Beyblade Fan Fiction ❯ Ookami ❯ Twilight ( Chapter 5 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Thank you to the reviewers! I REALLY appreciate the fact that others are reading this fic. Cookies to all! Kudos to all! Sorry I can't spell... hehehe.

Disclaimer: I do not own BB, just the OCs.

Summary: The war between two empires has gone on long enough. Now the Emperors pass down their grudge to their grandchildren. But what happens when they find themselves escaping their worlds, and finding love between one another?

Pairings: Kai/OC, Ta/Hir




::Communicating with Sacred Animals::



Chapter 5


# # Kai's POV # #

"Happy Birthday, your Highness."

Happy... birthday... Kami I completely forgot that was today. My mind has been completely swamped with the maidens, training, and planning. Not to mention my plan to be rid of that bastard, Boris. I guess it was my birthday, my eighteenth birthday. No wonder Grandfather has picked up the pace with trying to find my bride. I never would have thought of considering the fact that I was of age now to legally rule the Enpaia. I looked at Tala curiously for his "presents".

"Thank you, Tala," I finally said, still not knowing what to say to him. What could I say? He gave me slaves, female slaves. If not to make it worse, they were ookami females. I have heard stories about them. Witches, that's what they were called. They had the ability to curse those that crossed them. No wonder many of our men have already perished. It was their curses that were placed on the soldiers that killed them. I heard Takao shifting his weight behind me. The tension in the room was tight.

"I must go," stated Tala, as he bowed down towards me. "I have other duties to uphold to. Good day, my Lord."

I nodded towards Tala, and watched as my redheaded cousin leave Takao, the girls, and me. I looked over them, and noticed how one of them was in shackles, while the other wasn't. The taller one held herself meeker than the other. Her dirty hands were held behind her back, and her head bent down. I looked out of the corner of my eye and noticed how Takao wasn't taking his eyes off of the girls.

The feeling I was getting from this girl was mostly fear. But also it looked like she was doing this act naturally. I can't really explain it, but she reminds me of the maidens trained to lower themselves to men. There is more to it, but I just can't explain it in words. It is like an intuition. Women were supposed to obtain that quality. KAMI! Don't tell me I have female characteristics. I don't think that's possible, no…

The other girl, the shorter one and the one encased in the bondage, was standing up straighter and more defiant than her counterpart. She seemed a bit more proud than the other. She looked me in the eye, and kept putting pressure on her restraints. She probably had already tried to run or rebel. Her uneven hair was hanging around her shoulders, and it was her eyes that worried me. This ookami bitch had that look in her eye. I normally would just send her away, but Tala hasn't given me a present in years, so it made it special. But still, I just don't see slaves as "presents" and what was he thinking. These were OOKAMI women. Not Houou, or even Tora women. They were ookami. They were my mortal enemy.

Her eyes, they were the strangest of them all. From the descriptions of the ookami women from my professors they were different shades of brunettes, average height (about 5'4"), brown eyed, defile, and handicapped. They were ungainly and ugly. But this one, she did not follow those requirements. Her hair was of a mahogany shade, almost reddish, and she was very short. Short she was, in all departments. She wasn't too filled in the upper area as the pictures of the ookami women I have been presented with. And her eyes, they weren't brown. Instead they were a mysterious shade of gray. I just can't put my finger on it, but it just doesn't seem right. They are an interbreeding race, and all are handicapped with dents and missing parts, oversized heads and shrunken lips with hooked noses. This particular girl did not fit the characteristics of the ookami women. Her counter part did not match up perfectly with the classifications. Maybe my professors were wrong.

But her eyes, they seemed to be dancing with some sort of fire. I couldn't help but feel my nerves on end. The way she looked at me, it was if the Devil himself was gazing down upon my body. I could feel how tense I was. And it seemed as if she was pondering something. She was ookami, so she was probably thinking of a curse to place on me. Great... what the hell was Tala thinking? What am I going to do with them... well I know I'm not going to put the gray-eyed ookami in the kitchen. That'll be the death of me...

# # Normal POV # #

Mika was standing, trying to slowly work her way out of the restraints, but it was harder than she thought. She had to keep biting her tongue so she wouldn't snap and blurt out anything she would regret. Hiromi was waiting quietly next to her, trying to send over some message towards Mika, trying to settle her mistress. They couldn't help but feel the satanic presence on them, as the Houou prince was looking them over.

"What am I? Cattle? Why is he looking me over?" wondered Mika. "Oh, I will bring Ojisan will be pleased with me if I could get rid of the Houou Prince. Even the Emperor. Maybe this situation will prove beneficial..."

"Takao, show these two to an empty room that they can occupy as their sleeping quarters. Then get them properly set up," stated Kai. Dranzer looked at Mika and Hiromi, cocking her regal head, trying to figure something out. She pulled her head back and turned towards Kai, squawking into his ear. "Please, Dranzer. Takao, now please. Then bring them back so they can get to work. Take off her restraints, providing she doesn't give proof as to the reasoning for them." The bluenette next to the prince nodded his head and walked over towards the girls. He stopped in front of them and nodded his head.

"Come with me," he stated in a low voice. Takao started out of the room with the girls following in pursuit, to Hiromi's gentle nudge. Kai watched as the three of them left and turned towards Dranzer in question towards her loud calling in his ear.

"What was that for, Dranzer?" asked Kai. The phoenix nudged his head and turned towards the door. She squawked again, ruffling her feathers. "I am sorry, dear. But I do not understand." Dranzer bent her head away from her master, and spread her wings, and soared out of the window and the balcony. Kai sighed, now he was alone. Alone. That really wasn't something he liked. Takao was always with him, or Dranzer. Then there was Tala, or even Voltaire. One of them.


Takao led the girls down the hall way just a bit until they got to a set of doors. He turned his attention to them and giggled the handle of the door a few times before he could open the door. Mika and Hiromi cast a couple of glances over towards each other.

"There we go," the bluenette said. "This is where you will be living from now on. It is close enough that if the Master calls you are able to get to him quick enough." Takao opened up the door and let it swing open. He ushered the girls in. Mika hobbled into the room, careful not to trip and fall down in her hobbles. She kept mumbling under her breath, and Takao tried his best to hold in a laugh.

The room was rather small, and there was only one cot set up in it. It was pretty much dark, expect for a barred window that gave the best source of light. The stone floor was cold, and it looked more like a storage room than a living quarter. Mika plopped down onto the cot, and Takao walked over, and started to take the restraints off. Pulling at the knotting in the bonds. He first undid her feet, and then motioned for her to turn around. Mika picked up her feet and faced the wall as she provided him her hands.

"I'm sorry about the bedding," stated Takao. "I can surely try and find you another cot, but it will be hard, since the amount of slaves in the Palace are continuously growing." As the bluenette was undoing the knots on her wrists, he couldn't help but notice how clean her hands were. Mika's nails did not show any sign of dirt under her fingernails. "May I inquire as to the reason that your hands are so clean?" Mika pressed her teeth together tightly, and Hiromi tensed up.


"No need, it is obvious that you have not done much work," stated Takao. "Well, you are definitely going to be having a change of life now on. You can call me Takao, the personal servant to the heir of the Houou Empire." Once the restraints were off of Mika's wrists, she turned around and started to rub the reddened areas.

"I am Hiromi Tachibana," stated the waiting girl. "And this is-" Mika turned around.

"I am Mi-" she stopped herself. What if this Takao knew anything about her being the princess according to her name? Who knew what the Houou were capable of with such information or knowledge? "-chi." Mika mentally wiped her brow in grace to her quick thinking.

"Hiromi and Michi. Well I best show you were you can find suitable clothes," stated Takao. He walked towards the door, and waited for them to follow. Hiromi gave a questionable look towards Mika. She mouthed "Michi" and the ookami princess shrugged. Kami, how she wanted Beo to be there. Or even Ojisan or Rei to come and rescue her. Both girls got up and followed Takao out of the room and down the hallway. Hiromi and Takao's eyes were lowered and their bodies slouched a bit. Mika took to mimicking their movements, and tried to keep out of the vision of the passing Houous in the Palace.

Just down the corridor was a room filled with linens and cloth and such. There, Takao grabbed a set of clothing for the girls. The colors were tan and beige. Mika and Hiromi unfolded the attire and held it up to themselves. The "dress" was short and came half way down their thighs. It was sleeveless, and cut just below the neck. Takao left the room for the girls to quickly change, and quickly they did. There wasn't much left to them, except for that thin lining of cloth and their undergarments. Mika had never felt like this before, so... so... humiliated. Here she was, the almighty princess of Ookamikei. Heiress to the thrown and destined for sitting beside a great ruler. And here she was, dressed in drags.

"What have we gotten ourselves into, Hiromi?" whispered Mika. Hiromi shook her head and handed Mika two straps of leather she found on the floor. "What are these for?"

"Your hair, my lady-"

"HUSH!" she whispered harshly. "Don't you ever call me that again. If we ever get out of this, the first thing I do, it order you to never call me that again. And it's not 'Mika' anymore. I am 'Michi'." Hiromi nodded.

"Ever most apologies, Lady--err--Mik--err--Michi," stated Hiromi. "Michi" smiled and took the leather, wrapping it underneath her head and up just across her brown, tying the hair out of her face. "And this one is for your tattoo. I am surprised no one has taken notice to it."

"Thank the Kami for that," sighed Mika, relieved that the Houous truly hadn't seen her nobility tag. `Speaking of the Kamis, where is Beo? He promised not to leave me...' Mika took the leather and quickly wrapped it just below her wrists, covering the tattoo. Mika reached out and hugged the girl, as Hiromi was completely caught off guard. Then Mika proceeded towards the door and opened it up. Takao was waiting patiently outside for the two girls, leaning up against the wall. He quickly stood up as they exited.

"Now, your day truly begins. Good luck." Takao took them back down towards Kai's room, quickly moving over to the side a few times to let the nobles pass them. All heads were down, and hands behind their backs, paying the respect. When they arrived at the room, Takao knocked three times, and waited. They could faintly hear Kai's voice on the other side of the wooden door, and Takao pushed open the door for them. Mika and Hiromi went into the room, Hiromi in front to show Mika exactly how to act in front of the Houous.

Kai was sitting at his desk, pondering over the papers in front of him, and did not even look up to recognize them. Takao started to shut the door behind him, but Kai cut him off.

"Takao, show them to where the supplies are located. The tall one will go down to work in the washers, and the short one will scrub my floors," stated Kai. Takao bowed and the two girls followed out again. Mika bit her tongue so she wouldn't talk back. The bluenette dragon took the two girls into special rooms. He pulled out a bucket, a rag, and a bar of soap. Putting all the materials in the bucket, he handed it to Mika. The girl took it and held on to it tight. Never had she done this before.

"Where do I gather water?" she asked, clenching her teeth, straining each word.

"There is a water source in the Master's room. Use that," stated Takao. "When you are finished, bring it back in here. Come with me Hiromi. I'll show you to the washer area." Hiromi gave a glance to Mika, in fear of what could happen to her mistress. Mika had never done any chore work in her life. She couldn't fathom the hardship she was going to face.

Mika made it back to the room and knocked three times on the heavy door. When she heard Kai's voice commanding her in, Mika used her might to push the heavy thing open. The door creaked and Mika finally had enough room to wedge her and the materials through the door war. Kai looked up from his papers briefly to see that his new slave had come into his private room, and quickly his eyes fell back on the papers. She briskly walked over towards the water source that was provided in the room.

Mika got down on her hands and knees and started to scrub the stone flooring. She dipped the rag into the water, and dropped the bar of soap into the bucket as well, soaping up the water. She plopped the soaking rag on the floor, making a squish sound. Kai's head snapped up, wondering what that sound was. Raising his brow at the strange ookami girl, he mentally questioned her methods of cleaning. Better the floor than his food.

Mika continued to scrub the floor, humming a song that one of her nanny's had taught her. Quietly she continued to scrub the floor, the song ringing in her head.

(I was stained, with a role, in a day not my own
But as you walked into my life you showed what needed to be shown
And I always knew, what was right I just didn't know that I might
Peel away and choose to see with such a different sight

And I will never see the sky the same way and
I will learn to say good-bye to yesterday and
I will never cease to fly if held down and
I will always reach too high cause I've seen, cause I've seen, twilight

Never cared never wanted
Never sought to see what flaunted
So on purpose so in my face Couldn't see beyond my own place
And it was so easy not to behold what I could hold
But you taught me I could change Whatever came within these shallow days

And I will never see the sky the same way and
I will learn to say good-bye to yesterday and
I will never cease to fly if held down and
I will always reach too high cause I've seen, cause I've seen

As the sun shines through it pushes away and pushes ahead
It fills the warmth of blue and leaves a chill instead and
I didn't know that I could be so blind to all that is so real
But as illusion dies I see there is so much to be revealed

And I will never see the sky the same way and
I will learn to say good-bye to yesterday and
I will never cease to fly if held down and
I will always reach too high cause I've seen, cause I've seen, twilight

I was stained, by a role, in a day not my own
But as you walked into my life you showed what needed to be shown
And I always knew, what was right
I just didn't know that I might
Peel away and choose to see with such a different sight

And I will never see the sky the same way and
I will learn to say good-bye to yesterday and
I will never cease to fly if held down and
I will always reach too high cause I've seen, cause I've seen, twilight...) (1)

Kai listened the soft humming of his slave. Her voice, even though it was humming, was soft and beautiful. He stopped his work, and just listened to her. Feeling almost captivated by the melody of the song, Kai finally noticed how the time was passing and she must have hummed the song two times. When finally snapped back into reality, Kai's attitude changed. This must have been the beginning of her curse of chants. Who knew what she was humming exactly.

"Quiet, wench," snapped Kai. Mika had lost herself in her favorite bedtime song, that she fell down in surprise, spilling the water all over the floor, face planting into the ground. Kai groaned and went back to his work. "Ookamis…"

Mika picked up her soaked head from the ground and slapped the rag onto the ground, scrubbing the area as the water crept outwards.

She couldn't tell how long she had been scrubbing the floors, but she continued to sing the songs of her people in her head. That was the only thing she figured that would keep her sanity. Kai had gotten up, and Takao accompanied him out of the room. Mika glanced over towards the balcony and noticed how the sun was setting. Dinner. That's where he was off. Boy, whatever the prince was doing seemed mighty boring. From mid day to night he was on his ass with paper work. Mika was grateful she never had to do that. Diner. Wait, they would all be gone. This was her chance. She had to take it.

Mika put the rag back into the bucket and picked it up in her prune hands. She quickly exited the room, and made her way down the hallway towards the room where she had received the bucket and soap. A thought ticked into her head, and she walked right passed the room, and down the staircase that led to a main room. There were a few guards set up around the room, guarding the dining hall of the Enpaia. Mika lowered her head and let her hair hang down, covering her face as she made it to the doorway of the feast room.

"Boris, how are the evaluations coming?" asked the Emperor towards his sorcerer and head of army.

"All is going well, your Highness. Our intelligence (A/N: hehehe) has gathered information that the Ookami princess has run out on her own wedding to the Tora Prince, Rei Kon," declared a man with purple hair, dressed in robes, with a large golden staff resting next to him. Voltaire nodded his head and smirked. Kai sat silently as he was eating his dinner. Takao was standing behind his master, serving him is portions as they came and clearing Kai from what was finished.

"Good. Have the divisions double up and find her," declared Voltaire. "I wish for her to visit us." Mika cringed at the thought. How ironic how she was already there?

Mika quickly walked passed the doorway, appearing to be going to clean some other room, and the guards didn't even look down on to her.

Back in the dinning hall, Boris nodded and bowed to his Lord, branding the words into his sadistic mind. When he removed himself to attend to the matter immediately, Kai put down his dinner and faced his grandfather.

"And what are we going to owe this occasion to?" questioned Kai, taking a sip of his wine after his words. Voltaire glanced down towards his grandson, a frown on his face, and his hands crossing in front of him.

"It is simple, Kai. I am going to take the princess and make her my bride." Kai almost chocked on the wine with the shock of his grandfather's words. "Once I get her through the ceremony, I will take her lands, and kill her Grandfather. Then I shall kill her. Unless she proves herself a use to me." Kai cast a sideways glance at his grandfather with his crimson eyes. The man must have lost his brain…

Mika was making it through the courtyard of the Palace, when she dropped the bucket and made it for a sprinting run. Her footsteps slapped onto the ground, and the guards were quick to pick up on her escape.

"QUICKLY! GET THE WENCH!" shouted the closest guard.

(1) "Twilight" by Vanessa Carlton… this is her song… not mine…

Jap Dictionary:

Ookami = wolf

Kami = God

Tora = tiger

Ojisan = Grandfather

Isshi = beloved child