Beyblade Fan Fiction ❯ Bloodshed: Orion's Dillema ❯ Pain Into Lust... ( Chapter 3 )
"I don't even know why I'm telling you this…" Orion said lowly, yet shakily. Kai's eyes were fixed on the floor. Orion had him baffled, and this was why…
`How the hell can she stay just as normal as she is? Other girls wouldn't even speak if they were going through this.' Kai contemplated
Kai looked at Orion questioningly. "If you don't know why you're telling me, then why did you come here?"
Orion looked up and stared at Kai for a moment. There was a thick sense of tension in the air. "I guess…you were stable…and I needed someone stable."
Orion pulled her legs up to her chest, and then hugged them. "Tyler doesn't even know what's happening…and I didn't tell her. Erin is going to kill me when she finds out I came home so late, and I'm sore." Kai's eyes opened as wide as saucers.
`She's sore…' Kai thought.
"He just did it…before I came here." Orion sniffled. "When Tyler and me were walking home, and after Tyler went home, he found me…he said he wanted to `share me' with this other guy he knows."
Kai was still shocked by the fact that Orion was REALLY going through all of this. But…Kai was wondering why she would put herself through this.
"Why would you to this? You don't have to. Your aunt doesn't want this for you." Orion looked up and glared at Kai. "Kai, Erin is all I have. My Mom is dead, and my father thinks I'm a freak. And…I cant go back home where my Mom's family is…Erin is the only family I have left. Erin wouldn't move back to Italy."
"Italy?" Kai questioned. "You're Italian?"
Being told this, Kai's mind wandered to when Orion went haywire when they were in the trees in the park, in the kitchen, and just a few minutes ago.
"What did you say when you went all crazy?" Kai asked.
"That's something I say all the time. No il dolore porfavor…I said no pain please. It's a plead I say to him all the time…when I want him to stop the pain."
Kai's stomach was aching because of what he was hearing. `But,' he thought. `That's nothing compared to her pain.'
Kai walked over to the couch with Orion, and sat down next to her.
Orion, who had her head against her knees, looked up when she felt the couch droop. She looked to her left, and saw Kai with an extremely sympathetic look on his face.
Orion frowned angrily, and turned to a light shade of pink. Once she noticed this, she hid it.
"I take it you're sorry for me, right? Well, too many people give me their remorseful shit, and it does nothing. None of them know what it's like for me." Orion spat. Kai blinked.
"I do."
Orion sneered. "Kai, aren't you rich?" She said flatly. "Don't you look down on people like me?"
Kai chuckled. He had met a lot of people who had said some of the same things about rich people.
"I'm not rich, my Grandfather is. Anyway, I'm forced to call him family. He's disgusting…" Kai suddenly stopped. He was letting his mouth run like a faucet.
Orion looked at Kai's shirt, unable to look into his eyes. She felt her face heat up and instantly put her forehead back onto her knees. Orion made her shoulders rise, and Kai's large shirt drop off of her shoulders. Exposing some of her new wounds. Orion winced in pain.
Kai couldn't help but want to help this poor girl.
"Orion," He started. "I can see your bruises and such. You need them bandaged." Orion spoke, but didn't lift up her head. "I do bandage them…"
"I don't see any bandages on your shoulder."
Orion looked at her left shoulder, and winced at the ugly bruises she saw. She looked down into the sleeve, and saw many other scars and bruises.
Orion got up, and looked at Kai, who looked right back at her. He eyed her up and down, and laughed inwardly at how loose his clothes were on her skinny body.
"There's a first aid kit in the bathroom. You can use that."
Orion looked at Kai and blinked. She thought about his being insensitive, not offering to bandage them for her at the least, but thought twice. It was better that he didn't ask.
Orion walked into Kai's bathroom and saw the first aid kit with the bandage, and the bandaging tape. She grabbed the two items and them took off Kai's shirt, and started to try and wrap the bandages.
Kai waited outside of his room for Orion. When he heard a low beep, he realized that it was the clock. It was 12:00 AM, and Kai had a girl in his bathroom.
Kai sighed, feeling useless to Orion and her problem. Kai would be the one to do something about it, but, what can he do without getting Orion into trouble?
Kai laid down on the couch, hands behind his head, to think about it.
Two minutes into his contemplation, Kai dozed off into a light sleep.
Orion was fumbling with the bandaging tape. Her shoulder started to singe with pain every time she lifted it up too high. So, it was extremely difficult to bandage herself.
Orion tried to think of any way to keep from having to call Kai in. She gave up quickly. Orion put Kai's shirt back on painfully, and stuck her left arm through the neck, so as to show enough, but at the same time, hide enough. She was set up so that Kai could help her, but he wouldn't see anything she didn't want him to. She grabbed the things she needed for her wounds.
Orion walked out of the bathroom, out of Kai's room, and into the living room to ask for his help.
"Kai?" She said as she walked past the couch. She was surprised when she saw Kai sleeping like a baby. She smiled and walked over to Kai, she still needed his help.
She tried to kneel down, but quickly found that was too painful. So, Orion called his name. "KAI!" She whispered loudly. She smacked the side of his face softly and then said his name again.
Kai groaned in his sleep.
"Kai," Orion said again.
Kai's eyes finally fluttered open to the sight of Orion's bruised shoulder. Kai frantically flailed, then fell off of the couch. Orion looked at him confusedly. "Um…is there something wrong?" She asked.
Kai was acting like a typical shy guy around a girl. "Er…Kai, I need your help." Orion started.
"It's really hard to bandage my shoulder since it hurts so much, so could you help me?" Kai turned beet red and looked at the ground quickly.
"I can, but, I'll have to wrap it up…"
"That's the point Kai."
"I know but to keep that bandage on your shoulder, your going to have to get your other arm out of the sleeve."
Orion turned as red as Kai was, and hung her head down to hide it.
"Okay, but, that's not that bad…right?" "I don't know yet. I have never bandaged a girl in this situation…Look, are you sure you don't want some nurse in the hotel to do it or something?" Kai thought. Slightly wishing he had thought about saying that.
"I'm sure. I don't want them to do it. If they do, they'll inquire as to where these multiple bruises came from, wont they?"
Kai nodded. "C'mon, let's get this over with, okay?"
Kai was still a bit surprised at Orion. She had just gotten "shared", and she's pretty calm so to speak.
Orion sat on the couch, and gave Kai what he needed. Orion then, painfully slipped her other arm out of the right sleeve and set them at her sides…bad mistake.
The shirt almost fell off, and her arms went to hold it up instantly. Kai, who had just seen all of this, stared.
Orion looked at him evilly. "Get behind the couch and do it…then…I guess I wont have to worry about you seeing…too much." Orion said as her face heated up.
Kai walked behind the couch, and Orion leaned back so the shirt could stay up at least a little bit.
Both of them were extremely out of place, embarrassed and confused.
Kai looked at the position he was in. "I cant bandage you from here…honestly. I'm not trying to do anything nasty."
Orion turned red again, and looked behind herself at Kai. She smiled.
`I can trust him…I did say Kai gives me no pain…' She thought.
"Go ahead." She said.
Kai reluctantly walked in front of Orion. He couldn't help but notice his shirt was dropping off of her so much. Kai sat next to Orion and tried his best to concentrate on what he was doing with out looking at Orion's chest.
`Are all American girls this developed? Because if they are…whoah….' Was all Kai could think of. To hell with concentration.
Occasionally, a low moan would escape Orion's lips, or, she would wince, making her chest bounce a bit. This wasn't helping Kai at all. His hormones were out of control, but Kai had to keep them under wraps. Really really thick wraps.
Kai pulled Orion's shirt down a little bit so he could bandage the rest of her. This was so awkward for Orion and Kai, they held their breath, only breathing unless they REALLY had to.
Kai's hand would brush over Orion now and then, earning Kai an even harder hard on. As for Orion, everytime Kai's hand went over her chest, she inhaled sharply.
You could say that the two were enjoying this, but hating it at the same time.
Kai's anxious stare had been replaced by a hazy gaze…
Orion's bashful exterior has been replaced by a lustful gaze. Her breathing was extremely lusty.
Both Orion and Kai were in extreme heat.