gone, but she quickly fell silent at the look Kelli gave her.
“Lets go find Joey…” Kelli said finally, and Tara and Alainah followed through the crowd.
“So Kai, where's this girlfriend of yours?” Joey asked as he sat on the table next to Kai, the sofas were far too crowded.
“She's around here somewhere…I just discovered she has a twin. And man do they look identical.” Kai shook his head.
“What's her name?” Joey asked frowning.
“Who, my girlfriend or her sister?”
“Your girlfriend genius!” he shook his head.
“Oh…Kelli Maddrick.” He said feeling stupid then he frowned at Joey's expression,
“What?” Kai asked.
“The Maddrick twins? From Elton High?” he asked smiling.
“Yeah…” Kai frowned.
“Which one are you dating?” he asked curious.
“The normal one.” Kai couldn't help the words as they just came out.
“Phew!” Joey said seemingly understanding.
Kai laughed,
“The other one, the Gothic one. She's dating this guy who lives in this area. About a year ago he slept with Michael's girlfriend, you remember Mariah? With the pink hair?” he asked and Kai nodded.
“Yeah, apparently he was drunk and he told Mariah to get lost. She told Michael, and even though he broke up with her, he went after the guy.” Joey shook his head.
“And?” Kai asked interested, Michael Parker being a friend of his.
“And Michael got his ass kicked in front of all of Elton High's students.” Joey started laughing.
“What. Did they jump him?” Kai sounded shocked.
Joey shook his head,
“No man, it was one on one, and he got beat, but that was before he started dating the Goth.” Joey picked up his glass of punch.
Kai shook his head, he knew Michael to be quite the fighter, or maybe it was just his big mouth, he'd never actually seen Michael fight.
“What's his name, this guy?” he looked at Joey.
Joey shook his head,
“I'm not telling you man, I'm friends with him and Michael.” Joey admitted.
“So his here?” Kai persisted.
“Why man? I hope your not thinking of starting a fight?” Joey warned.
Kai laughed,
“Are you crazy, do I look like I care about Michael's school ground fights? Besides I'll probably meet him eventually, I mean he is dating my girlfriend's sister.” Kai reasoned standing up.
Joey stood to,
“Yeah, well good luck man.” Joey smiled, “I gotta go mingle, see ya'.” And he disappeared into the crowd. Kai left to look for Kelli.
Tala saw Ashlee walking through the crowd toward the bathroom, he grinned and he crept after her.
Ashlee went into the bathroom to get out of the crowd, but that was stupid because the bathroom was just as full of people, girls especially, fussing over them selves.
She turned to leave and walked straight into Tala,
“Hey babe.” He smiled.
Ashlee grinned, he smelt really good and he looked good too, in his simple dark denims and a bright orange hooded jacket, topped off with sneakers.
“Hey, are you following me into bathrooms again?” she smiled knowingly. He gave her the cutest smile,
“No Ash, there's plenty of empty rooms upstairs for that…” he kissed her and she stopped him and moved out of the door way as someone passed.
“I have to by you bone to chew on…cause all you think about is…”
“Ash!” Nikki called her from the end of the passage.
“Tell her to go away Ash, let's ditch this party…you know my place is on the next block, let's go…” he whispered in Ashlee's ear. Ashlee was so tempted because he smelled so good and he looked so good and he was kissing her neck.
“Ashlee!!” Nikki whined.
Ashlee pulled away from Tala,
“Sorry!” she kissed him quickly and walked to Nikki.
Tala sighed, he thought maybe he should get a bone to chew on and he walked the opposite way toward the kitchen.
Tara had an utter look of jealousy as she stared at Kai. Kai felt uncomfortable at the large eyes, he held Kelli closer.
“It's nice to meet you.” He said to Tara and Alainah.
They did all but drool and he frowned,
“You wanna go get a drink babe?” he gave Kelli a pleading look. She nearly laughed,
“Okay.” She said and pulled him away from her friends.
Kai wasn't over dressed, but he still looked gorgeous in a plain denim jeans and black tank shirt. He had a really nice body and so he didn't mind showing it off, and Kelli didn't mind either as the girls openly drooled.
They got to a room that was slightly emptier than the rest and on one of the many tables there was punch and snacks. They walked up to the table and Kai took two paper cups and starting getting punch, Kelli leaned against the table.
“Um, Kai. About this weekend.” She looked at him sweetly. He frowned,
“What about it?” he handed her a cup.
“Well, I can already see you don't like my sister. But me and her have been planning a road trip for months, for after we graduate. It's the first time we've both had steady boyfriends at the same time, and we wanted to go away, but with friends as well.” She explained and waited.
“Which friends?” he asked sipping his punch, oh how he wanted a drink, but Kelli didn't drink and because he was driving she told him not to.
“Well, I'm gonna take Tara and Alainah…” she paused as he looked worried,
“Those two creepy friends of yours?” he frowned.
She smiled and nodded,
“Don't worry, if you bring two hot single friends, they wont even notice you.” She looked pleadingly at him.
“What about your sister, who's she bringing?” he looked weary.
Kelli looked vague a moment and he got even more worried then she smiled,
“What does it matter, they'll probably go in Tala's car.” She said nonchalantly. He frowned and she realised,
“Oh, sorry. Tala's my sister's boyfriend. They'll all go in his car and we'll go in yours. You both drive trucks (as in Landover etc…), so there's enough space?” she said more than asked.
He sighed,
“Yeah, its sounds cool. When do we leave?” he asked and smiled at how happy she was.
“YEAH! Great…Saturday…” she answered and kissed him quite generously, usually shy in public but now uninterested. As the couple pulled apart they found Ashlee and Nikki staring at them about a foot away.
“Well that was gross…” Nikki said sizing Kai distastefully. Kai stared at Nikki who was relatively covered in peircings and had a few tattoos on her tiny arms. He shook his head.
“Hey Ash…Nikki.” Kelli didn't look at her but at her sister,
“What's up?”
Ashlee gave her that world class fake grin,
“Tala's pissed at me…please ask him?” she grinned wider.
“Why is he pissed at you?” Kelli looked suspicious.
She sighed,
“Because…I walked away from him during one of his horny moments…Tala doesn't like that.” She said in a baby's voice,
“And besides I'm going now.”
Kelli shook her head,
“Its only 10:30?”
Ashlee gave a `yeah but you know how it is' look and Kelli narrowed her eyes.
“Fine, I'll ask him, but if he says anything mean to me…” she warned.
“He wont Kel, don't worry. Just tell him the plans and tell him to call me!” Ashlee said, knowing he wouldn't if he was angry.
Kai was frowning, he wasn't sure he'd like it to much if some guy got faulty with Kelli.
“Yeah, ok. But where is he anyway?” Kelli asked so she wouldn't have to waste time searching.
“Probably out by the pool…” Ashlee answered, forgetting to mention that Tala would probably be drinking.
“Ok, but you owe me Ash!” Kelli demanded.
Ashlee smiled,
“Yes, yes I do.” And she hugged her sister, and then she turned to Kai smiling and put out her hand,
“Nice meeting you Kai, treat my sister well…or I'll circumcise you in the most painful way.” She said in a friendly tone and Nikki flipped out her pocket knife just for emphasis.
“Oh god…” Kelli started laughing as they walked away and Kai shook his head slightly shocked.
“Hey Ash?” Nikki said as they reached Ashlee's car.
“Yes?” Ashlee turned around dramatically.
Ashlee frowned,
“What if Tala finds out?” she asked.
Ashlee frowned,
“How would he?” Ashlee asked right back.
“I don't know, there are other kids he knows who go to these things too.”
She reasoned.
“So what if he does, I'll have all ready gone by then.” Ashlee waved it off opening the door.
“I know how much you like this guy Ash, and he knows what usually goes on at cult parties. And there are quite a few guys who are already after you. Now I'm single, so I get to mingle, but you?” Nikki said wearily.
Ashlee sighed,
“Yeah, but I'm not gonna do that stuff. I don't have to. And if he is serious about me then he has to trust me.” Ashlee got in the car,
“Would you get in already?” she looked at Nikki.
Nikki shrugged and walked over to the passenger side and got in. The car then pulled out and left the party.
Kelli and Kai walked out onto the patio and down the stairs to the pool. Kelli looked around for that frighteningly bright red hair. She didn't see it but she saw Johnny McGregor, who was also a red head of a darker shade. But she knew Johnny was friends with Tala so she gripped Kai's hand and made her over to boys she had avoided all through her years at Elton High. Kai followed wearily behind her all the way past the pool to the large outbuilding where more of the party was going on. As they got nearer, Kelli saw and more and more of Tala's friends and realised that this was probably where all the scum was.
Johnny McGregor was a medium height boy, with a light eye colour that almost reflected lavender but he was a wealthy and spoiled brat, much like all of Tala's friends, including Tala himself. And all of Tala's friends had the same things in common; money, popularity, bad reputations, drinking problems and a sickenly good looking without any manners at all.(that included manners for girls)
She was glad that Kai had gorgeous and decent friends.
“Johnny?” Kelli tapped him on his broad shoulder. Thos estrange coloured eyes focussed on her,
“Ash?” he asked frowning at how Kelli was dressed.
“No, it's Kelli, not Ashlee.” She told him gripping tighter to Kai's hand.
“Oh…” he said in a less familiar tone, “What can I do you for Kelli?” he asked nicely. Kelli couldn't tell whether he was drunk or not.
She sighed,
“I'm looking for Tala, you know where he is?” she asked impatiently.
Johnny looked as though he was thinking, then he looked at her and Kai and frowned,
“No…not in the last half hour.” He said softly and smiled, but Kai didn't like the slyness on Johnny's face.
“Where did you last see him?” Kelli didn't notice it obviously.
“Kitchen.” He said plainly his smile fading.
Then a boy with almost orange colored hair walked up and threw his arm around Johnny's shoulder, he had a passive smile on his face,
“Heeeere's JOHNNY!” he shouted, he was clearly drunk.
Kelli knew this boy, it was Tala's younger brother, and he wasn't supposed to be here.
“Um, hey Brooklyn, can you tell me where Tala is?” she asked waiting for those aqua eye's to focus on her. Brooklyn squinted and looked at her,
He wasn't sure whether it was Ashlee or Kelli so he shrugged,
“He's in there…” he pointed vaguely to the outbuilding.
Kelli and Kai both saw the look Johnny gave the younger boy, as if to say `you idiot'. Then Kelli wondered a moment and she thought of Tala's reputation and wondered if maybe Tala was locked up in some room with a girl. She rushed quickly, leaving Kai's hand and ran toward the out building. She pushed through the mass of drunken girls and guys and ran to the bedroom at the back of the building.
Kai had rushed after her and Duke Devlin, one of Kai's friends had seen him and followed.
Kelli angrily threw open the bedroom door and there lying on the bed was Tala. She frowned, seeing no one else in the room. Just then Kai caught up,
“Why did you run Kelli, what's wrong?” he glanced at the boy lying on his back on the bed, arm over his face. Kelli walked into the room,
“I thought maybe this pig was cheating on my sister.” She said angrily and looked at Tala closer now, Kai next to her.
“Doesn't look like it.” Kai looked around.
Kelli started tapping Tala's sneaker and then hitting it when she got no response,
“Tala, wake up you fuck head!” she shouted, Kai wanted to laugh at her; she looked cute when she got angry.
Tala felt himself being hit and opened his eyes groggily,
“What…what?” he didn't move his arm but pulled his assaulted leg onto the bed.
“Wake up, what's wrong with you?” she hit his other foot.
This started irritating Tala and he sat up slowly and looked at the two people at the foot of the bed,
“What the fuck…” he frowned and rubbed his eyes that were blood shot red.
Kai frowned, he recognised this boy. He'd seen him before when he was visiting Joey during the week. That confirmed what Joey had said about him living in this area. Kai also noticed that there was no alcohol smell in the room.
“What, how did you get drunk so fast?” Kelli frowned and Tala rolled his blue and red eye's then turned to get off the bed.
“I'm going home…” Tala groaned as he tried to stand and fell back on the bed. Kai shook his head; it was clear what was wrong with Tala.
“Aaah, shit…” Tala groaned again holding his head.
“Kai?” Duke Devlin walked into the room. Kai turned around,
“Oh, hey man…” he greeted and Kelli didn't even notice, as Tala wobbly got his feet and shook his head. She wanted to know what was wrong with him.
Tala focussed on the new person in the room,
“What the fuck is this, a convention?” he looked at Kelli.
They all looked at Tala.
“No, I needed to ask you something.” She told him stepping out of his way as he dragged past her.
“What?” he said rudely dragging past Kai and Duke.
“Ash said to tell you that we're taking a road trip this weekend. So bring some friends.” She said plainly and made her way to the door ignoring the painful head spinning confusion on Tala's face. Kai and Duke glanced at Tala before leaving after Kelli.
Tala shook his head again,
“KELLI!” he shouted and waited leaning against the wall.
She turned,
“Where's Ash?” he sounded angry.
“She's gone with Nikki.” Was all Kelli said, she saw Tala clench his jaw then he looked at her as best he could,
“If you see Brian…tell him to come here would you?” he asked nicely and Kelli nearly fell on her back.
She nodded lightly then left, highly confused. She thought maybe Ashlee's mood swings were rubbing off on him.
As she past Brian she quickly told him what Tala had said and with a frown he went to find Tala. Kai and Duke were having their own conversations about something Kelli wasn't interested in at all.
Eventually Kelli and Kai went out into the front yard for some air and Kai lighted a cigarette and they sat on the green lawn. Watching people dancing and others playing or talking, it was the last night of school; Kelli smiled and turned to Kai pushing out her lips. He smiled and obliged to her by kissing her. They had a brief make out session, Kelli now realising no one was interested in any one else, so she stopped caring.
Kai finished his cigarette and then pointed out something to Kelli. When she looked she saw Brian, Johnny and Kane standing around Tala who was leaning dismally against Brian's car. Brian was slapping him lightly on his face but Tala seemed out of it. Kelli also noticed Enrique sitting on the ground against the car also near the small group, his eyes were also blood shot but he seemed better than Tala.
”How drunk is he?” she asked.
Kai shook his head,
“His not drunk babe.” He said and stood up checking his watch, it was one in the morning. She stood up as well with a frown,
“Then why is he like that, he looks like he could fall over.” She shook her head.
“That is because his high.” Kai answered watched as Brian put Tala in the back seat of the car to lie down and then moved to help Enrique up.
“High like on what, weed?” she pulled her face and Kai laughed lightly.
“No way, that's a cocaine high. Eye's red like that, he can barely stand, I'd say he over did it a little, him and that blonde guy.” Kai still watching as Brian helped Enrique into the passenger seat.
“Enrique.” She told him and Kai shrugged.
Kelli was stunned; she knew Tala and his friends were messed up, but not like that. They watched as Brooklyn, drunk as hell pushed Tala's legs up to make space and then got in next to him. Brian spoke to Johnny for a while and then got into the car and drove out.
Kelli would have to tell this to Ashlee.
Kelli pulled out the kiss she had going on with Kai and smiled. Kai groaned as she moved his hand out from under her top.
“I have to go…its like 3 in the morning.” She whispered and kissed him quickly. Kai smirked,
“Ok, but I got you for the weekend, and maybe longer depending where we end up on this road trip…” he kissed her again and Kelli got excited about the road trip. She pulled away again and flashed her smile,
“See you Saturday Kai…” and she got out of the car.
Kai sighed and drove off once he'd seen her go inside.
Kelli ran upstairs quietly, not wanting to wake her mother. She checked Ashlee's room but she wasn't back yet. Not that Kelli had expected her to be. Kelli grabbed a quick hot shower before jumping into her blue silk PJ's and snuggled into bed, her head spinning with ideas for the road trip.
Although she had no idea what it would be like, going on a road trip with the selection of people they were going, but if nothing else it would at least be interesting she told herself and eventually dropped into a excited sleep.
Ok, first chapters long, second might be longer, I dunno, I'll see what my brain decides…
Hope you like this story. Didn't really know where to put it, so I put it under Tala and Kai. They are seemingly the main anime characters. Please read and review, reviews (good or bad) will motivate me to update quicker.