Beyblade Fan Fiction ❯ Once A Thief ❯ Thief of Hearts ( Chapter 22 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Kali Notes: I know, I know… It only took me forever to finish this! Bad Kali. I had all these great plans for a couple more chapters (though there doesn't seem to be anyone interested anymore), and I even had a couple typed, but then I re-read them and decided to cut it down to this, the final chapter (Kali had fun with the c/p…). That's right, folks! We're at the end… Enjoy!
Disclaimer:  Don't own it. Kali & muses are just borrowing the wonderful characters and all that goes with them from their creator.
Warnings:  Yaoi (unless you're on ffnet; then you get shounen-ai), language, dramatic angst, and other adult content.  Don't like it, don't read it!
Pairing:  TyKa; others include Tala/Hilary, mentioned Rei/Mariah
Chapter 22: Thief of Hearts
The new job status didn't really sink in until Kai and Takao were alone at Kai's flat a few hours later. Tala and Hilary were out seeing a movie, and Kenny left the couple under the pretence of making travel arrangements for himself back to Japan, and to pack up his things from the hotel.
Takao was happily lounging on the floor in front of Kai's fireplace while Kai made up a shopping list. Having spent nearly all his time at the UNA with Takao for weeks on end meant his fridge and cupboards were bare.
“We don't need much, love.” Takao pointed out, staring up at the ceiling as he spoke. “I mean, we'll have to leave in a couple days anyway. We need to…I need to give the Egg back to your parents before we go back to Japan, and…”
“Um…yeah. About that…” Kai set his pen down carefully, setting aside the list. “I got called into Director Dickenson's office before we left today…”
“Oh? Does he want you to come back to work now that I'm gone?”
“No. He actually gave Tala and I an unspecified amount of personal leave. Said he didn't want us to use up our vacation time when we didn't need to.”
“Really? That's really nice of him.” Takao rolled onto his side to face Kai, who sat near him at his coffee table. “What else did he say?”
“Well…I had a brief conversation with Tala just before,” Kai frowned to himself, still unable to believe the day's events, “And that partner of mine somehow managed to get ahead of me - either he's smarter than I give him credit for, or he's learned to read minds.”
The bluenette chuckled. “I think he probably just knows you well enough to make accurate, educated guesses. What'd he do?”
“He already knew I was planning on leaving - either a transfer or full retirement. He had the transfer request forms all ready, too. But not just for me…”
Takao raised an eyebrow. “Him, too, huh? Let me guess: Hilary.”
“Yeah. That's half the reason he gave. The other half is that he can't work with others like he does me. He'd be less effective partnered with someone else or operating as a lone agent - which would be a loss of a good agent's skills to the UNA.” Kai shrugged. “Whatever. He decided to go where I go, and the fact that he's totally gone on Hilary only makes him more eager to do so.”
“Love does that to a guy.” Takao mused, idly grasping Kai's hand and studying their linked fingers. “I'm glad for them. Hilary deserves a good guy, and Tala deserves Hilary.”
Kai grinned. “Oh yes. That wolf needs to settle down and I think the lady is the perfect one to do it.” He moved, stretching out on his stomach beside Takao. “Anyway, we got called to the boss' office so we went, intending to hand over our requests for transfer.”
“Which you did.”
“Yes. Only to watch the old man dump them in the trash.”
“What?!” Outraged, Takao sat up abruptly. “That…that's…”
“Easy, lover.” Kai soothed, tugging him back down. “That's what he did…right before he promoted the both of us and gave us new assignments to look over and decide if we want them during our leave.”
Storm blue eyes lost some of their ire and went wide. “Promotion? To what? And what new assignments?”
“To promotions, technically. One as a field agent - I'm now a Special Agent - and one for position. I'm also an Assistant Director. So is Tala.” Kai smiled at the pleased, proud look on Takao's face. “As for the new assignments, well…”
“Japan?” Takao asked eagerly, almost bouncing with happiness at the prospect. It would solve a lot of their issues, after all.
“Yeah. There's been restructuring in Asia, and three new branch offices opened, so there are now administrative holes that need filling in Japan. Specifically…Kyoto.”
Letting out a whoop of glee, Takao glomped his lover with a joyous laugh. “Yes! Ohhh…I'm so proud of you, Kai! So proud to be able to love you!”
Flushing, Kai wrapped his arms around Takao snugly. “Now who's a sap?” he grumbled, though with no real annoyance. Then he wasn't able to think about anything - couldn't - because all his brain cells died instantly as the happily wriggling bluenette on top of him claimed his mouth in a feisty, fiery kiss and rubbed his body against Kai's with unabashed, wanton abandon. After they'd run out of air Takao abruptly sat up again and stared down at his lover with storm-blue eyes gone nearly black with lust.
“Kai…” his voice worshipped the name as his hands made like lightning and began unbuttoning the older man's shirt - which he didn't bother to remove, just shove out of his way to bare Kai's chest and stomach - before making quick work of his belt, button, and zipper. The agent's hips arched up into Takao's touch when his hand brushed the growing bulge under the soft cotton material of Kai's underwear as Takao yanked and pulled and generally tore the offending garment off Kai.
Crimson eyes followed the movements of his own hands as they returned the favour of ridding Takao of his clothes, taking in the sight of every bared inch of skin and the soft, eager moans and sighs his efforts and touch evoked. As he helped the bluenette struggle out of his pants and boxers, Kai's head had cleared enough to remember Dr. Maison's orders and make the token protest to their activities. “Weren't you supposed to be taking it easy?” He grunted as his breath was knocked out of him when Takao - now gloriously naked - shoved him back to the floor and proceeded to get Kai's underwear off him. “Resting? No strenuous activity?”
Huffing impatiently, Takao tossed the briefs over his shoulder and slid up Kai's body, stretching himself out alongside him. “I'll nap later. Right now…I missed you, lover. Missed this…” his mouth descended on Kai's, tongue invading but being welcomed by its counterpart without hesitation. Pulling back just enough, Takao's hands carded through Kai's mane of dual-shaded hair and he gasped, “Need this…need you!”
Smirking, but no less needy, Kai tucked his hands under his head and gave his lover his best smouldering, lust-filled gaze. “Well, it certainly looks like you've got me, gorgeous. What're you going to do with me?”
“You are such a tease, Hiwatari!” Takao growled but grinning at the playfulness in his lover that no one else ever got to see. He wriggled downward, insinuating himself comfortably between Kai's legs. He pressed an open kiss to Kai's navel and rimmed it with his tongue lightly, flicking across it once and was rewarded by a low groan followed by a quick inhalation of breath on a gasp. Smiling, Takao ran a palm slowly down and up Kai's side from waist to knee and back while the other hand gripped Kai's hip as he rained teasing, tender kisses and bites all over Kai's abdomen. The bluenette himself was already hard and eager, just from the foreplay - though it had been so long since he'd been able to do any of this, so being primed so quickly was understandable.
“Taka! God, so good…” Kai moaned, pulling his hands from beneath his head to shove his fingers through the silky, soft strands of Takao's hair as he was taken deep into the younger man's mouth. His cock buried so deeply, surrounded by heat and wetness, coupled with the clever tongue and strong suction was almost too much for Kai to stand. Pushing on Takao's shoulders, he drew the bluenette away, pulse racing and breath coming fast and hard. “Stop, love! Won't…fuck! Won't last long if you keep that up.”
Takao pouted. “Maybe I didn't want you to.” He whined, but crawled up to kiss Kai passionately anyway. The older man's hands roamed all over Takao, wherever he could conveniently reach, as the kiss passed from passion to pure, unadulterated lust and need. Takao gasped loudly when Kai released his mouth to bury his face in Takao's neck and rolled them over suddenly. Their legs tangled and Kai, now lying on top of Takao, began to move with slow, deliberate, thrusts. Hazily, Takao realized this wasn't going to take long (for either of them) as his own body responded to the controlled movements and moved in sync with Kai. Their erections, lubricated with sweat and Takao's earlier oral ministrations, slid perfectly against one another with glorious friction that caused a familiar burning ache to begin the journey from Takao's stomach, down to his toes, then suddenly rush back up to his balls and groin, where everything coiled tightly like wire in imminent release.
Kai pushed himself up far enough that he could see Takao's blue eyes go obsidian with desire, then blank as orgasm crashed into him. With a rough yell of Kai's name, the bluenette jerked under him and Kai lost the last threads of control of his movements, giving into his body's demands. The pulses of Takao's cum smoothed his way further and the hands that suddenly grabbed onto his ass and kneaded encouragingly were enough to make the crimson-eyed man cry out and come wildly.
Still a bit dazed from his own ecstatic moment of bliss, Takao managed to keep Kai mostly above him, in his arms, while his body continued to twitch and shiver in aftershocks. He stroked Kai's back soothingly with one hand while he waited with sated patience for coherency from his lover.
After a few moments, he gave Kai a sleepy, fond grin and brushed the damp strands of hair out of Kai's eyes. “Oh my, that was a good one. I think you needed that more than I did, lover.”
Grunting in a way that could have meant agreement (or not), Kai nuzzled his lover's collarbone lethargically and shifted more of himself off Takao to the side so he wasn't crushing the younger man. Glancing down at the sticky mess they'd made, he sighed contentedly. “I think we were saving up for just such an occasion.” He drew a finger through the mixture of their essences then snuggled up to Takao. “Rather impressive, really.”
Startled, Takao burst into laughter. “I'm so glad your ego is in tact, Kai.”
Smiling in smug satisfaction, Kai kissed Takao firmly.
For the next three days, Kai and Takao stayed closed up in Kai's flat after their one foray into the markets for supplies enough to last for the duration. On the forth day, they were up at the crack of dawn and out the door with all their luggage. They stopped by Tala's to pick up the wolf and Hilary (and their baggage), then made one final stop to pick up Kenny from the hotel.
“I can't thank you enough, Chief, for all you've done. I swear, if you need anything at all, you just say the word.” Takao said fervently, squeezing the life out of the petit lawyer with a giant hug.
“Ta-ka-o! Breathe!” Kenny gasped out.
“Ooops! Sorry.” Takao released him quickly.
“It's okay.” Kenny fixed his glasses and straightened his clothes. “And it was nothing I couldn't handle, Takao. You don't owe me a thing.”
“Maybe he doesn't, but I do.” Kai stated from where he was leaning casually against a pillar. They were seeing Kenny off, and were at the last security point in the Charles de Gaulle airport that they could go to as non-travellers.
“What? No you don't.” Kenny turned to look up at him in confusion. “I'm just glad you've found each other again, and put things right - the way things are supposed to be. You're my friends, and I'd do whatever I could to help a friend in trouble.”
Kai gave a precise nod of his head, and though he agreed (he really was starting to get the hang of the whole friendship thing) he also didn't because in his mind he owed Kenny for taking care of his lover, protecting him, when Kai hadn't been able to.
“Long flights home, Kenny.” Hilary reminded her boss, fussing over him and rechecking his carry-on bag for the tenth time. “Are you sure you have all your stuff? Snacks? Water?”
“Yes, Hilary. I'll be fine. I'll see you all in less than a couple of weeks, you know. I can function just fine without my assistant for that long.”
Takao hid a snicker as Hilary floundered. “Have a safe trip, Chief. I'll let you know when our flight gets in.”
“You bet, Takao! Bye, Kai!” Kenny waved at his friends and turned to leave, picking up his carry-on. As he passed by Tala, leaning up against another pillar while he watched and waited patiently, the mild-mannered, seemingly meek young lawyer paused and looked up at the intimidating Russian.
“It was a pleasure to meet you, Agent Ivanov. Thank you for helping Takao and Kai as you have.” Kenny held out his hand, which Tala accepted (though with a raised eyebrow, as if to say, `and why are you thanking me?') and shook vigorously. Kenny didn't even flinch at the strength of Tala's grip, and retracted his hand easily. “However, I wish to warn you.”
“About?” The other eyebrow went up curiously.
“I may not be as…scary as Kai or in-your-face powerful like Takao, but if you should hurt Hilary… Well, let's just say you'll find I'm much more dangerous than they are, and leave it at that.” With a blinding flash of a smile, Kenny straightened and moved along. “See you in Japan, Agent.”
Tala watched him walk away, a surprised look of stupefaction on his face. Hilary's hand slipped into his and his partner and Takao came up beside him on his other side.
“What'd he say, Tala? I didn't hear.” Hilary asked, made infinitely curious by his expression.
“Just warned me not to hurt you.” He huffed out a self-conscious breath. “Who knew the kid had guts?”
Takao burst out laughing - drawing the attention of most everyone around them with the joyousness of it. Even Kai had an uncharacteristically wide grin on his face.
“What?” Tala demanded, embarrassment causing a flush to rise up his neck. “And would you please cut that out?”
“Never mind, Ivanov.” Kai clapped him on the back. “Let's just get on with our own travel plans, shall we? Mother is expecting us for dinner tonight.”
Grumbling, Tala kept Hilary's hand in his and allowed his partner and Takao to lead the way through the airport toward the private boarding areas, where one of Hiwatari Enterprises' Lear jets was awaiting them.
Twenty minutes from landing in Naples found Kai watching Takao change his clothes from comfortable casual to sort of comfortable formal in the small separate compartment of the jet's main cabin. The bluenette was standing in front of a full-length mirror, adjusting his collar and the sash at his waist that doubled as a belt - thanks to this weight-loss over the past several months, many of his clothes were now too large. He wore a pair of soft, grey chinos that had an almost metallic sheen to them, making them appear to be silver-like, and a crisp, white, buttoned-down shirt. He also wore a deep blue tie and the sash was a similar shade of blue. All in all, it was his modern, business-like version of formal attire (even if he rarely wore it), and Kai thought he looked rather…powerful in it, as if he'd just walked off Wall Street or some other high-powered financial area. Except for the sash. That was just Takao's way of making a personal statement, as it was embroidered with his family's name and a small, silver-threaded insignia of Dragoon.
“Cuff-links, do you think?” The Kinomiya asked, fiddling with his shirt sleeves and glancing at Kai in the mirror over his shoulder.
“Takao, I told you that you didn't need to do any of this, and I told you the tie was probably overkill, so…no.” Kai replied with a slight roll of his eyes. “They know the whole story now, love, and they're not angry or anything. I don't get why you're putting yourself through unnecessary stress.”
“It's not about that.” Takao looked away and focused on folding up his old clothes and stuffing them into his suitcase. “I'm trying to regain my honour, Kai. For me. You can scoff all you want, but I need to do this my way so I can stop feeling guilty. And I know your father is less than pleased with your choice of me over…whoever else he might have though was more appropriate, so I'm also doing this to try and show him I am at least a little bit worthy of you and deserving of his respect. I'm trying not to look weak, Kai. Can't you understand that?”
Kai sighed. Unfortunately, he did understand. All too well. He just didn't like that Takao felt it was necessary, and didn't see things as Kai did. Because to Kai, Takao had an overabundance of honour, and he already knew that his father had accepted Takao completely, as well as had a great deal of respect for him. But if this was something his lover had to do to feel better and begin to put all of this behind himself, to be able to move forward, then Kai wouldn't stand in his way.
“Do what you have to, then.” He said, reaching out and snagging Takao around the waist, pulling him over and down onto his lap. “Hey, look at me, Kinomiya.”
Blue eyes looked directly into Kai's own crimson set and blinked. “I know you don't want me to, but…”
“Taka, I want you to be happy. That's all.” Kai leaned in and kissed him slowly, soothing frazzled nerves with his deepest affections. “I love you. Mother and Father have been just as worried about you as any of your friends. So you'll give the Egg back, and we'll spend a couple days enjoying the Mediterranean sea air and sun.” A wicked glint lit up the agent's eyes. “And the nights…I'll make such love to you…”
Takao shivered at the promise in his voice and kissed his lover back, deeply and passionately. “I'll hold you to that, beloved.” He smiled as Kai's hand slid down his back, over his hips, and gripped his butt possessively. He sighed happily as those hands kneaded and grasped. “Hmm…yes, that's yours, Kai.”
“Damn right.” Kai smirked and nibbled at Takao's neck, contemplating whether or not he wanted to mark that golden-hued skin now or later. Takao decided for him, wriggling away and right off his lap.
Flushed, Takao straightened himself out and brushed out his pants to smooth any wrinkles. “Okay. Enough for now. I just put on my clothes and I don't want to have to do it again so soon.”
Kai just gave him a smug, satisfied smirk and watched the bluenette with sultry, flaming eyes. “Too bad. I have such fun watching you take them off.”
Laughing, Takao pulled Kai to his feet. “Come on, tease. We should be landing pretty soon.”
Stepping off the jet, the two couples gathered their luggage and made their way to the harbour to take the Hiwatari `ferry' to the Isle of Fire.
As they climbed the steps to the main house from the docks, Kai paused and opened up the case containing the Egg. He gently passed it to Takao.
“There you go, love. You ready?”
“As ever.” Takao looked very pained, a slightly pinched look around his eyes and mouth, and he held the Faberge Egg gingerly. He took a very deep breath, held it for a minute, then let it out slowly as he turned and started up the remainder of the steps. Kai smiled, proud of his lover, and hurried to catch up, falling into step beside him. Tala and Hilary were right behind them.
At the top, they were met by Kai's parents. Masumi had suspiciously bright, wet eyes and she stood beside her more composed, stoic husband with her hands clasped in front of herself. When Takao stepped forward, she moved toward him anxiously.
“Oh Takao! Welcome, son. You look so much better than you did in the medical ward - or even than when you were here last!”
The bluenette stopped, colour seeping into his cheeks. He bowed deeply at the waist, missing the look Kai gave his parents that warned them to just let him do what he needed to do.
“Masumi-san.” Takao greeted the kind woman softly. “Hiwatari-sama.” He also greeted Kai's father, still bent over. Takao held out the Egg, respectfully refusing to straighten until he'd said what he needed to and returned the damn thing.
“I wish to return this…valuable family heirloom that I recently…borrowed without your permission. I know you already know of the circumstances of why I did it, but the fact is that I have wronged the Hiwatari family, betrayed your trust and hospitality, and dragged your only son into my mess. I apologize for my actions and any harm I must have caused. Please accept this,” Takao held up the Egg a little higher, “and I hope I can someday make up for my misdeeds and that I might be found worthy of Kai.”
All through his speech (not one he'd practiced, though it did have that sort of tone to it, for all his sincerity and remorse) Masumi had tears trickling down her face and Susumu had a mixture of admiration and mild exasperation on his face as they listened. It was Susumu who plucked the Egg out of Takao's hands - with very little regard for its fragility - and dropped a heavy hand on Takao's shoulder.
“Consider the slate clean, Kinomiya Takao. Now please, straighten up and let Masumi fuss over you. She's been worrying about you for weeks.” Susumu stated gruffly, awkwardly patting the young ex-thief on the shoulder consolingly.
Takao stood up just in time to catch the small, elegant woman as she flung her arms around him and held him tightly. The bluenette looked a tad stunned and completely out of place, but he hugged her back, never able to turn away affection when freely given. He gave Kai a helpless look, but Kai just smiled and mouthed, “She likes you.” with a shrug.
Susumu snagged a passing staff person and dumped the Egg unceremoniously into her hands with instructions to put it in his office on his desk. With a nonplused “Yes, sir!” she hurried off with the treasure in her hands.
“Well, son, your mother has ordered the chef to prepare one hell of a feast and I believe it should be on the table any minute. Why don't you all go freshen up and come in to join us as soon as you're ready.” The elder Hiwatari suggested in a kind voice Kai had rarely heard.
Nodding, Kai extracted his lover from Masumi and steered him in the direction of the guest houses. “We'll see you both in a few minutes.” He waved over his shoulder and led Takao away. He heard Tala and Hilary greeting his parents behind them, but he didn't wait for the couple to follow. “Hey,” Kai hooked an arm around Takao's waist. “It's done. Feel better now?”
Leaning into his lover, Takao nodded. “Much.” He stopped abruptly, turned to Kai, and pulled him into a searing kiss that left Kai's head spinning.
“Not that I'm complaining, but what's that for?” Kai licked his lips and nuzzled the younger man's temple contentedly.
“For being so supportive and understanding - which is code for putting up with my weirdness and the annoying shit that I do.” Takao captured his mouth again, kissing Kai's breath away. A little breathless himself, he pulled back and murmured against Kai's lips, “And that was because I love you.”
“Hmm. You really are a sap.” Kai grinned. “Love you, too, Takao. Shall we?” He pulled Takao along the rest of the way to their guest house.
They stayed for five days, and Kai's parents even took the time off from their usual busy schedules to spend time with their son and his lifemate. Masumi spoiled Takao at every opportunity (much to his exasperated embarrassment), and Susumu had the chance to really get to know the man who was, effectively, his son-in-law.
The evening of their second-to-last night, Kai, Takao, and Tala sat in Susumu's study with the Hiwatari patriarch. Hilary was off with Masumi in Naples, having yet to return from their `Girl's day of shopping,' as Hilary put it.
It was a `guy's night' of sorts, then, for the males. The drinks flowed freely - sake and vodka for Susumu and Tala, Sencha green tea for Takao and Kai (out of sympathy for his lover's inability to have alcohol). At first their conversations revolved around mundane topics such as business anecdotes, the weather, current affairs, etc. But soon Kai brought up the subject of his (and Tala's) dual promotions and their decision to move to Japan.
“Father, Tala and I have some good news to share.” Kai spoke up during a lull in the conversation.
“Oh?” Susumu raised an eyebrow curiously. “What might that be?”
Tala raised his glass of the finest of Russian vodkas. “We are the newest Special Agents of the UNA.” He declared grandly, winking slyly at both his partner and Takao conspiratorially. Takao hide a grin with his teacup.
“Really? Well, that's fine news, boys! Congratulations!” Susumu raised his own glass of sake in salute.
Kai smiled slightly, adding, “We're also the newest Assistant Directors of the UNA.” His grin widened at the surprise on his father's face.
“My god! A double promotion for the both of you! That's very good news, indeed.” Susumu reached out, offering his hand first to Tala - who shook it with a smug smile - and then to his son. He held onto Kai's hand a bit longer, squeezing just a little. “Congratulations doesn't seem enough, son. But I will say I'm proud of you. Very proud.”
Flushing at the uncharacteristic praise and affection, Kai retracted his hand and murmured, “Thank you, Father.”
“You must tell your mother when she and Hilary return.” Susumu admonished lightly. “Why didn't you tell us sooner?”
“I didn't want Mother to make too big a deal about it.” Kai confessed, shrugging and picking up his teacup. “She'd want to throw a party or some such nonsense.”
Tala laughed, shaking his head. “Oh, antisocial one…”
“Shut it, Wolf. Like you're a social butterfly.”
Takao smiled. “Compared to you, he is.” The bluenette got a mild swat on the arm for that. “What? It's true!”
The Russian flicked a look at Kai. “Are you going to tell him the rest of it, or shall I?”
Susumu's greying eyebrow went up once more.
Kai shifted in his seat, crossing his legs and leaning back into the leather sofa, his expression becoming almost defiant. “With our promotions, the Director offered us a transfer to Japan, in order to fill some new administrative and field personnel positions that have become open recently.”
“Due to the opening of some new offices in Asia, and subsequent shifting of currently employed agents.” Tala added helpfully.
Susumu nodded in understanding. “Ah. I see.” He gazed back and forth between the two agents. “And what have you decided?”
“I decided that if Kai goes, I go - which is not to say that I don't want to go even if he decided not to accept.” Tala declared, sipping at his vodka. “Hilary is enough reason for me to go.”
Takao rolled his eyes.
“Then it's safe to say we're going to accept.” Kai stated, reaching for Takao's hand and clasping it firmly. “Because no matter what else, I've always planned to go back once I found Takao and we worked things out.”
Susumu studied them a moment (long enough for Takao to start sweating), then smiled in a fatherly way, getting to his feet. “Well, that's certainly you decision, son, and your mother and I will always support you with your decisions.” He moved over to an intercom on the large desk in the room to call for a staff person. “And I'm afraid we must do something to celebrate all this wonderful news.”
Kai winced. “Oh, no…Father…”
“Cake!” The Hiwatari declared, sounding for all the world like a little boy. “We at least need cake!”
Tala and Takao began to laugh while Kai just groaned and gave in.
It came to pass that the couples finally had to leave the Isle and return to Japan. After a tearful farewell with Kai's mother (and a much less emotional one with Kai's father), Takao, Kai, Tala, and Hilary caught a flight bound for Hong Kong, then switched planes to continue to Tokyo. They arrived late in the evening, too late to conclude their journey to Takao's hometown. They caught a cab from the airport into the city, and checked into one of the many hotels owned by Hiwatari Enterprises.
By the time Kai and Takao reached their room, Takao was so tired he didn't even take off his clothes or shoes before he crawled onto the bed and simply collapsed.
Kai followed him after drooping their bags on the wardrobe and quickly going through his own night time toilette. He gave his lover a hard shake on the shoulder.
“Come on, Taka. Wake up for a couple of minutes. You need to get out of your clothes, love.” He proceeded to strip the practically unconscious man of what he could until Takao complied enough to help get rid of the rest of his clothes. Shoes and socks first, then Takao's jacket. With a whole lot of grunting and huffing, the agent manhandled the bluenette (uncooperatively limp as a ragdoll the entire time) to get his shirt and pants off. And as much as Kai preferred sleeping naked - as in both of them - he was too tired to bother fighting with a passed out Takao to get his underwear off. Instead, he worked the covers down the bed from under Takao then joined his lover in bed, tucking the sheets around them loosely as he spooned up to Takao's back.
Takao slept on, oblivious. Kai smiled and kissed the back of the bluenette's shoulder, snuggling in comfortably. Takao murmured something then fell silent again.
“Sleep well, gorgeous.”
Mid-afternoon. The Kinomiya dojo.
Kinomiya Hiro placed the load of brand new floorboards onto the pile near his father, who knelt pounding nails into the ones he had already cut to size to replace the ones that had rotted out or were broken.
“Thank you, Hiro.” Kinomiya Tatsuya looked up at his oldest son with a smile. He set his hammer aside and wiped at his very sweaty face with the hem of his work-shirt. “Hard to believe this is nearly done. We'll have this place nearly good as new in no time.”
Hiro looked around the dojo proudly. They'd already repaired the walls, the ceiling didn't leak anymore, though the contractors that Kenny had found for them had yet to arrive to completely replace all the tiles on the roof. Once they were done with the floor, the dojo itself would once again be as it was when Gramps still taught kendo. Sure, there were still plenty of things that needed doing outside - like the boardwalk that wrapped around the dojo and residence - but this was a good start.
“We've done a lot. Takao will be so shocked.” He replied after a moment. Then his face fell, and he sat down next to his father as a weariness that hand nothing to do with all their hard work washed over him. “Gods, Dad…”
“I know, son.” Tatsuya dropped a heavy hand on Hiro's shoulder. “We've been through a lot. But Takao…” shaking his head, the Kinomiya elder laughed dryly. “Your grandfather would be so proud. And absolutely insufferable with it. Not that I blame him.”
Hiro smiled faintly at the memory of the spunky old man. “Takao is a true Kinomiya, Dad. Gramps knew it all along. You and I would never have lived up to his expectations, but Takao has. And after all he's done…”
“This is the least we can do.” Tatsuya picked up his hammer and fiddled with it. “We're really, really lucky that the Historical Buildings Society decided the dojo was worth the investment of restoration. I don't know that we ever could have afforded it on our own. Not so soon, at least.”
“Yeah.” Hiro frowned to himself. He was a tad suspicious about that in truth. But…he wasn't about to turn down a good thing like this. Shrugging off his insecurities, Hiro got back to his feet. “Why don't we take a break, Dad? We haven't even had anything for lunch, yet.”
“I just want to get these last boards done.” Tatsuya shook his head. “I'll eat later, but I could use a cold drink.”
“Sure. I'll just…” Hiro was interrupted by the sounds of someone entering the dojo and two familiar voices.
“…I don't know, Max. Takao didn't tell me.” Kenny sounded exasperated.
The blonde rolled his eyes and smiled at his friends family as he sauntered into the main room. “Hey, Kinomiya-san! Hiro!”
“Hey, Max. Kenny.” Hiro greeted them.
“Boys.” Tatsuya added with a wave. “Come to give your hands a work-out helping?”
“Actually, we came to be the welcoming party.” Max said, grinning sheepishly.
“He's coming home? Today?” Hiro asked, surprised. They hadn't expected Takao for a few more days.
“Apparently.” Kenny looked vaguely annoyed. “All he said was he'd be home today, and he wanted Max and I to be here.”
Tatsuya looked mournfully at he unfinished floor. “Damn. I was hoping to have this done first.” He looked back up at his son's friends. “How is he, guys? I mean, his health?”
“I believe he's fine, sir. The doctor overseeing his care at the UNA wouldn't have released him if he wasn't, and...Kai wouldn't let him do anything to cause a setback or relapse, so…” Max glanced at Hiro anxiously, hesitating slightly over Kai's name. Despite having heard the entire story from Kenny and Max, Takao's older brother was still more on the angry, over-protective side than the forgiving one when it came to Hiwatari Kai.
“No, you're right of course.” Tatsuya agreed. “Don't mind me. I'm just…” he waved a hand expressively.
“It's alright, Kinomiya-san. We completely understand.” Kenny assured him.
“The dojo looks great!” Max exclaimed brightly, hoping to lighten the mood some. “Takao will be absolutely thrilled.”
“I was just about to grab some water from the fridge. Did either of you want…”
Hiro was once again interrupted, this time by a loud, yet hesitant knock at the dojo's main doors. Max reacted first.
“I'll see who it is.” He said, hurrying out to answer the knock.
A moment later, he came back looking uncharacteristically sombre.
“Max? What's wrong?” Kenny inquired. It was unnatural to see the genki man so serious. Max just shook his head and stepped aside.
A gasp and a startled, “Takao!” came from the two Kinomiya men farthest from the door, for behind the blonde stood their youngest, dressed in a traditional, formal Kinomiya clan kimono, all white, with the only splash of colour being his hair and eyes.
He stood straight and tall, almost stiffly, at attention, and his face was as blank as he could make it - though everyone caught the thick swallow just as he stepped into the room at the sight of the nearly fixed-up dojo. Takao kept his eyes focused directly ahead of himself, trained on the shrine at the opposite end of the dojo where the Kinomiya sword had been displayed in state for centuries, but was now sadly empty.
Taking another step into the room, Takao stopped and waited as his companions filed in behind him quietly. Hilary, with Tala in hand, slipped around her friend to move over to where Kenny and Max stood watching.
Then one last figure moved around the bluenette. A low growl from Hiro earned him a quelling look from Tatsuya and a fatherly hand of warning on the arm.
Kai faced Takao and, crimson eyes looked with emotion-filled stormy sapphire ones, he carefully unwrapped the elegant blade in his hands and held it out to his lover, hilt first.
“Return this to its rightful place, Kinomiya Takao. Restore your name and the honour of your family with this final act.” Kai said in a commanding yet wholly compassionate tone of voice. Then he added, “Even if there isn't a soul that would believe you'd ever lost that honour.”
Takao frowned at him for the ad-lib and took the sword, eyes flashing warningly. Kai shrugged and stepped to one side, allowing the youngest Kinomiya to move freely toward the shrine where he carefully replaced the sword. It gleamed with polished steel in the light, and the magnificent blue dragon etched into the blade so mysteriously seemed to light up like blue fire for a split second.
Ignoring the room completely, Takao backed away and went down on his knees before the shrine. Staring at the blue dragon, Takao took a deep breath before finally speaking.
“It's done, Gramps. Dragoon is home. I found Hiro and Dad, and they're home now, too - safe and sound. I did many bad things in my quest, tarnishing the family name and disgracing my own honour. I offer my most abject apologies and, humbly, will work for the rest of my life to live up to your example as the Kinomiya.” Takao felt the tears fall freely down his face, but he ignored those, too. He bent right over, forehead meeting the floor with one hand lying conversely over top the other in front of his head on the floor. After one brief moment of humility, he raised his upper body again, repeating, “It's done.”
Kai stood back, leaning against the far wall, and watching as Tatsuya moved over to his younger son and knelt down next to him, drawing the bluenette into a strong embrace. He heard a strangled, “Dad…” from his lover, and then Takao was a little boy all over again as he turned into his father's arms and cried. Hiro joined his family on the floor, reaching out to rub his little brother's back soothingly while their father rocked with him.
Motioning to the non-family in the room, Kai signalled them to follow him outside to give the Kinomiya family a chance at privacy.
Outside in the bright sunshine, he took a deep lungful of fresh air, lifting his face to the warmth of the sun. It felt wonderful, and he was so very glad to be back. To be home.
Max was sniffling as much as Hilary was when they joined Kai outdoors. Tala solicitously offered his mate a handkerchief while Kenny merely handed Max a tissue with a huff.
“So that's it then.” The blonde declared, shoving his hands into his pockets. “Happy ending, Kai?”
“Yeah, Max. Happy ending.” Kai glanced over, a wry smile quirking at his mouth. “For now. Life is unpredictable, after all. But for now…”
“Happy ending.” Max decided firmly.
Tala waltzed up to stand next to his partner and looked up at the sky, mimicking Kai's posture. “I knew he was going to do something formal again like he did at your parents', Kai, but I wasn't expecting all that.”
It was Hilary who answered quietly, “In our culture, Tala, family honour is everything, particularly when one's family is as old and pure as Takao's.”
“It wasn't that long ago that it was possible only to reclaim that honour from the Emperor or something.” Kenny added. “Things are different now, but as you saw…Takao still takes that part of our history very seriously.”
“Yeah, I did catch that, Kid.” Tala drawled.
“You'll learn, Tala.”
“Going to have to, if I'm expected to work here.”
After several minutes, Takao emerged from the dojo. His eyes were red-rimmed from crying but they were bright and shone with an inner peace Kai hadn't seen there since they'd been awkward teens. His smile out-shone the sun when his eyes landed on his lover.
“Come back in, guys! Dad and Hiro went to get cleaned up, and then we'll BBQ a feast!” The former thief beckoned his friends into the dojo.
Max thumped his friend happily on the back as he passed. “Sounds great! Welcome home, Takao!”
“Yeah, welcome home.” Kenny agreed as he followed Max. Hilary bestowed a quick kiss on his cheek in welcome as she passed, and Tala…just held up his hands and said, “I'm not kissing you, Kinomiya.”
Takao made a face. “I wouldn't want you to!”
Laughing, Tala went after Hilary.
Alone and looking at Kai, the bluenette held out a hand. “We're home, Kai. Finally.”
“Finally.” He agreed, not looking at the dojo at all. Instead, his eyes never left his beloved's face. “I love you, Takao.” He smirked mischievously. “Thief of my heart.”
Takao chuckled, absurdly touched, and leaned in for a kiss. “I love you too, Kai.” He returned, brushing his lips across his lover's. “And you know what they say…”
Blue eyes sparkled with love and contentment.
“Once a thief…always a thief.”
Kali Notes: Whew! Well, thank you all so much for reading. I truly hope you enjoyed reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it. Let me know how it was! Good, bad, somewhere in between? LOL Thanks again, folks! Until next time… Please R/R!!!!
~ Yami FireKali ~