Beyblade Fan Fiction ❯ Once A Thief ❯ Den of Theives - Part IV ( Chapter 20 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Kali notes:  And here's yet another long one… Things are looking up!
Disclaimer:  Don't own it. Kali & muses are just borrowing the wonderful characters and all that goes with them from their creator.
Warnings:  Yaoi (unless you're on ffnet; then you get shounen-ai), language, dramatic angst, and other adult content.  Don't like it, don't read it!
Pairing:  TyKa; others include Tala/Hilary, mentioned Rei/Mariah
Chapter 20: Den of Thieves - Part IV
Kai nearly ran into Dr. Maison as he opened the door to Takao's room and went inside.
“Oh! Agent Hiwatari! Hello.”
“Angelique.” Kai stepped aside to allow her to pass. “Good evening.”
“You'll be happy to know that Mr. Kinomiya's fever seems to be breaking. We'll keep monitoring his temperature of another 24 hours, of course, but as of now,” she gave him a smile at the relief on his face. “He seems to be on the road to recovery.”
“Good. Great! Thank you for letting me know.” Kai looked into the room at his bedridden lover. “When can we move him? He should…he should be in a room with sunlight when he wakes up.”
Angelique patted him on the shoulder. “We will. As soon as I know he's truly over the fever and stable, I'll have him moved to one of our regular rooms. For now, though, why don't you sit with him a bit then get some rest yourself? You look exhausted, Agent.”
Smiling weakly at the admonition, Kai nodded and went inside. He knew Takao couldn't be moved until after their little plan had a chance to work. Still, it was a vast relief to know the bluenette was on the mend.
For the next two days, Kai and Tala organized their plan with Mr. Dickenson, prepared for it, and spent their spare time in the medical ward with Takao and Hilary - who had refused to return to Japan until Takao could go home, also. And because Kenny was staying behind, as he still needed her as his assistance.
Takao's father and brother had been taken back to Japan, escorted by a couple of UNA agents who would stay with them until the rest of the criminals in Gideon's circle had been found and brought down - just in case of any retaliation b y those people for Gideon's failure and capture.
Kenny was very busy himself. He'd been handling Takao's legal affairs, of course, but he'd also taken it upon himself to deal with his personal ones, too. He kept in contact with the elder Kinomiya men, so that they always knew how their youngest was doing. He also made several calls to a few old friends, all of whom were on the next available flights to Paris when they heard the news.
Also over the next two days, Tala dragged his partner to the UNA's gym facility for at least three hours each day to work out and or spar.
It was the wolf's answer to stress-relief, and it seemed to work wonders - at least for Kai. Tala knew just how dangerous Kai was when under extreme stress, tension and emotion. It fed his abilities, and unless relieved those abilities had the potential to explode out of any control. It was the downside to being pyro-pathic and pyro-kinetic, Kai had once explained to his then - new UNA partner. After all, if they were going to work together, it was only fair that Tala knew what he was getting himself into - at least, that's what Kai believed. He'd neither told nor shown many people just what he was capable of, for the safety of others and for his own protection. As Gideon - Jake - exemplified, there were still many people who did not except that people such as himself existed. He had good reason to went that knowledge kept quiet, as it was very rare that when someone like him used them talents for a good reason it ended up on the six o'clock news. Usually it was when someone did something bad that it made a newsworthy segment for the media.
Friday arrived quickly enough, and with it the engagement of the plan to get the victims of Takao's “borrowing” to agree not to press charges. The bluenette remained in the ICU for the plan - though Kai and Dr. Maison agreed he'd be moved to a normal room immediately after, should all go well because Takao was on the mend. His fever had disappeared and stayed gone for the past two days, so he was deemed to be improving significantly by Angelique.
The day also brought Kai's parents to Paris. He made one trip away from Takao's bedside to pick them up at the airport, drop off their luggage at his flat (where they would stay while in Paris) and bring them to the UNA.
“Son, I really wish you'd tell us what this is all about.” Susumu sighed at the unhappy expression on his son's face. Kai was still angry with him for the investigation into Takao's life.
“Leave him be, dear. I'm sure there's a very good reason he's not telling us the whole story.” Masumi caught the tightening of Kai's grip on the steering wheel of the car and the firm line his mouth made at her tone of motherly disapproval and mild chastisement.
“Look. I'm sorry to be cryptic and mysterious, but it's the way it has to be for now. Once you've met with my boss and heard the tale from him, we can talk about it all you like.” Kai promised grimly, pulling into the parking garage underneath the UNA building.
“Can't you tell us why we need to be here, at least?” Susumu asked.
Kai parked the car and turned off the engine. “it's to keep Takao out of prison. You just have to trust me, and Tala, and especially Takao. Come on.” He ignored the shock on his parent's faces and led them toward the elevator. “Tala will be waiting for us, and he'll be with you for a while until this little plan of ours works. We hope.”
His parents frowned, but followed him into the elevator. Susumu, at least, was curious enough to not make any comments while Masumi simply studied her son with great worry and concern.
After Kai passed them on to Tala, he went to stand at his post - outside Takao's door, and to let Hilary and Kenny know the show was about to begin.
Upstairs in one of the conference rooms, Tala covertly cast his gaze around the long table at which several people sat, including the Hiwataris. He'd sat in on the very brief meeting Kai's parents had with Mr. Dickenson just before this, and he hadn't been at all surprised by the reactions of either Hiwatari to the news of Takao's circumstances. Masumi had been horrified and sympathetic - and outraged on behalf of the entire Kinomiya family. Susumu hardly expressed any emotion at all, but Tala was certain he could see a vast degree of relief and maybe even the faintest glimmer of concern appearing in the man's eyes. At least now he understood the results of his little investigation into Takao's background. Maybe now father and son could find some way to reconcile their differences.
Tala straightened and let his hands fall to his sides as his boss entered the room and greeted the table full of people, the quietly took a seat at Mr. Dickenson's left.
“Ladies and gentleman, thank you for taking the time out of your busy schedules to join us today. I'll try to keep it as short as possible so that we can resolve the matters I have requested your presence here today to discuss.” The UNA director opened a file folder in front of him on the table, and gave Tala a nod to signal his assistance. Picking up a remote control, Tala pushed buttons to turn the lights down to low, and start up a projector that displayed a picture of Takao and all the current charges being brought against him on the screen behind the old man.
“This is Takao Kinomiya. As of four days ago, he's been a guest of the UNA and a patient in our medical facility where he is in serious condition thanks to a number of factors which have adversely affected his health. For nearly a month, he has been working with the UNA in order to bring down those who are responsible for the list of charges you see here.” Stanley folded his hands on the table and looked around the room at each person. “This discussion is to explain the circumstances of what lead to the unfortunate…borrowing of the items that each of you reported stolen.”
“I don't really care why he did it.” One scruffy looking man in an old tweed suit scoffed. “The fact is he is a thief and deserves punishment. Is the UNA in the habit of letting criminals go free now?”
“No sir.” Tala answered coolly, before Mr. Dickenson could respond. “We are in the habit of exacting justice and maintaining peace and order internationally. If you will allow us to explain our findings in this case's investigation, you will see that there is no justice to be found in imprisoning a man who did these things against his will.”
The Director held up a hand. “Please. As Agent Ivanov says, allow us to explain.” At the acquiescent nods from around the table, Stanley began at the beginning, giving them a shortened version of the tale Takao had given in his statement.
Tala pushed a button on the remote and the screen changed to a mug shot of Jake and a bunch of other information - personal and legal. “This is the true criminal, ladies and gentlemen. His name is Jacob Schwarz, aka `Gideon.' He is the mastermind behind the kidnapping of Hiroshi and Tatsuya Kinomiya, and the subsequent blackmail of Takao Kinomiya which forced him to steal your possessions in order to ransom his family. Schwarz is only one of several crime lords the UNA is even now pursuing around the world, and thanks to Takao Kinomiya's cooperation - at the expense of his own health and well-being - we have Schwarz in custody.” Tala turned the lights back on and the projector off. “This man and his underlings are the ones the UNA wishes to bring to justice, not an innocent man who was only doing what he could to ensure the safe return of his only living family members.”
“So do that.” A haughty woman in designer clothes sniffed inelegantly. “That is your mandate. I fail to see what we have to do with it.”
“Ms. von Heid, we wish to drop the charges against Mr. Kinomiya. We feel that he is suffering enough - has been suffering for many months - and as he took responsibility for his actions and helped us to bring Schwarz and his ilk down, we believe he has redeemed himself to society. However, we don't have the authority to drop the charges unless all of you are willing.” Mr. Dickenson explained calmly.
“The fact is, ma'am,” Tala added in a frosty tone, “All the items have been recovered and are all in the exact condition they were in when Kinomiya borrowed them, and he was always intending to return them that way. But those things he took - despite the value of them culturally, artistically, and in monetary terms - are just things. He wasn't taking them out of greed, he was attempting to save the lives of two people who did nothing to deserve being kidnapped. It's also a fact that he came perilously close to dying in his efforts to bring Gideon down. He is currently lying in a hospital bed in our medical ward, in ICU, hooked up to all kinds of machines and fighting for his life.”
There was a moment of uncomfortable silence until the Director coughed and stood up. “Well, perhaps we will take a short break so that you may consider your decisions?”
“Director…” Susumu stopped him before he could leave. “Before we do that, could you tell us the exact nature of Kinomiya's condition? Why is he so ill?”
“Ah. Yes, of course. Without going into great detail…”
“It's a combo of stress, under nourishment, and lack of sleep, sir.” Tala said in a quiet voice. Everyone looked at him as he spoke. “He developed an ulcer, but recent events compounded in a steep decline in his body's ability to cope. The operation we undertook to apprehend Gideon and recover the items resulted in Takao succumbing to a bad case of pneumonia. With his already weakened immune system, he was unable to fight it off and collapsed.”
“You must understand, he's been suffering stress and that ulcer for a very long time, now. Our Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Angelique Maison, has done her best to take care of him. She is hopeful for his recovery, but is fearful that real damage has already been done.” Stanley added. Then he looked thoughtful for a moment. “Perhaps you would all like to see for yourselves the seriousness of his condition? If so, I can arrange for Agent Ivanov to escort you to the ICU.”
Murmurs filled the silence as the group discussed it amongst themselves. Masumi leaned closer to Tala and whispered, “Can we get in to visit him later, Tala? After this and after Susumu and I speak with Kai?” Her gaze flickered to her stoic husband.
Tala nodded, winking at her. “Of course, Mom. It'll mean everything to Kai, you know.”
She gave him a small smile.
“Very well, Director Dickenson. After the break, I would like to visit this young man.” The scruffy man stated above the low chatter.
“As would I.” Ms. von Heid agreed. The others also stated their desire to see Takao, and the Director quickly agreed.
“Agent Ivanov, please let the ICU know we will be coming through in…half an hour. Until then, let's break for coffee.”
Kai was infinitely glad he was inside Takao's room, his back to the door, unseen by the people who were lined up outside peering in through the one-way glass window at his prone, unconscious lover. He hadn't liked this particular part of the plan the most. It was like his lover was on display as some sort of freak for the gawking amusement of those Takao had been forced to steal from. He felt somewhat better knowing Tala was on the other side of the door, and that none of those people ere going to be allowed inside (it was an ICU, after all). Kai only hoped this would all be worth it in the end.
After quite some time, a soft knock on the door drew the agent from his thoughts. Turning, Kai opened the door to find Hilary standing there, along with Dr. Maison.
“They've gone back upstairs, Kai.” The brunette informed him. There was a hopeful expression on her face.
“I think it's safe to move Mr. Kinomiya, Agent Hiwatari.” Angelique added. “The sedative I administered earlier was light, and he just any wake up on his own soon. I think a nice, private room with lots of sunlight and windows would do wonders, don't you?”
Kai gave a faint smile and moved out of the way to let the doctor and her team of nurses pass, joining Hilary in the hall. He watched them unhook machines and wires from Takao through the observation window in silence for a moment, then glanced at Hilary.
“I want to thank you, Hilary, for everything you've done for Takao. No matter what else, thank you for being there for him when I wasn't, and for being here and now through all of this.” Kai folded his arms over his chest in a kind of self-hug. “You've done so much more than either of us would ever have asked of you.”
“Oh Kai…” Hilary gave him a somewhat misty smile and laid a hand on his forearm, squeezing in comfort. “Silly! It's what friends do! Besides,” her eyes met his in complete seriousness. “Takao is a very special soul. He did nothing to deserve these things that life has tossed at him, and we all will do whatever we can to alleviate some of that darkness.”
Kai nodded, covering her hand on his arm in acceptance with his other hand. “Damn right.”
Two nurses wheeled a gurney with Takao on it out of the ICU, followed by the doctor. Angelique paused before continuing after her patient.
“I'll see that he's settled in comfortably before I go on my rounds. His fever seems to be entirely gone, and his lungs sound much better, by the way.” She smiled brightly, hooking her stethoscope around her neck. “He's going to be okay, though weak and easily tired for quite some time.”
“When can I see him?” Kai wanted to know, relief evident in his voice.
“I'll send a nurse for you when he's settled in his room, Kai. It'll take a few minutes, so you may want to go and find out what the situation is otherwise.”
Hilary gave him a push, “Go on, Kai. I'll be here.”
Kai sighed and nodded to both women, then made his way upstairs to wait in Mr. Dickenson's office.
Tala stood at attention next to Director Dickenson as the room of Takao's - no Gideon's - victims filed out with brief words of gratitude and parting to the old man. They would be escorted to the evidence vaults where their belonging s were being held so that they could either claim them now or make arrangements for the larger items to be transported.
The wolf was relieved that the hardest part of the whole ordeal was finally over, and that justice would truly be found for the youngest Kinomiya and his family. And for Kai. While they may be called to testify at Gideon's trial, their part in bringing him down was over.
The last to leave were Kai's parents. Susumu shook the Director's hand briefly before speaking. “Stanley. I must admit, we had no idea congratulate you and your agents on a job well done, however.” He glanced at Tala with a slight smile. “And I believe I have a great deal of apologizing to do.”
“Susumu-san, I want to thank you for your words earlier. I believe if you hadn't thrown your support in with Kinomiya, a few of the others would not have consented to dropping all the charges against him.” Stanley chuckled, brushing his moustache with a finger thoughtfully. “I've always admired your lawyer-like skill with rhetoric and logic.”
“Tala, will you find Kai and tell him the good news?” Masumi asked. “And is there somewhere we might speak with Him before we go down to visit Takao?”
“Sure, Mom.” Tala gave her a wide smile and pulled out his cell phone, speed-dialling his partner. At Kai's less than welcoming tone of greeting, Tala scowled. “Well aren't you just full of sunshine. It's done, Kai. The charges are dropped.”
“Thank god.” An infinite weariness filled Kai's voice. “Thanks for letting me know. What's going on now?”
“Everyone's gone off to reclaim their stuff. Your parents want to talk to you, then go see Kinomiya. Where are you?”
“In the Director's office. I thought you'd come here when it was done and I wanted to know what happened.”
“Ah.” Tala looked at his boss and adopted parents. “Hold on a second.” He covered the phone and spoke to them. “Sir, Kai is waiting in your office.”
“Why don't you take the Hiwataris there so they may have their discussion in private, Agent Ivanov. I have several other things which require my attention for an hour or so.” Mr. Dickenson smiled genially and shook Susumu's hand once again. “Susumu-san, Masumi-san, it was good to see you again. Thank you once more for your assistance, and I hope to see you again under much more pleasant circumstances.”
“As do we, Stanley.” Susumu answered.
Tala nodded to his boss as the old man walked out, and went back to Kai. “I'm bringing our parents up there, Kai. Stay put.” He ordered and hung up on the immediate growl from his partner. “Follow me!” He cheerfully invited Kai's parents, leading them down the hall to the elevator.
Kai hung up and put his cell in his pocket with a few choice names for his Russian partner. Then he stiffened and looked up when the office door opened, thinking it was his parents.
Instead, a rumpled, slightly flustered Kenny barged into the room. “Kai! Oh good, you're still here. I had a hard time tracking you down.”
Relaxing somewhat, Kai blew out a tired breath. “What is it, Kenny? You look like you were hung out in a windstorm.”
Flushing, Kenny glanced down at himself. “Oh. Well, I haven't had a chance to shower and change for a couple days.” Looking back up, he tried with futility to smooth out the wrinkles in his shirt and straightened his tie. “At least with the charges being dropped, my job is pretty much done. But that's not why I was looking for you.”
Kai merely raised an eyebrow.
“Max just called me from the airport. He and a few others just arrived and as soon as they rent a car, they're coming here. Can you clear them to come up and see Takao? And would you know of a decent, inexpensive hotel?”
“Max and who else, Kenny? I need names so the guards downstairs know who to expect and issue visitor badges to.” Kai reached for Director Dickenson's phone on his desk. But before Kenny could respond, Masumi's voice interrupted.
“They can stay at the Grande Luxor, on the house.” She stated, glancing up at her husband with a smile. “Isn't that right, dear?”
“Certainly. Hiwatari Enterprises owns the hotel, so it won't be a problem.” Susumu agreed easily, meeting Kai's eyes across the room. “Anything we can do to assist friends of my son and…his lifemate.”
Kai stared at his father in shock and a giddy relief that made him sit down heavily in the chair he'd just risen from.
Tala beamed and clapped his hands once in glee. “Excellent! Hey, Kenny! Come with me and we'll go get things in order, huh?” He latched onto the petit lawyer's shoulders, steering him out the door and closing it behind them, leaving Kai and his parents alone to talk.
Silenced reigned until Masumi broke it with an exasperated, “Really, the two of you! He is truly your son, Susumu. Same stubborn, thick-headedness, same lack of willingness to compromise.”
“Hmph.” Kai schooled his expression to one as close to neutral indifference as he could. “I'm not the over-protective one who had my only child's lover investigated behind his back. I'm not the one who doesn't trust his only son to live his own life and make his own choices and decisions.”
Chagrined, Susumu ran a hand through his hair in a gesture that Kai recognized as one he seemed to have inherited from the man - much to his self-disgust. “Kai, son, it wasn't like that. I didn't mean for it to come across that way. I know it wasn't my greatest idea ever, but…”
“He was just looking out for you, Kai.” Masumi said gently, moving over to her son. “We do trust you. We are so very proud of everything you've done, chibi!”
Kai winced at the childish endearment. “Mother…please.”
“We love you, Kai. And after learning everything about what Takao was doing, the courage and honour he has shown…well, if I wasn't positive before - which I was - I am now positive that you couldn't have found anyone more worthy of you.” Masumi drew her son into her arms and held him close with the motherly instinct that said her child needed the comfort. “And that you are the luckiest man alive to have won his affections in return.”
Sighing, Kai gave into the embrace, hugging her back. “Don't I know it, Mother. But you're wrong about one thing - I'm not worthy of him.” Kai gave a rueful grin. “However, I'm totally selfish enough to hang onto him with everything I've got.”
Masumi laughed, eyes sparkling. “Good.”
Kai released his mother and looked at his father, who had moved closer unnoticed. “Father…”
“Kai, your mother said it well; we love you, and we are proud of your accomplishments. Maybe I should have said that more often, since you seem to harbour the impression that we…I am disappointed with you since you refused to take your place in Hiwatari Enterprises.”
“Well, you were.” Frowning, Kai folded his arms defensively.
“No. Never in you, son.” Susumu looked away for a moment awkwardly. He wasn't very good at these conversations, and he really didn't want to say anything that might drive his son farther away. “Yes, I was disappointed for a while that you didn't follow my path, but…that disappointment was not because of the same desire my father impressed on me to follow in his footsteps, but because…” he floundered a bit, but pushed on relentlessly. “I was resentful, I suppose, that you had the strength to go your own way and I did not. I was angry with myself for not fighting Voltaire harder on your behalf, especially after what happened when you graduated high school.” Susumu turned back to Kai, whose eyes were wide with incredulous surprise, and a dawning understanding. “I realize I haven't done a very good job of being a father, but..I do care, Kai. And I do trust you and your abilities, even if I've done a horrendous job of showing it.”
Kai had an awkward moment of his own where he couldn't seem to meet his father's eyes or find any appropriate words to say. Finally, though, he cleared his throat and said the only thing he could (albeit feeling it was quite lame, considering).
“Thank you.” His voice was rough, but steady. “For that, and for…Takao.”
Susumu smiled and clapped his son on the shoulder. “I expect you both to come by and visit as often as you can, you know.” He insisted gruffly. “If he's going to be part of the family, then we all need to get to know one another better.”
Masumi rested a hand on her husband's arm. “I just want to see my sons as often as possible.”
Kai smiled, for what had to be the first genuine smile in weeks, and rubbed a hand over his face tiredly. “Of course. When Takao's well enough I'm sure the Island will be one of our first stops.” He sighed. “He's going to want to go home, and to see his own family. For now, though,” Kai motioned for them to follow him. “You wanted to go visit Takao before you left?”
“Oh, yes. Definitely.” Masumi nodded as she and Susumu allowed their son to lead them to the elevators and through the medical wing.
Kai waited outside with Hilary while his parents looked in on his lover. They sat just outside the door in two comfortable chairs. Kai gave a long, gusty sigh and slumped back into his seat, his weary crimson eyes closing shut heavily.
“Kami, I'm tired.” He groaned.
Hilary glanced at him sympathetically, taking stock of the damage that last few weeks had wrought on the agent since she'd first seen him. He was pale, his clothes were a bit rumpled, his hair a tad on the wild and unkempt side, and there were dark circles under his eyes. The clincher was the more pronounced frown lines at the corners of his eyes and mouth, and the deeper lines of his forehead across his brow.
“I know. I can't imagine how it's been for you, Kai, even though I know. You've been so strong for Takao - for all of us, really.” Hilary leaned back into her own seat, smiling. “Everything's going to be the way it should be, once Takao gets better, and he'll finally get to come home and see his family safe and sound. I know he's going to be here for a while yet to recover, but he will get better, and you've found each other again…it's a happy ending!”
Kai chuckled appreciatively at the sentiment. “You're right. It is.” He popped one eye open and gave her a side-glance. “What about you and my wolf of a partner? Any happy endings there I should know about?”
Hilary scowled and blushed prettily. “We weren't keeping it very secret, were we?”
“Nope.” Kai agreed.
The brunette plucked absently at her skirt. “Actually, we haven't really talked about…us. Things have just been too crazy, and Tala's been very busy trying to help wrap your case up.”
“Hn.” Kai felt a twinge of guilt for leaving most of his work for Tala to deal with. He'd have to make it up to his partner somehow. “Well, things will slow down soon enough and you'll have time. But Hilary,” He gave her a mild grin, “Kick his ass if he even thinks of letting you slip away. I think you're perfect for that job.”
She blushed again, but sat up straighter with a fierce gleam of determination in her eyes, and gave him a sloppy salute. “Aye, aye, Captain!”
The door opened then, and Kai's parents came out. Simultaneously, Kai noticed Tala and Kenny heading down the hallway toward them, so he rose to his feet and smothered a yawn.
“We'd stay longer, son, but we really need to be going.” Susumu said regretfully. “I've got a business meeting in Prague tomorrow morning.”
“You will call us when Takao wakes up, though, won't you?” Masumi requested. Kai nodded.
“Of course, Mother. Dr. Maison will probably keep him here for some time to recover, anyway, so maybe you could drop by and see him when he's better and awake.”
“Perhaps, yes.” Masumi agreed, turning to Hilary. “It's good to see you again, dear. I trust you and Tala will be by to visit again, soon, too?”
The redheaded wolf sidled up beside Hilary and slipped an arm around her waist, answering before she could. “We will, Mom, with bells on! Sorry you have to leave so soon, though.”
“I'll come down with you, Mother. Father.” Kai glanced at Kenny. “You get everything you need?”
Kenny nodded. “Yes. Tala can be very efficient, you know.”
Kai rolled his eyes. “When it suits him. He's lazy.”
“Hey!” Came the indignant expression.
Smiling, Kai offered his arm to his mother. “Shall we?”
Shaking her head at the antics of her son and his friends - but smiling - she accepted his arm and allowed Kai to escort his parents down to the building's main entrance.
“Oh! I nearly forgot about the Egg.” Kai realized as they stood waiting for the car Susumu called for from the elevator, outside the UNA. “I should run in and get it for you.”
“No, Kai.” Masumi stopped him as he turned to do so. “When Takao is released, why don't you and he bring it back to us then?”
“I think it will make him feel better to return at least that item in person.” Susumu added sagely. His grey eyes twinkled with mirth. “Besides giving you the perfect excuse to satisfy your mother and come to visit.”
Kai laughed. “Very true. Alright, we'll do that.” A fancy black BMW car pulled up to the curb, and Kai opened the passenger door for his parents. “See you later, Mother, Father.” And thank you, again, for coming to help Takao.”
“Goodbye, son, and no thanks are necessary.” Susumu gave his son a brief, gruff hug before slipping into the back seat.
“Take care and give our love to Takao when he wakes up.” Masumi hugged Kai hard and gave him a soft peck on the cheek. “We love you, and don't forget to call!”
“I won't!” Kai replied as she slid in next to her husband. Kai closed the door and waved as the car pulled away and drove off. Then he turned and slowly made his way back inside.
When he reached Takao's room, he found a few more people than he'd been expecting. Tala, Kenny, and Hilary were there (though the agent stood apart and back from the others gathered around Takao's bed and prone form on it), as were Max and his mother, Judy. But the other two people Kai almost didn't recognize, as it had been so many years since he'd last seen them. Warily, Kai stepped quietly inside and allowed the noisy `click' of the closing door to announce him.
“Oh! Kai, there you are!” Max greeted him with a smile - though it was at half its usual Wattage. “We wondered where you'd disappeared to.”
Kai shrugged, shoving his hands in his pockets and remaining near the door and Tala. He felt very much like an intruder in the room full of people who were Takao's friends - people he felt he'd forfeited all right to also call friends after what had happened 10 years ago. “Max. Director.” He returned the greeting neutrally, hiding his insecurities behind a careful mask of cool indifference.
His eyes met two distinctly feline, golden sets of eyes and he tensed. If there was anyone out of the group who could possibly have a chance at happily kicking his ass, it was Kon Rei. His petit, feisty, pink-haired mate, Mariah, would probably give him a run for his money, too.
“Hiwatari.” Rei intoned, a fierce spark of protectiveness glowing in those eyes, chasing the minute growl in his voice. Kai felt Tala tense beside him, and he nudged his partner with an elbow surreptitiously in warning.
“Rei.” Kai gave him a slow, half-bow of his head. “Mariah.”
Kenny, the ever-diplomatic peace keeper of the group, hastily intervened, sending a pleading glance Max's way for help. “Ah, I told Rei and Mariah everything, Kai. I couldn't…not tell them.”
“Everything?” Kai raised an eyebrow at Max, who nodded solemnly.
“Then and now, Kai.”
“Ah.” The dual-haired man acknowledged. “Fine.” He frowned and planted his feet, pulling his hands from his pockets to let them fall loosely to his sides as Rei slowly padded around the bed and came toward him. Kai said nothing and remained where he was, refusing to back down or be intimidated by the lithe, cat-like grace and power in the man's movements.
Rei stopped just inches away from Kai, very much in his personal space, and looked him directly in the eye. “It's been a long time, Kai, and although Kenny and Max have, indeed, told me all about the fiasco you created ten years ago out of your relationship with Takao, and that you've apparently reconciled your issues now, I want to hear it from you.” The raven-haired man poked Kai in the chest none to gently, a flash of fang warning Kai not to take him lightly.
“Rei…” Max sighed and stepped closer, ready to pull his friend away from Kai. Let it go, huh?”
“No, Max. Not this,” Rei gestured the blonde away. “Maybe it was a stupid decision not entirely his fault, but the fact is he truly hurt Takao. We couldn't even say your name around him, Kai. He'd either close up and refuse to speak for hours, or he'd run away. And it was my shoulder he soaked in tears over you when he found out you'd left for good! I tried at first to give you the benefit of a doubt because I honestly didn't believe you were that cruel. That you really loved him.”
“I did.” Kai interrupted, glaring into Rei's face without fear. “I do.” Not even Rei would be allowed to question his feelings for Takao like that, even if it was how it had seemed then. “Always will.”
Rei's yes searched Kai's. “I want to believe it, Kai. And I suppose I can't stop either of you from making another mistake that will end up causing him more pain and suffering he does not deserve. I guess what I want to know is…what are your intentions?”
Kai blinked. “How…medieval and paternal of you.” The sarcastic remark came out before he could stop it.
Max actually let out a bark of laughter before he could smother it. “Well, he is a daddy now…”
“Shut up, Max.” Rei frowned. “I'm serious! What do you intend for Takao now?” He demanded.
“That's not my decision. It's Takao's.” Kai replied in a downright frosty tone. “I get that you are concerned for him and that you dislike me being in his life again, but Rei…” Kai leaned in just enough that Rei's eyes nearly crossed from being too close to see him properly. “Our relationship is between Takao and I. So fuck off.”
Golden eyes narrowed to slits.
Judy intervened before anyone came to blows. “Alright. That's enough, the both of you. If you have further issues to discuss, do it elsewhere, please.” She shot a stern frown at Kai when his hand lashed out and grabbed a fistful of Rei's shirt before he could move away. “Agent!” She snapped in command, hoping to jerk him back to his surroundings.
“No offense, Director, but stay out of it.” Kai warned, not even sparing a glance for her. He didn't take his eyes from Rei. “You forced me into this confrontation, Kon, but I'm not dumb enough, nor insensitive enough, to kick your ass right here and now for even suggesting that I'm so arrogant as to believe I own and control Takao's every decision and life. All I want is to be with him, to be allowed to love him as I wanted to ten years ago, and every damned day since. But if he doesn't want me, then I let him go and learn to live with myself. It's his decision, understand? Think whatever the hell you want to of me, I don't care, but stay out of what's between Takao and I.” Kai released Rei and took a deliberate step back, eyes burning with an intensity Rei hadn't seen for years, pure challenge in that gaze.
Raising a hand to his head, Rei scratched an ear ruefully. “Actually, I was kind of hoping you'd fight to keep him, not just let him go.” He shook his head. “But it's enough for me to know that you get exactly what you did to him back then. And you never make the same mistake twice.”
The blaze was banked somewhat and the tension in the room seemed to ooze away. Kai's expression softened a little and he gave an acknowledging tilt of his head.
Maybe they weren't entirely happy with each other, nor back to the mutual respect and tentative friendship they'd had before, but there was a truce. For now, it was enough.
With a loud, exaggerated sigh, Max thwaped Rei on the back. “Rei, old buddy, you've got some balls getting into Kai's face like that. I'm just glad I don't have to plan a funeral for you.”
Rei gave him a mild glare. “Gee, thanks so much for the confidence Maxie. I'm touched.”
“He impressed me.” Tala muttered, loud enough that Kai heard but not the others. Kai shot him a look.
“What are you bitching about, wolf?”
“And I thought we wolves were prone to alpha tendencies.” Tala drawled, smirking at both Kai and a bristling neko-jin. “Seems firebugs and cats are, too.”
“Do you want me to rip your head off and stuff it up your ass?” Kai inquired in a deceptively lazy tone, flipping his partner off. “Go play in traffic, Tala.”
The Russian shrugged and grinned playfully. “Hey, I admire anyone who has the guts to tell you off, just as I do. Don't be such an ass, Kai.”
Kai pinched the bridge of his nose, eyes closing against the headache he felt coming on. “Why me?”
Rei, who'd gone back to sit with Mariah and Judy by the windows, snickered at Kai's predicament. Max was trying - and failing - to hide his own giggles of mirth. Hilary, who had gotten used to the strange banter between the two agents, just shook her head at them and went to stand next to Tala.
“Okay, enough baiting Kai. We're all being really loud when Takao's supposed to be recovering. Have some sense!” she scolded.
Suddenly, Kenny exclaimed, “Hey! I think he's waking up!”
Everyone looked at the bed, saw movement under the sheets, and heard a raspy, hoarse, nearly incomprehensible voice murmur, “Kai…”
Kenny sidestepped out of the way before Kai could trample him when he practically crossed the room in one leap. Leaning down over his lover, who was struggling weakly against the blankets covering him, Kai brushed the hair out of Takao's face gently and said, “Right here, Takao. I'm here. You ready to wake up, love?” Kai stroked the bluenette's cheek with a finger coaxingly. “Come on, Takao. Open those eyes…”
Takao's eyelids fluttered for a moment then opened heavily, hazy but clear azure eyes peering out then looking around for Kai. When they found him, Takao sighed and smiled a tiny bit in relief. “Kai…” he rasped again, frowning at himself. Everything hurt and nothing wanted to do what he told it to.
“Hold on.” Kai glanced at Kenny. “Can you get him some water, Kenny? His throat's probably killing him.”
“Ice chips!” Pronounced Hilary, already moving. “I'll get some.”
“And I'll track down the doc.” Tala strolled out after her.
“The rest of us will go to the waiting lounge.” Judy began ushering everyone else from the room. “Come get us when the doctor's done, Kai.”
“Yeah, sure.” Kai agreed distractedly. He put a hand to Takao's chest when he tried to sit up and see who else was in the room. “Aht! No, you just stay there, Taka. They'll all be back.”
Frowning more, Takao managed to get one hand free from under the covers and shoved ineffectually at said covers. “Hot.” He managed in complaint, and Kai immediately pulled off the top layer completely, then rolled the rest back some more so Takao didn't feel so constricted.
Takao nodded.
“Let me raise the bed a bit so you can sit up.” Kai moved to the bed's foot and found the button that moved the head of the hospital bed. Once Takao was propped up comfortably in a reclining position, he moved back to sit on the mattress beside him and took his hand between his own. “You gave me one hell of a scare collapsing like you did, Kinomiya. Think you can refrain from doing that ever again?”
“…try.” The younger man croaked, clenching his fingers around Kai's as tightly as he could. “…happened?”
“Everyone's safe and well, first off.” Kai hastened to reassure him. “Your father and Hiro were escorted back to Japan, and they're being taken care of by the UNA there until the rest of this is wrapped up completely - which I'll tell you all about later. It's not important right now.” He rubbed Takao's hand reassuringly, and Takao nodded in acceptance. “We have Gideon and his goons in custody. They're been questioned, and you won't believe the rest of that story, but that's for later, too.” Kai raised their hands to his lips and kissed the back of Takao's hand. “The important things are that you and your family are safe, and free, and for now all I want you to worry about is getting better, okay? Rest and heal, Kinomiya.”
“Sound advice, Agent.” Dr. Maison declared as she came bustling into the room, followed by Hilary with a small container of ice chips. “Welcome back to the world of the living, Takao! I'm quite happy to see you awake and aware after such a close brush.”
Kai took the container from Hilary, who waved at Takao with a happy, relieved smile before slipping out. He fed a couple ice chips to his lover, who made a throaty, pleased sound at the cool, wet relief to his sore throat. Angelique proceeded to check him over, all the while explaining what had happened to him.
“Well, I pronounce you to be on your way to a full recovery! You'll stay here for a couple of weeks, until I'm sure your lungs haven't been adversely affected by the pneumonia, at least. Until then, rest, lots of liquids, more rest…and did I mention rest?” Angelique repeated blithely, adjusting Takao's IV and making notes in his charts.
“I'll make sure of it, Angelique.” Kai grinned at Takao, whose eyes were already drooping shut. “I doubt there'll be much argument for quite a while, however.”
“Indeed. I'll be back in a few hours. Sleep well, Takao!” She breezed out, leaving Kai alone with the bluenette.
“Go to sleep, love. I'm going to go let the others know you're okay, but I'll be back, alright?” Kai bent and kissed Takao lightly on the mouth. “Promise.”
“Hmm…” Takao hummed in exhaustion. “Love…you…” he murmured, already falling asleep as he spoke.
Kai smiled as everything in his universe slipped into place, righting itself within his very soul. “I love you, my Taka. Sleep well, lover.”
He made sure Takao was out again before he left, heading for the waiting lounge almost dazedly. His mind was as exhausted as the rest of his body, and the iron control he exercised over his emotions was beginning to rust away. Kai needed to get the group of Takao's visitors to go away for the night, then escape himself. He'd promised Takao he'd be back, and he would be, but he desperately had to get out of the UNA and find some solitude. His studio flat would have to do.
As he walked into the lounge he was met with anxious stares and questioning gazes - and one icy blue look of intense study from Tala, who Kai was certain could tell just how close to the end of his rope he really was.
“Kai? Is the doctor finished with Takao?” Kenny asked hesitantly, unsure of how to deal with a Kai who appeared to be about ready to collapse himself.
“Yeah.” Kai shook himself mentally and pulled himself together a little. “Yeah, Kenny, she's done. He's recovering nicely, she said, but she's keeping him for a few weeks, anyway.”
A collective sigh of relief filled the room. Max was smiling happily at the news, and asked, “Can we go see him now?”
Kai dropped down onto a vacated seat on a huge, cushioned sofa, shrugging indifferently. “For a while, I guess. But he's asleep again - not likely to wake up until tomorrow, either.”
“Visiting hours are nearly up anyway.” Judy pointed out gently at the expressions of disappointment on the others' faces. “Maybe it would be best if we came back tomorrow.”
Rei squeezed Mariah's hand. “Yes, that's probably for the best. We're all tired, too, so why don't we go find a good restraint, have a meal, then go get some rest?”
There were murmurs of assent and they began to file out the door slowly, speaking in quiet voices amongst each other.
Kai didn't move. He had no intention of joining them, invited or not. One glance at his immobile partner and Tala decided he'd just hang around and make sure he didn't fall apart.
Hilary paused at the door when she noticed they weren't following. “Aren't you two coming?”
Tala shook his head and made a gesture in Kai's direction to indicate he was going to look after the weary man. Hilary nodded in return.
“Thanks anyway, Hilary.” Kai refused, managing a small smile. “I'm just not up to it.”
“Alright. I'll see you tomorrow, then. Get some rest, Kai. We don't need you in the hospital, too.” Hilary waved and left.
Tala glanced back down at Kai, then hurried after her. “Don't disappear. I'll be right back.” Kai didn't even look up.
Out in the hall, he caught up to Hilary and the others. “Hilary! A word?”
She stopped, waving everyone else along. “I'll catch up at the elevators.” She looked up at Tala. “Something wrong?”
“Oh no. Definitely not.” He gave her a rather suggestive grin and pulled a business card with a key taped to the back of it. “Kenny and the others have rooms reserved - Kenny's got the details - but I was hoping…” he held out the card and key to her. “…you'd spend a little time with me? It's my address and spare key. Kai lives across the river from me, actually, so I figure I'll take him home, make sure he eats something, and passes out for the foreseeable future, and meet you back at my place?”
Honey brown eyes widened and Hilary looked from the key to his earnest, hopeful - yet anxious - expression. “Really?”
“Of course! I mean…I know tonight is about sleep and all, which is perfect, and I know you and I have stuff to talk about…but I'd really like to…that is, I'd very much enjoy your company, Hilary.”
He really was rather endearing when he stumbled nervously over his words like that, she thought with an inner smile. She reached out and accepted the key, smiling in acceptance. “Okay. So, I guess I'll see you after I eat?”
Relief cleared his expression and he swept her into his arms for a hug. “You bet. Take your time, and have fun, sweetheart. It's Paris, after all!”
Hilary stood up on tip-toe and kissed him lightly. “I will. Later, then.”
Tala watched her leave, then went back to find Kai in the lounge.
Kali Notes: As I said…looong chapter. And I'm getting used to the new version of Word, which always makes things that much more interesting. @_@ More to come! Please R/R!!!!