Beyblade Fan Fiction ❯ Once A Thief ❯ Thick As Thieves - Part V ( Chapter 16 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Kali notes:  Hot damn! I've been looking forward to this chapter for a long time. It's been in my head since at least chapter 02! I hope I can do justice to the idea I had that spawned this fic in the first place. Enjoy!
Disclaimer:  Don't own it. Kali & muses are just borrowing the wonderful characters and all that goes with them from their creator.
Warnings:  Yaoi (unless you're on ffnet; then you get shounen-ai), language, dramatic angst, and other adult content.  Don't like it, don't read it!
Pairing:  TyKa; others include Tala/Hilary, mentioned Rei/Mariah
Chapter 15: Thick As Thieves - Part V
Kai was sure that his hand was going to have a permanent imprint of Takao's on it after tonight. The bluenette was gripping it as if it were the only thing anchoring him in place. His knuckles were white - Kai's were turning blue from lack of circulation - and Kai could feel the tremors passing through his lover like small earthquakes.
Kai's father, Hiwatari Susumu, looked Takao over once and nodded in acknowledgement of the supremely formal greeting. “It is something I regret also, to have missed the opportunity to meet the boy my son felt strongly enough for to dare risking his grandfather's wrath.” The man replied as Takao stood more upright, spine ram-rod straight. “He was willing to risk losing everything for you, and that intrigued me to no end.”
“Now, Susumu, dear…” Masumi laughed lightly and pulled her husband away, handing him a flute of champagne. “Don't try intimidating him like that. You're as happy as I am that Kai found him after all this time and that they're working out their differences.”
“It's alright, Masumi-san. I can understand our husband's feelings about me. I can't say I wouldn't feel the same in his place.” Takao said, another tremor shooting down his arm, the only outward indication of his inner turmoil.
“Yes, well, he still needs to cut it out.” Masumi smiled and led the group from the room. “Come along, everyone. Dinner is served.”
Kai extracted his hand from Takao's and slid an arm around his waist instead. “Relax, love. Please? You're way too tense.” He whispered in the younger man's ear as they walked behind Tala and Hilary toward the adjoining dinning room.
“I can't help it. I…this is killing me, Kai.” Takao murmured back. “My stomach is all in knots.”
Kai frowned, pulling out a chair at the table for him and gently nudging him down into it. “You need to eat something, Taka, but you don't have to eat a lot. Everything's fine, love. Don't worry about my father.”
“…” Takao wished it was that easy. “I'll try.”
“So, Kinomiya Takao, what is it that you do?” Susumu inquired as the staff began serving them. “If I remember correctly, your family owned a dojo, yes?”
Takao took a fortifying sip of water before answering. “Yes, sir, I do. However it isn't functioning as such at the moment. My father and brother…” Takao paused, swallowing against a flash of burning in his stomach. “…their work takes them away from home more often than not, as does my own.”
“Takao and another schoolmate of ours, Mizuhara Max, own and run their own business, father.” Kai spoke up, keeping an eye on the bluenette who was looking queasy and pale - to his eyes anyway. If any of the others noticed, Kai couldn't tell by their expressions. “It's an antique and collectibles gallery.”
“Oh? How interesting.” Susumu nodded.
“It's wonderful to see someone as young as yourself taking an interest in the past and seeking to share it with others, Takao.” Masumi added, picking up her knife to cut a piece of her breadstick off. “Have you always been interested in that sort of thing?”
“Well, my expertise is more toward languages, Masumi-san. Max is the historian. But I do know some as well, as my father and brother are archaeologists and anthropologists.”
“History was your best class in high school, wasn't it, Takao?” Hilary asked.
“That and literature, I guess.” Takao responded, trying the soup that was placed in front of him. “This is very good, Masumi-san. You'll have to congratulate your chef.”
“Yes, I will. He's done a marvellous job this time, hasn't he, dear?” Masumi asked of her husband, who agreed.
“Quite. Eat up, everyone! Let's not insult the man by not enjoying it.”
To Takao's relief, the topic of dinner conversation moved away from him and on to more mundane things over the course of their meal. It did not, however, make his stomach any happier or lessen the guilt that was eating at him. He liked Kai's parents, or at least his mother. Susumu…he wasn't so sure of yet. The man was more enigmatic than Kai was, and Takao couldn't read him at all. It wasn't helping that he was worried about acceptance by Kai's father on top of the guilt at having to steal from him.
When the meal was done, Takao had to escape or he was going to implode.
“Kai,” he murmured, tugging on his lover's sleeve as they adjourned to the sitting room for an after-dinner drink and dessert. “I need to go lie down or something.”
Kai studied him in concern. “That bad? Okay. Go on. I'll just say good night and be right behind you, love.”
“ stay and visit with your family, Kai.” Takao smiled weakly, rubbing at his stomach absently. “You don't get to see them often, and…I know what it's like to regret that, so…”
“Oh, Taka…” Kai pulled him into a careful embrace, as if he'd break into two. “It'll be fine. I know it. Don't you worry about me, okay? Now go lie down and rest. I'll be there soon.” He pressed a kiss to the bluenette's temple and watched him leave in concern. Then he joined the others.
“Where's Takao?” Hilary asked, noticing his absence immediately.
“I sent him to bed. His stomach is acting up again.” Kai replied. “He's sorry to leave like that, he told me to tell you, Mother. Father.”
“Oh dear. I do hope he feels better soon. You tell him it's perfectly all right and that I'm sorry he's unwell.” Masumi frowned in concern.
“Stomach ailment?” Susumu shook his head. “In one so young…that's a shame.”
“Ulcer.” Tala informed him with a sigh. He raised an eyebrow at his partner, silently asking if Takao was alright. Kai shook his head subtly. “Nasty problem to have, that's for sure.”
“Kai, why don't I go keep an eye one him?” Hilary stood and moved toward the door. “That way you can visit and not worry about him being alone.”
“Thanks, Hilary. I appreciate it.” Kai gave her a grateful look and she smiled in return.
“Thank you for the most excellent meal, Masumi-san. Good night, everyone.” Hilary said her farewells and left quietly.
“You've done well, Tala.” Masumi winked at the redhead, who actually blushed a little. “She's a lovely young lady. I hope you won't let her slip away.”
“So do I, Mom.” Tala agreed smoothly - but honestly.
Kai excused himself for a moment, on the pretence of using the washroom. Now, he decided, would be the perfect time to retrieve something from the safe he'd had stored for safe-keeping until he found Takao - the same safe that protected the Fabergé Egg. While he was retrieving his property, he could confirm the Egg was still there.
It was time to get this over and done with. He couldn't stand seeing Takao in pain and angst any longer.
The Egg was still there, thankfully. Kai breathed a sigh of relief and grabbed his item from the safe, slipping it into his pocket and closing the safe again before going back to his parents. He ran into Tala just outside the doors to the sitting room.
“Oh, hey. I'm going back to the guest house. I'll see you in the morning, Kai.” The redhead passed by him and walked off. Kai shrugged and went into the sitting room.
“Kai, son, I want to talk to you for a moment.” His father gestured at an armchair across from himself and Kai blinked, sitting down obediently.
“What about, Father?”
“I want to ask you how much you know about this young Kinomiya you are…seeing.” His father stated, lifting a sharp eyebrow in question. Kai stared at him in slight confusion.
“Quite a lot, actually. I'm not sure what you're getting at, father.” Kai managed to respond after a second.
“Listen, son, I know you've spent a great deal of time and energy in the pursuit of this young man, and that you cared for him in the past, but that was quite a long time ago. How well can you know each other from ten years apart?”
Crimson eyes narrowed, a frown marring Kai's brow. “I know him just fine. What are you trying to say, father?”
Susumu sighed and took a sip of his wine. “I'm not trying to tell you who you should and shouldn't have a relationship with, Kai. I'm just advocating some caution. I'll be honest, however. I had the boy checked out, when your mother told me he'd been found, and the results make me wary.”
Kai went very still, eyes flashing in temper, and stared hotly at his father. “You had him investigated. What right do you have to do that? And why would you?”
“Susumu!” Masumi gasped at her husband in disapproval. “Honestly! What got into you?”
“Calm down, the both of you. Kai, you are the heir to the Hiwatari family. Whether or not you want it, it's all yours one day. And I had the right to investigate anyone who might have the influence over you to abuse the relationship in order to somehow get at that inheritance. I am doing what a good father should and protecting you and your inheritance.” Susumu stated firmly, ignoring the dangerous flaring in Kai's eyes. “I'm sorry if that somehow offends you but you'll just have to get over it.”
“But you've seen for yourself he's a good boy.” Masumi huffed, tapping one foot expressively on the floor. “He is polite, kind, respectful, and humourous. And he loves our son, there is no doubt. Why are you even bringing this up?”
“Because of the results the investigators brought to me.” Susumu replied, handing the file that Kai hadn't noticed before sitting on the coffee table to Masumi.
“And what results were those?” Kai inquired in a tense, unhappy, and down-right frosty tone.
“To begin with, Kinomiya Takao inherited a great deal of debts from his grandfather, debts that are not easily paid off. He'll be trying to pay off the mortgages on his property for decades unless he somehow finds a great deal of money somewhere.” Susumu ran a hand through his grey hair - dark grey like one shade of Kai's own mane. “That alone set off warning bells, but I also have information that says his father and brother have both mysteriously disappeared, along with a family heirloom. An ancient sword, I believe it was.”
“Disappeared? How strange…” Masumi frowned.
“That's it?” Kai folded his arms over his chest. “That's what this is all about? Well, sorry, Father. But I already know about all of it, all the details. Takao told me everything. I promised him as soon as I caught that thief I would do everything I could to help him find his family and the sword.” Kai stood and glared at his father. “As for his grandfather's debts, I had planned to do something about those without Takao's involvement because he would never ask me for money. Not ever. It would go against his honour and it just isn't the kind of person he is.
“While I appreciate that you want to protect me, I'll thank you to have a little more faith in my judgement and stay out of my personal life like that, Father. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to check on Takao and make sure he's alright.” Kai stopped long enough to give Masumi a quick kiss on the cheek. “Goodnight.” He said, striding out of the room and letting the door close behind him with a loud bang.
“You really ought to think these things through, Susumu.” Masumi chided, shaking her head. “I think you've seriously put Kai off, and now you'll have a lot of making it up to him to do.”
“I knew he wouldn't be happy, but I thought he'd have a little more sensibility about it.”
“Dear, he's in love. Sensibility goes right out the window.”
“That's what I'm afraid of.”
Hilary was just coming out of the bedroom when Kai entered the guest house. She closed the door quietly and smiled reassuringly at the scowling agent.
“He just fell asleep, Kai. I think he's feeling a little better than earlier.”
Kai took a deep breath and let it out slowly, trying to calm down. He really hadn't expected his father to do such a thing as have Takao investigated. He sighed in frustration and gave a strained smile to Hilary in return.
“Thanks, Hilary, for staying with him.”
“Of course. I'm worried for him, too.” The brunette gathered herself up and made for the front door. She stopped long enough to lay a hand on Kai's arm. “I think we should do what we came here to do as soon as possible, Kai. I don't think he can take much more of this.”
Kai patted her hand awkwardly. “I was thinking the same thing, Hilary. This is killing him, and it's killing me to watch his suffering.” He met her honey-brown gaze solidly. “Check everything over one last time. We're doing it tomorrow night.”
“Leave it to Tala and I. For now, you take care of Takao, and the both of you get some rest.” She let his arm go and left.
Kai closed and locked the door, turning off the lights and heading for the bedroom. He slipped inside quietly and began to undress.
“Kai? That you?” Takao's sleepy voice made Kai jump a bit.
“Yeah. Go back to sleep, love. I'll join you in a minute.”
He heard a yawn then a sleepy, “Okay…”
After finishing in the bathroom, Kai slipped under the sheets with the bluenette and propped himself up on one elbow to study his lover in concern.
“You alright?” He asked softly. Takao rolled onto his side and snuggled up to Kai.
“Yeah, I'm okay. I just…I don't know if I can do it, Kai. Your mother is wonderful and your father seems to be a good man. I…don't think I can steal from them like this.”
Kai's heart clenched and he curled an arm around Takao, gently stroking his hair in comfort. “I know. I know this is hard, but we have to do it. Just keep telling yourself that it's only temporary. We are returning the Egg eventually.”
“I know! I just…I hate this.” Hot tears spilled out and dripped down Kai's chest. The dual-haired man wrapped Takao securely in his arms and let him weep quietly, expunging the pent up grief and guilt that was slowly eating away at him. Takao clung, needing that offered strength and support desperately.
“We're doing it tomorrow night.” Kai said after the tears had stopped and Takao simply lay there, exhausted and limp. “Let's get it over with, and go get your family back. I promise that it will all work out, Takao. We'll make it turn out well.”
“Thank you.” Takao whispered hoarsely, sniffling. “For everything, Kai. Thank you.”
Kai smiled fondly at him, tilting his chin up with a finger. “I love you.”
Those three simple words always made Takao warm and tingly. He slipped a hand to the back of Kai's head as his lips were claimed in a deep, heartfelt kiss.
“I love you.” He murmured against Kai's lips when they separated just enough to breathe.
“Go to sleep, my love.” Kai shifted a bit for comfort and relaxed, keeping Takao close as he let himself drift into slumber.
Kai wasn't surprised that his father was gone from the estate the next morning. `Gone away on business' was what the staff member had informed him at breakfast.
When his mother joined them at the breakfast table, she announced that she was taking them all to nearby Naples to do some shopping. Both Kai and Tala wore pained expressions at the idea, but Hilary was sparkling with excitement. And Takao…well, he was happy but mostly indifferent.
“Come on, Kai.” He admonished his grumbling lover as they made their way down to the docks to catch a boat to the mainland. “It's not your thing, I know, but it's a way to get out, relax, and clear our heads for a bit, don't you think?”
“I know…but shopping?”
Takao chuckled and climbed onto the deck of the boat.
By the time they returned to the island, Kai wasn't sure they would have enough room left in Hilary's suitcase and carry-on luggage for the extra equipment they'd brought for the heist, not with how much stuff she'd bought.
“You really know where all the good deals are found, Masumi-san. I really enjoyed today.” Hilary smiled happily at Kai's mother, who returned the smile.
“That's good. I'm happy that you found such nice things for yourself and for your family back home, Hilary. It was fun, wasn't it?” Masumi replied. She turned to Kai and set the bags containing her own purchases down. “Are you really leaving tomorrow, son? It's such a shame you all have to leave so soon.”
“I know, Mother. But Hilary has to return to work, and Tala and I have a thief to catch. And Takao has a business to run.” Kai replied smoothly. “I promise we'll come back and stay longer next time, though.”
“Well, I guess that's only fair.” She laughed and waved it away. “Go put your things away and come back to the main house for dinner, kids. I had something special made for dessert since this is your last meal with me.”
“Sounds good, Mom.” Tala gave her a fond hug and started carting off Hilary's purchases. “We'll be back!”
Kai and Takao followed, helping carry Hilary's bags.
Once out of hearing range of the main house and any staff people, Takao gave Hilary hell for buying so much.
“Honestly, Hil! You aren't going to have enough room to take all this stuff back!”
“I know! Some of it is going to be boxed up and shipped home in the mail, Takao. I'm not dumb.” She retorted.
Supper was relatively calm and peaceful. The special dessert was a tiramisu cake - which Takao decided was his new favourite, even if he could only have a small piece at the moment.
When supper had finished, it was already nearing nine o'clock.
“I think I'll say good-bye now, Kai.” Masumi declared sadly as they prepared to return to the guest houses. “I'll be leaving very early tomorrow morning for Sweden for a very important business meeting, so I won't be seeing you off, I'm afraid.”
“Oh. Well, then.” Tala gave her one big bear hug and planted a kiss on her cheek. “Have a safe trip, a good meeting , and miss me lots, okay?”
She laughed and hugged him back. “Of course, Tala. And you take care of my son, and the lovely Hilary, too. If you don't, I shall have to have your head examined.”
Hilary blushed and ducked her head.
Takao swallowed nervously and held out a hand to the Hiwatari matriarch, clasping hers firmly and squeezing. “Don't worry, Masumi-san. I'll take care of Kai - as much as he lets me, anyway.”
“Ah, and that is why you and my son are such a good match. You understand one another so well.” Masumi drew Takao into a motherly hug. “I do hope you feel better soon, Takao, and that you come back to visit as soon as you are able. You will always be welcome in my home.”
“Thank you, Masumi-san.” Takao wanted to cry, but held it back admirably. He hated the whole situation thoroughly. “I will.”
“I'll phone you in a couple days, then, Mother.” Kai stated, taking Takao's hand in his own and gripping it tightly in silent support. “Have a safe trip.”
“Thank you, and the same to all of you. Goodnight, everyone.” Masumi nodded and made her way up the stairs, disappearing from view.
“Well, shall we?” Tala led the way outside and back to Kai and Takao's abode. Once inside, Tala began setting up the equipment again. “Let's run through the checks, Hilary. One last time.”
“On it!” She picked up one laptop computer and booted it up.
“We'll go change and be right out.” Takao said, pulling Kai toward the bedroom. “I can't wait until this is done.” He muttered, half to himself.
Kai closed the bedroom door behind them and watched the bluenette pull out several articles of black clothing from his suitcase. “Take it easy, love. You're too wound up.”
“I can't help it. I get like this before every…well, every time I'm about to go `borrow' something.” Takao stripped down to his brief underwear, beginning to put on the black clothes. “And this time it's all that much worse.”
Kai sighed and took out his own clothes - ones that Takao had rummaged through Kai's wardrobe and picked out himself. “I know, Taka. It'll be over soon. Do you have some way of calming yourself before you actually…do this?”
“Meditation. The one thing of Gramps' teachings that has been of most use to me all these years.” Takao finished pulling on black socks and pulled his hair into a ponytail with a black hair-tie.
“Good. Because if you don't do something we aren't doing this tonight.” Kai held up a hand at Takao's instant protest. “Ah! No. People who are all wound up like you are right now make mistakes. You can't afford it, Taka.”
The bluenette cursed and wished he had something to kick. “You're right, and I know it. I just…sorry.”
“Don't be. Just do what you need to prepare for this.”
Takao took a slow, deep breath and released it even slower. “Yeah.” He crawled into the middle of the bed and got comfortable, sitting cross-legged and closing his eyes. “Eleven o'clock, Kai. First check to make sure all the staff are gone away or to bed for the night, as well as your mother.”
“Check.” Kai nodded, pulling his black turtleneck shirt over his head.
“At 11:15, we start the security loop and make sure everything's working properly. Then at 11:20 we leave here and go get that Egg. We'll have thirty minutes to get in and out before the security loop will be discovered by the system and the alarms will go off.” Takao continued running through the basic plan. “After that, we're either safe or screwed.”
“We'll be fine.” Kai was trying really hard to be optimistic. And he had to admit that Takao was impressing him with his know-how and careful planning. It was…kinda hot, honestly. He shook himself and shrugged off the amorous thought for some other time. “Meditate, Taka. I'll come get you at 11:00.”
“Thanks, Kai.”
Kai left him sitting on the bed doing some breathing exercises to begin his mediation.
Promptly at 11:20 that night, two figures clothed entirely in black carefully snuck across the grounds from the guest house to the main house.
“Tala.” Kai said in a voice barely above a whisper. “Deck doors.” He was speaking to the small communication device that they'd commandeered from the tech department at the UNA just for this.
“Working…there. Go!” Tala's voice returned, audible only to Kai and Takao. There was a soft click as Takao grasped the door handle and opened the door, pushing it open enough to slip inside. Kai followed soundlessly, heart pounding in his ears.
Together they slunk through the breakfast room, down the hall, and carefully up the main stairs to the second floor, with murmured requests to their partners back in the guest house to open locks on doors and to turn off security lasers and such so they could pass smoothly. Takao let Kai lead the way to the double doors that belonged to the library where the safe containing the Egg was located.
“Tala. Library.” Takao murmured. There was a moment of silence, then, “Go.” as a soft click released the lock. The two men hurried inside and shut the door softly.
“I'm going for the safe.” Takao whispered quietly. He moved over to the safe and revealed it from its hiding spot behind a self of fake books. He studied the safe's lock mechanism carefully, then rubbed his fingertips together. Tiny sparks of electricity flashed in the darkness and Kai blinked.
“Don't you want the code? It'd be faster.” Kai suggested.
“Maybe, but then it wouldn't look as real as if we really did break in.” Takao murmured back, setting his fingertips, encased by black leather gloves, to certain spots around the dial of the combination lock. He closed his eyes to concentrate, and with his other hand turned the dial very slowly. “This won't take that long.”
Kai watched in fascination as Takao worked. It appeared that he was using his electric abilities to manipulate the tumblers of the lock by magnetism. Every time he turned the dial over one of the numbers of the combination, there was a distinct `click' of sound from the tumbler moving. As each one was hit, Takao was slowly reciting the code aloud. “4, 18, 1, 14, 26, 5, 18.” Then the safe door popped open, and Takao smiled faintly, looking inside for the Egg.
The bluenette quickly removed it, putting it into the small, black velvet drawstring bag that he'd brought along and closed the safe again. “Time?” He asked Kai.
“We have ten minutes to get out of here.” Kai whispered back. “Let's go.”
Takao nodded and gestured for him to lead the way. They snuck back out the same way they'd gotten in, and this time each murmured request to Tala and Hilary was to relock the doors and turn on the security devices they'd locked and shut off on the way in.
With only a mere three minutes to spare, they managed to slip back into the guest house without any hang-ups.
As soon as they did, Tala and Hilary set to stopping the feedback loop on the security system and setting everything back to normal, cleaning up the equipment.
“Here's the case, Takao.” Hilary brought the transport case they'd brought along for the Egg to him and he carefully placed the delicate valuable inside.
“Thank god.” Tala breathed a sigh of relief. “That was bloody nerve-wracking from our end.”
“Same for us, if not worse.” Kai retorted, watching his partner and Hilary gather up their stuff. “Leave it all here and get it tomorrow.” He said after a moment. “Go to bed and try to rest.”
“Yeah.” Tala agreed, piling everything near the front door.
“Good work, everyone.” Hilary tried to offer a reassuring smile, even though she didn't really feel like smiling. “We're one step closer to ending this, Takao. Try to remember that.”
“Thanks, Hilary. For everything.” Takao replied. “You, too, Tala.”
“Sleep, you two.” Tala ushered Hilary out the door and let it slam behind himself.
Kai followed Takao to the bedroom after turning off the lights. He was tired, all the excitement having drained him.
But at the same time, he felt like he could do anything at all. He was restless and filled with indescribable energy. He'd had adrenaline rushes before, but this was a new kind of experience that induced such a reaction from him.
So really, as when he was in hot climates, and filled with similar restlessness, he couldn't be blamed for taking one look at his lover and hiving all that energy turn toward the one foreseeable outlet.
Takao entered the bedroom, his mind flying a million miles a minute and blood humming with energy and adrenaline, as it usually did. He knew he was going to need sleep, but in his condition it wasn't going to be possible. Normally he'd have an idea of what to do to wear off that chemical rush and then crash, but this time he was at a loss…
…Until he turned around and saw Kai standing in a sliver of pale moonlight, a shadow within a shadow and an intense fiery gaze burning from those crimson eyes.
There was the answer to both their problems.
Kali Notes: That was tough to write. I guess I haven't seen enough spy/thief movies to write a decent theft-scene. Ah well. The next chapter is split into two parts (for what I think is an obvious reason) and part A isn't found on ffnet. Look forward to it! Please R/R!!!!