Bleach Fan Fiction ❯ Battle Cry ❯ What does the Cry mean? ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Bleach. Please don't think I do.
Battle Cry - 1
What does the cry say?
The sword started to sing as if it was creating a battle cry. The pull on Ichigo's arm was almost overpowering, as if the sword was craving for blood. "I don't understand. As all the times I had ever held this sword, I never wanted to fight this bad before. It is like the sword has a soul of its own, a soul of a battle driven warrior who is always waiting for the next battle to start. I don't know what is making me do this, but this duel is going to become a great fight."

As Ichigo contemplated his thought about the sword, Rukia held a look of fear that would only give her more anxiety. Her body stood its ground because what was going through her mind, her body wasn't going to listen. "That song, The Zanbatou Battle Cry? I only heard rumors of two people to can use the Battle-Lust song and both of them are dead. Although I have never heard of the cry, few warriors wish they could wield it. It had been rumored that the cry makes a warrior crave the victims' energy and will destroy the target as long as the singer so wishes. The problem is that the singer loses sight and sees anything as a target, "Rukia becoming frustrated due to the battle that becoming greater by the second.

"Wait a minute, I also heard the cry is dangerous if use for some time. I think that if the wielder keeps the cry longer than 10 minutes after the last target was destroyed, the wielder loses his will and soul, and becomes lost within the song. That why some call this cry the "Last Will's testament. Reason why it's called that is because the two wielders who use it died after 20 minutes. The bodies became very weak and could not contain their souls. The body was burned by the soul due to the lack of battle and was burn by the soul's battle aura. The soul was released after the damage to their bodies was done. No documented evidence was given by the leaders of the shikagimi at the times and no one has ever heard of anyone using the cry since the two' deaths. That was over 500 earth years ago. Someone as young and inexperience as Ichigo would not survive this encounter." The fear that was containing Rukia's body was starting to lose its grip. "I will not lose him; I sacrifice too much to just see him die due to his inexperience."

As the cry was becoming louder, the group of hallows in front of him was wondering why has he not attack. One brave hallow gather enough courage after the initial shock came in. This one will be my victory, it's a shame that he did not fight back after letting his sword cry for just a short time. The Monkey-looking hallow sprang onto the warrior who carried an unconscious look within his eyes. "You will become an delicious feast as which I will take
the first bite." the monster toothy lips seem to grow into a lopsided grin and started to open its mouth as to take a bite out of his soul and body. As the teeth of the monster started to advance on Ichigo's neck, the scowl on Ichigo's face was easing into a soft look.

As the hardness on his face was disappearing, Rukia was only beginning. "The cry is almost done, if I help him, I may start him off in a blood lust that can never leave. And if I don't, his going to die right in front off me. This is one job that I will hate for the rest of my life." Rukia started to conjure of a curse that would distract the hallow in hopes of Ichigo's cry finishing soon. "Let's us hope I don't fail you." As that small dialogue was finish within Rukia's mind, the Hallow stopped before crushing its teeth into the flesh of its victim. Then, a flash of light was quickly produced, followed by a scream, and as if the whole thing had just started, it ended just as quickly.

The monkey's head rolled onto the ground and landed as if the head was still on its body near the feet of his fellow comrades. Rukia had never looked at a hallow that contain fear. If it wasn't for the grave situation, she would of laugh at it. "You killed our friend, I hope you rot in the lowest pits of fire one we eat your soul." The fiends bounce on the small area and went after the calmed face warrior. Ichigo lifted up his arm into the air and a vortex of wind started to gather around him. The group of hallows was as close as there previous fiend, was gather into the vortex of wind. The bodies were slashed up within the windstorm and it started to rain onto Ichigo's face and body.

What was calm now carried the scowl that was previously on there. It didn't look right. The scowl contains the force of his everyday look, but his eyes didn't contain a soul. Rukia started to walk up the to the blood-drench body of the replaced death reaper, softly calling out his name, in hopes of reaching her replacement. Her voice fell on to deaf ears.

He did not respond. As the blood started to dry on his body, new wounds started to appear. The patterns violently slashed into his clothes and the wounds were opening from the inside. Rukia surprised by the sudden changes that happening to Ichigo started to chant a healing Kido but was knocked back by the white swirls of the wind that was gathering near the Ichigo. The now visible protective field started to absorb the fallen bodies of the hallows. Within the field, the blood from the hallows and his blood was mixing and gathering near his sword and heart. The red of his and black of the hollow's blood now glowed with an unholy aura.

The Aura started to dim. For unknown reasons, the blood was being absorbed by both the sword and soul. An disembodied voice started to speak, "As one soul picks up the sword, a connection is made. Both shall now take up a cause and fight for what must be done. The Blood of both the Friend and the Foe must now be taken to heart of the Keeper. Let it be known, the Task of Soul and Sword shall be given and must be done. For if the Cry is unanswered, the Cry shall be silenced and shall not be recognized.”
The makeshift ceremony which only carried one witness saw what was done. The body of Ichigo waiver in its place and suddenly drop to the ground. Rukia, now stiff and tired from the force of the shield, remember the whole speech and hope that it was not an ill omen. Getting up, Rukia carefully picked up the soul reaper and started to bring back his soul to his body.