Beyblade Fan Fiction ❯ A Slayed Angel ❯ Chapter 3
[ P - Pre-Teen ]
When Kai came back he settled back into his chair to continue
his reading, he clicked on her next entry when it came up he started
to read
They've brought back Wolf Lake, I love that show and they went
and took it off for awhile. But, I've had a really good day, and
when I said that to NecaI nearly fainted, I mean come on
I know I'm gonna have good days but 3 weeks full of them that's
a record for me. And don't sit there and say I'm just making a
mountain out of a mole hill, because I'm not, I've lived 14 years in
hell, and misery. But I've had a great day spent my whole day sitting
in front of my computer reading fan fic and listening to my CD player,
that I've got hooked up right next to it. I'm also trying to find out
what time Sea-Quest comes on, I love that show but I don't know
when it comes on. I'm sorry if this is a little bad I'm not good at
writing. Hey if anyone who reads this is ever at,
look up my friend Neca her S/N is Ice Princess, you might just like
one of her stories. And is it just me, or are parents the most annoying
people on earth, also I've heard just about enough of teenagers getting
on TV and saying their parents are their best-friends, my parents
are not even my friends much less my best friends, sorry three other
people have already filled that role very well, my Friends Neca, Jessie
and Jamie. Anyone want to agree or argue with me just post see ya bye.
A sad smile started to grace Kai's lips as he read over the page in
front of him, she was lonely, he knew that feeling all to well. He
brought up a reply box and started to type to her, he wrote,
TO: Angel_Slayer
FROM: Ice_Phoenix
Well Angel I happen to agree with you on quite a few notes, I've
been reading your journal for days now and I have yet to figure
you out if I do say so myself. It seems to me your not as angry
with the world as you want to make it out to be, I'm angry with the
world Angel, but you.... your just lonely and upset. But since I've
started reading your journal I've been wanting to talk to you, maybe
you can reply to this and then I'll finally be able to figure you out,
if not then I'll just have to live with it. Good-Bye Angel.
Kai pressed send and clicked to bring up another entry.
his reading, he clicked on her next entry when it came up he started
to read
They've brought back Wolf Lake, I love that show and they went
and took it off for awhile. But, I've had a really good day, and
when I said that to NecaI nearly fainted, I mean come on
I know I'm gonna have good days but 3 weeks full of them that's
a record for me. And don't sit there and say I'm just making a
mountain out of a mole hill, because I'm not, I've lived 14 years in
hell, and misery. But I've had a great day spent my whole day sitting
in front of my computer reading fan fic and listening to my CD player,
that I've got hooked up right next to it. I'm also trying to find out
what time Sea-Quest comes on, I love that show but I don't know
when it comes on. I'm sorry if this is a little bad I'm not good at
writing. Hey if anyone who reads this is ever at,
look up my friend Neca her S/N is Ice Princess, you might just like
one of her stories. And is it just me, or are parents the most annoying
people on earth, also I've heard just about enough of teenagers getting
on TV and saying their parents are their best-friends, my parents
are not even my friends much less my best friends, sorry three other
people have already filled that role very well, my Friends Neca, Jessie
and Jamie. Anyone want to agree or argue with me just post see ya bye.
A sad smile started to grace Kai's lips as he read over the page in
front of him, she was lonely, he knew that feeling all to well. He
brought up a reply box and started to type to her, he wrote,
TO: Angel_Slayer
FROM: Ice_Phoenix
Well Angel I happen to agree with you on quite a few notes, I've
been reading your journal for days now and I have yet to figure
you out if I do say so myself. It seems to me your not as angry
with the world as you want to make it out to be, I'm angry with the
world Angel, but you.... your just lonely and upset. But since I've
started reading your journal I've been wanting to talk to you, maybe
you can reply to this and then I'll finally be able to figure you out,
if not then I'll just have to live with it. Good-Bye Angel.
Kai pressed send and clicked to bring up another entry.