Beyblade Fan Fiction ❯ Dreams come true ❯ Ch6 ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

“Unhand him!” Kai ordered angrily.
The old woman looked up in shock and demanded, “Who are you and why are you here?”
Kai glared.
“I'm Kai Hiwatari and I demand that you let this boy go!”
The old woman gasped.
“Yes my Prince.”
Kai knew that coming out would let the woman know who he was, but he would risk that.
“Kai?” Rei asked, “What are you doing here?”
“Kai?!” the woman boomed, “Where do you get off by calling the prince by his name?!”
“Miss,” Kai assured her, “It is okay, I told him he could. We are friends.”
“Oh,” the woman said, “By the way, my name is Olga.”
Kai nodded. This wasn't going as bad as he thought. Well, that is what Kai thought until he saw Rei's face. He looked scared.
“Madam,” Kai said aprenhivsly, “Why were you beating your step son?”
Olga's hideous face paled to the point where she couldn't be recognized.
“ Madam?” Kai asked, “are you okay?”
Olga was shaking uncontrollably.
“Are you okay?” Kai asked again in slight concern.
“He is my servant,” Olga said, “He disobeyed me. He knew what would happen if he did that.”
Kai was really confused now. Rei was a servant? Is that why he was always running errands? But why for his step mother? Oh, life was so unfair.
`Why?” Kai asked, “Why is Rei your servant?”
“Because,” Olga tried to explain, “When his father died, he left him with no gold to live on.”
“So you make him a servant.”
Olga nodded and smiled.
What was Kai going to do? Could he tell her what he felt about Rei?
“Olga,” Kai said quietly, “I would like to buy him from you. How much?”
Kai wants to buy me? Rei thought in amazement, Why?
“7,000 gold,” Olga said, “three horses.”
Kai nodded and said, “I'll be by tomorrow with your payment.”
Olga smiled and said, “I'll be waiting sir.”
Kai left and they were alone.
The next day, Kai arrived with the payment.
“Come on,” Kai said softly to Rei, “Lets go.”
Rei followed Kai to his new life.