Beyblade Fan Fiction ❯ Just for the better ❯ And So we Meet ( Chapter 1 )
Disclaimer - I do not own beyblade, nor do I own the characters in which I use in this story.
Warnings - Possible TyKa. Okay, I admit, definite TyKa. ^^ More warning later, when I know what I'm dealing with. Oh yeah… This is an AU - Alternate universe
[Chapter one] And So We Meet
The stuffy, smoke filled air of the bar. The booming of loud music. These were the things Kai was used to.
Kai Hiwatari watched over the pub with wine coloured eyes. He looked to be around eighteen, with his slate coloured hair, and tall figure. Although he was a little thin - his face looked very gaunt - he was still rather imposing. He stood at the bar, long fingers of his left hand tapped on the wooden surface while his right hand held a large drink. It looked to be alcoholic, although one cannot be sure - he could have simply been enjoying a cold lemonade to battle the stifling heat of the bar, with its cloudy, smoky haze and stench of old cigarettes.
He continued to tap on the bar surface, every so often taking a sip of his drink. His eyes searched the room, picking out possible clients. The woman by the door looked lonely, the man sitting at the table nearest the gent's room looked friendless. A small smirk played on his lips as he sat the drink down at the bar and made his way over to the man at the table.
"Do you mind?" Kai asked. Without waiting for an answer he sat down, a sweet smile fixed onto his lips. Kai had praised himself when he had looked into the mirror before he left his room - The colouring through his hair had done wonders for his image. He had laughed at his room mate's idea to colour his hair, but now he thought it was pure genius. His naturally two tone hair was now an array of blue, silver, gold and deep red. It looked especially better now that his hair was uncut. It was usually short, with only his deep blue bangs possessing any length, but since he had lost the money to go to the hair dressers, his hair was way past his shoulders, and still growing.
The blonde at the table looked slightly surprised at the unexpected guest, but, not being a rude boy, nodded and smiled. "No, have a seat. I'm only waiting for a few friends."
Kai nodded. "You're not a regular here, like the place?"
The boy nodded. "Yeah, it's alright - not too crowded. It's my birthday so a few friends are meeting me here."
Kai smiled, despite his disappointment. This boy wasn't so friendless after all. Damn. Now he looked a fool.
"When were they going to meet you?" Kai asked. The boy looked at his watch. And then at the door. He laughed, and stood up, waving. Kai swivelled in his seat. It looked like they were here already.
There went his chance. Damn it. He smiled slightly, and left. The blonde didn't even notice him leave. Sighing deeply, Kai went back to his post at the bar, picking up his drink and taking a long, deep draught of fluid. It was alcoholic after all. He quickly scanned the room for the woman he had seen earlier. She'd left already.
It was soon to become a boring night. The pub was dead, only couples and a few singles sat at the tables. Kai knew all the people in the bar who were alone, they were regulars, and uninterested in his services. Every now and again he looked over at the group from earlier. They seemed to be having a good time.
Nine o'clock drew near, and Kai found himself climbing the walls. He was broke, thirsty and bored. The bartender, seeing his distress, made her way over to accompany the boy.
"You're looking blue Kai."
"I'm just bored." He sighed.
"It's dead tonight. Want a drink? I need something to do."
"Only if it's on you. I'm broke, spent my last penny on the rent."
"You not got that cleared up yet?"
"Nope. I'm about $400 in debt."
"That's a bummer. I guess I can give you a large vodka and coke on the house then."
"You're a star Kelly." Kai gave her a smile, and accepted the drink gratefully. She giggled, pouring one for herself. The talked for a while, until one of the guys from the group came up for another round of drinks.
It was the blonde.
"Having a nice birthday?" Kai asked. The blonde grinned and nodded.
"Didn't get your name earlier… What is it?"
Kai laughed slightly. "Kai. And you?"
"Mat… No wait, Max!" He slurred. He had obviously had too much to drink. His eyes were cloudy and he smiled uncontrollably.
Kelly laughed behind the bar. "If it wasn't for the fact it was your birthday, I'd stop serving you! Kai, dear, take his drinks over, I've already had to mop up spilled drinks tonight, I don't want a load more!"
Kai took the tray, and followed the blonde to his table.
"Hey, I spoke to this guy an hour ago and he was stone sober! What have you been giving him?" Kai laughed, setting the drinks down. Because he was so bored, Kai decided that he would join the table, uninvited as he was.
Kai didn't say much while he sat there, but listened and observed. They were a nice bunch.
While he sipped his drink, Max turned around to Kai, blinked a few time, and asked - "Are you a prostitute?"
The neko-jin (which Kai had learned was called Rei.) gasped in surprise, and looked shocked that Max could have asked such a thing.
"Maxie! You don't ask things like that!"
Max ignored the comments, and pursued his question. The table had gone quiet, it seemed the rest of them were keen to know also. "Well, are you?"
This was the corner Kai did not want to be trapped in - Unfortunately he was. He nodded once.
Never had he felt embarrassed by telling people that he was a hooker, so why was he so bashful now?
That was it, the one movement that determined whether or not they included him or not. Kai suddenly felt very uncomfortable, and shuffled in his seat. None of them spoke to him that night - And, ill at ease with the silence that concerned him, he left the table and made his way home.
No-one seemed to notice.
Alright, not the greatest chapter. Hopefully I will be able to come up with something for the next chapter. Until then you will have to wait. Review please, it will mean a lot to me if you do!
Oh, and I'm sorry that Kai is so Out of Character, its only for the time being - he'll soon turn into the bad ass Kai we all love. ^.^