Beyblade Fan Fiction ❯ Once A Thief ❯ Thick As Thieves - Part IV ( Chapter 15 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Kali notes:  I'm just going to quit being optimistic when it comes to my time. I think I keep jinxing myself when I say I can finally do more writing. Anyway, I give you another chapter! We're getting into the fun stuff now… And how about some more Tala/Hilary? Yep. I agree.
Disclaimer:  Don't own it. Don't sue.
Warnings:  Yaoi (unless you're on ffnet; then you get shounen-ai), language, dramatic angst, and other adult content.  Don't like it, don't read it!
Pairing:  TyKa; others include Tala/Hilary, mentioned Rei/Mariah
Chapter 15: Thick As Thieves - Part IV
“That…was extremely hard on my nerves.” Tala complained with a huff as he flopped into an oversized armchair in the living room of Kai and Takao's guest house. “I never thought that concealing the truth would ever be this hard.”
“You're telling me?” Kai just gave him a look and settled down next to Takao on the sofa, draping an arm around the bluenette's shoulders. Hilary sat down next to Takao on his other side and smothered a yawn.
“It was certainly nerve-wracking - for all of us.” She tried diffusing the tension level diplomatically. “I think we did fine, though. We didn't reveal anything we shouldn't, and it seems like my performance was at least believable…”
“You did great, Hilary.” Takao smiled at her. “You're a much better actress than I'd have thought.”
She blinked at him, not sure if she should be insulted or feel complimented. “Um…thanks.”
“Well, we got through the initial hours smoothly, but now comes the hard part - doing what we came here to do and getting away with it.” Tala sat up and leaned forward, resting his elbows on his knees. His ice blue eyes flicked over each of them, lingering on his `girlfriend' surreptitiously as he continued. He was trying to ignore the weird feeling that tickled the back of his mind and made his chest ache a little at the idea that Hilary was only acting and didn't really feel a thing toward him. “How long should we stay for? It'll be easier to plan if we have a time frame to work with.”
“I think it'll be best if we take it the night before we leave.” Takao stated. “That way, the chances of someone finding that it's gone before we get away with it are much lower, and I'm sure if Kai's parents do find out it's gone, they'll be calling Kai immediately to come in and investigate, right?”
“Yeah, probably.” Kai had to agree with that. “Then Tala and I would have to come back and make a show of investigating.” He frowned, sighing. “I really don't want to have to do that.”
“If we're lucky, we won't have to. We just need to do this right.” Tala pulled out his laptop computer from its bag and turned it on. “Hilary and I need to go over the blueprints and the layout of the security system a couple more times, just to be safe, before we go ahead with the plan.” He glanced at his partner. “Kai, you need to find out for sure if the Egg is where it's supposed to be.”
“Please.” Takao agreed fervently. “I don't want a repeat of the manuscript incident, thank you very much.”
“Oh…right.” Tala nodded, remembering Takao's statement detailing that particular item. “Yes, let's not repeat that.”
Kai ran his fingers through his hair and decided enough was enough for one day. “We'll discuss it more tomorrow. For now, I'm tired, and Takao needs to rest, so pack it up, Tala.”
Takao let his head fall against Kai's shoulder and snuggled in with a sigh.
“But…” Tala frowned in protest, though he didn't finish the complaint. “Okay. Let's leave these two, Hilary.” He put the computer away and got up, Hilary following him.
“Hilary?” Takao called her back for a moment. “Are you sure you're alright staying next door with Tala? Alone?”
She smiled at the genuine concern in his voice. “Yes. I know he'll be a gentleman, Takao. But I appreciate you asking.” Hilary gave him a small hug. “Get some rest, Takao. We'll see you in the morning, okay?”
“I will. Good night, Hilary.”
“That goes for you, too, Kai.” The brunette admonished. “You need the rest just as much.” She waved over her shoulder. “Good night, guys.” She said as she closed the door behind her, leaving them alone in the guest house.
Silence fell over the room like a blanket, and Takao smiled to himself, cuddling Kai like an oversized pillow. The fire-eyed agent smothered a yawn and lazily ran fingers through Takao's hair.
“Let's go to bed, lover.” Takao pushed himself up and away from Kai, and got to his feet. “I don't think I can keep my eyes open much longer.”
“Right behind you, Taka.” Kai got up and moved to lock the door and turn off the lights before he followed his lover into the bedroom.
In the other guest house, Tala was busily setting up his computer equipment again. Hilary sat on the sofa, watching him amusedly.
“I take it you're not ready to go to sleep yet, Agent Ivanov?” She observed, resigning herself to the upcoming late night.
“Not yet, no.” Tala answered, plugging several cables into the laptop, and then plugging directly into the phone jack nearby. “I want to be ready for this. I want to be as familiar as possible with the security here as I can get before Takao and Kai do their part. You're going to need to do the same, Hilary.” He stated decisively, finally looking up at her. “Between the two of us, we should be able to handle everything well enough that our partners can do what needs to be done with ease and little worry.”
“Of course, Tala.” Hilary nodded in agreement. “I understand that. I'm just thinking we need our sleep, too.”
“We will. But now, this time of night, is the only real opportunity we'll have to practice and scope out the situation. During the day we're going to be busy playing the happy couple and socializing with one or both of Kai's parents.” Tala explained. He sat down beside Hilary and turned on the laptop.
“Alright. So what do we do first?” Hilary couldn't really argue that point, so she gave in gracefully and watched the screen intently to study what Tala did.
“We'll use the phone line to hack into the system. Get those scans of the layout of the interior Kenny gave us, would you?”
“Okay.” Hilary dug through the carry case for the laptop until she came up with several pages. “What am I looking for?”
“Hmm…can you see which route would be the fastest, easiest way to get in and out, without a security system to deal with?”
“Well…” the brunette traced a path on the first page with a finger. “If they leave from their guest house, and go this way, enter here…” she paused, turned the map and frowned. “Actually, I'm wondering if climbing up to his second story window that opens to the room next to that library wouldn't be easier than trying to sneak upstairs from the inside.”
“How so?”
“Less likely that they'd accidentally run into Kai's parents, or a staff member, or whatever.”
“Ah. We'll run it by Kai and Takao later.” Tala looked back at his screen and began trying to hack the system. “Now let's see…”
For the next three hours they plotted, experimented, and worked out a tentative plan of action for their counterparts next door.
The redheaded agent smothered a yawn and finished saving the data they'd collected, shutting the laptop down for the night. He blinked and glanced down when he felt a soft, warm body suddenly fall against his side and saw Hilary's mahogany hair spill across his shoulder as her head dropped to rest there. His lips quirked upward in a small smile. She'd fallen asleep on him.
Tala reached over and turned off the table lamp, tossing the room into darkness, then carefully, in an effort not to displace or jar Hilary and wake her, slid down onto the sofa onto his back and pulled her with him so that she lay atop him comfortably. Her head pillowed on his chest, and he draped an arm around her to keep her from falling off the sofa to the floor.
Hey, he wasn't about to pass up an opportunity like this if he could help it. No matter that he was supposed to be pretending to be dating the pretty young brunette, but he actually did like her and respect her. He wouldn't have minded much if she returned the sentiment and interest.
Relaxed and comfortable, Tala allowed his eyes to close and for sleep to claim him.
When Hilary woke up the following morning, she remained as still as possible the second she realized where she was and with whom.
Or on whom. Whichever one prefers.
Pulse racing a mile a minute, she wondered if she should move - and risk waking Tala up - or if she should pretend to be still asleep and wait until he woke up on his own.
She didn't have to make the decision. Tala's voice, rough and low with sleep, interrupted her thoughts.
“Relax, sweetheart. You're perfectly safe with me.” An arm draped itself over the back of her shoulders and effectively pinned her to his chest, which moved in a deep sigh. “Go back to sleep.”
“Ur…Tala…I…” Hilary blushed furiously and wiggled, trying to escape.
“Damn, girl. I'm not going to jump you. I just want a few more minutes of sleep. Is it really so bad to want you here with me?” Tala grumbled, cracking open one eye to stare at her. “Besides…I already owe you one very nice, romantic date since we slept together last night, and if we did anything else I'd have to marry you.” He grinned at her horrified expression. “Since neither of us are ready for that stage of the relationship yet, how about we just go back to sleep and settle for that date.”
Giving up - and giggling a little - Hilary let herself fall back into the relaxed position she'd been in when she woke up. For a moment, she listened to his heart beating strong and steady before she finally curled an arm around him in return.
“Are you always this persistent and sure of yourself?” She asked. “And what date? Don't I get a say in this?”
“Me? Persistent?” Tala's tone was full of amusement. “I suppose. When I find someone worth the pursuit, I usually do everything I can. As for the date…well, I usually date a girl before I sleep with her - or anything else for that matter - so since we're doing this all backward, I owe you a date.”
Oddly enough, Hilary found that to be quite logical.
“Alright.” She said softly after a moment of silence. “When everything's over with, I'll hold you to that.” She hid her blush by snuggling against him.
Tala smiled to himself. Score.
The afternoon found the four young professionals enjoying the Hiwatari swimming pool. It was sweltering hot, for a nearly autumn day, and since both of Kai's parents were unavailable that day they were left to their own devices.
Takao was perfectly content in the water. He frolicked, he paddled, he splashed and generally had a blast. Kai, for the most part, just sat on the edge of the pool and watched him with a small, tell-tale smile of indulgence and amusement.
On the one side of the pool, Tala spent some time swimming leisurely laps - away from Takao so as not to accidentally run into him. He didn't like the heat so much, so he preferred staying in the relative coolness of the waters of the outdoor pool.
Hilary, on the other hard, was soaking up the rare opportunity to relax and do absolutely nothing - not to mention the sun's rays. She lounged on a chair in her two-piece, dark green bathing suit, a pair of dark, delicate sunglasses protecting her eyes as she let the sun give her pale skin a much - desired bronzing.
To top off their paradise, the Hiwatari staff kept them supplied with icy cool drinks, snacks to nibble on, and necessities like sunscreen and towels.
The sun was high overhead and beating down on the poor humans below when a dripping wet Takao heaved himself liquidly out of the deep end of the pool, a mischievous, wicked glint on his blue eyes, and made his way toward an unsuspecting Hilary. Kai shook his head, watching, and debating whether he should attempt to be gallant and warn the girl or pretend he wasn't paying attention.
Tala reached the end of the pool where his partner had his feet dangling in the water and ceased his laps, ready for a break. He tread water a moment to push his sopping red hair out of his eyes before moving to the stairs and climbing out. Grabbing a towel, he began drying himself off and plopped down with a squelching sound next to Kai.
“Aren't you going to swim, Kai? Take advantage, partner.” He suggested, draping the towel around his shoulders.
“Maybe. At the moment, I'm waiting for the hurricane to hit.” Kai gestured toward a still oblivious Hilary and the expertly creeping Takao. “€10 says he manages to get her in the water before she realizes what's happening.” Tala blinked then smothered a laugh. He was male enough to appreciate what the bluenette intended to do, but on the other hand, he really should be defending her as her…could be, one day soon, boyfriend.
Shouldn't he?
Then again he was a wolf, with that trickster's mischievousness that his fellow wolves - human and animal - often displayed.
“€20 says he gets his ass handed to him. Royally.” Tala responded after a minute. There. That was defence, in a round-about way.
Two minutes, a loud splash, and vehement cursing of Takao in full voice later, Kai was smugly and proudly watching his lover make a life-or-death run for it as the infuriated brunette chased him down, promising a world of pain for getting her hair wet.
“You owe me, Ivanov.”
“Shut up. Now if you'll excuse me, it's my cue to go a be a knight in…well, white bathing trunks, and go rescue the princess from the dragon.” Tala rose and padded off, waiting nearby until Takao dashed past with a laughing squeal, closely followed by Hilary. The wolf snagged her around the waist as she passed and ended the chase neatly by handing her a clean, fluffy towel.
“Here you go, sweetheart, dry yourself.” He smiled benignly at her scowl, unfazed by her attempts to free herself and murder Takao. “Would you like some help re-applying your sunscreen, Hilary?”
Hilary gave Takao (who had ducked down beside his lover to hide from her wrath) a final death glare then smiled up at Tala with a nod. “Thank you, Tala. I always miss a few places on my back when I put it on myself.” Then she blushed and tilted her head at him. “Sweetheart?”
Tala winked and led her back to her chair, but didn't say another word.
“My, my…aren't you brave.” Kai drawled, tossing a towel at Takao's head. “You could have had your eyes clawed out for that.”
“Nah. She knows I'd never hurt her. It was just a bit of fun, Kai. And she'll forgive me.” Takao grinned and wrung out his hair before towelling it dry. “Someday.”
Kai rolled his eyes again, taking the towel from him to do it himself. Takao's grin was replaced by a happy smile, his eyes closing to enjoy his lover's touch and treatment. Then Kai threw the towel to the side and pulled the bluenette closer to sit between his legs and proceeded to gently finger-comb the tangles out, earning an approving purr of sound from Takao. After a few blissful moments, Takao abruptly twisted in Kai's arms and ran his fingers through Kai's own hair.
“Kiss me, Kai” He murmured just before Kai, already leaning in the second he'd turned, did just that.
Tala slowly rubbed the sunscreen lotion over Hilary's pale, smooth skin, taking care not to miss any spots on her back. He was mesmerized by the sight of that ivory flesh that (other than the slight sun-kissed tone of it) was nearly as pale as his own skin.
Hilary sat in front of him on the deck chair, eyes closed and a faint blush painting her cheeks. Even though he was being a perfect gentleman and not trying to cop a feel (as most would have done, she believed), it was still a very new experience for her to be touched this way. Truthfully, the entire strange relationship that was developing between them was new to her. She'd dated, but none of those had ever lasted very long. Then, too, his silence was unnerving her the longer it went on.
To that effect, she cleared her throat and glanced over her shoulder at him. “You're very quiet, Tala. Something on your mind?”
His hands didn't pause as he leaned forward just enough for her to feel his body heat - even on a day like it was…though it could just be her mind playing tricks on her. A wicked grin spread over his face. “All kinds of things, sweetness. But mostly you.”
The brunette blushed and hastily looked forward again with a giggle. Then she blinked and looked away from the private moment going on across the pool between Kai and Takao. “Oh my…”
“What?” Tala sat up on his knees to peer over the top of her head. “Geez. The lovebirds are at it again, I see.”
“Yes, but leave them be.” Hilary smiled to herself, unconsciously leaning back into him. “They've got a lot of lost time to make up for.” Then she spotted a garden hose lying on the grass near a bunch of shrubbery. “Of course, payback's a bitch…”
Tala looked down at her in confusion, hearing a note of steely vengeance in her voice that he wondered if he should be concerned about. “Huh? What are you…?”
“Shh.” Hilary slipped over to the hose and picked up the business end with a particularly evil grin. “Turn this on, would you?”
Comprehension dawned and Tala was all too happy to go looking for the switch. He cranked it up and went back to Hilary with an equally evil grin.
“And you don't even have to get that close to them. Nice.” He commented in appreciation. This was a female with a spirit of mischievousness to match his own. “I think the heat needs to be turned down on those two, don't you?”
“Amen.” Hilary turned the hose in their direction and let the forceful spray of cold water launch toward Kai and Takao.
The dual-haired agent was definitely feeling the heat - to the point where he was about ready to pick his blue-haired lover up and cart him off to the guesthouse - when he was abruptly interrupted and cooled down by a startling spray of cold water.
Yelping, Takao broke away from the addictive attentions of the older man and tried to see what was causing the sudden torrential downpour. He had a hard time, having to fend off the hard spray of water, but he managed to see the hose - and then the person holding it.
“Ahh! Hilary!” He squawked. “Turn it - argh - off!”
After a few more blasts for good measure to make sure they were completely soaked, Hilary stopped the hose and set it down, dusting her hands off.
“Ha! And now we're even, Takao!” She declared in satisfaction. Tala laughed outright at the sight of his soaked, bedraggled partner and the reluctant thief.
“What the hell did I do?!” Kai complained, getting up to look for towels.
“Sorry, Kai.” Hilary batted her eyes at him sweetly. “You were an innocent victim of friendly fire.”
“Just admit defeat quietly, Kinomiya. You can't compete with the female mind.” Tala advised, still snickering. One storm blue pair of eyes and one pair of fiery crimson red pinned him with disgruntled glares.
“Traitor.” Kai accused, handing Takao a towel.
“You bet.” Tala responded blithely.
“Ah! There all of you are!” Kai's mother appeared for the direction of the main house. “Have you had a good day, children?” Masumi asked as she stopped next to Tala.
“Hi, Mom! Yeah, we were just enjoying the pool.” Tala bent and gave the petite woman a kiss on the cheek.
“How are you today, Masumi-san?” Takao asked, smiling. Kai's arm draped around his shoulder and he nodded.
“Hello, Mother.”
Masumi smiled at them, pleased. “I'm very well today, thank you, Takao. I actually came out to let you all know that supper is at 6:30 tonight.” Her eyes met her son's. “My husband will be joining us tonight, also.”
Takao tensed up immediately, and Kai's arm tightened protectively around him.
“Thanks for the heads-up, Mother.” Kai responded, glancing at his watch. “In that case, we'd better all go get cleaned up and dressed. It's nearly 5 pm now.”
She nodded and went to Takao, giving him a motherly pat. “Don't worry, my dear. Susumu can be intimidating but he's really a big teddy bear once you get to know him. He's not that bad. And he's quite anxious to meet you.”
Takao didn't really know what to say to that except, “I look forward to meeting Kai's father, Masumi-san.”
“You'll be fine.” Masumi clapped her hands sharply together. “Go on, now! Time's marching on!” She shooed them off to get ready.
Kai stepped out of the bathroom and stooped dead. Their bedroom was a disastrous whirlwind of various articles of clothing. Shaking his head, he stepped gingerly over the ones on the floor and walked over to the mirror where the midnight blue-haired thief stood studying his appearance.
“Having issues, Kinomiya? Or did a tornado pass through unexpectedly?”
Takao glanced at him in the mirror's reflection and glowered. “Hardy har har. Is this shirt alright, or should I wear a tie? I brought ties…”
“Love, you don't have to wear a tie. It's not formal…just a family dinner that we have to look presentable for, that's all.” Kai stood behind Takao and straightened the collar of his dress shirt, smoothing the edges down and pulling the mass of blue-black hair out of Takao's face. “Just be yourself, Taka. My father respects those who are self-confident and comfortable with who they are.” Kai tied the hair back with an elastic hair-band and let his hands rest on the bluenette's shoulders. “Let him see what I have always seen.”
A weak smile passed over Takao's features. “I'll try. Sorry I'm such a wreck, love.”
“You're not a wreck. You're just nervous. I was terrified when you first introduced me to Gramps you know. And then when I met you father and brother at Grad…I was petrified.” Kai admitted wryly. Takao's eyes were wide and he shook his head.
“You? No way. If you were, you sure hid it well, Kai.”
“I was. And I don't think your brother approved of me, either. He kept staring at me all day like he wanted me to disappear or he'd make me.”
Takao gave a startled laugh. “Sounds like Hiroshi. He and I are going to have to have a long chat when this is over with, I think.”
Kai kissed him on the cheek and moved away. “He's going to have to get used to me because I'm not going anywhere ever again. Now, let's get going, love. The sooner we get this over with, the sooner you'll feel better.”
“Yeah…” Takao gave himself one final once-over then followed Kai from the room.
Entering the dining room together, the four young conspirators were greeted by Kai's mother, holding a tray of champagne flutes filled with sparkling, bubbly champagne.
“Good evening! Have a glass of champagne, each of you. My husband will be down any minute and we can sit down to dinner.”
Takao took the glass, though he hesitated because he didn't know how to turn it down without insulting her. Kai came to the rescue, however, and plucked it from his fingers.
“None for you. No alcohol, Kinomiya.”
“Kai!” Masumi scolded.
“Doctor's orders, Mother. He's got an ulcer, and his medication wouldn't agree with the alcohol.” Kai explained, sipping it himself. “Do we have any of that non-alcoholic cider around?”
Masumi was immediately sympathetic and concerned. “Oh! Yes, of course. You poor young man. It's such a shame that the youth of today must suffer such stress as to fall under such health problems. One moment and I'll have the staff fetch something more appropriate for you.” She gracefully whisked away before Takao could say anything. Instead, he whined at his lover in embarrassment.
“What? You know you can't drink it!”
“I wasn't going to! I just didn't know how to say `no thank you' without insulting her!”
“The truth works, you know.”
“Now I feel bad for requiring special consideration like that.”
“As adorable as it is and as much as I would love to kiss away that pout of yours, please turn the puppy look off?”
“You're the least sympathetic person on the planet, aren't you?”
“No. That's Tala.”
“Hey!” A scowl was directed at Kai from his partner. Hilary smothered a giggle.
“I hate you, Kai.” The bluenette pouted more.
Kai smiled and kissed him on the cheek before taking another sip of champagne. “I love you, too, Taka.”
Takao sighed, losing the inane argument to those three, most meaningful words. “Yeah, yeah…”
Still frowning, Tala shook his head. “Were they like that in high school, too?” He asked Hilary. She thought about it for a moment.
“Well, in a way, I suppose. Back then I didn't know they were even dating each other, though. I just thought it was bickering among friends.”
Tala blinked. “How could you not tell?” He asked incredulously. “They absolutely drip with `coupleness!'”
Now. Then they sure didn't act as most couples do. They didn't hold hands al the time, they didn't act affectionate in public - not so as to be noticed, at least - and they were hardly ever seen together alone, without any of the others around, so..” Hilary shrugged and sipped her champagne.
“Odd. And yet…not.”
Kai's mother returned with a member of the staff in tow who was carrying a bottle of cider and an empty flute.
“Here, now, Takao. It's non-alcoholic, but I wouldn't drink too much anyway. The acidity may not agree with your stomach.” The staff person handed her a full flute of the cider and Masumi handed it to the bluenette.
“Thank you, Masumi-san. You really needn't give me any special consideration though…” Takao accepted it and obediently took a small sip. “This is very good, however!”
Masumi laughed and gave him a mild scolding. “Of course I wouldn't want you to ingest anything that might aggravate your stomach, son. I've made sure we have plenty of tea for you instead of coffee, and if there's anything else you shouldn't eat or drink, you can let me know later, alright?”
“Yes, ma'am.” Takao bowed in acquiescence, not knowing what else to say at such acceptance by Kai's mother.
Kai just smiled into his champagne, silently thanking his mother for the same reason.
“Ah yes. Here is everyone!” A new, male voice declared as Hiwatari Susumu appeared at the double doors of the dining room. “Kai, you've finally come home, have you?”
“Father.” Kai nodded in greeting. “Yes, only for a visit, I'm afraid.”
“Still working on catching that thief, are you?” Susumu walked over to where Kai and Takao were, and Kai slid an arm around the bluenette's waist, giving him a nearly imperceptible squeeze of reassurance.
“Yes, sir. He's just very clever, but we'll get to the bottom of it.”
“Good, good.” The Hiwatari patriarch looked at Takao, his face revealing no sign of what he was thinking or feeling. “You must be the Kinomiya. Takao, was it?”
Nervously, the bluenette cleared his throat and gave a deep bow from the waist. “Yes, sir. It is a great honour to finally meet you, Hiwatari-sama. I regret having missed the opportunity to do so years ago before your family moved from Japan.” He said in as steady a voice as he could with a very formal tone, speaking his native Japanese.
Kali Notes: Yay for me! Classes are done for the semester and we're into holidays! I'm so happy… Hope you enjoyed the chapter! Please R/R!!!!