Bleach Fan Fiction ❯ Bleach Ficlets: Dare To Live ❯ 25 Security Blanket ( Chapter 25 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Authors Note: I don't own Bleach and make no claims on it. If I did, there'd be a whole hell of a lot of kinky shit going down.
25 Security Blanket
My eyes popped open in surprise when a chill wind whipped through me. The sky darkened quickly and cold rain started to fall. I hated the rain with a passion. Shirosaki appeared beside me, a scowl on his face and unease in his eyes. He hated the rain, too, although he'd never admit to that.
“What the hell is his problem now?” Shirosaki asked folding his arms across his chest. I chose not to mention how much it looked like he was hugging himself.
“I don't know,” I said as I focused on Ichigo. Shirosaki still wasn't terribly good at watching Ichigo unless it involved sex. I though it was a simple matter of focus. He'd eventually get better at it once he realized there was more than just sex available from Ichigo.
Ichigo was trudging home from… somewhere. He was in his body so I doubted whatever was bothering him was Shinigami business. His entire posture was subdued and even his wild reiatsu was muted. I would have gone to Ichigo but, I doubted he wanted to have me suddenly appear beside him as he walked. From what I understood, people already thought he was strange enough as it was and he didn't need people seeing him talking to thin air. Again. He finally entered his house, heading straight for his room. I waited until he dropped his things and flopped down on his bed before appearing in his room.
“Not now, Zangetsu,” Ichigo said in a tight voice, covering his eyes with his arm.
“It's raining. What's wrong?” I asked as I sat on the bed beside him.
“Nothing. Just… go away for a while, okay?”
I frowned and stared at Ichigo for several minutes. I knew something wasn't right with him. It only rained in the inner world when Ichigo was really upset. Ichigo didn't look like he was going to tell me what was bothering him. When he wanted to, Ichigo could be very closed-mouthed. He was blocking me out so I couldn't even get a mental grasp on what was wrong. I was about to do as he asked and leave when I heard the shuddery breath he took. A sharp glance at his face showed dried tear tracks on his cheeks.
**Come to the mirror and keep any smart remarks to yourself. Ichigo needs us, ** I sent firmly to Shirosaki.
I looked up at movement from the corner of my eye and saw Shirosaki standing on the other side of the mirror just as I'd told him to. His hair was plastered to his head and his clothes clung to his skin, heavy from the rain that seemed to be coming down harder in the inner world Shirosaki and I lived in. Shirosaki pressed his hands to the glass, his expression miserable. I pursed my lips and wondered how I was going to get Shirosaki on this side of the mirror without Ichigo's help. For all the things I knew about how we interacted with each other, I had no idea how Ichigo pulled Shirosaki through mirrors.
“Ichigo, I need you to bring Shirosaki here,” I said in a quiet, firm voice.
“Now's really not a good time, Zangetsu,” Ichigo said in a rough voice.
“Now is the perfect time. Trust me on this, Ichigo. I'd do it myself but I don't think I can. You're the only one who can bring him here. I don't ask much of you, but I am asking you to do this. I promise you won't be sorry. Remember, I want what you want as does Shirosaki. Bring him here,” I coaxed gently.
Ichigo knew I'd keep persisting until he did what I asked. He wasn't the only one who could be stubborn. He sighed heavily and sat up, moving to the mirror and pressing his hand against the glass. Shirosaki put his hand up against Ichigo's and stepped through the mirror easily. He stood next to Ichigo and shivered, his clothes dripping water onto the floor. Ichigo let go of Shirosaki's hand and returned to his bed, stretching out once again on his back with his arm over his eyes.
“There. Happy now? I don't know how you can say you want what I want when I don't want either one of you here right now.”
Shirosaki opened his mouth and I gave a quick shake of my head. His teeth clicked together audibly but, thankfully, he remained silent. I moved to Shirosaki and stripped him of his soaked clothes before removing my damp ones as well. I could tell he wanted to ask what I was doing but, miracle of miracles, he kept his mouth shut. I opened the closet and pulled a heavy blanket from the shelf.
**He's very upset about something but doesn't want to talk about it right now. This is about giving him comfort and support and nothing more, understand?** I asked as I gave Shirosaki a little push to climb into bed with Ichigo.
**I know he's upset. I'm not retarded, ** Shirosaki muttered in an offended tone.
“What the…” Ichigo said, lifting his arm slightly to look suspiciously at Shirosaki and me as we climbed into bed with him, one on either side.
“Neither Shirosaki nor I want to stay inside your head when you're this upset. It makes us upset and sad, too. Just relax, Ichigo. You don't have to talk about what's bothering you if you don't want to,” I said pulling Ichigo to me so that his back was pressed to my chest. Shirosaki scooted in close, tucking his head against Ichigo's neck. I spread the blanket over us and draped my arm over Ichigo and Shirosaki snuggling us together tightly.
“Gross! You guys are wet and cold. And naked. You're getting my clothes all wet,” Ichigo huffed as he squirmed between us.
“Your fault. You made it piss rain. Stop being such a girl. Shut up and do what Zan said. He's always right about shit.”
Ichigo muttered about catching a cold and how it'd be all our fault but he stopped squirming around and eventually sighed heavily. He grumbled and slid his arm around Shirosaki's waist. I nuzzled his hair and twisted our combined reiatsu together, calming it and spreading it over us like a blanket. A shuddery breath left Ichigo after a few minutes and I felt him finally relax. We lay quietly, tangled around each other for a long time, none of us saying a word. I felt the sadness slowly drain away from Ichigo as he took comfort in the silent support Shirosaki and I offered him. I knew, without a doubt, that he'd never let another soul see him like this. He tried to be so strong for everybody but I knew he was as fragile as anyone, maybe even more so.
“So, do we need to go kick some ass or something?” Shirosaki asked.
“Huh?” Ichigo said, drawing back so he could look at Shirosaki's face.
“Y'know, for making you sad and shit. I'd like to kick some ass for that. I hate it when it rains. I get all wet and cold and it screws up my do.”
Ichigo was quiet for several seconds before snorting softly. “Dumbass.”
“Well it does,” Shirosaki sulked. “And I didn't get to dry my hair before Zan pushed me into bed so now it's gonna be all screwed up and look retarded.”
Ichigo laughed and I felt most of the sadness leave him. A little remained but, I'd finally realized it was an old hurt and would likely never go away completely. Ichigo's mood was improved and he ran his hands through Shirosaki's hair, spiking it up. Shirosaki protested but not nearly as hard as I would've expected him too. I was impressed. I really didn't think I'd been getting through to Shirosaki on what he needed to do to win a place in Ichigo's bed since he was very one-track minded and, currently, very focused on sex.
**Well done, Shirosaki. You are earning Ichigo's trust.**
**I said I wasn't retarded,** Shirosaki muttered. **'Sides, this together thing is kinda nice. It feels good and I'm all about the feeling good part. And I'm also naked and rubbing against Ichigo even if he's still dressed, which is kinda kinky by the way. He can't resist a damn fine piece of Hollow ass like me for long. C'mon, I am sex on legs.**
I chuckled softly and gave his damn fine ass a gentle squeeze. Shirosaki was surprising me with his progress. He was still very focused on getting into Ichigo's pants but he was also warming up to the idea of taking pleasure in interacting with Ichigo on a non-sexual level. Ichigo sighed in contentment and wriggled his ass tighter into my lap at the same time that he pulled Shirosaki firmly into his embrace. His breathing evened out and he dropped into a peaceful sleep brought on by the knowledge that he was safe in our arms.