Beyblade Fan Fiction ❯ Out of the Shadows ❯ I promise, I swear... ( Chapter 19 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
The night was freezing cold. Five girls sat crouched together. Trisa was holding Kelinka in her arms, the thin girls body shook like a leaf. Her breath caused a white cloud rise from her mouth. Trisa shuddered and drew Kelinka closer, discovering the frozen tear on the girls' cheek. Kelinkas face was almost as white as the snow around them. Jesica, Mila and Hera sat as close together as they could. Their thin cloaks were not close to thick enough to hold them warm. There they sat, the five girls that no one cared about, that no one missed. Kelinka sobbed softly, Trisa stroke the girl over her white hair with an affectionate look in her eyes. She leaned forward and whispered to the girl.
“Ssch Kelinka, I'm here for you. I will always be, no matter what the future holds in store for us” Kelinka raised her gaze to Trisa. A small gleam of hope in her eyes.
“Do you promise?” Trisa smiled to Kelinka. Her sad ruby eyes held a hint of melancholic. (`Sweet, innocent Kelinka, if I could, I would take all your pain away. I would fight against the Nazguls myself for you')
“I promise.” She told the girl. Kelinka smiled a bit, but the smile faded within a second.
“Trisa, why have God forsaken us? Was it my fault?” Trisa got a look of grieve on her face. She sighed a bit, a white cloud drifting out of her mouth. A lonely tear slowly found its way down her cheek.
“No Kelinka, don't ever think that. It is not your fault, ever. Evil stole our souls, but she will get them back for us. And I will help her, for your sake Kelinka. You will get to heaven some day, I promise.” Trisas gaze was steady as she said it, and in her heart she knew that it was true. She would do everything that stood in her power to save Kelinka. The girl got a worried look on her face.
“But you are coming too, right Trisa? You will come with me and we will be together in heaven?” Trying the hardest she could not to weep, Trisa leaned her cheek against Kelinkas head. Trying to hide the silent tears that streamed down her face. She whispered
“Maybe Kelinka, maybe one day...I love you, you know that right?” Kelinka nodded and gripped for Trisas hands, trying to give her some of her body warmth.
“I love you Trisa”
It was in the early hours of the morning of their second day in Sweden. Anya sat on the floor with a blanket around her shoulders. She felt sad but couldn't put her finger on why. She should be happier than she'd been for many years. There actually seemed like there was some hope for her. She wasn't afraid to fail anymore, she knew that whenever she felt sad and defeated, she would find strength in the faces of her friends. For their sake, she would carry on, no matter how tough it got. Another of the seven Nazguls had awoken. Seven, the most powerful magical number that had ever been. The Nazgul was heading toward her, drawing nearer for every day. She felt dual, torn in two. The part that had hope, hope for the future and for victory. And the part that told her that the battle was already lost, how could one of her stand against the might of thousands of demons and the Nazguls? The two sides were at an eternal combat against each other, no one defeating the other.
Her thoughts moved on to the five girls called Jesica, Kelinka, Mila, Hera and Trisa. Somehow she got the feeling that she had met them before, she knew that it was impossible. But the feeling refused to go away, it grew stronger for every day. She had begun to wonder if they didn't play a big part of all this. But which part? And who were they? There was something strange about them, something was very wrong. She'd got proof of that yesterday at Talas match against Mila. There was definitely something wrong with them, could it be set right? Was she the one to do it? When her gaze met one of the girls ruby eyes, something awful had happened. A vision, to horrible for her to even think about. Tragedy was the name of it. But that was in the future, maybe there was a way to stop it from coming true, maybe not.
The motionless figure of the girl sitting by the window, still like a statue. The city lights casting a long shadow behind her. Anya sat there for several hours, deep sunken into loomy thoughts and wonders. Until the dawn came when she got up and left the hotel room.
Kai was training at one of the docks by the Stockholm harbor. Her suddenly became aware that someone was watching him. He looked up and found Anya sitting a bit away on a cargo box. Watching him without a word, secretly admiring him for his desire for perfection in his blading style. He didn't mind having her there, he even felt a bit thankful for her sitting there. No criticism, just observing him in silence.
He launched his blade again and watched it spin its way through the temporarily steeplechase coarse. Close to perfection, someday he would reach it. That was his one and only goal in life, to become the best blader in the world. One day he would beat Tyson, he knew it, someday...
He was torn out of his thoughts as Tala approached. He smirked when he saw Kais Company, the new girl from his team. Kai could deny it until his face turned blue, but Tala knew that he held some sort of soft space for the girl if he let her watch him train. He waved one hand to the two of them. Kai nodded and Anya gave the redhead a big smile.
“Hey guys, aren't you going to watch the game?” Tala asked them. Anya looked at the watch and gave a little surprised cry. The match would begin in ten minutes, the others must be worried sick of them by now. Tala smiled at her reaction.
“Come on then, we better be going if we aren't going to miss it.” He commanded. Anya nodded agreeing and got up from the box she was sitting on. Together, the three of them departed.
They reached `The Globe' about four minutes before the match. Kai and Tala didn't seem to have attentions to look after their teammates and Anya followed them to some seats.
Down in the arena, Mystel and F Dynastys new girl Kali got ready for battle. Kali was long and slender and with her pretty face and turquoise eyes, she was very good looking. She had a shy look in her eyes and seemed to be a bit timid. She had the right to be frightened as she would face a such as strong and skilled blader as Mystel. Their battle was...well, it was short. Mystles odd blading style seemed to confuse her and she lost within seconds after the battle had begun. With tears in her eyes, she retrieved her blade from the bottom of the dish and went to her teammates bench. Raul and Julia seemed to comfort her and one of the Mexican twins, Rickardo and Antonio got up. Jazzman enlightened them that it was Antonio who was going to battle Ming Ming.
The Mexican twin was a skilled blader, he gave Ming Ming a hard time. But the real battle begun when they called for their bit beasts. Antonio's beast was a huge raven with a dangerous looking beak.
“All-seeing Eye!” he called out. By the place of the beasts' heart, the feathers began to glow. The raven seemed to be empowering himself, glowing brighter for every second. It gave a mighty cry. Ming Ming laughed with her bright, ringing voice.
“Oh congratulations, your beast are a living torch.” She mocked him. But Antonio just smiled with a cunning look on his face.
“As you are about to experience, my Hugin can do much more then glow. Hugin, Fury of Oden!” he called. The raven looked like a falling star as it fell from the sky towards Ming Mings Venus. And with the powers of the old god, he smashed into Venus, causing a blinding lightning explosion. Ming Mings beast were cast several meters backwards before dissolving and disappearing back into her blade. Like a torpedo, Antonio's blade sped towards Ming Mings. They clashed together and the match was over. Ming Ming blade was thrown out of the dish and the rest of the F Dynasty team rushed to their feet and embraced Antonio.
The last game was between Garland and Raul. Though Raul tried his hardest, he was no match for Garland today, and F Dynasty lost the match. They didn't seem to be too upset because of it. The Revolution team was one of the toughest in this competition. The only ones who had beaten them was the Bladebreakers and after all, they were the world champions.
On their bench, Tala turned to Kai and Anya.
“You better go and find your teammates, and I should find mine.” Kai gave a small nod and got up. Right before he was about to walk off he, without really knowing why, turned around to see if Anya was going with them. She had already gotten up and one of her eyebrows shot up in a questioning expression. Irritated by himself, because of the hint of a blush on his cheeks, Kai turned around. What was it with her and making him feel slightly embarrassed? With a sour expression in his face, he followed Tala out of the arena. They stepped out the VIP -door and into the darkened corridor. It stretched out to the left and to the right, like subterranean tunnels. The dampened light that came from the lights in the ceiling, and the lack of people in the corridor made it seem hollow and a bit creepy. Spiritually, Kai felt a wind puff hit his face, it carried a stench of death. He felt a chill down his spine, somehow he felt that there was something here. Something that didn't belong here. Tala had a funny look on his face and Kai briefly thought that he, subconscious, had felt the stench too. His apprehensions came true as Anya stepped into the corridor, her whole body went stiff. She slightly rose her head and drew a deep breath, and then she frowned.
“I think you better stay with us Tala. There is something in here today, something that shouldn't be here.” She said, and without waiting for an answer, she strode down the corridor to the left. Tala threw a gaze at Kai who nodded to show that he should take the girl by the word. They followed her down the abandoned corridor.
Not far away, they met up with the rest of their team. Tyson was all about the recent game and didn't seem to notice that Anyas whole being was tense as a barbwire. Ray however did.
“Is there something wrong Anya?” he asked. She jumped a bit at the sound of his voice, her eyes searching the air for some sign.
“Lets get you out of here. Now, and I mean it.” Her voice was tense and she seemed to be on her toe tips. The others threw questioning gazes at her but didn't argue. They began moving towards the closest exist. All of Anyas senses was set on the surroundings, searching for any signs of the vicious creature. She'd smelled this stench once before, but couldn't seem to place it. The memory slipped away from her every time she got too near, hiding in the darkness of her mind. She had lived a long time and memories are meant to fade, that's why they do. She was not an exception. She relaxed a bit as she spotted the exit, the boys would soon be out of here. She felt the guilt weigh heavy on her shoulders, she knew that the further away from her they were, the safer they would be.
And then the corridor went pitch black. Someone gasped of surprise, but no one knew exactly how bad this was, except for Anya. She felt her hand slip and grip for her dagger in the darkness, knowing that the thing was close now, very close...
Then the lights flashed again and the corridor became bright. Someone screamed and stumbled backwards. Tyson stumbled over Max who was behind him and together with Ray, they fell to the floor. Tala stepped back a bit, Kenny squealed with a smothered sound. He had placed one of his hands over his mouth. Kai jerked and felt his eyes widen. At the end of the long corridor stood a silent shape, hidden under a brown cloak. Its hood laid the face in shadows. Then the lights went out again. It was death quiet, no one dared to speak a word. Anyas grip on her dagger hardened. She had suddenly remembered what this was.
“Aschaz” she whispered. She took one step backward, suddenly trembling. So here it was, the hour of vengeance had come.
And then the lights flashed on again.
Okay here's a cliffhanger. I like writing them because it adds some excitement to the following chapter. Don't you think? Anyway, here comes the ordinary plea. PLEASE review on your way out. // Author