Beyblade Fan Fiction ❯ My World of Darkness ❯ Serving the Masters ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Serving the Masters
Chapter 3

Kochou’s POV

“Kochou.” Said Master Ian as he walked into the kitchen behind me.
“Yes, Master Ian?” I said as I bowed before him.
“What are you doing?” he asked as he looked down at the things on the counter.
“I’m trying to figure out what you guys like to eat besides blood.” I told him, as I stood up.
“Well, I think I can help you there.” He said as he started to grab the things on the counter and put them in the trash.
“Hey! What are you doing!?” I yelled at him.
“Getting rid of this stuff, we don’t eat this.” He said as he turned around, and started walking out of the kitchen.
“Ya! Well you may not, but I’m not like you, I need some of this stuff!” I yelled back at him, as I went and grabbed the veggies, and fruits back out of the trash and washed them all off, then put them away once again. After I had finished with the last and final object Master Ian came back in carrying something with in his arms.
“What’s that?” I asked in awe. I had never before seen anything like this.
“This is a deer, and this is what we like; except we like it raw.” He said as he laid the dead deer on the counter and grabbed a knife.
“Uh! That’s disgusting.” I said as he grabbed a bucket and placed it under the deer’s head, then grabbed the knife and sliced its head clear off, letting the blood poor into the bucket.
“There. Now you let the body drip clean of the blood. Then when it’s done with that, cut it open and put all of it’s organs in this bowl, and there you have it.” He said as he put the knife down. “That is what we like to eat. Now just the organs, and when we call you, you first bring in the blood, except it’s in cups, and then the bowl with the organs. After you have done this you leave, and we eat, and you’re free to do what ever you want.”
“Can I eat?” I asked him.
“You can eat whatever you want, and whenever you want.” He said as he left the kitchen, for me to prepare their supper.
‘Why did I have to be rescued by vampires.’ I asked myself as I thought of the events that occurred earlier in the day.

Kochou. Kochou.” Said Tala as he stood over me as I started to wake from sleeping.
“Five more minutes mother.” I said as I turned over and went back to sleep. Tala let out a sigh as he grabbed the blanket that I was wrapped up in and gave it a sharp tug, sending me five feet into the air, and then landing in his arms.
“Good your awake.” He said as he put me on my feet. “Here. Get dressed.” He said as he handed me a dress and some slippers, and then turned around to give me some privacy.
“It’s gorgeous.” I said as I looked at it. It was a small dress that only came to my mid calf, and had long sleeves, with huge endings on them that came to my knees. The dress looked like the bridal dresses that we had with my people but was a miniature fashion. The bridal dress we called a kimono, it was white with beautiful embroidery on it, but this was a smaller version with a nice obi to go with it. There was beautiful embroidery on the sleeves, but the kimono was only gray, but the obi was black with red. At least I knew how to put one on, and how to tie an obi. My mother was the one who made them and I got to help the bride put them on, and tie the obi.
“Okay, you can turn around Master Tala.” I said as looked at myself and the beautiful embroidery on it.
“You look beautiful.” He said. “This is the outfit you will wear around the house. When your sleeping you’ll where this, and when we have parties or other events to go to you will wear more elaborate, and less revealing clothing.” He said as he looked at me again, and noticed all of the skin that showed.
“Hai.” I said as I bowed before him.
“Follow me, I’ll show you around.” He said as he started to walk out of what I assumed to be my room. “This is the kitchen.” He said as he passed an old and rundown room. “This is where you’ll prepare our food, and your food as well. Come on.” He said as he walked out of the room with me following closely behind. We passed at least fifty rooms, until we came to one room and he stopped. “This room is strictly forbidden to you. Do you understand?” he said harshly, and I quickly shook my head in an answer. “Good. Now you must go and prepare dinner.” He said.

“Okay. Well at least the bloods finished draining from the body.” I said to myself as I grabbed the bucket full of the life liquid and moved it, then grabbed the knife and bowl, and started to cut open the poor deer’s body. As I finished a smell over came me. It smelt rotten, and disgusting, and soon I found it coming from the deer.
“Dear God. This can’t be true.” I said as I grabbed the skin and stuck my hand inside, and started to pull it open farther.
“Oh sweet God.” I said as I looked into the deer and saw it’s organs, and then fainted.

Normal POV

“Kochou.” Said Tala as he and the others waited in the dining room. “Kochou.” He said again.
“Where is she?” said Kai as he got up and started to walk towards the kitchen. “Shit.” He said as he slowly walked over to Kochou’s unconscious form on the floor and took the knife from her hand, just as the others came walking in.
“She fainted.” Said Spencer. “Great.”
“Well at least she got as far as cutting it open, and spreading it’s chest.” Said Ian as he walked over and started to lick her hands clean of the blood. "She got farther than I expected her to."
“I can’t do this. So much blood. No heads. No heads.” She started saying incoherently, as she semi awoke from fainting. “They had no heads, no arms, no legs. So much blood. So much blood. Green skin. Green blood. Everywhere.”
“Knock her out again, she’s talking nonsense.” Said Bryan, as Ian pressed a pressure point and her body went limp again.
“Well, what do we do now?” asked Spencer.
“We should put her back in her room, but check on her every hour.” Said Kai as he picked her up, and started to walk back to her room.

Hours Later

“How is she?” asked Kai as Tala came back from checking on her.
“She’s still asleep, but she’s mumbling things.” Said Tala, and he walked and sat down at the table with the others.
“What are we going to do with her now?” asked Ian, as he drank another glass of deer blood.
“She can’t look at the insides of an animal without fainting. That and also it brings back what happened to her before we found her.” Said Spencer.
“I don’t know. But we shouldn’t kill her.” Said Bryan as he placed his head in his hands.
“Well, we could force her into preparing our meals, but one of us should be in there in case she faints again, and stay with her until she gets used to seeing it.” Suggested Tala.
“Ya, but what if she never gets used to it. What then.” Asked Kai.
“Well then we just go back to preparing our meals our selves and we can find something else for her to do. But we cannot kill her. We marked her, and I’ve become fond of her, even if we’ve only had her for a few days.” Said Ian.

Kochou’s Room

“So much blood. So much pain. Mother, Father.” Kochou whispered as she awoke with the painful memories of the past, as wave upon wave hit her.
“Father, Onegai ie!” she said out loud, as she ran around the room, trying to hide behind things thinking her father was there trying to have his way with her again. “Mother help me!” she said as she ran, and fell onto the hard floor of the dungeon room, known as her room.
“Mother, Father.” She said as she crawled over to the farthest corner and curled herself into a ball and cried. “Mother, help me! Father, no!” she said to herself once again. “Mother, father. I miss you.” She said as she got up and walked towards the window. “Help me.” She whispered.
“We’ll always love you.” Sounded the ghostly voice of her mother as a cold ghostly hand appeared and wiped her tears away. “I’ll always be with you, no matter what.”
“I’m so sorry, for what I did honey.” Sounded another ghostly voice in the distance. “I was such a bad father, I don’t deserve a daughter like you.” He said as he came and kissed her on the cheek. “We’ll always be in your heart, and we’ll always be with you in spirit.” Said her father, as her mother and him started to disappear. “We love you.” Were their final words before they disappeared forever into the heavens.
“Mother, Father.” She whispered as she tried to reach up to them. “Mother, Father!” she said louder this time hoping that they would answer her back.
“no answer.”
“MOTHER! FATHER!” she cried out loud as she crumpled onto the floor and curled herself up into a ball as she cried her heart out in the night, with only the moon as her light. ‘We love you.’ Their final words of departing rang through out her mind as she silently cried out her heart, and cried herself to sleep.

Dining Room

“I’ll go and check on Kochou.” Said Bryan as he got up to leave for her room.
“Hey Bry, wait.” Said Ian as he walked over to a dresser, and pulled out a package. “Put this on her bed so she can have it for later.” Said Ian as he handed Bryan a package.
“Sure.” Said Bryan as he started to head to her room.
“What was that, that you gave him?” asked Tala
“It was something that I found in the hut, the day we found her. I took it without Spencer noticing, and hid it. When I was finally alone I opened it up. It was beautiful wedding kimono with pink sakura flowers all over it. When I looked at it, on the inside in the sleeves was sewn Kochou’s name. I think her mother must have made it for her, and it came with everything. A juban, and obi, the shoes, even the accessories. It even came with the other nineteen kimonos that go underneath it. Her parents must have loved her to have given her such an elaborate kimono, especially one that came from the Heian period.” Said Ian as he came and sat back down.

Kochou’s Room
Bryan’s POV

As I looked over into Kochou’s room from the window in the door I noticed that she wasn’t in her bed. When I went in and looked around she wasn’t anywhere to be seen.
“Not good.” I said to myself as I ran to get the others. “Guys. She’s gone.” I said.
“What?!” yelled Kai as he and the others ran past me to her room, with me following behind.
“Where could she have gone?” said Tala as he and the others looked around the room. Nothing.
“mother, father.” I could hear something in the distance, although the others and I had to strain to hear it.
“mother, father.” There it was again. As we once again started to look around the room, we noticed that something was out of place. We looked up and out the window, and saw the moon shining down on a particular place.
“Look.” Said Kai, as he started to walk towards the dresser they had recently put in there before she came.
“Look at what?” asked Ian as he followed Kai’s gaze toward the dresser. “There’s only a dresser there.” He said
“Ya, but look at the moon. Don’t you notice how it’s not brighter in here, instead it’s just pointed right there where the dresser is.” Said Kai again as he came to stand in front of the dresser.
“Mother. Father.” Came the voice again only it sounded louder this time to Kai.
“Guys, come here and help me pull this out.” Said Kai as he and the others took a hold of the object and started to pull it away from the wall.
“Mother. Father.” Said the voice again. “Don’t leave.”
“Kochou.” Said Tala as they finally pulled it away, and there laying on the floor was Kochou fast asleep, but crying, and whispering words.
"Don't leave." she said again, as Tala came and picked her up in his arms.
"How'd she get back there?" asked Ian.
"I don't know." I said as I looked at her tear sricken face.
"We'll always love you." came the ghostly words of two voices. One feminine, the other male.
"Please take care of our daughter." came the masculine voice. "Please protect her, and keep her safe."
"Please give our daughter the love that we were never able to give her." came a female voice. "Please tell her that we're sorry that we never told her, but she was engaged to a man, but unfortunately he was killed by a demon. That's why she has the wedding kimono, but the reason why it's so elaborate is because she was to marry a very wealthy man, but then two demons came and killed him, along with his family, so we put it away for safe keeping. I was about to give it to her then, two demons showed up, and I never was able to. Please tell her it wasn't her fault and for her to move on. You can tell her if you want, but please give her the love of a father, or the love of a lover." she said as her voice and the other dissapeared.

Normal POV

"Well that was odd. But it's time we got out of here, the sun is rising." Said Spencer as he and the others started to head towards her bed.
"Tala, wait." said Kai as he placed a hand on Tala's shoulder.
"What is it?" asked Tala as he stopped in his tracks.
"Let's take her with us to bed." said Kai. "She may have nightmares and try to hide again, but if she's with us then we can be there for her."
"Yeah, you're right." said Ian, as he and the others started to head towards their room.
"Mamma. Father." she said in a whisper.
"It's alright Kochou." said Ian, as he grabbed her hand and held on as they walked through the mansion to the vampires bedroom.

Vampires Bedroom.

"Well goodnight." said Ian, as he hoped into the masive coffin that he shared with Bryan and Spencer.
"Goodnight." said Spencer as he followed Ian into the coffin as well.
"Night." said Bryan as he hoped in and the coffin door closed.
"Well, what are we going to do with her?" asked Tala.
"She'll sleep in the middle. Here." said Kai as he handed Tala a blanket. "Wrap her up in this."
"Ya, but I'm not talking about sleeping order, I'm talking about how she's going to breathe." said Tala as he finished, and Kai opened up the coffin door.
"Well I never told anyone this, but a vampires breath can let humans breathe nothing but fresh air even if they are closed off from air." said Kai.
"Wow." said Tala as he started to hop in. "I never knew our kind could be so helpful to a human."
"Ya, neither did I until I was cut off from air with a human. I didn't expect her to last a day. When we or more correctly, she ran out of air I watched her waiting for her to die so I could feed from her. But in the end she lasted a full four days in there with me, until we managed to get out. Thank god it was night, or I would've been toast." said Kai.
"Okay, but how did you find out it was your breath that kept her alive." asked Tala.
"Well there was nothing else in there, but dirt, and rocks. Nothing that could keep a human alive for four days without air." replied Kai.
"Okay well...goodnight." said Tala as Kai jumped in and shut the coffin door.

Hana's POV


“Mother? Father?”
“Yes. Lets break her arms, and legs, and let her watch as we devour her parents. Lets make her suffer, and then leave her for the wolves.”
“ ;Worthless human.”

“Grab her on the count of three.”
“Calm down.”
“Her skin is freezing.”
“Good Girl.”
“Ian go and get a bath started. She needs it.”
“Spencer while Ian’s starting the bath, go and get her something else to wear.”

“Why do you cry?”
“Don’t be afraid.”
“Open your eyes.”

“Get undressed.”
“I said get undressed.”

“Let go of me!”
‘I can’t escape. I can’t escape.’
‘I’m so scared. Please don’t let them hurt me.’
‘I can’t go home. I have no home.’

“Don’t worry you’re safe.”
“You’re ours now. Understood?”
“From now on you are our servant.”
“From now on you obey us, and do what we tell you.”
“From this day forth you belong to us, we decide what you do, and what your fate is.”
“We’ll drink from you, but not enough to kill you. We’ll protect you, but you do everything we say. Got it.”
“Yes masters.”
“I'm Tala."
“I’m Bryan.”
“I’m Spencer.”
“I’m Ian.”
“And I’m Kai.”
‘We’ll drink from you, but not enough to kill you. We’ll protect you, but you do everything we say.’
(we’ll drink from you, but not enough to kill you).

“What's your name?”
“Hello. Hello!”
“What’s your name?”
“My name is Ko..Ko..Kochou.”

“Ok now get undressed so you can have a bath.”
“Oh no not this again. Please strip or we’ll do it for you.”
“Fine. Have it your way.”
“Not again.”

“Tala put her in your lap. And hold her still. I don’t want to cut her.”
“Father. Onegai. Ie.”
“Kai what are you doing?!”
“Everyone strip. We’re going to bathe with her.”
“We’re going to mark her. All of us.”
“If we mark you no one can touch you, but us. That means you not only belong to us, but no one can harm you, or else.”

“This will only hurt a bit.”
“Otou-san! Onegai! Ie!”
‘Ah! Father. Please not again. It hurt so much, please no. Not again!’
‘”If you scream, I’ll kill you.”’

“See. It’s all over.”
“I’ll go and grab some towels.”
“Rest now child. You did very well for your first ordeal.”

"Kai! Why’s she awake. She should be out for hours!”
“I don’t know why.”
“Kochou? Are you alright? Kochou?”
“Calm down Kochou.”
“Ian place your hand over her eyes.”

“Yes, Master Ian?”
“Hey! What are you doing!?”
“Getting rid of this stuff, we don’t eat this.” .
“Ya! Well you may not, but I’m not like you, I need some of this stuff!”

"We'll always love you."

End Dream

"aaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" I screamed as I tried to sit up, immediatley regreting it, as I hit my head on something hard.
"Kochou. Kochou calm down." I heard as I tried to figure out where I was, as I started to move around immediatley hitting something hard, and warm.
"Kochou. Calm down. It's me Tala." I heard as I felt my wrists being grabbed and pinned to my sides.
"Master Tala." I whispered.
"Kochou. It's alright. Me, and Tala are here." I heard Kai say as he had Tala let go of my wrists.
"No! No!" I screamed. "Please don't hurt me, it hurt so much. I don't want to be feed on anymore!" I screamed out loud trying to find an escape route, but in the end ended up having Tala and Kai hold me down.
"Ie!" I screamed.

Normal POV

"Kochou. It's alright. Me, and Tala are here." Kai said as he had Tala let go of her wrists.
"No! No!" she screamed. "Please don't hurt me, it hurt so much. I don't want to be feed on anymore!" she screamed out loud trying to find an escape route but in the end, ended up having Tala and Kai hold her down.
"Ie!" she screamed. Struggling with all of her might trying to loosen their hold somewhat.
"Kochou." said Tala. "Stop." he whispered into her ear, sending shivers up and down her spine. "We don't want you to be afraid of us, but if we have to we will feed from you." he whispered.
"But Master Tala, it hurts so much. It starts to get hard to breathe, and then I can't see." she whispered. Her voice laced with fear.
"But your ours now remember?" said Kai as he leaned down towards her neck, his fangs gently grazing against her skin.
"Can't you see that we won't harm you? Your ours now. We'll protect you no matter what." said Tala as he to leaned down to her neck, his fangs also grazing slightly against her flesh.
"no. please." she whispered, as she felt their hot breaths touch her flesh. Their hands keeping her hands to her sides, making her unable to move as they each laid on one side or another of her body.
"We won't hurt you Kochou. Trust us." said Tala as he started to kiss his mark on one side of her neck.
"The more we're able to feed from you, the more you'll get used to the pain, and soon there will be none." said Kai as he started to lick his mark.
"If you're hurt, we'll heal you." said Tala as he released his hold on her wrist and started to run his hand up and down her arm, trying to sooth her fears.
"We'll never let you die by our hands, or anyone elses. We'll always be there for you." said Kai as he to followed what Tala was doing to her arm.
"This will only hurt a bit." said Tala as he leaned down, his mouth opening wide ready to bite into her neck to feed once more.
"Remember the pain will subside soon. It won't last long." said Kai as he to leaned down while opening his mouth to pierce her flesh with his fangs.
"Gasp!" Kochou took in a deep breath as she felt two waves of pain travel throughout her body. "Masters." she whispered before she shut her eyes once again, falling into a deep and dreamless slumber.
"Goodnight Butterfly." said Kai and Tala as they took the blanket from around her body, and put it over all three of them, before they too fell into a dreamless slumbler awaiting for the sun to set, and the night sky to rise.