Beyblade Fan Fiction ❯ Once A Thief ❯ Den of Thieves - Part V ( Chapter 21 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Kali Notes: Hmm…I think it's time for the denouement phase of this fic, don't you? Just a few loose ends to begin tying up! Enjoy!
Disclaimer:  Don't own it. Kali & muses are just borrowing the wonderful characters and all that goes with them from their creator.
Warnings:  Yaoi (unless you're on ffnet; then you get shounen-ai), language, dramatic angst, and other adult content.  Don't like it, don't read it!
Pairing:  TyKa; others include Tala/Hilary, mentioned Rei/Mariah
Chapter 21: Den of Thieves - Part V
Tala walked into the lounge to find his partner still sitting on the sofa where he'd left Kai a few minutes earlier. The dual-haired man sat forward on his seat bent over his legs with his head in his hands, forearms resting on his knees. Tala paused in the doorway and considered him, trying to decide how to deal with Kai. After a moment, with no acknowledgement of his presence from Kai, the Russian wandered into the room and dropped down next to him, sitting on the edge of the cushion and mirrored Kai's posture - though he stared across the room at nothing instead.
“So…” he nudged Kai's knee with his own. “Anything you want to get off your chest now that everyone else is gone?” Tala glanced over when he got no answer, and frowned when he noticed the visible tremors shivering through Kai's form. “Kai? Hey, man, don't you break down on me…”
“S-sorry.” Kai's voice shuddered with barely leashed emotions. “I just…he almost died. I almost lost him…again. And now he's going to be okay, he's not going to prison, my parents accept him…” A sob escaped and the tidal wave broke.
Tala sighed and dropped an arm across Kai's shoulders in a supportive, friendly show of comfort. He didn't try to hug the guy or pat him consolingly, knowing such affections were not Kai's thing and wouldn't be welcome. But he understood his partner, probably better than Kai realized, and he knew the younger agent was finally giving into all the stress, emotions, and worries that had been piling up on him. It was a desperately needed release, and Tala simply did what he could to allow his friend and partner this moment of catharsis. Later, it would be up to Takao to help Kai - and vice-versa - but for now, he'd have to do.
So the wolf simply sat and waited Kai out, ignoring the shudders and quiet sounds of weeping until they stopped. Then he gave the spot between Kai's shoulder blades a rough rub and got up to go to the kitchenette along one wall and get a glass of water, which he handed to Kai as he sat down next to him again.
“Here. Catch your breath, drink this, and let's blow this popsicle stand. I'm taking you home.”
Kai scowled into the water glass, but had no energy to argue. He didn't want to leave Takao all alone, but he was just about ready to let himself fall over comatose. Finishing his water, he stood up, swaying a bit. Tala's grip on his elbow steadied him, then let go when Kai nodded.
“You look like hell. Splash some cold water on your face, Kai. Need anything from your desk or locker?”
“No. Yes…jacket.” Kai washed his face in the sink, drying off with paper towels. “My keys and wallet are in the pockets. And I want to stop by Takao's room on the way out.”
“Uh huh. Look, you go see him and I'll get your jacket. Desk?”
Tala walked as far as the elevators with Kai, then split of to go up and get their jackets from their `office' upstairs.
Kai walked into Takao's room and stopped beside the bed. He reached down and stroked the bluenette's brow and cheek gently. “Takao…love, can you hear me?”
Somewhat surprisingly, he stirred and murmured, “Kai?”
“Yeah. Sorry to wake you up, Taka, but I just wanted you to know I'm going home for the night.” Kai rubbed the pad of his thumb across Takao's bottom lip.
“Huh? Home…” Takao pried open his eyes and blinked hazily up at his lover. “Leaving?”
“Shh…just for the night, love. Promise. I'll be back. But if you need me, tell the nurses and they'll call for me, okay?”
Takao nodded, his eyes drooping sleepily. “You okay? You look…wretched.” He frowned in concern as he took in Kai's exhausted appearance.
Kai raised an eyebrow, a grin flashing briefly. “Well, you must be getting better if you can come up with a word like that.” At the worry in the bluenette's storm-blue eyes, he shook his head. “I'm okay, Takao. Just wiped out. Tala's taking me home to pass out for a few hours, then I'll be fine.”
Takao nodded, then yawned himself. “Good. Don't you go getting sick, too.”
“I'll try not to.” Kai agreed wryly, bending down to kiss his lover tenderly. “Go back to sleep yourself, gorgeous. I love you.”
“Love you, Kai.” Takao latched on before Kai could pull back, kissing him quite enthusiastically a couple of times more before letting him go again. “Okay. I'm good now. Good night, love.”
Kai chuckled and tucked the younger man in. “Good night. See you tomorrow.” He promised, slipping from the room quietly after Takao's eyes closed and his yet raspy breathing evened out.
Tala was waiting out in the hall for him. He handed Kai his jacket and led the way to the elevators. “He's sleeping?”
“Yeah. Let's get out of here before something else happens.”
“I hear that.”
Hilary glanced down at the key in her hand for the millionth time hat evening, then gathered herself together and actually used it. Opening the apartment door tentatively, she was assaulted by the smells of something cooking and called out hesitantly, “Tala? Um…it's Hilary…”
The agent's red-haired head popped out from around a corner down the short hall with a welcoming smile on his face. He waved her inside then waggled his cell phone at her as he disappeared again. As Hilary moved inside, dropping her suitcase and purse to take her coat and shoes off, she could hear him talking - though it wasn't in a language she understood. Trying not to make too much noise while Tala was on the phone, she padded into the flat and began to look around curiously.
He had one very tall book case that was over flowing with books of all kinds - novels to reference texts to great literary works - and a smaller, longer bookcase that held an extensive collection of DVDs and CDs. Eyeing the music, she decided to inspect that's closer later. After all, one could learn so much about a guy by his taste in music.
“Bah. Idiot junior agents!” Tala groused, dropping his cell on the counter and checking his pot on the stove before going into the living room.
“Problems?” Hilary inquired, sitting on his rather comfy, old, and worn sofa when he gestured at it. He shook his head.
“Nah. They just haven't figured out that initiative is encouraged and they don't have to ask for orders for every little thing they do.” Ice-blue eyes rolled in mild annoyance. Tala grinned, leaned down, and kissed the petty brunette softly in greeting. “That's better. How was dinner in Paris, sweetheart?”
“Divine. But I'm sure you expected that.” She smiled up at him, blushing a bit at the attention. “Kai's safely tucked away at home?”
“Yep. Stuffed some food into him before we left the UNA, then took him home. I expect he'll sleep for quite a few hours with how wiped out he is.” The wolf sighed, shaking his head. “I don't suppose you're hungry, but can I get you something to drink? Coffee, tea, water, wine…milk?”
Hilary laughed. “No, thanks. I had enough at dinner. Anything more and I won't sleep.”
“Can't have that.” Tala agreed, heading back to the kitchen. “Don't mind me. I just made some soup for myself.” Ladling a bowlful for himself, Tala sat at the counter facing the living room to eat. “Everyone else get settled at the hotel?”
“Yes. Mariah wants to go shopping with me sometime. She and Rei don't know how long they'll stay in Paris, but Kenny and Max have both decided to stay until Takao is released from the medical ward.” Hilary said, tucking her legs to the side so she could lean comfortably on the arm of the sofa.
“And you?” Tala asked, watching the expressions run across her face. “You're absolutely welcome to stay with me for as long as you want.”
Hilary frowned a little. Did that mean he wanted her to stay or was he just being hospitable? Whenever she did return to Japan, was that it for them? “Well, I work for Kenny, and so long as he's here, I will be, too.”
Tala nodded, chewing thoughtfully for a moment. He had no idea how to go about this very important conversation. He'd never felt this way about anyone before, and really wasn't sure how she would take a confession like that after one night and zero dates. Then again…
“Good. As long as you're here, I can live up to my promise of that date I owe you, and I think we could find the time to add a few more dates in.” He gave her his most charming smile and stood to put his dishes in the sink.
“Oh!” Hilary blinked in surprise, having not really expected him to go through with that. “Um…Tala…” she fingered the hem of her skirt.
The wolf wandered into the living room and joined her on the sofa, sprawling out with a sigh. “Hilary. Listen, I know it's all a little fuzzy at the moment, and that we need to talk about…well, us. But you need to know…I really do care about you. This isn't just something short term - or at least, I don't want it to be. I'm not sure how this whole thing is going to work out, but…I want to wait and see, you know?” He held out a hand to her and she accepted it, letting him pull her down into his arms so that she was lying half on top of him and half on the sofa. “And in the meantime, enjoy my time with you.”
His serious tone and the affection and earnestness of his gaze calmed her fears easily. Snuggling against his chest, she smiled and closed her eyes. “Me, too.” She said softly. “I think…it's the same with me, too, Tala.”
Relief poured through him. “Good. I'm glad.” Tala relaxed into the cushions and draped one arm low over Hilary's back, his fingers slowly tracing up and down her spine. “Start thinking about those dates, sweetheart. Whatever you want, just say the word and I'll get planning.”
Grinning, she opened her eyes and propped her chin on the back of one hand on his chest to look at him. “My, my, that's dangerous, Tala. Giving a girl carte blanche for a date in Paris!”
“Well, I did promise. I'm a gentleman!”
Still grinning, she slid up until she was nose to nose with him. “You did, and you are. If you weren't, I wouldn't do this.” Hilary pressed her lips to his in a very demanding, yet playful kiss.
A week and a half passed by unhurriedly. Kai took a leave of absence from work simply so that he could spend all his waking hours with Takao, though the bluenette spent most of that time sleeping. Hilary spent most of her time visiting Takao, too, but she split her time with Tala and with the rest of her friends exploring Paris and some of the surrounding countryside as well. She and Mariah got their Paris shopping excursion done before Mariah and Rei finally decided to return to China and their daughter, now that they were satisfied Takao was getting better and would be well soon.
Judy only stayed an extra couple of days, as she had to return to America to get back to work. Max stayed a full two weeks - and would have stayed longer if Takao hadn't insisted he go home to Japan and get back to the business.
“Besides, I need you to look after my Dad and Hiro for me, Max.” The bluenette insisted, battling his beguiling blue-grey eyes at the blonde. “I know Kenny's been keeping in touch with them, but I'd feel better knowing there's someone actually there.”
Kai had refrained from mentioning that the elder Kinomiya men were under UNA protection and surveillance out of his own desire (a selfish one, not that he could) to have Takao more or less to himself.
Max gave in and left the next evening amid many promises regarding his friend's family, the dojo, the gallery, and keeping in touch through the Chief and Hilary.
Kenny had most of his current case files archived on his laptop, and Kai set him up with an internet connection and a phone line at the UNA so that he could continue to work on his other cases at work, now that the bulk of his attention had eased away from Takao's case. This way he could get work done and still visit his best friend.
One quiet afternoon approximately another week after Max had left, Kai and Takao were eyeing one another competitively across a chessboard while Hilary sat in a chair by the windows with a novel, and Kenny sat in the corner with his laptop and some work. Kai had just made a decisive move with his rook when Tala strolled in wearing a smile and gleaming ice-blue eyes.
“We've conducted a rather successful raid on one of the last of Gideon's secret hideaways” He declared, stopping at the foot of Takao's bed. “The asshole is so going to prison and never ever coming out.”
“What was found?” Kai asked, not taking his eyes from the board as Takao moved a knight. “Are you sure you want to do that, Taka?”
The younger man frowned, eyeing the board, hand hovering over his knight.
“Well, other than a stockpile of illegal weapons and a small but impressive grow operation…” Tala rubbed his hands together gleefully. “Files, financial records, bank account numbers…all kinds of wonderful things.”
“Sweet.” Kai nodded and Takao took his hand away.
“Your move, Kai.”
“They did find some things that the Director wants you to take a look at, though. So when you have a few moments…” the wolf glanced at Kenny. “He wants to see you, too, Kid.”
When Kenny didn't look up from his laptop, Hilary tossed a pencil at him. “Chief! He means you.”
The lawyer pushed his glasses up and looked at Tala, startled. “Me?”
Kai frowned at the board, slid a bishop into place, and leaned away to stretch languidly. “Check.”
“What?!” Takao glared at the board. Hard.
“What's he want the Chief for, Tala?” Kai glanced over at his partner, secure in the knowledge there was only one way for Takao to save his King, but even then would still end up losing it the turn after that.
“No idea.” Tala shrugged.
With a heavy sigh, Takao flicked his King over, signalling his defeat. “Fine. You win, Kai.” He held out a hand to his lover, who shook it. “Good game, though.”
“You had one last move, Taka.” Kai felt obliged to point out. The bluenette made a face.
“Sure. But then you'd take my rook, which would end up with me in checkmate anyway.” Takao grumbled as he collected the chess pieces. “There has to be some game I can beat you at.”
Hilary smiled. “I saw a Go board in the cupboard, Takao. Want to try that?” She grinned at the grimace on Kai's face and at the way the younger man brightened considerably.
“When I get back.” Kai gave in to the pouting look his lover gave him. “It shouldn't take long to see this stuff the Director wants to show me.”
“Okay. I'll be ready when you get back!” Takao rubbed his hands together eagerly. “Then I'll kick your butt, Kai!”
Rolling his eyes, Kai got up and put his shoes back on. “You'll try.” He replied. “Come on, Kenny. Let's go see what's up.”
The Chief closed his laptop and nodded, waving at Hilary and Takao as he followed Kai out the door.
“We'll be back bearing snacks!” Tala promised before disappearing after his partner. “Later!”
Ten minutes later, Kai was staring at the object on the table in front of him in wonder and confusion. “I don't understand…”
“It can't be!” Kenny agreed, leaning in for a closer look.
“But it's what Gideon's goons described as being the right one.” Tala informed them. “What's wrong with it?”
They were in the evidence vaults, standing around a table in an exam room, with Director Dickenson looking on. Displayed on the table was a very fine example of Japanese sword-making ability. The katana was long and polished to a bright gleam, sharpened perfectly, and resting delicately on a bamboo-wood pedestal.
“The Kinomiya clan sword wasn't a useable blade like this.” Kenny explained. “It was completely ceremonial. More importantly, it was made of stone. Crumbling in places, yes, since it is quite ancient, but still…”
Tala exchanged frowns with Mr. Dickenson.
“There were no such swords found amongst the other blades in the collection.” Stanley said, fingering his moustache thoughtfully.
Kai moved closer and knelt to get a better look. At the top of the blade, just beneath the hilt and guard, he spotted an engraving, very intricately etched right into the steel in what appeared to be silver and some sort of blue metal. It was a fierce-looking dragon that looked like it was about to leap out of the sword and attack. “Hey, Kenny…look at this.” He pointed it out to the brunette. “That looks exactly like the one that was on the Kinomiya sword - from what I remember, anyway.”
Kenny bent down and studied it. “Huh. You're right, Kai. It does look the same.”
“Exactly how old was the Kinomiya sword supposed to be?” Tala asked, glancing down at the report in his hands. “Because according to this, that sword,” he gestured at the one on the table, “is apparently over 500 years old.”
Kai straightened and shrugged. “This could have been inside the stone one we always saw, I guess.” He exchanged looks with Kenny. “The Kinomiya clan is a very old family. One of the few pure Japanese families left, these days.”
“Yes. That's certainly true. Unfortunately, such records are rare, and not always reliable.” Kenny adjusted his glasses. “I'll see what I can find out, but if this really is the Kinomiya sword…”
“Well, we can't bring Takao down here.” Kenny pointed out. “Would we be allowed to take this up to him?” he asked the Director. “If he identifies it, then I can have it shipped home immediately.”
“I don't see why not.” The Director agreed easily. “I'll have to leave this matter to you, Agents. I have a meeting in ten minutes.” The old man made his way to the door. “Let me know what you discover, Kenny, and I'll expect a memo from you, Agent Ivanov.”
“Yes, sir.” Tala acknowledged. Kenny echoed that and went back to studying the blade with great interest.
Kai frowned thoughtfully. “We need some kind of soft, clean cloth to wrap it in to take it upstairs.”
“I'll go find something.” Tala let quickly to do so, leaving Kai and Kenny to continue pondering the mysteries of the katana sword.
Storm blue eyes stared in wide-eyed wonder at the gleaming blade in his lover's hands. They flicked upward to meet Kai's briefly before returning to the sword. “Kami…where did you find that?” He asked in a whisper that was nearly reverent.
Kai held the sword out to Takao, nodding to indicate he could take it from him. “It was found in a collection of swords and other weapons among the stuff seized from Gideon's warehouse hideaway. It was the only one that came close to matching the description of your family's sword.”
“But…mine is stone. It's not a real blade like this is.” Takao very carefully took the katana and studied it. “No matter how fantastic and beautiful this is - and exquisite craftsmanship, too. I've never seen anything…” Takao paused as he turned it over in his hands, and frowned at something that caught his eye. “Wait…what the hell?”
“The report we've got says it's old, Kinomiya. Really old.” Tala said, raising an eyebrow at the sceptical shock on the bluenette's face. “What?”
“It's…this engraving at the base of the blade…there's no mistaking this.” Takao looked up, hands dropping to his lap as they shook still cradling the blade carefully. “It's Dragoon. I don't know how, but this is my family's sword!”
“Are you sure?” Hilary came closer to see the etched dragon. “I can't tell.”
Takao shook his head. “It is. There's no way anyone could forge that…emblem, for lack of a better word. Only a Kinomiya clan member would know that design, and there are only three of us left. It's not something you can find in books or on the internet and then copy.”
“Like I said, that sword is old. Several centuries, according to the tests that were done for this report.” Tala reiterated gravely. “Kai thinks if it is your sword, then it may have been inside the stone one you always knew of all along.”
Takao stared down at the sword, touching a finger to the blue outlined dragon in wonder. “If that's true…I don't know. I guess it is possible.”
“Would either your father or brother know?” Kenny asked. The bluenette shrugged.
“I don't know, Chief. Probably not. Neither of them were…'groomed' to be the Kinomiya like I was.” Takao sighed heavily, gently and professionally re-wrapping the sword. “They don't know everything of our history or how things were done, necessarily. Gramps always intended for me to take over as head of the family someday. He said my Dad was to interested in other cultures - other people's pasts - to take on the responsibility of our own, and Hiro was too much a free spirit. My brother would never settle to one place long enough, particularly home - the dojo.” Takao smiled sadly. “Crazy old man believed from the moment I was born that I was destined to be the Kinomiya. Dad said Gramps had everything changed in his will the day after I was brought home so that everything would be left to me when Gramps died.”
Tala raised an eyebrow yet again. “And your brother and father didn't mind? I mean…it's unusual for such things to skip a generation entirely, let alone to be passed on to a younger son, isn't it?”
Takao shrugged. “That's the Kinomiya way. It isn't what order you're born, it's your spirit that counts - or something.” He chuckled. “Gramps told me this crazy legend about the sword - or rather our clan's guardian spirit, Dragoon - choosing the next Kinomiya somehow, but I never really believed it.”
“Well, I'll keep this safe at my place until we go back to Japan, Takao.” Kai took the sword from the bluenette. “I'm no expert, and certainly not related to you, but I'm inclined to believe it's the right sword.” He stared down at the well-wrapped blade, strangely. “It's weird but something tells me it is.”
Takao tilted his head at his lover curiously and smiled. “Your intuition is normally correct, so that's enough for me.”
“Cool. The last mystery solved.” Tala grinned wolfishly and dusted his hands dramatically. “I love it when that happens.”
It was a right, sunny morning the day Dr. Maison finally decided Takao was well enough to be released from her care. She breezed into the room in the middle of the lovers' quiet breakfast - a ritual that had formed out of a need for some quality `alone time,' as the others tended to be around most of the rest of the day.
“Good morning! How are you feeling today, Takao?” Angelique inquired (her standard greeting first thing in the morning). “Sleep well?”
“Mmm hmm…” the bluenette mumbled around a mouthful of toast.
“Excellent.” After studying his chars and the last test results, the doctor planted her hands on her hips and smiled at him from the end of the bed. “I'm about to make your day even better!”
Swallowing a quick swig of juice, Takao turned a wide-eyed blue gaze on her. “What? I'm off the meds?” he asked hopefully.
Angelique shook her head ruefully. “No, not that. I'm afraid you'll be on them for a while yet. However,” she held up a hand when he opened his mouth to protest. “You don't have to be here to continue taking them.”
That brought Kai's head up with a carefully hopeful expression on his face. “Pardon? I thought I just heard you say - however obliquely - that he could go home.” If possible, Takao's eyes widened even more.
“Too subtle for you? How's this: be one with the wind and blow this joint, young man!”
“Home…Kai?” Takao looked at Kai, who looked back, and reached out to grab the older man's hand tightly. “Home!”
“That's what the lady said.” Kai squeezed his hand then leaned in and planted a hard, slightly sloppy kiss on Takao's mouth. “How fast do you think we can back you up?”
“Well…” Takao, dazed at the knowledge that he was finally free, that he could truly move on with his life now, struggled to answer his lover without simply bursting into tears and emotions all over Kai in his joy and relief. “We do have all those slaves…I mean friends to help us out.”
A wicked glint in his eyes, Kai nodded in mock-solemnity. “Yes, we do, and I fully intend to use them.”
Dr. Maison shook her head and dropped some papers on the blankets at the foot of Takao's bed. “I'll leave you gentlemen to scheme, then, but here's a few things for you to read over, Takao. There's a prescription for your meds and instructions for taking them, a new list of `dos and don'ts' for food and beverages that I expect you to follow for at least another four months,” Angelique waggled a finger at Kai, “and that I expect you, Agent, to make sure he does follow it.”
“Yes, ma'am.” They chorused obediently.
“There's also a list of doctors I know in Japan that I want you to pick from and schedule a check-up in a month. They're all either exclusively UNA doctors or consulting for the UNA on a regular basis, and they have experience and knowledge of people with special talents such as yourself. Once you've picked one, there's a referral form in there that you just need to fill in the name and they'll pull you r records from the system.”
Takao nodded, sighing a bit. He'd half-seriously hoped he would be done with doctors and tests once he got out of here, but that wasn't particularly realistic.
“Any more questions?” Angelique wanted to know, glancing back and forth between the two. Kai shook his head `no.'
Feeling his ears burn, Takao cleared his throat and chose his words carefully - hoping to minimize the embarrassment. “Um…any restrictions or recommendations on…ah…physical activity?”
Kai blinked slowly, then shot the bluenette a dark glare - even though he realized it was a good question.
“Ah…physical exertions should be kept to a minimum far at least another month.” The doctor smiled and kept it professional, despite how she wanted to giggle at their obvious discomfort. “Though small amounts of regular exercise are encouraged, as long as they aren't too intense. So don't go running any marathons or anything like that! As for…other pursuits, don't go wild, and no marathons there either!” She winked at their beet red faces and turned on her high heels to march for the door. “That kind are encouraged, also, boys!” Stopping at the door, Angelique raised a hand to give Takao a little wave. “It's been a pleasure, Takao. Try not to land yourself back here again, okay?” With that, she left.
Takao sputtered helplessly with embarrassed laughter, leaning back into his pillows. “Some doctors the UNA manages to pick…”
Kai chugged the last of his coffee, hiding his expression for long enough to clamp down on his flustered emotions, not really responding to the younger man.
The silence stretched out between them for a while, and, comfortable though it was, Takao realized it had to be broken in favour of a serious discussion. There were a lot of things about their future that needed to be talked about. They'd been putting it off for a long time now - even though there was no uncertainty left to hinder their relationship.
“Kai?” The former thief questioned softly. Kai looked up from his newspaper at the hesitant quality of his lover's voice.
“What happens next?” Takao stared at the covers of his bed, somehow unable to meet the agent's gaze. “To us?” He added after a slight pause.
Kai sighed and began slowly folding his newspaper back into neat folds. “I wondered when you would get around to asking. I was beginning to think maybe you wouldn't want anything..long term. At least, not any longer.”
“What?” Surprise was swiftly followed by a dose of panic. “Of course I still want to be with you! I love you, Kai! Do you not want…me, any longer?” His voice cracked, and a hand shot out to clutch at Kai's arm.
“Don't be stupid, Kinomiya.” Crimson eyes burned softly, gentling his rebuke. “I love you, too. And I don't think you've ever been this insecure about anything in your life, so cut it out.” Kai got off his chair and moved to sit on the bed next to Takao, facing him, and lifting a palm to cup the bluenette's check tenderly. “We've got some life-situations to work out, but it'll happen, and whatever we decide, I'm not leaving you ever again.”
Storm blue eyes closed and Takao held Kai's hand to his face, nuzzling the rough skin before turning his head to kiss the palm. Kai's breath hissed out and the bluenette smiled. “Okay. Good! I…ah…had to check, you know.”
Kai rolled his eyes.
“How are we going to make this work?” Takao wondered, bringing a knee up to his chest and resting his arms across it. “I mean…your life is here. Your parents, your career…”
“Takao, my life is sitting right in front of me.” Kai stared at his lover pointedly. The younger man had the grace to flush.
“That was…sappy.”
“Too much?”
“Sounds ridiculous, coming from you.”
“Ah. Well, the sentiment is still there. MY point being, Kinomiya, that I don't plan on a long distance relationship. When I first joined the UNA, I always know what I would do whenever I did find you and if you would still have me. As much as I hate to admit to it, Tala was telling to truth about my reasons for signing up for this career - you. And now we have the chance to have the life together we both wanted to back then and still want today.”
“So…what? You're just going to tender your resignation and move to Japan?” Takao stared at him incredulously. “Kai…I have no doubt you're good at your job, and a valuable agent to the UNA. They won't just…let you go…”
“They can't force me to stay, Takao.”
“Well, no..but they won't be happy about it. And do you really want to alienate such a powerful and influential organization? Not to mention leaving behind all your friends and colleagues here?”
Kai snorted at that. “Don't really have any of those, Taka. You know how anti-social I am. Besides, Tala's the only one crazy enough to put up with me on a regular basis - other than you, of course - so it isn't like I have close working relationships either.”
“You know, I don't know whether to laugh or cry about that. How can you stand being so…alone all the time?” Takao searched Kai's eyes sadly.
“I always have been, love.” Kai reminded him gently. “And it's just the way I am. But I'm not `alone' any more, am I?” He got a rather sappy, fond grin at that.
“Are you really going to quit, Kai?” What will you do with all your spare time?”
Kai shrugged. “Didn't think that far ahead, actually. It isn't like I actually need to work, after all.”
Takao chuckled ruefully. “Maybe not, but I do. I have a business to run - two, if you include the dojo. So I can't spend the rest of my days in bed…”
“Or on the sofa, or in the kitchen, or the bathroom, or the dojo…” the dual-haired man drawled his voice a suggestive, husky tone. Takao couldn't help laughing, scandalized but amused and admittedly quite interested in all those possibilities.
“Kai! You horny, kinky little asshole! The dojo?”
“What? And I protest the `little' comment, lover.”
Takao stared up into glittering crimson eyes as Kai propped himself up to loom above him, a wonderfully wicked grin on his face. “Fine. I rescind my former statement - except for the horny and kinky parts. I'm quite interested in exploring those sides of you. Thoroughly.”
“Really now? I look forward to that.” Kai's voice was a sultry purr.
“See, now, it's too bad we're in a medical facility and I'm still not quite up to playing yet.” Takao mourned. Making out with Kai would have made him even happier than he already was at the moment. “They make these beds sturdy, after all.”
Kai laughed.
While Takao packed up his things in preparation to leave the UNA, Kai went up to the `office' he shared with Tala to let him know about Takao's release. There was also the matter of telling his partner his intention to either transfer or retire (a decision he hadn't mentioned to his lover because he wasn't sure transferring was going to be an option until he'd talked with the Director).
Tala looked up when a can of Coke was placed on the file open in front of him on the desk's surface. “Hey. Thanks. I was just thinking I could go for something full of sugar and caffeine.”
Kai cracked his own Coke open and took a healthy swig, dropping down into his chair across the expanse of their desks, leaning back and propping his feet up on the corner of his desk. “I figured. Where's Kenny and Hilary?”
“I believe Kenny actually found some free time so Hilary dragged him out for some souvenir shopping for the kid's parents. Something about Eiffel Tower key chains.”
Kai's eyes rolled once and he nodded. “Well, can't blame him. As far as I know, he's the first member of his family to ravel beyond Japan, let alone Asia or Europe.”
“Ah.” No offense to Kenny or his family, but Tala couldn't really find enough interest to care. “How's Kinomiya? Doc sick of him yet?”
“Apparently.” Kai smiled and took another drink. Tala blinked at him. “She's released him. Said all his tests came back good enough to satisfy her. He's got a whole bunch of lists about dos and don'ts, a couple prescriptions, and such, but he's back on track. He's packing up right now.”
“Cool. That's good news.” Tala dropped his pen and sat back in his chair, too. With calculating ice-blue eyes, he added simply. “So. You're leaving then.”
It wasn't a question.
“Well…I'm not entirely sure yet. I still have to talk to Director Dickenson, but I'll probably either transfer to Japan, or retire completely.” Kai explained, not at all surprised that his partner wasn't surprised, either. “After I take some of my vacation time, I'll have to see what happens.”
Tala nodded. “You realize there's no one else I'd ever be able to work with here, right?”
“Your point being?”
The wolf pulled out a few sheets of paper from his desk drawer, sliding them across to Kai. “I figure we have some concessions owed us for all the hard work we put into this last case - and all our past ones - not to mention our overwhelming success. The higher-ups shouldn't have too many issues with a dual transfer to their Japan branch. There's our transfer requests, all ready to go. Yours just needs a signature.”
Now Kai was blinking looking down at the forms, then back at Tala. Then the light bulb went on in his head, and Kai gave Tala a shrewd, knowing look as he pulled a pen out to sign his forms.
“You are so gone on her, aren't you? I'm just the perfect excuse to follow her to Japan.” He signed his name with quick and practiced ease before handing the papers back to Tala. “Just give Takao and I enough notice before the wedding so we can find an appropriate wedding gift, okay?”
“Hey, hey! Don't go getting ahead of things!” Tala stared at him, annoyed. “And for the record, I'm not using you as a convenient excuse to chase after Hilary. You both are two good reasons for me to move, and that's it.”
“Relax, Ivanov. I'm pushing your buttons on purpose.” Kai finished off his soda and smirked. It quickly morphed into a more serious expression, however. “Seriously, though, Tala. You're falling for her pretty hard, aren't you.”
Grunting, the Russian sipped his Coke thoughtfully. “Falling? Nope. Already there. Everything in me screams `mate' at me about her.” He admitted quietly. Kai raised an eyebrow, but said nothing. “We've talked. She knows I'm not looking for short-term, and neither is she. She knows I really care about her, that I want her, but I haven't explained just how much yet.” Tala's grin was sardonic. “Too soon for that, I think, even though I know it's real and true.”
“Maybe. Just…take my advice and don't hoard how you feel to yourself for too long. I…learned that lesson the hard way.” Kai reminded his friend.
“Oh, I know. I just think we should know each other longer than a couple of months before I go declaring undying love and proposing marriage. Besides, there are a few other things to take care of before I go off on that life-altering path.”
“Good point.”
“Excuse me, Agents.” A voice interrupted their conversation. They looked up to find the Director's secretary just outside their cubicle. “Mr. Dickenson is requesting you both in his office.” She gave them a small head bow when they nodded, then left.
Glancing at each other, they moved as one to get to their feet and make their way to the Director's office.
“Well, Agents, thank you for coming so promptly. I hope I wasn't interrupting any of your work, Agent Ivanov?”
“No, sir. Kai had just come by to chat before he left the building.” Tala shook his head.
Stroking his moustache, Stanley nodded sagely. “Yes, of course. I received notice that our young Kinomiya has been released finally. Please tell him how glad I am he's feeling better and I hope his recovery continues. Agent Hiwatari.”
“I will, sir.”
“As for why I've asked you to join me, today, there is a very special offer I have been authorized to make to you on behalf of the European and Asian Chairpersons of the UNA.” The Director sat forward, folding his hands before himself on the desk. “As you may or may not be aware, there has been a great deal of restructuring in the Asian branches in the last few months. Three new offices have recently been created in China, Thailand, and Singapore, and some of the senior staff and agents were pulled from existing positions to fill the new administrative openings in these new offices.”
Kai and Tala slowly looked at each other, understanding what the other was thinking because he probably was thinking the same thing. A transfer was looking like a definite possibility after all.
“As you can imagine, that left more than a few holes to fill in our existing offices. I've had several requests for suitable transfers sitting on my desk for months. Until very recently, I couldn't fulfill any of those requests from this office because I didn't have anyone with the experience or rank that I could afford to lose.” Stanley smiled a little. “Thanks to Director Judy Tate, I now do. Apparently we're setting up a new `exchange program' with the NA branches so that Agents have more options as to where they want to be placed upon graduating from the Academies. So we'll be welcoming several new Agents in the coming months, and this frees some of my first ranked Agents - including the two of you - to pursue other paths in their UNA careers.”
“I guess now would be an excellent time to mention that we were planning on putting in transfer requests.” Tala drawled, placing their forms on their boss' desk. “Right after we both take some personal leave and vacation time.”
“I see.” Stanley accepted the forms, flipped through them briefly, then gave them a highly amused smile as he unceremoniously dropped them in the waste-basket. “Unnecessary, I believe, Agent Ivanov. What I have to offer you would mean a transfer anyway.”
“Sir?” Somewhat confused, Kai questioned their superior.
“You see, after reviewing your records and personnel files, it was agreed that you are both due a promotion - one of rank, and one of position within the UNA.”
Crimson red and winter blue eyes went wide in surprise, and this time Tala was the one to issue a confused, “Sir?” in question.
“As I said, there are many holes to be filled, particularly in Japan. There are, in fact, two open positions in the offices in Kyoto…which I believe in the closest UNA branch office to the Kinomiya dojo? I understand the commute is reasonable.” Stanley winked at Kai, whose jaw threatened to hit the carpeted floor if it unhinged and dropped any farther. “Therefore, it is my pleasure to inform you that you are, firstly, promoted to the field rank of Special Agent, and secondly, to the position of Assistant Director.” He picked up two files from the corner of his desk and handed one to each man. “These are your proposed assignments. I've already approved an undesignated amount of leave for you both. I see no reason to use up your vacation time unnecessarily. So please look those over on your leave, think about it, and when you've decided let me know.”
“I…you…how did you…”
“Know?” The old man smiled, finishing Kai's question. “Your relationship and the true extent of it are quite evident, Kai. I've known for some time now that you were not likely to want to remain here if Takao returned to Japan. As for your partner, here,” the Director nodded at Tala, “I'm perfectly aware that Agent Ivanov is not easily partnered with other agents.”
Tala scowled but said nothing, since it was perfectly true.
“Other than that, the fact is you are both excellent, clever agents and have proven yourself with skill, truth, and just hearts. You've earned the promotion, Agents. But for now, put the job aside and go away on your leave. Relax! Enjoy it and rest. You deserve it.”
Exchanging glances, Kai and Tala stood and reached across the desk to shake their boss' hand in gratitude. After offering their thanks once more and making promises to keep in touch, the two took their assignment folders and left Director Dickenson's office.
Kali Notes: Hey all! By the time I was done whipping this update up, I decided to make it a Chaos Wave! First of the new year. I realize I've lost a whole lot of people at this point, which is a shame, but I hope all you die-hard readers are still enjoying this fic. Let me know what you think! Please R/R!!!!