Beyblade Fan Fiction ❯ Holiday Paradise ❯ Teh end ( Chapter 5 )
Tala and Monica started a beybattle and well some how Monica ended up brain washed and now she's against Menna and Menna is trying to uh well get her back but some how Sky was well kinda forced into a another room during the battle so Menna had to go get her can came back things didn't look all that great Nia was laughing her head off Monica was hurt badly but didn't give up she was still brain washed uh powerful stuff if you asked me NM not important right now Tala was kind of in bad shape too the bladebrakers well let's just say there uh sound a sleep from a gas long story make it short Nia did it oh right Brittany too she was sleep when Menna and Sky walked in Sky fell asleep I guess it's still in the air… hey wait a minute how come it's effecting everyone else instead of Tala wait it is bothering him Menna, Monica, and Nia (Laughing gas?) so a little later Menna started to slowly fall to the ground just as Monica was but Tala not uh he wanted to but nope so just for that Monica demanded that her bit beast does her most deadliest attack ever that's when Nia snapped and well almost everyone got out… Menna had the stupid idea of pushing Tala out of the way like he did her and she toke on the attack while everyone else ran out including Monica and Nia a few days later few one was back at home and well Menna wasn't no body hasn't seen her since oh Monica got grounded for Danny and Demon she didn't do anything it was really Nia for Brittany's punishment with her dad she has to learn a game called duel monsters and beat a kid named Yugi oh right Sky got into it all right as soon as she was home do you want to know what happened? She got everything she wanted Nia's in jail oops I ruined it oh well
"All that ice-cream gone" Max said crying
"Max get over that ice-cream thing ok it wasn't uh why do you love ice-cream so much anyways?" Tyson asked
"Because… ice-cream… gone… hey I wander what mom is up too?" Max asked
"Dude you are insane uh?" Sky asked
"Well … kind of?" Max said
"I'm still grounded" Monica said
"To many different cards so little time" Brittany said looking at some cards
"Wow that's your punishment learn a card game?" Everyone asked
"You don't even know the fucking half of it day after day my dad has officially lost it he says I have too he was going to make me do it when I was 9 but since I like Beyblading it was so much better … he tome my beyblade my shooter my rip cord and I can't have it back until I beat Yugi… who the hell is Yugi?" Brittany said kind of crying
"Hey it's ok just grab your blade get a new shooter and new rip cord that's what I would do" Tyson said
"If you only knew what my pops was like if you only new" Brittany said thinking
"Matter fact Brittany who the hell is your dad we've never got his name" Rei said
"…. Promise not to scream or yell?" Brittany said looking around they were all at the park
"Yeah" Kai said
"Ok Malik Ishtar is his name" Brittany said
"Are you serious!?" Sky yelled out in a exciting way
"It's not fair like my mom was about 13 when I was born it's just stupid I really hate my self" Brittany said
"Why?" Sky asked
"Well" Brittany started to say
"Are you serious dude that guy is evil, cold, mean, and everything else that goes with that plus he's a totally… cutie you're lucky" Sky said
"Are not, dad never mind let's talk about something else already please?" Brittany asked looking through the deck of cards
"So what's up with you Sky?" Tyson asked
"Let's see nothing I get to much attention… wait I aw man now I finally get it see ya guys later I got to go find my uncle" Sky said running off
"Bey Sky see you later" Everyone said
"Uh and well that's that… uh I better get going before they find out I left my room" Monica said
"Great I'll walk you" Kai said
"Thanks bye" Monica said as she and Kai walked off
"K-I-S-S-I-N-G KAI!" Tyson yelled
"I heard that" Kai said back
"Dam why does he get to never" Tyson said felling a hand on his right shoulder and jumped
"Great you're still jumpy" Menna said with a smile
"HOW THE HELL" Everyone asked
"Long story make it short let's just say not everything is impossible" Menna said
"You little watch it Menna" Brittany said
"What?" Menna asked
"That's my favorite card and you almost stepped on it" Brittany
"Well sorry… that I didn't step on it that is" Menna said
"I you little bitch I'm going home… oh right Monica is grounded just to let you know so when she see's you she'll kick your ass" Brittany said in a happy cheerful way
"Uh oops guess I over did it a bit uh?" Menna asked
"Yeah uh huh you think I have a freaking cut" Tyson say
"Then allow me to never mind I forgot right hey who's that?" Menna asked looking at another little kid staring at them
"Something tells me that, that wasn't the end of this one" Rei said
"Nope that was only the beginning of something even more dangerous question is" Menna started to say
"What's up next" Tyson said Max fell silent
"Hey what are you" Menna started to ask
"I uh nothing it's uh I uh never mind" Max said
"Well I'm in trouble got to go and well get Monica off of groundage see ya in about uh six months" Menna said
"Six months aw can't you" Rei started to say
"Not uh last time it was a year maybe they'll go easy if I'm home bye" Menna said running in the same direction Kai and Monica left in
"… Kai didn't take Monica home now did he?" Rei asked Tyson
"I'm afraid not he had that plan in his head for I don't know how long… I'm shore Max knows about it don't you, you little" Tyson started to say
"I had nothing to do with it I swear I was just wait this isn't about someone blowing up the gym is it" Max asked
"No but thanks for telling us" Tyson said looking at Rei
"Oh ok great I swear that was a really big mistake I had no idea that chemicals could do that" max said
"Oh great… bye I get to go tell the principle I mean uh Kai about this" Tyson said running off near the school
"TYSON YOU CAN"T TELL THEM!" Max ran after him
"Yet another day, another bad day, and another day to chase… WAIT UP FOR ME MAX!" Rei ran after him
The end
Sux uh well review