Beyblade Fan Fiction ❯ Bloodshed: Orion's Dillema ❯ Introducing Owens Dize II ( Chapter 2 )
She had completely lost her tough aura, and replaced it with a submissive and frightening one. Orion was truly scared. Kai didn't understand whether she was scared or not. It bothered him too much.
"So, I heard Kai saved a life or something like that." Max laughed. Tyler looked at Max from fixing Tyson's bed. "He told you?"
Max giggled again. "Yeah! He told me that he saved this girl's life. He said she had freaky hair, and she was with a short friend with a big mouth."
"Oh really…" Tyler said annoyed.
"Yeah! Plus…" Max's happy face turned upside down. Tyler noticed this and said, "What is it?" Max paused longer, then spoke, "He said he had seen you two in the brush, and, that Orion was going crazy. Flailing around and screaming…but Kai also said he smelled something that bothered him."
Tyler listened attentively. "What was it Max?"
Max still looked extremely disturbed.
Orion started to speak in another language, one Kai couldn't identify.
"il dolore…il dolore…la ferita…la ferita…porvaor no il dolore…"
She started to flail around again, not as harshly as before, but, nonetheless, she was still flailing.
She continued to speak in a foreign language until Kai grabbed her arms and told her to stop.
Orion flailed around more, beginning to speak in another language again.
She managed to spin her self around, back facing Kai. Kai nearly panicked around this girl. He wrap his arms around her tightly to try and prevent her frantic movements.
Orion fell to her knees, automatically, making Kai fall with her.
She ended up sitting in-between Kai's legs, back faced to him. Orion's wet hands hit the floor, and she hung her head and let tears leak out.
Kai squeezed her body and whispered into ear softly. "What's wrong?"
Kai was surprising himself. Something is wrong with this girl, and, he wants to help her. Not only does he not know her, but, he's sitting on a kitchen floor, squeezing her for comfort.
`Dammit…' Kai cursed mentally.
Orion seemed, nearly dead.
"Kai had told us he smelled the faintest smell of blood." Max said scarily.
Tyler was flabbergasted. Totally flabbergasted. "Blood? What the hell did he mean?"
"He meant what he said. He smelled blood."
Tyler was unable to speak…
Orion sat in the floor with Kai, choosing not to speak to him. Kai even began to feel awkward because of the position they were in.
Kai stood up, and slipped both of his arms under Orion's to help her to her feet. Orion still seemed like an empty vessel.
Kai was still confused greatly.
`what's wrong with this girl? Why is she so damn unstable?It's almost like she has a split personality.' Kai thought.
Orion walked to the sink, and started washing the dishes again. Never showing her face.
I love Erin…
I love Erin…I cant let her loose what she has…even if it means I have to bleed. Orion said to herself.
Kai started toward Orion, but decided not to. That girl confused him too much.
Tyler was still getting over the shock of Max telling her what Kai had said to them.
"Should he have said something like that out loud…?" Tyler asked no one in particular.
"I don't know." Max said. "But, I guess he trusts us enough to believe we'll keep this private."
Max winked at Tyler. She didn't make any happy gestures back to him.
Tyler looked at the ground, clenched her teeth together, then hit the ground wit her fist. "SHIT!" She roared.
Owens Nicholas Dize the II walked into his father's billion dollar mansion, and smirked.
When he got to his room. His large room.
With a king sized bed and chrome headboard, with satin black sheets. Big enough for a few people…but one in particular.
Orion was bothering Kai. She wouldn't talk to him for the remainder of their cleaning period. Once
Orion was done with the dishes, she took off her apron and the bandanna she was wearing, and went
to go sit on the couch. Upon passing Kai, who was standing there gawking at her in confusion, she
looked at him straight in the eyes. Bright green bore into crimson. Orion smirked extremely
cockily. "Thanks…you're pretty cute when you want to be…" Orion walked past him and sat on the
couch, then proceeded to snoring.
Kai was unexplainably confused. He was more so frustrated.
Kai walked past Orion to his room, and slammed the door. He could hear Orion laughing from the other side of his door.
Tyson and Rei were finally finished. Rei stood and stretched. He cringed when he heard his back crack. He shuddered. "I gotta go eat…I'm hungry." Rei was about to ask Tyson if he was hungry, but, he thought that would be stupid.
Actually, Tyson was already out of the bathroom, and in the kitchen. "WOOT! I'M READY TO EAT!" Tyson exclaimed happily. He opened the fridge and then someone grabbed his hair.
"OWOWOWOWOWOOWWWW!!!" Tyson moaned painfully. Whoever had his hair, pulled him so he fell to the ground. Tyson looked up from the ground, and then said, "ORION! WHY DID YOU DO THAT!?"
Orion glared daggers at Tyson. "You shall not lay a hair into the kitchen…none of you will. It's spotless, and I want it to stay that way. Got it? Anyway, I want to cook. Of course, you cant Tyson, and Tyler…well…let's just say the last time she gave me come cereal………………it was burnt."
"IT WAS NOT THAT BAD!" Tyler yelled as she walked into the kitchen. "It was too…and you know it! It was all charred and…" "Oh hush Orion."
Kai lay in his bed, with his hands behind his head, propped up against the headboard, Shirtless, listening to everything everyone was saying. He wasn't planning on trusting Orion anytime soon.
"Pizza…Pizza Hut actually. It's about the greasiest pizza around, but, it's the best tasting. Funny how the unhealthy things taste the greatest." Tyler said. Max laughed cutely. Tyler looked at him blankly.
She tackled him and smothered him with hugs. "OH THAT'S IT! I LOVE YOU!" She wailed.
She started talking about things that were as cute as Max was. Orion tuned her out for a while, then turned her attention back onto Kai, and what he had done earlier.
The thought was actually very romantic and sweet to Orion, but, she tossed the thought aside, not caring for Kai at the moment.
Kai dozed off in the position he was in earlier, quietly mumbling in his sleep.
*~*~**~**~**~*~*~*~**~*~*~*~*~*~**~~~***~~**~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ *~*~*~*~*
"I swear I'll hurt you…" Orion sobbed from fear uncontrollably. Eyes wide. Not even knowing what the boy hovering over her is going to do to her. He ran his free hand over her scarred body, causing pain to surface as skin when over sensitive scabs. Orion shut her eyes and looked to her side. She could feel his other hand in her jeans… She wanted to scream. A blood curling ear piercing scream. But she knew she couldn't.
"NO ILDOLORE PORFAVOR!" Orion pleaded. Too frantic to realize she wasn't speaking English.
The boy over her, almost literally tore her pants off of her, to gain better access to Orion.
She put both of her hands over her mouth to prevent from screaming… The boy over her, removed her underwear, and then, pushed into her hard and quickly.
Orion bled…
~*~**~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~~*~**~~*~**~*~**~*~*~*~*~**~*~*~**~*~*~ *~*~*~*~~~*~*
Kai shot up sweating and panting hard. He held his head down, and breath through his mouth. "Dammit…" He said out loud. "What's happening?" Kai questioned himself. What Kai had just seen in his head, almost brought tears to his eyes. It's very unlike Kai, but still, he's a human.
There was a knock on Kai's door. Kai didn't answer, so, the person on the other side of the door just entered.
Orion was a bit surprised to see Kai sweating as shirtless. But she grinned widely.
"The pizza is here…I hope you like pepperoni." "I don't want pepperoni." He said arrogantly.
Orion walked out the room, and then came back with a two magazines. She threw one in Kai's lap, and kept the other one in her hand. Kai read the cover and cocked an eyebrow. "How to Make you seem 20 when you're 40…" Kai read. Orion knocked Kai in the back of the head with the other one.
"You're damn lucky I didn't hit you myself." Kai rubbed the back of his head. "Stop being so damn bitchy. Get out here and eat the damn pepperoni…" Orion ordered. Kai picked up a magazine and threw the magazine at her head then turned his back to her. "No… I'm not coming." He said simply.
"Ow…" Orion managed to say. She picked up the magazine and walked over to Kai's bed and sat on it. She looked at Kai's back, grinned maliciously and ran her finger up his spine, and over his chest. Kai turned beet red, and couldn't seem to move. She got her hand to the right side of his chest, and squeezed his nipple as hard as she could.
Kai nearly shed a tear. "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING!??!" He yelled.
Orion laughed uncontrollably, and flung her body over Kai's torso to get to his other nipple to squeeze it.
"DAMMIT! STOP IT ORION!" Kai yelled. Orion continued to laugh, squeezing Kai's tender parts.
Kai rolled around on his bed yelling and tossing trying to get Orion off of his chest.
"ORION! GET OFF OF ME!!!" Kai yelled. Orion kept laughing and Kai kept on tossing and turning. She was heavy… Of course Kai gathered.
Kai grabbed Orion's waist and rolled over so that he was lying over her belly. Kai's arm was under Orion and he was lying over her, and experiencing the odd feeling of a belly bouncing up and down because of laughter.
Orion kept laughing until realization hit her like a bag of bricks. She looked up at Kai, who was clearly angry.
"Learn to submit…it wont hurt as much if you submit to me…" The boy over her said.
Orion turned away from Kai, and tried to get up, only, Kai's weight was stopping her. Kai smirked, and pulled his arm from under Orion.
Orion groaned. "Get off of me…" Kai closed his eyes. "No……consider this payback." He snarled.
"Please…" She whimpered.
Orion had grabbed Kai attention. He looked up at her, and saw Orion in a frightened state.
"Please…get off of me…please…no ildore…porfavor…" Kai blinked in utter confusion. Kai got off of Orion, and watched her regain her composure.
Kai was so confused by this girl, but, he had reached a conclusion about her.
Tyler tore through pizza with Tyson.
Upon coming to the last piece of pepperoni pizza…
Tyler and Tyson both seemingly dived for the piece, and fought each other for it.
Tyler tackled Tyson, and started pulling his hair, followed by, Tyson pulling Tyler's hair. It evened out.
Max was laughing his head off, and Rei was stunned by Tyler. "She's so stubborn, and it looks like she's about to break Tyson's arm…" Rei sighed.
Max grabbed the last piece of pizza, and it took 5 minutes for them to realize it.
Tyler looked at Max, then at Tyson. She glared at Tyson. "DAMMIT TYSON! MAX IS EATING MY PIZZA!! SEE WHAT YOU DID!!?!?"
"NOOOO! IT WAS YOU FIRST!" Tyson hit Tyler in the back of the head.
"YES! SHE DID, BUT I'M DIDN'T HIT A GIRL!" Tyler pummeled Tyson with pain.
Meanwhile, Orion was getting over fright, Kai, on the other hand, wasn't getting over his confusion.
"Orion, what is wrong with you? You act like you have a split personality." Kai said. "You actually puzzle me…very much so."
Orion actually thought about telling Kai about her problem. He seemed pretty stable and under control of himself.
Orion sniffled.
`Is there any real reason to tell him?'Orion thought.
`I haven't even told Tyler…and she's like a sister I've never had.' Orion retched. She was suddenly feeling very ill. Orion tripped off of the bed, and ran for the bathroom. Kai didn't dare follow her.
Orion came out of the bathroom a little later, looking terrible. Kai gaped her like an idiot. Orion's knees wobbled, and she fell to the ground. Kai jumped off the bed and tried to help her. "Orion…what's wrong with you?" Kai asked. He slipped an arm around her waist, and got her other arm around his shoulder.
Kai was worrying about Orion strongly. "Orion…what's wrong?" He helped her to the bed, and she managed to fall on the bed.
"no…porfavor…no ildolore…" Orion muttered.
Kai didn't know what Orion was saying. It scared him to death.
Something is wrong with this girl, and, Kai doesn't know what to do. He kneeled on the bed with Orion and looked at her dumbfounded. He truly felt useless now.
"No…ildolore…do ilodore…porfavor…" Orion chanted. `Kai…no ildolore…" Orion thought.
She smirked, looked up at Kai, stood on her knees, and hugged him.
"Thanks Kai, you've really been a lot of help to me."
Kai let his arms drop to his sides, and Orion hugged him even tighter.
Kai was still confused, and disturbed. "I still don't know what's wrong with you."
"I promise I'll tell you………later………………R 30;.put ice on your nipples." Orion let go of Kai, and walked out of the door.
Tyler looked at her watch.
"Hey guys, I think we should be going. It's 8:59 pm… Our curfew is 9:00…" Tyler said sadly. "I'll be seeing you guys tomorrow, okay?"
"Good riddance to bad rubbish then…" Tyson said.
Tyler growled at Tyson, and vice versa. Tyler walked to Tyson, vice versa. Tyler hit Tyson, vice versa.
Tyson and Tyler cringed, recovered, and yelled at each other at the same time.
Orion grabbed Tyler's arm, and dragged her out. "BYE ALL! We'll see you later."
As they walked silently, Tyler noticed Orion smile and look at the ground softly. Tyler had never really seen Orion like that. She looked truly happy. Orion suddenly stopped smiling.
Tyler frowned.
"Hey Orion, what's up?" Tyler asked still frowning. Orion looked up from her trance like state and said, "Nothing…"
Tyler frowned even more and started to look downright evil. Then her mind wondered back to when she and Max were cleaning.
`He smelled blood on Orion…'
"What the hell was wrong with you back there? You had me scared nearly to death…not to mention Kai."
Tyler's sudden actions startled Orion, as well as Tyler. "What? Why'd you blow up on me like that all of a sudden?"
Tyler glared at Orion. Tyler would call this scary, yet tough love.
"Do you want me to tell you when Max told me today?" Tyler said lowly. Orion glared daggers right back at Tyler.
"Shoot. I don't give a damn." Tyler's eyes softened cockily.
"When Max and I were cleaning…he told me that Kai told him…" Tyler inhaled. "Max told me that Kai smelled blood on you when you were on his back…strongly."
Orion was absolutely shocked. She cursed herself mentally.
`SHIT! I CANOT LET THIS OUT!' Her mind screamed. Orion's shocked look on her face was too noticeable.
"What the hell is wrong with you Orion? Don't shut people out, let them help you before it's to late." Tyler smirked.
`People?' Orion thought. `She was just talking about how much she was worried, and how much she wanted to find out herself…why'd she switched to more than one person other than herself?'
Orion contemplated for a second, then smirked.
`Tch…knowing Tyler, it's probably because she didn't want to seem selfish.'
The two walked in front of Tyler's home.
"Bye Orion…and,um, think about what I said, okay?" Tyler winked. "Bye!" She ran off into her home.
So, with that done, Orion set off for her own home…but…a pair of piercing sapphire eyes were watching her every move.
Orion walked past a thick tree brush, and was rudely greeted by someone she did NOT want to see.
Owens Dize II
Owens was an extremely intelligent and attractive teenager. With beautiful sapphire eyes, and brown hair. He was the son of a rich and successful Weapons Industry owner.
Orion was by herself, and knew what he wanted.
"Owens, what do you want with me now?" She asked him sharply. Owens chuckled.
"Merely to say hello to you Kitten,"
Owens extended an arm to gently pull Orion close to his body, and whisper into her ear.
"Don't speak so sharply though, it's not nice." He said softly.
Owens gently pulled Orion's head back by pulling her hair, and kissed her softly. The kiss was revolting to Orion, thus, she didn't accept it, nor, did she kiss him back.
Owens pulled her hair to a point where Orion whimpered. "Don't reject it Kitten, it's not nice. Submit to me, understand?" He ordered.
Orion nodded while Owens still had a tight grip on the back of her head. Orion tried to kiss him as passionately as she could, despite the fact that she didn't want to.
Orion hated Owens with a deep and burning passion.
"I want you." He said calmly. "Actually, I want to share you. You don't mind do you?"
Orion stayed silent.
"Of course you don't." Owens turned around waved his hand, telling someone to come to where he was standing.
A large, ugly, and bulky young boy emerged from the brush, and immediately, cupped Orion's breasts, then inhaled deeply.
"I told you. She is beautiful, and she stays that way." Said Owens.
The other boy smirked. "I see that Owens."
Owens moved behind Orion and held both of her arms over her head, so that the other boy could have access to her body.
The larger boy kneeled down to be at eye level with the lower regions of Orion. He smirked again, looked up to her and said, "I don't think this will hurt a lot, but then again, I'm not a girl…" He smiled evilly, then nearly ripped off her pants to do his bidding onto her body.
"NO idolore…porfavor…no idolore…porfavor…" Orion begged and sobbed over and over again. But…it was no use.
Both Owens and the large both hurt Orion over and over again. They drew blood everywhere.
From her chest, from her belly, from her arms which were already bruised.
Orion lay on the ground, still chanting her foreign chant, needing the most stable person around.
Owens and the bulky boy were gone.
Orion got to her feet slowly,and limped to the Grand Hyatt, praying.
Kai sat on his bed, with an ice pack on his chest.
If he kept it on, it was too cold, but if he took it off, his chest would hurt.
Orion thought about the causer of this, and frowned, "Damn Orion…"
Kai looked in front of him at the wall clock to notice to time: 10:34 PM.
Kai was ready to turn in for the night, when he heard a soft thud at the door, then,an even softer one after that.
Kai got up and put on a shirt, then, opened the door, to find an extremely battered and bloody Orion on the ground.
Kai immediately scooped her up worriedly and laid her on a couch. Kai didn't know what to do in a situation like this with a girl.
He ran to the linen closet to get a towel, to try and clean Orion up a bit.
"Shit…shit…shit…" He cursed. "Why is she like this?!" He said out loud.
Orion's ripped clothes were hanging off of her bloody body.
Kai noticed this difficulty, and cursed again. "Orion!" He said loudly, trying to get some kind of response from her.
Orion eyes fluttered open and looked straight at Kai. "Porfavor…no…il dolore…"
Kai clenched his teeth together in worry for Orion. "What does that mean?!" He yelled. "p-porfavor…no…il dolore…"
Orion retched, the sat up painfully.
She retched again, then thrashed, and flung the towel off of her. Exposing herself. Kai found tiny scratches all over her chest, as well as dried blood that followed. As Kai examined some of Orion's wounds, he couldn't help but notice that some of them were nail marks.
Kai was extremely worried, and showed it intently. Kai had lost his ice exterior…for the moment.
Kai put the towel over Orion, the got up to get another one.
Orion's eyes fluttered open halfway again, and the sight of the side of Kai was the first thing Orion saw.
She looked down on herself and saw that she had no shirt on. She didn't panic because it was too painful. She just turned to her left and said, "Kai…" Kai whipped his head around quickly, relieved Orion was conscious.
"Yes?" He answered almost caringly. "Do you have along T-shirt and boxers?" "Yes." "Do you have a shower and some towels and- -well I see you have plenty of those."
"I have all of those, why do you want to know?" Orion turned and looked at Kai neutrally. "I just do, could I borrow these things?" Orion asked.
"Yes." Kai grabbed a towel out of the closet, and handed it to Orion, then went to his room to find what Orion needed.
Orion pulled the towel up on her and looked at her new wounds, then sneered, but with a sad look on her face.
"Dammit…I hate him…" Orion said staring at her wounds intently. "Hate who?" Kai asked startling Orion.
Orion wrapped the towel around her upper body, then, took the things Kai was letting her use.
"can I use your bathroom?" Orion asked.
"Can you answer my question?"
"Maybe…" Orion said as she trailed off.
`He did help me…' she thought as she battled with her conscious.
`Yeah, he did…' her conscious jabbed back. `So, should I really do it?'
`yes you should…' her conscious replied.
"Yes Kai. I'll tell you." Orion turned her back to Kai, and the towel Orion was using to cover her body fell apart in the back, exposing an extremely battered and bruised back.
Orion washed herself well, trying to get the smell of blood and semen off of her. Orion painfully washed over scabs and bruises, trying to clean herself.
Kai was outside of the room propped against a wall. Arms crossed, head down and eyes closed. Thinking.
Orion made Kai nervous, extremely nervous. IT was awkward for Kai. He was the most stable person he knew.
Soon after, Orion came out of the bathroom drying her hair. Kai gaped at Orion, as he noticed how much his clothes drooped off of her. His face heated up, and he looked away from Orion. Obviously, he wasn't used to having a girl around him like that.
Orion pulled the neck of Kai's shirt up on her, and sat on the couch Native American style. "I'll tell you now."
Kai looked up, and sat on the chair adjacent from the couch. Orion started to speak.
"After my Mom died, and my father just left me, I went to live with my Aunt Erin. She owns that flower shop."
Orion looked at the floor and spoke as well as she could.
"The land that my Aunt's flower shop rested on, turned out to be someone else's property. That entire grove is the property of Owens Dize. He's a rich guy who owns a weapon company. Well, the flower shop was about to be totaled, but, the company owner had talked to me when I was at school one day…"
Orion twisted some of her black hair around her finger.
"He told me that the fate of my Aunt rests with me. I don't have any other family, so, Erin is all I have left…If I lose her, then, I'm a goner. But, he told me that he'll leave me Aunt's flower shop alone………on one condition: I have to let his son…" Orion clenched her teeth together, trying to hold back burning tears.
"I have to let his son have his way with me."
Kai was absolutely shocked and appalled. THAT'Swhat was wrong with Orion.
Orion hung her head even lower. "