Beyblade Fan Fiction ❯ Ookami ❯ The Temple ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: I do not own BB, just the OCs.

Summary: The war between two empires has gone on long enough. Now the Emperors pass down their grudge to their grandchildren. But what happens when they find themselves escaping their worlds, and finding love between one another? Pairings




-Communicating with Sacred Animals-


Chapter 3


As Mika and Rei left the party, they exited as quickly as they possibly could and did not want any distractions. There were a few people who wanted to stop them for some idle chat, to tell their families they conversed with the Tora prince and his bride. But as they ran into the garden, Mika picking up her dress, and Rei helping her, they were short of breath.

"So what is this that you wanted to talk to me?" questioned Rei. Mika caught her breath, but placed her index finger to her lips as a hush sign. She placed her fingers in her mouth and let out a whistle. Rei eyed her curiously but then looked up to the sky with her.

A dragon came descending down and landed right in front of the two. Mika grinned and picked up her dress, running around to his left side. The dragon picked up his front claw, and offered it as a set onto his back. Rei smirked at her, and raised one of his brows. Mika got on Shintou's back, sitting astride very uncomfortably, and turned towards Rei.

"What is it your Highness? Are you dumbfounded to see one of the fairer sitting like a warrior?" she asked him with a grin. Rei shook his head, and walked over towards the dragon's side. Shintou offered a leg up for Rei too. Normally only Mika could even get close to the dragon, let alone on his back, but Rei had also grown up with Shintou and Mika. Brooklyn attempted it once, but he ended up with a mangled arm, and was in critical condition for weeks.

As soon as Rei was set on Shintou's back, Mika clucked her tongue against the roof of her mouth and gave a little nudge with her heels on his sides. The dragon spread his mighty wings and airlifted off the ground. Soaring into the sky, Mika grabbed onto the soft rope harness that was wrapped around his neck. Rei grasped around Mika, and also grabbed on to the rope as they flew high. The cool night air drew goose bumps along their arms and necks, but the temperature only drew colder with the higher elevation.

"So are you going to tell me or leave me in the suspense, Mika?" asked Rei. The Ookami maiden turned her torso to face Rei and patted on Shintou.

"That is high enough. You are going to need to hear this as well, Shintou," stated Mika. Rei eyebrow rose yet again, and he leaned forward towards the girl.

"Mika," he said. Mika turned around to face forward.

"Rei, I can only reveal brief details to this plan of mine. I haven't all the issues worked out but I figured a way to post pone this for a while," Mika informed the eager prince.


"I'm not finished, your Highness. You are still going to proceed to go to the ceremony and look the part of the groom," she informed him. "And I will confide myself to my room with a few of my servants. I'll have them dress up one of them in my place, and I'll take Hiromi, the one who's always with me, to the Temple of Beo. Shintou, you'll have to be right outside my balcony, so Hiromi and I can jump onto your back. When Ojisan finds out, you are going to need to comfort him and tell him that maybe I went to the Temple to pray to Beo in regards of `cleansing' my soul for you-"

"You are the mistress of the con, aren't you?" teased Rei. Mika smirked and wrinkled her nose at him.

"I'm just wanting this freedom longer. Maybe if we defeat the Houou soon, we won't have to go through this marriage," declared Mika. Rei nodded.

"I understand, but aren't you going to be in trouble with your ojisan?" asked Rei. Mika nodded.

"I shall never hear the ending of his woes, but I shall be excused for the sake of Beo. I don't go there as often as Ojisan would like, so I he can't be too mad at me," she stated.

"Well, it seems as though you have all this planned out," stated Rei. "But what if we run into the problem of the wedding the next day?" Mika's smile dropped and she gripped the rope tighter.

"We shall figure that one out later," declared Mika. "But we must be getting back. I'm going to have to start all the arrangements right away. Lets go, Shintou. You got all that information?" The dragon nodded his regal head and snorted. Then he turned his course and the two of them went flying back towards the Palace.

`This has to work. If it doesn't, I don't want to know what will happen…'

The next morning all the Palace was in a hustle. The servants were in a mad rush with all the flower and vine decorations. Birds of all colors, shapes, and sizes, were caged and set up in various corners. Their crying was drained out with the shouting coming from the wedding planners and the cooks, running back and forth with all the food arrangements.

There was no place to walk in a straight line, and Rei and Mika were both confined to their separate rooms. More servants were pampering the prince and trying to do the same for the princess. Mika hadn't told Hiromi about the "plan" for fear that her best friend would panic and reveal any part of the plan. But now, Hiromi was a mess.

"How can you do this!" she squeaked, reminding herself of her place. "This is not proper, Miss. I must say that your ojisan will tear down the roof with the anger he will expel upon you. Upon us!" The other servants started to get worried and shifted their weight side to side.

"Breathe, Hiromi. Breathe in, breathe out. Now one of you shall take my place in the wedding. Listen Hiromi," Mika hushed the girl with her risen hand. "Salima, you are the closest to my size and shape. You will take my place." The red headed servant nodded with a shaky head. "Now, please dress Salima as you would tend to me. And don't let any of this out! Hiromi. You are coming with me. Salima, you and I need to switch clothing."

The girl was more nervous than before, but by soon, Mika was dressed in servants clothing and Salima was dressing in the beautiful wedding gown. The servants put up her hair into the long veil, covering anything that could possibly reveal the red hair. It didn't take too much longer, as Salima was being pampered.

Mika, dressed as a servant, took her long hair and wrapped it up into a very sloppy bun. Hiromi was very much tempted to pull it out and redo it, but Mika shot her an evil glare. Mika had never done anything with her hair personally. She wanted it like that, or that's what she thought she did.

"OK, now Salima, do not speak a word. I shall see you later. Come Hiromi," stated Mika. Hiromi nodded and followed her princess towards the balcony.

"Why are we going to the balcony?" she questioned.

"You'll see." Mika jumped up onto the banister, and Hiromi's face turned a ghastly shade of white. She felt all the blood drain from her body.

"Your Highness…" But before the words reached Mika, the girl jumped off the other side. "LADY MIKA!" Hiromi ran as fast as her feet could take her, to the railing. She almost flipped off and imagined Mika falling to her fifty-foot drop of death. But when she looked down, she noticed Mika was sitting astride of the hovering Shintou. Mika was looking up at her with a confused look on her face.

"Why, Hiromi, it looks as though you saw a ghost," stated Mika. Hiromi was shaking from the adrenaline run, gasping for her breath. "Come on, hurry up. Just jump off the side. Shintou will not let you fall." Hiromi gulped and nodded. Scrambling onto the banister, she shoved herself off, and landed right behind her mistress on the dragon's back. "Hang on!" Hiromi grasped around Mika's waist, never being on a dragon in her life, tightly. Mika laughed and the dragon took off.

Shintou shot out from underneath them, almost losing Hiromi even with her death grip on Mika. Hiromi had to hold in a shriek that wanted to desperately escape her throat. Shintou's large wing span took them soaring through the air as quickly as they possibly could go. Hiromi looked down at the lands, and was shaking a bit.

"My Lady, what about the people, won't they see us?" questioned Hiromi. Mika smirked and leaned closer to Shintou's head. The dragon glanced back at her without moving his head. Nothing seemed to happen, but Mika and Shintou seemed calm as ever. "What happened?"

"Hiromi, Shintou's a special dragon, courteously of Ojisan. It is improper for a maiden to ride a dragon or a horse, but I still have Shintou. He has the gift of inbijiburu," replied Mika.

"You mean-"

"Yes, we are invisible now." Hiromi bit her tongue and the two of them continued to soar away, towards the long wooded area in front of them with the darkened clouds dawning towards them. The Temple was a day's horseback ride from the Palace, but with a dragon's air speed, it would take only a short time. Mika and Hiromi watched as the tree line underneath them looked like a blur. Shintou kept picking up speed as he hit an airway blowing in the direction they wanted.

It didn't take long for the two girls to see the tall Temple of Beo off in the horizon. The golden pillars were reflecting the sun as they poked out of the forest. Mika whispered a few more encouraging words towards Shintou, and he managed to find a new gear and soar faster.

The dragon lowered itself towards the tree line, until he dived right in as if he was a porpoise diving into the ocean water. They soared through the pathway that was created to get to the temple, the branches and leaves bashing into their sides. Shintou's pace slowed down as they were making it towards the Temple. Shintou spread out his and used them to stop abruptly. Hiromi, caught off guard, when flying off of Shintou's back and slid on the ground five feet. Mika quickly jumped off Shintou and ran towards the fallen girl.

"Are you OK, Hiromi?" asked Mika, helping up the brunette servant. Hiromi sat up, and brushed out the dirt and sticks that were entangled in her hair.

"Yes, my Lady," she replied a bit shaky. Never again did Hiromi want to ride Shintou, let alone any other dragon. Mika helped her up and they looked on towards the Temple. It was still off in the distance, but Mika turned towards the waiting dragon. Making it over towards his head, Mika placed her hand on his forehead and kissed him.

"Thank you. If you see anyone coming, go back home as quickly as you can," she told the dragon. The reptile nodded his head and nudged her slightly. There was a loud crashing of the black clouds upon them. Hiromi ran over towards Mika and Shintou, as the dragon covered the two girls with his wings. His mighty claw circled them, blocking them from any threat.

But surprisingly enough there was not a drop of water that hit the dragon or the Earth. There was a bright light that the girls could make out from the barrier that Shintou had set up. But nothing else happened. The girls didn't try to get out from the dragon's keep, and stood there silently and still.


Mika looked up as she heard the man's voice. Hiromi looked at her mistress as if she was possessed. Mika tried to look through the dragon's barrier, but it was impossible.

"Are you alright, Lady Mika?" asked Hiromi.

"You didn't hear that did you?" questioned Mika quickly. Hiromi shook her head.

"I have no idea of what you are speaking about, your Highness. Are ill?" questioned the worrisome servant.

"It must have been imaging it," declared Mika.

- Mika, you did not image anything. I am trying to speak to you. - Mika looked around again, but still she did not see any man outside of the dragon's keep. Shintou wasn't even growling or signaling an intruder. - Mika, dear. Please look out in front of you. - Mika nodded and pushed Shintou's claw and wings away. The dragon respectably honored her requested and uncovered the two girls.

There was no man standing outside of the dragon, beckoning her to return to her wedding. No, standing outside was a four-legged creature that let out a slight whimper towards her. Mika's jaw dropped when she recognized the ookami standing in front of her.

"No, it can't be," she thought out loud. Hiromi opened her mouth to question the princess, but when her eyes fell onto the ivory beast in front of them, she shut her trap.

"My Lady, is that…" started Hiromi, but she couldn't finish her sentence. The ookami shook his head. The girls were dumbfounded, they couldn't think of the words needed to respond. The ookami took it as his job to come over towards them. The oversized creature gracefully trotted over towards the girls and nudged Mika in the legs.

"Beo…" she started. The ookami nodded his head once again and pressed his damp nose into her thighs. Mika fell to the ground on her knees, becoming eye level with the ookami. Mika's hand shook as they appeared next to his face, but dared not to touch out of fear.

It is OK, Mika. You may touch me. -

Mika's hands, still shaking, slowly went down and pressed on his face. She could feel the silken pelt that coated him. Her fingertips ran over the gray crescent moon shaped marking on his fore head. He also had a gray stripe underneath each of his eyes and on all four legs. He shut his crimson red eyes as the soft stroking motions that he felt. Hiromi also fell towards the ground and bowed down towards the Kami. Mika lowered her face on top of the regal ivory beasts' head.

Beo nudged her lightly and slightly pushed her off of him. Mika sat back on her legs and looked at Beo with an exquisite glance. Hiromi was still in a full out bow to the mighty Kami and Beo looked down to her and tapped her should with his fore paw. Hiromi looked up at the red-eyed Kami. The wolf glanced back over towards Mika, and turned around towards the Temple and trotted off in that direction. The girls watched him go, and soon the ookami turned back to them. He let out a harsh bark towards them. They scrambled up mesmerized and rushed over towards Beo's side. The trio made it into the Temple, as the wind started to pick up,

There were priests, a few guards, and slaves all over the Temple, but they were all too busy with their own prayers to the Kamigami. The lighting was dimmed, and it was hard for the two girls to see directly in front of them. Beo led the way, weaving through the priests and servants that were switching prayer rooms. It was like they were too wrapped up in themselves to notice them or the ookami that was running about his Temple.

Beo took them into a small room, but Mika and Hiromi were quick to halt before they came to the room. Beo went in and vanished for a bit. Mika and Hiromi passed quick glances towards one another. The ookami's white face returned around the corner.

- Please come in the room, My Lady. It is vital that you do. ­- Mika looked over towards Beo with a curiosity that she could not explain. Hiromi seemed unfazed by Beo's words, and Mika could not understand why the older girl did not show any signs of acknowledgement towards the ookami. - She cannot hear you, Mika. She is not a gifted. You are, now I am begging you to get into this room right now! -

- I don't understand. Why do you want us in that room? It's a storage room, filled with parchments of the Books, and even a few minor weapons. What is so special about it? -

-It is not what it inside the room, Lady Mika. It is that it has a door that can seal-

But Beo did not get a chance to finish the words that were coming towards Mika's mind. There was a loud bang and the whole Temple filled with the screaming and crying of the men. Mika, like the stupid girl she could be, ran back towards the entrance. Beo cried for her, and followed after.

"Where are you going!" cried Hiromi.

"Stay here!"

Mika ran down and turned the few corners, with Beo right on her heels, telling her this was a fatal decision. But Mika had to know what was happening. She shrieked loudly when a bloody body of one of the priests fell in front of her. She looked up and watched as many more of the people in the Temple were stabbed and killed. Mika's eyes fell on the killers. They were dressed with in the same attire as the soldiers her family and people despised, Houous.

"Hey! Look at that over there!" shouted one of the men, pointing his bloody sword in Mika's direction.

"Get that whore!" cried another man. Mika's eyes widened and she spun on her heel and ran back towards the room, Beo leading the way.

- I told you to get in that room! Don't you ever listen? -

Not now, Beo. -

She ran back to the room, with a handful of Enpaiahouou soldiers right on her tail. Mika turned the corner again and ran into the sight of Hiromi. The girl was panicking and shaking. She didn't seem to know what to do, when she saw Beo darting passed her and into the room.

"Hurry!" shouted Mika. "Follow him!" Hiromi nodded and turned into the room. Mika ran down the long aisle way to the storage room, and made it into the doorway. Hiromi slammed the door shut and the two girls put the barricade up. They proceeded to join the ivory ookami in running into the farthest part of the back that they could get to.

"Do you think they saw us?" asked Hiromi as they both sat down in the no outlet room. Mika was panting hard and looked towards Beo. The ookami could only cock his head to the side, for even he did not know that.

But then there was a loud banging on the door, and plenty of shouting came from outside.

Jap Dictionary:

Ookami = wolf

Kami = God

Tora = tiger

Ojisan = Grandfather

Isshi = beloved child