Beyblade Fan Fiction ❯ Bullying Rocks! ❯ Killer Nuclear Zombies form Hell! ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

There's nothing more fun then sleeping over with all your best friends………… ………………fucking hell this is gonna be crazy!


The clear sky was adorned with dark shades of blue and mauve, the sun had set, allowing the evening to take over……………'s another world at night.

Ray watched as his parents drove out of sight down the road lined with pretty cherry blossom trees, "This is gonna ROCK!!!!!!"

Tyson was the first to arrive and then Max followed by Kenny, Kai, who made a point of being fashionably late, was last.

Throughout the course of the evening they played videogames, stuffed themselves with candy, pizza and sugary soda and then Beybladed against each other, the sugar rush left Tyson particularly hyper.

For the first time in a long time Kai was actually, genuinely enjoying himself. Although he was hanging with a bunch of "un-cool" loser, rejects, he couldn't deny the fact that he was kinda having fun.

Kenny was also having a good time, even though the other guys did pick on him for being a nerd!

All five boys were in the middle of a 'play-fight wrestling match' in Ray's lounge. Tyson crawled to the side, "oh man, I need to get my breath back!" after a few seconds he was ready to join in again but something caught his attention; it was a framed photo of a girl with gold-yellow eyes and long black hair, he picked it up from the glass cabinet and stared at her, "Ray! Who's the girl in this picture?" Ray was doing his best W.W.E. impression before answering, "huh? Let me see", Kai, Max and Kenny also gathered around, "oh her? That's just my mom when she was like 16 or 17" answered Ray,

"Really? Your mom's pretty hot Ray", said Tyson,

"What? Gimmie that!" said Ray angrily, "My mom is not hot, don't be so fucking disgusting!" he said as he put the picture back, Max was laughing until Kai said "Your mom's not bad Ray, but Max's mom is totally better, I'd fuck her any day!" Max instantly stopped laughing and looked Kai straight in the eyes, "Don't ever, EVER! Say anything about my mom again!" he said furiously. Kai was slightly shocked at Max's out-of-character outburst but also intrigued, "Why? What you gonna do about it Blondie?" Kai taunted,

Max stood there with his eyes shut and his fists clenched, he was no match for Kai and he could feel the tears welling up but he couldn't cry…………….that would mean certain death!……..well……..maybe not death but the guys would call him gay-boy *Why does Kai always have to ruin everything? *. Max marched over to the sofa where he sat down and sulked,

"Cry-baby" said Kai under his breath.

Kenny decided to try and lighten the mood, "Ray your mom kinda has the same eyes as Mariah",

"Would you guys just shut the fuck up about my mom!" said Ray who was now very frustrated,

"Chill-out Ray, besides he's right!" said Tyson who also wanted to take the sting out of the atmosphere,

"Yeah well my family is from the tiger tribe, Mariah's family is from the lynx tribe, we're not related if that's what you mean" said Ray, "Why do you keep talking about her anyway Kenny? Do you like her or something?" he asked, Kai was standing right there so Kenny couldn't just say he liked her, she was the girl all the boys wanted and he wasn't popular enough to stake a claim, "I just think she's…..real pretty" he said,

A sneaky grin appeared on Ray's face as he picked up the phone, "why don't you call her and tell her then?" he asked,

"I can't just do that….what if she gets mad at me?" whined Kenny but it was too late Ray had dialled her number………

"I'll talk to her!" said Tyson desperately,

"No you fucking won't" hissed Kai,

"Oh hi Mariah! It's me Ray……..yeah I'm ok hey listen, Kenny's here and he wants to tell you something", Ray was in the motion of passing the phone to Kenny when Kai suddenly snatched it,

"Hi …………huh? No this is Kai………..what?………, you see Kenny is too busy masturbating to talk to you right now…….yeah…… I'm not kidding", Tyson, Ray and even Max were laughing at what Kai had just said but Kenny turned pale and looked mortified!

"My life is over……my life is over………….my life is over" repeated Kenny emotionlessly; he felt like puking. Ray and Tyson were laughing uncontrollably, "Yeah I'll see you at school" said Kai to Mariah

"No don't hang up! Let me talk to her" begged Kenny but Kai just held the phone high in the air so Kenny couldn't reach.

"Later babe!" said Kai and then he hung-up with a satisfied smirk on his face.

"How could you do that to me Kai?" yelled Kenny on the edge of tears, Kai simply stood there laughing, Kenny was thinking *note to self……..kill Kai! *,

"Relax Kenny! She knows he was only joking…………..hey I have something that will cheer you up" laughed Ray, "you guys wait here" he said as he ran upstairs. Ray returned with something behind his back "hey guys………..check it out", Max, Kai and Tyson gathered around to see…………………..




(Oh my God!)



On the cover there was a naked woman with sheer orange tanned skin, she had bleached yellow hair, massive beach-ball implants and more make-up then a clown!

"Holy-shit Ray!" gasped Tyson,

"Let me see that" demanded Kai, "ha, I've already seen this one, I have it at home!"………Kai was lying…………..but another delightfully awkward situation had arisen for Tyson and friends!

"Where did you get it Ray?" asked Tyson,

"I got it out my brother's room, he's got like a million" replied Ray casually,

"Hey you guys! We're not actually gonna watch this are we?" asked Max who looked very worried,

"Don't be a pussy Max, of course we are!" laughed Ray as he shoved it into the VCR, "watch and learn ladies" said Kai with a smirk. They stared at the TV screen, wild eyed with curiosity, unsure of, exactly, what they would see………………..

Just over 3 minutes later:

"Turn it off Ray this is …………stupid" said Tyson in a quivering voice, Max had his face buried in a cushion with his hands over his ears, this really wasn't his thing, Kenny sat there hugging his laptop computer wondering *how the hell am I going to be able to look my mom in the eyes ever again?* the "all-knowing" Kai sat with his arms crossed with a look of shock-horror on his face, "yeah, Ray just turn it off, this is………just turn it off" his voice slightly broke as he said it.

The reality of the situation was that the five little boys had tried to be too grown up for their own good, and now they felt very upset and uncomfortable; Ray's brother's video had been a little more 'extreme' then they had imagined.

Ray turned the video off and sat back on the floor, a few seconds of silence passed before Tyson wondered out loud "Hey guys does this mean our moms and dads did….."

"Shut up Tyson, don't even go there!" snapped Kai,

"Yeah Tyson don't be sick! Parents never have sex…….they never have and they never will," said Ray,

"That's completely ridiculous! How do you think your mom got pregnant with you?" exclaimed Kenny,

"Yeah Ray………..hey you have brothers so that means your mom and dad must have had sex more than once" laughed Tyson,

"Right that's it! If anyone mentions my mom again I am seriously going to kick your ass!" shouted Ray angrily as Tyson, Kenny and Kai laughed………………………..Max had been quiet for a while but now he was really annoyed! "Would you guys just cut it out!" yelled Max, the others fell silent, "I'm sick of this! Every time we hang out everything starts off great then one of you starts talking about girls or sex and it ruins everything!" he shouted aggressively, Max continued to rant at them until Ray picked up a nearby bottle of icy Coke and splashed Max's face,

"Jesus Christ calm down Max!" yelled Ray, Max stood in shock at the feel of the cold liquid,

"Hey guys I know what we can watch!" said Ray in a happier tone of voice, he put his brother's video back in its case and walked towards the stairs,

"Where are you going?" asked Tyson

"I have to put this back, if my brother ever thought I messed with his stuff he would tear my balls off!" replied Ray,

"….O…..K" said Tyson with a raised eyebrow.

Ray returned downstairs only to walk in on Tyson and Kai childishly arguing over who's bit-beast was stronger, "Dragoon!"




"Dragoon's storm attack is water, Dranzer uses fire, water beats fire 'cause that dick-head from Pokémon said so!" shouted Tyson

"Shut the fuck up for a second and look at this!" yelled Ray, he had another video, and this time it was a horror movie………..

Tyson read the title aloud, "…..Killer Nuclear Zombies From Hell!………cool that sounds awesome!"

"I haven't seen it yet but it's been banned in 30 countries world-wide, they only sell this kind of shit in Viet Nam!" explained Ray

Well it started out much like any other zombie movie, with crap 1980's electric keyboard rock music, and 25-28 year old American teenagers with permed hair, piercings, cropped T-shirts and eyeliner and they were just the males. Now when the ratings on movies recommend that no one under the age of 18 should watch, believe it or not it's there for a reason, because some horror movies, the really sick ones, are designed to screw with your head, fully grown adults can usually handle it but 14 and 15 year old boys with over-active imaginations are left too scared to turn the lights out………………and by the way drinking large amounts of Coca-Cola and Sprite will not calm your nerves, however……………………..

As the movie ended in a kind of cliff-hanger way leaving the impending doom of the human race Tyson couldn't help but think *oh man I really need to take a piss* he looked at the other guys as they crawled into their sleeping bags preparing to go to sleep, "Errrr Ray? Where's your bathroom?" asked Tyson

"It's upstairs on the left" replied Ray

So Tyson made his way over to the stairs and began to climb them he got halfway up when suddenly the lights….went….out!

The only thing in front of him now was a deep black void…..perfect for demons, ghosts and definitely nuclear zombies from hell. Tyson felt racked with fear and it didn't help when Max shrieked loudly "Oh God we're all gonna die!"

Tyson quickly ran back downstairs, nearly breaking his ankle in the process, and tripped over Kenny in his haste to get back to where his friends were sitting. Suddenly there was a clicking sound followed by a warm glow…….Kai had brought his lighter!

"…..I guess it's a power cut…" said Ray quietly

"Yeah, no shit Sherlock" said Kai

"Guys…….I really gotta go bad" whined Tyson

"Then just go, you know where the bathroom is," said Ray frustratedly

Tyson had to swallow his pride to say "Yeah but……it's……really ….dark up there"

"You fucking pussy Tyson!…….if you're too scared then I guess you're gonna have to hold it in all night" snapped Kai

"I can't hold on I have to go right now!" Tyson shouted back

"Oh yeah? Well so do I but you don't hear me com…..plai…ning" Kai trailed off at the end….*oh fuck!* he mentally cursed

"Are you scared too Kai?" asked Max

"No I'm not scared, in fact I was just about to go right now" nice recovery Kai ^.~

Kai stood up, "I'll go with you!" said Tyson, "Yeah I guess I need to go too" said Ray, "Wait for me!" added Max,

Kai angrily sighed, "Fine we'll all go!" although he was secretly grateful he wouldn't be alone.

"God! If I wasn't here you guys would have stayed in here and pissed your pretty pink panties" sneered Kai, he walked slowly with his lighter in hand and took the lead.

Tyson closely followed with Ray, Max and Kenny behind, the staircase was still very dark but the scariest thing seemed to be waiting at the top……………

It just so happened that Ray's moms' hobby was collecting porcelain dolls, you know the kind dressed in Victorian clothing, with piercing blue eyes that follow you no matter which way you move, those pale faced evil looking little bastards that freak everyone out, the kind that come alive at night and hide under your bed ready to slit your throat……..well Ray's mom adored them and had a tall glass cabinet full of them overlooking the stairs…………

Kai was brave enough to walk up about four stairs, as the yellow light and the black shadows cast across the dolls he suddenly had second thoughts about going up.

"Why have you stopped Kai?" enquired Tyson

"I…I errr…I just thought, we can't all just stand around the toilet and take a piss at the same time that would be completely gay" explained Kai

"We could wait for each other," suggested Max

As everyone turned and stared at Max in utter disgust all he could say was "It was just an idea"

"Somebody hit him now before I do, because if I hit him he won't get back up!" said Kai in a lethal tone of voice

Tyson complied and firmly thumped Max in the arm, "Sorry Max", Max whimpered and held his arm

"Hey I have an idea, I'm pretty sure we have some candles around here, we can just light them and we'll be able to see" suggested Ray

"Well get a load of Elton John guys, if we're gonna light candles then we might as well walk the full pink mile and get in the bath together and load it with scented oils, give each other sensual massages and listen to fucking Enrique Iglasias…….FUCK YOU RAY!" snapped Kai sarcastically…………….. Although it was actually his fear talking.

Nobody knew what to say for fear of being verbally shot down by Kai, he looked at their faces filled with uncertainty and felt a very slight twinge of guilt…he hadn't intended to be that mean but he couldn't show any fear of the dark.

"Look I have a better idea" sighed Kai "we're gonna go in the back yard like men" he said in a calmer way.

They all agreed this would be best, of course no one admitted that the movie had frightened them and the dark was petrifying but there was a hidden understanding

"So? …………Are you waiting for a fucking bus?……..let's go" said Kai as he forcefully ushered them downstairs,

but then a loud creak came from behind and sent the fear of God running through them, Kenny and Max screamed while Kai, Ray and Tyson stampeded over them

"Jesus Christ" exclaimed Kai

"Holy Shit" yelled Ray

"It's Freddy Kruger!" shouted Tyson

They stumbled through the lounge and into the kitchen, "Ok everyone……… get weapons I'm not going out there unarmed," whispered Ray

"Why are you whispering Ray?" blurted out Tyson loudly

"Oh well done now he knows where we are!" snapped Ray

"Who knows where we are?" asked Kenny

"Duh! Freddy Kruger!" said Ray as he grabbed a nearby hockey stick

Kai had his sights set on a particularly murderous looking kitchen knife glimmering in the moonlight while Tyson said valiantly "I don't need a weapon! I know martial arts"

"………It's your funeral," said Ray nonchalantly

"Ok girls shut up, and follow me," said Kai militantly

He slid back the French glass doors and scanned the back yard for any danger, it was around 1.30am, and the sky was black which made the garden look like the setting from the Blair Witch project.

"Guys I don't want to go out there" whimpered Max

"Don't worry Max there really isn't anything to be scared of, everything is just the same at night as it is in the day" said Kenny reassuringly

"Shut up Kenny, that's just what Satan wants you to think," said Tyson harshly, there was a brief pause

"………Fuck this," snarled Kai and with that he briskly walked outside into the inky blackness of the night, the others hesitated at first but then followed him.

Ray threw his hockey stick on the grass and Kai holstered the knife down the side of his belt, which kind of made him look like a "Special-ops Rambo" wannabe

They all kind of spaced themselves around the back yard, a few of seconds of silence passed followed by their sighs of relief, Kai walked towards the middle of the lawn while zipping up his fly and calling over to Ray, "Hey Ray! Tell your mom she doesn't need to water the flowers, I've just taken care of it"

"Won't that kill them?" asked Max

Kai turned and looked at Max, "Max we all know you would be far more comfortable if you could sit down and piss like a girl like you usually do……, you don't have to stand just for us, hey look there's a bush over there, you can squat behind that," said Kai sarcastically

Tyson, Ray and Kenny were laughing

"…….SHUT-UP! I don't piss sitting down……..fucking jerks" shouted Max furiously

Max was angry and embarrassed while everyone else was laughing but at least they didn't feel scared anymore, they were with each other…….. and after all only little baby kids were scared of horror movies.

Their eyes had grown accustomed to the dark now so, Kai, Tyson and Ray were the first ones to make their way back to the house, Max followed behind while Kenny was still going strong…………

"I can't believe you guys were so scared," said Kai,

"Oh shut up Kai, you wouldn't even walk past my mom's doll collection," teased Ray

"Fuck you Ray, those dolls are probably yours" retaliated Kai

Tyson was laughing at their stupid argument, when all of a sudden the air was filled with a blood curdling animalistic scream!!!!!!!!!!!

Kai, Max, Ray and Tyson, yelled in unison "AAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!"

and bolted back inside the kitchen and slammed the doors shut.

The scream had actually come from the neighbours' cats who were fighting but the boys were scared and thinking irrationally…………..

When Kenny heard the scream he yanked his zip up so fast it nearly cut his dick off, he turned and ran but it was too late, his 'friends' had locked him out, everyone was once again frightened…………..

"What the fuck was that?" asked Ray breathlessly

"I don't know! It could've been the Terminator or aliens or Chucky or that guy from Friday 13th or Hellraiser or.." SMACK! Kai hit him around the face and grabbed him by the collar

"SHUT….UP!" he said maliciously

"Oh my God, look," said Max as he pointed

They saw an eerie looking shadow racing towards them with big shiny eyes on it's head and it was wailing loudly, as it came closer they saw it was only Kenny

"It's Kenny," said Max while reaching to unlock the door

"WAIT!" shouted Tyson whose face was red and stinging

"Let me in guys!" begged Kenny from outside

Tyson pushed Max out the way "how do we know it's the real Kenny? Haven't you ever seen Invasion of the Body Snatchers?"

"Tyson! Don't be so ridiculous, just let me in!" pleaded Kenny

Tyson thought for a second before saying "You can come in only if you can tell us the secret password"

"What? We never even talked about a secret password!" replied Kenny

"He's right Tyson, we didn't" said Ray

Kai crossed his arms and smirked "Look he's nearly crying"

"We better let him in," sighed Ray

"Hold on this is fun," said Kai, he walked up to the door and looked at Kenny through the glass

"Kenny………we'll let you in if you……shout out real loud that you fuck your own mom….." said Kai who was highly amused by the current situation.

"I'm not saying that Kai!" insisted Kenny

"Fine stay out there, say hi to the Blair Witch for me" sneered Kai

It was fairly cold outside and although science ruled out the existence of witches, ghosts and Freddy Kruger, Kenny was still quaking in his shoes. From what he had gathered, Kai was a nasty piece of work………his train of thought was interrupted by Max's voice "errrr Kenny, we tried to get Kai to let you in but he said if any of us open the door he's gonna beat us up"

"Hey I'm not the bad guy here! He's only got to say that one thing and he can come back inside," said Kai

The scenario was ridiculous and immature but Kenny didn't see what other choice he had, "Ok Kai I'll say it but you have to swear you'll let me in after I do"

"Yeah Ok now do it!" urged Kai

Kenny shouted at the top of his lungs, "I FUCK MY MOM!"

Kai instantly broke out laughing along with Tyson

Ray and Max sniggered in the background

"Very funny guys! Now let me in," demanded Kenny who was understandably quite distressed

"I don't think so!" said Kai still smirking

"Kai you promised!" argued Kenny

"I didn't say I'd let you in straight afterwards……maybe you'll have to wait a minute or maybe an hour I haven't decided yet" said Kai

"However I will let you in immediately if you shout out that you blow Mr. Dickinson for crack" Kai was quite proud that he had been able to trick a kid who was supposed to be a genius

"No way, now let me in," whimpered Kenny as a tear ran down his cheek *What's his problem with me? Why does he hate me so much?*

"Kai just open the door dude he's crying…." said Ray

"Yeah come on Kai the jokes' over" said Tyson in a surprisingly sensible way

"Look, I'm teaching him a lesson here, if he wasn't so fat he could've run faster and made it in here in time and he wouldn't be in this mess, it's his own fault ain't that right Kenny?" explained Kai

"….Yeah whatever you say Kai now let me in" whined Kenny

"You know what you have to do Kenny, sometimes in life you have to do shit you don't want to"

Kenny sighed and thought *might as well get this over with*

"Oh God…………………..I BLOW MR. DICKINSON FOR CRACK!!!!!" bellowed Kenny

Although Tyson, Max and Ray knew it was wrong to laugh it didn't stop them from doing so, Kai opened the door and Kenny toppled inside. He sobbed angrily as he stormed into the lounge and zipped himself inside his green and purple sleeping bag.

"Hey Kenny…….Kenny? You Ok?" asked Tyson awkwardly

"……….." Kenny didn't really want to talk to any of them he just wanted to go to sleep and forget about the night of horror

"Kai I think you should say sorry or something" suggested Max

"Sure thing Max, just let me know when hell freezes over," replied Kai

"Besides I wasn't his friend in the first place but you guys are his best friends and you still laughed at him, you're the ones who betrayed him shouldn't you say sorry?" cleverly explained Kai who had a way of twisting things.

The Bladebreakers were lost for words, they had been very unfair to Kenny but they didn't want to say sorry in front of Kai because that would prove him right.

Suddenly the room lit up! The lights were back on…….."Cool now we can play Halo" cheered Tyson, "Hey! You wanna play too Kenny?"

"No thanks" replied Kenny in a glum way

"Are you sure you want him to play? He might cry if he loses," remarked Kai in a babyish way

"Come on Kai just leave him alone" said Max who knew how it felt to be picked on.

Ray felt bad, this was his party and it wasn't right for one of his guests to feel so miserable, "Hey you guys get started, I have an idea" he said quietly to Tyson and Max before walking into the kitchen. He picked up the cordless phone and started dialling *There's only one person I know who can make Kenny feel better*

"Hi Mariah……it's Ray……yeah I know it's late, listen I need you to do me a favour…….you know Kenny?……he's the kid with the orange brown hair and the glasses……yeah that's him…….well Kai sort of upset him and I was wondering if you could talk to him…….I dunno just say something to cheer him up, he's giving us the silent treatment and it's pissing me off…….you will?……thanks Mariah…"

Ray walked back into the lounge Tyson, Kai and Max were laying on their stomachs playing gory X-Box video games

"Hey Kenny? Errrr Mariah wants to talk to you," said Ray

Kenny sat up "Are you lying?"

"No, look talk to her yourself," said Ray as he threw the phone over to him.

Kenny caught it but he nearly dropped it, Tyson and Kai turned to face him

"Hello?…..Is that really you Mariah?…….I'm Ok I guess……..Yeah Kai's here……Ok I won't…….you know when he talked to you earlier he was lying……oh good……really? You mean it?…….Ok thanks you too…..bye…."

Kenny felt one hell of a lot better now; Ray's little plan had worked

"Well?" asked Kai

"Well what?" replied Kenny

"What the fuck did she say? You guys were talking about me," said Kai frustratedly

"It's none of your business," said Kenny

Kai shot a particularly threatening death glare at him, Kenny sighed in defeat

"Look, all she said was I should just ignore you, she knew you were kidding around before, oh yeah and she thinks I'm cute"

"Yeah, whatever" said Kai sarcastically

"I wonder if she thinks I'm cute?" wondered Tyson

"Nobody thinks you're cute, not even your mom" laughed Ray

"Oh yeah?" yelled Tyson as he dragged Ray to the floor where they engaged in another one of their playful wrestling matches.

Later: oh let's say………..1 ½ hours later

It was late at night,

And all round the house,

Nothing was stirring,

Not even a mouse………………

Well except three naughty Bladebreakers,

Kenny and Max had fallen asleep……big mistake guys…….the other three boys soon grew bored of playing video games………how does that saying go?

'The Devil makes work for idol hands"

In the florescent glow of the TV screen, which showed the paused image of a female X-Box character with half her tits hanging out, Tyson and Ray were desperately trying to conceal their fits of laughter,

"Will you fucking be quiet!" hissed Kai as he finished drawing on Max's face, the work was half done for him, Max already looked like a kitten all that was missing were some whiskers sprouting from the blonde kid's freckles.

"There, now he looks like a real pussy," said Kai with a great amount of satisfaction, he glanced over to Kenny who was also fast asleep, *now it's your turn fat-boi!* thought Kai but his less than vigilant ..errr……'shiver'…… friends?……… weren't helping the situation by sniggering, Tyson naturally being the loudest.

"God, it's not that funny," whispered Kai as he looked at them in annoyance, Ray forced himself to be quiet; Tyson took a deep breath and did the same.

Kai turned his attention back to Kenny's face and began to draw something on his forehead, Ray and Tyson moved forward so they could see…………..they followed the tip of the pen as Kai skilfully glided it over Kenny's skin……….how he managed to keep a straight face was amazing as it became crystal clear what Kai was drawing……..have you guessed?…………………..Ray and Tyson simultaneously broke out into muffled fits of laughter……..even Kai cracked a smile at his work of art…………poor Kenny slept in ignorant bliss, totally unaware that he had a complete set of male genitals , with an unnecessary amount of fine detail, inked on his face…..

Actually it looked pretty real and if Kai had done it on paper and handed it to his art teacher he might have got an 'A'

Kai snapped the lid back on the pen; "Permanent marker…….it won't come off for at least a week, quickest way to remove it……non-ionic hydrogen peroxide"

"What does that mean Kai?" asked a baffled Tyson

"Bleach…… it's highest concentration" said Kai in an "action movie" cool way.

Kai was an intelligent kid; he could be pretty smart when he wanted.

A little later on:

They were all in their sleeping bags now……..kind of a cute sight……..

"Hey, Kai………you awake?" whispered Tyson

"No" replied Kai

"…Can I ask you something?" Tyson had an unusually serious tone in his voice

Kai sighed heavily in frustration; Tyson took this as a 'yes'

"Are you……errrr…..and I don't mean this in a gay way, but are you……..friends with us now?" he enquired cautiously

Approximately two seconds passed before Tyson's vision was engulfed in a white flash accompanied by a loud CRACK!!!! and a sudden rush of pain……….Kai had viciously thrown the battery loaded TV remote which hit Tyson square in the eye-socket……..even in pitch blackness Kai's aim was literally 'bang' on, one of the perks of being a natural born 'cool kid'

"Ow! Fuck," gasped Tyson as he curled up with his hand over his eye

"Shut the fuck up," murmured Kai sleepily………………..

He hated to admit it to himself but somehow he had made four new friends……it had been one of the best nights of his life, no smoking, no drinking no fictitious girlfriends just that magical, priceless feeling of being a kid…….

"………Thanks guys"

"………You say something Kai?"


Sweet dreams Bladebreakers!

Was that a happy ending? I'm not sure………….

I guess the lesson is pick your friends wisely……….or maybe it's keep one eye open when you sleep, either way I have loads more fun lined up for next time!