Beyblade Fan Fiction ❯ KC ❯ Introduction ( Chapter 1 )

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Ok this story popped into my head awhile ago and it has been driving me nuts so I'm going to put it up. Yet again this is another one of my stories where I pretty much have no idea where its going to go. But I'm pretty confident that this is going to be my best story yet. There is no summary because I don't really know what's all going to same with the title I have no idea what to call it. But I hope that you enjoy the new story and review to tell me if you have any suggestions. So if any of you have an idea for the title or something that you might want to happen just let me know in a review or you can e-mail me ( I do not own beyblade. And I never will.Chapter 1 Introduction"Zarix Attack!" A girl commanded. "Take them down now!" the other person said. The Blade which was called Zarix was knocked out and stopped spinning. "OK now hand over the blade." The guy said picking up his black blade. "No! You'll never get her. Zarix is mine!" The girl shouted at the man. She quickly picked up the blade and started to run off into the deep forest. "What are you waiting for? Go get her! And bring her blade back to me!" The guy said. Away went three guards in hot pursuit of the girl. She ran quickly through the thick forest, her enemies close behind her. She started to get tired from all the running but knowing that if she stopped, she would surely get caught. She ran through the forest not knowing where to go. She soon came across a large tree. She ran to and climbed up it for safety. Once seeing the 3 guards run passed her she jumped out of the tree and walked off in another direction. She soon found a safe place to stop and rest. She sat down and took out a bottle of water from her blue backpack and a snack. After resting she got up again and walked through the forest hoping to avoid her enemies. Suddenly she made eye contact with someone in the distance. He alerted others near him and started a chase again. She started running through the forest once again.* * * * * *The Blade-Breakers were walking through the forest. Tyson, Max and Kenny in front; Ray not that far behind; Kai on the other hand was lingering far behind. Suddenly Kai stopped in his tracks. He looked around his surroundings listening to what he could hear. He could hear his fellow team mates talking ahead of him, birds chirping, the wind which cooly blowed his two-toned blue hair and somewhere in the distance he could hear many footsteps, quickly approaching them. "Something wrong Kai?" Ray asked approaching his Russian captain. "Listen." Kai said looking in the direction of the sound. His eyes wondered to a small cliff which he stood next too. Soon the other three boys joined them."Why'd you stop?" Tyson asked. "Listen. They are coming closer." Kai said. "Who's coming closer? And I don't hear anything!" Tyson said. "Maybe if you kept your big mouth shut you could hear." Kai said. Just then someone fell from the ledge and landed on top of Kai. "Please don't let them know I'm here!" The girl commanded quickly running for another tree to climb up. Soon after she got up in the tree another figure jumped from the ledge followed by two others. "Where is she?" The first man asked. "Who?"Tyson asked. "The girl." The man said. "We don't know what your talking about." Ray said. "You can't lie I saw her fall down here." The man said angrily. "Arg. If you see her tell her that were looking for her." The man said before walking off. After they left she jumped down from the tree. "Were the Blade-Breakers. I'm Tyson, He's Max, thats Kenny, Ray and Kai." Tyson said pointing to his team mates as introduced their names. "Oh. Sorry I fell on you Kai." The girl said. "So who are you?" Max asked curiously. "Just call me KC." The girl said. "Ok. Well are you ok? Why were those guys chasing you?" Ray asked. "I'm ok. For now at least. They uh want my bitbeast." KC said. "Your...bitbeast? You mean you blade?" Tyson asked. "Yes." KC said. "Wanna battle?" Tyson asked. "Well I would if I could." KC said sadly looking towards the ground. "What do you mean?" Tyson asked. KC reached into her pocket and pulled out her beyblade to show to them. Her silver blade was almost completely destroyed. "Whoa! What happened to it?" Tyson exclaimed. "Would you keep it down? I battled with those guys awhile ago. Their leader has a very strong blade and it beat mine. And in the process it completely destroyed it." KC said looking down at her blade. "No worries! Kenny here can fix it!" Max said. "Can you Kenny?" KC asked. "I think so. And if not I can make you a new blade just like it." Kenny said. "Sounds great. But how do I know that you guys just aren't trying to get my blade?" KC asked. "Do we look like we want to take it? We just want to help." Ray said. "No." KC said. 'Although I'v met people all nice and then they turn on me.' KC thought. KC looked at her beyblade again and took out the bitbeast chip. Then tossed the rest of the blade to Kenny. "Thanks you guys for helping. I'll drop by in a couple days to see the blade. Bye." KC said walking off into the forest again. "Wait! You don't know where were staying, and plus where are you staying?" Ray asked. "You guys are staying at the camp area down the trail aren't you? And as for me? It's better if I rough it out here than to go somewhere where they can easily find me." KC said. "But-" Ray started. "I'll be fine. You guys have done enough for me which I'm grateful for. If I didn't meet up with you I have no idea how I would get a new blade." KC said starting to walk off again. Then she turned around. "Which one of you are the most responsible?" KC asked looking at them. "Uh...Why?" Tyson asked. "I want one of you to hold on to my bitbeast. It is safer with you then with me." KC explained. "I'll hold on to it." Kai said. "Thanks Kai." KC said handing it to him. "Bye." KC said again and walked off. She disappeared into the green forest. "Hey Kai what does her bitbeast look like?" Tyson asked approaching Kai. Kai lifted up the bit to show Tyson and the others. Nothing was showing on the bit. "Where is it?" Max asked. "She said she had on didn't she." Max asked looking at the bit. "Yah." Ray said. "Weird." Tyson said. "I guess you can't get any information on her than huh chief." Tyson asked. "No because we don't know the name of her bitbeast. But I could try look for her name." Kenny said. "Well I think we should head back to the camp site." Ray said. With that they turned around and headed for camp. * * * * * * (Couple Hours Later)The Bladebreakers arrived at their camp site. Kenny started working on KC's new blade while the rest of the team went off to practice for awhile. A hour later they returned. "So Kenny, How's the blade coming along?" Ray asked sitting next to Kenny. "Good. I have her attack ring and blade base all ready. The only thing holding me back is the metal and a part in the gear." Kenny replied. "What's wrong with those parts?" Tyson asked. "Her old blade used a very unique metal. Not only the unique alloy of it but the shape as well."Kenny said holding up the old damaged metal ring. "And what about the gear?" Ray asked. "Same thing. She as a tiny metal ring inside made out of the same alloy as the metal ring." Kenny said now showing them the engine gear. "I'll have to do some extra research on it." Kenny said. Just then Tyson walks up to join the conversation. "Well did you get any information on her?" Tyson asked. "No. I looked her up but there was no information found. She's a complete mystery." Kenny said. "So we just wing it then." Tyson said. * * * * * * KC wondered through the now dark forest. She found a small clearing and took a look around. Staying very alert she listened to the noises around her. She could hear the animals up in the trees and on the ground. She looked up towards the beautiful moon above her.Through the forest she could also hear talking. She figured that she found her enemies camp site again. She turned around to avoid them. She found herself a cavern which she could take shelter in. There she rested for the remainder of the night. In the early morning hours KC awoke to...******There the chapter is done! took me awhile but I think it came out very successful. Well please leave a review on your way out. byebye~Sharon Converting /tmp/php0u0lAd to /dev/stdout