Beyblade Fan Fiction ❯ Once A Thief ❯ Thick As Thieves - Part I ( Chapter 12 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Kali notes:  Moving on! Now the bulk of the plot line will start. And I've had all of the next few chapters in my head for months. So I hope I don't disappoint and you all enjoy it!
Disclaimer:  Don't own it. Don't sue.
Warnings:  Yaoi (unless you're on ffnet; then you get shounen-ai), language, dramatic angst, and other adult content.  Don't like it, don't read it! This chapter: Fluff…Takao pissed off at his `boss'…more fluff...and LEMON! About time…
Pairing:  TyKa; others include Tala/Hilary, mentioned Rei/Mariah
Chapter 12: Thick As Thieves - Part I
The minute Takao opened his apartment door and stepped inside, he knew he hadn't been the last person in that apartment. He paused on the threshold of his front door and took a moment to fight back the feeling of…violation that knowledge inspired in him.
“Takao?” Kai's voice ran through him and washed away the unpleasant feeling in his chest and stomach. It didn't stop him from growing angry, though.
“Sorry. Come on in, Kai.” Takao ushered him in with a false cheeriness that made Kai pause for a moment before moving inside and closing the door. Takao dropped his bags by the wall and moved to the kitchen immediately, where he grabbed a pen and a scrap of paper from by the phone and scribbled a quick message as he spoke. “Make yourself at home. I'll see if I have any coffee left, though I suspect I need to go shopping.”
Kai warily followed his lover's voice to the kitchen, where he had a note shoved in his face the minute he came in. Grabbing it as Takao let go and began stomping around not only the kitchen in a mild huff, but the living room and small dining area as well, seeming to search for something. Scanning the note quickly, his own crimson eyes darkened and he crumpled it up.
“Place is bugged. Can feel the foreign electrical currents from all over. Keep pretending while I find them and kill them.” The note had read. Kai didn't question how Takao knew there were listening devices scattered around the apartment, but he played along as he watched the bluenette search out the sources of those `currents' and proceed to do something about them.
“If you want, I'll go for you. You should b resting, anyway, Takao.” Kai faked a normal, concerned voice. Sometimes Takao would slap a hand to the wall over an outlet or a light switch and there would be a brief buzzing sound before something crackled and smoke curled out from behind the plastic panel. Other times the same would occur from a lamp or some other clever hiding place. The younger man was systematically combing through his home, eliminating the devices that had invaded his privacy. “The doctors did only let you go because you promised - and I promised to make you - get a lot of rest.”
Stomping back to the phone, Takao unplugged it from the wall and proceeded to take it apart, searching for the wiretap he knew had to be there. Sure enough, he found the little device in the receiver, and carefully plucking it out, he set it on the counter with a fierce glare. “I know, I know. But surely doing a little grocery shopping isn't stressful enough to aggravate anything.” He replied, trying really hard not to clench his jaw in anger. Instead, he picked p the bug and fried it with a small jolt of his own body's electric current before dropping it on the counter.
Kai raised an eyebrow, as if to ask, “Is that all of them?” and Takao shook his head. He motioned for Kai to follow him and moved down the hall to his bedroom, office, and the bathroom. All the while they continued to have a made-up discussion about Takao's trip to the hostel and what the doctors had told him.
“…and he also said that coffee was out of the question, so there's no point in buying…” Kai stopped in mid-sentence as Takao held up a hand where the last of the bugs lay dead in his palm. “That's it?”
The bluenette dropped the electronic device in the wastebasket and dusted his hands. He blew a stray lock of hair out of his eyes and nodded. “Pretty sure. I'll sweep through one more time to be sure though.” Takao glanced around the bedroom. “Two rooms are clear for sure.”
“So you wanna explain or shall I guess?”
Takao made a face and scowled darkly at a wall, counting to a hundred, slowly. “Obviously `Gideon' was determined to figure out where I disappeared to. No doubt he'll be in contact sometime soon to try and yell at me for doing so - not that it matters. He'll shut up when I tell him a few things I've been storing up.”
Kai crossed his arms over his chest and leaned a hip against the dresser. “Elaborate?”
“Well…” Takao sat on the end of his bed and looked thoughtful. “I have an affinity for things electrical, right? So I know what everything, uh, feels like in my apartment - because I spend so much time here and because I am the one who plugged in every appliance and electronic device there is here. When something changes from that, I know it. As soon as I opened the door and walked inside I could feel a significant difference, and since no one but myself is ever in here…”
“Ah.” Kai nodded. “Logical.”
“Yeah. Each of those bugs were emitting their own small currents of electrical energy. That's how I knew.” Takao looked around the bedroom with a frown. “And now I'm a little creeped out by the fact that some stranger was in my living space - not to mention listening in on my life like that.”
“I'm pretty sure you've found them all, but as a precautionary measure, I can have a team sent over to sweep again, if you like.” Kai shrugged at the grimace of distaste on the bluenette's face. “Or if this place makes you too uncomfortable, you are more than welcome at my place.”
Takao got up and went over to the crimson-eyed agent, enveloping him in a grateful hug. “Thank you, Kai. I really appreciate it. But let's try here for one night. If I can't deal…well, then I'll take you up on that.”
“Alright.” Kai nodded and wrapped his arms around Takao in turn. “That's reasonable.” He smiled as the younger man settled against him comfortably. “Shall we go get the bags? And then we really should do something about food.”
“I suppose. We're going to need at least some basics, after all.” Takao separated himself from Kai but took his hand and led him back down the hallway to the living room and kitchen as he began listing off grocery ideas. “Coffee for you, tea for me, milk, eggs, bread, some vegetables and fruit, maybe some pastas?”
“Whatever you like, love. As long as it doesn't aggravate your stomach, that is.”
“Oh. Right. I'll need that list of dos and don'ts from Dr. Maison.” Takao went over to their bags that were still sitting on the entry-way to dig out his list. Kai followed and picked up their bags easily.
“I'll put these in the bedroom.” Kai said, giving Takao a sideways glance. “If that's okay?”
Takao blinked and smiled. “It's where they belong.”
The older man couldn't help but smile back at the unspoken acceptance in that statement. He gave a quick nod and moved off at an easy pace, as if he'd always lived there.
Takao, while he waited for Kai, quickly made one last sweep of the kitchen and living room for bugs. He found one behind the television, which he'd missed because its frequency was a little different than the other devices he had found earlier.
He stood there looking at it, lying there inconspicuous in his palm for a few minutes - long enough that Kai found him there still staring at it. Before Kai could alert Takao to his presence, the bluenette began to speak.
“If you think I don't know you're out there listening, Gideon, you underestimate my intelligence. This is a warning: remember the deal we made - you stay out of my way and I'll get your items in any way I see fit to do so, in return for my brother and my father, alive, safe, and healthy. If you don't stop trying to spy on me, if I have any more interference from you or your little minions, I swear I will destroy the fourteen items I already have. Oh, and one last thing: I am working on number fifteen, and I haven't had any proof of my family's health and safety since item eleven. You know how to contact me, and I'll expect to be hearing from you soon - as in the next 48 hours - otherwise I'll be assuming my father and brother are dead and I'll be walking through the UNA's front door immediately. Have a pleasant day, creep.”
Takao's final word was punctuated by a tightening of his fist around the device and a sudden surge of pure electrical energy. Smoke curled from his hand and there was only a small pile of ashes left of the listening device. Kai blinked at the smouldering pile of ashes, a little astonished at the power display that had been, and watched Takao walk to the kitchen to dump the ashes in the garbage can.
“That was the last of them. But if it will make you happy…give Tala a call.” Takao dusted his hands off and grabbed his wallet and keys. “Let's go get the shopping over with. I just…want to be able to lie around and be lazy for the rest of the day.”
Kai nodded, taking out his cell. “I'll ask Tala to have our friends came in and make a clean sweep. They'll get rid of the bugs you fried, while they're at it.”
“Okay.” Takao waited while Kai sent for the team that would do the job while they were out getting groceries.
After he hung up, Kai put the cell back in his pocket and ran a hand through his hair. “Done. You'll have to tell me what all that was earlier that you said to Gideon before you destroyed that bug, but it can wait until tomorrow. Our first priority is food.”
Takao couldn't help being a little surprised at that, thinking he'd have to explain then and there, but smiled in weary gratefulness and headed for the door. “It's a deal. Come on, love. Let's go shopping.”
They were walking past a pharmacy on the way back when Kai suddenly stopped and looked at the building thoughtfully.
“Kai? Something wrong?” Takao, when he noticed that Kai wasn't beside him, stopped too and turned around, walking back.
“No. Not at all. Wait here a moment, okay? I'm just going to go in here quickly.” Kai handed Takao his grocery bag and smiled in assurance. “I won't take long.”
“Alright.” Takao watched his lover go inside, a bit perplexed as to what he could be going into the pharmacy for.
The agent was true to his word. He was in and out in five minutes.
“That was quick. What did you buy?” Takao tried to see what was in the small bag Kai carried, but the dual-haired man tucked it into his jacket pocket.
“Something for later. Let's get back and sat shall we?” Kai replied, taking back the grocery bag and leading the younger man away.
There was a domestic sort of cozy companionship in the atmosphere of Takao's apartment that evening while they put away groceries and threw together a fast meal. They ate without saying much, but then, that was normal, too. It was certainly reminiscent of their time together ten years ago, when they'd often spent hours together in silence, yet completely at ease with each other.
Kai watched the bluenette finish drying off the last dish and put it away with darkened crimson eyes, calculating. A soon as the cupboard door closed and Takao had put down his towel, the agent struck.
Takao had a brief chance to blink before he was pressed back against the counter and descended upon by his lover's hands and mouth. Helpless to do anything but surrender and allow himself to be consumed under the onslaught, he made a muffled groaning noise and lifted his arms to hook them around Kai's shoulders and neck. Kai's hands fell to Takao's hips, gripping and pulling the younger man as close as he could, holding him there while he kissed Takao deeply, hotly, and with al the emotion he could find in himself.
The bluenette understood and kissed back just as fervently and as passionately as he could. Oh how he'd missed this; the heat, the desperation for touch, the overwhelming desire for Kai to be with him, on him, around him, over him, in him - any damn way he could get Kai was enough to send his rational mind reeling. Their tongues tangled and Takao's hands delved into the older man's hair as his body unconsciously shifted restlessly to press more fully and tightly to Kai's, every curve and angle melding as if they were one body.
When they broke apart briefly to catch their breaths, needing that pesky necessity for life (air), Takao's hands roamed and touched any part of Kai he could conveniently reach while Kai's hands busied themselves working the shirt off and over Takao's head, then reaching for the fly of his jeans. He let out a whimpered moan of Kai's name when Kai's hands brushed continuously over his increasingly hardening erection through the material of the pants and his underwear. “Kai…oh gods…”
“I don't know about you, Taka,” Kai murmured, letting his lips teasingly brush against Takao's several times while he worked at unclothing the younger man. “But I fully intend to make use of the precious time alone that we have.” He shoved the denim off over Takao's hips and butt, then worked them down his legs to pull them off completely.
“Hell yes.” The bluenette sighed as the majority of the restriction of his aching cock was released, now constrained only by his brief underwear. He wasn't about to let the crimson eyed man get away with remaining clothed, however, and somewhat roughly began unbuttoning Kai's shirt and the button-fly of his jeans. “Aren't we going a little fast?”
Kai gave a small grunt as his jeans were practically ripped off his body and flung aside carelessly. He shrugged out of the shirt and let it drop to the floor heedlessly, letting Takao draw him back into the embrace of his body and wrapping his arms around the bluenette as his head bent to capture Takao's mouth once more. “Hmm…we can go slow later, lover. Right now I just want…I need to…” he gave up trying to articulate what everything in him was crying out for at that moment. Takao understood anyway, responding by kissing Kai fiercely, with an intense, unbridled passionate desire that went beyond merely hormones and pheromones.
A deep all-over body shudder ran through Kai and he pulled back suddenly, panting, as a wave of uncertainty washed through him. “Taka, love…if this is too much, too soon…if we are going too fast then please tell me to stop now because I don't think I can stop if we keep going like this, and…”
Stormy blue eyes gleamed and narrowed, through there was a softness to his expression, and Kai suddenly found himself spun around so that he was the one pressed to the kitchen counter and kissed breathless once more. When Kai was released he sucked in air hastily and met Takao's gaze with his own, slightly dazed, crimson one.
“That is so you, love - giving me a chance to end things before they go too far like that. But as much as I appreciate the gesture and love you that much more for it…” Takao's voice was husky with want and he leaned into kiss Kai deeply, once, before breaking away again to continue speaking. “It's been ten years, Kai! That's too long between, and I'll be damned if you quit now.” With that, Takao dipped his head to kiss the older man again, this time slowly and thoroughly while his hands slid from Kai's dual-shaded hair down to his shoulders, then skimmed them open-palmed downward over firm pecks and the washboard abdomen.
Kai groaned and let Takao's hands and mouth do whatever they wanted. It felt much too good just sitting back and enjoying the younger man's ministrations than it would have to stop him and proceed to vent his sexual frustration on his lover. So he closed his eyes and stroked the back of the bluenette's neck as Takao drew his mouth questioningly along the line of Kai's jaw and down his neck while his ever-busy hands found the waistband of Kai's boxers and fingers slipped under it.
So much for lying around and being lazy that night.
Teeth nipped lightly at the pulse beating quickly beneath his lips. “So sexy…” Takao purred, and Kai shivered, one hand moving to help Takao take off his boxers as the bluenette's fingers curled into the material and pulled them off over his hips and butt. Kai shoved them the rest of the way off and kicked them to the side, sighing at the cool air on his heated skin. Takao nuzzled the clock of Kai's neck and shoulder before dropping kisses as he descended down the length of Kai's body. Kai opened his eyes and bit back a moan as that hot mouth closed over a nipple and sucked like it was candy, Takao's hands gripping his hips to hold him up against the counter.
The dual-haired agent looked down and watched with burning eyes hooded from lust as Takao slowly dropped to his knees and kissed a path past Kai's navel to the soft skin of his pelvis. Kai made a deep guttural noise of pleasure when Takao finally wrapped his dexterous fingers around his lover's thick erection, and lightly pumped it. Impossibly deep blue eyes glanced upward to watch Kai's expression and reaction as Takao guided the tip to his mouth and flicked his tongue across the silken smooth head once, twice…and finally took him into his mouth.
Now Kai moaned, hands quickly grabbing onto the edges of the counter for support as his knees trembled and he fought to keep from just thrusting himself into Takao's throat. “Shit! Taka…lover, I don't think I can take much more of that…” he rasped thickly. Takao just smiled around his mouthful and kept up his excruciatingly blissful torture. Kai's knuckles were turning white, he was gripping the counter so hard, and he was darkly flushed from the pleasure that swept through him with every little motion and movement of Takao's hands and mouth.
And then Takao made a humming sound, the vibrations thrumming straight to Kai's centre and setting off white fireworks in his mind. Orgasm crashed into him and rolled over every one of his senses, and he cried out hoarsely, the only warning he could give Takao before he plummeted into release. “Tak-ao!”
The bluenette wasn't quite prepared, but he still managed to catch most of his lover's essence. Licking his lips with unabashed greed, Takao looked up and watched Kai, waiting for the crimson-eyed man to come back down and caressed his pale, ivory legs that were holding Kai up a bit shakily in a soothing way.
“Hey.” He said after a couple of minutes. “God, you're beautiful, Kai.” Takao rested his head against one of Kai's legs, his cheek pressed to the soft inner thigh. Kai was always hot in his opinion, but he was down right other-worldly in these types of moments - chest heaving and breathless, droplets of sweat beading everywhere on moonlight pale skin that gave him a slight shimmering sheen, and burning crimson flame for eyes that were half-closed and dilated in the wake of the endorphin rush that orgasm brought.
A hand unclenched itself from the counter and dropped to Takao's head, fingers tunnelling through silky midnight blue hair lethargically. Takao sighed and nuzzled his nose against the inside of Kai's thigh, kissing the spot softly. “You okay?” He inquired, smiling at the suspiciously giddy snort of laughter. “Oh yeah. You're blissed out.”
“Hmm…if I am, it's not my fault.” Kai sighed, blowing a damp lock of hair out of his eyes. “Get up here, lover.” He said in a mock-commanding voice and drew Takao back up to his feet. He wrapped his arms around the younger man and claimed that talented mouth in a lazy kiss that belied the yet burning need in his blood for more. Takao had only taken the edge off, given him a bit of relief, but his desire hadn't waned yet, hadn't been calmed, and he was going to give back as much as he could to the bluenette.
Takao shifted against him restlessly, achingly hard and hoping Kai would do something about it soon. Kai kissed him again, and he mewled wantonly into Kai's mouth, clutching at the taller man's shoulders and grinding against him suggestively. Growling something in Russian, Kai hoisted Takao up and started moving toward the bedroom, stopping to grab the bag from the pharmacy along the way. Takao wrapped his legs around Kai's waist as best he could and hung on, still kissing and nibbling at Kai's ear and neck lustfully while he was carted off to the bedroom.
Kai unceremoniously dropped the bluenette on the bed and Takao made a startled noise as he bounced a little off the mattress. Twin, stormy blue eyes stared up at his lover in question, desire burning in those depths. The older man smirked and bent to yank Takao's underwear off forcefully. The young thief sighed and held out his hands to Kai, welcoming him as Kai knelt on the bed on either side of him and dipped his head to kiss Takao slowly with leisurely thrusts of his tongue against Takao's. One hand tunnelled fingers through Takao's long mass of hair, the perpetual ponytail coming undone and setting the silken locks free to cascade down Takao's back and shoulders. Takao made a husky, purring noise and fell backward, pulling Kai down with him as they continued to kiss each other with deepening need and urgency.
Takao's scent was heady and intoxicating to Kai. He'd always loved the unique scent that his lover emanated, that fresh, airy smell like a summer thunderstorm, mixed with the very slight scent of Takao's hair from whatever he used for shampoo and conditioner. And under that the distinctly scent that could only be described as Takao. That combination was wafting up from creamy skin now and inflaming Kai's senses with little effort. Memories of the last time, so very long ago, they had been like this - skin-on-skin, bodies melded so close they could barely tell where one began and the other ended - surfaced in each of their minds and a dual set of low moans murmured through the quiet.
Kai finally found the will-power to break away from his lover's delectable mouth and sat up on his knees again breathing hard. Takao whimpered at his sudden loss and pried open lust-heavy eyes as Kai moved off of him. “Kai? Why'd you stop, lover?”
“Move back up the bed to the pillows, Taka. I want you comfortable.” Kai gave him a reassuring smile as one hand stroked up and down the inside of Takao's inner thigh while the other hand reached for the pharmacy bag.
Takao licked his lips and rolled over to crawl up the mattress to the head of his bed, lying down again on his back after grabbing the covers and flipping them half-off the bed. He watched Kai expectantly and propped up his head with one bent arm underneath. Kai threw the bag over his shoulder carelessly after he took out his purchase and broke the seal on the new tube of lubricant.
“Ah ha! So that's what you got.” Takao snickered, feeling a little giddy with the lust burning in his groin and pumping with his blood through his entire being. “I wondered about that, though I should have thought of that myself.”
Kai, to Takao's amused delight, flushed darkly from his cheeks right down his neck and even the tips of his ears. “Well, I remembered you had said you hadn't…hadn't for a long time, so…I don't want to hurt you, Taka.”
The bluenette's smirk softened into a loving smile and he motioned the crimson-eyed man closer to join him again. Kai moved up the bed to cover Takao's body with his own muscular self and let out a small groan at the contact. Takao wrapped an arm about Kai's upper body to hold him close and traced his features with a gentle fingertip. “My love, grad night was my first and only time. There's been no other. Just you…” he tilted his head to accommodate Kai as the agent brought his mouth down on Takao's reverently. “Mmm...Kai…” he nearly purred as that hot mouth left his and cruised over his cheek to seek out his ear and that spot just behind it that always drove him crazy… “Ahh! Uhn…Kai, please!”
“I honestly never expected you to…remain single after I left, you know - but I should have known your loyalty and expected it.” Kai let his hand slide down Takao's arm and his fingers tangle with his lover's, raising their joined hands up to the pillow beside Takao's head. “Especially since I haven't been with anyone since that night either…”
Takao chuckled, rubbing his cheek affectionately against Kai's. “Mmm…It's a wonder we haven't pinned each other to a wall several times yet then.” He let a leg raise to curl around one of Kai's and ground his hips upward into his lover's, feeling the heavy, hard erection Kai had regained by then rub against his own throbbing cock.
Kai growled something and settled himself more completely over Takao. He stared down into gleaming, fathomless depths and responded, “Don't look now but you are pinned, my love.”
Takao smiled. “So I am. What are you going to do with me?” He winked teasingly and Kai's smile was instant and a touch wicked.
“Oh…” he murmured in a deep, passionate voice. “I thought I would make love to you until neither of us can move…” Kai pulled his hand free of the bluenette's and traced the length of Takao's body until he could curl his exploring fingers around Takao's erection, stroking in light, feathery touches that made Takao squirm and mewl. “I'm thinking you haven't got any complaints about that, lover.”
“I…gods no!” Takao gasped out, his eyes rolling back as Kai's hand tightened and moved a little faster. “Ughn…please!” HE pushed at Kai's shoulders insistently and the older man rolled off him.
“Turn over, Taka.” Kai sat up on his knees, straddling one of the bluenette's legs after he'd flipped onto his stomach. The dual-haired agent opened the tube and used some of the slick gel-like substance to coat his fingers really well. Then he moved up behind Takao, drawing him up onto his forearms and knees. He felt a tremor of anticipation run through the svelte body before him and a small moan when his slick fingers rubbed the lube against Takao's entrance before one digit pressed into him slowly.
Takao cried out a little at the intrusion - expected but nonetheless unused to such strange sensations. Kai made a soothing noise and rubbed Takao's stomach and abdomen in reassuring little circles with his other hand, leaning down to place loving kisses to Takao's shoulders.
“Sorry, love. Tell me if I hurt you, okay?” Kai murmured against dampening golden-hued skin.
“Doesn't…hurt. It's just weird…” Takao pushed his hips backward against the finger inside him and made a gasping noise of pleasure. “In a really good way…” he moaned softly. “More, please…Kai…”
Kai moved his finger a few more times before carefully adding a second. A sharp groan and jerking of Takao's hips was the result, and he paused. “Still okay?”
“Yes-sss…” came the reply. “Damn it, I'm not fragile!” Takao ground out, closing his eyes and fighting to hang on long enough for them to finish this together. As it was he was rapidly losing control and he'd come before Kai even entered him. He opened his eyes, which glazed a little as Kai's fingers started moving again, and turned his head as best he could to try and look at Kai. “Don't…shit! Don't you dare…stop!” he managed to growl out. Then Kai's fingers found that sweet spot deep inside him that hinted at an explosion of pure ecstasy and he moaned loudly, bucking his hips and ass sharply trying to get more of that sensation. “Ahh...gods!”
Kai licked his suddenly dry lips and decided he couldn't wait anymore. They could play more later. He removed his fingers and grabbed the lube hastily, using it on himself quickly.
Before Takao could wonder where his lover had gone all of a sudden, he found himself flipped back onto his back and a hot and bothered Kai over top of him situated between his spread legs. The bluenette blinked dazedly up at him and wriggled a little, stopping at the crimson-eyed man's warning growl. “Kai?”
“You're too damned sexy, Taka.” Kai's voice was raspy and held a note of waning control. “Here I'm trying to prepare you so I don't hurt you and all your little noises and movements make me lose my mind.” He moved a little bit and watched those smoky blue eyes go almost blind as he felt the tip of Kai's leaking cock nudge his stretched opening and slide partially inside. Takao forced himself to focus on Kai's face and shivered when he saw how tightly strung every muscle in the older man's body was with the effort to hold himself back.
He felt a similar tightness form in his groin, and the swell of urgent need began to burn through his bloodstream like a drug. Kai's hands grabbed at his hips and pulled him up and toward Kai as he thrust into him in one hard, deep stroke. Takao cried out and gripped Kai's upper arms against the shockwave of suddenly being penetrated like that - just taken without warning.
Oh but he liked it. It didn't hurt - maybe a tad uncomfortable at first but that was rapidly disappearing and becoming nothing but a sweet burning pleasure that was making his toes curl and sweat begin to trickle down the sides of Kai's face as the UNA agent began to move within him.
“K-Kai…” Takao whimpered his lover's name and reached up to grip at his back and shoulders, fingers kneading the muscles encouragingly. “Oh yes…yes, more!”
The tightness around Kai's length contracted and Kai let out a thick moan as he gave up what little control he had left and started pounding himself in and out of his long-lost beloved Takao with abandon. It was hot, and tight, and every little sound Takao made shot straight through him, making his ears buzz and skin tingle. “Ta-ka…” he almost couldn't form the name he was so far gone.
He needed to do something to speed Takao along before Kai came - again - too soon and left his lover behind. Pausing only long enough to hook his arms under Takao's legs and push them up, splayed wide on either side of them, and allowing Kai to somehow slip even deeper into the bluenette than before, Kai began thrusting even harder and faster than before, striking the younger man's prostate with every stroke.
Takao let out a choked wail and dug his fingers into Kai's shoulders desperately as a white wave of bliss rolled over him in ever-increasing waves until the pressure at his centre broke and he came hard, his essence coating their stomachs and chests in a flood. His spine curved, his head tossed back and his body shuddered at the force of his orgasm while a hoarse, quiet cry of completion echoed in the humid room. “Kai!!
Kai didn't even feel the pain in his shoulders from Takao's fingers - sure to leave marks of not welts. He thrust twice more into the welcoming heat that was spasming around him and let go of himself, spiralling beyond pleasure and plummeting into pure white ecstasy. His voice cracked on Takao's name and his whole body quaked as he loosed his essence deep within his lover. Release left him weak and completely spent, and he collapsed on top of Takao with a groan.
Seconds…minutes…hours…neither man knew how long they lay there in bed totally blissed out and desperately gulping in air as if they'd sprinted a mile flat out. Kai, his face tucked against Takao's shoulder, shakily managed to move first, propping himself up on a forearm. Still feeling dazed and shaky, he brushed the damp locks of Takao's hair out of his face and rubbed a thumb-pad over his bottom lips. “Still alive, gorgeous, or did I kill you?”
“Nurgh…” came the unintelligible moaned reply. Kai sniggered and closed his eyes, using what little energy he could muster right then to slowly unsheathe himself and untangle their contorted limbs so they were at least able to sprawl comfortably to recover. Takao made a whimpering sound of loss and rolled over to curl against Kai's side, an arm and a leg tossing themselves over the dual-haired man to keep him from going very far. “Don't leave me…” Takao muttered, snuggling closer.
Kai wrapped his arm around the bluenette tightly and held him close, running his fingers through his messy midnight blue hair over and over again lazily. “Hn…I won't. Go to sleep, my love. I promise I'll be here when you wake up.” He kissed the top of Takao's head and closed his own eyes, pleasantly exhausted.
“Love you.” Takao murmured, already half-asleep.
“I know.” Kai's arm tightened around him possessively. “I know, and I love you, Takao.” He whispered in reply as darkness covered his consciousness and he fell asleep, content and satiated, in his lover's arms.
The insistent ringing of Takao's telephone jolted them both awake rather rudely the next morning. Grumbling like the non-morning person he was, Takao blindly reached out and felt around for the cordless receiver on the bedside table, grabbing it and taking it with him as he pulled the covers up over his head to block out the rest of the world. Kai, not in a mood to be awake either, muttered something in annoyed Russian and tried to ignore it as the bluenette answered.
“Kinomiya Takao…” Takao announced in a sleepy, gruff voice that was attempting to be polite.
“You're not awake yet? Takao, its nearly noon!” The all too familiar, nagging voice of Hilary came over the line in response. “We've been sitting around here expecting you to call for hours now! Get up!
“Bloody hell…” Takao, released from any politeness he felt compelled to have when he answered, cursed fluently at the girl for several minutes before continuing. “I'm supposed to be getting what rest I can, remember? What the hell do you want anyway, Hilary?”
“We have to start making some sort of plan, don't you think? Have you told Kai what the next item is yet?” Hilary, used to the grumpy, caustic bluenette when he first woke up in the morning by now, remained unfazed and ignored his tone and cursing. “Oh, and tell him to call Tala…I mean Agent Ivanov, soon.”
Takao may have been half asleep yet, but he was awake enough to catch that slip. Interesting. He thought idly, yawning expansively and sighing in pleasure when one of Kai's hands began rubbing the soreness out of his lower back. “Yeah, yeah…we'll wake up and let you guys know, okay? Now go away.” He hung up and shoved the phone out of the bed and onto the floor before Hilary could say anything else, rolling onto his stomach to enjoy the massage.
“That was Kenny's secretary?” The older man inquired, fingers kneading skilfully. He smiled with heavy-lidded eyes as Takao stretched in decidedly feline pleasure under his ministrations.
“Mmm…yeah. You're supposed to call your partner.” Takao muttered, so released he could fall asleep again quite easily.
“When I feel like it. Damn Wolf's probably called my cell a hundred times by now.” Kai frowned and brushed Takao's hair out of his eyes. “Hungry?”
“Some. I need a shower first though.” Takao yawned again and pushed back the covers, rolling over and sitting up. “Want to join me, lover? No point in wasting water, right?”
Kai nodded, missing the mischievous glint in the younger man's eyes as he swung his legs out of bed and stood up. “Fine with me. Then I need coffee. Desperately.”
Takao laughed and led him into the bathroom by the hand. “Let's get showered then, lover, and I'll get out my espresso machine.”
Kai barely managed to swallow back a moan.
Kali Notes: Whew. So there you have it. It only took me…11 chapters to get them into bed. XD What will happen next? Keep on reading to find out… Please R/R!!!!