Bleach Fan Fiction ❯ Bleach Ficlets: Dare To Live ❯ 8 Touch Training ( Chapter 8 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Authors Note: I don't own Bleach and make no claims on it. If I did, there'd be a whole hell of a lot of kinky shit going down.
8Touch Training
“Hey, old man. When are we gonna have more of those lessons of yours? Not like I need them or anything but I'm fucking bored here.”
I frowned down at Shirosaki. He'd been nearly impossible to deal with once he'd gotten a taste of Ichigo. I couldn't exactly blame him on that account. Ichigo tended to have that effect on a person once they sampled him on a rather intimate level. Much to my chagrin, once either Shirosaki or Ichigo got an idea in their heads, it was nearly impossible to dislodge. I seriously doubted any other personifications went through half the trouble I did with those two. Then again, I think I was the only one who was actually bedding their Shinigami never mind said Shinigami's Hollow self as well.
“Quit stalling. What's your fucking problem? Afraid you can't keep up with me or that Ichigo will want me more than you once he feels my cock up his ass?”
This little bit of aggression needed to be dealt with immediately or we'd never get anywhere as a triad. I stepped from my pole, pulling my sunglasses down my nose and turned the full force of my desire on him. Just because I wasn't constantly demanding sexual favours didn't mean I wasn't thinking about getting them. Shirosaki licked his lips and a faint blush touched his cheeks. I smiled slightly when he didn't back down.
“It's not a contest between us with Ichigo as the prize, Shirosaki. The sooner you realize that, the sooner you can have what you desire. You do still want to drive Ichigo wild so that, in the end, he's begging you to come in his ass as he does for me, don't you?”
“Fuck, yeah. I am gonna to get me some royal ass,” Shirosaki said with a broad grin.
“Then we do things my way since I know what'll make Ichigo react how you want. Trust me; you'll enjoy learning what I have to teach you. We'll start with kissing and the sensual art of caressing your partner.”
Shirosaki snorted. “That's pouffy, girly shit. Come on. We're guys. We don't need that. Let's just get to the fucking.”
I sighed softly, wondering if I was crazy to be contemplating this. “My way or you can go back to masturbating and watching me pleasure Ichigo alone, knowing you'll never get that piece of royal ass you seem so focused on without my help.”
Shirosaki scowled at me and muttered something that sounded suspiciously like `controlling prick'. I removed my sunglasses and tucked them into a pocket of my coat before pulling Shirosaki close to me. I sent out a mental warning to Ichigo just in case the reiatsu slipped from my control and started my seduction of Shirosaki.
“Kiss gently at first. Trail your hands lightly over your partner to find the places they like being touched the most. You can play with how hard or soft to make those touches later once you know just where your partner will appreciate it most. Everybody has somewhere they like caressed that drives them crazy with need and I'm not only talking about the place between your legs.”
I put words into motion as I began to kiss, lick and suck at Shirosaki's lips. My hands travelled down his arms until I reached his wrists and drew his hands up. The flush was back in Shirosaki's face, his breathing fast although I'd barely done anything to him. He was wound tighter than a spring with his need. I brought his hand to my mouth and licked his palm while holding his gaze with my own. His fingers spasmed from what I knew he'd find erotic and I worked hard to keep the smirk off my face.
This lesson was for him to realize there was more to an encounter than simply sticking his dick into whomever and pumping away until release found him. Technically, I was cheating as I already knew Shirosaki's most erogenous zones. I knew he found the act of licking and being licked intensely erotic and a very naughty part of me wanted to see if I could push him to orgasm from that alone. I made a mental note to try that another time.
I licked his palm again, continuing up his index finger and then running my tongue down the side to tease the delicate skin between his fingers making his breath hitch in his chest. Mindful of his rising reiatsu, I twisted mine around his, tempering his yet, allowing our two to rub over each other in a way I knew we'd both enjoy. I sucked the finger I'd just bathed with my tongue into my mouth, scraping my teeth over his knuckle with a hint of roughness I knew he liked. The button holding his coat closed popped open under my busy fingers before I lightly traced up his ribs and slowly pushed the coat open at the same time.
The pads of my fingers swirled over his nipples, stopping just long enough to bring the nubs erect before moving on. I trailed my hands over his collarbones before circling his throat and lightly pressing my thumbs into his skin. The entire time I played my hands over his flesh, I kept up with the slightly rough scraping of his finger with my teeth and gentle suction of my mouth. Shirosaki's lashes fluttered when I pressed harder into his throat with my thumbs and a low moan escaped him, the hint of violence turning him on. He swayed when I released his finger and let my hands slide away from his neck.
“Still think this is pouffy, girly shit or do you want me to continue?”
The heat in Shirosaki's eyes when he looked at me was incredible. They glowed like molten gold. His reiatsu was starting to surge against my control and for the briefest of moments, I wondered if I was going to be able to keep a firm grip on it. Shirosaki smiled at me in a very predatory way and licked his lips.
“I get to touch you back, right? You want me to learn this shit and I'm kinda a hands-on guy.”
I nodded my head, pleased that he wanted to return my caresses. He smiled at me again and pulled my head down for a kiss. Given his nature, I was expecting roughness. What I got was heat and lust that nearly made me forget what I was trying to teach him. Shirosaki's fingers tunnelled through my hair, his body pressing against mine and I groaned. My hands were back around his throat, thumbs stroking his skin, feeling the pulse pounding through his veins. It took me an embarrassing amount of time to realize that while Shirosaki had been masturbating when he watched me pleasure Ichigo, he'd also been paying attention to the act itself. He knew some of what I liked already. This was going far better than I anticipated.
Shirosaki opened my coat and pressed his naked chest against my shirt covered one. I found myself wanting to feel our bare flesh touching and rubbing together with surprising intensity. Unable to resist the impulse, I broke the kiss with Shirosaki and stepped back a half step. He started to scowl until he saw I was unbuttoning my shirt. He leered and let his open coat slide off him to pool around his feet. His hands hovered over the ties of his hakama in indecision before he gave a little shrug and pulled them loose. The hakama slithered to the ground and Shirosaki stepped free of the puddle of clothing he'd made.
I'd never seen Shirosaki naked. While he looked identical to Ichigo body-wise, there was a subtle difference to him that made him unique. I knew, without feeling their slightly different reiatsus, I'd be able to tell who was who by touch in a dark room. My excitement climbed when I thought of how much I'd enjoy figuring out all those little details that made them separate people first hand.
“You just gonna stand there and stare at me or are you gonna get naked too?”
“I'm enjoying my first look at you nude.”
Shirosaki blinked and a faint blush crawled up his neck and into his face. I laughed softly and shrugged out of my coat and shirt, taking time to fold them neatly and ignoring his impatient sigh. I started to run my hands over my chest, Shirosaki's eyes followed each movement, his breath speeding up, his hand moving to grip his erect cock.
“Watch without touching yourself, if you can.”
He scowled at me before a cocky grin appeared on his face. He folded his arms in front of his chest and waited for what I was going to do. I started running my hands over my chest again, scoring down my ribs with blunt nails and toying with my nipples. I popped the button of my pants but didn't open them any further, instead sliding a finger between my waist band and belly and teasing him with the possibility of opening them. A little smile came and went quickly on my face when I noticed his cock twitch and a clear drop of fluid gather at the tip. I turned my back on Shirosaki and pulled my zipper down slowly, the noise loud in the quiet. I inched my pants down my hips and glanced at him over my shoulder. His eyes were glued to the slow progress of the fabric down my legs. He was licking his lips and his hand was creeping down his belly towards his cock.
“I promise you'll like it better if you wait, Shirosaki.”
He jerked his eyes up to mine and his hand away from his erection. His reiatsu flared against me and I could feel his eagerness for more. He was fast approaching his limit of restraint and considering that he was basically a horny teenage boy, he'd done remarkably well in keeping his desire in check. I stepped from my pants and folded them before moving to stand in front of Shirosaki. I kissed him briefly on the mouth before moving my lips to his chest and my hands to his ass.
“Let yourself go and enjoy my touch, Shirosaki.”
I began licking his chest with lazy swipes of my tongue. He groaned and tangled his hands in my hair. A shiver travelled down my spine from the feel of his fingers stroking against my scalp. I worked my way over his chest, teasing his nipples and tracing his ribs as I made my way down to his cock. His stomach muscles tensed and a moan seemed to be dragged from him when I dipped my tongue into his belly button. His cock twitched against me and the sharp musk of his arousal made my cock throb in response.
I sucked a finger into my mouth, slicking it well with spit and moving to press it against Shirosaki's hole. He squirmed and his fingers tightened in my hair but he didn't protest. I gripped the base of his cock and closed my mouth over the head, slowly swallowing his entire length down at the same time as I pushed my finger into his ass. Shirosaki swore and his reiatsu flared so hot over my skin at that action that I had to struggle not to let my own react just as strongly. I began bobbing my head over his cock and thrusting my finger inside him, stroking his prostate firmly. Shirosaki stiffened, his fingers tightening almost painfully in my hair and he yelled as his orgasm stormed through him. His reiatsu burned over me, triggering a release I wasn't ready for and making me groan around his cock in pleasure as my seed splattered on the ground. I kept my mouth sealed around his dick, swallowing his seed and stroking his prostate hard, milking him for every drop. His legs gave way and he sagged over me, his cock sliding free from my mouth.
I pulled him without protest into my arms and dragged his coat over the two of us. My hands stroked over his back and I waited for our hearts to slow back down to normal. He wore a slightly dazed expression that made a smug smile appear on my face.
“Hot fucking damn, that was good. Way better than masturbating even if it did feel kinda weird to have your finger up my ass. What the hell was that thing you did that made me come so hard it nearly fucking hurt, but in a really good way?”
“Prostate massage and yes, I'll show you how to do that too,” I said with a chuckle. “Relax and enjoy the after glow. That can feel as good as the sex itself.”
Shirosaki snorted but snuggled closer to me. His body relaxed and in moments he was breathing deeply in sleep. I smiled to myself and relaxed as well. This was going to work out so well between the three of us. I could feel it.