Beyblade Fan Fiction ❯ Will you send me an angel? ❯ Two ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer:I do not own beyblade or any or the characters that appear on the show.The Prison Guardian(shows in late chapters) I do own.

Chapter two

The bell rang as dawn broke,it`s call clinging in the dark halls of stone.Tala sighed.He had to get ready for today`s challenges,cause there would sure be some.There always were,no matter how hard they trained,no matter how many times they put their lives at stake for the sake of a simple order from their commanders.Tala didn`t want to leave the angel,but the guards would come looking for him if he didn`t show at breakfast.Butterflies were fluttering in his stomach as he sat down on his bed,watching the amasing creature.He had bandaged it`s ancle,discovering that it had ben sprained.His left wing was broken,but as Tala knew nothing of birds nor angels,he let it be.Maybe he could get the young boy to tell him how to wrapp it up when he regained consciousness."Wait for me,I will be back",he said,even though the other couldn`t hear him.
He had locked the wondows,he wouldn`t let his angel escape him,not a chance in the world.His wish had come true,and he thanked the Gods above for their gift as he left his room,wandering off down the hall,Wolborg in his pocket.He was ready to face any challenge this day had to offer him.

The young boy stirred in his sleep,caught in nightmares,though unable to escape them."No..please don`t,she is my best friend...",he muttered,his hands grabbing hold of the covers.The angelic creature whimpered,stuck in his memories,trapped in his past.

"We hereby judge Dranzer guilty in interfering with the guiding of a lost soul.She will therefore be sent to Earth to spend the rest of her lifetime in the prison there",a tall,purplehaired angel declared,his eyes glinting in the sun.The little angel couldn`t believe it,Dranzer couldn`t be sent to Earth,he needed her by his side!"You can`t do this!Then I won`t have a partner!"he cried,tears welling up in his eyes,aboout to fall any second now.
"We can find you a new partner,boy.She needs to be punished for her actions,and she will will do it by spending her lifetime on Earth",the strict angel stated.He let his tears spill,unable to hold back his feelings anymore."No!I won`t let you do it,Robert!You are supposed to be my friend!"he shouted,trying to get to his precious friend.He felt strong arms grab hold of him,stopping him from getting to her.
The phoenix was looking at him with those kind,brown eyes,now full of grief and wary.She let her tears fall aswell,knowing that her partner would be so lost without her in Heavens.She also knew that if the High Guardians didn`t hold the young angel back,he would come looking for her on Earth.He was not yet a fully worthy Soul Guardian,and he wouldn`t be in many years yet.

For the second time in in few hours he snapped his eyes open,panick welling up in his chest."Dranzer..I will find you",he whispered,sitting up.The angel groaned as he felt his wing get painfully stuck in the covers,making him struggle to get free,resulting in getting even more stuck.He fought against the covers for a little longer before he gave in and lay still,waiting for someone to come help him.
Vague memories of bright,red hair and icy,blue eyes came to his mind.Where had the young human gone?He could remember that the boy had assured him that he meant the angel no harm.Trying to get out of bed,he noticed that his ancle was bandaged.He assumed the redhead must have discovered that he was hurt.His back was hurting from the fall last night.It sure took a lot of strenght to stand straight after falling from Heaven.
He wormed his way down onto the floor,still wrapped up in the bedcovers.Staying there for a little while,he tried to decided what to do now.He really needed to get out of here,he needed to find his Dranzer.But as he tried to move further,he found that he was stuck here,lying on the floor.
He could feel night draw closer.As an angel he had very wary senses,his sense of time very strong.

Tala felt much better now than he had done last night.The trainers had been surprised by his power and determination,his desire to win.He had won every battle they made him fight today.And it gave him a kick,in some sort of twisted way.His feet were still hurting,but he no longer thought of them as he walked down the hall,headed to his own bedroom to check on the his guest.
When the redhead opened the door,he was surprised to see the angelic boy all wrapped up in his covers,lying on the floor.At first Tala assumed that he was asleep,as he made no movement,but as soon as he sat down on his bed,the angel opened his eyes and stared up at him.Tala felt his heart beat faster.Those eyes...They were so sad,so full of longing,fear and other emotions that he couldn`t sort out.Those two dark orbs were gazing up at him with a begging look,sparkling with unshed tears.Tala noticed how his wing was sticking halfways out of the sheets,the angle really wrong.
He sat down beside the young boy,earning a frightened whimper from the other."Don`t be afraid,I mean you no harm",he said to calm him down.
The angel`s dark eyes were watching his every move as he slowly reached out his hand to untangle the sheets."Stay still,otherwise you might get your wing even more damaged than it already is".Hesitatingly he touched the soft fabric,grabbing hold of it."Stay still",he once again repeated,earning a nod from the boy.Carefully he unwrapped him,in the end leaving him sitting on the floor.The angel clutched the left wing to his chest,a twisted expression on his face.
"Let me bandage it for you",Tala begged.The angel bit his lip,then nodded,stretching the damaged wing carefully out.
Tala ripped his sweater apart and used it to wrapp up the angel`s wing."Like that!"he smiled and leaned back,satisfied with the result.
He noticed how the boy was looking at him,casting curious glances when he thought Tala didn`t see it.
"What is your name,angel?I am Tala".The dark eyes kept watching him,so innocent and childlike."Hm..ok...You hungry?"Those words earned a little hopefull smile from the boy,and Tala chuckled."I will go and snatch some food then.Wait for me here,I don`t want you to get lost,ok?"He stood up and left the room.

The angel watched him disappear out the door.Letting out a sigh he took a closer look at the room he was staying in.It was a very naked,cold room,no pictures or things to decorate the walls,no sign that this room belonged to anyone.It was so simple,yet so cold.He shuddered.In Heaven he was used to flowers,music and other pretty things.He longed to feel the warmth again,feel the sun caress his skin,the nice smell of honey tickle his nostrils.Compared to the Heavens,this place was a wasteland.But even if he longed for home,there was no way he would go back home for a while yet.The others were no doubt out looking for him,they knew he had fled to earth.
He dearly hoped they gave up on him.If they sent the Dark Angel to search for him,there would be no way to escape.The Dark Angel always caught those who sneaked out of Heaven.Never once had he failed in completing a task.He shuddered again,trying to push all dark thoughts away.
Footsteps coming closer reached his sensitive ears.The human soon opened the door again and came back inside.He felt his stomach growl as he saw the apples and bread the redhaired human was carrying in his arms.The food was not the kind he was used to,but he figured it would be ok.After all,it was food.The human sat down in front of him,handing him a piece of bread.He gladly took it,stuffing it into his mouth.He felt so hungry!
Tala watched in amusement as the lithe angel dug in,eager to get all the food into his mouth at once.
After finishing his meal,the angel sat completely still,watching the human with curiosity.He liked those blue eyes,they made the mortal pretty.So did the red hair,it reminded him of fire.He had said his name was Tala.Such a strange name,he thought to himself."Kai Hiwatari",he said.
Tala stared at him with a puzzled look."What did you say?"he asked.
"Kai Hiwatari,that is my name",the angel repeated.Tala stared in awe at the boy.His voice sounded like music,singing in a strange way as he spoke.The angel turned his head away,staring down at the floor with sad eyes."She used to call me Kai-kun",he whispered,sounding heartbroken.
"Who is she?"the redhead`s question came quietly,as he could see the other boy`s sadness.
The angel raised his head again,staring straight into his eyes.Tala almost melted under his stare.Such pretty eyes..How was it possible?But then again,he thought,this was an angel.
"What are you doing here?"
The angel flapped his unharmed wing and stretched the feathers to get the stiffness out of it.A sigh escaped him as he carefully stroke his feathers.
"I am looking for a friend of mine.She was sent here to Earth by the High Guardians",he said.Tala frowned."Um...Do you mind explaining to me what a High Guardian is?"The angel gazed up at him with those innocent eyes.Though they were child-like,they were deep as the ocean,wisdom in his stare.
"A High Guardian..Those are the angels up in Heaven that make up our counsil.They rule our kingdom,making rules and laws for us Low Angels to follow.My friend....she broke one of these rules",he said bitterly.The angels good wing sank to the floor in a defeated way.
"What..what did your friend do then?It must have been something bad",Tala questioned.Crystal tears were falling from the angel`s closed eyes,tears that became white pearls the second they hit the floor."She did nothing wrong in my eyes.I am a being trained to be a Soul Guardian,she was my master and friend.Our mission is to guide lost souls of the dead to the Heavens.But Dranzer felt so sorry for this young girl...She was killed without being able to say goodbye to her lover.Therefore she could not leave Earth and go up to the Heavens."He paused for a little while before he continued his tale.
"The girl begged us to be allowed to say goodbye.The laws of the High Guardians does not allow such an act,but Dranzer did it anyway,without me...Therefore she was sent to the prison on Earth".He sighed again and opened his eyes.Those eyes really amased Tala.They were now sparkling with tears,so full of deep emotions and love.He began to wonder if all angels were as pretty as this one.
"Do you know how to find her then?"Tala aked.The angel nodded and raised a hand to his chest,covering his heart."I can feel her prescence.It will get stronger the closer I get",he answered.Suddenly he let out a yawn and started to rub his eyes."I am tired..May I stay here tonight?"he asked,hope in his voice.Tala nodded and stood up."Of course".It had never been his intention to let this precious creature get away.The angel smiled gratefully at him and looked at the bed.His wing fell again,his head hanging.Tala stared at him for a second,the understood."You may have the bed,I am used to sleep on the floor",he said,earning a bright smile.The angel sat down on his bed,hugging his pillow tight.Tala lay down on the floor,closing his eyes.
"Tala-kun?"came the heavenly voice.He opened his eyes and sat up."Um..Can you sleep beside me?"The lithe boy blushed crimson red and lowered his head shamefully."I-I am not used to sleep alone,she used to hold me.And I..I am afraid of the dark.."The last words came quietly,and Tala understood that he was ashamed by admitting such a thing to a stranger."Hm..Sure I can".He lay down on his own bed,facing the now smiling angel."Thank you",the boy whispered and closed his eyes.

"Worthless,little brat!!Why can`t you ever get anything right?!?"a male voice snarled at a young Tala,about eight years old.The boy was crying,his fragile body bleeding from several wounds."And stop crying,you weakling!"The man turned to one of the scientists."Don`t let him go to sleep before he can finish the track within acceptable limits",he said and cast a loathing glance at the the beat up boy before he left.

"I...won`t cry",Tala muttered in his sleep,breathing unsteady.His expression was a pained one,his hands clutching the covers tightly.The redhead snapped his eyes open and sat bolt upright.He sighed as he realised it had been a dream.He was feeling strangely warm and comfortable.
Looking down he saw the angel curled up beside him,his face peaceful.He stirred in his sleep,slowly opening his eyes."Tala-kun?"came the drosy voice.
"I am here,Kai",Tala replied.A yawn escaped the angel as he sat up,stertching his good wing."Why are you up,Tala-kun?It is still night".Tala shruged."I woke up".He looked away,not wanting to admit to the innocent creature that he had ben having nightmares."Why are you so sad?"the angel asked,his voice wondering.Tala almost flinched when something touched his cheek.Turning his head he saw the other boy caress his cheek lovingly with his soft fingers."Are you sad because you are lonely?Are you sad because you have nightmares?Or is it because they beat you?"
Tala`s eyes widened."How can you tell?"he whispered.Kai sighed and cupped his chin."Because I can read your soul through your eyes,that is how.Your sadness is deeper than anything I have ever seen or felt".Tala closed his eyes,giving in to the soft,caring touch,feeling lost.Tears were gathering,but he held them back."Don`t do that,open your eyes".He did so,finding that there were only mere inches between their faces.
"You can`t hold back sorrow,let it out".Doing so,Tala broke into tears and sobbed.The angel embraced him and stroke his back in a comforting manner.Tala cried for a long time before he silenced."Tala-kun?"He raised his head and locked eyes with the fair boy."Am I your friend?"He nodded.
"Will you help me find Dranzer?"
"Yes,I will".The grateful smile made him all warm inside."Goodnight",the angel whispered and lay back down,his arms still around the redhead.

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