Beyblade Fan Fiction ❯ Bloodshed: Orion's Dillema ❯ Meeting Orion ( Chapter 1 )
Orion Waters is an extremely unusual child, with an ugly past.
Always shunned
Forever ignored.
Most literally thought she was a freak.
Orion is Italian. Straight from Italy.
Orion's parents had her by accident, but, didn't abort her.
Both of Orion's parent are Italian, and they look the part. Brown hair, dark brown eyes, and tanned skin.
When Orion was still inside of her mother, Orion's mother got sick. She got so sick, the doctors thought about getting the baby out prematurely, so it could live. So they did that.
Orion was born like any other premature baby except for her more than astonishing physical features and her actions.
Orion didn't cry when she came out, she just smiled. Secondly, had freakish silver hair with two black locks of hair.
Orion's mother was overjoyed, unlike her father. Her father kept saying to himself, "That's not my child…it's not my child."
Orion grew, and her Father's rejection was beginning to take a toll on Orion, as well as her mother.
Soon After, her mother got sick again…she got so sick…so very sick.
It pained her to breath. But Orion, at age 12, had to let her go. It's the most Orion has ever cried in her life….
Now, her father was the only family she had, and, he didn't allow Orion to stay with him, so, her Aunt Erin had to take her in.
Erin lives in an extremely subtle and tame environment and owns a flower shop, which is also her home.
Erin, is extremely gentle, and treats Orion like her flowers. She gives her care, and kisses them every day. She shows them as much love as possible.
Ever since then, the treatment from Orion's father and the death of her mother wore off, and, Orion developed her own style: Mild Goth. Sometimes heavy.
She made a best friend, Tyler's her name. So, since then, Orion has been a normal kid….right? Not until the land that the flower shop laid on was bought by Di-tech. A Advertisement and Sporting Industry.
The owener, Owns Dize's son, is now going to Orion's school.
A spoiled little brat. But…he gets when he wants. And Orion has to do something for him if she plans on letting her Aunt Erin keep that property…something terrible, for Orion at least.
There ya go, and intro…cool, I'm a poet, and I didn't even know it!
7:45 PM
Dear Mom,
I just got back from Nick's house…
He…did it …
I love Erin…I have to remember that. I love Erin too much to let bad happen to her now…She's…all I have left.
I know my writing is erratic, but, I cant help it… I'm doing the right thing, aren't I?
I have to go to bed now, Erin is saying things about how I'm hard to wake up in the morning…I'm going to have a horrible hangover.
Bye Mom I love you.
……A Most needed vacation………
Kai had to admit it. He was proud of his team, and how strong they had become. It was not only because of Kai's unbelievably harsh training, but also, the drive and determination within them. They had made it to the second international tournament, and, it seemed like nothing at all…now at least.
In the USA, Maryland, is where the second half of the tournament will begin, and, Kai, is letting his team take a break. Of course, he wont let them know that they don't get as much break time as everyone else.
It's hot here. It's so hot, Kai ended up having to relinquish his old form fitting shirt and gloves, and buy a T_shirt. The weather was crazy. Not to mention beautiful at the same time.
Right now, the Blade breakers were relaxing in a tranquil park by a lake. IT was like a setting from a portrait. Rei and Max were getting some ice cream, and Tyson was getting more ice cream. His 10th helping of 3 scoops each.
Kai, as usual, was against some vertical object, head down, eyes closed, arms crossed, and seemingly brooding.
"Kai," Rei called.
"What is it?" Kai answered back a bit rudely.
"Come here! Why don't you loosen up or something!"
Tyson piped in and said, "He cant loosen up because that stick up his ass is so stiff!"
Tyson let out a laugh he had seemed to be holding for a while. Kai, who came out of his brooding state, walked over to Tyson, bent down, and whispered something into his ear, which made Tyson pale. Kai pulled away and said, "Got it?" Tyson turned to Kai with some difficulty. "Yessir…" Tyson trembled. Kai smirked evilly, and then walked back to the tree, only to find his little space occupied by two girls.
One, looked fairly odd. With fairly pale skin, freakish yet blazing green eyes, and long silverish hair all of which Kai didn't see. The other, brown eyes, short jet black hair, and skin the color of caramel.
The one with the darker hair seemed worried about her taller friend, who was having trouble standing.
"ORION! C'mon! Stand up dammit!" The darker haired girl fell on top of the silver haired girl, who Kai figured was Orion.
Orion thrashed frantically. Waving her arms, and making multiple strand of hair fall over herself and her friend. One of Orion's thrashing hands slapped her friend.
The short haired girl paused for no longer than 3 seconds, and then grabbed her friend's wrists, and then tried to calm her down.
Kai just gaped like an idiot.
"ORION!" The short haired girl yelled. The girl named Orion thrashed more, and Kai noticed she had two jet black locks of hair hanging over her shoulders.
Orion stopped suddenly. It frightened her friend, who tried to get Orion up by getting one of her arms around her shoulder. Orion's head hang down, and tears ran from her eyes.
She fell to the ground again.
Kai continued to gape like a mediocre idiot.
"Tyler…" Orion said…. "Tyler…he…" Orion couldn't speak, not well at least.
Tyler clenched her teeth together, and grabbed her friend's shoulders. "ORION! WHAT IS IT!?" Tyler looked as if she was about to sob. Orion then went into a coma like state. She didn't respond to anything her friend said, or did.
Tyler, who had decided to figure things out later, once again, got Orion's arms over her shoulder, and tried to get her home. Once Tyler stood, she came face to face with a still gaping Kai.
Tyler jerked her head so she could get Orion's hair out of her face, then, started right past Kai, who had finally registered what had just happened.
When Tyler finally realized Kai was in front of her, he had already gotten Orion's other arm around his shoulder.
Tyler was a bit startled, but, said nothing.
"Thanks," Tyler said. Orion groaned. Her body seemed to be failing her. Even thought two people were holding her, she managed to slip out of their grasp, and fall again with a dull THUD
Tyler's cell phone rang, and she cursed. "Shit…"
She ignored the phone, and turned all her attention to her friend. Orion groaned painfully.
"Orion…" Tyler whispered. Kai spoke finally, "You let me do it." Kai lifted Orion up, and managed to get her light body on his back. Tyler got Orion's arms over Kai shoulders, and around his neck.
Kai frowned as he walked with the lightweight girl. She was so light, and looked no older than 14.
Tyler walked with Kai her attention on Orion fully. Kai looked at her, and caught her clench her teeth together and then curse again.
She looked at Kai, and then said, "I'm Tyler. Follow me. We gotta take her to her Aunt's house." Kai nodded.
"I'm Kai."
`I hope they'll realize I'm gone…' Kai thought
** ___________________________________________**
Kai was surprised by the American scenery…and how long it took to get where they needed to be.
Currently, they were in a lush grove of greenery, which would be perfect if there wasn't a huge dirt patch right next to the cozy little house that sat in the grove.
Kai's back was starting to stiffen because of Orion, who kept squirming on his back, making Kai feel uncomfortable.
Tyler grabbed a key out of her pocket and mouthed a prayer. She opened the door to the little house, and then motioned for Kai to come inside, upstairs, and then into Orion's room.
Kai set her on her bed, and heard her groan again. All over the room, were pictures of many people. Mostly, Tyler, Orion and another girl, with flaming red hair.. Tyler went downstairs to get something, while Kai looked at the many photos in the room.
On a picture board on her wall, were many pictures of those three girls together.
One picture shows them at a very young age, no older than six years. All at the beach.
Kai turned to a book with many other pictures in them, the first picture in the book was a picture of a lady with the deepest brown hair and eyes. She was very beautiful. The woman was wearing a silver-ish dress with black pumps. It looked like she was going to an evening show.
Kai felt a bit uneasy…. It seems like this girl had an extremely happy childhood. He almost envied her.
"Kai?" Tyler called as she walked into Orion's room. Kai turned to her, not saying anything. He only lifted his eyebrows in acknowledgement.
"Thanks. Um…you want some tea?"
He nodded. Tyler came back up later wth two mugs filled with soothing tea.
"Kai, Thanks again…"
"You're welcome. What is wrong with her?" Kai said in a fairly arrogant tone.
Tyler's head whipped around so quickly, Kai wondered if she had gotten whiplash. "Kai, let me get this straight with you, if you speak a word of this ordeal, I will make you bleed…excessively."
Kai frowned.
Orion moaned again. Tyler turned her attention to her. But, Orion went out like a light again. Tyler sat on Orion's bed next to Orion and looked at Kai.
"I don't know what's wrong with her…" Tyler was clearly holding tears back.
"Don't cry now. It's useless." Kai stated sipping his tea. "I'm not going to cry dammit. I never do…" Kai looked around the room a bit more. "How long have you known Orion?"
Tyler smiled a small smile.
"Orion is my best friend. I've known ever since I was about five or six. I met her when some kids were talking about her, right in front of her. They were calling her a freak. About her hair. It's a natural color. Colors actually. Kids that age, they really don't have any sense. But when Orion was sitting by herself at lunch, I sat with her and she told me to go away, because she thought I was talking about her. Then I tried to convince her I wasn't. I told her that her hair looked really cool…I wish my hair could be like hers, even still today. Her hair is just too cool. So, we've been friends ever since. Orion is family to me. She like a sister. If anything were to happen to her, I don't know what I'd do…"
Tyler was truly speaking from her heart. Tyler's eyes started to burn, and she started to cry. Not sob.
Tyler hung her head down, making sure to cover her face with her hair. She gathered Orion's limp body in hr arms, and hugged her tightly.
Kai felt a tingle rise in his chest.
"SHIT!" Tyler cursed.
Orion moaned again, and hugged Tyler back. Tyler, with wide eyes, hugged Orion even tighter.
"You can help me. You are helping me by being here!" Tyler felt a head hit her shoulder. Her shoulder began to become damp with Orion's tears.
Tyler mouthed a ` Thank you God', and continued to sob uncontrollably. As did Orion.
Kai rolled his eyes; two sobbing females.
"Look," Kai said as he got up. "It's late, and I should be going." He turned to walk out, but, Tyler jumped up and grabbed his shirt, and flung him into the chair he was just sitting in.
"HEY! ORION! Say hello to your carrier…person…" Tyler laughed sheepishly. Orion blinked, and then looked at Kai.
She smirked a hell of a cocky smirk…but stopped suddenly in her tracks, as did Tyler.
Both of them looked at the hallway, frozen. Kai was confused.
"Dammit I gotta go, so if you'll…MMPH!"
Tyler slapped a hand onto Kai's mouth and kept it there.
"Shut the hell up!" Tyler whispered loudly.
Tyler heard a door open, and the close. Followed by heels.
Orion panicked and told Kai to hide in her closet. "NOW DAMMIT!" She whispered loudly. Tyler pushed Kai into the closet, and Orion sat up straight in her bed with Tyler.
Erin walked through the door.
"oh! Hi guys! What's up?
Aunt Erin is a young woman with her own flower business. She loves pretty things.
"HEY! So, whats up? When did you guys get here? How are you? I hope you two like sushi, so, do you?"
Orion and Tyler blinked in utter confusion.
"Come again?" Orion asked.
"I said- -" Erin started. She stopped talking and then turned her attention to Tyler's and Orion's paled faces.
"What's wrong with you two?" Erin asked smiling.
Tyler spoke, "Nothing, we're just doing something for a friend."
"Oh yeah, what's that?"
"We're getting some r+r. She said we were working too hard in school, and we needed to take a break."
Tyler grinned.
"Oh, okay." Erin said. "Get ready for dinner! You're getting a green dinner today!"
Erin slammed the door, and heel were heard coming from the other side of the door.
Tyler got up, walked to the closet, and let Kai out. Who seemed to be a bit startled?
"This isn't funny," Kai said. "I want to go, so, bye…" He made his was toward the door when suddenly,
Erin opened the door, right on Kai. "Hey! DO you guys think hot sauce tastes good on gravy and rice?"
Orion winced and said, "No Erin…no way…"
"Okay! Just checking!" Erin closed the door, and let Kai fall to the floor. Tyler walked to him.
Kai had his back to the wall, and had his head hung down. His hands then suddenly, shot up to his face. Kai cursed…loudly.
Tyler put a hand to Kai's hand, which was over his face.
"DAMMTI OUCH!" "whoops…" Tyler said dumbly.
She pulled her hand away, and felt a cool liquid on her hand. It was Kai's blood. She just stared at it for a few seconds, then got up to rinse it off.
Kai, who started to think he had broken something, looked at Orion frantically. Orion, stared back, and then called her friend.
"TYE! COME HERE!" Orion called.
Tyler came back with a metal box in her hand, which seemed to be fairly old. "Kai, let Orion put your face back together," She laughed. "She's the one who knows how to deal with the bloody shit."
Kai got up dizzily, and sat on Orion's bed. Still holding his bleeding face.
Orion growled under her breath and cursed. "Move your hand dammit." Kai did as he was told…with difficulty.
Orion examined his face, and noticed his nose was forehead was bleeding. She grabbed a gauze, and some antiseptic. "Hold still…"
She rubbed the dark liquid on his forehead, and then, rubbed it, then put a band aid on it. "It's only a minor cut…but…it's on your forehead. You'll be fine." She said in a scratchy and boyish tone.
Kai, who had been contemplating on what had happened today while Orion was tending to his wound.
"Hey, Kai…" Orion waved a hand in front of his face and then sighed.
Her head hurt, her back hurt…as well as some other regions .
His head hurt…
Kai groaned and got off of Orion's bed to leave. "Thanks." He said catching a glance from her deep green eyes.
"No Problem…go out through the window you idiot. You weren't planning on going out through the door were you?"
Kai was about to say something rude, when he noticed multiple bruises on Orion's forearms. Dark brown bruises looked like mud on a white blanket.
Kai stared at them for about a minute, and then, stared at Tyler.
`How the hell has she not noticed this?' He thought.
Kai was extremely disturbed by the whelps on her arms.
Orion laid down in her bed, still fully dressed. She went out like a light.
Kai nearly glared at Tyler. "Do you see the bruises on her arms?"
Tyler looked at Kai. "Yes. I did. I didn't mention them because…" Tyler trailed off.
Kai, who seemed to stop caring, asked about the blood.
"When you got my blood on your hands, you didn't scream at all. You never even squirmed, or turned your nose up at it?"
Tyler paused. "I'm cool-headed..." She grinned a toothy grin.
Kai blinked, then frowned even more.
Tyler looked at Kai, and then frowned herself.
"Why didn't you mention them?" Kai asked sternly.
Tyler growled under her breath and clenched her teeth together.
Kai quickly gathered a face about Tyler: She would live up to what she said, and would make him bleed.
"We just met you today," Tyler said extremely evil tone. "It's none of your business…"
She got up, and glared at him. Then sighed. She looked at Kai, looking slightly calmer, "I cant tell you because…" She trailed off.
"Because why?" Kai pressed on.
Tyler sighed again.
"Because I don't know myself."
Kai almost felt sorry for Tyler. But, her felt even sorrier for Orion. He could tell something was happening to this girl, and, her friend feels that she isn't helping at all.
Tyler hid her face by hanging her head down and allowing her hair to cover her face. "I'll help you out."
"There's a ladder like part of this house where all the grape vines grow. Climb down it, I'll be out there in a second.
Tyler walked to the window, and showed Kai where the ladder like object was.
Later ,she climbed out. And helped Kai back to the hotel where he was staying.
"Obviously, you aren't from around here…" Tyler left Kai at the Grand Hyatt.
Kai walked in without even a goodbye. Not surprising.
"Hey Kai, expect us to be around later, okay?"
Tyler walked off, to her own home, but not before she went to see how Orion was doing.
^_^ * ^_^ * ^_^ *^ _^
As soon as Kai walked into the door, he was flooded with questions about his whereabouts.
Dizzy was complaining about the mess in the room…which was absolutely amazing.
Everything was where is wasn't supposed to be.
Max was on the floor rolling around.
Rei was really losing it…badly. It's amazing how much of "it" he was losing.
Rei looked like he was about to cry.
Kai looked past Rei at the mother of all messes. And sighed.
He really didn't care at the time… His head hurt, and the racket was only making It hurt even worse…but, he's the captain.
"Okay," Kai said calmly. "We'll take care of it in the morning."
"I own you, you know I do…" He said manically into her ear.
All of his bodyweight on top of her was killing her inside…
He grabbed both of her arms, and pinned them above her without any objection from the girl under him. He tightened his grip on her arms when he felth her squirm the slightest.
He took his hand away from her arms, and moved both of them to her chest. He dug his nails into her soft creamy skin, and made her whimper in pain.
He drew blood from her right breast. He put an ugly smirk on his face, and looked at his bloody hands.
He pulled Orion upward and put his finger in her mouth. "That's you,…" he said. "It's your own blood. You shouldn't bleed so easily."
Orion flung her head to the right, making her hair cover all her face. She sobbed as quietly as she could.
He ran his fingers through her silver hair, staining it with her own blood. "You ARE truly a unique girl…but…"
He put his hands on either side of his face, and kissed her. He moved one hand behind her head to pull her hair. He broke from her, and she spoke as if in fear, "you're hurting me…" She said, her face tear stained. He chuckled…
"If you scream, I'll make you bleed…"
The boy above her smirked, slipped his hand down into her jeans, and then, Orion woke up screaming frantically.
Her vision blurry, and eyes burning, Orion looked around the room frantically, and jumped, when her Aunt ran in through the door. "ORION! WHAT'S WRONG?!"
Orion didn't answer until after a few seconds. "N-n-n-nothing…I had a nightmare…" Orion squeezed her sheets and hung her head down low, trying her best to hold back a river of tears.
Erin sat on her niece's bed and hugged her tightly.
Then, Erin started to speak:
Go to sleep honey, you are as sweet as honey, yes you are
Go to sleep little bumblebee. Frolic with the wind, flowers, and Milly.
Erin kissed Orion's forehead.
Go to sleep baby doll, you are as sweet as sugar cane. Sweetie.
Can you see the Iris's and sunflowers?
Go to sleep and frolic in this place called heaven.
Orion hugged her Aunt back tightly and said, "Thanks Auntie Erin."
Erin smiled, and let Orion go, so she could go to dreamland.
Kai was very disturbed, and sleep wasn't coming easy because he was so disturbed.
"Shit…" HH He cursed. Curiosity was killing him. "What is wrong with that girl?" Kai said to himself, outloud. There was no one around to hear him anyway.
Orion was walking well again. She and Tyler were going to see Kai. Of course, Orion was cursing and objecting loudly.
"What makes you think I wanna see him?" "Well, for one, you could thank him for getting you back over here when you got hurt."
Orion froze for a second, then regained her composure the second after.
Orion followed Tyler anyway. Tyler laughed.
Rei and Max were keeping Tyson away from the stove by sitting on him.
"You're not cooking breakfast…period." Rei said. Tyson squirmed, and tried to hit Rei and Max so that they could get off of him. "I CAN COOK! JUST BECAUSE I NEARLY SET REI'S HAIR ON FIRE DOESN'T MEAN A THING!"
Rei glared at Tyson. "Yes it does…"
Kai was reading a magazine about health that he found in the hotel room, since his team mates were not his concern right now.
Dizzi and Kenny were laughing at Tyson.
Someone knocked on the door. Then, someone yelled very loudly from the other side of the door.
"KAI! OPEN THE DAMN DOOR!" Tyler yelled.
Kai looked up from his magazine and groaned out of annoyance.
He yelled back, "NO! GO AWAY!"
His teammates looked at him funnily.
His teammates looked at the door.
His teammates looked at Kai.
Everyone in the room, even Orion winced.
"NO! DAMMIT HIWATARI! OPEN THIS - -MMPH!" Orion slapped a hand over Tyler's mouth and whispered, "SHUT THE HELL UP!"
Kai, who had thought he had taunted Tyler enough, opened the door, and cocked an eyebrow when he saw the funny position Orion and Tyler were in.
Tyler got Orion's hand off of her mouth and said,
"Hey Kai…this is Orion but you already know her…" Tyler said dumbly.
"Hey, Thanks." Orion said.
Kai was about to say something a smart ass would say, when he noticed what Orion and Tyler were wearing.
Tyler was sporting a pair of blue jeans with a belt that hung off of her waist, with a white form fitting T-shirt and white sneakers.
But, what Orion was wearing made him blush nearly.
Orion apparently, was someone who dress like she truly wanted. She was wearing a dark ensemble of black low riders, a black shirt with a red flame over her chest, a black buckled collar, with a silver chain around her neck. Black sneakers. Her silver hair made her outfit stand out.
Orion sneered at Kai. "Are you done staring at me?" Orion asked like a smart ass. Kai smirked and said, " Almost…I like you shirt. It makes your bust look a size larger."
Tyler blinked, then burst out laughing.
Orion looked at Kai from the corner of her eye and said, "It's good that you like what you see, but, keep it like that. You're lucky I didn't assault you with something…"
Tyler piped in, "The only reason she didn't assault you yet is because there's nothing sharp in reach." Tyler walked in a saw all the Bladebreakers, then, stopped. Orion bumped into her and said, "TYE! WHY'D You- -" Orion gaped at the team.
They both yelled.
The team paled.
They were used to running from fan girls.
All the Blade breakers twitched in frustration.
Tyler and Orion ran all over the room looking for cleaning supplies. They found some aprons, handkerchiefs, and some wash cloths.
"Er…who are you two?" Rei finally said after gawking at them in confusion. "And what are you - -" Rei got cut off when a wash rag hit his face.
"Hush, now, you and Tyson can tackle the bathrooms." She gave Tyson a bucket that smelled like chlorine. Tyson wrinkled his nose up at the thought. "NOOOO! I DON'T WANNA TAKE THE TOILETS!"
Tyler turned and gave Tyson -THE- evil eye. Tyson's ego shrank down, as well as his big mouth. "You are going to clean the bathrooms with Rei, got it?" She said evilly. Tyson paled. "Y-y-yes Sir…" Tyler groaned out of annoyance and then rolled her eyes.
Kai looked at Tyler take charge of the place and make Tyson want to run away. He laughed inwardly. When he herd a small whimper from Orion, he stopped laughing, and curiosity took over again. "Why are- -" He started, when Tyler opened her mouth. "KAI! You and Orion can do the kitchen, right?" She said as she tied a handkerchief over her hair. Kai looked at her and said, "Yeah, whatever." Orion didn't respond verbally. She just nodded.
Tyler passed out some handkerchiefs she found in the linen closet.
"Wrap your hair up with those. Oh, and Max, you come with me. We're going to clean up the bedrooms!" Tyler liked Max already because he was so cute. She just waned to hug him tightly. "OKAY!" Max said happily. Tyler blinked at Max in supposed confusion. Max did the same thing back to her. Tyler looked at Max, and looked as if she was going to cry. Max blinked, and then, in a flash, Tyler was hugging Max tightly saying things about him cute factor.
"DAMMIT! YOU ARE SO CUTE!" Max smiled widely and giggled.
Tyson groaned from the pain radiating from his knees. "Man, does she do this to everyone she meets?"
"I doubt it. The room was messy. I probably would've done the same thing…no I wouldn't." Rei said.
Tyson stood and stretched. "Why cant the housekeeping do this anyway?"
"It's not like they do a really good job anyway. When we stay in that hotel in Arizona, Kai swore he smelled blood on his mattress, remember?"
"Yeah," Tyson started. "Hey Rei…"
"huh?" Rei answered getting on his feet.
Tyson looked extremely serious and troubled. "Did that girl look weird to you?" Tyson asked. "Which one?"
"The one with that silver and black hair. I didn't catch her name." Rei blinked. "I don't know. What do you mean by weird?" "I mean weird. Like, she looked tired almost. Even after she just had a burst of energy."
Rei frowned. "I did notice that too…"
Kai and Orion cleaned the kitchen in silence, only talking when one asked another to pass something, like a washrag, or a dirty pot.
Orion growled. "Dammit, I can't stand this silence." Kai looked up at her from the floor, out of the corner of his eye. "I can….and aren't you a little YOUNG to be speaking like that?"
Orion picked up the plate she was washing, and was about to toss it at Kai, but, thought twice. " No Smart ass, I'm not. How old are you?" "15. And you?"
Orion chuckled. "I'm 14, not much of a difference…" She said quietly. She hung her head down, and continued to wash dishes.
For Kai, curiosity took over again.
Kai decided he wasn't going to dress up his question, so, he just asked it. "What happened to you yesterday? What was wrong with you?" He inquired.
Orion dropped the dishes in the water, and stood there. Eyes wide opened and totally paralyzed. Her blazing green eyes stared at the dish water for what seem like, ages. She turned with some difficulty and said, "Kai…it's…nothing." She said quietly. Kai walked up to her, fairly close to her, and looked down on her, and frowned. "It's something, why would you just stop like that after I just mentioned it?" Kai said harshly. She made sure Kai could not see her face. "Please…stop it..."