Beyblade Fan Fiction ❯ Once A Thief ❯ Thick As Thieves - Part III ( Chapter 14 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Kali notes:  Yay! Kali is hopping back onto the `ole desktop, now that it's brand new, and typing away again! No more carpel tunnel…we hope. X.x Finally, we can move along with the fics and get a few more updates in before classes start up again for the semester.
Disclaimer:  Don't own it. Don't sue.
Warnings:  Yaoi (unless you're on ffnet; then you get shounen-ai), language, dramatic angst, and other adult content.  Don't like it, don't read it!
Pairing:  TyKa; others include Tala/Hilary, mentioned Rei/Mariah
Chapter 14: Thick As Thieves - Part III
“I feel like a celebrity or royalty or something.”
Kai glanced at his lover as they walked across the tarmac from the car to the small, private jet waiting for them.
Tala grinned and shoved his sunglasses up his nose. “Fun, isn't it?”
Hilary grabbed onto her skirt and hat as a breeze came up and threatened to whip them around or off. “Ah! Actually…I'm a little nervous about this.”
“Worried about your role?” Kai inquired, slowing to a stop at the base of the stairs leading up to the plane's door. “I'm sure you'll do just fine, Hilary. Tala will look after you, even if he doesn't seem like he's dependable.”
“No. It's just hit me that…well…” Hilary blushed and looked down at herself. “I'm afraid I won't fit in very well with the rich and powerful as I'm sure Kai's family is.”
Kai blinked, somewhat confused. “What makes you think that?”
“Yeah, Hil. I think I'm the one that needs to worry about getting approval.” Takao gripped Kai's hand.
“I don't have designer…anything, really - let alone clothes or shoes or whatever - I don't wear expensive perfume or jewellery…” the brunette looked positively horrified with herself. “And my hair! You don't think I'm wearing this hat for fun, do you? And my…”
Completely helpless - not to mention mystified - in the face of Hilary's bout of female crisis, the three males glanced at each other and exchanged looks of “do something!”
“I'm…sure my mother won't even notice.” Kai finally spoke up, not knowing what else to say. “She's much more practical and down-to-earth than one might think.”
Hilary frowned, chewing her bottom lip thoughtfully.
“Besides, Hilary,” Takao grinned and caught her hat as it did fly off her head on another gust of wind. “You're capable of being rich and powerful without all that aren't you? You boss the rest of us around without difficulty and you can ignore the rest of us just as easily, too.”
“Are you calling me a snob, Kinomiya Takao!?”
While Hilary vented her frustration at Takao's comments on the bluenette by trying to strangle him to death, Kai glanced at his watch and looked at his partner.
“Kenny and the others should be in the air by now, right?” he asked.
Tala glanced at his own watch and nodded. “Yep. I'm sure they're all relaxing in first class watching one of the in-flight movies by now - along with whoever the Boss sent along to keep an eye on them for us while they're gone and we're in Italy.”
“That's what I figured, too. Then I suppose we should be leaving now and get this production on its way.” Kai extracted his lover from Hilary's grip and pulled him up the steps to the jet. “Time to go, Taka. Here,” he gently pushed the younger man in the direction of the seating cabin. “Go settle in while I talk to the captain and I'll be right there.”
“Okay.” Takao obeyed, admiring the interior of the jet openly as he moved. Tala and Hilary followed him, taking their own seats and getting settled for their flight.
Kai popped his head into the cockpit of the plane. “Hey, Captain Ferretti. We're all ready to go as soon as you've got clearance.”
“Sure thing, Mr. Hiwatari.” The captain chuckled, shaking his head. “Still sounds odd to be calling you that.”
Kai rolled his eyes. “You're the one that insists on it, not me. Anyway, let's fly, huh?”
“We're as good as airborne.” Ferretti began flipping switches and dials, checking last minute flight details, and preparing to take off. Kai left him to it, heading back to the passenger cabin.
He paused, shaking his head at his partner who was bent over and digging through the mini-refrigerator in the small galley area at the back corner of the cabin.
“Found the alcohol already, I see.” The dual-haired agent commented, dropping into the seat next to Takao's and stretching out his legs in front of himself comfortably.
Tala peered over his shoulder and stuck out his tongue in a childish gesture. “We may be working, but we can have a little fun and enjoyment in between, can't we? Besides,” he pulled out a bottle of wine and dangled it in front of himself as he turned around. “We all need to relax and just chill out for a couple of hours - especially sparky over there.” The wolfish agent gestured at Takao with the bottle and turned to find some glasses.
The bluenette scowled and repeated, “ `Sparky?'” in a deadly tone that had Kai running a hand up and down his arm in a soothing manner.
“Ignore the mutt.” Kai stroked Takao's fingers to distract him and let the younger man thread their digits together. “He's forever trying to aggravate people that way. He's not being mean - just annoying.”
Even though he was itching to send one of his `sparks' in Tala's direction, Takao subsided and managed to refrain. Instead, he settled back into the seat and closed his eyes with a small purr of comfort.
Hilary hid a giggle behind her hand and got up to help Tala carry the three glasses of wine (and one glass of fizzy lemon-lime flavoured spring water for Takao) he'd poured for them.
“Here you are, my lady.” Tala handed her a wine glass with a grand flourish before walking over to Kai and Takao to dangle their glasses in front of them carelessly. Kai took both and shook his head again, not saying a word. The redhead smirked and went back to take his seat near Hilary just as the jet began to move. “Ah…finally taking off. As much as I like Paris, I'm looking forward to Italy.”
“I've never been.” Hilary mused, sipping her wine. “Maybe that's another reason I'm so nervous. Italy is such a…glamorous place and I'm…not glamorous, really.”
Tala raised an eyebrow, taking a sip of his own wine. “What makes you think you have to be `glamorous' to go to Italy? Besides the fact that it also depends on one's definition of glamorous.” He added, winking at her and earning a rosy blush he found endearing.
“Oh…stop!” Hilary stared down into her wine glass to avoid looking at him and letting him see her red face.
“It's true, Hilary, all the glitz and glamour is for the paparazzi and gossip slingers, and you don't really care about all that, do you?” Tala asked. Hilary shook her head. “There you go. That shiny, sparkly lifestyle isn't real. You're much more real than all that fake crap you see on TV or read in the magazines.”
Not sure what to say to that, she just smiled and fought off another fierce blush.
“Did you want this water, Taka?” Kai asked, tuning out the conversation between his partner and the brunette.
“Not right now, thanks anyway.” Takao responded, curling into Kai's side as comfortably as he could and yawned. He burrowed his face into Kai's shoulder with a little sigh. “I actually might nap for the flight, if that's alright.”
“Hn. Of course.” Kai curled his arm around his lover's shoulders and softly stroked his hair. “Still tired?”
“Yeah. I can't seem to find the same energy these days that I used to have, though I'm sure it's understandable, considering.”
“This will all be over soon, Taka. And until - and even after - it is, you have me. Always.”
Takao smiled and opened his eyes, sitting up a bit and leaning in to brush a light kiss to Kai's mouth. “I know. I'll never stop being grateful for it, either.”
Hilary gawked. She didn't mean to, but it was extremely difficult not to when one is unused to such surroundings.
“It's an island?!” she gasped, awed.
“Yep. It's not very big, but it's an island.” Tala glanced at his partner and the bluenette. “Hence the reason it's a little difficult to get in to the place. By air or by sea is the only two ways. Taking a boat, as we are, it's only a fifteen minute ride from Naples. If you fly, by helicopter, it's about ten minutes.”
“Wow.” was all she could muster.
Takao watched the gem-like glitter of the blue-green Mediterranean as the boat sped along toward their destination. He had to admit, albeit silently, that he was just as impressed as Hilary was. But at the same time it meant nothing to him. Kai's family wealth and power had never affected how he saw his lover, never coloured their relationship in anyway. He looked away from the water as they slowed, and raised a hand to shield his eyes from the bright sun so he could see Kai.
“Welcome to the Isle of Fire.” The crimson-eyed agent said as he piloted their small boat in to dock where several people were waiting for them.
“Isle of Fire?” Takao asked curiously. He had to wait for an answer, however, until Kai finished speaking to the servants while Tala tossed the boat's mooring line to them to secure the skiff to the dock. The wolf then leapt nimbly out of the boat to the dock, turned, and held out a hand to Hilary.
“Allow me.” He said with a grin. “It's slippery and the boat's still rocking a bit.”
“Thank you, Tala.” She smiled and accepted his assistance. Takao shook his head and leaned in to whisper in Kai's ear in quiet Japanese.
“I don't think they'll have to do much acting while we're here, do you?”
Kai grunted and carefully climbed out, giving Takao a steadying hand to help him out. “No. Though I don't know her as well as you do, I think she may actually be good for him. He needs to settle down a little.”
“We'll see.” Takao snickered, then looked back at the boat as two of the servants jumped in. “The bags?”
“They will be brought to the house, though I imagine we'll be bout in the guest houses as I usually stay there when I come to visit.” Kai took the bluenette's hand in his own and tugged him forward to begin walking. “Let's go.”
“You don't stay in the main house with your family?” Hilary inquired. It was Tala who answered her.
“Nope. My partner likes his privacy, and he usually has work with him so he needs to keep it under wraps, you see.” The redhead explained. Kai just shrugged.
“I see.”
“So why is it called the `Isle of Fire?'” Takao asked again as they walked down the dock and up a set of stairs.
“If you look back toward the mainland, though today isn't the best day for the view,” Kai paused at the top of the stairs and turned, pointing in the direction of the mainland. “You can see Naples, there, and a little to the south you can barely make out a mountain.”
Hilary squinted, nodding. “Oh yes! I can see it. What's so special about it?”
Takao's eyes went wide. “Vesuvius! Whoa!”
“You got it. Doesn't get much more fiery than a volcano, right?” Kai squeezed his lover's hand. “No worries though. If it does blow its top, we'll have plenty of warning and plenty of time to ditch this place in a hurry.”
He said it so cavalierly and dismissingly that Hilary went a bit pale and swallowed the lump in her throat.
“But it's not likely to erupt while we're here so don't even think about it.” Tala rolled his eyes, trying to reassure her.
“Uh…yeah.” Takao shook his head and continued walking alongside the slightly taller dual-haired agent. “Hey, Kai?”
“Yes, love?”
“Are our meals going to be fancy? Like, will I need to get dressed up, and know which fork to use when, and stuff like that?”
“Oh.” Kai blinked, thinking about it. “If father is around, probably. But only for evening meals. If he's not, then no. Mother won't make us get all formal.”
“Will a dress shirt and a pair of black jeans work? Because I don't have a suit, and I hate to make a bad impression. I mean, these are your parents, and…”
Kai stopped and clasped Takao by the upper arms, giving him a slight shake and interrupting. “Kinomiya! You're babbling, lover.”
The bluenette snapped his mouth shut and flushed. After a moment, he nodded. “Right. Sorry, I'm fine.”
“Yeah.” Kai smiled and pressed a solid kiss to Takao's mouth, lingering just a little. “Relax, Takao. You're just going to aggravate your ulcer.” He took the younger man's hand firmly once more and pulled him along again as Takao expelled a deep gust of breath.
Hilary watched the pair with interest and amusement from her vantage point slightly behind them as they approached the Hiwatari villa. She could see, now, what the others had told her about Takao and Kai's relationship, could see for herself what Max, Rei, and Kenny had all seen back in high school that she hadn't been aware of. The two men complemented each other in so many ways, fit together like puzzle pieces that gave a complete picture when together and an incomplete picture when apart. Their personalities, where they would sometimes rub up against each other in the wrong way, also meshed seamlessly at the same time.
“Hilary?” Tala's quiet inquiry broke her out of her contemplative thoughts. “What are you thinking about so seriously? I can see the gears winding.”
“Oh, it's nothing.” She smiled and looked around the grounds as they reached the front doors of the main house. “Just reflecting, is all.”
Tala tilted his head in interest, but didn't have a chance to ask any further questions. The door opened before Kai could do it himself and a petite, dark-haired, elegant woman stood in the entrance, a welcoming smile for an expression.
“Kai! Welcome home, son!” She held out her hands to him and he smiled back, taking her hands in his and leaning down to kiss her on both cheeks in greeting.
“Hello, Mother. You're looking well.” Kai squeezed her hands before releasing her and stepping to the side next to Takao. “I hope you don't mind that I brought company.”
“Of course I don't mind!” she replied, turning to his partner. “Tala! It's about time you came to visit me, young man!” Kai's mother gave the redhead a mock scolding and laughed when he grinned and actually engulfed her in a bear-hug that lifted her off the ground briefly.
“Aww…I'm very sorry it's been so long, Mom.” He laughed and set her down again gently. “Work's a slave driver, and all that.”
“Well, that's alright. You boys are off saving the world in your own little way, so I can forgive you.” She reached out and hooked an arm through both agents', turning to greet Takao and Hilary. “And as my boys have forgotten their manners, I'll introduce myself. Hiwatari Masumi.” She gave them a short bow of greeting. “Welcome to my home.”
“Mom, this is Tatibana Hilary.” Tala introduced the brunette first, before Kai could even open his mouth to do so for Takao. “We met through work.”
“Hello.” Hilary gave the older woman a respectful bow. “It is a pleasure to meet you, Hiwatari-sama. You're home is very beautiful and I am honoured to be here.”
Masumi blinked, then laughed lightly. “Thank you, my dear. Hilary, was it?”
“Yes, ma'am.”
“Please, there is no need for such formality. You may call me Masumi, Hilary. When in Rome, as they say…and I dare say we are close enough!” Kai's mother smiled at Hilary, who returned the smile with a nod.
“Thank you, Masumi.”
Masumi looked at Tala and winked at him. “It's about time, cub! You've been philandering for so long now I was beginning to believe you'd never settle down.”
The icy-eyed wolf actually squirmed in place and flushed bright red. Takao hid a grin behind his hand when Hilary, not entirely acting, raised an eyebrow at her `boyfriend.'
“Do tell.” She said, eyeing Tala. Not wanting to get into any such topic of discussion, he flashed a winning smile at them all and ushered Hilary into the house.
“Well, I'm dying for something cold and liquid after all that travelling today! Let's go raid the refrigerator in the kitchens, Hilary!”
Kai grasped Takao's hand as the attention was finally turned on the bluenette. The moment Takao's eyes met Masumi's, he knew where his lover had gotten his own pair of surreal eyes. Not the colour - as that was completely unique to Kai alone - but the shape of them, and the same vivid, burning intensity that Kai always seemed to possess. And maybe it was just his nerves, but this gaze was stronger, and seemed to pierce right through him. He felt like his very soul was laid bare to her, and he swallowed the thick lump that had formed in his throat to be able to speak.
“It is a great honour to finally meet you, Hiwatari-sama.” He managed to say in a somewhat rough, but clear voice. He didn't even notice that he'd tightened his hand around Kai's in a veritable death-grip. His bow of greeting was a deep one that bent him right over at the waist. Maybe he was going overboard, but he couldn't afford to screw this up, not for so many reasons.
“Mother, this is…” Kai began, wanting to help the bluenette out and ease the tension that thrummed through him strongly enough that Kai could feel it.
“Kinomiya Takao. Yes, I recognized you immediately.” Masumi stepped forward and nearly shocked both young men spit-less when she enfolded the bluenette in a great hug, her face buried in Takao's shoulder. “Kai has told me all about you, Takao, and over the years I have hoped and hoped that he would find you again. Nothing and no one has ever made my son happier than you, and I can not tell you…there aren't words…” she pulled back from him and wiped at the tears that were falling down her cheeks with a smile. “It is such a relief to know that he can finally be happy again.”
Kai just stared at them both, shrugging helplessly at Takao's expression that read, “What do I do? What do I say?!”
“Ah…well…thank you, Hiwatari-sama.” Takao floundered, then said the only thing that he could - what came straight from his heart. “I love Kai, and I feel much the same as you do. I…am very grateful to have a second chance.”
“Oh!” Masumi dabbed at her eyes with a handkerchief and smiled tremulously at them, taking both their hands and pulling them into the house. “Please think of me as your own mother, Takao, and don't stand on formality with me? All this time I feel I've gotten to know you as Kai did - does - and I have thought of you as my own child, so please…”
Touched, and a little awed by the strong sentiment and complete acceptance, Takao could only smile back and take her offer.
“Thank you, Masumi-san.”
“Ah…give him a chance to get used to you, Mother.” Kai ran a hand through his hair, wondering where she'd been keeping all this emotion on his behalf hidden all this time.
“Of course! I do apologize, Takao. I'm just so excited and happy!” Masumi let them go as Tala and Hilary reappeared, each carrying a tray of glasses and a pitcher of lemonade with an assortment of cookies and biscuits. “Excellent idea, Tala! Come! Bring those and follow me. We'll sit outside in the shade and have a nice visit before my husband returns.”
“I'm going to change out of this shirt, first, Mother.” Kai interjected, looking at his watch. “Are we out in the guest houses, as usual?”
“Yes, dear. The one you and Tala usually stay in has been prepared for you and Takao, and the one next door for Tala.” Masumi stopped and glanced between Tala and Hilary. “I didn't know you were bringing anyone, Tala, but it won't take long to have another room prepared for Hilary…”
Before Tala could even say a word (under the slight blush creeping up his neck), Hilary beat him to it.
“Thank you, Masumi, but there's no need to go through such trouble for me. I'm sure Tala won't mind sharing.” Hilary gave Tala a side-glance, colour staining her own cheeks a dusky pink.
Tala outright blushed this time and smoothly declared, “If it's alright with you, Mom, it's fine with me.” And added a mischievous wink. Masumi's eyes held a bright twinkle of laughter as she nodded with mock gravity.
“That's quite alright. I'm not so old-fashioned that I have problems with you two sharing the same quarters.” Masumi patted Tala on the cheek fondly. “You're a good boy, Tala, when you want to be.”
“Which is once in a blue moon.” Kai muttered under his breath to Takao, who frowned.
“Well he'd better be a good boy or we'll find out how a wolf responds to shock therapy.” Stormy blue eyes flashed briefly and Kai felt the hair on the back of his neck stand up with static. The dual-haired agent ran a hand soothingly up and down Takao's arm.
“He'll be a gentleman, Taka. Come with me?”
Takao nodded and let Kai lead him away.
“We'll be back soon, Mother.” Kai called over his shoulder. She waved them off.
“Hey, this is really nice.” Takao commented, following Kai inside the small guest house toward the bedroom. “And it isn't that far from the main house, so that'll make it easier for us…”
“Here are your bags, love. Did you want to put on some cooler clothes than those jeans?” Kai asked, tossing open his own suitcase and digging out a very light, loose, cotton buttoned shirt.
“Yeah, I suppose so. I wasn't expecting it to be quite this hot, though I should have known.” Takao agreed, wryly. He went to his bag and looked around for a pair of shorts and a cooler shirt.
“How are you doing, Taka? Stomach alright?” Kai inquired, shrugging into the new shirt but not bothering to button it up. He folded is old shirt and packed it away neatly.
“I'm fine. I was a little twitchy earlier, but it's gone now.” Takao tugged off his jeans and donned his shorts. He sat on the bed and pulled of his shirt.
Kai crawled onto the bed behind him and dropped his hands on the bluenette's shoulders, kneading and massaging. Takao's eyes closed and he leaned back into the touches, his head lolling forward and a soft moan escaping him. “Uhn…Kai…”
“Relax, lover.” The older man smirked at the happy, pleasure-filled little sighs that came from the younger. “Feels good, does it?”
“Y-yeah.” Takao snuggled back into Kai's arms as he wrapped them around him. “Hmm…thank you, love.”
Kai nuzzled his nose into Takao's neck, rubbing affectionately and softly kissing him on the neck and ear. “If I thought we had time, I'd keep you in here and we wouldn't need clothes.”
Takao laughed, smiling and half-turning in Kai's embrace. “Well, what's got you all amorous, lover?” He nearly purred as a wandering hand slid tantalizingly slow up his thigh to slip under the material of his shorts' leg.
“You.” Kai replied, nibbling on his ear. At Takao's disbelieving snort, he rolled his eyes and just held the bluenette. “Alright. It's probably this Mediterranean heat, not just you. Whenever I'm in warm climates I tend to have much more energy and now that I have you…here…”
He turns that excess energy to sex. Takao nodded. In a way, he understood. Thunderstorms - and being near power lines or power plants - made him restless and hyperactive. Usually he just worked out, went for a long jog, whatever, but he could see how it could be turned to something sexual instead of the usual.
Kai let out a deep breath and reluctantly released the younger man. “Sorry, Taka. Didn't mean to jump on you like that…”
“Whoa, whoa!” Takao grabbed Kai's arm and rolled them both over so he was hovering over the agent, sprawled on his back on the bed. Kai blinked up at him. “I wasn't complaining, Kai. Just making an observation.” Takao leaned in, lips a hair's breadth away from Kai's as he continued, “Feel free to `jump' me anytime…”
Kai lifted his head just enough to make the connection and drew Takao down to kiss him thoroughly, running his fingers through the bluenette's pony tail to curl around the nape of his neck and knead. Takao splayed his hands over Kai's bare chest, stroking, while he let the gorgeous creature under him kiss him as passionately as his nature could muster.
Just then Kai's cell phone made a beeping noise, signalling a text message. Takao sat up and blinked slightly glazed eyes in the direction of Kai's jacket, tossed over his suitcase.
Kai let out a frustrated growl and moved Takao off him to roll off the bed and get his phone. He flipped it open, pressed a few buttons, then cursed fluently at his partner.
“What?” Takao asked, partly amused and partly concerned. “What'd he do?”
Kai tossed him the phone and proceeded to finish getting dressed. Takao looked down to read the message.
Quit making out and get back here! Facing the Inquisition! HELP!
Takao burst into helpless laughter and handed the phone back to Kai to finish getting his own clothes back on. “Come on, love. Let's go rescue our partners before Tala starts howling.”
Kai couldn't resist a snicker.
Kali Notes: Well! Who knew I'd be writing this fic over a year after I first started it! O.O Wow. Thanks to everyone of you who has stuck with it and remains interested and a loyal reader/reviewer! I love you all! And don't forget to keep telling me what you think, so far! Please R/R!!!!