Beyblade Fan Fiction ❯ My World of Darkness ❯ Death Dinner, and Captured ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Death Dinner and Captured
Chapter One
Normal POV
“Mother? Father?” a young women walked into the hut that she shared with her parents. “Mother?! Father?!” she asked again. This time her voice rising with worry. “Mother! Father!” she screamed as she once again walked out into the night. This time she found her parents. Both of them had their heads ripped off, and their bodies' organs spread everywhere.
As she looked up she found her parents murders. Demons. As she looked at them, the demons were fighting over her parent's parts for dinner. Their eyes were black and emotionless, their skin a slimy green. Tattered pieces of cloth strapped around their waist to hide their dignity.
“Aaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh!” she screamed into the night, as she saw the sight before her, as she fell to her knees.
“Huh?” both demons let out as they looked over at the girl before them on her knees, as silent tears cascaded down her face.
“Another morsel brother.” Said one of the demons.
“Yes. Lets break her arms, and legs, and let her watch as we devour her parents. Lets make her suffer, and then leave her for the wolves.” Said the other as they both started to slowly come towards her.
“Mother. Father.” She whispered as they grabbed her tightly within their slimly hands.
“Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!” she screamed in pain as they broke her legs, and arms one by one. As they dropped her to the ground, they made sure that she was staring directly at them. Her body in excruciating pain, and the tears still flowing as she watched them devour her parents one by one until nothing was left of either of them. As the demons left, one of them came back.
“Worthless human.” He said as he brought his leg back and kicked her directly in the stomach knocking her out.
`Mother, Father.' She thought as the girl drifted in the endless world of her mind. Pictures flashing before her eyes of her family, and the recent events that just occurred.
Spencer's POV
As we walked in the night searching for fresh food, Ian, and I stumbled (more of along the lines of Ian tripping over something) upon a figure lying in the grass. As Ian picked himself up his eyes grew wide, and he started to lick his lips, hunger evident in his voice.
“Hey Spence. I think I just found super.” He said as he started to lean closer to the figure, getting ready to sink his fangs into whatever it was.
“Hold on there.” I said as I picked him up and away from the figure lying on the ground. As I looked down the scent of blood caught my attention and Ian and I finally took in our surroundings. In the distance was a small hut, and a few feet away from the figure was a huge area covered in blood.
As I put Ian down, I leaned down to inspect the figure lying on the ground. When I turned it over my eyes grew wide. Lying in front of me was a dead girl (or at least we thought). Blood covered her face, and her arms and legs were twisted in awkward positions, most likely broken.
“I think I agree with your assumption that we have found super.” I said as I leaned down to pick up the dead girl.
“Hey Spence we should hurry and get home, the sun will be rising soon.” Said Ian as he and I started to run back to the mansion.
Normal POV
“Where are they?” asked an annoyed two-toned blue haired man as he walked around the dining room impatiently.
“Kai chill. They'll be back with super in a minute or two.” Said a red haired man as he two impatiently waited for the two, only he sat at the table with a violet haired man.
“Tala, you should be more worried about them. The sun's about to rise, we may lose them. What then?” asked the violet haired man.
“You're right Bryan. But I trust them.” Said Tala as he sat at the table waiting.
“We're home!” said the shorty with green hair.
“About time Ian.” Said Kai
“Where's Spencer?” asked Bryan as he got up to great them.
“He'll be here in a…”
“Hello!” said the blonde head, as he walked in carrying the girl.
“Spencer what took you so…long?!” asked Bryan slowly as he locked the door tightly so the sun couldn't come in, and then noticed Spencer's cargo.
“We brought you guys a surprise. Tonight we have human!” said Spencer as he laid the dead girl on the table in front of everyone. As they all looked down at her their eyes grew wide, and their mouth's started to salivate.
“Is she dead?” asked Bryan as they all sat around her.
“Yup! We found her body five miles away. It appears that whatever it was ate her friends or family and then left her to die. Plus both her legs, and arms are broken. So there's no way she can be alive.” Said Spencer as he joined the rest of his friends around the table. All of their eyes set upon their dinner for the night.
As they each grabbed a part of her to feed from her dead corpse, the girl spoke.
“Mother, Father.” She said above a whisper. At this they all jumped back from the table.
“Holy Hell!” yelled Bryan. “She's alive!”
“Mother, Father.” She said again as her eyes fluttered open.
Kochou's POV
`Where am I?' I asked myself as I drifted in the abyss of my mind.
“Mother. Father.” I said out loud. I could begin to feel my body awakening.
“Mother. Father.” I said again, as my eyes fluttered open, and immediately shut upon the greeting from the harsh light. As I reopened my eyes and adjusted I looked around and almost immediately I let out a gasp as a sharp pain ran throughout my body. I could distantly see figures hovering above me.
“What should we do now?” I heard one of the voices say out loud.
“We feed, but only a little. We don't want to kill her.” Said another voice. I could feel arms gently wrap around me, and pull me closer to a warm body.
“Sleep child.” A masculine voice said as I felt a slight pressure on my forehead. Darkness.
Normal POV
“What should we do now?” Kai asked as he looked over at the girl. They all watched as her eyes fluttered open.
“We feed, but only a little. We don't want to kill her.” Said Tala as he gently grabbed the girl and pulled her over to him. “Sleep child.” He said as put pressure on her forehead.
As the child fell into a deep slumber, Tala moved her neck and grazed his teeth against her skin before biting down. When the blood poured into his mouth, he drank for only thirty seconds before letting go, and passing her over to Kai. Carefully as Kai did the same and passed her down, Tala got up, and left. When he returned he carried bandages, and long pieces of wood.
When they had finished they gently placed her back on the table.
“Kai put her leg in a splint, and tie it tightly.” Said Tala as he gave him the necessary things. “Spencer her other leg. Ian her left arm, and Bryan her right arm.” Said Tala as he to handed them the necessary supplies. When they all got down to their jobs, Tala gently placed her head in his lap, and gently started wrap the bandages around her neck to stop the bleeding.
After they had finished with her limbs, they each placed their hands over each of her arms, and legs. A bright dark light surrounded them, and when they backed away her body was fully healed. The splints and bandages disappeared, and her clothes and body were clean.
“Guys. Where should we put her, and what are we going to do with her?” asked Ian as he helped clean up the mess.
“I know.” Said Kai. “We could keep her as our servant, and feed from her when we feel like it, but not enough to kill her.”
“Good idea. But what is she going to eat?” asked Spencer
“We'll figure that out later.” Said Bryan
“Now where shall we put her?” asked Tala
“There's that one cell that has furniture in it in the dungeon.” Said Ian as he stood up.
“Good. That shall be her room.” Said Tala and Kai as Tala leaned down and picked her up.
As they walked the halls and down the stairs into the dungeons the child stirred.
“No. No!” she cried softly as she started to struggle within Tala's grip on her. “Mother! Father!” she cried out as tears started to cascade slowly down her face. Her words going unnoticed, and yet at the same time noticed.
Tala's POV
“No. No!” the girl screamed as she started to struggle trying to get out of my grasp.
“Mother! Father!” she screamed. I looked down and saw her crying as the tears started to slide down her face and onto the floor.
As she cried she started to snuggle closer to me, and placed her head on my shoulder as she continued to cry in her sleep. When we arrived at her room, Ian quickly ran over, and opened the door, and I stepped through the door.
“Kai. Could you pull down the covers on the bed?” I asked Kai. He nodded his head and headed for the bed, while I quickly followed, and soon placed her gently in bed, and tucked her in.
“Lock the door Spencer when we leave.” I heard Kai say as we started to head out the door.
As we left, Spencer locked the door, and we went to our coffins. In our bedchamber we had two coffins, each the size of a king sized bed. As we got into our bedchamber, Kai opened our coffin and hopped in, I quickly followed, while the other three did the same with their coffin.
“Goodnight guys.” We said to each other before we shut the doors, and fell into a deep slumber until nightfall.
Normal POV
The sun was just setting over the horizon as brown eyes started to flutter open from their slumber.
“Where…am I?” came a tired voice. “What happened?” asked the voice again. “huh? Mother! Father!” cried the voice.
“Mother! Father!” a feminine voice cried in the dark, a figure huddled in the corner of a small room while tears cascaded down her face.
“I want to go home.” She said to herself, but knew in her heart that she could never go home again. As she cried gently to herself she heard footsteps in the distance coming towards her location.
`Got to hide.' She told herself as she hid behind the door, and held her breath as she heard the lock turn, and the door open. She watched as five men entered the room, all of the walking towards the bed. She could see one of them was carrying something but other than that nothing. As the men neared the bed she saw her time to escape from where ever she was, and quickly ran out the room, and down the hall.
“Damn it!” screamed Tala as he and the others ran out of the room, and chased her.
“She's good.” Said Bryan as they got closer to her by the second.
“Yah. She is, but she won't make it out the door. I locked it, just to be safe.” Said Kai.
Kochou's POV
As sat crying to myself I could faintly hear footsteps coming down the hallway towards me.
`Got to hide.' I told myself as I hid behind the door, and held my breath. As I watched the door unlock, and open I was caught surprised when five men came walking into the room, heading straight for the bed. I could see that one of them was holding something but other then that I couldn't see anything else that they might have had. When they neared the bed I saw my chance to escape and I ran out door, and down the hallway.
“Damn it!” I could hear one of them yell as I heard them start to chase me. I ran and ran until I came to a door at the end, and I tried to open it, but the door was locked. I could hear them coming closer and closer to me, and I knew that I couldn't escape. As my tears started to flow once more I curled myself up into a ball and cried, scared to death of the men, and what they might do to me. I could hear them coming closer and closer until they were in front of me. I could feel their eyes staring at me and my pathetic sobbing form.
Normal POV
As the men ran after her they quickly came to a stop when they reached the door. There in the corner at the end of the hall was the girl. She was crying, and they just stood there watching her. As they started to slowly come towards her, she curled tighter into herself and started to cry harder.
“Grab her on the count of three.” Said Tala as they surrounded her.
“One. Two. Three!” he said as he and the rest of the men jumped her, and held her firmly to the ground.
“Aaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh!” she screamed as she started to struggle with all of her might.
“Calm down.” Said Kai as he clamped his hand over her mouth.
“Her skin is freezing.” Said Bryan. “Must have woken in a cold sweat.”
“Calm down.” Said Kai again he took his other hand and started to gently stroke her hair. Within minutes she gave up, and just laid on the ground, letting them take over her.
“Good Girl.” Said Spencer. “Ian go and get a bath started. She needs it.” Said Spencer as Tala picked her up, and held her close to him, while she just snuggled deeper into his arms, still crying softly while keeping her eyes closed.
“Kay. Kai could you unlock the door.” Asked Ian while he waited patiently for Kai to do so.
“Spencer while Ian's starting the bath, go and get her something else to wear.” Said Kai as Bryan, Tala and him started to walk towards to bathing area, the child desperately needed a bath.