Beyblade Fan Fiction ❯ Mission: TyKa! ❯ Part One. ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Authoress' Notes: Just a little something I whipped up last night due to overwhelming and sudden inspiration by the High Priestesses extraordinaire - Ranma & Glay. @_@ Oh, the sketches… *über drools* May your well of artistic talents/inspirations never run dry. I have got to get me Windows/Office XP…

Dedications: To Ranma, because we've managed not to kill each other in this near year that we've gotten to know one another, and because you're always a source of unending inspiration.

To Glay, because you're a TyKa goddess and also an inspiration. ^_^

To Jen, because you're always willing to listen, talk, and drool over not only the TyKa but some other wonderful stuff right along with me, and for expending a lot of time and energy to help keep the spirit of TyKa growing by working on OTKH Expanded.

Warnings & Disclaimer: No. I don't own it. Ra damn it all, anyway. X_X

Yaoi, lemon, mildly adult language…extreme fluffiness? *shrugs*


Part One

"Hey, Max!"

The blonde Bladebreaker glanced around, hearing his name called by a familiar voice. "Oh! Hey, Tyson! What's up?" He asked when he spotted his best friend jogging toward him down the street.

Panting a little from the run, Tyson slowed to a stop next to Max and bent over, hands on his knees while he caught his breath. "I was just on my way over to see you, actually. I…had something I wanted to talk to you about."

Curious, Max inclined his head. "Yeah? What about?" He studied the World champ, noting the colour in his cheeks, the way he didn't seem to be able to stand still for very long, how he wouldn't quite meet Max's gaze. "You look…I don't know. Worried about something?"

"Ah…not out here. Can we go back to your place?" Tyson looked around nervously, turning Max bodily around and gently, but firmly, hustling the blonde back towards his house.

Max swatted at his hands to get him to quit pushing him along, but kept walking. "Okay. But what's wrong with the dojo?"

Tyson frowned, his face heating up slightly even more. "Um…no reason. Just that…there's too many people around to interrupt. Like Gramps. Can't have private conversations with that nosy old man around anymore."

"Oh. Sure." Max supposed he could understand that. "But what's so important that he can't know about it?"

"I'll tell you when we get to your place, Max. I swear. Just keep walking, old buddy."

Max sweatdropped and kept walking.

They reached his house above the hobby-shop and Max led Tyson up to his room where he plopped down into his desk chair, straddling the back and leaning on his arms on the back of the seat. Tyson sat on Max's bed cross-legged and let out a relieved sigh.

"Made it."

"Okay, bud. What in the world is going on with you?" Max demanded. "You're acting awfully strange lately."

"I know. And I'm sorry, dude." Tyson propped his chin on a hand and stared out Max's window. "I had to sneak out of the house just to come and find you, though. Gramps isn't even home…I kind of lied about him. Sorry."

"It's okay, but what's wrong, Ty? You're not your usual self." Then it dawned on him. "Wait - you wanted to get away from Kai? Why?" He gave the bluenette a suspicious, exasperated look. "Did you two have another argument?"

"No! No, it's nothing like that…" Tyson hastily shook his head. "We haven't fought about anything in a long time, really…"

"Then what?"

Taking a deep breath, Tyson blurted out the secret he'd been keeping for so long now, it had gotten to be a festering wound on his heart that hurt - a lot. "I'minlovewithKai." His words ran together incoherently, he said them so fast.

"Come again?" Max thought he heard what he did…but had to ask for confirmation anyway. He had to be sure he was hearing what he'd suspected for quite some time now.

"I said…I'm…in love…with…Kai." The World champ turned a shade of red that rivaled his jacket. "Oh Gods. There. I said it."

"It's about time, too." Max folded his arms across his chest and laughed at Tyson's shocked expression. "What? You think I didn't notice the way you've been ogling him over the bey-dish at practice? Or how you're always right next to him where ever you go together? Or how you look like you're going to cry when you're looking right at him and you think no one else is looking at you?"

"Okay, okay. I get the picture." Tyson collapsed backwards onto his back. "So you knew. What do I do, Maxie? I can't tell him. And it's been really, really hard to stay away from him lately. He's just so…so…"

Max sighed and gave him a sympathetic smile. "I know. His presence is hard to ignore. And when you can't do that, it's hard to put him out of your mind for even a second, right? What makes it worse is that he lives with you and he's almost perpetually around you…even when you're in different parts of the house, right?"

Tyson sat up. "How'd you get to be so wise?"

Shrugging, Max got up and joined him on the bed. "It's not hard to figure out, Tyson. Common sense. So why can't you tell him? Are you worried he'll freak out over you being gay or something like that?"

"No. I don't think he has a problem with that kind of thing. He's pretty open-minded, even if he seems cold and uncaring most of the time."

"Why then?"

"I think he'll freak out if he finds out I have feelings that way for him." Tyson's smile was wry and slightly self-mocking. "After all, it's not everyday someone you're just getting used to having as a friend tells you he's in love with you and wants to get into your pants."

Max snickered. "No. You've got a point there."

"What am I gonna do?!" Tyson wailed. "I can't take much more of this. And with college starting up soon and having to share a dorm room with him…"

"Oh my…" Max's blue eyes went wide. "Those rooms are rather cramped and close quartered, aren't they?"

"Exactly." He sounded so mournful and Max's heart went out to him.

"We could ask Hilary for help? Being a girl, she should have a really good idea of what to do."

That earned him a pained, "What are you trying to do? Embarrass me to death?" sort of look. "Are you kidding?"

"No! I'm serious!" The blonde waved a finger in the air. "She's really good at this stuff. She set up half the people at the prom didn't she? Most of those couples are still together, too." He grabbed Tyson's hand and hauled him up, dragging him toward the door. "Come on!"

"I'm going to die. I am going to die…" Tyson muttered over and over as he was pulled out the hobby-shop and down the street toward Hilary's house.


"Muahahaha!" Evil laughter filled the room and Tyson had the urge to hide behind Max. "So the great World champion has come crawling to little ole me for love advice?" Hilary planted her hands on her hips and got this absolutely frightening glint in her honey brown eyes. "Well, boys, you've come to the right person. I won't steer you wrong! When it comes to the heart, Hilary is Goddess of Love!"

Tyson's left eye began to twitch. "I…am going to kill you, Mizuhara Max."

Max laughed nervously and shied away from the dark cloud hovering over his friend's head.

"Well!" Hilary let them into her room and closed the door, and they all took a seat on a beanbag chair on the floor. "What sort of advice do you need, Tyson? And who are we trying to get you set up with?"

"Uh…" He turned flushed. "Do I have to tell you? I mean…no offence, Hil, but I just managed to work up the courage to tell Max."

She smiled at him. "If you want my help, Tyson, I have to know who it is so I can make the best strategy possible. Don't you like to know your opponents when you're going into a beybattle? Same thing, really."

"I guess so." He didn't really see the similarities, but apparently she did.

"Just tell her, Tyson." Max encouraged. "It won't be so bad. And Hilary can keep a secret. Can't you?" He gave her a warning, hard look. She just grinned back and nodded.

"Of course I can! Matchmaker-client confidentiality guaranteed." The brunette held up her hand in a boy-scout sign, the other over her heart. "I swear."

"Kai." Was all Tyson said.

She blinked at him. "Pardon?"


"Are you serious? You have a thing for the ice-man?" Now she was beaming. "OH MY GOD!"

"Hilary! Keep it down!" Tyson shushed her, glaring in embarrassment. "Geez! Yes, alright? Now can you help me out, or not?"

"Well…that depends. What do you want? To tell him? Or ask him out? Or both?"

Tyson stared down at his sock feet and stayed silent. He didn't really know WHAT he wanted to do.

"He isn't ready to tell Kai just yet." Max spoke up for him, seeing that his best friend was at a loss for words. "But he's finding it hard to hide his feelings so he needs a way to cope with it, what with college starting soon…"

"Ah…" Hilary nodded wisely with understanding. "I see. Well, what you need is some way to 'tell' Kai without him actually knowing about it."

"Huh?" Tyson looked up, confused. "What do you mean?"

"I mean, Tyson, that you should start a journal. Or write a story." Both boys could almost see the light-bulb go off over her head. "That's it! Here…let me show you something." She got up and went to her desk, grabbing her laptop computer and bringing it over to them. She flipped it open and turned it on, waiting for it to boot up. "See, here's my idea. You need an outlet for your feelings, right? Well, why don't you write out stories about how you would tell Kai you like him, or whatever you like, whenever you need to, and then post them on the Internet anonymously?"

Tyson blinked, mulling that idea over. Max raised an eyebrow and leaned over to look at her screen. "What are you showing us?"

"This." She clicked on a link and turned the laptop so they could all see the screen at once. "See? It's a site where people post their works of fiction. Some of it is totally made up, but some of it is called 'fanfiction,' and it's stories people write about their favorite shows on TV, or celebrities, for example. And it's completely anonymous, too!" She clicked on another link, giggling. "I've read some really cool stuff on here. And when I was exploring not long ago, I found this…"

" 'Fanfic section' … 'Sports & Recreation' … 'Beyblading' …holy crap!" Max read along with each link Hilary clicked on, ending with an exclamation of disbelief and reluctant laughter. "Look at that! There's fanfiction about us! The Bladebreakers!!" He began laughing his head off, clutching his stomach.

Tyson's eyebrows shot up at some of the story descriptions. "Looks like a lot of people have already paired us up…" he mused, quietly. Hilary laid her hand on his shoulder, patting lightly.

"Yep. So if you're at all worried about how people would react, you can see there are people who don't care about that sort of thing. Heck, they'd be HAPPY about it."

"I don't care what anyone else thinks, really." Tyson shook his head. "Just what Kai will think…"

"Maybe. But does that help at all?" She asked, closing her computer again.

"Yeah." He thought about it for a moment. "Yeah, I think it just might. For a while, anyway. Until I really am ready to tell him about it." Tyson gave her a small smile. "Thanks, Hilary. I'll give it a try."

"Great!" She grinned. "I don't suppose you'll let me know what your penname will be so I can read it when you post?"

"Not in this or any other lifetime, Hil."



Two days later, someone else showed up on Hilary's doorstep seeking advice. And while on one hand she wasn't totally surprised to see him, on the other she was more than a little shocked when she opened the door and found a slightly blushing Kai with his fist raised to knock on the door again.


"Hello. Uh…can I come in?"

She shook herself out of her surprise and stood aside. "Of course."


Hilary took him to the living room, since her parents were both at work that day and no one was home, gesturing for Kai to have a seat.

"So…" She said slowly, not sure exactly how to start of the conversation and not be rude about it.

"You're wondering what I'm doing here." He stated, glancing at her briefly, then looking at a spot on the coffee table, fixing his crimson eyes on it.

"Well…yeah, actually. You're not someone I expect to come over and visit, you know. Even if we are friends." She told him honestly. "Did you need some help with something?"

Kai shifted uncomfortably. "You could say that." He refused to look at her now, and she noticed it.

"Okay…well, whatever it is, I'll do my best. The easiest way would be to just tell me."

He gave a decisive nod and said flatly, "I need to get Tyson out of my head."

That was a bit of a shocker. "Um…I'm not quite sure I follow…"

Struggling to find a way to explain that wasn't embarrassing, and not finding one, Kai swallowed his pride. "I mean I like Tyson. More than…anything. And I need a way to keep from dragging him to a closet and…"

Hilary blushed, giggling a little. Kai gave her a glare and she swallowed back her laughter. "I'm sorry, Kai! I'm not laughing at your predicament! Just the idea of you making out with Tyson in a closet is funny, that's all."


"I'll be serious, now. Let me think for a moment." She pretended to be trying to think up something profound, when she was really doing mental happy-dances and screaming in excitement in the silence of her mind. So Kai did feel the same for Tyson as the bluenette did for him! This was just perfect! And… Hilary had a perfectly wicked idea. I can play matchmaker for real and set these two up so they'll eventually find out how they feel for each other! I'm so good.

Kai watched her closely, not entirely liking the way her eyes were gleaming with glee. "What are you up to, Hilary?"

She gave him a completely innocent look. "What do you mean? Listen, Kai, I think I have an idea. Do you keep a journal?"

"Do I look like I would?"

"I'll take that as a no. Hold on one minute. I'll be right back." She got up and went to her room to get her laptop, grinning widely all the way and rubbing her hands together at the new prospects.

When Hilary returned, she sat next to Kai on the couch and showed him her screen, her browser opened to the fiction site she'd showed Tyson and Max. "Take a look at this, Kai."

"It's a fiction site." He raised an eyebrow. "What's this got to do with my…problem?"

"Well, here's the thing: why don't you try writing your feelings out in a story of some kind? You know, like these fanfics." Hilary showed him the section with the fanfics about the Bladebreakers and many other famous beyblading teams. "Then you could post it on here and get feedback from people. It's totally anonymous, so no one would even know it's you - the real Kai Hiwatari. And that way you'd not only get some of your emotions off your chest, but maybe work up the courage to tell Tyson how much you really care for him?"

Kai was silent for a few minutes, staring at the screen as he thought seriously about what she was saying. It did have its merits, he supposed. And if know one would even know it was him writing things…

"Kai?" Hilary inquired tentatively, when he didn't say anything or even blink for an impossibly long time. "What do you think?"

"Thanks, Hilary." Kai gave her his gratitude, feeling a little bit relieved all of a sudden. "I think I might try it…although, I'm not sure if I can write anything like that." He pointed at the screen, blushing quite a bit.

Looking at it, Hilary's eyes widened and she laughed, turning a little pink herself. "Well, you don't have to write THAT sort of fic, Kai. Though I think you probably could - and quite well, I'd bet - if you tried. You're a very articulate person when you actually speak."

He gave her a mildly amused expression and stood up. "I appreciate your help, Hilary."

"Anytime, my friend. If it doesn't work out, let me know and I'll think up something else, alright?"

Kai nodded once and Hilary let him out the front door, waving goodbye and wondering if she'd be able to contain her excitement on this new mission she had, which she would officially dub "Mission: TyKa" in her journal where she kept track of her matchmaking attempts.


And so, completely unbeknownst to one another, both Tyson and Kai spent the next week or so writing down what they would say, how they would say it, where they imagined they would be when saying it, etc, etc, in a short story, working in their spare time when they were alone in their rooms. And each found that it seemed to just…flow out of them with surprising ease.

When they finished their works, the teens went to the site that Hilary had shown them and opened accounts, getting ready to post their fiction.

For Kai, it was a no-brainer what penname he would choose. Heck, he could put his OWN name and no one would ever know it was the real him, seeing as how there were several other people who were using his name already as their own pennames. But, wanting to be somewhat creative and different from the masses, he chose 'Inferno' as his and proceeded to post his fic.

Tyson, on the other hand, sat for nearly an hour trying to come up with something that wasn't completely obvious, and because he was noticing that his name was getting used for that purpose just as Kai's was (not to mention the rest of their teammates' names). Then, on a flash of inspiration, the World champ came up with 'Storm Chaos'. (1) Smiling to himself, he posted his fic.

"There. That's done." He studied the screen with no small amount of satisfaction and a little bit of pride. He'd actually done it. Out of curiosity, he decided to read a few of these other fics and see what other people were writing about his team's lives.

Checking the "new" section for starters, he found one that was - not surprisingly - about himself and Kai. "Hmm…it sounds kind of interesting." He decided, clicking on the link and settling down to read.


Meanwhile, in Kai's room across the hall from Tyson's, the dual-haired captain was lying on his stomach on his bed, laptop open in front of himself, perusing the fics just as his crush was - even in the same section as Tyson. Finding one about himself and Tyson - and taking note of the summary - he couldn't help clicking on the link and wondering just what people would believe they're union would be like.

He read through it, finding himself addicted almost immediately and reluctantly admitting to himself that his attention had truly been caught by this story. And then he had to admit more than just his attention had been caught. Kai ran a hand through his dual-shaded hair, heaving a sigh as he clicked on a little button that said 'review' at the end of the story.

"Not bad. You kept me reading through the whole thing, which is no easy feat, let me tell you. I think you have a pretty good grasp on the characters." Here he had to stop himself from putting "on us" instead. "Write more." And he added his penname to finish it off before clicking the 'send' button.

Yawning a little, since it was getting late, Kai closed his laptop and put it away, crawling into bed and shutting off the light.


When Tyson was finished reading, a little amazed and blushing wildly, he did the polite thing (even though he truly wanted to anyway) and reviewed the story for the author, who called him/herself Inferno.

"This fic was amazing!" He typed. "It was so sweet and even romantic. I thought you really had the characters personalities down, too. I hope you write more… It gave me a little bit of hope for my own situation. Thanks for the inspiration!" And then he signed it with his penname, clicking the 'send' button.

Feeling much more upbeat for some reason, Tyson shut down his computer and got ready for bed quickly, hoping that tonight he would dream happy dreams of Kai.


The next day, the team had a fairly intensive training session, getting ready for an upcoming exhibition tournament. Hilary, sitting next to Kenny as he observed and recorded each match, adjusting stats and making suggestions every now and then, could barely sit still as her eyes flicked back and forth between Kai and Tyson all day, watching them for any signs that they had done what she'd suggested.

Max, who had also been keeping an eye on his teammates undercover - but doing a better job at it than Hilary was - also noticed how Hilary was practically bouncing in her seat with barely leashed excitement. Fearing an outburst, he made sure to pull her aside for a chat during one of their breaks.

"What is up with you? You're all excited about something."

"Ohhhhh! Max, you won't believe it! Well, you probably will, but…"

"Hilary, just spit it out, would you?"

"Kai came to see me yesterday." She clasped her hands together in front of herself and shook them like she'd just won a medal.

"And…?" Max didn't get it.

"And he had the same problem Tyson did!" The brunette said lowly, in an overstated conspiratorial whisper, leaning in close to him.

"You're kidding!" Max exclaimed, keeping his voice down. "No way!"

"Yes way! He wanted to 'get Tyson out of his head' as he put it." She giggled gleefully. "I told him to do the same thing I told Tyson to do. He thanked me, and left, and I'm really hoping he's tried it!"

Max grinned at her and impulsively hugged her hard. "Great job, Hil! Maybe we'll see some progress soon from them. Both of them are so distracted today, too. Did you notice?"

"Yeah, I did." She nodded. "I think Kenny's getting a little annoyed with it, too. He keeps threatening to make them run laps for an hour around the track at the high school if they don't start paying attention."

"Heh. Well, we'd better get back ourselves, or we'll be running right along side them." Max led her back to the group.

Things continued along well. Training was over, and the team split up to go their separate ways for the day.

Once home again, however, things didn't quite last. The peaceful streak that Tyson and Kai had been having abruptly ended with an argument over chores. It was senseless, and a little stupid, but it happened.

Angrily, Tyson threw his hands up in the air and stomped off to his room, slamming the door. Kai didn't stomp, nor did he slam any doors, but he did disappear into his own room, a dark cloud of annoyed anger following him.

As stupid fights between friends sometimes go, neither would speak to the other for almost three days. During that time, while missing each other immensely (and in no way admitting it - even to themselves), they worked on new stories. They also checked up on their first works to see how they were received among the other writers on the site.

Reading through the reviews he'd gotten quickly, Tyson huffed. It was all pretty much the same, short thing: "Great job! Please write more!" There was one, however, that caught his eye. It was from that author that he had read and reviewed for.

"Wow. I guess at least someone had something constructive to say." Tyson said to himself. "I should email him/her a thank you." So he did just that. Then he left his computer to sit on his bed and pull his blade apart to clean and polish it up for Dragoon.

Across the hall, Kai was just reading Tyson's review as well. "Romantic? I came off as romantic? Geez…" The captain rolled his eyes and blinked when his email suddenly pinged, signalling new mail. Opening it, his eyes widened when he saw it was from that same writer.

"Thanks so much for your review. It was the only one that was really constructive, and I appreciate that a lot. I didn't really think I could ever write something that someone would even bother to read, but I guess that's not entirely true, is it? LOL By the way, I really liked your story, too. I hope you will write more. As I said in my own review, it gave me a little hope for my own situation. You write as if you're in a similar one to me. I wish you lots of luck with that, if you are, and luck with any future writing you might do. Thanks again, Storm Chaos."

Kai found himself a little touched. And a little spooked. "Was it that obvious that I was writing about myself? I hope not. Maybe this guy/girl is just really perceptive." Shrugging it off, he typed out a quick response and went about posting his new little story he'd just whipped up, purging his mad into fiction instead of taking it out on some undeserving person. Or even a deserving one like Tyson.


Tyson looked up from his attack ring when his computer dinged and a window popped up on his screen, signalling email. He set his equipment aside and went over, taking a seat. "Let's see…whoa. They replied! And so fast, too…"

"You're welcome. And thank you, too, for reviewing for me. I have to admit I didn't really think that I could write anything interesting, but like yousaid, apparently I can. I didn't think anyone would pick up on the fact that it was based somewhat on my own life, and give you kudos for being perceptive.

"By the way, are you a guy or a girl? From your name and your profile I can't tell. I'm a guy, in case you were having the same difficulties. Anyway, I hope to see more of your work as well, and I promise I will be writing more. It seems to be working for me, so I'll keep it up for now. Yrs, Inferno."

Tyson smiled and saved the email for later, intending to respond tomorrow. For some odd reason he was feeling a little lighter and calmer now. Maybe he ought to go apologize to Kai…

Getting up and walking to his bedroom door, Tyson became very determined to be the mature one and make up with Kai.

Besides, he didn't want the guy of his dreams to be angry with him any more than he wanted to be angry with his captain. He hated fighting with his friends. He especially hated fighting with people who he considered more than friends, like Gramps, his team, and…Kai.

Standing in front of Kai's door, he raised his fist and knocked lightly, taking a deep breath and letting it out slowly as he waited for a reply.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Authoress' Notes: (1) Yes, I used my old name. Why waste a good thing? ^_^;; *winces & holds up hands in defence* Sorry, Ranma! But I just couldn't stop myself! After heavy editing (until nearly 4 am, I might add), I managed to whittle it down to around 4,600 words…and I haven't even finished it yet! Oh well…I'll just have to write the rest of it tomorrow. Oh wait, that would be today. ^_^;; Time gets so confusing sometimes. Please R/R!