Beyblade Fan Fiction ❯ Burn ❯ Meeting Eyes ( Chapter 3 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Afterlife: hey there my peeps!! Sorry i've taken so long to update but my computer is jacked up so i can't write on it. i have to write on my grandma's computer. well, i hope you like this one. =^..^=
Chapter3: Meeting Eyes
Everyone was silent. They all watched Kai and the Blitzkrig boys. Kai looked around at the faces. His eyes were suddenly lured to a pair of silver-blue eyes. His gaze was locked within her's. She couldn't seem to take her eyes away from him. She knew who he was. He was Kai Alexander Hiwitari. The Russian blader that betrayed her brother's team not once but twice and kept disappering into thin air so no one could find him. Not even with advanced technoligy. She felt familiar to him. He didn't know why she just did. "Everyone, this is my sister Kiva Granger. She's here for the tournament. I'm pretty sure you'll all like her." Tyson said with a smile of pride as he looked at Kiva. 'So that's where she seems so familiar to me. She's Tyson's sister.' He looked her up and down as she did him. She had dark blue hair like Tyson's, but her's had silver highlights through it. Her eyes matched her eyes. Her hair came down to her waist line. He had to admit, she did look rather sexy. She also had to admit that he looked rather attractive. His now white hair hung to his face and his biceps and his abs made her want to run her fingertips across them. Their eyes met again and they looked at eachother like they were looking at eachother's souls. Nobody seemed to notice that Kai and Kiva hadn't taken their eyes off of eachother since they spotted eachother except Miriam, Mariah, Emily, Queen, and Hillary. They watched the two with interest. They they all looked over at the Blitzkrig boys and noticed that they were watching the two with interest too. Then the girls started to do that little gossip thing that girls do, they cuddled into a little circle and started talking softly. Then they were soon joined by the Blitzkrieg boys. Kiva and Kai seemed to be oblivious to what was going on around them. Then Tyson came in and broke the intense moment. "Hey Kai!! Whatcha been up to lately? Got anyone special?" Kai took his gaze off of Kiva to answer Tyson. "No I don't have anyone special. And I've been around." Was all that Kai would answer before walking to the table that held food. Kiva smiled a small smile and then headed over to the dessert table. "You know that you have to eat real food before desserts right?!" Tyson asked disapproving her move for the desserts first. "Yes I do, but there is an exeption to every rule. Don't you know that?!" She shot back at him. He just shook his head in defeat. He knew he couldn't truly change a woman's mind once it was made up. Kai watched her with interst. The thing he didn't like however was how he couldn't stop thinking about her. 'This is pathetic. I can't get her out of my mind.' Then he heard his bitbeast start laughing. 'What's so funny?' He snapped at Dranzer. *'You, admit it. You like her don't you? You think she's attractive.'* Kai mentally glared at Dranzer. 'Of course I find her attractive. What straight guy wouldn't?' Dranzer just laughed even harder. 'What now?!' Kai snapped. *' You are feeling emotions arise that you have never in your life time felt before. That is why you can't get her out of your head. When you look at her, think about her, or imagin her these feelings arise stronger than they did the previous time.'* Dranzer said as he faded out of Kai's head. 'What's that supposed to mean?!' Kai questioned with an ill tempered mood. But he couldn't contact Dranzer. 'Damn it!!' Kai inwardly cursed. He brought himself out of his thoughts just when he felt Bryan approach. Bryan was grinning like a fool down at him. "What?!" Kai snapped, since he was still in his ill tempered mood because Dranzer hadn't answered his question only added more onto his list. "Oh nothing. We were just watching you and your reaction to Kiva Granger." Something caught Kai's attention more than the others in his sentence. "We?" He asked Bryan. Bryan nodded still not able to get the grin off of his face. "Me, Tala, Spencer, Hillary, Miriam, Mariah, Queen, and Emily. We were watching you two study eachother intensly." Kai didn't like hearing that. Because that ment that they were hatching plans to try and get Kiva and him together. "Don't get any ideas Bryan." Kai warned. "Already have, and not just me, the others that were watching you two also." Kai winced. He didn't like how this looked for him. Kai diverted his attention to his food trying not to think about Kiva or her beautiful eyes. "Alright, we're going to pass around a stack of sheets. We need you to sign them in order for you to compete in the upcoming tournament." Mr. Dickinson told them. They started to pass around the packet when Hillary and Tyson both came up to Kai. He looked up at them and wondered what they wanted. "What?" Kai asked as softly as he could since he knew Hillary was pregnant and he didn't want to hurt her feelings since he knew that pregnant women were very sensitive. "We would like to ask you something." Tyson answered a little unsure of the question they were about to ask.Kai looked between them "We would like to know if you would be our child's godfather." Hillary told him. Her eyes full of hope that he couldn't look her straight in the eyes. Slowly everyone grew silent and looked from Tyson and Hillary then to Kai. He knew right now was not a very good time to have a kid to have to take care of. But then, Hillary was still in the early stage of her pregnancy and he would only truly have to take care of it if Tyson and Hillary were killed. He looked at Hillary and then to Tyson. They were looking at him with hope in their eyes. But why were they asking him? Why don't they ask Miriam and Max, or Kenny and Emily, or Mariah and Rei even. Why him? He decided it was a now answer. He had to answer it now, he couldn't go and think about it. He guessed it was the least he could do since he had betrayed Tyson two times. Kai sighed. "Sure." Hillary let out a relived sigh and hugged him. Tyson smiled at him and hugged him also. Kai wasn't sure how much emotion he could handle, but then Tyson relesed him. "Good, then we need you to sign a few papers. Its for legal documentation." Hillary told him as she took out a envolope of papers out of one of her notebooks. She grabbed a pen out of her purse and handed the papers and the pen to Kai. Kai took them and skimmed over the papers and looked for where he was supposed to sign. He found it. Actually he had to sign 5 different places. He signed them quickly and then handed the papers back to Hillary. She took them and smiled at him. He still wasn't sure if this was a good idea, but he felt as though he had to do it. He sat back down and signed the packet of papers so he could be in the upcoming tournament. Kiva came over to him and sat down next to him. "That was a nice of you to acepted to be the child's godfather." Kai didn't answer, he just tried to concentrate on his food. But the main word here is tried. He seemed to be mesmerised by her voice. Oddly enough she felt the same way about his voice. "Oh isn't that cute? Kai and Kiva getting all mushy?!" Max asked with a smirk as both Kiva and Kai looked up at them. "Kai and Kiva sitting in a car, are they naked yes they are. First comes love, then comes marrage, then comes a baby in a baby carrage." Rei, Max, Tala, Spencer, Bryan, King, Micheal, Eddie, Stephen, Gary, Kevin, Enrique, Oliver, Kane, and Dachi sang as they all looked over at Kai and Kiva who started to blush very bad. Kai's face was almost as red as his eyes. And Kiva's face was pretty much as red too. Tyson didn't look to happy though. He seemed to not like the idea of Kai and his baby sister getting together. Kiva and Kai looked at eachother, but that wasn't a very good idea. Because it only made them continue with their rants. "Oh, it looks like their going to kiss. I wonder if its gonna include tounge." Micheal taunted. "I hope it does. I wanna see Kai in action. I also wanna see Kiva flick that nice tounge into Kai's mouth." Dachi yelled. The girls looked discusted. Kai and Kiva only grew redder. They quickly turned away form eachother. "Are they embarressed? Maybe they already knew eachother. If you know what I mean." Eddie laughed. Hillary and the girls took pity on Kai and Kiva because they were getting made fun of and were getting thrown into an uncomfterble situation. But they had to admit that it was funny. Although Hillary and the girls took into acount that Tyson was getting very pissed. They all, except Tyson, thought it was funny that Kai and Kiva were only growing redder by the second. Gramps had heard the whole thing and thought it was funny, but had to take pity for them. "Alright, chill it down homedogs and homecats. Can't you see that your only making it worse for them. Have you seen T-man?" He pointed to Tyson and everyone looked at him and started calming down. "Sheesh Tyson calm down. We know that Kai and Kiva don't know eachother. And they would never like eachother." Rei told him. Kai and Kiva started to calm down their embarresment. Kai and Kiva both stood up and walked away from eachother. "You know. I wonder who is better at blading. I wonder if its Kiva because she's the sister of the world champion." Micheal wondered out loud. Kai hmpft in disbelife. Kiva stopped dead in her tracks. She turned around to face Kai's retreating back. "Are you saying I'm no good?!" She yelled. Kai didn't even stop. "No, I'm just saying that you aren't as good as me." Kai told her, fully knowing that it would piss her off even more. "Here. Lets go right here, right now!!" She yelled. "No." Was all he would say. She smirked "Scared? Well you should be." She told him. "I'm not scared of you, I just don't want to waist anymore time on you than I already have." Kai told her. Kiva was fully pissed now. She just stompped off. Kai smirked as he made his way to the limo. "I'll see you at Tyson's house." Kai told them all, mostly Kiva. He got in and the limo it drove off. Bryan and Hillary sighed in unison. "Young love." Tala and some of the others looked at them puzzled. "What do you mean?" Spencer asked. "Most lasting couples always start out hating eachtother and having constent aguing." Bryan explained. Dunga smirked in dissbelif. "Name one lasting couple that started out with them hating eachother and argued constently." Bryan just smiled. "Hillary and Tyson."
Afterlife: Hope you like it. any idea on what should happen next? i will hopefully update soon.
Chapter3: Meeting Eyes
Everyone was silent. They all watched Kai and the Blitzkrig boys. Kai looked around at the faces. His eyes were suddenly lured to a pair of silver-blue eyes. His gaze was locked within her's. She couldn't seem to take her eyes away from him. She knew who he was. He was Kai Alexander Hiwitari. The Russian blader that betrayed her brother's team not once but twice and kept disappering into thin air so no one could find him. Not even with advanced technoligy. She felt familiar to him. He didn't know why she just did. "Everyone, this is my sister Kiva Granger. She's here for the tournament. I'm pretty sure you'll all like her." Tyson said with a smile of pride as he looked at Kiva. 'So that's where she seems so familiar to me. She's Tyson's sister.' He looked her up and down as she did him. She had dark blue hair like Tyson's, but her's had silver highlights through it. Her eyes matched her eyes. Her hair came down to her waist line. He had to admit, she did look rather sexy. She also had to admit that he looked rather attractive. His now white hair hung to his face and his biceps and his abs made her want to run her fingertips across them. Their eyes met again and they looked at eachother like they were looking at eachother's souls. Nobody seemed to notice that Kai and Kiva hadn't taken their eyes off of eachother since they spotted eachother except Miriam, Mariah, Emily, Queen, and Hillary. They watched the two with interest. They they all looked over at the Blitzkrig boys and noticed that they were watching the two with interest too. Then the girls started to do that little gossip thing that girls do, they cuddled into a little circle and started talking softly. Then they were soon joined by the Blitzkrieg boys. Kiva and Kai seemed to be oblivious to what was going on around them. Then Tyson came in and broke the intense moment. "Hey Kai!! Whatcha been up to lately? Got anyone special?" Kai took his gaze off of Kiva to answer Tyson. "No I don't have anyone special. And I've been around." Was all that Kai would answer before walking to the table that held food. Kiva smiled a small smile and then headed over to the dessert table. "You know that you have to eat real food before desserts right?!" Tyson asked disapproving her move for the desserts first. "Yes I do, but there is an exeption to every rule. Don't you know that?!" She shot back at him. He just shook his head in defeat. He knew he couldn't truly change a woman's mind once it was made up. Kai watched her with interst. The thing he didn't like however was how he couldn't stop thinking about her. 'This is pathetic. I can't get her out of my mind.' Then he heard his bitbeast start laughing. 'What's so funny?' He snapped at Dranzer. *'You, admit it. You like her don't you? You think she's attractive.'* Kai mentally glared at Dranzer. 'Of course I find her attractive. What straight guy wouldn't?' Dranzer just laughed even harder. 'What now?!' Kai snapped. *' You are feeling emotions arise that you have never in your life time felt before. That is why you can't get her out of your head. When you look at her, think about her, or imagin her these feelings arise stronger than they did the previous time.'* Dranzer said as he faded out of Kai's head. 'What's that supposed to mean?!' Kai questioned with an ill tempered mood. But he couldn't contact Dranzer. 'Damn it!!' Kai inwardly cursed. He brought himself out of his thoughts just when he felt Bryan approach. Bryan was grinning like a fool down at him. "What?!" Kai snapped, since he was still in his ill tempered mood because Dranzer hadn't answered his question only added more onto his list. "Oh nothing. We were just watching you and your reaction to Kiva Granger." Something caught Kai's attention more than the others in his sentence. "We?" He asked Bryan. Bryan nodded still not able to get the grin off of his face. "Me, Tala, Spencer, Hillary, Miriam, Mariah, Queen, and Emily. We were watching you two study eachother intensly." Kai didn't like hearing that. Because that ment that they were hatching plans to try and get Kiva and him together. "Don't get any ideas Bryan." Kai warned. "Already have, and not just me, the others that were watching you two also." Kai winced. He didn't like how this looked for him. Kai diverted his attention to his food trying not to think about Kiva or her beautiful eyes. "Alright, we're going to pass around a stack of sheets. We need you to sign them in order for you to compete in the upcoming tournament." Mr. Dickinson told them. They started to pass around the packet when Hillary and Tyson both came up to Kai. He looked up at them and wondered what they wanted. "What?" Kai asked as softly as he could since he knew Hillary was pregnant and he didn't want to hurt her feelings since he knew that pregnant women were very sensitive. "We would like to ask you something." Tyson answered a little unsure of the question they were about to ask.Kai looked between them "We would like to know if you would be our child's godfather." Hillary told him. Her eyes full of hope that he couldn't look her straight in the eyes. Slowly everyone grew silent and looked from Tyson and Hillary then to Kai. He knew right now was not a very good time to have a kid to have to take care of. But then, Hillary was still in the early stage of her pregnancy and he would only truly have to take care of it if Tyson and Hillary were killed. He looked at Hillary and then to Tyson. They were looking at him with hope in their eyes. But why were they asking him? Why don't they ask Miriam and Max, or Kenny and Emily, or Mariah and Rei even. Why him? He decided it was a now answer. He had to answer it now, he couldn't go and think about it. He guessed it was the least he could do since he had betrayed Tyson two times. Kai sighed. "Sure." Hillary let out a relived sigh and hugged him. Tyson smiled at him and hugged him also. Kai wasn't sure how much emotion he could handle, but then Tyson relesed him. "Good, then we need you to sign a few papers. Its for legal documentation." Hillary told him as she took out a envolope of papers out of one of her notebooks. She grabbed a pen out of her purse and handed the papers and the pen to Kai. Kai took them and skimmed over the papers and looked for where he was supposed to sign. He found it. Actually he had to sign 5 different places. He signed them quickly and then handed the papers back to Hillary. She took them and smiled at him. He still wasn't sure if this was a good idea, but he felt as though he had to do it. He sat back down and signed the packet of papers so he could be in the upcoming tournament. Kiva came over to him and sat down next to him. "That was a nice of you to acepted to be the child's godfather." Kai didn't answer, he just tried to concentrate on his food. But the main word here is tried. He seemed to be mesmerised by her voice. Oddly enough she felt the same way about his voice. "Oh isn't that cute? Kai and Kiva getting all mushy?!" Max asked with a smirk as both Kiva and Kai looked up at them. "Kai and Kiva sitting in a car, are they naked yes they are. First comes love, then comes marrage, then comes a baby in a baby carrage." Rei, Max, Tala, Spencer, Bryan, King, Micheal, Eddie, Stephen, Gary, Kevin, Enrique, Oliver, Kane, and Dachi sang as they all looked over at Kai and Kiva who started to blush very bad. Kai's face was almost as red as his eyes. And Kiva's face was pretty much as red too. Tyson didn't look to happy though. He seemed to not like the idea of Kai and his baby sister getting together. Kiva and Kai looked at eachother, but that wasn't a very good idea. Because it only made them continue with their rants. "Oh, it looks like their going to kiss. I wonder if its gonna include tounge." Micheal taunted. "I hope it does. I wanna see Kai in action. I also wanna see Kiva flick that nice tounge into Kai's mouth." Dachi yelled. The girls looked discusted. Kai and Kiva only grew redder. They quickly turned away form eachother. "Are they embarressed? Maybe they already knew eachother. If you know what I mean." Eddie laughed. Hillary and the girls took pity on Kai and Kiva because they were getting made fun of and were getting thrown into an uncomfterble situation. But they had to admit that it was funny. Although Hillary and the girls took into acount that Tyson was getting very pissed. They all, except Tyson, thought it was funny that Kai and Kiva were only growing redder by the second. Gramps had heard the whole thing and thought it was funny, but had to take pity for them. "Alright, chill it down homedogs and homecats. Can't you see that your only making it worse for them. Have you seen T-man?" He pointed to Tyson and everyone looked at him and started calming down. "Sheesh Tyson calm down. We know that Kai and Kiva don't know eachother. And they would never like eachother." Rei told him. Kai and Kiva started to calm down their embarresment. Kai and Kiva both stood up and walked away from eachother. "You know. I wonder who is better at blading. I wonder if its Kiva because she's the sister of the world champion." Micheal wondered out loud. Kai hmpft in disbelife. Kiva stopped dead in her tracks. She turned around to face Kai's retreating back. "Are you saying I'm no good?!" She yelled. Kai didn't even stop. "No, I'm just saying that you aren't as good as me." Kai told her, fully knowing that it would piss her off even more. "Here. Lets go right here, right now!!" She yelled. "No." Was all he would say. She smirked "Scared? Well you should be." She told him. "I'm not scared of you, I just don't want to waist anymore time on you than I already have." Kai told her. Kiva was fully pissed now. She just stompped off. Kai smirked as he made his way to the limo. "I'll see you at Tyson's house." Kai told them all, mostly Kiva. He got in and the limo it drove off. Bryan and Hillary sighed in unison. "Young love." Tala and some of the others looked at them puzzled. "What do you mean?" Spencer asked. "Most lasting couples always start out hating eachtother and having constent aguing." Bryan explained. Dunga smirked in dissbelif. "Name one lasting couple that started out with them hating eachother and argued constently." Bryan just smiled. "Hillary and Tyson."
Afterlife: Hope you like it. any idea on what should happen next? i will hopefully update soon.