Beyblade Fan Fiction ❯ My World of Darkness ❯ Bath Time ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Bath Time
Chapter Two
Kai's POV
As I went to unlock the door for Ian, I told Spencer to go and find her something to wear. Her clothes were soaked through with sweat, and were as cold as ice. I could faintly see her shivering out of the corner of my eye, as the tears still flowed. Bryan Tala and I walked throughout the halls heading towards the bathing area. Ian had run off ahead to get a head start on the bath.
My senses filled with the scent of her fear, and the salty smell of her tears.
“Why do you cry?” I asked her as we kept walking.
“…” she didn't answer, although her tears lessened, and slowed. I stopped as we neared the doors, and I turned around. As I stared at her, I was soon right in front of her. I could smell a spark in her fear as she curled closer to Tala, her eyes closed tightly.
“Don't be afraid.” I said gently to her, as I softly took her face in my hand and turned it upwards to face me.
“Open your eyes.” I said as I started to wipe away her tears.
“…” she didn't answer me, but whimpered from fear.
“Open your eyes.” I said again, Bryan, and Tala along with me looking at her intently waiting for her to open her eyes. Slowly she started to open them. We all gasped when we looked into her eyes. Those eyes of hers, so full of pain, suffering, fear, but in the back, a little hope. Her eyes were brown, and held a lot of emotion. As I let go of her face we entered the bathing area, and Tala set her on her feet.
“Get undressed.” Tala told her, as we all stood there watching her. She didn't move.
“I said get undressed.” Said Tala again as we stared at her intently waiting for her to do as she was told.
Kochou's POV
“Get undressed.” I heard the red head say to me as he and the others stared at me.
`What do they think I am?' I asked myself. `Like fuck! I'll strip in front of them.'
“I said get undressed.” He said again. And yet again I didn't move.
As I looked up into the two-toned blue head's eyes I gasped. His eyes were as red as blood, within them holding no emotions. As I turned around and started to run, the violet haired man suddenly appeared in front of me out of thin air. I let out a scream as I felt the red heads arms circle around me, and pull me against his chest.
“Aaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh!” I screamed. “Let go of me!”
“Aaaaaaaaahhhhhhhmmph!” I screamed as loud as I could when a hand came around my mouth. I was struggling to get out of their hold. But the harder I struggled the tighter his arms came around me. At this time the blonde and green haired men showed up.
Normal POV
“Aaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh!” the girl screamed as Tala came up and grabbed her from behind. “Let go of me!” she screamed again.
“Aaaaaaaaahhhhhhhmmph!” she screamed as a hand came up and gagged her. She struggled, trying to get out of their grasp, but the harder she struggled the tighter Tala's grasp became on her.
“Aaaaahhhh! Ah! Ah.” She screamed again and again until she finally gave up and held still as tears started to once again flow.
`I can't escape. I can't escape.' She thought to herself as she began to cry harder and harder by the minute.
`I'm so scared. Please don't let them hurt me.' She thought again.
Tala's POV
When I asked her to get undressed the first time she didn't move. When I asked her for a second time she still didn't move, instead she looked up into Kai's eyes, gasped and started to run. Bryan was quick though and quickly got in front of her, while I came from behind and grabbed her. As she started to scream, and struggle, the harder she struggled the tighter I made my grip on her hoping she would stop.
While I was holding her Spencer, and Ian came running hearing her screaming and thinking something was wrong. Kai quickly getting annoyed came over and clamped his hand over her mouth. As I kept tightening my grip on her she finally started to calm, but she started to cry once more. As we all looked at her we each entered her mind and heard her thoughts. They scared us, that she was frightened, no terrified of us.
`I can't escape. I can't escape.' She thought as we listened, her tears still running as I held her.
`I'm so scared. Please don't let them hurt me.' She told herself as if speaking to someone or something in her mind.
`I can't go home. I have no home.' She said again. This time we went further into her mind, this time seeing images of what happened only a few days ago.
Inner Mind
“Mother? Father?” a young woman walked into the hut that she shared with her parents. “Mother?! Father?!” she asked again. This time her voice rising with worry. “Mother! Father!” she screamed as she once again walked out into the night. This time she found her parents. Both of them had their heads ripped off, and their bodies' organs spread everywhere.
As she looked up she found her parents murders. Demons. As she looked at them, the demons were fighting over her parent's parts for dinner. Their eyes were black and emotionless, their skin a slimy green. Tattered pieces of cloth strapped around their waist to hide their dignity.
“Aaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh!” she screamed into the night, as she saw the sight before her, as she fell to her knees.
“Huh?” both demons let out as they looked over at the girl before them on her knees, as silent tears cascaded down her face.
“Another morsel brother.” Said one of the demons.
“Yes. Lets break her arms, and legs, and let her watch as we devour her parents. Lets make her suffer, and then leave her for the wolves.” Said the other as they both started to slowly come towards her.
“Mother. Father.” She whispered as they grabbed her tightly within their slimly hands.
“Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!” she screamed in pain as they broke her legs, and arms one by one. As they dropped her to the ground, they made sure that she was staring directly at them. Her body in excruciating pain, and the tears still flowing as she watched them devour her parents one by one until nothing was left of either of them. As the demons left, one of them came back.
“Worthless human.” He said as he brought his leg back and kicked her directly in the stomach knocking her out.
End Mind
As we came out of her mind, we saw that she was still crying although it had grown harder, and harder by the minute. For as we looked into her mind, she saw the images again of that night. I quickly turned her around, and embraced her into a warm hug, letting her cry on my shoulder all that she wanted.
“Shh. Shh.” I said as I started to stroke her hair, as I gently helped her to the floor while her legs started to give out. While I held her the others started to come over as well, and we all sat on the floor, each of us lending her our support, and knowing what she had gone through, for we also had gone through the pain of losing our loved ones.
“Shh. Shh.” We each told her as the minutes passed, and her crying started to lessen, and lessen by the minute. Soon she had stopped and I gently picked her up, and took her into the bathroom.
Normal POV
As Tala picked her up from the floor, and walked into the bathroom with the others following, Kai went over and grabbed a wet washcloth. When he came back he gently tilted her head up, and washed her face with it.
“Don't worry you're safe.” He said as he finished and set the washcloth back down.
“You're ours now. Understood?” said Bryan. She silently nodded her head.
“From now on you are our servant.” Said Ian
“From now on you obey us, and do what we tell you.” Said Spencer.
“From this day forth you belong to us, we decide what you do, and what your fate is.” Tala told her as she started to once again shake from fear at their words.
“We'll drink from you, but not enough to kill you. We'll protect you, but you do everything we say. Got it.” Said Kai.
“Yes masters.” She said with a shaky voice laced with fear.
“Good. Now I am Tala.” Said the red head as she looked up into his eyes, they were violet.
“I'm Bryan.” Said the violet haired man. His eyes were a dark blue.
“I'm Spencer.” Said the blonde. His eyes were brown.
“I'm Ian.” Said the green haired man. His eyes were also brown.
“And I'm Kai.” Said the two-toned blue head. His eyes scared her, they were blood red. As she looked at each of them as they told her their names, a small area of peace came over her, as she started to relax.
`We'll drink from you, but not enough to kill you. We'll protect you, but you do everything we say.' Kai's words rang through out her mind. Scared about his first words, (we'll drink from you, but not enough to kill you).
“What your name?” asked Ian as they looked at her.
“…” nothing
“Hello. Hello!” he said trying to get her attention. “HEEELLLLLOOOO!!!” he yelled.
“Huh?” she asked as she came back to the realm of the living.
“And she lives.” Said Ian trying to be funny.
“What's your name?” he asked again.
“My name?” she said above a whisper. “My name is Ko..Ko..Kochou.” she said slowly.
“Kochou.” Said Tala as he set her down on her feet. “Well at least we've gotten somewhere. Ok now get undressed so you can have a bath.” He said.
“…” she didn't move.
“Oh no not this again. Please strip or we'll do it for you.”
“…” still no answer.
“Fine. Have it your way.” Said Kai as he and the others started to approach her.
“No.” she whispered as they all started to come closer. “Not again.” At this they all stopped, and once again reached into her mind.
Mind state
“Father where's mother?” a young Kochou asked as she walked into their hut.
“She went out for food.” He stated. “Kochou, come here.” As the girl walked over her father roughly grabbed her by the wrist and brought her down in front of him.
“Father. You're hurting me.” The child whispered as her father brought her closer to his body, wrapping her in his arms.
“If you scream, I'll kill you.” He said as he started to rip off her dress.
“Fa…fa..father!” she said as she started to struggle from within his grasp.
“Hold still.” He said as he finished and nailed her to the floor.
“Father. Onegai! Ie!” she said as tears started to cascade down her face.
“Tell anyone about this and I'll kill you. Understand?” he said as he whispered into her ear.
As they came out of her mind they found her lying on the floor in a heap crying again. They knew what she had gone through and kneeled down beside her.
“Tala put her in your lap.” Said Kai as he grabbed a knife from his pocket. “and hold her still. I don't want to cut her.” He said as he grabbed her dress and started to cut it away from her body.
“Father. Onegai. Ie.” She whispered into Tala's chest as Kai continued what he was doing.
“Done.” Said Kai as he started to stripped himself of his clothes.
“Kai what are you doing?!” asked Ian, worried that Kai might try to do the same thing that her father did to her.
“Everyone strip. We're going to bathe with her.” He said.
“Why?” asked Spencer as he did what he was told.
“Because we're going to mark her. All of us.” He said again as he took Kochou from Tala so he could strip as well.
“Mark?” she asked as Kai started to walk over to the bath with her.
“If we mark you no one can touch you, but us. That means you not only belong to us, but no one can harm you, or else.”
As Kochou nodded, Kai started to submerge her body into the water.
Kochou's POV
“Mark?” I asked the man now known as Master Kai to me, as he carried me with him into the huge bathtub that could fit fifty people at least.
“If we mark you no one can touch you, but us. That means you not only belong to us, but no one can harm you, or else.” He told me, as he started to submerge by body into the hot water.
As I closed my eyes, I had to bite my lower lip to suppress a moan. I don't know why, but it felt so good. I had never had bath that was like this. For once in my life my body felt truly warm, like there was no room, for any cold to enter. As I opened my eyes once again, I came face to face with all five of them staring at me, each one of them having either a smile, or some type of smirk on their face.
“This will only hurt a bit.” Said Master Tala as he and Master Kai each leaned down on either side of my neck, while Ian, and Spencer grabbed my arms, and leaned down to my wrists. I could feel four of them, but where was the other.
“Gasp!” I took in a deep breath as I felt the last one of them touch my skin. Only I started to struggle at where he was. The last one of them Bryan, had opened my legs and gotten in between as he leaned down to my inner thigh.
“No!” I whispered fearfully as I started to struggle from them. Memories of what my father did to me coming back.
“Otou-san! Onegai! Ie!” I screamed out loud, all of them trying their best to keep me still.
Normal POV
“Otou-san! Onegai! Ie!” Kochou screamed out as Bryan and the others started to lean closer, each of them opening their mouths wide to sink their fangs into her skin.
“Ie!” she screamed again. “Stop! Onegai!” `Ah! Father. Please not again. It hurt so much, please no. Not again!' she screamed inside afraid of her fathers words from so long ago.
`”If you scream, I'll kill you.”'
“Ie! Ieaaahhhh!” she screamed as they each sunk their fangs into her body, drawing the precious liquid from within out. As the minutes passed, and passed they kept drinking, while Kochou's vision started to grow blurry, and her breathing started to slow.
“Gasp.” She let out a gasp as they all finally came up, their evening meal finished, and her body marked with their signs.
“See. It's all over.” Said Spencer as he grabbed the washcloth and started to wash her body.
“I'll go and grab some towels.” Said Kai as he got out of the bath and left the room, water dripping slowly from his body, to the floor.
“Rest now child. You did very well for your first ordeal.” Tala said as placed his hand over her eyes to make her shut them. As he brought his hand away Kochou was fast asleep.
“Sleep well.” He and the other three whispered as Kai came back, and they all got out.
Minutes later.
“Mamma?” Kochou whispered as she slowly opened her eyes.
“What?!” she heard a voice say.
“Kai! Why's she awake. She should be out for hours!” said the voice that she now recognized as Tala's.
“I don't know why.” Said Master Kai's voice as he came into her line of vision. “Kochou? Are you alright? Kochou?” he asked again.
“Aahhh!” she screamed when she looked into his eyes, totally forgetting what had occurred in the past day or two. “mmph!”
“Calm down Kochou.” Said Ian as he started to stroke her hair gently, to calm her down.
“Don't you remember what happened?” asked Bryan as he and the others leaned over her, they had already dressed themselves, along with her, and were just started to heal her wounds with their powers.
“Ian place your hand over her eyes.” Said Spencer as he and the others started to place their hands over the bite marks. They all closed their eyes, as a bright light engulfed them all. When the light disappeared Kochou was in Bryan's arms sleeping peacefully, the only trace of their bite marks we the little scars on her body where once gaping holes stood open to the world.
“We should put her to bed, the sun is rising.” Said Ian, as he started to walk towards, the dungeons and her rooms once again.