Beyblade Fan Fiction ❯ Moving to California ❯ A bad imperssion and school`s first day ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

A bad impression and school`s first day

Destiney just loved Saturdays.It was definitely the best day of the week,the only day you could wake up at noon and eat a late breakfast.The sun was shining brightly today aswell,and she was starting to wonder if it ever rained in California.
But then,she thought,they were still at the start of September yet.After breakfast she got her skateboard and went to see if she could find a skatingpark or somewhere else to skate."Be careful honey,and be back home for dinner",her mother called to her.
"Yes,mom!"she yelled and disappeared out the door.Rolling down the streets,she didn`t have anything in the world to worry about.She could just use this day to relax.

"Ok,I`ll see you later,Tala.Bye".He ended the call and headed for his bike,a big,black motorbike.He didn`t notice that a girl on skateboard was coming towards him at full speed.Suddely there was a huge "crash",and he was lying on the ground,the girl sprawled all over his chest.He growled and pushed her away,sitting up.He noticed that she had long,white hair with stripes in all the colours of the rainbow and pretty,blue eyes.
She whimpered,a frown on her face as she sat back up."Oh,I`m so awfully sorry!I really didn`t mean to!"she apologied and offered him her hand.
He shoved it away and stood up.She definitely ahd to come from England with that accent,he thought sourly.He growled once again and brushed some dust of his jacket.The girl continued to make apologies,her bright,blue eyes looking worried.
"Are you alright?I wasn`t thinking,and I just..."He abrupted her."Next time,try to skate instead of trying to kill people,you brat!"he snarled.
This seemed to hurt her feelings,but he didn`t care anyway.She stared at her own feet.He pretended not to take notice of her expression and walked away,an annoyed look on his handsome face.

Destiney looked at the boy she had just knocked over.He seemed to be her age,and had spikey,blue hair and angry,grey eyes.He slapped her hand away and stood up on his own.
He didn`t seem to take any notice of her apologies either."Next time,try to skate instead of trying to kill people,you brat!"he scoffed.
She was totally shocked by the boy`s rudeness.Brat?He turned around and walked away.She just stoood there,staring at his back as he vanished.She frowned with displeasure and picked up her skate-board.Anger was welling up inside her.Brat!
Who did he think he was?She pushed all thoughts of that rude boy totally out of her head,determined not to let such a dumb thing ruin her mood.

As Monday came,school`s first day came with it.A hired chauffeur took them to school,about 10 min away.The weather was nice and hot today aswell.Nathaniel was just as excited as her,and his eyes shining with excitement.Their car stopped by a dull,grey building.They got out of the car,
taking a look at the schoolyard.Destiney couldn`t help the butterflies in her stomach,her heart beating quickly in her chest.She took a deep breath before she went inside.Nate tagged along at her side.Inside she started to look for the principals office,like her mother had told them to do.They managed to find it after a while.The pricipal`s name was Mr.Avatory,and he seemed to be a very kind and helpful man.He greeted them with a "good morning" before he told them to sit down.

"I assume you are Destiney and Nathaniel Raiden?"They nodded their heads."Oh,there is no reason to be shy,is there?Well,how are you today?"
As usual,Destiney would let her brother speak.Mr.Avatory listened to Nate for a while before he decided to take them to their classroom."You better come with me,children",he said.They left the office and followed him down the corridors before stopping in front of a door.Mr.Avatory knocked the door before opening it,and popped his head inside.The teacher,a small woman with dark hair and big glasses,greeted them."Good morning,children!Mrs.Garnet,would you be kind enough to take care of the newcomers?"The small,darkhaired woman lead them up to the blackboard.The whole class were looking at them.
"well,everyone,this is Destiney and Nathaniel Raiden.They have just moved here from London".She smiled at them."Why don`t you just go and sit down at the moment?"They did as they were told and sat down.The remaining time of the lesson,Destiney listened to Mrs.Garnet telling them about the French revolution.When the bell rang,the students were out the door before she could even say "biology".Mrs.Garnet gave them a book each and a schedule before leaving."I`ll see you later,children".

They slowly walked towards the entrance,then splitting up.When Nate spoted the boys who were playing football,he headed that way.Destiney could see some of the girls nearby giggle and watch him when he passed them.He didn`t seem to take notice of them though.She sat down on the soft,green grass.
A little later,someone came up in front of her,blocking her sight.She raised her head,surprised to see two boys,both blonde and blueeyed smiling at her.They sat down at each side of her."Hello,pretty",the youngest-looking of the two said.She stared at them in disbelief.Pretty?She didn`t quite know what to do when one of them put his arm around her shoulder.She tried to push him away,but the other one held her aswell,
and she was stuck between the two of them.The second guy stroke his fingers over her long,white hair,and she shuddered at the touch.
She was starting to panic now.And when she thought she was lost,a girl`s voice suddenly called out:Barkley!Eison!"She assumed that this had to be the boy`s last names,because they both cast the intruder a dirty glare and got up.A girl offered her hand,and Destiney took it.
"Thank you so much.I didn`t know what to do",she said."Oh,that`s ok,I have never liked the two of them".She smiled at Destiney.The lass was pretty,with merry,grey eyes and a warm smile.Her hair was special,the hair at the back of her head looking like a darkblue "crown".The rest of her hair was lighter blue and curly.She was taller than Destiney,but most people were anyways.

"I`m Malisia Hiwatari,but ya may call me Malis".She stared at the other girl,as if she was trying to remember something."You`re Destiney,right?We`re in the same class".Malisia started to walk,and Destiney tagged along.This girl reminded her of someone,but she couldn`t quite place her finger on whom that might be.
"So you`re new around here?Where do you live?And do you mind if I just say Dizzy instead?".She smiled."That`s ok".Malisia certainly enjoyed talking."Well,I`m not sure,but my gate is called Warley-street or something like that.All the houses there belong to rich families".The other girl looked at her with a peculiar expression."Warly-street?I knew there was something familiar about your name!"She snapped her fingers.
"The Raiden family,right?It appears that we live in the same street aswell!"Destiney smiled."Really?"The other girl put an arm around her shoulders."Yeah.And I bet mom has sent you guys an invitation to a "welcome-party" already.Just you wait and see!"
She snapped her fingers once again.The bell rang,and they went inside."You may have Aya`s desk today,she and Jade aint here anyway".Destiney accepted the offer and sat down.Malisia sent the two boys an annoyed look.They had maths.

The bell rang for the last time that day,and Destiney and Nate were picked up by their chauffeur."I`ll see ya!Bye!"Malisia called out.Destiney waved her hand at her.Nate looked curious."Who was that?"he asked."That,my brother,was Malisia Hiwatari.We live in the same street as her family does".He smiled in his usual manner."You don`t say?"He turned on his discman and disappeared into his own world.
Back home,their mother wanted to know it all about her children`s first day at school.Nathaniel would as usual not miss a chance to talk.Destiney just listened.Her mother turned to her."What about you,sweetheart?"
Destiney`s smile widened."Great!I even got a friend,Malisia Hiwatari.She really nice".Her mother seemed as if she was trying to remember something."Hiwataris?They have invited us to come to a "welcome-party" tomorrow night".Nate`s face lit up."Really?When?"Their mother stroke his hair lovingly."At eight o`clock,darling".He grinned and left the room.Destiney shook her head.Nathaniel was just Nathaniel,like he`d always been.She went
to her room to find an outfit she could wear for the party tomorrow.

Destiney`s closet mostly contained jeans,cargo-pants and other boy-like clothes.She didn`t like to wear skirts and dresses,like most girls usually did.She chose one of her few dresses,a dark,green dress made of silk and white pearls.It was a quite expensive dress,the only dress she actually liked to wear.
She hung it on her chair before going back downstairs again.Their father was of course interested in listening to what Nate would tell about his day at school,and Nate didn`t mind telling it all over again.

After dinner,she spent the rest of the day to make her bedroom cozier.When nightfall came,she was already starting to feel at home in her new room.She brushed her teeth and went to bed after telling her parents goodnight.She didn`t fall asleep at once.Her thoughts were whirling around in her head.She had made a friend already.Maybe life in California wouldn`t be so bad after all?She turned of her light and went to sleep.

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