Bleach Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Whispers of the West ❯ Aftermath of Burning ( Chapter 47 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: The characters of Inuyasha are not mine; they are property of Rumiko Takahashi, Shogakukan, Yomiuri TV, Sunrise, and Viz. I do not own the characters of Bleach, Tite Kubo does. No money is made on my part. All OCs are mine.

A/N: Giving but pushed to the edge. Hatred fuels the maiden warrior again.

Chrestian and Amethyst Eyes

She was laying in her bed in Qinghai and she was sleeping deeply. Minzhe was beside her but her mind was somewhere else. Asuna realized she was astral and she shocked herself when she realized she was in the Western Estate. Chrestian was there for some reason and she frowned. He was sitting on the floor and Frejya was almost seven years old now.

""Daddy?"" She asked for him as she colored.

""Ja my dear?"" Chrestian asked softly.

""I hear Haha's mind and she think of you different. You do not look the same in her mind. Why? Why am I hanyou? How can I be your daughter?" Frejya asked rather astute questions.

""Your haha is a mixed queen. You know that. She is becoming ekimmu and she was ekimmu before."" He said pulling her into his lap.

She had the palest of blonde hair that shimmered silver some. Her eyes were soft green and he pressed his nose into her long locks.

""But I know! I know haha is queen but I am hanyou! You are frere! I should not be hanyou! Amras is not hanyou! Ryo's baby Mori is not hanyou either! Why am I hanyou?" She demanded.

""I was human once Frejya." He said softly.

""You were?" She asked her father shocked.

""Ja. I met your haha when I was still a mortal. She tried to protect me." He smiled winsomely.

""You think haha don't love you as well as Kameron or even that new frere!"" She accused of him.

""My sweet; I am lucky and I remember what it was like to be human. Your human half is nothing bad! If you were not here; then I would not wish to be here either." Chrestian admitted.

Asuna was shaking at his revelations and she mentally forced herself back into her body. Chrestian looked up and he could have sworn for a nanosecond that he felt the aura of the empusae queen. He loved her. The former Viking would always and passionately love her but she had good men around her and she had rescued Kameron from Ayille as well. His younger frere were haunting the castle in the past so he took time with his precious daughter. He honestly felt she was what he still existed for.

She bolted upright and Minzhe startled. Asuna jumped up and she began pulling on clothes that were from the future. The beautiful tanuki was surprised and she looked back.

"I have to see to something at my homeland. I will return! I swear it. I am telepathically linked to many of my children. I saw one in my dreams." She explained.

""Then of course Lady Silver must go!" Minzhe smiled gently.

His gentility and goodness made her hunger but she kissed him deeply and she phased out. She mentally called on Fionn and her ekimmu consort looked angry and she already knew it was because of Nanami. She held up a warning finger and he growled. She went through his portal and she phased to her estate. When she appeared in front of Frejya and Chrestian; shock was the word both daughter and frere displayed.

""Haha!" Freya screamed as she jumped up.

Asuna knelt and held her daughter tightly. Chrestian's eyes misted and he looked down for a moment.

"You are not just a hanyou! Your daddy is not just my frere! You were conceived in great love. Your daddy was a mighty warrior and I tried to save him as a warrior. That evil witch Ayille harmed him. I could not lose him. I had hoped he had forgiven me."" Asuna said in Japanese rapidly to her very special child.

""I am different. I just wanted to know why!" Frejya cried a little.

Chrestian was looking at her but she could not get a read on his emotions. He was always calm and it was difficult to tell much. It was why when she had connected with him as his ningen self; Asuna had tripped into something deeper.

""Please my darling; go to Lord Jouichi and the twins. Okay my love? I shall speak to your haha."" Chrestian asked of his child.

""Yes daddy. I love you haha. I love you daddy"" She wiped her tears.

Frejya jumped up and she had on a long white dress that came past her knees. She had matching white stockings and mary-jane shoes in polished white. Around her waist was a wide silver ribbon. She ran into another section of the huge mansion and her long pale blonde locks shimmered with silver in the lights; Asuna stared at Chrestian with deep pain.

"You were here." He said without emotion.

""Apparently I should be! You do not forgive me! You still do not forgive me for not saving you! I did not do well enough for you! You would rather be dead than be with me!" She said as the bloody tears streamed down her face.

""Of course I forgive you! There was nothing to forgive my queen! You saved my human family and tried to save me! I am sorry that my lingering humanity gets on your nerves."" The cultured forever looking young man sighed.

""As human you wanted me. As human you wanted me as much as you wanted Frejya! You want Frejya because she is the human part of you! You will not allow me a child of you now. I know you." She said wiping her tears.

"We have yet to beat Bilae and Sanra. I do not see how having offspring is good for the end goal"." He pointed out raising a blonde brow.

"If I stopped my life for every enemy then I would have had no life! I remember a certain frere diving right in and deciding he would rather partake of love then fighting." Asuna yelled.

"I also had no children by Ayille. I purposely never fathered any by her so that she could murder them! We can refrain from begetting our queens and I chose to." Chrestian crossed his arms.

"No, Chrestian you choose NOT to even now. I am no different than Ayille to you. Only difference is that the child I gave you is beloved. You did not feel a need to defend her from me! Kamis! You can be on your own, why do you choose to stay when you obviously do not want it?"" She asked him trying to stop her tears.

""Because I can choose; I choose to stay because I have the will to do so." He actually snapped a little.

"I do not subjugate you as Ayille did. You think you would lose access to Frejya if you did not serve as my frere? You are wrong! I do not wish you yoked to me if it still makes you wish for death!" His queen said looking away and the saline blood fell in torrents down her face.

"Stop it Asuna! You are overly weepy. Because I am not as expressive as I was when I was Norse; you think I feel not? I feel! I have lived for five thousand years my darling. It makes one a bit like stone."" Chrestian said pulling out a handkerchief from his pocket.

He wore a pressed white button down open at the second button at his throat. The shirt was tucked into designer dark wash jeans, belted with black leather, and he wore patent black oxford shoes. He was meticulous in his clothing in the modern era and she looked at him truly.

"I love you. I cannot love you anymore or any less. I love you and I would rather cut off my own arm than not have you with me." The ekimmu queen said hoarsely.

"Slightly dramatic my queen but I love you too. We are made to love. That is our right and duty. Now can you please stop weeping? I am not immune to it." Chrestian said quietly but with an edge to his voice.

His words wounded her more and her blue orbs began to burn darker and more intensely blue. He sighed and he bowed his head. The empusae queen was emotionally charged and that was one huge difference between her and Ayille. Ayille just insisted on destroying everything. Asuna FELT everything. Her eyes widened and she was growling in growing fury at her own frere. She wanted to bitch slap him for his opinions but she did insist that her frere be independent thinkers and doers. She stood up straight and stared him down.

"You really are a pathetic youkai; I know what I am and I have finally accepted it. What do you do?" She demanded of him.

"I walk the Earth unnaturally." He growled in return.

"Oh Kamis THIS is what we always argue about and it is always what shall tear us apart. Should I keep going back and reliving your mortal death? Is that what you wish of me? Perhaps make you forget you met me and let you die?" She quipped in anger and pain.

"That is ridiculous Asuna! Reliving a death over and over is pointless." Chrestian responded raising a blonde brow.

"Damn you Chrestian! I will have what I want from you!" Asuna snarled.

Chrestian frankly had no clue what she was going on about exactly but she was unexpectedly behind him and her elegant left hand with her diamond ring from Aldwyn sparkled in the low light; was on his right shoulder. The ekimmu/empusae queen phased them to a rather cold climate. Chrestian was shocked to see his homeland and she shoved him away from her.

"I hunger! I shall hunt." Asuna growled with greener blue eyes.

"I shall not stop you. I should like to see the old village site though." He responded being moronic.

She again grabbed him and phased him to the very same sheltered caves that she first became his. Chrestian was against the ancient stone and she undid his button down shirt in record time. His queen had his belt loose and jeans open as well. Chrestian had not been intimate with her in some time.

"My queen! We are not animals." he snarled softly.

"I am in part. I do not deny my inu Chrestian; such a beautiful soul, such a beautiful man." She groaned.

Asuna leaned in and pressed her lips to her second oldest frere. Her lips only met his for a moment before she began to mimic the time by the fire. Chrestian's beautiful green orbs widened, than slid shut as his body experienced not an illusion. Asuna slipped his white shirt down his sinuous, lithe arms. He was built in fluid grace and he still looked it. Asuna actually moaned in his mind that she wished he wound allow his hair to grow. His body trembled and his throat felt dry.

"Asuna what are you doing?" He managed to ask as his voice quaked.

"I told you I hunger. You are mine Chrestian. You were mine the moment I saw you amongst the cold lake and naked warriors." Asuna husked directly into his human ear.

"You try and teach me some lesson?" Chrestian demanded.

"No! I take one of my mates." She hissed.

She jerked herself away from him and she moved to the other side of the cave. Chrestian was breathing hard but his body was very quickly overcome in carnal sensation. His eyes could bleed red but most often now; because of the strength of the empusae he had become, his eyes became greener. His normally peridot green eyes began to burn emerald green as shocks of preternatural pleasure rocked his immortal skin. Asuna watched as he slid down the cave wall and the sound he made; it sounded wounded and needy at the same time. Her insides twisted and she wanted him so much more. Chrestian's hazy memories could barely remember when he was mortal, that she had done similar, but this was not illusion. This was reality. His queen could create reality and the sounds of an aching moan escaped his throat. His member was rigid painfully; his foreskin had pulled back, and his head was reddish purple in engorgement. Her eyes were now purely green and she rooted herself to the spot she was in.

"Asuna! My queen! Do not leave me in this state." He actually commanded.

"I am going to coat your hand my beloved Viking. You must speak your heart and mind before I release you." Asuna whispered.

Chrestian gasped harshly as a hard pulse in his insides made his member jump and throb. The empusae-inu actually put her own hand inside of her hakama pants in black; and she furiously rubbed herself but she was already leaking. She had to grab the rock to steady herself but she brought her left hand out; Chrestian could scent her musk and the sweet scent of her small release. He repressed a snarl but she used her own juices to give him wet. She guided her Viking's right hand to grasp his own thick, rigid member. It only took her helping him stroke twice before he lost it. Asuna stepped back and away as she devoured him with her eyes.

"You told me once; speak! You called me a nymph! My mighty warrior; speak as you use my essence to guide your hand." She spoke lewdly.

"Fuck!" He cursed softly but his need was too great.

"Please Chrestian." Asuna begged of him.

"I need you to straddle my waist and coat my cock with your honey. I need you to grip me in your vise as you slide down me! I need to see your body greedy as you take me in." Chrestian broke down and moaned out the words; his fist moved languidly up and down his shaft.

He had to bow his body some as a powerful sensation throbbed deep and his gasps were getting desperate.

"Asuna! Ja." He gasped out and her eyes were glowing blue-green in the darkened cave.

"I want us back further. I want my man." His queen growled deeply.

Chrestian's eyes widened and she actually moved closer. Her tongue laved up his clear fluid and his soft hiss made it worse for her. She wanted them back amongst the wilds and more. Asuna helped him close his clothing but did not stop her mental prodding.

"I cannot contain myself." Chrestian whined.

"Hai. I promise my beloved you can." She licked his ear.

The sensation rocked him and his eyes were darker green than she had ever seen them. He rarely bled red anymore. She saw Efnisien and he winked at her from the shadows and Asuna marched the former Viking into an era where his people would have been aplenty.

Chrestian's eyes were wide as he took in snow drifts and the wilds of his human homeland. He could hear metal clang on metal and he jerked his head back to stare at her.

"Not your era but close enough. Kamis you are so beautiful." She husked as she brushed his messy blonde hair out of his eyes.

"You wanted my hair longer ja?" He asked in such a soft tone as he took her thumb into his mouth.

"You are perfection amongst the modern era but I need you as you truly were and are! I want and need my Chrestian as the warrior he is." She groaned wildly.

His fang pierced her thumb and he had turned mental suggestion on her. Something primal overcame him and he jerked her forward and then around, to face away from him. She had on blush pink wrap top that barely came to her belly button. Her hakama pants were modern and slung low on her hips. Chrestian pulled the wrap top open to reveal her ripe breasts. Hunger ripped his belly and his soft hands massaged her orbs and his fingers rolled her tips.

"When you were pregnant with Frejya; I do remember your breasts changing. I remember wrapping my hungry mouth around your luscious tit. The texture of your skin and the sweet musk that leaked as I suckled you. You would moan a symphony of beautiful pleasure. Odin help me; I could fill you with my seed just tasting your life giving mounds." Chrestian growled in one of the sexiest husks she had heard him ever say.

"Kamis my precious warrior; I need to feel our fluids leaking from my core, coating my inner thighs. Would you lick upon my skin?" His mate and queen begged.

"Ja! Fuck! Why have you brought us here?" He groaned in her elfin ear as he worked her tips till her breasts stung.

Asuna stiffened and her body felt her breasts full. Chrestian was snarling softly and he brought them to their knees. She was finding out how much he truly enjoyed her pregnant body. He laid her back with gentleness and his mouth wrapped around a distended tip and he suckled her. Her head moved side to side but then she arched her upper body as he suckled deeply. He was feeding but soon his fangs would slip and it would cause her to scream. Her left breast was leaking and Chrestian suddenly lifted his mouth and attacked her other jutting tit. His tongue worked with his suckling as her hands went through his hair and down his sweaty back.

"Did you do this as human?" Asuna could barely ask.

"Ja. Now my senses can taste and smell so much more. I cannot get enough of this. Odin! Why have you brought us here Asuna?" He asked as his half naked body shook under tremendous strain.

"Because I need you. I will always need you! Not because of frere but because of you Chrestian. Who you were and are. Oh Kamis my darling, my ai!" She snarled out as his long fingers slipped into her slippery center.

"You are so wet for me; you drip amrita, I have never thirsted so badly for your nectar!" Chrestian whispered feral.

"Chrestian! I love you almost the moment I met you as Ramanga. When you took me; the way you made love to me, you stole a part of my soul. I never wish it back." Asuna admitted rapidly speaking her heart.

His mind was in chaos and he pinned her as he slid into her tight center. Chrestian knew paradise he would find; his guttural cry made her whimper and his own moan was deep. He kept his drag/thrusts very slow as to be agonizing so, he could savor this moment. This passion was what he truly missed and needed; Asuna knew instinctively that by being pulled to him astral, he was not just an occasional mate or just one of her frere. Fate was screaming the importance of this man and Asuna moved with him. Even as slowly as Chrestian dragged his staff to withdraw; he would plunge inside of the glorious taut channel, the empusae/ekimmu queen moved her hips. Sounds of reality being bent escaped his chest and his maker gently shoved him off, he fell to his back as his eyes were wide.

"Your perfect erect staff; I need to taste you." She whined as if in pain.

His eyes were his peridot green and she lost her head. Asuna ran her tongue around his foreskin to expose his mushroom head. Chrestian's need was so great; his cock was royal purple, his queen licked rapidly and swirled her inu tongue. When he let himself go, Chrestian was not quiet. He was in fact quite a vocal love and his head was thrown back as his elegant male neck was arched. His lover and mate; with terrible need, flicked her tongue with inhuman speed at his slit to get the taste of his clear fluid leaking copiously.

"My princess! My goddess! Ja! Oh fuck ja!" He reverted to his native tongue.

Asuna's growl around his magnificent male phallus was of raw hungry love. Chrestian heard her mind and she was spilling evocative words in his mind. The woman who had eventually saved him from the grasp of the Ramanga evil was pathing in Old German and Chrestian's eyes slowly burned emerald again. His love hollowed her cheeks and slid him down her throat as far as he could go. The tight and wet was Valhalla but her tongue added so much more.

"Taste me frau! You showed me those ways to love. Love me in such." He spoke in a garbled tone.

Her eyes were mixed green-blue and Asuna locked her eyes with his as she ever so slowly dragged her teeth with incredible gentle pressure and Chrestian's whine was inhuman. She would not deny him and her mouth hungrily found the juncture of his right thigh and groin; her teeth and tongue sucked and licked hard as pleasure skirted along his nerves. The frere felt in a beautiful death and she moved her mouth to suck a cool node into her scorching orifice. Her tongue traced the sac and rolled it. Chrestian had to close his eyes as what she called Nirvana was beginning to rip him apart. His mate, queen, and love repeated her actions to his twin node and he seemingly lost his mind. Chrestian's elegant hands ran through her partially loose silver silk upon her head as she guided his long legs to bend. He began to breathe too fast and his eyes were fevered.

"I worship you." Asuna whispered in her husk.

"Why now my soul? What brings us to this?" Chrestian managed to ask.

"Fate." She growled softly.

She lowered her nose and used her hands to spread his ass cheeks; his scent was purely Chrestian and male. Asuna took in a deep whiff and her tongue ran from his puckered hole to his scrotum. He shook slightly and this woman was the only person he allowed to touch him so. He could barely remember it when he was human but he knew she had done so mentally. The mental had been spectacular but when he had shyly asked if she could use physical means; his daemon lover had tenderly shown him how it was. Her tongue was circling his entrance and his moaning was getting louder. Asuna was never as deliberate as she was with Lei but Chrestian had discovered he desired the feel of her tongue. So she used her inu tongue and began to lightly stab at the pleasure spot. Chrestian gasped wildly and his love slipped that tongue past his entrance; his cry was piercing the now night and it was too good. Too good and too wonderful as his queen rimmed him well. Chrestian was on his back but the snowy tundra did not bother his youkai self.

"Asuna! Odin-AllFather!" Her beautiful Viking man snarled out.

His body had a small climax and his eyes were shut as his pulse was racing wildly. Chrestian truly had not felt so much need, want, or desire since he had been mortal. He had wanted her tremendously when he still had been frere for Ayille but this, this was everything. This want and love at the same time and he truly had forgotten how it had felt. He moved suddenly and he ripped her blush colored blouse and had a hard time undoing the ties to her hakama pants. His eyes were his lighter green but his incubus was just underneath.

"Mate! Our mate. Ours! You are mine!" He made a soft snarling sound in her ear.

The crown and back of her head fell to his right shoulder and Chrestian could stand it no longer. His fangs were buried in her juncture; that simple act shocked her stupid, Asuna screamed in rapture as her frere-mate made her blood and body throb with euphoria.

"Chrestian! Oh Kamis my Chrestian. I have needed you! I have wanted you; I have wanted my Chrestian." She wept as bloody saline fell from her eyes.

He was in no shape to answer; his mind was incubus but he knew what he would say; he would say that he had been pushed down so far by Ayille that he had learned to be a shell. He just could not speak and he shed what remaining clothes he had. He pulled her back on his cock and rolled his hips as his fingers and telekinesis engorged her clitoris.

"Pull my aura. Meld us. You have done so in the past. Meld us my love. You are my heart. You are my soul. My queen." Chrestian hissed through gritted teeth.

Asuna was too full from her beloved man and his beautiful body. Chrestian continued to roll his hips hard and his aura (yoki) he used to engorge her labia and clit. Asuna's hand joined his and she was gasping in and out of air as she slowly began to pull his yoki out and he pressed his forehead to the back of her neck as his hips rolled harder. His energies were a similar green to hers and Asuna was fascinated by how close they were. The build up of yoki and pressure in her loins was making her legs quake harshly. He begged her to kiss him and she angled her mouth to meet his at the awkward angle. The massive amount of yoki merged but had to go somewhere. It slammed into them both and Asuna could make no sound but Chrestian's shared euphoric finale, his voice was raw and barely audible. The woman he had now admittedly had willingly fallen in love with was in his arms passed out and their clothes ripped or barely off. The act of love would have even been perfection if he had been his mortal self; that thought struck him fully and the exhaustion hit him hard. He ported them to those same caves and he used his body to protect her. Deep within his own mind; he knew Kameron would have felt this and mild pleasure at his eldest frere's exclusion thrilled him. He passed out with her in his arms.

The den was infested by two creatures that neither wolf had any clue what they were. One was female and scented of dog as well as something else. The white wolf looked closely at the blonde male and he seemed familiar. He and his underling transformed to their humanoid forms and the woman was suddenly awake. He recognized her instantly.

"The dog bitch with the big mouth ja!" The ookami named Felix snorted.

Chrestian woke up and he was struck dumb to see a creature he could barely remember.

"Felix?" He muttered in shock.

"Chrestian? By Valhalla man! Your village was destroyed five centuries ago! Are you daemon now?" Felix demanded.

"I was taken by a different tribe of blood drinkers. This is Asuna and my mate. She has given me our daughter Frejya." Chrestian said in his native language.

Felix was staring at the daemon woman and she did not look so good. She was covered by badly torn clothes but she crawled forward and began to vomit. Chrestian's eyes flashed green which tripped Felix out and the human he had respected so was now immortal like himself. Chrestian knelt near her and blood was between her thighs.

"I smell some kind of wolf! Your frau is one of those queens is she not?" The white wolf demanded.

"Ja Felix. Asuna! The fenrir? What is going on?" He asked horrified.

"No idea. Kamis Chrestian, I am bleeding too much. Fuck! I am losing." She gasped in agony.

Chrestian picked her up and Felix was no fan of this frau; his friend was here! He bid the two blood drinkers to follow him and Chrestian grabbed the wolf's arm.

"Open your mind Felix, ja? I will port us all." He commanded.

Felix's mouth dropped open but both wolves did as they were told and Chrestian ported the group to the dens of the daemon wolves he had known as mortal. He had never known where they laid their heads but it made sense. Asuna grabbed her abdomen and screamed and the stench of blood was overwhelming. Chrestian could scent the fenrir, some canid, and feline daemons. He pressed his hand to his love's abdomen and he felt ekimmu. He wondered if the surge in their yoki had caused this and he was suddenly grief stricken.

"No! No! No! Chrestian no! Get Mattocks. Please?" She begged.

He nodded and he was numb. He ported again and his hands were covered in her blood. His mind screamed for the pain in the ass ekimmu; Efnisien. The Chaos ekimmu appeared and saw all the red.

"Fuck Chrestian! You like your blood!" The ekimmu smirked.

"This is the queen's blood you buffoon! Get the ekimmu doctor here now!" The frere snarled with his Ramanga eyes and voice.

"Oh gods." Chaos spoke hurriedly and he phased.

It seemed too long and Chrestian destroyed a tree in his fury. Mattocks was suddenly there and Chrestian ported him immediately. Tristan was astonished at the power of this frere and his queen was white and blood pooled under her body.

"Fuck! Her uterus must have hemorrhaged." Tristan cried as he carefully scooped her up.

"Take her! I will come immediately." The blonde frere commanded.

Tristan created a portal and he took the ekimmu queen through. Chrestian leaned against a wall of the wolf dens and bloody tears poured down his face.

"Chrestian my friend, where have you been and why did that bitch turn you?" Felix demanded in anger.

"Do you remember me scouting so often Felix? It was because of her. When I was still mortal; I begged her to be mine. She became with child. Our daughter's name is Frejya. I was killed by another group of blood daemons ja? Asuna managed to give me some of her blood as well. It tied me to my love and I found her and our daughter after a very long time." He whispered in old German.

"The bitch was here to look out for a Viking warrior?" His ookami friend demanded.

"She was here to look out for me because she loved." Chrestian snapped.

"I smell wolf and another canine blood; some feline blood too my friend but I scent you in your woman." Felix spoke under his breath.

"We had just reconnected Felix. She is empusae; a succubus queen. I willingly became her frere." He said shutting his light green eyes.

"Nein Chrestian. I am wolf ja? I know what my nose tells me. Your frau has you in her." He insisted.

Efnisien was suddenly across the den and one wolf yelped like a female and his teal eyes met the light green of the powerful frere of the ekimmu queen.

"Mattocks needs your blood. Her uterus did hemorrhage. It was not your fault or hers. We have to fix what our people did. The fae youkai are going to lose their fucking minds. You my friend; your son nestled between two ekimmu. The two ekimmu are producing barriers around all three male fetuses. We have to keep her in isolation." Efnisien said in Japanese.

Chrestian face showed no emotion but their union had created a child. He knew; he knew being her frere what the fae youkai would do. His mind was over time and his eyes looked up.

"We gather evidence of the witch. We rally the Pantera and fenrir to our lady and avenge the deaths of their heirs." The blonde man said calculated.

"You are fucking brilliant." Chaos said and he moved; they were phased by the ekimmu to Inujima.

"You have found the evidence of the witch's deceit?" Chrestian demanded of Mattocks.

Tristan was quick always and he could see that the frere intended to use this situation as a way to keep the fae in Leth`Evana and rally them against their enemies.

"Yes. It was obviously a hex. Her majesty was fine." Mattocks said in total understanding.

"Then I shall inform my frere and you inform her ekimmu consorts. There was a battle planned; I suggest we move up the attack." The former Viking spoke and he bowed.

Chrestian shook a little but he would allow Kameron the responsibility to inform Naraku. The dark hanyou liked the eldest frere; he stayed out of the way. He ported immediately to the Western Estate and he found Kameron and pathed everything. The eldest brother's eyes burned red and he snarled. He ported out and Chrestian's shoulders slumped.

"Daddy?" He heard down the hall.

"Ja, my precious?" Chrestian asked his beautiful daughter.

"The witch will pay but Haha wanted so much for me to have brother or sister." Frejya whispered.

"We keep that to us my precious." He knelt as he met identical green eyes.

"I swear to All-Father Daddy. I speak it to no one." She whispered.

Chrestian had not realized how much of himself he had really passed onto his child. She spoke of Valhalla and the Norse gods as if they were hers, and he realized they were. He was certain Asuna would protect his son with her all; the feelings and memories that had passed between their reunification had been not only profound; but it had been enlightening. Chrestian was not supposed to die the day he almost did. He was also supposed to step up more to be by her side. How he knew this; he knew not but he just knew, everything was different for them. He was no longer just frere. He was to be by her side as a warrior mate. He looked at a cabinet that held replica weapons and his eyes burned greener. Frejya held his hand and she could feel intent. The blonde man was going to fight against Sanra and Bilae immediately, but he did not do it for the entire family but for Asuna, Frejya, and their unborn son. Chrestian found himself realizing how much he had to exist for in this endless immortality. For the first time; he blessed it.

Tristan had been able to save the unusual canid fetus but his queen had needed a blood transfusion. He could not stop Aeron or Dafydd Purcell from showing up and they were near her. They both noticed her blonde frere but he said nothing. Their queen was sleeping and hatred of the bitch Sanra was eating both ekimmu men alive.

"We need to take her out! Aeron, I refuse to be a pussy!" Dafydd snarled under his breath.

"She also specifically did not want you or the other Mister Purcell fighting. I will contain you myself!" Chrestian threatened.

"You think you are strong enough?" The younger ekimmu snapped.

"Dafydd! Stop! This man is a protector for Asuna and made from her blood. Do you seriously think you could beat him?" Aeron stated with common sense.

Chrestian looked at the ekimmu consort and nodded. The ekimmu and frere felt the other world ookami immediately. Vulred Gordir was holding Phelan and tears were pouring down his face. It horrified Aeron to see such a powerful creature and Chrestian offered to hold the pup. The Gordir lord knew her frere were great men and allowed Phelan to go to him. He took Asuna's hand and his elvish words were violent towards Sanra and Bilae. She was so devoid of color that Vulred was terrified.

"Witch suffer!" Vulred snarled softly so as not to scare Phelan.

"We agree Lord Gordir. We should like to up the attack and come at them secretly." Chrestian spoke quietly.

"Yes! Yes Chrestian frere! You come to Leth`Evana. You warrior. We fight!" The fenrir hissed softly.

The Purcell brothers were watching Chrestian and to hear he was a warrior was surprising. Aeron really resented not being able to help his wife but Dafydd was a warrior by definition, and he was not even being allowed to fight. Vulred left a letter and he kissed her softly and he took their son with him. They expected the Pantera but Luthais never showed up. The blonde frere felt hate in his heart for the feline fae being and he was planning what he needed to do. Kameron showed up with Naraku and the Dark hanyou's face held hate.

"We are moving tonight." Naraku said flatly.

"That is fast!" Aeron said astonished.

"I will not lose the plane of Leth`Evana ekimmu! My mate now is queen of Hueco Mundo, Leth`Evana, and is a queen on this plane. I garner power and she is power. This bitch will pay for harming her and our innocents!" The dark halfling snapped out.

Dafydd said nothing and no one else did either but Naraku walked out of the room his long time mate was in. Kameron held her hand and the ekimmu babes were actually shielding the aura of Chrestian's son. The Viking frere seemed on auto pilot and the need to protect his progeny was absolute. Asuna had been correct; he had tried to keep himself from getting her with child before, but now it was a blessing in his mind. Chrestian felt as though he was to blame for keeping their relationship at a distance. He wanted to fall to his knees and beg her to forgive him. He wanted to beg her for more. If he had not been killed as a mortal; he could have seen himself giving her several babes. Asuna was hearing his mind as she was coming to and she had heard his plan. While she hated to lie; there was no proof that it had not been Sanra.

-I will not do the birth control. I will wait and I will give us a chance for a bigger family.- She weakly pathed.

"My beloved!" He neared her and grabbed her hand.

The two ekimmu men also neared her and she looked over at Dafydd and Aeron. Her features were gentle and loving. She was surrounded by men she loved and adored.

"Our boys are safe. I am sorry you were worried. No, I am sorry I will not allow you to fight. Please do not bombard my mind. I am in terrible pain." Asuna said softly.

Dafydd sighed and wanted to hit a wall but he nodded. Aeron sighed as well as Chrestian just held her hand. Tristan was looking at her belly and she looked at the screen. She saw Minzhe's daughter and she was astonished. She also knew she would have to go on bed rest. She had felt the residual yoki of Vulred, Naraku, Kameron, and a few others but she felt nothing of Luthais. Her heart stuttered but she had to focus on what she had.

"Dafydd and Aeron, I would like you to return with me to Western Qinghai. You will meet a shy and timid man named Minzhe. He is a canid youkai called a tanuki. Tell him of the ekimmu wars and such. He loves old stories." She spoke sleepily.

"You really are taking us with you?" Dafydd asked excited.

"Hai. I will have to be on bed rest. Chrestian, I know your mind beloved but will you at least stay a day or three in the past? You can be here to fight." His queen whispered softly.

"Ja. I shall never miss an opportunity again." He kissed her hand.

Asuna nodded and Tristan knew he had to make a portal and he had to set up a transfusion in the past. He made the portal and her frere carried her. Soon the group of men and the ekimmu queen was in the past in the area known as Qinghai.

Aeron and Dafydd could not help themselves and they adored the shy creature named Minzhe. He returned the favor of sharing tales of old Hindustan and surrounding areas. They were surprised to see the shy being feel her belly and he was shocked. Minzhe felt his daughter and he felt less pups. Asuna said her enemy caused her to lose some pups. The tanuki had cried for her. Chrestian sparred Dafydd at the ekimmu's insistence. He wanted to see how powerful a frere really was. The Viking man never broke a sweat as he pinned the ekimmu man born in Terre de Brume to the dojo floor. Aeron was not surprised and Asuna clapped. The intensity between her and the blonde man was evident; Chrestian was letting his locks grow and he was becoming who he truly had been. Asuna stayed off her feet and she found out that Naraku had coordinated along with the fenrir, Pantera, Simyth, ekimmu, Shouten, and some tribes of pythos had lead a vicious and quick attack on the Leth`Evana headquarters of Sanra and Bilae. It was confirmed by Maec that Sanra did indeed have a child; she had a girl child, which seemed crazy but she had gone ballistic when a soldier had tried to take the child. Chrestian had fought brilliantly and Sanra was injured horribly because she had defended the babe. Masanori too had fought and had taken serious revenge on Bilae. It was said that Masanori's ookami kumo self was the Shouten part of him. It spooked Maec out like crazy but Naraku thought it brilliant. The two evil doers were now on the run and Asuna could relax with her pregnancy and she was visited often by important mates who loved her ardently and their children. Anupu continued to not fail their union anymore and Asuna happily cried in joy. Her frere surrounded her and Ryo was in love with his baby girl; Mori. Her twin sister Nomura was a mini-Hibari and Naraku was misty eyed. His newest baby girl reminded him of his youngest adult girl. Since she was bed ridden; her mates made the rounds, like the Manchurian brothers. Geming, Changming, and Katashi all came to her as well as her kumo mates and Shouten husbands. Simyth obviously came in secret and so did Airis as well as Chengdi. Vulred came in as an official mate and Kenomaru did too and her life was working. Her ekimmu consorts came in whenever they felt like and even if she was with someone. They said get over being prude and spent time with their queen. The ekimmu/empusae queen managed to have a strange but normal life for her as her constant companions were the Purcell brothers, Minzhe, and Chrestian. Her heart became hard as stone against Luthais because she had heard he had fought but he had not seen her. She hated him now and she had asked Chrestian to please drop the soul off to Tolthe. Her Viking frere did as she asked and she was writing reports and edicts to her peoples. She would see Chan every so often but she would feel him more often than not. He was quite the character and she was happy at the moment.

"You are at peace." Chrestian commented as he massaged her lower back as she was heavier with her babes.

"Actually hai my dearest; we have found a major weakness for Sanra, or rather you did! Have I mentioned how much I love your hair?" She giggled.

"It actually feels normal." He smiled at her.

"Your majesty? There is a fae here to see you." Dafydd said with obvious disdain.

"What manner of fae Sir Dafydd?" Asuna teased him.

"A Pantera." He spat out.

"Would it be Prince Luthais?" She demanded.

"How am I supposed to know or care?" He asked.

"I shall check my love." Chrestian responded.

Chrestian was wearing more Viking like clothing in the past and he was surprised to see Tolthe. He bowed slightly and he bid the Pantera prince to follow him. Asuna was obviously more relaxed when she saw Tolthe and it was quite apparent that Dafydd had no intentions of leaving her presence. Chrestian had to walk the ekimmu from the room and the younger man really got pissed off.

"Prince Tolthe! I know that it is not customary to return those things but your brother is dead to me." Asuna said coldly.

"I came to say I am so sorry for him Queen Asuna. He is acting like a bastard of epic proportions. I am so sorry for your losses. I can only imagine your pain." Tolthe said softly meeting her blue eyes with his yellow.

"You owe no apologies for your twin. I however do appreciate your kindnesses. I am to understand that you and Leto are no more?" She asked gently.

"I am too much a male to understand her woes I suspect." He said bitterly.

"I have suffered only a margin of what she has; it can be devastating but please sit Prince Tolthe." She asked softly.

Tolthe did sit on a chaise near the beautiful ekimmu queen and he felt his twin was a bastard. His brother could not process the loss of his cub so he was not dealing with it at all. He was not dealing with Asuna or his feelings. Luthais had wanted his girl so badly that the loss had mentally unbalanced him for the time. Asuna heard Tolthe's mind but it was not as if she had wanted to lose their babe. She did not realize she was not shielding and she was so bitter. She was remembering bleeding out and screaming for her fae babes as she was dying. Tolthe sucked in his breath and he was suddenly kneeling beside her chaise.

"I am so sorry. I fought for you and her too. That witch will suffer untold agonies when we are done. I am so sorry you had to suffer." He spoke so softly.

Tolthe was in his humanoid form and his black hair was down and it covered his elvish ears. She did not expect him to pull her forward and hug her. The Pantera brothers had gone against their own natural behaviors Luthais had told her; Tolthe trusted her as well. He could scent many things and bloody saline as he hugged her was one.

"I am truly sorry your majesty. You have always been an honorable and good woman to my people. I hope you know how deeply I venerate and respect you." Tolthe spoke in such a soft tone.

"If I was so good or honorable; then why is your own twin so hateful of me? You should not venerate me Tolthe; I am just a person like you are." Asuna said with tears spilling down her cheeks.

He tore his own crème colored tunic and he used it to gently wipe away the tears. Tolthe had never been this close to her and he had purposely never been this close. His heart was beating too fast and he moved his face closer to hers. His elvish brands were not as stark on his darker tanned skin. He brushed his perfect nose against hers and she gasped. Tolthe truly had no idea what came over him and he did so again. He lifted a clawed darkly tanned right hand and threaded it through her loose silver mane. His left hand lightly palmed her left cheek as his full male lips pressed against hers. Tolthe told himself he wanted to communicate some emotion but the kiss was soft and gentle for only a few moments. Hunger ripped through his gut and the soft mewl she made caused him to seek more. He sought to slip his tongue inside the sweetness of her mouth; why she allowed it, she had no idea but this was not Luthais. Tolthe's kiss was full of hungry desire and sheer want. He tasted her thoroughly and he forcefully jerked his lips back. His breathing was rough and faster.

"Prince Tolthe?" Asuna asked surprised.

"I told him he should be proud to have loved such a woman. By my gods." He whispered.

Tolthe sat on her chaise and his mouth was on her throat and licking at nibbling the tendons. The pleasure was causing stabs of pleasure to her loins and Asuna was gasping hard.

"Such sweetness; I must go. I must take my leave. I know you must not couple." He said in a rougher voice.

"How do you know that?" She asked dumbly.

"I listened in on your companion's minds. Fuck! I want you. I want your love." Tolthe growled.

The other Pantera prince forcefully made himself get up and he left her presence. She was in utter shock as he made his own gate to Leth`Evana. It was the damndest thing but Asuna was flat out intrigued with the twin. Leto had moved on to another lover so she would talk with the Pythos queen. For a short while; she could truly enjoy her life.

She had finally snuck away from Alrik; saying Fionn was demanding to see her, Alrik hated the self important ekimmu as much as the ekimmu hated him. Nanami had freaked when she saw Elias in Hueco Mundo. Her growing boy pup did allow her to phase directly into Menon lands.

"Are you out of your fucking mind Elias?" Nanami yelled at him.

"I had not seen you in two days!" the Menon alpha growled.

"Elias, you gotta work with me honey! I love you baby, but this jealous shit is..." she was ranting.

"What did you say?" The you gray haired, blacked tipped young fenrir asked shocked.

"I said you have to work with me!" Nanami groused.

"No! No, you said you love me! Do you?" Elias asked shaking slightly.

His beautiful gray eyes were full of emotion and she repeated the words. Nanami did not expect it would cause Elias's fae wolf out of control. Nanami was pressed against a tree and she horrified herself that she was so turned on.

"Must know you're my bitch. You declare your heart. You give us your soul. You must wear my mark!" he growled in her ear.

"Make it on my neck babe. Oh Kamis! Hai!" She began screaming.

Elias knew why she said her neck. She had other faint scars and the Shadow Hound wouldn't smell him on her. He had asked how she covered up his pup's scent; she admitted she had help from Alum's mom who had in turn convinced her to talk to her two Shouten husbands. Elias was shocked they were keeing him secret. Nanami had told him Juria had told her son that Elias was eye candy. Jao had followed his wife and he looked around.

"Alrik hit Alum. I'm fixing to lose MY temper sweetheart. Hi wolfie. Come home and deal with the Kveldulf before Alum dissects him?" Jao asked rubbing the bridge of his nose.

"Yea Jao," Nanami nodded and sighed.

"We will make time fenrir Elias," Jao bowed his head.

"You and her other proper husband do not like the Shadow Hound?" Elias asked bluntly.

"He refusal to adapt to our family puts a major strain on things. I'm Shouten; Alum and I are close." Jao shrugged.

Nanami got exasperated and phased to Hueco Mundo.

"What are you really thinking Elias Menon?" The Jing doctor asked.

"With you and Alum's blessing; I marry her in Leth'Evana. I also come to you all, and I get rid of Keelan." Elias stated coldly.

"I'll talk to Alum tonight but to be honest; Alrik only knows how to bitch. He complains about her work schedule, he complains she spends too much time with her siblings and fathers. Alum will say; don't kill him but get rid of him." Jao bowed.

The Jing Shouten phased out with a crystal from Juria. Elias intended to get to know this Alum immediately.

He was in the Astana palace and it seemed the Shouten king had made peace with the Shadow Hounds. Alum tr'Awnhi was a reputed doctor amongst his people and Elias had learned his scent from Nanami. He would come looking for her because he had fallen hard. Nanami was juggling a lot and at the moment she was on a gurney too hot.

"Jao, get the cooling blankets too. Further along she gets the more frequent these bouts will be." Alum sighed.

"So where is shit head now?" Jao demanded as they packed their shared wife in cold.

"His brother is apparently looking for Isha. I have no idea why the numbskull cannot just be thrilled he has peace with the Shouten; now he wants the peace with Isha." The gentle doe eyed man said in anger.

"He wants to get into her pants like almost every man I've ever met." The Jing doctor retorted.

Elias slipped out and seeing Nanami laid out and in serious condition, but due to pregnancy was horrid. Alum stared at the fenrir as he was called and he shoved down attraction. Alum approved of Elias after his mother told him about the fairy wolf. Elias looked up and cocked an eyebrow.

"What an image! A tiny wolf with wings! How did I hear your mind?" He asked stunned.

"That is an excellent question and holy shit; that was funny." Alum chortled.

Jao just approved and Alum was suddenly laid flat against a gurney but he was not being harmed. Elias was scenting the Shouten prince deeply and Nanami's husband could not help it and let out a whine.

"I want to get rid of that bastard Keelan. I also play nice with others." Elias whispered directly in Alum's ear.

"He constantly fights with Nanami; Jao and I are sick of it. Good fucking gods you would taste amazing." The Shouten prince and doctor shuddered.

Elias used his own claws and cut his juncture. He was using any means necessary to make allies with Nanami's men. He allowed himself to be fed from and Alrik refused this act. Alum stopped well before Elias was weakened and he was breathing really hard.

"What do you need us to do?" Alum asked the gorgeous fenrir.

"You just protect her as you do. I will draw the Shadow Hound into a fight." He said coldly.

"Let us take some blood and test your DNA. We can enhance you in certain ways." Jao smirked.

"I shall do whatever you think best." Elias bowed his head.

"We were told Leth`Evana creatures were different and could not adapt to us." Alum said bluntly.

"My father was a bastard and I never knew my mother. None of my siblings knew theirs either; so our clan is not normal fenrir. I will do anything for her. I mean anything!" The Menon alpha said bluntly staring at both Shouten men.

Elias left for the moment after they took some of his blood and Alum was having a hard time not fantasizing about the fairy wolf. Even Jao thought the creature was amazing. Alrik came back to Astana to find his mate was already packed in cold blankets and he was horrified.

"What happened?" He demanded.

"She is carrying two Shadow hounds this time Keelan. Her body is going through periods of burning up. I am coming up with an idea." Alum snapped.

"I did not want to do this to her. I knew this would happen." Alrik spoke to himself.

"Get over yourself Alrik! For fuck's sake, she wants to mother your pups! We will figure this out!" Jao shouted at him.

"Did your brother manage to find Isha?" The other Shouten man asked snidely.

"No! You know where she is though do you not?" The Shadow Hound accused.

"Actually Nanami does." He shrugged.

Alrik was furious and he left. Nanami and he were not doing as well as he had hoped they would. He kept trying not to be jealous but it did not happen. The ekimmu Fionn had basically threatened his life; he swore if anything befell he perfect girl, then he would kill him. Alrik had no clue why his brother wanted peace with the ekimmu queen so badly. By what he could see; the ekimmu beings were sinister and evil.

Tristan was doing an ultrasound; Dafydd and Aeron both stared at the screen of the 4D ultra sound. The queen was soon to birth. Their boys had protected the little boy of the Viking frere; it was obvious that he would be smaller but Mattocks had been getting his lungs ready. It was also obvious he had a lot of hair on his head. Chrestian smiled as he saw the screen. Minzhe's girl was wrapped up in a fetal ball and Asuna looked at him.

"She is sleeping Lady Silver. See she is sucking her thumb. How amazing this is!" The tanuki man spoke of the ultra sound.

"Okay, so my three boys and girl are good. Names my loves; Dafydd and Aeron we need Welsh names. Chrestian; you named our daughter so you name our son. Minzhe?" She looked at him smiling.

"Kumari. I hope to name her this." He said softly.

"Kumari she is." Asuna smiled.

Minzhe pressed his hand to her belly and he pathed his daughter's name. Soon she felt movements and so did he. His eyes stung and he begged to go eat. Asuna could get up and walk short distances and she went to her rooms. She lay on her bed and her mates were still vigilant. She felt a presence and she saw a Pantera. She half expected Luthais but it was Tolthe. She expected him to start whipping himself for having done what he did and his eyes widened a bit. His movements were so quick but gentle as he laid her back. He was again in his humanoid form.

"I have a question." His baritone rumbled from his chest.

"Hai?" Asuna responded breathless.

"You said you have known big cats in this plane. You have another form; your exquisite canine form, did your feline mates and you ever?" He asked boldly as an immaculate claw brushed her bottom lip.

"I have only done so twice; both tigers." She blushed deeply.

"I fell asleep the other night and I dreamed that." Tolthe told her and his yellow eyes were slit.

"What is this Prince Tolthe?" She managed to ask.

"This is me finally acting upon my own wants. I know my twin told you that we both knew we could trust you. He was too bold in how he declared his intent. I admonished him constantly for being foolish and without sense. Seeing you so closely and running my fingers over you skin, and through your hair." He spoke in a soft tone.

Tolthe had lifted some silver strands and he could scent jasmine. He was very careful of her belly and he met her eyes.

"My mother taught respect of females as well as males. I have always been shyer in nature." He told the wind goddess.

"I refuse to make peace with the Shadow Hounds. The Menon clan right now is being lead by a good young man." Asuna replied and her eyes shut as Tolthe barely touched her.

"Elias Menon. I have heard of him. I have also heard he has taken up loving one of your daughters. I think he must be quite intelligent." Tolthe whispered.

"Tolthe you torture me." She whimpered quietly.

"I apologize Queen Asuna. I am not trying to do so; you look closer to having your precious ones but I only wish to converse gently." He bowed his head.

Asuna had no idea why she did so but she sat up a little; her clawed fingers carefully and lightly ran along his fae ear after moving his black hair. His yellow hued orbs closed as his breath caught; she lifted his hand and pressed her full lips to his palm.

"Would you lie beside me?" The ekimmu queen asked him.

"Yes." Tolthe answered with a shaky breath.

Asuna laid on her right side and Tolthe was behind her. Her eyes were shut and Tolthe was imagining his dream. She could see it and it made her wild but she kept calm. She took Tolthe's left hand and pressed it to her side.

"Are you comfortable Tolthe?" Asuna asked in a quiet tone.

"Quite comfortable; I am drowning my senses at the moment." He replied in a whisper.

"I am trying to understand why you said you wanted my love." She asked him.

"I have never been near you have you noticed?" The Pantera man answered as he breathed her in.

"No, I guess not. I thought you were just a shyer man and preferred quiet." The ekimmu queen surmised.

"The day I held you back when you fought with Luthais; I…I was enthralled and I am embarrassed to say this; when it was full night, I remembered your scent and feel of your skin as I brought myself to an end." The royal creature said eloquently.

"Please never be embarrassed over something natural Tolthe. You thought of me? Why did you not tell me?" She asked him sighing.

"You too have a twin. You already understand." He said gently.

Asuna did not feel like being good and she guided his left hand to cup her breast and his breathing increased. It did not take much encouragement and Tolthe's teeth were carefully nibbling on the tendons of her neck. The pleasure was making the ekimmu queen mush and the Pantera prince in horrid need. His long elegant fingers rolled and so very carefully pulled on her tit. Asuna began to pant and moan softly.

"I must stop this. You look full term but I know not. I want you Queen Asuna but I want you spilling words of love and need as I have for you." Tolthe stated bluntly.

"I cannot be forsaken again!" She said with a pained expression.

"We are twins yes; but I am not he. Fuck! Forgive my curse. I feel my body's desires for you so badly." He stated as he forced himself to get up.

"It is safe for me now. My pups are ready to be born. I may safely make love." Asuna whimpered for him.

Tolthe stopped and he looked back at her. She was telling him that she wanted him as well. She was wearing a heavy fawn colored silk night gown and she managed to pull it off. She knew how the fae were and the Pantera were no different. His eyes became slit again and he moved closer to her bed. Tolthe fell to his knees and lowered his lips to hers. The sound of hunger and something more came from them both. He felt her hands working on his leather vest in hunter green and his chemise lawn shirt. Tolthe began to help her undress him as their full lips licked and sucked upon the other. All over his body were his brands and his hands with incredible gentleness pushed her breasts together as he massaged them lightly. His mouth found her tips and her moans were making him crazier.

"Is it dangerous for you to change form? I cannot get my dream out of my head." Tolthe admitted in his deep baritone.

"I can go outside hai. Please prepare me well though." She said in a shaky voice.

His heart was pounding out of control and he nodded. She shyly opened her legs to him so that he could see her labia and clit. Passion was out of control in them both; Tolthe only knew how to be supremely gentle and bring about ends that shattered minds. He lips and tongue mimicked the act of love making and the ekimmu queen was gasping harder and harder. The Pantera soon tasted a sweet musky flavor and realized she had released some. She was shaky and she phased them both into the forest not far from her castle. She stood before him naked and he before her; she will her form to change and Tolthe saw her canine form. He thought she was incredibly beautiful in any form she had. He changed into his third form and he was large black panther; very sleek and powerfully built. He could not stop himself and he began to use his tongue on her nose and face. Asuna whined softly as Tolthe showed emotion in his animal form. She too licked back and Tolthe was pacing. He pressed his nose into her nether regions and licked. Her canine whine was deep as he continued to scent and lick.

-Prince Tolthe please!- She pathed in his mind.

-Stop me if anything is not right.- He returned the path.

Her eyes told him she understood and she was aching for the act. Tolthe's animal form was heavy compact muscle and his maleness slid inside of her deeply. Her mind moaned as her inu self whined softly as the ekimmu queen trusted the Pantera prince in such an intimate way. Tolthe realized how much trust this did take and how intimate it truly was; he was bowled over by the act which was no act. His panther self was actually taking the outworld canine in love and if someone saw it; they would be floored. The Pantera kept his thrusts even and gentle and his keen hearing heard the pitch of her whines change. He had no clue when he had fallen so hard but he had.

-Tolthe please! I beg you! I beg you please! Harder!- She pathed.

-I shan't go harder my heart. Your precious babes.- He replied.

-Bite my throat. Please?- Asuna begged him in his mind.

Tolthe had never done so before but he grabbed her juncture in his jaws and he clamped down. The act caused her to be thrown into Nirvana and he sputtered as her body tightened and spasmed around him. His mind was spilling all manner of words as his panther growled/groaned as if in pain. It took nearly ten minutes for both of them to stop shaking and she slowly changed form. He too followed suit and the beautiful way of lovemaking was seared in his brain.

"Prince Tolthe?" Asuna asked concerned because she saw tears glazing his eyes.

"Yes Asuna?" He asked softly as he lay next to her still naked.

"Did I offend you?" She asked almost upset.

"No! Please just call me Tolthe. I am affected by the beauty of the lovemaking. I am too deep feeling." Tolthe said shutting his golden yellow eyes.

"No, you are not too deep feeling. It was beautiful." Asuna agreed lacing her hand in his.

"I have to return to my lands and I have no desire to. I sent out highly trained spies with the Elensar's rangers. They are hunting Don and the witch." Tolthe told her.

"I can handle anything except if you start to hate yourself or me for feeling for me." She stated looking down.

"I love you." He said plainly.

"Kamis! I love you." She answered.

He kissed her deeply but knew she needed time with her mates and husbands. He finally ported them back to her suite of rooms and he put on his own clothes. She was exhausted and she fell asleep and it was stunning. Tolthe made a veil and he entered Leth`Evana.

Tolthe entered his home he shared with Luthais who never seemed to be there. This night his twin was there in the garden. He was holding the mithril and silver manifestation of his soul and Tolthe was astonished he was here at all.

"She returned it again." Luthais muttered.

"Brother you have not exactly been around much." Tolthe stated matter of factly.

"My daughter died. I needed time to process it. She has apparently dealt with it very well." The other Pantera prince said in pain.

"She nearly bled to death Luthais. I would hardly say she handled it well." His twin snorted.

"Well she has deemed us over." Luthais laughed bitterly.

"Luthais you have been gone for months!" Tolthe snapped.

"She will see me now!" He snarled.

"You will not be welcome brother." His twin sighed.

"But you are?" The blue eyed twin said in anger.

"I have maintained our treaty and our friendship with her! She was carrying my niece." His brother snapped at him.

"She was carrying my daughter and she will not see me?" Luthais said in rage.

His twin was suddenly gone and Tolthe was worried. He was not worried that Asuna would speak of him and her; but his brother was not exactly rational. Luthais did not know where she was he thought; so he did not seem to worry. He did send two Pantera spies to keep an eye on the ekimmu queen.

She was in the frontier house and she had a pump that would release small amounts of frozen carbon dioxide mixed with fever reducers. Alum's idea had been genius and was working. It was keeping her temperature down and the head doctor of the Shouten empire had playfully said; he knew he was that good. Nanami was in the kitchen and she had just got done feeding her kids and Jayce had gorged on cod. Alrik came in and he was a mess. Nanami raised a brow and their son began kicking his high chair.

"Dada! Dada!" Jayce whined.

"There you go big boy. Go see daddy." She smiled.

"You were packed in cold when I left! I went to one of our oldest shaman to figure out a way to keep you cooler." Alrik stated relieved.

"What did the shaman say?" She asked interested.

"He said Kveldulf women needed to have Kveldulf pups. I left." He snorted.

"Well Alum rigged up a pump to deliver tiny amounts of dry ice along with fever reducers. It works and I feel great!" Nanami smiled.

"This is what I worried about Nanami. This heat and other things as you get further along. I am scared. I am truly scared." He admitted.

"Baby! I thought we worked through this! We are going to solve each problem, one at a time. Why can't you believe that?" His mate asked.

"I believe you but I still feel the fear. I also smelled a fenrir all over you. It was not a Gordir one either. You collapsed in Leth`Evana and this brat fenrir named Menon brought you here." He crossed his arms.

"Baby! Did you smell him between my legs?" She demanded.

"Of course not! I saw the way he was staring at you. Fucking fairy wolves! They act as if they are better than us but they are still wolves! He pretends to be pious. Little prick, I could break his back in two seconds flat!" Alrik threatened.

Nanami sighed and shook her head as Alrik held Jayce as his boy was baby talking. Her Kveldulf mate neared her and felt her belly. He sensed his daughters and he calmed down. The young doctor saw another Kveldulf further away and she narrowed her eyes.

"Your brother is here? Like what the fuck?" She demanded.

"Your siblings come here all the time! Shit Nanami you are a queen of double standards." He growled.

"Oh what the fuck ever! I cannot stand your brother." Nanami growled as she walked away.

Lewys neared his younger brother and he had demanded that Alrik find out where the ekimmu queen was. Alrik was holding Jayce and his sister in law had left the area.

"You tell me she knows where her mother is but you will not compel her! Why not Alrik?" Lewys demanded.

"My relationship is already strained Lewys! I could care less over the ekimmu queen. You are the one obsessed with her." His younger brother growled.

"That fenrir you scented has designs on your mate. I will have him taken out IF you get me the information I want!" His elder brother and alpha snapped at him.

Alrik eyes widened when he realized that the Menon clan had betrayed a treaty they had had with the Kveldulf and the brat fenrir wanted his mate. He growled deeply and Jayce copied him. He hugged his boy and stalked into the house. He had to figure out how to get the information and he sat Jayce down. He softly talked to his son in canid and his boy understood. Alrik hated to use his pup but he let his boy loose and Jayce went to chase his elder siblings.

"Haha! Jayce is tacking again!" Kala yelled.

"Jayce! Baby come here now! Your siblings are not Kveldulf baby!" Nanami said to him.

"Haha! Haha!" He could say speak and yipped and yapped.

He wanted to know where his Haha's haha was. She had wolf pup and knew more wolf pups for him to play with.

"Jayce, my Haha is in the past. She is going to have my brothers and a sister soon. Phelan is in Leth`Evana. You cannot exactly go to Western Qinghai in the Sengoku Jidai sweet pea!" She kissed his cheek.

He kept barking and yipping and she sighed. Alrik came in casually later and she looked like she was going to go nuts.

"He wants to play with canine pups. Phelan is in Leth`Evana; you don't know any females with pups his age?" Nanami demanded.

"No Nanami. I stayed away from Kveldulf populations. I was a loner." He shrugged.

"Well shit! I need to work with the Gordir healer; Jayce can run with Vulred's pups. Kamis, my back is hurting." She said shaking her head.

Alrik frowned and Jayce ran over to his Dada and Nanami left the kitchen. The Kveldulf man took his boy outside and Jayce repeated what his Haha told him and Lewys smiled.

"She intends to take Jayce with her to the Gordir lands. Her back is hurting; she may be trying to lose one of the girls." The younger Keelan sighed.

"Alrik it happens! Take care of your Dada Jayce!" Lewys smiled.

The alpha of the Kveldulf was gone and Jayce yipped loudly. Alrik hugged the boy pup and he walked back inside of the house on the Cherra frontier. He lifted his nose and he smelled blood; he ran into the main bedroom as Nanami was on the bathroom floor as blood seeped from her center. Alrik was sick to his stomach and the stench of his and Nanami's pup made him want to throw up.

"Get Alum Jayce! Now my boy!" Alrik commanded.

Jayce could actually port and he did; the Shadow Hound hauled her into his lap and he felt her belly. He felt a strong life source of the other girl and he suddenly sobbed. Nanami partially woke up and she lifted her hand. Alrik was holding her in his lap and she was shaking horribly.

"Shedding one of the girls; their identical! They should be as strong as each other! I have been careful." She wept.

"Nami it happens to Kveldulf women all the time. It is not uncommon. My love you did nothing wrong; if anything, I have been making life too hard for you. I am sorry. I am so sorry. I can be different. I am not Lewys! I am not an asshole." He spoke his heart and it was breaking.

"Kamis it hurts!" Nanami groaned in pain.

"I am so sorry my love. Bite into me! Let me feed you." Alrik actually wept.

Alum ran in and Nanami was miscarrying. Alrik was actually acting not like an asshole and he helped the Cherra doctor bring her to Astana. He was asked to watch Jayce and the children and he paced. Jao and Alum ran the ultrasound transducer over her swelling belly.

"There is the Kveldulf girl and there is Elias's son. He is getting big very quickly! Oh fuck Jao; the fenrir babes gestation is shorter than a Kveldulf." Alum realized.

"For species that used to be one; how did they become so different?" His male mate asked.

"No idea. We are going to have to deliver the fenrir in the next few days. I am going to tell Alrik for her safety; I am taking her to the other plane." The Cherra prince stated.

Jao nodded and Alum phased to his home. Alrik had been pacing and he saw the look on Alum's face.

"Your other girl is in danger. I am taking her to Yamasaki General. I am going to save her, do you understand me?" Alum said softly.

"Please." Alrik begged.

He nodded and he phased back to his wife. Nanami was a little awake and Jao had explained the situation. She suddenly phased all three of them to Leth`Evana and she was on the outskirts of Menon lands. She was recognized now and someone yelled for the young alpha. Elias Menon came to the outskirts in a hurry and his lover was on the ground passed out. Her two Shouten husbands were there and the fenrir alpha was confused.

"She lost one of the girl Shadow Hounds. We checked your son and he is huge in comparison to the girl Kveldulf. We figured out fenrir gestation must only be six to six and half months." Alum stated.

"Yes! That is correct. I apologize. It did not occur to me that you did not know. Her sister Hibari and her mother both have fenrir pups." Elias said twisting his hands.

"We are good at this my friend. Jao has been taught by my own brother; medical alchemy. We will put a barrier around the girl babe and we will cut open her belly. We shall get your son out tomorrow. It will be easier on her body anyway." The Shouten doctor said with his doe like eyes shining.

"Thank the gods! I still want to kill this bastard but I know I need to wait." The fenrir man said gently picking up Nanami.

Jao and Alum followed the beautiful fenrir alpha and he brought them to his home. He laid Nanami on his bed and he indicated for them to share the bed or the opulent chairs in his room.

"I have been researching what a Tengu is Alum. Your birth mother is reborn, right?" Elias asked feeling comfortable enough calling the high ranking Shouten prince by his first name.

"Yes she is. She truly is an amazing woman. Seems my sister in law this life was my half sister in her previous one." He shrugged.

"Could you call on your mother to come here? We fae peoples have blood magics that I am certain we could amplify with this white alchemy." The Menon fenrir said pacing back and forth.

Alum was seriously trying not to drool but the fenrir had a see through shirt in black on and Jao was getting a tad jealous. He was hearing growling in his head and he looked over at his Jing mate as if to say; really?

"We're married and I am not buried!" Alum snorted.

"Is something wrong?" Elias asked innocently.

"Jao is acting pissy because I find you attractive is all. I am married to him and Nanami." The Shouten prince snapped.

"You do not have to make it so obvious your majesty!" Sung Jao Li said in a tiff.

Elias moved so quickly and he was behind Jao. He had cut his forearm and Jao tried to resist but he sank his fangs deeply. Alum was hard watching his mate drink from the fenrir.

"Fuck! You have no idea what this does to us." Alum complained.

"I am worldly Alum. I asked to marry Nanami in Leth`Evana. When she would be here; I would expect my time with her. I also would be willing to live part time with your side and I would stay in the family bed." The fenrir said brazenly.

"Oh my gods. Oh gods. Oh fuck." The poor Shouten prince was horny as hell and the fenrir alpha was saying without saying; he might be willing to participate.

Jao choked and stopped feeding and he too was uncomfortable. He went to Alum and the two of them were desperate for some alone time.

"Seriously think of what I say Alum and Jao. I am fae yes; I can also love that women's entire line. I am fenrir." He bowed his head.

Elias left his room to allow the two men privacy and to hunt; his smile was wide because he knew that both Jao and Alum found him attractive. He waited till the edge of his city and he changed into his wolf form and he took off for some fresh meat.

"He has shared his blood." Jao groaned as Alum bit his wrist.

"I know. I know he has. He loves Nanami Jao. Thing is I get the feeling due to his past; he could and would be just fine in our little family." The Prince received a kiss to his throat.

"Alrik loves her though Alum. Why don't we just insist he live elsewhere? Tell him he just gets on our nerves too much?" The Jing doctor tried to be fair.

"You seriously think the Menon is going to let the Kveldulf live? I get the impression of tremendous power from him my delicious Jing mate." Alum growled softly.

"Then we tell Elias to just handle it. I hate feeling guilty." Jao moaned as his second mate began to take him.

"Gods, I love you! So glad you came back for her. So glad you made me see the real you." His prince whined.

"Me too!" Jao cried out.

Nanami usually loved to witness such events but she was smooth passed out. Elias's blood letting had turned on both Shouten so much, they had needed a release. Alum soon was finished and cleaned up. He had no idea how to call on his mother except to mentally call on her. It took her about ten minutes but she showed up. Juria saw Nanami in the bed and she saw Jao and Alum in Elias Menon's abode.

"Okay now what is going on?" She asked curiously.

"Well Elias came to us and we really like the fenrir. He does not get on our nerves like Alrik does. All the Kveldulf does is bitch, bitch, and more bitch." Alum answered.

He watched his mother and her eyes were white for the moment and he knew that meant she was having a vision. She looked angry and she growled.

"Alrik used Jayce to find out where Asuna is. Lewys Keelan threatened his younger brother but he has an idea about Elias. He told Alrik if he got him the information; then he would have a small group of Stythe Kveldulf at his disposal to defeat the Menon." She said in anger.

"What the fuck does Keelan want with Isha?" Her son demanded.

"He wants her Alum. He just wants her." She growled.

"Great! Maec will go through the roof. The castle she has disappears though." Alum thought out loud.

"Shit! The Pantera prince is making his presence known." Juria said seeing Luthais show up.

"Oh shit!" Her son cursed.

"You need to deliver Nanami; I need to get to the other Pantera prince. I will return soon my sweet son!" She kissed him quickly.

"See you soon mother!" He smiled as she ported out.

Juria was not often in Leth`Evana but her damned family kept getting more and more involved; so now she was in the fae "big neko" lands. She scanned the buildings and she recognized the one that held the rulers. She had seen a hot and bothering scene that this Prince Tolthe had done with her soul daughter and even Juria was flushed. She pounded on the door and Tolthe was mumbling hold on. He threw open his door and there stood what appeared a sort of canine woman but he was confused.

"Do not let it hurt your pretty head Pantera! Your brother intends to wreck Asuna's birth and it will not end well for either of them. I am a seer. I can see wrong if you prevent it!" Juria said quickly.

"Luthais! I told him to leave her be!" He snarled.

"I would say he is bonkers right now." The other world being said and Tolthe stared at her.

"I am considered a demi-kami big boy. She was my daughter several life times ago. Now go!" She ported him with a crystal.

Tolthe was amazed and he had on formal clothing of black leather ranger vest and bottoms. He sometimes did not wear shoes but he had trimmed his back claws; his black boots were shiny black and his lawn shirt was starkly white. It tied closed at the neck but had slimmer sleeves. He had a sword on his hip and a quiver full of arrows. His bow could expand and had been especially made for him. His black hair had three braids that sectioned it off and kept it out of his face. His humanoid ears were sharply pointed but it was only the outworld youkai here and he moved quickly into the castle. Tolthe heard a blood curdling scream and it sent him on the run. Asuna was sitting up and Nobu was actually working with Tristan Mattocks but poor Dafydd Purcell had a purple face.

"Asuna honey! I think you are breaking the ekimmu's hand!" Nobu said as he was guiding the large infant.

"You tell him to push him out! You did this to me Dafydd! I should unman you!" Asuna snarled with red eyes.

"Excuse me?" The poor man said horrified.

"Do not worry Dafydd; she has said that all the time." Tristan tried to hide his smile.

"I hope Hibari grabs your male parts and squeezes like hell hath no fury!" She screamed as a vicious contraction ripped through her.

Dafydd had given his other hand and the Queen of all Ekimmu and Empusae had broken his other hand as well. The young ekimmu man was in horrid pain but he heard a shrill cry of an ekimmu babe and he nearly passed out. Bloody tears rimmed his eyes and Asuna had snarled at Aeron to bring his parents at the last minute. She had never met them but Rodric and Bethan were brought in. Aeron saw Dafydd's hands and he was horrified but he saw the size of the babe. Bethan gasped and immediately went to her knee before the queen.

"Your majesty! You honor us by allowing us in your presence at such a time and our grand child is most beautiful!" Bethan managed to say through tears.

There was some bleeding but Tristan knew to let the kumo doctor fix it. He was cleaning up the baby boy and he was power. He opened his eyes and they were the sand colored from the House of Purcell. His hair was darker silver. A little above the center of his brow area he had a birthmark. Instead of a crescent moon; he had a full moon. Asuna was weeping and apologizing like crazy to Dafydd and Nobu did something to set his hands. He cried "ouch" but Tristan laid his son in his arms. The younger Purcell brother was breathing really hard and the beauty of his boy startled and made him fierce.

"Oh by the Gods; he is perfection itself. He is that moment you conceived him." Dafydd whispered.

Asuna blushed but she had to agree. He was a beautiful boy and Bethan and Rodric wanted to hold him. Dafydd reluctantly let his own parents hold their first grandchild and Rodric was green eyed. Bethan was silently crying blood.

"Mother! Please do not cry upon him!" the younger Purcell whined.

"Boy, I could still whip you." Rodric growled.

"I should like to name him Reece Bugh Purcell." Asuna spoke softly.

Dafydd whirled his head around and she had done her homework. Bugh was the name of the only boy the Purcell couple had lost. It was before the fall and it turned out to be Aeron's twin.

"Thank you your majesty. Again you honor us!" Bethan made a whimpering sound.

Dafydd neared her and kissed her softly. He smiled at the ekimmu queen and their son was gnawing on his hands.

"We should get started giving him a sibling of pure blood. We make such a beautiful child really." He teased her.

"You will have an opportunity to father more; I assure you Mister Purcell. Shall you be a stud?" Asuna teased back.

"For you? Absolutely!" He grinned.

Her face showed discomfort but she needed to feed Reece. She had no qualms with feeding in front of the Purcells and Aeron was shocked and so was Dafydd. She was a queen and she was nursing her own infants. She still nursed Mori, Nomura, Tarran, and Mirzal; although Mirzal and Taran were getting "too busy" to nurse. They were eighteen months old but Asuna refused to stop feeding them. Chrestian just knew his son was next and was near. When the contractions were too much; Chrestian showed Dafydd where fresh milk was. Bethan and Rodric were able to feed their own grandson and they were incredibly emotional. Nobu was telling her what to do but Chrestian sat down next to her on the bed. His long fingers pressed on certain points in her shoulders and upper back. His mate, maker, queen let out a sigh of relief as he worked the old Norse knowledge.

-This is actually how I wished for Frejya's birth- He thought in her mind.

-I had her in the sky dragon's lodge. I was bereft that I was sobbing.- Asuna thought back.

-No more sadness; I am pressing harder. Does it hurt or help?- Chrestian asked in her head.

-It helps tremendously. Kamis Chrestian you have pulled your hair back like you would when you were scouting or in battle. I did not realize how much I loved your heritage. I love your human beginnings.- Her loving path surprised him.

-I have kept our relationship from reaching its potential. When I was still under Ayille's influence; because I had had your blood, ja I wanted you so much. I did not want to fight you. As I got to know you; I remembered a little. I hated myself. I believed I was a monster. I did not realize that when I am with you; I can be myself.- he replied thoughtfully.

They both heard a shrill cry and Nobu made a whistle; the boy empusae was bigger than they had thought and his head of white blonde hair favored Frejya's mane; it glinted with hints of silver in the light. Frejya had peridot green eyes, this little boy opened his eyes and his were forget me nots blue. Asuna made a noise and Chrestian's son had a heart shaped mouth. The Viking frere was captivated by his boy child and the room was warm enough. Asuna laid back and Chrestian followed his people's traditions. He laid his boy naked skin to his mother's naked skin. Nobu watched to make certain both of them were okay but the boy locked eyes with her and Asuna had tears leaking from her eyes.

"He is highly telepathic. He is sharing images. Oh! He found my breast." She sighed in contentment.

"It is how our people would do so. In some countries in Europe; it is still practiced. He is pathing those images to me. It feels like love." Chrestian said in his cultured voice.

"I have missed the real you for so long. I have missed my real Chrestian. I missed Frejya and Magnus's true sire." Asuna said trying out a Viking name.

Chrestian looked thoughtful and he noticed his son had a birthmark; it was not her moon but a red shaped heart on his right cheekbone. He would have been seen as blessed or kissed by the gods themselves.

"Magnus Orlovich is perfect. I shall leave only a short while to bring Frejya." He whispered as he kissed her softy and kissed his son's mouth.

Magnus was soon discovered to love affection and his lips puckered. Asuna laughed softly and kissed him again. He kept up the puckering of his heart shaped lips till he fell asleep. Chrestian was overwhelmed in emotion as he kissed her hand and her lips.

"I shall return with our daughter." He whispered.

"Are you okay? You seem emotional." Asuna asked concerned.

"Realizing my beloved that this should have taken place several times now." Chrestian breathed in and he bowed.

He lifted his head and winked. She grinned and he ported out. She was having a break between contractions and she chose to doze. Minzhe was in his room but he was in a yoga position but he was praying. Nobu told her she could get up and walk. She was surprised but she shrugged. Asuna went to Minzhe's room and he was repeating the same prayer in Hindi over and over.

"Minzhe, she and I are both fine." She whispered softly.

"I woke up this morning and I felt something bad. Lady Silver please came let me pray with you." He begged.

"As you wish my love but everything is well. She is healthy; they are saying she will weigh nearly five kilos." His lover stated as she sat carefully near him.

"Such a large girl! She is healthy! My Lady Silver; Asuna, I love you. I do not say it much but you know I love you right?" He asked her nervously.

"No, I figured you wanted the babe and you would run." She joked.

"Truly?" Minzhe asked hurt.

"No my darling. You boldly flirted with me and you intrigued me. You kept me intrigued when you had flirted but never did anything about it. I realized what a good man you were and frankly; the last couple of years, I have been stalking the best of the best of men and taking them as mine." She said with embarrassment.

"Oh! Well I make mistakes my love. I try very hard to live an honest and good life. I feel such intense anger in your direction." He stated wringing his hands.

Asuna sighed and she knew the only one who would feel that way would be Luthais, Sanra, or Bilae. She pathed that information to him but she was shocked to see Prince Tolthe step out of the shadows. Minzhe bowed his head to a male big cat he knew and Asuna's jaw dropped.

"A woman named Juria came to see me. She said I must be here and so I am. I will not allow him to ruin this day for you." Tolthe growled softly.

"Thank you your majesty…I want…to thank…owe…I am feeling very…strong pains." She said breathing fast through the sudden contractions.

Tolthe laid her on Minzhe's bed and he ripped her gown. The Pantera man had helped countless Pantera women deliver cubs so he was not shy. He checked her and he looked up at the woman who he had given his heart to.

"Apparently your labor with this babe was less felt. Who is this one?" Tolthe asked softly.

"Her name is Kumari and she is tanuki. Her sire is Minzhe." Asuna blinked as the pain was mounting.

"Asuna, she is breech. I have delivered countless cubs in Leth`Evana but I understand if you wish your doctor mate and the ekimmu." The Pantera prince said softly.

"I trust you with my life Tolthe." She whimpered.

Minzhe was suddenly horrified because breech was not good. He wanted the doctors but the big neko was working quickly. He was telling her to push with each painful contraction. It took Tolthe a matter of ten minutes and Asuna six hard pushes. A good sized female pup slid out and Tolthe was careful to clean out her nose and mouth. The half tanuki girl began making melodic yipping sounds that Asuna found beautiful. Minzhe was shaking badly and Tolthe used his clean claws to slice through her cord.

"Thank you sir! Thank you for my daughter's life. I have been scared something was wrong all day. My Lady Silver! Kumari is so beautiful. I am in tears." Minzhe said as his tears fell freely.

"Oh! She has silver in her variegated hair. Her eyes are blue though. Oh Kamis Minzhe; she is stunning. What would your Baba and Mama say?" Asuna asked excited.

"I do not know. I shall not tell them! She is our daughter." He said holding her and he sat on the bed and Asuna realized there was a history she did not know.

Tolthe bowed his head and both Tristan and Nobu showed up. They stared at the Pantera and glared at him.

"Is she okay fae?" Tristan demanded.

"Yes ekimmu! I have delivered many babes before! Both natural and through the belly. My mother thought it prudent her sons know how." Tolthe snorted.

"He did amazing Tristan and Nobu. I shall like to feed Kumari and visit with Tolthe and Minzhe." The queen said in a tired voice.

"We will get your room set up for the final birth sweetheart, okay? Aeron is an absolute wreck." Nobu answered honestly.

"He will be a wreck until the babe is in his hands." She responded.

Nobu nodded and he left. Asuna fed Kumari and Minzhe was hovering like crazy; she realized he was a "hands on" baba and she would have to watch him and not let him take her girl. She guarded her mind but Tolthe heard it. His yellow eyes met hers and he kept his face neutral.

-Has that happened to you? Has your mates taken your children?- Tolthe pathed horrified.

-Hai! It has happened a few times in my life and I cannot tell you the pain I felt. I have many children, hai but without my children, I am nothing.- Asuna thought back honestly.

-No one shall take your precious children while I am here.- He pathed.

Minzhe too was surprised that she fed her own children and she wanted to ask what was the big deal! Kumari suckled well and she was a slow eater. She could see Minzhe wringing his hands and she was getting upset.

"Why has you wringing your hands and you hover!?" Asuna demanded.

"One of my townspeople is a very good friend to me; he has been a friend to me since I was little. It has been some time since I have been seen in my village and my Baba has sent another brother to find me." He said anxiously.

"You are anxious for her not to be found?" She asked her tanuki love.

"Correct my Lady Silver. I do not like my Baba. He is very domineering and I am not. He has no use for girlish sons." He said bitterly.

Tolthe snorted at the idea and Minzhe knew the big cat was not mocking him. Asuna sat up a little and she caught his eyes.

"So if your brother passes by; I tell him I have eaten you some time ago and have not seen you since!" She smirked with a smart ass grin.

"They know me! They know I would not accept anything but a full relationship." Minzhe blushed to his roots.

"Let them try and search my castle whilst these men are here! I too am a warrior Minzhe; maybe not as of late but let me have my last son and I will show you what I will do for my pups!" She growled rather loud.

The young tanuki still seemed skittish and Kumari was finished eating. Asuna was getting agitated but she gently laid the babe in Minzhe's arms and spoke in the fae of Tanath`Sal; she begged Tolthe not to let the baby girl out of his sight. He promised and she slowly made her way to her main bedroom.

"She speaks many languages." Minzhe said looking at his beautiful girl.

"Yes, she has impressed the ultimate ruler of our plane. To say that is beyond impressive. We animal fae stay amongst ourselves but since she has been into Leth`Evana; she has united all fae against the great evil." Tolthe stated in deep respect.

"You pick up languages too." The tanuki pointed out.

"Yes, we have dealt with what Queen Asuna calls youkai in this plane for some many centuries. My mother ruled my people for a long time. It is me and my twin now." The Pantera stated looking away.

"She is scared I will take her away is she not?" The poor gray eyed man said softly.

"She told me in her mind that she has had a few mates do so to her in the past; she said at those times she had wished to die. I saw the image of a man with jade green hair taking a babe out of a birthing room." The fae neko said shaking his head sadly.

"I would never hurt Asuna or Kumari like that!" Minzhe growled.

"Convince her. She is the woman who bore your daughter. These societies seemed overly male driven; our society is both." He shrugged.

Minzhe slipped towards the other room and Tolthe's senses were high. He was tense and he was certain he felt Luthais still some distance but it was still too close in his opinion.

Aeron's son was seemingly taking his time for some time and Asuna was just chatting but when contractions started again; they hit one upon the other.

"I cannot breathe." She was struggled.

"Babe, I am giving you widow. I think this guy is a big one." Nobu said nervously.

"Okay." Asuna groaned in tremendous pain and drenched in sweat.

Tristan only helped and he poured the widow mixture down her throat and Nobu injected some into an IV he inserted. Both men prepped for a crash section; Aeron had been with his nephew, parents, and Dafydd. His younger brother was acting as if he had the only beautiful infant in the world. The Purcells were agreeing and Aeron heard her screaming and he ran. He saw Tristan and Nobu working together and she seemed a little out of it.

"You can come in! Just stay out of the general area of her belly. We had to cut her open. Seeing how you ekimmu like to be born the size of whoppers; it is just easier to control the delivery." Nobu said.

"Whoppers?" Aeron repeated totally confused.

"I will explain later Aeron. Apparently we ekimmu make record books in the youkai world for birth weights." Tristan said grinning behind his mask.

"Six and seven kilos at birth is not normal?" The older Purcell brother asked as he sat by her side and held her hand.

"Good Kamis no!" Nobu wanted to bust out laughing.

Soon enough Yamasaki Nobu had her layers pulled apart and he quickly pulled out a large male infant. It was obvious why her uterus had ruptured. She probably had a hex he believed but the Purcell boys were huge. This boy had brownish hair mixed with some of her silver. He was crying well and Nobu had buried Selwyn. This little boy could have been his twin; he let Tristan clean him up and he delivered the after birth and slowly began to sew her back up. In the mean while; Asuna had passed out exhausted for the moment and Tristan called Aeron over. He was staring at his son who had his eyes and their hair mixed. He too had a moon but the crescent. His little mouth was making a suckling motion and Mattocks chuckled.

"And this is why we are huge. We come straight from the womb ready to eat. Hibari is bitching how fat she is. I told her she is beautiful." Tristan smiled.

"Wait! The queen's daughter?" Aeron asked surprised.

"Yes. She is an amazing woman." Mattocks shrugged.

"She was Macha!" Purcell said surprised.

"I just know Ito Hibari." The ekimmu doctor shrugged.

Asuna came to hearing her baby squawking; she noticed her ekimmu infants made shorter, sharper calls when hungry.

"Bring Saith here so I may feed him please." Asuna murmured sleepily.

"Saith?" Aeron asked looking at his boy.

"You do not like his name?" She asked softly.

"No, I love it! I adore it in fact. He is beyond perfect my love. My queen, my heart." He said picking up the swaddled boy and bringing him to her.

"Oh he has both of our hair! He has the Purcell eyes." She grinned.

"He actually has my mother's eyes but they have become my trademark and my siblings yes." Aeron laughed.

"Your parents do not hate me anymore?" Asuna asked shyly.

"No, the hating of you ended when you put me and Dafydd under house arrest. When they realized you would go to any lengths to protect me and my hotheaded little brother. This situation could have torn us all apart but it has not. No, I would say my parents love you ardently as much as I do. Right Saith?" His father spoke softly to the greedily suckling boy.

Asuna stiffened and she was tense as hell. Aeron noticed right away and she began to breathe harder.

-Take him! Nobu always keeps extra portions of my milk. Go!- She commanded.

-My love what do you feel?- Aeron asked scared.

-Fae! I feel fae.- Asuna pathed.

-I do not understand but I take him.- He said and he spirited his son from the room.

Asuna had on a fairly sheer gown she usually wore when she birthed. It was so damn hard to pinpoint his aura and she outstretched her hand. Konkisaiga appeared and she looked up suddenly. Her eyes burned unnaturally blue and she saw him. She rolled off the bed and onto the floor. Asuna was up in a crouched position in the matter of a second.

Luthais did his version of porting and he had no weapon. To see her have hers out infuriated him more. His twin brother was here but he had lead Tolthe a merry chase.

"You need a weapon against me? Are you insane?" He demanded.

"How dare you show you face to me coward!" She spit on the ground near him.

"Me? How dare I show my face? How can you possibly show yours? Did the fenrir forgive you? Oh, I am sure he did! You have given the mangy mutt a puppy! Why should it matter if my daughter lived, RIGHT?" Luthais snarled.

"Get away from me and never ever let me see you again unless you plan to die! I cannot handle your manic back and forth. I am sorry! I am sorry our daughter did not survive my womb rupturing! I had no plans that day of killing my children. I do not make plans of murdering my offspring you know. Sanra does but hell, she makes plans of killing everything!" Asuna snarled and cried at the same time.

"Our daughter was in your belly before those ekimmu brats." The Pantera man said in a low tone.

"Aeron is one of three ekimmu consorts. It does not make sense to fae but it works for my people I rule. He is a husband. If I give him a son; what is that your business?" She growled louder.

"It is heard that before this Aeron was restored as it is called? He has a younger brother you found as a look alike! The one who was throwing me around? I have learned so much! You have his son and this Aeron's son but my daughter? The fenrir's pup? The fae in you died whilst the ekimmu survive." He said with hate in his eyes.

"You think that I would allow ancient prejudices to kill my own infants? You have gone mad! I was in fucking seclusion Luthais. I was in seclusion away from any fighting. Go away. Get away from me. I have burned the mark off of me. Get out! Get the fuck out! You accuse me of murdering her, favoring ekimmu over fae, and whatnot. YOU were the one who could not love me without hating yourself! Now hate me properly and hate yourself for having ever felt for me!" Asuna laughed bitterly.

"Well now it easy." Luthais retorted.

"Brother you have said and done enough." Tolthe stated from behind his twin.

"Now I wonder why my own twin has been spending so much time amongst the murdering bitch! Why would you guard her against me brother?" The blue eyed Pantera asked his twin.

"Because grief has turned you mad at this moment! You are not even acting like a portion of the man I know." The yellow eyed man stated.

"You protect a murderess! She murdered a Pantera. She murdered one of us! So you protect that? I know you not." Luthais snarled and he stormed past his twin.

Asuna was devastated by his words and her chest heaved. She was sick of his back and forth everything; she let her air dagger appear and she threw it with accuracy, it cut straight through Luthais's right shoulder. Rage, pain, and despair showed on her face as her yoki weapon dissolved and he stared at her in hate. He made the ripped veil appear and left to Leth`Evana. Asuna fell to her knees and tears poured down her face.

"His words are of this madness; not him! Do you think the witch could have hexed him too?" Tolthe asked.

"Tolthe anything is possible but I have learned to expect the opposite of what I have thought to expect from Luthais. I had begun to sense that our daughter was more important to him than our so called relationship. We were headed for disaster. There would have been bloody fights over who raised her." Asuna said honestly wiping her eyes.

"I do not want to think this about my family." He said softly.

"Then do not. Leave and promise to never meet me again. Support your brother no matter what." She hiccupped.

That idea passed through Tolthe's brain and she was emotionally exhausted. Konkisaiga she reabsorbed into her yoki and she slowly stood up. She walked shakily towards another wing of her castle in the past.

"Thank you Prince Tolthe. Thank you for the emotional support when I lost my child. You have been beyond kind. Now it is time you heal your own family. I can manage mine." She said in a formal time.

"Queen Asuna, I did not say…" Tolthe started to say.

"I release the Pantera from all treaties concerning Tanath`Sal and the ekimmu people. As Queen of both Leth`Evana and the Ekimmu; I can with authority do so. Please go on and live a good life." She bowed her head.

Tolthe was suddenly left alone and in less than ten minutes; he was estranged from his twin and the woman he knew he was mad for had just cut ties completely. Pain just filled him and despair at the awful turn of events. Ideas of finding the witch and the evil ekimmu made him almost giddy. He decided to appeal to Tanath`Sal in person. Simyth was the ultimate say in Leth`Evana and while he had made Asuna his queen; the Elensar was still king!

Sure enough an elegant and regal man in rich silks with similar hair to Minzhe insisted he be received. Asuna was in a seriously pissy mood and she sat on wooden chair that resembled a throne. The tanuki took in her hanfu and it was stitched with gold and silver thread. The silks were Chinese and the design was beyond stunning. Her hair was intricately up with silver chopsticks, tassels, and she had a silver disc that emulated the moon.

"Who are you and why have you disturbed me?" She demanded of the tanuki.

"I am Yating. I have a younger brother who administers a village of our people." The elegant tanuki spoke well.

"You speak of Minzhe." Asuna said bored.

"Yes! Do you know where he is?" The elder brother of her lover said excited.

"He offended me and I killed him." She said coldly.

"Who are you to dispense life and death?" Yating demanded horrified.

"The ruler of these lands that you stand in!" Asuna stood and her eyes burned red.

"Surely you would not have killed Minzhe! He could not offend anyone! He was the sweetest of my siblings." The brother implored her.

"Shall I lie?" She asked sweeping open her hands for dramatic effect.

"When I tell my father you have killed one of his sons and for what?" The young male demanded.

"You think an empusae queen who is half inu is afraid of tanuki; even a taiyoukai one? Seriously?" She snorted.

"Monster!" Yating screamed at her.

Minzhe had happened upon the audience and Lady Silver was saying she had killed him. He was horrified and she was one of the sweetest people he knew. Their baby was well on the other side of the castle and he took a deep breath. He stepped out and he earned a death glare from his love but she crossed her arms.

"Oh you meant this Minzhe." Asuna said in a huff.

"Why would you say that?" The elder brother snapped.

"She knows I do not want Baba here. She knows I like my life here. I keep a close eye on my village but I love her and she loves me." Minzhe explained.

"She is a mean mouthed whore!" Yating spat out.

"No, she is not! A powerful daemoness yes! She has always been kind to me and I am shy brother. She has been sweet and kind." Her tanuki explained.

"Baba is worried for you." His brother said.

"As you can see he is fine! He is not falling to pieces and your people in the village flourish. No please go on. Go home and report that little brother is alive and well." Asuna commanded.

"You do not command me woman!" Yating snapped.

Asuna was staring in a different direction and she began a deep snarling sound. She extended both her hands; Konkisaiga appeared in her right and her air dagger in the other.

"Minzhe and Yating get the hell out of this room. There is fixing to be Shadow Hounds!" She snapped.

"Real ones?" Minzhe asked shocked.

"Hai!" She snarled.

Minzhe grabbed his brother and dragged him away from the soon to be fight but secretly he was excited; he never got to see anything. He had gotten to see another world big cat daemon. Now another world wolf!

Asuna only felt two, maybe three but she was leery of these beings. She without warning was knocked over by a regular Shadow Hound and she kicked him hard in the area that made him male. The poor creature was whining badly and she rolled, stood up. She pointed her fang at his groin and her face held fury.

"Shall I see if a Shadow Hound can be a eunuch?" She demanded.

"Please do not be violent your majesty. Khiet! Change form." She heard Lewys say.

"You really really want to be a dead man Keelan." Asuna said staring at his blue eyes.

"I have actually continued to beg you for peace! Who is it you continue the hate for? Is it you or the fucking fenrir Gordir?" Keelan demanded.

"Believe me, I take Vulred's opinion of you all into account but my own disdain runs rivers of my pups' blood deep." She hissed.

"I am sorry for that. I have begged forgiveness over and over for what those Kveldulf did! Why can you forgive the Shouten but not us?" He demanded.

"Because I found Maec had a good reason to be a lunatic in his immediate past. Your people's hate extended back even farther back than Maec's reign. You just piss me off!" The elegant female hissed again.

"Let us speak one to one. Just the two of us and let us work these issues out!" Lewys implored her.

"I would not betray Vulred in that way. He sees the Kveldulf as the enemy." She crossed her arms.

"He is just a fucking fenrir." He growled low.

"He is a fenrir I have given a son and we have marked the other." She said sweetly.

Lewys lost his head and he smashed a decorative vase. His eyes had an eerie glow to them; he had come to hate the fenrir in general, but Vulred? He had come to hate that pious bastard the most. He did not think and he moved with incredible speed. He was behind her and he got an elbow to the gut but he phased out with her. His men would know to go to Hueco Mundo. Lewys kept her on this plane but they were between Minsk and Macedonia. She whirled on him and he had to pull his short sword as her strikes were incredible. It was undeniable at this point and he wanted her. Before he could have just played it off but such a beauty that was partly canine was just a boon. Rumors of her canid pups were they were stunning. Lewys did not understand how he did it but he had burned the hell out of his hand; he was bloody, but he had her against a huge oak tree. The kiss that started was pure, raw hungry want. It was him wanting her and his mind was overwhelmed in it. He was bombarding her telepathic mind with every ounce of want, passion, desire, need, and more. He was aggressively kissing her mouth and exploring her intimately with his tongue along her teeth, sharp fangs, and palate. His lips would not be stilled and he would nip and kiss at her throat and then at her mouth. She was literally overwhelmed in this man's emotions.

"What doing me?" She said brokenly between his passion.

"No idea how much I have wanted to take away that pain. I am sorry. I truly am sorry." Lewys whispered as his full lips grazed her cheek bone.

"Not her. Not Shouten." She groaned.

"Oh Gods I know! I want you. I want you on every level woman! I want to talk to you. I want to mock fight you, I want to be able to love you, yes! I want what real love is and not be an outlet for you to satiate your needs. I want to earn your true forgiveness." He implored her.

"If you wish me to eventually forgive you; you should respect my wishes and leave me alone! I have told you time and time again, LEAVE ME ALONE!" Asuna growled gaining her senses back.

"Do you realize how badly I have wanted YOU even when you were killing my people in droves? I was not stopping your revenge like I should have but I let you purge what needing purging." He held her jaw lightly in his large right hand.

"You allowed your enemy to kill your kind in droves for what?" She sneered.

"For breaking my rule there could only be one end! I realized you spared women and children; you killed the main camps who followed Tengiz and Chaska. You allowed me to bring my people back under my rule." He said in a quiet voice.

"Then I am so glad I could be your personal murdering squad! I do not like Kveldulf. While Alrik tries to be a good mate; he smothers and makes Nanami hate herself." She sneered at him.

"Alrik is overly serious in all things and he should never have allowed himself to fall for a mixed succubus. That is what it tearing him apart. He has not the will to shove aside his wolf." Lewys said frankly.

"And you do?" Asuna smirked in arrogance.

"I would not be followed by Kveldulf if I did not. There are older Shadow Hounds who can never change shape again; they too bow to me." Keelan said with his blue eyes evident.

"How fascinating. Does Maec know his empire is infested with mange?" She asked inspecting her claws.

"The Shouten king knows what goes on the inside of HIS empire. While the Shouten empire is vast in Hueco Mundo; it is not ALL of Hueco Mundo." The Shadow Hound Alpha said flatly.

"I have figured out each plane mirrors the others plenty and is huge. Now I am going back to my castle." She snapped.

Lewys was not brutal but he did rip the bodice of her hanfu. He massaged her breast a certain way and she glared daggers at him as it was evident she was feeding infants.

"This is why you have not been seen. Rumors have been flying around that the witch has taken you out. You protect your young like a young rabid bitch." He said with his eyes glued.

"You canine males are so predictable. Go stroke one off Keelan and leave me alone." The woman he desired so badly snarled.

"I want a formal peace treaty between us!" He demanded.

"When pigs fly!" She retorted.

She phased out and Keelan sat down on a nearby rock. There was shape shifting demons including Shouten. He was going to make a pig fly and that damned woman was going to have a treaty with him; and he was somehow going to gain access to her on a regular basis.

Asuna ordered a bath drawn immediately and Minzhe rushed out and so did Yating. She looked in a bad mood and her sweet tanuki could see something was bothering her.

"Why did he take you?" He asked curiously.

"To feel me up, to kiss me, and tell me he wants peace." She growled.

Yating was horrified by her language but Minzhe had gotten used to it.

"These are the same creatures who came from that other place and accosted you while you were heavily pupped? One pup died and so did the ekimmu, Aeron? You then began to kill them much." He reiterated the story to her.

"Hai my darling. The caused me to lose six, seven pups? I do not remember. I was mentally unbalanced for some time. That is also the time I met Vulred Gordir. His eldest son escaped Leth`Evana and met Hibari, she is an exotic mix of me and her sire. She literally looks like a demonic inu in this plane. To Leth`Evana fenrir or the Kveldulf; she appears normal. Ismael fell head over paw for her. He pursued her; she kicked him in his privates quite often. Then they tried to talk and be friends. He rekidnapped her, Hibari decided that if he wanted a rut; well she would give him a rut. Turns out Ismael was pure and he was drawn to her as in to mate her." She relayed the story as she slipped into the hot water.

Minzhe actually sat right by the bath tub and Yating in the antechamber.

"Did she know he was, um pure?" Minzhe asked curiously.

"She found out not long later. Ismael can only speak English of this plane but it is not his native tongue. He gets so frustrated because he could not express his mind correctly. Hibari has my psy powers and she was able to feel his emotions and she realized what he was feeling. She ended up kissing him passionately AFTER she showed up in Leth`Evana in her inu form." His love smiled.

"That is strangely romantic." He laughed.

"Ismael calls her sadistic." Asuna laughed lightly.

"So they are still mated and it is good?" The tanuki man asked.

"Hai. She is like me a lot. She has several but she is careful who she will love. Ismael decided his instincts were worth fighting for her. So he does; she expects their second pup very soon. When the Shadow Hound situation became very serious. Ismael knew of them but his father knew more. The second I saw Vulred; I had to tell my inner inu self, hands off. He is very regal looking and very powerful. You know we canine daemons depend on smell. His scent drove me crazy! After I had lost more pups to Shadow Hounds; I was in a fever and one of my heats came over me. I was trying to control myself. I caught Vulred outside of the palace we were using and I taunted him. I horrify myself now. Told him not only was he not man enough but not canid enough to handle the likes of me. I said worse things in our most basic tongue. I enraged his wolf; we both woke up later and he had calmed my damn inu down and my stupid inu was doing a happy dance. I was so horrified; I fled. The poor man was so humiliated that he went back to Leth`Evana. Ismael talked him into coming back. He and I avoided each other for a day? I then laid him out flat on a bed and I used my mouth on him. Some fae peoples have never ever done that and well; he passed out. Again, I fled but I was pregnant then. I turned up very pregnant but Shadow Hounds and fenrir BOTH carry the same pathogen in their claws. It was causing horrible damage to my body. Lewys had had a bout of; oh I am so sorry my people have killed your pups. Let me give you one as compensation. Then I had attacked Vulred and he had sired without knowing." She finished her embarrassing stories.

Minzhe was captivated and he was eager for her to continue. She laughed softly and laid her head back.

"Well my own father showed up because I was getting weaker and weaker. They figured out about Lewys. They demand he remove his "toxin" and under pain of death he did. I was attacked not long after and the two canid pups did not last. Vulred, I do no even know if he knows that I conceived. The elvish fae are actually the ones who had to remove the fenrir toxin. Now, I am immune to them." Asuna shrugged and smiled a little.

"So how did you mate this male alpha?" The tanuki man asked utterly fascinated.

"Oh my love! I am insatiable. I told you; I have some mates that are wonderfully good to me and our offspring but are bad boys! Lately, I yearn for pure goodness itself. It is like a drug I need. Your gentle nature and pure goodness made me want you so badly and very quickly. Vulred is very similar. He is so good. He is such a good man and I honestly hated myself for wanting him so much. Every damn moment I was in his presence; I fought my instincts and whole soul. Finally, I could not fight and I one day got within inches of him. Told him the truth of my heart and soul; he fought his own desires and he fled. I was awful and did everything to try and show him the extent of not just my desire. I went hunting near his clan lands but not in his lands. He apparently saw me in my inu form. He actually changed in his wolf form and I did not stop myself and I was rather brazen with where I licked. Vulred changed back humanoid and he was having a hard time as was I. What occurred between us was very similar to you and I. It made me hate myself and he hated himself." She spoke frowning.

"I did not hate myself! I did not hate you Lady Silver! I told you; I did not know difference between making love and just rutting. The difference is mentally profound!" Minzhe explained emphatically.

"That is actually the most wonderful explanation I have heard. Thank you darling. Lewys Keelan has made peace with my Shouten husband; King Maec tr'Awnhi. I still refuse to make peace with him. It is now obvious to me why he wants peace with me. His attraction has turned to obsession. My fury has turned to disdain and hate." She explained.

Yating was hearing of a great female ruler and warrior; his baby brother had stumbled upon her and had become attached to her! If his Baba knew, his own Baba would want to know her.

"It will not happen Yating! I can hear your thoughts from this room! Minzhe is mine. Our life is ours and your Baba has his mates. You cause me problems and I will cause you ten fold." Asuna threatened.

Minzhe's eyes widened and Yating actually believed her. He stood in the doorway but did not look at her while she bathed.

"So what do I tell my Baba?" He demanded.

"Minzhe is formally courting a minor inu princess. He seems to be genuinely attached to the girl. He might have grandpups by winter." She smirked.

"As you wish." The elder tanuki griped.

Yating bowed and left their presence. Minzhe grinned at her and she took his hand. She squeezed his and she was exhausted. This pregnancy and loss had taken a lot out of her. Nobu and Tristan both said spend a month here to regain her strength. She intended to follow their orders.

The mistress of air as some called her was sleeping in her bed alone for the moment. She was physically exhausted with feeding her children. Chrestian it had become known had fathered a son and Kameron was shocked. He had not known and neither Asuna nor his frere had told him. For the first time in a long time; Kameron was furious with the Viking. Kameron could not say much because he had Amras and Arsinoe. She was sleeping deeply and eyes filled with need and pain, as he stared at her. He was taking a huge chance but he felt that if he did not fight; he would be no better than his twin.

Tolthe wore a dark gray chiton in the warm weather and he moved silently on the tips of his toes. He was on the massive Chinese bed that was surrounded by black silk curtains and she was sleeping on her back. She wore only her sheet and her long silver mane haloed around on her pillows. To him she looked like their fertility and wind goddess in Leth`Evana. He was so quiet and gentle as he lifted her up. Tolthe was in his elvish form and his full lips barely pressed to hers. The soft caress woke her slowly and her pale blue eyes opened to see the yellow eyed twin Pantera prince. Her heart stuttered and she was suddenly aware that she was thrilled he had ignored her edict. Tolthe felt that emotion and his kiss became evocative quickly. She realized he too was goodness itself and she began to ravenously unhook his chiton and drag it down his built and sinfully beautiful elvish humanoid form. Asuna grabbed his taut back end and squeezed the overly firm flesh and Tolthe lips and teeth were nipping at her throat.

"Please never send me from you again. I gave you my word but most of all, I have given you my heart." He whispered roughly in his Foraoise dialect.

"I swear Prince Tolthe. Pantera and ekimmu are allied for all time." Asuna actually whimpered.

"Tolthe. Just call me Tolthe, and you are Asuna. This Pantera and this ekimmu are allied for all time." Tolthe responded.

The response was an intense kiss that they explored each other deeply and tasted fangs, palates, and their pink tongues intertwined. Asuna could not help herself and she drew blood. Tolthe did not care and there was pleasure spiking in him from the small bite. A small trickle of claret dripped from the corner of their lip lock. He finally had to pull back to fully breathe and his eyes were slit and glowed some in the dark.

"I only came to ask to keep our alliance." He said breathing faster.

"Then we cement our alliance." She murmured.

"We shall sign a treaty if you like." He smiled softly.

Asuna moved swiftly and he was under her. She straddled his body and she was naked as was he.

"I am certain Leto taught you some things." She smirked.

"I do not wish to speak of a past relationship." He blushed.

"It is of no consequence." His love grinned.

Asuna shut her eyes and Tolthe felt hot, too hot very suddenly. His organ was hard instantly and a glorious pressure slowly built deep within.

"You tell me if you cannot take it." She said softly to him.

Tolthe nodded speechless as raw sensuality oozed from the goddess above him. He knew now Luthais could not separate her from their deity and realize that she was woman. Asuna heard his mind and her heart stuttered again; she fully felt that she had fallen for the wrong man all along. She leaned down and pressed her chest into his sculpted pectorals as her tongue and lips united their mouths. There was a void in her mind and body; she should have waited but she refused to release him. Tolthe's eyes shut as exquisite agonies shook him profoundly.

"You are the eldest by how long?" Asuna asked in a deep husk.

"Twelve hours before Luthais; he was stubborn even then." he tried to joke.

"Then it is to this Pantera that I will give their heir." she whispered in his sharply pointed ear.

"Asuna! Such a thing only I can dream but it must remain a dream!." he cried out.

"We cement our peoples alliance in a union of us both. Why have you decided only recently to show me your true self?" She asked.

"Because Luthais had spoken so loudly and so much. He talked of nothing but you when we first met you. He has always been more outgoing and I have always been responsible. When I knew you must have been hurting and finding out; he had not even come by? I could not live with his shame or could I live with the idea that you thought that none of her Pantera family could not care less. I could not live with the idea if you thought I did not care." he spoke emotionally.

"You are truly a beautiful man Tolthe! I wish you to sink your fangs into my throat and sink them deeply." Asuna commanded in a whisper.

For a moment Tolthe looked terrified but she pulled him to a sitting position; she guided his head to the right side of her throat. His tongue traced tendons and her soft flesh. Tolthe thought of her as his own personal goddess in some ways. His goddess was spilling words that made his cheeks reddened. Her moans were undoing Tolthe and he barely was able to break the skin of her throat, but the sounds that come from her made him realize that his member was harder than granite and leaking clear fluid in tremendous amounts.

"Tolthe swallow." Asuna commanded.

The co-ruler of the Pantera did as she bid him, and the sweet elixir hit him. He sucked on the wound he made for a little while and lapped up the minute amount left as her skin began to heal.

"By the gods; you are sweeter than honey sap." He whispered.

"So are you." She nearly purred.

Her fangs buried into his left juncture, Tolthe was in that tailspin of pure euphoria. The empusae bite was racing along his nerves faster than cheetah chasing its prey. Asuna pulled her mouth back and Tolthe noticed his blood stain her lips and fangs. He ordinarily would have been repulsed but with her? It seemed like a perfect act of nature to him. The Pantera prince mashed their lips together; in the meantime Asuna took the opportunity to manuver her center over his staff, as she slid down him was a sound she had never heard. Tolthe automatically wrapped his arms around her and she did the same. The ultimate intimacy achieved in their humanoid and elvish forms was complete.

"I how...or when..." Tolthe tried to speak.

"I already admired you. When you came to support my loss." She truly whimpered.

"By the gods!" Tolthe managed to groan in what seemed agony.

Asuna squeezed her muscles around him as she managed to rock back and forth. Tolthe was losing his mind and he actually roared like the panther his animal part was. Asuna's immaculate clawed hands: so slowly worked along his middle back to his shoulder blades. With extra time; she threaded her fingers into his long black hair; that came barely past his shoulders. Her claws lightly massaged his scalp and his chest rumbled.

"Oh gods! Am I purring?" He gasped out.

"It would seem so. I seem to please you my dearest ally. My friend. My lover. Tell me what else you are?" Asuna moaned quietly.

"Mate. I am a mate. We spilled blood." he groaned as well.

Tolthe rested his large hands firmly on her rounded hips; his placement was incredibly soft and gentle with his touch. Everything he was doing was driving Asuna mad and her lips found his again for a languid and unhurried, passionate unity of their mouths. Both Asuna and her fae youkai were moving excruciatingly slow as well as creating moaning whimpers and low cries of passionate consumption.

-Do your fae blood magiks on us. Join us in your way.- She thought in his mind.

Tolthe slowly pulled his full lips from her ripe, full mouth. He hated to have to stop kissing her petal soft, rose colored lips. Where Luthais had inadvertently marked her when she had conceived Pruza; she was marked by his;Tolthe's fine claws as she knew to stop moving. Asuna made the same rune upon his left outer shoulder, he made the same symbol upon her on her right shoulder.

The runic symbol was oozing blood as she instinctively knew to rock her hips again. Her Pantera prince was truly in heaven and his personal goddess was delivering him to some higher plane, he decided. Tolthe did not realize his eyes were more orangish in color or that his gentle grip on her hips was just a tiny firmer. The Pantera man was slowly making louder and even more frequent sounds of the shared Nirvana.

"Swear I'm dying...please, I need!" Tolthe ground out.

Asuna laid herself back and the fae neko man got the idea instantly. His lips were against hers again as their hips met swiftly. She was falling already with his neko nature and Tolthe was hit suddenly with tight, then tighter as he moved. He felt his body so tense as if to snap in half. The Pantera man felt everything on every level as her body arched hard towards him; it was pure emotion and tears did leak a bit from his eyes. Tolthe's left hand; his claws were more curved at the moment, so he sank them into the bedding. He collapsed against her as his fae siol left him and his vision blurred. Both were sweaty and a little bloody.

"She should have been your daughter. I will fix my stupidity." Asuna weakly murmured.

"You are not stupid! I cannot let you see that. My heart, I cannot think. I am drained. I am certain it is your nature and I love it so." he whispered in his fae language.

"Hai, you are drained because of me. You are the only male I know who loves it so." She wanted to chuckle.

"It is who and what you are. I have admired you so for some time. Falling into a well of emotion too." Tolthe admitted.

Asuna heard him snore very softly and he was knackered. She followed him in sleep and truly felt like a fool.

He prowled his own land but his co-ruler and twin could not be found. Luthais was absolutely disgusted and hate filled him to fuel the void. He quickly whirled when he felt Tolthe around their shared home. The blue eyed twin stormed into his brother's room and Tolthe glared at him. His brother was wearing ranger clothing and he sneered.

"You have been out of our land or you have been near elves! Which is it?" Luthais demanded.

"Unlike you; I get reports from our allies here in Leth'Evana and outside of it! I want that witch and ekimmu bastard shredded!" Tolthe narrowed his eyes.

"Because they killed your neice or the woman you want?" His twin demanded of him.

"Luthais, whatever you had with her is now OVER. You obviously blame her for everything that has ever gone wrong in our lives. I for one want the witch and ekimmu for my niece of couse! My alliance with the Ekimmu queen has served the Pantera well! Her people were here in droves when the river flooded our fields. You were too busy following Queen Asuna around! You lost your sense the moment you met her!" the elder twin accused.

"You are right! Perhaps the whore bewitched me! I have been remiss. Perhaps fate took pity on me? Perhaps it is best this child is gone." The blue eyed Pantera stated madly.

"You truly disgust me now Luthais! You are my own blood but I know thee not! Queen Asuna's fail was returning your; so called, feelings! Some feelings, you have become what we Pantera despise!" Tolthe went off on him.

"You defend her but refuse to support your own half? Have you been bewitched by her too?!" Luthais screamed in a unnatural rage.

"I think you hexed by that whore witch! This is not my brother speaking but a stranger!" Tolthe hissed.

"Have you touched her luscious flesh brother? Have you slid your organ into a chasm so tight you know heaven?" His younger twin demanded lewdly.

"Filthly bastard! Fuck you Luthais. I care for her very deeply yes. Not only was she bearing your child but you loved her ardently. I care deeply because she knows how to honor her words." The yellowed eyed man growled.

"You've fucked her. What was wrong with the snake woman? Too good with her forked tongue?" the younger twin asked in a hateful tone.

"If I have lain with her or not; it is not your concern! You made it clear that you did not still have intent toward her!" Tolthe snarled.

Luthais in fury ripped his brother's sleeves and he saw the wedding brand. The blue eyed twin felt beyond betrayed and hate of his own brother struck him.

"You stole the woman I marked?" Luthais growled lethally.

"She had your mark alchemically removed. She also wished to continue our alliance. I admit I have held fascination with her since we first laid eyes on her. Since you refused to stand by after the loss of your own daughter; I did so! I do not regret that I kissed her that day." The elder of both brothers admitted lifting his chin.

"You loved her too and betrayed me?" Luthais asked with hate in his cat eyes.

"I betrayed nothing! You were nothing with her; you made that clear to OUR people by abandoning your woman after your daughter died. You wanted Pruza and not Asuna." Tolthe attacked with words.

"Her ways! She is a goddess!" His younger self sobbed.

"No Luthais. She looks like one of our dieties but she is just a woman. She is a powerful out world woman who comes from a land where dragons were real! You have been hexed I truly believe. I am sorry and I only know to do this!" he growled as he quickly hit him on the back of the head knocking him unconscious.

Tolthe only knew of this Juria woman and he knew she was in Menon lands right now! He prayed to keep past hates at bay.

Juria knew he was coming before he came and he literally almost walked over her. She chuckled and she had been mixing a brew to see if Sanra had been busy.

"Make brother dear drink a little of that; if he's been hexed, he will start vomiting." Juria explained.

"I thought I heard the young Alpha had made alliances with your sort of daughter in law and her two Shouten men?" Tolthe asked cautiously.

"Elias is beside himself and Nanami delivered him a stunning boy. The Menon shaman said she just produces perfect pups. Elias wants peace. I know weird for his clan; his father and uncle's ways didn't sit well and he hated his upbringing. Now he has his son Castien; he is willing to suppress his fenrir instincts to embrace Nanami's life, well because he loves her." The demi-kami shrugged.

Tolthe's twin rolled away to begin vomiting horribly. His twin felt horror and Juria realized that Sanra had been quite busy with her horrid black alchemy. Luthais was in horror at his own behavior. His daughter was dead and Asuna hated him. The most devastating part was Tolthe had somehow fallen into a spell of love himself.

"The witch will be destroyed." Tolthe said in a low growl.

"Tolthe you have revealed you love her! She must love you in return to have given you the brand. How could you?" his twin asked in deep pain.

"Your hate was destroying her and me in some ways. I too have always wanted to know her; I have gotten to know her. If you think for any second I will walk away; you are deluded! She wanted us to unite our people through a child; she carries MY son." the elder twin rose speaking unashamed.

"She was my wife! Asuna was to bear my daughter! How dare you! You relieve me of this curse only after I ruin my life?" His twin exploded.

"It truly only occurred to me that you were fully hexed! You have been acting like a jack ass for some time! No, I will not back down. I am the elder twin and hell no! The brand was made purposely and not by accident!" Tolthe said scathingly.

His own yellow eyed brother just left him there and Tolthe shoved Menon fenrir far away from him as he left the lands of the fae wolves. Luthais was still being sick and having had been following his lover for so long; he knew who Juria was. His eyes were tortured and the tengu felt horrid for him.

"I meant none of it! I swear it." He actually sobbed.

"Tolthe, I see has wanted her as long as you have. He has stayed away because of you but now; he will not." She said sadly.

"My own twin betrays me for what reason?" Luthais asked with gut wrenching pain.

"His own love and his own child; he will kill anyone for her and the boy he sired. He is thinking of nothing else." Juria sighed looking away.

Luthais truly felt every inch of his guts shredded and he had to get out of Menon lands. He quickly made a veil gate and left. Juria knew there was going to be a huge schism in the Pantera land; and Sanra had done wonders to destroy another innocent family.

Elias held his son who had black hair tipped with silver ends. The Menon clan was in love with the alpha's pup and many vied to get a look at the healthy boy. He had faint magenta marks on him and he was a voracious eater. Nanami was actually doing much better and her fenrir pup nursed A LOT.

"Good Kamis he is a baracuda!" She gasped as he latched on and suckled hungrily.

"He has a good appetite! That is excellent in a newborn pup!" Elias smiled like a smart ass.

"Well you are in love! I might have to be jealous." His now wife/mate teased him.

"Let me think about that. I really do not care. I can beget you again so you can be jealous much more." He teased.

Her beautiful smile melted Elias Menon right in his spot. He was on his bed next to her in but a second. He tipped her head back and kissed her stupid as his son fed. Jao and Alum came in cat calling and Elias smirked against her lips.

He had learned how to play and play with her Shouten husbands. He gently bit into her neck and Alum glared at him good naturedly. He dipped two fingers in her blood and smeared both wraith mouthes with her blood and both Shouten doctors were cussing in their languages.

"You are horrid!" Nanami laughed.

"I like them!" Elias said innocently.

"They adore you. They swear you straddle bisexuality." His wife laughed.

"Hmmm. You get me going oh so well. I however am a forward thinking fenrir. I have been in all planes and I can play. Whatever is wrong with your life? I like your husbands." He played with her hair.

"I need to get back so that Alrik knows I am alright. Since, I have had Castian; my vitals have improved. I am/was devastated by her sister's loss." Nanami said looking away.

"Then let me give you a girl Nanami. We fenrir have fae magiks that help insure one sex or another. I will give you as many boys and girls as you wish. My clan loves you. They even like your Shouten mates. Keep Keelan if you must but keep him in Hueco Mundo and in Athens. Move him out of the family home. Jao and Alum wish me and Castian to move in part time." Elias said brushing her bottom lip with his claw of his left thumb.

"Swear to me on your honor as alpha you will not kill Jayce's adopted father or this girl pup's sire! Swear it Elias!" She begged him.

It went against his instincts but he loved her. He cut his own palm with his claws and hers; he swore a blood oath to was damn near impossible to break in fae laws. She knew this and her kiss was deep. Elias watched her attach some device that milked her breasts and she collected him several feedings for his son.

"I need to be in Hueco Mundo for a bit. I will send Jao with some more milk and a way to keep it cold. Okay my darling?" She said palming his cheek.

"Yes my beloved wife. I love you Nanami. I understand the Gordir prince now. I understand why he would suppress his wolf for Hibari. Your family is worth it. YOU are worth it." He whispered.

Tears glazed her eyes and she kissed her green eyed pup and she had to phase. She had been cleaned and detoxed of any fenrir scent by Juria and she was in Athens. She was starving and she went outside and she quickly caught herself a deer. A neighbor of Alrik's saw his mate and he found the second Keelan alpha quickly in Minsk and Alrik phased into his Athens home. She was draining a deer and she was starved. Otherwise she looked healthy. She had been secluded away from him and Fionn had flatly told him it was by his order. He hated the ekimmu man with a passion but he saw her and her baby bump was pronounced and he realized what had happened. This twin was somehow stronger than her sister had become the dominate one and had ended up taking all the nutrients and more. She was heavier with her and Alrik carefully pressed his clawed hand to her belly and was rewarded with strong and powerful kicks.

"You look so much stronger. You look so much better! Alum swore he would save her and he did; didn't he?" He said choked up.

"It took my sire having to do some stuff babe. He is looking forward to meeting Jocasta." She tried the name on him.

"Jocasta?" Alrik asked trying the name and finding he liked it.

"I want us to move Jayce and our pup here. I want us to try and work on us away from my Cherra spouses. You are Kveldulf and I realize you are trying. We need to retrofit your house a little with some modern stuff but baby; I want us as a family. You, me, Jayce, and Jocasta." She said softly.

"Lewys flatly said that the new Menon alpha wants you." He growled softly.

"Baby, where am I?" Nanami palmed his cheek.

"With me. My brother is so obsessed with your mother that he would say anything! I am so sorry. You are compromising for me. I shall do the same for you. We shall bring that stuff like wi-fi here and satellite phones. I shall also add onto our house. Your future visits to the Gordir fenrir shaman; I shall speak nothing." Alrik swore.

She wrapped her arms around him and held him tightly and Alrik truly felt as if he had his mate back. He realized that Jao and Alum must have asked her to ask him to move out; it only made sense seeing as he was never comfortable. She was going to break her time between her Hueco Mundo homes and he could not be happier. His thoughts of his meddlesome alpha brother made him angry and he held the mother of his son and his soon to be daughter; no worries filled him.

"Now why do I want to do this?" A Jing Shouten asked the Shadow Hound alpha in irritation.

"So I may finally have peace with the Cherra queen for all time." Lewys smirked.

The Jing male was minorly related to the royal family of the clan rulers. He just so happened to be adept at his shape shifting abilities and so were his two brothers. Lewys suddenly appeared in her castle and her eyes turned a dark almost navy blue. Lewys was leaning against a wall arrogantly and he pointed to a window.

"Please look your majesty. I do this strictly for your benefit." He smirked.

Asuna stood up highly furious and she walked to a wide open window and there was a small group of three pigs as pink as the day was long at the moment and they had fairy like winds. All three launched themselves into the air and began to flap their thin wings. Her jaw dropped and her eyes slowly bled back to a normal hue and she stared at Lewys with anger and even more irritation.

"Congratulations Keelan for taking a flippant statement and making it come true. I still have no intention of becoming your ally!" She said taking a seat.

Lewys was furious and he snarled a loud baying sound. Most of her staff and those around her was canid. He had her on the floor of her "throne room" at the base of her carved wooden chair and his chest heaved.

"You said make pork fly. I have done so. Fuck the gods of every plane. Reshmina was my wife and pregnant with our child. I pray she can forgive me." He whispered.

He picked her up and phased with her. She had no idea where the hell she was but she was laid back on a lush bed with soft pelts and silk bedding. Asuna was ready to snarl and she had a dark gray halter style dress that bore silver thread that depicted lilies all over the bodies to the train. Her silver hair was partially up held by priceless platinum combs and Lewys plucked them from her hair. His gentleness startled her and she continued to glare at him as he divested himself of his leather armor and shirt. His britches were made of a heavy duck cloth dyed black and he jerked off his boots. Asuna was detirmined that he was not going to get to her.

Lewys's body was cut like a work of Michael Angelo's David but his body responded impatiently over his obsession of her. The Kveldulf alpha was on his bed so fast and had undone her halter and exposed her upper body to his gaze as the silk pooled at her waist.

"Satisfied to get a nasty thrill seeing your ally's wife half naked?" Asuna asked in a scathing tone.

"You think I confuse you and Reshmina. I assure you that I do not. My gods, you are so fucking beautiful." He whispered in a tone and it was not of an enemy man.

Before Asuna could say another word or escape; Lewys laid her back and he bombarded her telepathic mind and senses as he did last time with his desires and emotions. His black-brown hair that held some Rastafarian braids was undone and his mouth communicated so much sheer everything. By bombarding her; she was putty and she could not even get her senses under control. His mouth was everywhere and the empusae/ekimmu/Shouten queen felt his lips moved from her throat to her belly and she heard her dress rip. Lewys was between her thighs and his mouth was doing amazingly sinful things as his tongue swirled around her whole labia. Her gasps and her mind was in utter fucking chaos and the Shadow hound had done his home work.

"You insult me. You think I could not please you? I will please you. I have heard heard rumors if touched and kiss just right that you release your musk in torrents." Lewys spoke in a harsh whisper.

"Your arrogance astonishes as always!" Asuna gasped then nearly screamed as his lips and teeth began to suckle and lick around her clit a certain way.

The half canine woman began hypervenelating as the Kveldulf alpha pulled out every stop get the beautiful creature to release. Lewys had never had a shortage of lovers and he knew his way around a female's antimony. His tongue poked and lapped at her channel as he his thumb pressed her button as her licked at, and thrust his tongue. He watched as his eyes burned lapis lazuli and her head was throwing side to side.

"I am so thirsty your majesty. Let me drink. Give me your liquor. Allow me to drink this once!" He growled softly.

Asuna lifted her head and he had brought out her inu beast in spades. She could no longer control her responses if she wanted her legs were quaking and Lewys got inspired. He sank his fangs around her labia and her scream was immediate. She painfully arched her groin into his face and she flooded his mouth with her release. The rumors were true and Lewys swallowed a musky sweet flavor of her cum. Her entire body was shaking violently as he "drank her cum" and Asuna was in a stupor.

"I need you my lady. Asuna; queen of much! Conquer me; I beg you." The Kveldulf alpha spoke in a broken tone that was interlaced with snarls and growls.

Lewys had engaged her inu and found her to be such an incredible beauty; Reshmina had been beautiful, but this woman outshone his old bride. Asuna rolled them and he was still bombarding her telepathically; her magenta stripes were raised as well as her crescent moon. Her claws were lengthened and the Shadow Hound alpha had engaged the female with her inu fully in place. A tiny small portion of her rational mind screamed; Vulred! What would her Gordir lord think and somehow she was one with Lewys.

The Kveldulf alpha made such a long winded whine and the ekimmu queen made a sound completely canine in nature. Lewys refused to be a brute and he lifted himself and his mouth met hers in such a passionate display of erotic touch as his tongue sought to tangle with hers. Lewys was beyond obsessed and he knew given enough moments that he could show her that his obsession was in fact love. While the alpha kissed his former enemy; his left hand was on her hip and he moved her. He moved to be one and he heard low snarling coming from her chest. Asuna was woken from her beast's stupor and her Dakkasou laced claws slashed deeply into Lewys's chest and into his belly. The Shadow Hound alpha was incensed and she attempted to phase. He kept her by sheer will forcefully rolled them. She knew she was not in Hueco Mundo. Asuna concentrated with all her tremendous mental abilities and Keelan held his head suddenly and was slammed with a sickening thud against the wall of his own room.

"You will never make a whore of me Lewys Keelan! You have declared war again this day!" she screamed in rage.

Her mates who were bound to her tightly would feel her fury and hate. She stumbled out into modern Macedonia and she knew Shadow Hounds were around every where. Here body shook at the bastard using her own yoki against her; her hand extended and Konkisaiga appeared. She lifted her fang and the winds began to whip up around her. Her eyes were burning darker blue. Anger fueled her and she saw a fae in the distance; she realized it was Tolthe and he must have been looking for her.

"Stand near me!" She snarled.

His yellow eyes widened and she felt the hounds surrounding. Asuna felt like making a loud statement and she unleashed her demonic winds. It was like a tornado swept the small city and those who did not get out of the path of the yoki wind were smashed against the rocky foothills. Lewys was obviously hurt and he was half changed as he stared at the powerful woman.

"I will be your death!" Asuna screamed at him.

She was grabbed by Tolthe and he made his veil gate. Lewys's eyes narrowed but his obsession only deepened. He had to see what damage the incredible creature had wrought and plans began to form.

Asuna wanted his stink all over her. She walked straight into Gordir lands and Vulred could smell Shadow Hound all over her and his snarls were becoming dangerous. Her cool demeanor meant something and he grabbed her and took her to their lodge. Asuna could see his amber eyes bright and glowing.

"Why his stink on you? Why all over you?" Vulred damn near lost his mind.

"Firstly, I am going to bathe that arrogant bastard's smell off of me. Come please." His mate said in an entrancing voice.

"What he do?" The Gordir alpha demanded.

"Used my heritage against me." She muttered.

"He rape you?" Her fenrir snarled in a tone beyond fury.

"In blood drinkers minds; yes he did! He will not see it that way. To be frank Vulred; I have gotten used to it." She said too softly and sheepishly.

"No! No! I cannot stand his rotten stink. He dies today!" He screamed and he was shaking with that rage.

She looked back and Vulred was gone. She sighed and she slipped to the ground as big fat watery tears fell down her face. It did not even surprise her to feel Simyth behind her. Honestly, Asuna had no idea where Vulred would go. The Suldusk were "sort of friendly" and the elves got along well with the Gordir now. The Pantera and fenrir tended to stay away from each other. Asuna's mind was going over where Phelan's sire was. It suddenly dawned on her and she looked up. Simyth had bathed her well and put her in an elven chemise dress. He bent his head down and kissed her softly. He was becoming like a Naraku. He just was and she could always count on him. Simyth's own mind took that as a huge compliment and he let his wife do as she needed. She was suddenly gone and he had a duergar follow the queen from far behind. He felt much better that way. A duergar was a feared dwarf for a reason.

Asuna was suddenly in the middle of Menon lands and she saw Alum and Jao there. Her eyes were wide; Elias Menon was obviously huddled with Vulred as they spoke the fenrir version of Foraoise. Nanami came over and put her hands on her mother's shoulders.

"Elias has made peace with the Gordir, Haha. You do not have to worry about that." Nanami said gently.

"Lewys Keelan found me in Qinghai. He took me from there and had fun till my inu self woke up." She said under her breath.

Nanami kept her reaction in but it sickened her what the relatives of Alrik thought it was okay to do. Vulred could scent his mate and not the Shadow Hound dead man. Vulred could work with Elias.

"Lord Gordir, please you and your lady stay at my home tonight. Your majesty you know your own daughter. She has given me my son Castieon." Elias said proudly.

"She let me know. I should very much like to meet my grandson." Asuna smiled a little.

They all moved inside and Elias brought up the rear with Vulred. '

"Nanami's husbands have become excellent friends of mine. Alum is the brother of the king of wraith Hueco Mundo. We kill Keelan; it will have ramifications." Elias said in a low tone.

"Then Kveldulf should think with mind not cock head!" Vulred growled under his breath.

"You know my father did teach my how to torture." The younger alpha suggested.

"Death!" The Gordir leader hissed.

"Okay but its going to be bad. It will get really really bad." The Menon alpha sighed.

Vulred went to Asuna and he pulled her to him. Elias first held his newborn son as Nanami fussed. He found out that she was such a good mother. He loved that about her as well as many other things. Hearing that a relative of the bastard who had raped Nanami had raped her mother; Elias was incensed.

"Elias, please tell me what is going on! It involves Isha and she had not been in Hueco Mundo as of late. Maec has been going out of his skull." Alum asked repeatedly.

"Why do you call her Isha?" The fenrir said confused.

"It is because when I lived my life as a wraith; I was in fact a light wraith. Maec had discovered a way that that the albino wraiths could stay in Hueco Mundo but many who were being born were being smuggled to a different plane. Maec's father; it was his policy to exterminate Tomoshibi on sight. I was born Tomoshibi as my mother from that life showed both Shouten and Tomoshibi tendencies. Tomoshibi is Japanese for heavenly light. My mother was Sana Sahen and Alum's mother was the same. Alum was born before me obviously. Maec was trying to save as many Tomoshibi as he could but Sana was bitter from Ganek's raping her and the betrayal of her own family. She decided to mate a corporeal instead. She was betrothed to the Crown Prince Maec tr'Awnhi; who fancied himself in love with her. He went to Siberia and they had an awful fight. This tiny little white haired girl ran out to protect Sana and Maec lost his temper. He smacked the child. Her head was cracked open. Sana; he strangled for her betraying him and he killed Isha out of mercy. She was suffering. He buried her with the tr'Awnhi and I know for a fact he wept for years over that act." Asuna answered very softly.

"He misses you beyond what he can stand Sister." Her brother in law said softly.

"He visited me often in Qinghai! What is going on that his visits are not good enough?" She snapped.

"You are the Shouten queen!" Alum snapped.

Asuna stood and stormed out. Alum knew her for too long and something horrible had happened and it had to do with Hueco Mundo. He was taking a risk but he asked Elias to take him to the mortal plane and his wife's fenrir husband did so. Alum had grabbed his sister in law as well. She was so hellaciously strong but he drugged her. He phased them to Hueco Mundo and he laid her on his brother's bed. He calculated the day and sighed deeply; it was yet another clan day. Alum had given her a heavy dose of Sturadurm. Maec was in a grouchy mood when he walked into his private rooms but his wife was laid out on his bed and he made a noise of being grateful.

"Hello brother!" Alum nearly chirped.

"Hello Alum. Where was she?" He demanded.

"Fairy LaLa land. You know Nanami attracted a fairy wolf. Well we like him. So we hang out with him too. He takes us hunting! Imagine? Anyhow, the other jacked up fairy wolf, Gordir came over and he was PISSED and I mean seriously pissed. I do not know the language yet but I sure as hell heard Shadow Hound and their word dead." His slightly younger brother stated.

"What in the hell would Keelan do to piss off Gordir so bad?" Maec wondered.

"Telling you all I know. I have to get back before the Gordir alpha guy realizes she is gone." Alum said phasing out.

Asuna was in a dream and she was reliving the miscarriage; then seeing Luthais for the first time. Maec realized his sister had seriously fucked with her yet AGAIN and he wept softly as he laid his head on her chest. Slowly she came to and her clawed hands began to rake through his loose espresso colored tresses that came past his shoulder blades.

"I was in Qinghai as you know. I was recovering from the rough child birth." She said heavily.

"Yes. I know. I was not thrilled but I know." His eyes were silver.

"Keelan showed up and took me once. I was angry and flippant. I told him that if he could make pigs fly then and only then would I accept peace with him." Asuna said tiredly.

"Oh Gods." Maec said and it was apparent he was getting furious.

"He had the shape shifting youkai show up as flying pork and he grabbed me. I had no idea that he himself had some psi abilities. He bombarded my empathy and telepathy as well as my blood drinking part. "According to Alum years ago; you Shouten consider that rape. Vulred considered it as rape as well." She looked away.

Maec was so angry that he had to let go of some hiebie that smashed out his window. His eyes were so incredibly silver and he pulled her up into his arms and he heard a sobbing sound.

"Of course we Shouten see it as rape! I shall have him dismembered in my court before my throne!" He snarled.

"No! I want the Kveldulf publicly disavowed as Shouten allies!" His queen snarled back.

"I went back into my great great grandfather's writings Isha! These people have Shouten DNA! They are in part Shouten. I have extended citizenship to them as well. They are the sixth clan." He said grieved.

"You never said a word!" She sucked in air.

"You had just lost two babes to Sanra! We thought you had lost more! What was I supposed to say Isha? What?" He yelled at her.

The King and Queen Consort of the Shouten Empire were screaming at the other and Asuna phased them. They ended up in Maec's Ireland getaway and she was pissed. She slammed him hard against the stone wall; not one to be bullied by anyone, let alone his own wife, the king rolled and slammed her whilst they were still standing. Their claws were tearing each other up. She did not agree with his politics and policies and she was letting him know. She slapped him and his ears rang and he cursed in Kazakh. She used her damnable Dakkasou and he threw her. Asuna landed on a bed but smashed the canopy. Maec phased out ether but it was pointless with an empusae anyway.

"Why bother? I see your aura lit up like a mortal's Christmas tree!" She snorted.

"Are you done being a brat?" He slowly phased in.

"Oh, I was just getting warmed up baby." She hissed.

Her wind slammed him into the keep of the small getaway. Maec was pissed and his wife intended him to hunt her. So he would hunt the hard headed bitch! He picked himself up and he began walking into the small forest surrounding his keep. He wore a long sleeved brown cashmere sweater with a black and silver buckled getup that crossed over his whole right side to his left. His right hand looked to be as if in a glove but his palm was flesh. His bottoms were heavy black leather tucked into motor cycle boots. Asuna was still in the crème colored chemise fae gown. He heard a very nasty snarling and it was her in her dog form as her teeth showed and the sounds coming from her chest were unlike his normal Isha. Without warning she changed form and came at him; she belted him across the face and she actually sobbed.

"My life made more sense when you were the enemy; but I could never not love you. Damn you!" She yelled as she hit him over and over.

Maec decided to take her rage because of his putrid sister and because what Keelan had done. His mind was impossible to hear and what she did next surprised him. She ripped his cashmere sweater and partial armor. She palmed his darker skin that had a pale cast underneath. Her kiss was deep and it was like their very, very early days. It was like a time they would battle and then fall into lust's spell. The longer the kiss; more passion fueled it. The Shouten royalty slid down amongst debris as their hands palmed each other's faces.

"I keep thinking what I would have looked like as my wraith self." she mumbled.

"Isha please, I beg you stop mentioning it! I hate myself enough as it is!" Maec sighed.

"Mirzal and Tarran are getting willful and they want my milk but do not want to nurse." She pouted.

"So pump some for them to take in another way! They still get the nutrition but you want the closeness. Oh gods! You have seemed to have lost your warrior ways." he assessed.

"I am tired Maec! I was tired when I met you but I am happy we did meet. I am just exhausted. I have found purpose and pure love with my babes. Kamis, I realize now how I have missed!" Asuna had tears fall.

"Keelan is not one you can ever forgive." Maec stated matter of factly.

"If he had not impregnated me in the beginning and still let his people at us; I could have forgiven him! All the clans of fenrir are now united in Leth'Evana!" She growled deep in her chest.

"What happened to the fae big cat daemon all googly eyed over you?" Her king asked impatiently.

"When the hex occurred; his daughter died. Turns out he had been cursed. things that had been said and done. I want him as far away from me as possible; better for his safety. His twin Tolthe protected me when I was vulnerable." Asuna said looking at the setting son.

"What do you want for us Isha? You waver as you have had in the past. I admit I am thinking your idea of a royal concubine begins to appeal to me. I miss us; I miss my queen!" He said with deep emotion.

Asuna had been brought to him but to find out the Kveldulf were the sixth Shouten clan. She wanted to be sick. She phased out and Maec was horrified. Asuna appeared in the last place anyone would have thought.

"Help me!" she begged,

"Always! Why are you torn so badly love?" Chrestian demanded.

Magnus was with him and he knew she wanted to feed him herself; she had been rarely missing a feeding with their child.

"Chrestian?" She asked his name in such a soft voice.

"Ja my heart?" he responded softly.

Her heart just flipped and her lust ripped through her. He could sense she wanted his hair down. He undid the practical, yet complex Norse style. Magnus had nodded off while he had fed. His mother laid laid him gently into his ornate cradle. Asuna walked into the ante chamber of these rooms and her lips collided with her frere.

"I do not want you as my frere. I want you as your own self." She was kissing him madly.

"I would rather die than not have this small link to you." He actually growled at her.

Chrestian wasn't violent but he responded to her ardor and freely showed his own now. He almost ripped the dress but she ripped his tunic. She always seemed to avoid biting him and making love more mortal.

"Heart! I was human, I am what you are now. I crave it. Give me your soul please!" he almost commanded.

She was on her knees and Chrestian was behind her; nude as well, his hands were cupping her breasts and about to sink into her tender throat.

"Give me your all my beloved Norseman. Hold nothing back, please my love. My darling. Baby please." She begged him.

"Asuna what has happened?" he demanded.

She did not answer but focused on their love making which was literally mind and body numbing. As he lay entwined with her; he had unfettered access; he slipped right in and burning hate filled his veins. He could mask his feelings and he did; she grabbed his hand pressed it down low in her belly. Chrestian was not comepletely surprised but he was completely pleased.

"My love, I am going no where, ja?" He stayed smoothing her silver hair.

"You wish me to make peace with Maec." Asuna said softly.

"He is one of your most important mates. Now please. I have much thinking and planning to do." he grinned beguiling her.

"It is a wonder I ever leave your bed!" His love and now wife; for he took her as wife in old Norse traditions, said stretching.

"Being what we are that is the most beautiful and wonderful compliment," Chrestian grinned.

Asuna noticed that since their reckoning; he had allowed his human past to become who he was, and that was who she had comepletely fallen for. Asuna noticed he was himself once again.

She phased straight into his lodge outside of Balkash. To say she knew him and his moods/habits was an understatement. Asuna knew Maec almost as well as she knew herself. The Shouten king was sitting in the overstuffed chair that sat in front of the great bay window.

"I am sorry." She whispered with true pain in her tone.

"I can understand Isha. I am not my father and you gave me back my true self! I need you too!" Maec said as he stood up and turned around to stare at her.

He only wore his black silk sleep pants; his chest, his belly, his arms, and every muscle in his upper body was chiseled and god like. Asuna was breathing in and out faster as she looked at this creature she had been mated and married to for some time.

"Maec!" She groaned softly.

She was in his arms and consumed by him. He was and would always be a dominant male. He would always have a type of control. Their family survived because they understood one another like her and the Dark hanyou. She was asleep next to him in his Balkash retreat as his hand slowly went through her silver hair. Maec's mind was dark and Keelan should have known better than to try and bed his queen. The Shadow Hound had truly gone too far. Word was that the fenrir from fairy land intended for there to be a dead Kveldulf alpha. The Shouten king played in his mind different scenarios and his wife barely moved over him to reach a chamber pot. Asuna had not eaten because her mind had been in turmoil so she was dry heaving.

"Isha! Good gods my love! Give me a few moments." Maec commanded as he jumped up naked to his sparse desk to his personal grimoires and herbs.

"Tis okay." She managed between heaving.

"Like hell it is Isha! You have not even taken in blood? You are dry heaving! Hush and let me do my thing." Her kingly husband commanded.

Her pale blue eyes rolled but yet she still dry heaved. Maec made a semi-sweet concoction and she downed it. Slowly the heaving stopped and she laid back exhausted.

"Now what on the planes would cause you to do that?" He demanded.

"Actually, I think it must be because of something strange indeed. I must check in at Tokyo. You know how Naraku is." Asuna stated as her mind whirled.

"Isha!" Maec said impatiently.

"On my honor as the Shouten queen and as your wife; I will honor our vows better!" She promised.

"Isha!" He growled.

"I love you!" She pecked his lips.

Asuna phased out and he hit his bed. He cursed her name and he growled louder. His wife was actually dry heaving and she knew something. He was thinking it was the Shadow Hound bacterium and he intended to milk some claws!

Asuna appeared at her Estate and Kameron stepped out when he felt her. He bowed his head and she bowed hers. He came to her and hugged her tightly and kissed her deeply. The former frere of Ayille loved his queen epically but her actions with Chrestian and the birth of his son; Magnus, it had truly put a wedge between him and Asuna. She had never told him and she had not hinted at how close she and Chrestian really were. Kameron did not even bother to shield his mind and she mentally heard it all. She stepped back and marched into her main room. She knew she needed to put in time here for awhile but she had some important matters to attend.

"You have nothing to say my love? Nothing?" Kameron asked following her.

"Last time I checked; Chrestian was also one of five frere that I have inadvertently made." She said looking at mail.

"You have always told me when one of the others is going to have a babe! You have never kept it from me before. I am the eldest frere!" He growled.

"Well Chrestian sired a son." She stated looking up.

"Good gods!" He snapped at her and he wanted to hurt the Viking.

Her eyes went demonic blue and he was shocked. Asuna would not even tolerate thoughts of Chrestian being harmed. Kameron felt like a dog who had been kicked and she snarled.

"It is not a competition Kameron! Good fucking Kamis! You and Chrestian are my first two frere! How am I supposed to feel about you both?" Asuna demanded.

"You have always loved me best." His eyes glowed red.

"I wanted to love Chrestian with that same passion! Ayille changing him had destroyed him. Something happened; I know not what but he has returned to his real self! I am an empusae queen and to love my frere is natural is it not?" She demanded of him.

"Yes! However; you always loved me better. You have always chosen me first. I hated him when he was under Ayille and I hate him again!" Her head frere hissed in anger.

"This is so not right. I would have told you if I thought you could have handled it! I actually knew you could not!" She actually yelled.

"He is beneath me. I am older and still more powerful. My children are better than his brats. Fine my lady! I shall be a good and proper frere towards him but you are also my mate!" Kameron growled in his Ramanga voice.

Because of her demanding her frere be independent of her; they became independent. They all had that frere\queen thing but Kameron especially had become his own man. He grabbed her up and his kiss was dominating as was his holding her. He could feel her physical weakness, so he took it no further. Kameron just set her down and walked away. Her drop dead gorgeous Egyptian frere was so damn jealous of her Norse frere because Chrestian too was powerful but he was so polite and damn gorgeous. Her hand was shaking horribly as she went to her wardrobe.

"You know you should really put more guards around here." Spoke a familiar voice.

"Why should I when I so want your company Bilae?" Asuna asked as she whirled around with Konkisaiga.

"Oh no sister dear; I am not here for a fight. Father has been speaking as of late. I thought you should know, Taranis is looking this way!" He said in a giddy manner.

"I have nothing to fear from him! I did not murder my sister and entire family. Then further marry a murdering lunatic!" She snarled.

"Oh my beautiful Sanra is such a wicked soul. I love it though. Do not say I did not warn you." He laughed but he got her wind dagger thrown straight through his right chest just before phasing out.

Satisfaction made her smile and she did wave her hand; a barrier went up and Bilae would have been shocked. Asuna had not had quite the time to put it up. The information was invaluable and the bastard was actually injured severely. Sanra was going to want some sort of revenge and she mentally shuddered in thought at what the whore could think up. She began to think of finding their hideaway and finding the baby. Sanra had gone insane when Chrestian had touched her daughter. Sanra now had an Achilles heel and it was the blasted baby girl. Asuna hurriedly put on a pewter colored hanfu. Her hands were still trembling but she did not care. Asuna picked up her cell phone and dialed Naraku. She was letting him know where she was and what had just occurred. She did not bother to mention the Shadow Hound; she frankly did not want anymore issue on the topic.

Nanami was terrified to be in Athens, Hueco Mundo but she was at Alrik and her house. She was wiping down a counter when he came in. His face looked ashen and she could tell he had found out what his brother was accused of.


"Hai babe?" She asked him softly.

"This cannot be the truth! Lewys would never force a woman! He is not that kind of man!" Her mate stated as he wrung his hands.

"My haha is very telepathic and empathetic. Where do you think I get mine from? When those senses are bombarded or her blood drinking senses are overloaded; she cannot make a coherent thought, let alone consent for relations." The Alv-empusae stated bluntly.

"That is serious bull shit!" Alrik snarled.

"Oh my Kamis! The Shouten and most blood drinking species see it as rape! The fenrir lord Vulred? He wants your brother's head." His wife said with hands on her hips.

Nanami was heavily pregnant with their girl and she was literally due any time now. Alrik did not want her stressed in any way and he shut his mouth. His thoughts were horrible as Nanami began to breathe too fast. She was white knuckled, holding onto the kitchen counter.

"If what you are thinking is how you truly feel; then you truly believe that Dagar did not rape me!" Nanami said in shrill voice.

"My cousin did an awful thing. Please wife, please be calm! Think of the baby. You are so tiny and she is big." He said gesturing with his hands and worry.

"You condone Lewys's actions yet condemn Dagar? What is the difference? Because Lewys is your brother? I assure you; my Haha wants nothing to do with him." Her voice boomed in the small home.

"Nanami please!" Alrik shouted.

"Oh fuck." She moaned in pain as she grabbed her belly.

Alrik was suddenly in a panic and he was beside her. Sharp, god awful pains were shooting down from her lumbar spine to her left leg. The pain was increasing in intensity and Alrik could scent it; he could smell blood on her skirt and he picked her up.

"Your father's hospital?" He asked quickly.

"Hai. I think…I think abruption." She said and she went unconscious.

"Shit! Shit! Shit!" The Kveldulf man cursed and he phased them to the blasted hospital that her natural father ran.

Nobu saw his daughter in the Shadow Hound's arms and he freaked. Blood was running down her legs and he ran up to the other man and took his daughter. He ported via his shoki straight to the OR stat and yelled for emergency section. Nobu, Neil, and Shinobu were working on her and they got to her just in time. They pulled out a very large female Shadow Hound. Her cries were more inu like and she opened hazel eyes. Nobu was thrilled she had his baby's hair and he handed off his grand daughter. He worked on getting the placenta out and cauterizing bleeders. It took him some time but it went well. Nanami was coming to as her father was closing up.

"Chichi! The pup? Did she make it? Is she okay? Kamis, please tell me she is okay!" She begged Nobu.

"Hai sweetheart! The Shadow inu got you here just in time. She has silver hair and a mix of your eyes and his. She weighs over seven kilos baby girl! That is just not natural." The renowned healer/doctor chided his child.

"Chichi please do not preach to me. She is gorgeous right?" Nanami asked blinking her emerald eyes.

"Hai kiddo. I hate to see you go through these life endangering things because you just want to be a mom! I am not as much of a creep as Fionn towards the Alrik fellow but I refuse to bury my own daughter!" Nobu said sternly.

"I understand Chichi. I can have Shouten when my body doesn't miscarry. Alum and Jao have a working theory they want to run by you. Wraith is no issue." She sighed looking away.

"Baby girl, you were all I had of your haha after we lost her. I clung and hai, I admit I clung hard. You have her hair. You have her shape of face. You are us together and not feeling her mind almost destroyed me. If I lost another child; I don't know if I could handle it." He said honestly to his own adult daughter.

"Don't say that Chichi!" She cried as he hugged her tightly.

"Come on; time to meet your daughter." He smiled.

Nobu pushed the gurney and Alrik was in Nanami's room holding the most stunning female Kveldulf he had ever seen. She was so beautiful that he was literally stunned stupid. He also realized why she had miscarried the twin; this girl was very health, and seriously powerful. Alrik did not know what to do with that as well. Nanami held out her arms and he laid their daughter there.

"Hey there Sirena!" Nanami cooed at her baby girl.

"Oh my love that is a beautiful name." Alrik stated awed.

"Well, I did it again and had a perfect pup. What are you going to do with me?" She teased her husband/mate.

"Venerate and honor you as the paragon you are." He said softly.

"I like that!" His mate grinned.

Sirena was feeding very well and Nanami eyes widened when she felt whose aura was coming her way. She looked at Alrik and told him to phase out because Thunder was coming. Her Shadow Hound mate hated the ekimmu bastard but to save drama he did phase and Fionn stormed in and bowed his head to Nobu. The doctor chatted a moment with the powerful ekimmu and then left his girl to deal with the previous life's father. Sirena's head was covered by a small baby blanket.

"I felt you fall! I felt you fall Nemain!" Fionn snarled.

"It could not be helped! I am sorry Da!" She growled softly.

"Your life was in danger wasn't it?" He demanded.

"The placenta detached. I had no way of knowing it would." Nanami sighed.

"I told that dog that if his offspring harmed my child that I would maim him!" The ekimmu said and his eyes were blazing the demonic green of the ekimmu.

"Da please stop it! I am fine! He is not at fault. You should be concerned over Haha; she was raped by Alrik's brother!" She blurted out.

Fionn's face fell and the rage was building to where he needed to destroy something.

"She has spoken not of this to her people." Fionn said with barely suppressed rage.

"She is trying to pretend it didn't happen. She hates his guts but Maec made the Kveldulf the sixth clan in the Shouten Empire because they carry Shouten DNA. Haha went ballistic. All I know is that Vulred Gordir wants blood and lots of it." Nanami said softly.

"She is like her former self in some ways and in some ways she is the total opposite! This is totally opposite! She would hunt the bastard down herself and cut off his organ! Why Nemain? Why should she keep this from us?" He asked in fury.

"Honestly Da? I caught the thought; it will happen again sometime. She did not want to make a big deal about it." She looked down.

"Your dog has a stay; I will meet the fairy wolf. My wife and I need speak!" He stated and then phased out.

Fionn was shaking in hate and he ended destroying a small mound of rock on the outskirts of Tokyo. He looked everywhere for her; including Leth`Evana. He phased to Inujima dispirited and he was shocked to see his wife at the desk she had had installed at the main hall of meeting for dignitaries and nobles. She was looking at her laptop and she was scribbling on some paper. He was gawking at her and she had been here doing her queenly duties and he had not even thought to check.

"Hello my wonderful darling. You look surprised. I am sorry that the birth took so much out of me. That bitch's hex did a real number. However Bilae did visit me before I put up the barrier on the Estate and oh I have a story to tell!" Asuna said almost giddy.

"You have much to speak wife! Nanami had her Kveldulf brat. I felt her cord to me nearly snap and I truly panicked." He admitted.

"Oh Kamis Fionn! She is okay? You are okay? Losing children is wretched as you know. I do not want either of us to ever feel so again." She said standing and moving to him.

His wife held his cleft chin and she stared deeply into his steel and walnut hazel eyes. Her pale blue eyes held deep concern for him and her child; he wanted to implode at that moment but she caught him in a kiss that he did not expect. She did not neglect and he was hungry for her; sometimes he realized how difficult it was to suppress his empusae half. He refused to indulge now and he very gently turned her facing out.

"You have not stopped my affections in quite some time; have I angered my darling? Taran is well as you know! What is wrong?" Asuna asked confused.

"Stop! Stop acting as if that animal did not harm you!" He said softly but it held hate for the Shadow Hounds.

"I am over it Fionn. Besides, I have more important news that involves Bilae and Sanra! I rule the ekimmu, hai?" She asked just as kindly.

"Yes! Of course you do! It is your soul's birthright! You should have told your consorts of us three you know I would destroy this beast." Fionn cried in his hatred.

"Am I sullied Fionn? Am I somehow unfit? Is this the reason?" Asuna asked choking up.

"UGH! Piuthar how could you even say that shit? We are ekimmu and not of these lands! You should know all of this!" Thunder Incarnate actually had a single tear fall down his cheek.

"Why does this affect you so Fionn? Seriously, I am a predator and I need sexual energy. Enemies know this." His wife said barely audible and looked away.

"Yes and so was Halldora Fardahl! She too was an empusae queen and copulation forced upon her." He growled.

"I am so sorry Bràthair! I swear my head has been bashed too often." She said looking down.

"Gods! I need to kill him. I hate those creatures beyond time and now, now there is nothing they can do! You dismiss it because of what you see yourself as." He emphasized with his hands.

Fionn had to walk away because his hate was so fierce. Asuna stood there and she was shaking in her hands still. She refused to let Lewys Keelan define her life and she sat back down at her desk. She began to write and type as she worked out battle plans. It did not take long for Gwydion, Aeron, and Dafydd to show up. She looked up and sighed.

"Fionn gets busy. Look, I do not need vengeance. I do not need anything. I need to really start to defeat Sanra and Bilae. The witch has an Achilles heel now; that baby girl? She actually loves her. She will go bananas if we take her girl. She will go crazier. Then we strike." Asuna said as she had placed her hands on her lap.

"Piuthar, we all love you and that wretched cunt can be thought about tomorrow. For the love of our creators; have you not suffered enough? Haven't we suffered enough? Good heavens Asuna but you act as if it is okay to treat this great queen like a prostitute!" Gwydion said in disbelief.

Her twin soul was wearing a slightly slimmer cut white button down shirt. His bottoms were loose and made of some silk and other combo; he always wore some blue. His pants were blue and his shoes were simple boat shoes but Asuna knew the leather would be buttery soft. Aeron wore a modern button down in a small green checked pattern. His shirt tucked into very dark washed designer jeans and polished black loafers. His long hair was pulled back to give the illusion of shorter hair. His sand colored eyes held deep emotions. Dafydd looked chic as always; he liked to wear beanies, and he liked to wear lots of color. Today he was in red.

"Enough! Truly, I said enough! I am no great queen. I am doing my best though. I have this stupid empusae in me that makes me a fucking whore!" She screamed at the ekimmu men.

"How can you even speak such filth about yourself?" Aeron asked.

"Very easily! Aeron meet Dafydd; your brother and one of my mates. There is your proof." Asuna answered sarcastically.

"This is not you. This is not how you are!" The blonde man spoke.

Dafydd's mouth had dropped open at her declarations. She was normally quite aggressive but now she was just seemingly benign. He noticed it first and he noticed she was trying to purposely hide it. Her hands were trembling ever so slightly but it seemed worse as she became more upset.

"Come my friends; she is our queen, however we may disagree!" Dafydd said bowing.

Aeron and Gwydion both looked at the younger ekimmu man as if he was daft. He just stood there and Asuna gave the blonde and walnut haired men a look that spoke volumes.

"Thank you Dafydd. Please go on!" She commanded.

Gwydion was bitching the entire time as he followed the Purcell men out. He intended to freeze something, anything of Dafydd as payback. When they were far enough away Dafydd spun around.

"She was trying to cover up trembling in her hands. Did you two not notice?" He asked them.

"Honestly no. I was so upset about her calling herself a whore." Aeron admitted.

"Trembling? What the hell would be causing that?" The ekimmu of ice asked confused.

"Her mate Nobu or Tristan need assess her. She is not okay at all. This event has done something wretched to her." The younger man stated.

"Thank you Dafydd. I am sorry for being angry." Gwydion mumbled.

"Honestly your majesty? I expect nothing less from most Hammels." He shrugged.

Aeron hid his smile and he wondered how they could get her examined without her going nuts. He sent his brother on his way and he had Gwydion come with him to Hueco Mundo and the Shouten Empire's palace in Astana. Maec tr'Awnhi was on his throne with a chalice of blood wine watching his court; Lei was near and making very pertinent observations and both wraiths noticed the ekimmu right away.

"Come Lei. We have a meeting." Maec commanded.

"Yes your majesty." The Jing heir grinned.

Maec indicated for Aeron and Gwydion to come to his room off of his throne room. He poured all blood wine and he sat down at an ornate ebony table. Lei sat near him and the two were able to be the closest of confidents now; if Maec or Lei felt in the mood, they would indulge their whims.

"Lewys Keelan, this alpha of the Kveldulf. Where is he?" Gwydion asked.

"Being hunted now by my sister Seeval and Admal; it seems word has traveled fast amongst his clan. I have made it quite clear to anyone harboring him that I will make my ancestor look like a fucking saint!" Maec stated.

"She has a tremble that she is trying to hide." Aeron mentioned.

"She was dry heaving two days ago. Violently, I might add. She had not even eaten or taken blood." The Shouten king added.

Lei looked not only concerned but horrified. His instinct was to go to her and demand to know what was up but Maec looked at him and nodded no. He sometimes hated that the fucking king knew him so well now.

"Petulance Jing! It suits thee not!" Maec said aloud.

"Ugh stay out of my head Maec." Lei growled.

"Learn to make me." His king retorted.

"When I am an old fart; I guess I will be able to." The younger Jing responded.

Maec kept his amusement hidden and so did Lei. Both of them were worried and it showed. Aeron was deep in thought.

"What does she not want us to know?" He asked.

"Most likely a pregnancy; she hates abortions but to handle a child by someone who took her without her consent?" Lei answered.

"What if it were a pregnancy but she does not want it known at all?" Gwydion thought aloud.

"Sanra did do a number on her last time. Fuck! What is going on with her? She is going through some sort of mass mothering instinct." The Shouten King complained.

"That is just it; we need to speak to her newest frere! What should we expect in a mixed dog daemon and blood drinker?" The Jing man offered.

"Brilliant." His king said softly.

Lei held back a choking sound and Maec had not neglected him again. In fact the king had taken him "under his wing"; so to speak, and not only did they have their private moments but Maec taught him how to use all of his Shouten abilities.

Gwydion and Aeron stood up and bowed to Maec and they phased out. Lei stared at the Shouten king and Maec had a little smirk.

"What did I tell you when you said you gave yourself to me?" He demanded from Lei.

"You said you were possessive and territorial." Lei shivered.

"Let us follow the ekimmu. I have a mind to be with our wife." His king stood up and licked his lower lip.

"Fucking asshole!" The Jing heir groaned.

Maec chuckled and he phased after the two ekimmu. Lei followed him but he had news for mister kingly pants. He was going to get some payback.

Anum had adapted to the modern era surprisingly well and Nobu found him to be an invaluable doctor for the hospital. His knowledge of the different species of youkai was beyond amazing and he was quick. He normally would sit a lunch table and sip upon his thermos of blood discretely and alone. Shinobu tried to get to know him but he was very quiet.

"Chichi, I swear that dude is nothing like Haha's other frere! He isn't even friendly." Shinobu complained.

"He is nice once you get to know him Shin. He is painfully shy in this era and plus that whole frere/queen thing. Asuna decided he should try to gain as much independence from her. He told me it feels like utter hell." Nobu said softly as he looked at the Egyptian doctor.

"Damn. What the hell is Haha thinking then?" His son asked.

"She does not want her frere to be like Ayille! She wants them to be men of their own minds and hai, have lives that can be separate from her." His father said knowingly.

"While her sentiments are noble; those of us who are frere, it is extremely painful physically and mentally." Anum said behind them both.

"Sorry dude to be talking about you as if you weren't here." The son of his queen said blushing.

"I have not been friendly. I apologize. She is purposely avoiding me and it is making me ill." The former court physician said looking down.

He had refused to cut his hair so he wore it pulled back. He liked the scrubs they wore and the blue ones reminded him of lapis lazuli. Without warning two ekimmu men phased in; Gwydion Hammel and Aeron Purcell. They recognized Anum and they bowed a little.

"You Doctor Anum; you are the expert on mixed blood drinkers. We need your insight." Aeron said quickly.

"Yes, yes of course." He nodded and his dark eyes were full of concern.

Nobu had them come to his office and Anum sat down at a side chair and the two ekimmu sat down on the leather couch that was black. Nobu sat behind his third new desk since Asuna had "woken up". When she was in a mood; she could ruin his furniture.

"The Queen was taken by the alpha Shadow Hound. Her conscious self woke up during the act and he did not finish according to her mind. Right now her hands are trembling and she is trying to hide it. She also has seemed to given up her warrior ways. She only wishes for her offspring." The elder Purcell brother said bluntly.

Nobu listened carefully and hate filled him because of the fucking Kveldulf. He was mentally calculating her exact age and Anum was wide eyed.

"Her inpu beast is dominating right now. Inpu females obviously do not have so many offspring but their instincts are to love their pups and nurture. Inpu females go through about four major mating cycles until they are around eight or nine hundred. Her instincts are to well do exactly what she is doing. I was told she lost many to these Shadow Hounds. The loss during the last would make her inpu unstable." Anum explained.

"I thought she was showing more ekimmu tendencies." Gwydion thought.

"She will never revert one hundred percent back to being ekimmu sir. She still has her inpu form. She will still have those instincts and needs." The Egyptian stated in a low tone.

"We need to check her. Do you think the Kveldulf trash got her pupped?" Nobu asked.

"I believe it could be possible." Her frere answered.

Nobu actually slammed his fist down on his desk and he stood up. He closed his eyes and he sensed where she was. He was one of the few mates she rarely ever shut out. Nobu yanked Anum with him and they walked through a venom cloud. Gwydion and Aeron had yelled, hey behind.

Nobu recognized the area in Western lands as Shomyo Falls and his mate was staring at the waters coming down. She just sat there and her hands were shaking.

"You are going to take me and examine me. I can tell you I carry Pantera again. I chose to." She said softly.

"Babe, I gave up trying to tell you when and what to do about your babes, okay? I just want to make sure you are okay!" Nobu came over and kneeled next to her.

Anum could feel her aura and it was askew. He had a feeling she was avoiding certain males on purpose and he slowly moved forward to her side.

"Do you like this era?" Asuna asked her newest frere.

"I do but I cannot stand this distance you insist upon. We have realized I have lilitu in me and I am not a weak type of uppyr! Why punish me for choosing to become a frere?" Anum demanded.

"It was not a punishment! I do not want you to feel as though you cannot be without me. You must be able to have a sense of yourself and be able to even be with another onna if need be!" She growled.

Anum's eyes bled black and he looked green. Nobu had no idea how the bond thing worked and he checked her hands. He had grabbed a portable ultrasound and she obliged him and laid back.

"Okay, I see the Pantera boy. I see a girl who appears human. That must be Chrestian's babe." Nobu said knowingly.

"See it is not as bad as you think." She said still shaken up.

Nobu changed the frequency of the ultra sound and he ran the transducer back over near her right pelvis. Anger filled his gut and her eyes filled with horror. She had only conceived one but it was a Kveldulf.

"That is probably what is making you shake my heart. You are starting to burn up. We can do a reduction immediately." Nobu said automatically.

"No." She shook her head violently.

"Excuse me? He took you against your will Asuna! That is by definition rape!" Her longtime healer mate stated.

"This pup is innocent of his bastard father. He shall not know him. I will not allow the sordid encounter to define me!" She snarled.

"You let it control you my queen by allowing it to continue." Anum said very softly.

Asuna's eyes burned navy blue and her chest heaved. She knew what Nanami had gone through to carry her Kveldulf and she did not think she could handle it. She sat up and put her forehead to her knees and began to weep. Nobu nodded to Anum and her frere gently ported with her to Yamasaki General and Nobu followed.

Aeron and Gwydion heard although the two doctors tried to keep it quiet. They knocked her completely out so she would not have to see them do the procedure. She was not very far along at all and Nobu hated the Shadow Hounds with a deep passion. What he did discover was a wraith baby hiding out under a barrier. He chuckled to himself and Anum was fascinated.

"Whose child can do such a thing?" The Egyptian frere asked.

"The Shouten King; Maec tr'Awnhi, every single one of their kids has done this. They hide out with a little barrier around them. Sometimes even ole Maec doesn't even feel them." Nobu chuckled.

They had her taken care of and she was on saline and blood to build her up. Asuna was sleeping and her hands were over her belly as she knew subconsciously what they had done. Her mind felt Tolthe and her child; the telepathy was already developing and she could already feel him. She felt Chrestian's daughter and it was very early. She knew the wraith babe was hiding but she mentally coaxed.

-I give him another son.- She thought as she slowly woke up.

At the foot of her bed was Lei and Maec. They both had their arms crossed and she looked the other way. Maec stormed over to her and made her look at him.

"He begot you again and that is why you were ill, correct?" Maec demanded.

"I did not want to make things even worse than they already were! Vulred is on a warpath and soon you shall be too." Asuna sighed.

"Oh Isha; he thought my ancestor bad? I shall make Sanra look like a fucking saint for once!" He threatened.

"I give you another son." His queen whispered gently.

Maec's face fell and the rage left him. He was astonished and Lei watched the Shouten king move to her and lift her hospital gown. He pressed several ways and bloody tears fell down his face.

"We are having a boy." He said holding back his tremendous emotions.

"I owe you so many my darling Lei. I promise you." She murmured reaching for him.

He came over and she kissed his hands and she stared at his eyes; Lei knew this Asuna. This was the one who had promised him Lifen. Anum came in and he was wearing blue scrubs with his black hair pulled back. His skin was darkly bronzed and some hieroglyphs were still visible upon his body.

"Pardon me King Maec and Prince Lei; I need to speak with my queen for a bit, if you do not mind." Anum said very politely.

"Jing and I will be in Astana; teaching him how to handle Clan day. He can then do it when I do not feel like it!" Maec tittered.

"What am I to you Majesty; a younger version of you, so you can go off and play?" Lei smarted off.

"Depends upon what I am playing with." The Shouten king muttered and his eyes were silver.

Asuna actually laughed softly and Lei growled good naturedly. They phased out and she looked at Anum. He sat down in a chair next to her bed.

"I need to come be apart of my brothers and you." He stated bluntly.

"I do not know if that is a good idea yet." Asuna shook her head.

"Do you have any idea how much it hurts my lady? It hurts me physically and mentally." He said as his eyes darkened to black.

"Your eyes do not change to green?" She asked mystified.

"My eyes are so dark; the color is a darker green. It still appears blackish." He looked down.

"Kameron and Ryo had to learn to function away from me Anum. Chrestian had met me as a human but he had some age by the time I re-met him while he was Ayille's frere. Qui hated me so much that his independence was quite natural." She shrugged.

"They are all something I am not!" He snapped as he stood.

"Hai, you have the lilitu in you! It makes you incredible. I need you to be able to even take another onna if you must for survival. You have to be able to do these things and not be disgusted by them." She said softly and she looked down.

"You asked me if I wished this! I said yes; I said give me back a family to cherish and love. All you have done is given me is anguish and hell!" Anum growled in his pain.

He tried to port but he was blocked by her will. Her eyes were darker blue and she was up rather suddenly. Anum was pushed into the wall of her hospital room and her right hand had slipped past his scrub bottoms and boxer briefs. Asuna breathed heavily in his ear and that was all it took to become hard.

"Where do you wish to go Anum?" His queen growled in his ear.

"I want to be alone with you." He replied boldly.

Asuna phased them to her Tokyo penthouse and she had not been here in some time. She was standing near her dining table in mahogany wood and Anum had her up and on it in but a moment. He ripped her hospital gown from her himself and his dark Egyptian eyes locked with hers.

"Allow me to obliterate what that animal did from your conscious." He whispered softly.

Asuna did not know what to say but her youngest frere lowered his mouth to hers. He was frere but he was still inu. She realized fully the moment he touched her how right it felt and how much she needed all of her frere. Anum was ever gentle and she phased them to her bed. She rolled them and she was on him.

"Hai. Anum! Hai!" She cried out as she moved on him slowly.

Hearing her speak his name as such drove him over an edge and he sat up and sank fangs deeply into her juncture. She snarled and screamed in ecstasy as her body shivered from a massive release. He was acting inu but he drank her blood; and her end made his glorious. She too sank fangs into his juncture and it caused a second release for him. He released a long moan as she drank from him and then mashed her lips against his. Asuna released his lips and she laid her fae like ear against his shoulder. The Egyptian doctor wrapped his arms around her as her breathing evened out and she fell asleep.

Nobody had seen Queen Asuna in Leth`Evana for over a week. Vulred had left the plane to try and find his mate but he could not find her anywhere. Anger was coursing through the Gordir lord and Tolthe was spying without being seen. He moved quickly to the edges of his own lands and he stiffened when he felt a pythos.

"Leto." He said bowing.

"Prince Tolthe. Seems everyone is in uproar about the missing queen. Even the Elensar seemed perturbed." She said watching his reactions very closely.

"There have been two major skirmishes between my people and the witch's serpents. Good that you are here. It was north of my capital." He stated flatly.

"Then I shall get my warriors out as well. Do you miss me Tolthe?" She asked him softly.

"No." The Pantera prince blinked his yellow eyes at her and he moved away.

"Bastard!" She snarled at his back.

He had no time for his ex and his created the rip in the veil. He had had a deep telepathic link with her when she had given birth. She had many homes in her plane in Japan. Tolthe stood in the middle of some sort of fabulous dwelling that was high up in the sky. Asuna flew to the door of her room in one second.

"You are safe! Why have you not checked in?" He asked her shaken up.

"I was not doing well." She looked down.

"What do you mean? I heard things from spying upon the Gordir. Tis it true?" Tolthe asked bluntly.

"Hai. Although in his mind he would say it was not." Asuna scoffed.

"Did he harm you in any other way?" Her Pantera husband choked up.

"They are apparently get females pregnant very easily. You know of my daughter Nanami? She is actually mated to Keelan's brother. She has chosen to carry Kveldulf. It was making me horribly ill." She stated feeling horrid.

"You did not ask for it. You did not ask for his attentions. Stop that now!" He gently shook her by her shoulders.

Asuna looked up at him and realized he had actually connected with her so deeply as to memorize her homes. She jerked him by his black chiton to her and kissed him deeply. He was of course in his elvish form outside of his lands. He was just grateful to know she was safe and he felt his son's mind which startled him. His own son was an extremely powerful telepath and he connected with his sire.

"Oh! He knows! Incredible!" She gushed as she looked at her belly.

"How is it you are not ill any more?" He asked softly.

"My longtime healer mate and my youngest frere are both doctors; they knew how to do a reduction without harming my other babes." She murmured as she laid her head against his shoulder.

"I should like to thank them." He said running his hands through her hair.

"You will meet them at some point. Anum was here until an hour ago. He is inu like me but he has a type of uppyr in him called lilitu. They are the first cousins of the ekimmu if you will." She said just feeling safe.

"You love me." Tolthe fully realized.

"Duh!" She laughed softly.

"Luthais hurt you so badly; I wondered could she truly love me. I knew you enjoyed our time and our talks. You spoke the words…" He stumbled.

"I am not her." Asuna said palming his cheeks in her hands.

"I am never him." He said seriously.

"We bound ourselves by choice, not by mistake! I suppose I should come to Leth`Evana and make an appearance." She sighed.

"It would be most wise. I know the bulk of your life is here and we must get used to coming here too." He said raising his chin.

"I must go to Tanath`Sal first. Then I shall see Vulred." She kissed him deeply.

Tolthe treasured the closeness but he had been thrilled to feel his cub and to see her. That was enough for him. She heard his mind and she loved him dearly. She let him know it. Asuna had on a white hanfu of light silk and gauze cotton. It created a filmy illusion. The Pantera prince was gone from the elvish palace immediately and Asuna immediately walked towards Simyth and Arlayna's aura. She found them in his suite of rooms; she slipped in and shut the doors softly. He whirled his elegant head around and she opened her mind completely. Simyth was caught up on her life in the matter of a minute and anger was reflected in his topaz brown eyes. He radiated calm for their child who was walking and she walked to her mother. Asuna picked her up and snuggled her closely.

"Will she nurse?" She asked him.

"No my love; she is willful as you already know. She does not like to sit still to eat." Simyth smiled.

"You are still too young not to have my milk little girl!" She said in the elvish tongue.

"Big girl!" Arlayna responded.

"Well! She is willful." Her mother smiled and hugged her daughter with so much love.

"Mama! Layna play. Layna walk." She struggled to get down.

She let her half elvish daughter down and Simyth looked at the precious girl with such love. She moved into his arms and the nanny silently followed the ever more powerful princess and Simyth intended to bind her powers some. Airis had done so to Ireth; Asuna had not been thrilled but he had said Ireth had the ability to phase into other planes. The ekimmu queen agreed to bind her.

"You will stay with me tonight?" He asked lifting her chin.

"Of course." She smiled.

"I will let it be known that the queen has returned. That should calm your fenrir down." He said soothingly.

She nodded and he just held her. The idea that she had been infested with that beast's spawn again made him ill. Simyth was gentle with her as always and she spent major quality time with him. She popped in on Airis and Ireth. The never tame Airis had her against a wall in a wild kiss and she promised pay back.

She phased to the outskirts of Gordir lands and she had bathed in the waters that supplied Tanath`Sal. Vulred was behind her so fast that she was whirled around. When he had heard that the queen was in Leth`Evana; he had to be calm. He had to give the Elensar his due.

"Why you run?" He demanded.

"I did not. Alum is the brother of Maec. He knew something I did not; Maec has made peace with the Shadow Hounds; they carry Shouten blood in them and the empire agreed to make them the sixth clan." His mate explained.

Why the husband of Nanami had taken her now made sense. He was suddenly livid and he whirled around, slashed a large tree with his claws. The tree fell over and Vulred's eyes were burning dark amber. His mate was too quiet and he calmed himself down.

"Tell me." He said in his rough voice.

"Keelan pupped me. I was not aware until one of my people realized that I was showing signs of major illness." She looked away.

"Do you still have in you?" He seethed.

"No. Nobu and Anum; my youngest frere, decided that my body could not handle the pup and they did what they call a reduction. They removed the fetus." Asuna said almost sick.

"Keelan is killed by me!" Her fenrir lord roared.

"Well Vulred, the ekimmu people are pretty pissed off. Fionn"s mother was the same creature as I am now; I spoke like a self served idiot in front of him. His element is thunder and lighting! Hai! He is that ekimmu." She nodded as mouthed the elements.

"Nanami will know where he is." The ekimmu queen said grabbing Vulred and phasing.

They appeared in the antechamber of Elias's house and it was obviously a ruckus.

"What do you mean fight? You just gave birth! Why in the hell would you fight the Shadow Hounds? You had your revenge. NANAMI!" Elias shouted at her.

"Because if anything happened to Fionn Hammel; I know I couldn't handle it!" she yelled back."

"He's just some ekimmu!" The Menon alpha sputtered in rage.

"So was I! I was Nemain Aurora Hammel. Eldest daughter of Fionn; and I'm sorry Elias but I comepletely remember my life. He is as much a father to me as Nobu." Nanami cried trying to make him understand.

Nanami felt her mother and Vulred but she felt Fionn in the forests. Her eyes burned brighter green and she phased. Elias jumped her phase and Asuna with her fenrir in tow followed her daughter. There stood Fionn Hammel with hammer on his wide leather belt and his sword in it scabbard on his back. His long white hair was knotted back. He wore all black and Elias seemed humbled.

"Do not even start Pithuar! If you start a fight over this; then I cannot in good conscience be married to you." Fionn said tightly but a rich timbre of his voice.

"Excuse me? Fae fenrir please excuse he and I a few moments!" Asuna snarled. She walked straight up to Fionn and phased them to barren lands in England.

"I love you! I love you more than I can express with insipid words! Your need to try and keep peace on everything is wrong! Violations to Thor's wife should be death!" He managed to get out.

Fionn assumed a fight but she was suddenly in front of him; in his personal space, her hands palmed his sculpted cheeks. His reborn love pressed her full lips to his. She sought closer and Fionn made a snarl. His love, he was unsure of what she was doing. Asuna had him pulled to her; he was a head taller, and her kiss was wildly provocative. Fionn's green eyes eyes shut as he wrapped his powerful arms around her. She was not stopping him; she was giving him her blessing. Fionn tried, he tried very hard to keep his mind on his mission, but she pulled them to their knees.

"Beloved please. Please!" She barely breathed the words.

"What do you wish Asuna?" Fionn asked tightly.

She ran her fine claws over his large bulge in his bottoms; the ekimmu prince actually blushed a tiny bit.

"We want you to make love to us. Then I properly introduce you to a new pupil." She moaned.

"You are keeping me distracted! Not this time! I love you, but I kill the worthless dog today!" Her ekimmu prince jerked away from her.

"I am not stopping you; your attire and general sounds are having a huge impact on me." His wife and queen blushed.

"Me snarling and growling is making you wanton?" Fionn actually asked almost amused.

Her eyes flashed red, then blue and became a beautiful shade of purple. She was behind him scenting like she would as her inu but many of her actions were ekimmu. She did something he would never would have expected; she undid his warrior bottoms, and she sliced through his under garment. Fionn was furious but he saw her eyes and they were that strange color. Asuna was on her knees and the ekimmu of Thunder and Lighting felt her tongue lick along his upper thigh and left butt cheek. The ekimmu queen was scenting and he nearly choked.

"Asuna! Pithuar are you in some stage we do not recognize?" he gasped,

"Nobu and Anum think so. Smell so good ekimmu. Want to lick every centimeter of your god body." His wife growled softly.

"Can not this wait till after I smash that defiler into a pulp for those hollows?" Thunder shivered as deadly claws gently touched him intimately.

"I want you to hai. We want you now!" Guttural deep snarls of a hound came from her.

"What is this going on?" gasping his question.

The female he had given his heart and soul to was no where near to hurting him. Her tongue kept tasting the salt upon his skin and scenting him in intimate places. The more she inhaled; more she became untamable.

"We scare you. Why fear us? We wear your mark and you wear ours? Scent is more potent. Need you now." Asuna growled low in his ear.

"I do not understand what is going on Piuthar. This is not known to me." He spoke in a tone not to anger this wild version of her.

"We are inu! We are ekimmu! We are both. We merge and you fear us?" His queen paced.

"When you demand I copulate; I have issues, yes!" Fionn stared her down.

"Tenure of mother over soon; we know this! We want what we want." Her beasts bluntly spoke.

Fionn was trying to work out exactly what her words meant and his mind just stopped working. His lifelong love had slid his proud phallus down her throat, and worked her mouth mimicking intercourse. The warrior ekimmu nearly fell over and he was panting hard.

"Oh ancients! Asuna, you know this gets me weak. You know I cannot stop myself." The white-blonde haired fighter fell back, propped by his hands.

Fionn faintly recognized the grounds of his old training grounds. Why she had brought them here was mysterious and his lover was getting him so near that he was nearly in tears. Asuna came of his maleness and her eyes were still purple. Fionn's burning green eyes were glazed. He was in his own beastly need and she lifted his wrist and licked up his veins. If any other ekimmu saw their warrior prince as such; they would have defecated themselves. Her ekimmu consort refused to beg but she flicked her tongue against his veins and hissing sounds came faster as his wife licked his tantalizing flesh.

"Dr-dr-ink. Piuthar drink!" Prince of Thunder roared out needy.

She held his forearm as if made of glass and she lowered her mouth; Fionn watched rapt as her canine fangs sank into one of his larger veins. Lips began to tremble as his life she drank; her bite gave him not euphoria exactly but her emotions, actions physical and mental that occurred when air and thunder joined. Fionn did not realize she no longer drank but this bite was beloved ones only. He fell forward and tried to make sense of the world. He could not count highs; he was apart of her just because of love. Fionn managed to crawl forward to his old command center of the sort; Asuna just followed him in. He sat in a corner where it seemed time had no meaning. This was not Arianrhod he knew. This was her; this was his eternal love. Fionn had just never been so overtaken by her before.

Fionn thought he heard low growls and whines. Reaching beyond the heavens was not even an accurate word for the encounter with his wife. She had somehow become one and he had no idea how she could; his mate was furious to leave him there but he insisted. He lay in the old arena and breathed in fresh air. It took time but Nemain/Nanami phased in and she yelped as she witness his condition. He was fully attired but laying in what was now a field and dirt.

"Da? What happened? Elias had a shit fit. Haha and Vulred showed up and then Haha disappeared. I have no idea what the hell is going on with her. Da? Please say something!" Nanami cried as she knelt next to him.

"Her rational self came to give me her blessing. Her canine self said she could scent me. Her eyes merged to a rather beautiful amethyst purple. Moments blur together." Thunder mumbled as he pushed himself off of the ground.

"Da!" His reborn daughter yelped.

The head of an unknown Keelan had been placed next to the prone ekimmu. He jumped back and he was horrified that he had not done it as well as the bastard's foul stench had been close to him.

"Nemain! What the fucking Annwyn is going on?" Fionn growled under breath.

Fionn narrowed his steel/walnut hazel eyes and the Shadow Hound's body had been separated but in a pattern. He recognized a Celtic sign but the head; that had nothing to do with his culture.

He watched Nanami scenting the air; her ekimmu forefather cocked his head to the side. She knelt to the ground to feel vibrations and she looked straight up at her "Da".

"It's Haha. She did this. The head is a gift from her inu. Her two parts have merged into this thing." Nanami shuddered.

"She ripped him apart?" The seasoned ekimmu warrior asked in pure astonishment.

"Oh do not look so surprised Fionn! I was a killer before I was a mother. How did you like your gift?" Asuna said on a rock above Nanami and Thunder incarnate.

She wore black armor and her silver hair was partially pulled back. Konkisaiga was on her hip and she wore knee boots with the same black armor. Upon her hands she seemed to wear chain mail gloves. Her eyes were amethyst in color and they were not changing.

"I have cowered and been afraid long enough; there has been death and destruction to my loved ones long enough!" She uttered in a too quiet voice.

"Haha, what are you going to do?" Nanami asked.

"We do what we had planned before! We go back. We take it backwards and we annihilate." The inu-ekimmu queen showed her fangs.

"You are with babe now Asuna." Fionn commented.

"Get on board or get out of my way!" His wife snarled.

He watched his wife walk forward and she phased as she did so. This was such a meshing of both Arianrhod and Asuna; he was completely stunned. He had no clue what had brought this out but he knew the warrior maiden; blood would soon run in rivers.