Bleach Fan Fiction ❯ Bleach Ficlets: Dare To Live ❯ 30 Voyeur Fetish ( Chapter 30 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Authors Note: I don't own Bleach and make no claims on it. If I did, there'd be a whole hell of a lot of kinky shit going down. Although this isn't a songfic, the tune referenced here is called Electronic World Transmission by the band Rotersand. All rights for the song remain with its creator(s).
30 Voyeur Fetish
“You wanna what?”
Ichigo stood in front of me and scowled. He folded his arms across his chest and looked away for a few moments before swinging his gaze back to me. He looked like he wanted to bite his tongue off. Or leave. I kinda wondered why he didn't just go if that's what he wanted to do. It wasn't like he was the one stuck in this fucked up sideways world.
“I asked you a simple question. Can you show me how to whip around my sword by the cloth or not? I did it a couple of times but I can't get it to shoot out and then come back like you can without damn near cutting my head off.”
I started laughing. Oh this was too perfect. The king was asking his horse how to fight. I needed a fucking camera for this. Save the moment for eternity and all that shit.
“I told Zangetsu this was a stupid idea,” Ichigo muttered and turned to stomp away.
“Huh? You asking me was Zangetsu's idea? What the hell is he thinking?” I asked suspiciously as I tried to stop laughing. Ichigo wouldn't tell me shit if I kept laughing.
“Fucked if I know. He said if I wanted to know how to do the whip thing I had to ask you since you're the one that does that move the most. So, I asked and you were a dickhead about it and now I'm leaving. I'll figure it out on my own just like everything else.”
Zangetsu musta had a reason for sending Ichigo to talk to me besides teaching Ichigo that trick. Zangetsu could do the sword whip too. Who the hell did Ichigo think I learned it from? Maybe this was more of Zangetsu's `make nice to Ichigo and you get to bang his ass' shit. I never could tell. Zangetsu was one crafty bastard. Much as I hated to admit it, so far, he'd been right when he said if I tried to be nicer, Ichigo would let me into his bed. Fuck but this be pleasant crap was gonna kill me and totally ruin my rep as a bad-ass. On the positive side, it would move me one step closer to nailing my king's ass. I grinned. The sacrifices I made in the name of sex.
“I can show you but I ain't doing it for free.”
“What?” Ichigo growled as he whirled around and stalked back to me. He jabbed me in the chest with his finger. “You're a fucking asshole, you know that?”
I swatted his hand away and sneered. “You want me to show you how to do one of my coolest tricks and make you stronger and you think I'm not going to ask for something in exchange? Are you really that stupid?”
Ichigo looked like he wanted to take a swing at me. I was cool with that. A fight with him was always fun. Kinda gets the juices flowing and makes me horny every damn time. I'm almost positive it gets his engine revving, too. I couldn't say for sure without grabbing his crotch to check, but I think he was getting excited by the idea of fighting with me.
Ichigo scowled at me. “Fine. Whatever. What do you want?”
“I want to nail your ass but I don't think you'll go for that. A kiss won't cut it but I did like your mouth on my cock last time so, how `bout that?”
“No way. I told you before I wasn't going down on my knees for you. It's bad enough that I had to ask you about the move in the first place.”
“I told you what I want and you said no. So, make me an offer. A good one,” I leered.
“How about… a mutual jerk off?”
I smirked. Now we were getting down to the serious negotiating. I knew Ichigo wouldn't go for giving me a blow job. I don't know what his fucking problem was with blowing me. He'd done it once before. Fine, it'd been a mutual thing but still, he'd done it and he'd gotten off, too. Zangetsu blew me without a fuss. Hell, he seemed to like making me lose my mind using only his mouth. Okay, so I wasn't trying to take over his body on a regular basis. That was beside the point. I wanted a little action from my king since the last time we'd been together I'd done what Zangetsu said and still didn't get any tail outta the deal. That was just fucking unfair.
“Nope, not good enough. Unless you wanna do it in the real world. I'd consider that a fair trade. How `bout it, Ichigo? A little hand action between us in the real world before I show you how to play with your other sword.”
He scowled at me and muttered something. I mimicked his pose and waited. I had all kinds of time for him to decide. I wasn't the one who wanted to learn a new move. Okay, my balls disagreed about how long I could wait but they weren't running the show. Ichigo blew out an annoyed sounding breath and dragged a hand through his hair.
“Show me the sword whip first,” Ichigo demanded.
“Nuh uh. Wank session first. I've been waiting for some action since the last time we were together. You got me all hot and bothered and then shoved my horny little ass through the damn mirror just so your dad wouldn't catch you wriggling around on the bed with me and Zangetsu. You fucking owe me for that.”
Ichigo's cheeks turned red and he looked pissed. “It's not like I wanted to stop, you know. The very last thing I need is to try and explain to my dad who the hell you and Zangetsu are. Do you even have a fucking clue how much shit that woulda caused?”
I shrugged. “Not my problem. You gonna take the deal or not?”
Ichigo glared at me. “Fine. Asshole,” he snapped holding out his hand to shake on it.
I grabbed his hand and pumped it twice before he had the chance to change his mind. I jerked on his hand; catching him off-balance and making him stumble into me. The contact was brief but I know a hard-on when I feel it. I leered at Ichigo and tried for an ass grab. He shoved me away and scowled but I knew he was turned on. Sure, I was being a prick but I really did want some action with Ichigo since it got cut short last time. Personally, I thought it would've been funny as hell to see Ichigo try and explain who me and Zangetsu were and why we were all naked in his bed to his dad.
As soon as I released Ichigo's hand, he was gone back to the real world. I was in front of the glass that looked into his room in seconds and waited for him to pull me through to reality. Zangetsu's reiatsu brushed over mine and I grinned. This was gonna be so sweet. Ichigo pressed his hand to the mirror and yanked me through the moment our palms touched. I really needed to work on learning to appear like Zangetsu could. This waiting for Ichigo to drag me through thing was kinda annoying. Ichigo let go of my hand the second I was in the real world and moved to his stereo. He put a CD in and turned up the tunes. Some sorta cool techno, heavy on the bass, thumped from the speakers.
“Awww, I'm touched that you thought I needed some music to get in the mood,” I leered.
“I don't want my sisters to hear you moaning and groaning, dumb ass.”
I snorted. “Riiiiight, and the fact that this tune sounds like the beat was made to fuck to is a coincidence? Whatever you need to tell yourself, Ichigo.”
Ichigo stalked over to me and stood nose to nose with me. He glared at me for a few seconds and looked like he wanted to punch my lights out. Or fuck me. I was cool with either one since I was pretty sure a fight would lead to sex anyway. He suddenly shoved his fingers through my hair, holding my head still and kissed me hard with lots of teeth and tongue. He let me go before I was ready for the kiss to be over. He spun me around so I was facing the mirror and jerked my hips tight to his. I grinned at him in the mirror. His cock grinding into my ass told me he was getting into this in a big way. His hips rocked back and forth in time to the music and his hand settled over my cock. I licked my lips in anticipation. This was turning out way better than I thought it would.
“Thought we were gonna have a mutual wank session. Did ya change your mind and want to get your jollies rubbing up against me first before I plough your ass?” I asked in a voice a touch deeper than normal. Damn, it was hot having him stroke me through my clothes in front of the mirror.
“As if I'd let you at my ass. You're pretty confident for a virgin. You're also hard as a fucking rock. Doesn't take much to get you worked up, does it?” he breathed into my ear as he slid his hand over the front of my hakama.
I wasn't the only one hard and would've said so, but I forgot how to talk when Ichigo licked and nipped the edge of my ear. My cock twitched against his hand and I tried to keep my mouth shut, but a tiny sound of pleasure found its way out of my throat anyway. I covered Ichigo's hand with mine, holding it in place. The beat of the music settled into me and Ichigo ground his hips against my ass in rhythm with the tunes. When the chorus came up with the phrase Get me, get me, my voyeur fetish…” I caught his eyes with mine in the mirror. Damn, he picked the best music to fuck to. We smirked at each other, our lust easy to see. There was another tiny spike to Zangetsu's reiatsu and my grin widened.
“You gonna jerk me off like this in front of the mirror?” I asked as I ground my ass against the rod he had in his pants. Every now and again I could feel the tickle of Zangetsu's reiatsu and knew he was watching from somewhere. Bet he planned for this whole thing between me and Ichigo. Sneaky, kinky bastard. I wondered if Ichigo could feel Zangetsu's reiatsu, too. I liked the kinky idea of Zangetsu peeping on us.
“Seems like a good idea. You agreed on a mutual wank. You didn't say anything about how that jerk off was done. Got a problem with it?”
I grinned at Ichigo in the mirror. Maybe he could feel Zangetsu's reiatsu. Maybe that's why he was going to jerk me in front of the mirror. Give Zangetsu a hot show of the two of us getting it on. “Nope. This is pretty kinky. I like kinky.”
He laughed, his breath puffing against my ear, making me shiver. “I like kinky, too. Take off your clothes. Last time we did this kinda dance, I was the naked one.”
I leered at him before pulling a little away. I had no problem being naked while he was still dressed. I was damn fine looking with or without clothes. He let me go, watching intently when I shucked my coat and hakama. I trailed a finger over his erection through his pants, grinning when he groaned softly. Ichigo popped the fly on his jeans and spread them open only enough to pull his dick out. I wrapped my fingers around him and gave him a few quick strokes. I was gonna make sure Zangetsu got one hell of an eyeful.
“You dressed and me naked and watching ourselves in the mirror…. This'll be way fucking hot,” I said letting go of him and turning to face the mirror. Knowing Zangetsu was watching and probably getting off was making this jerk session even better. I ground my ass against Ichigo's cock and brought his hand back to my dick.
Ichigo wrapped his arm around my waist and started circling his hips again in time with the music. The pressure of his hand on my cock was perfect and as much as I wanted to nail his ass, it felt damn erotic to have his dick pressing between my ass cheeks. I hadn't forgotten for one second how fantastic it'd felt that one time when Ichigo had invited me to share his body while Zangetsu fucked him. The pleasure had been so intense I thought I was gonna pass out when I came. We seriously had to do that again sometime.
I watched what we were doing in the mirror. It was way hotter than I expected and I'd already thought it was gonna be smoking. Seeing our faces side by side in the mirror made me realize just how identical we looked. It was kinda like watching twins go at it. We so had to fuck each other in front of a mirror. That just screamed all kinds of kinky-hot-wrong and I loved the idea.
Ichigo stroked my cock and nipped my neck. In between the bites, he licked my skin. I groaned and reached back to grab his ass. He moved his other hand up and pinched my nipple wringing another groan from me. God damn that felt good. His fingers trailed up my chest and throat until they pressed against my lips. I opened my mouth and sucked hard on two of his fingers. Zangetsu's reiatsu spiked a little more when I did that. Pre-come leaked from my cock when Ichigo moaned softly in my ear and his dick twitched against my ass. His hand moved faster over me in time with the speed of his hips. Heat pooled in my belly and my balls started to draw up. I was so fucking close and going by the slickness I could feel between my ass cheeks from Ichigo's cock, so was he.
“We're being watched,” Ichigo whispered into my ear biting on my ear lobe.
I'd wondered when he was gonna notice and say something. Zangetsu wasn't being real obvious about it, but his reiatsu was a dead give away even though he was doing a damn fine job of hiding it. I think he realized he was busted `cause he suddenly stopped hiding and walked straight through the mirror into the real world. Damn, how the hell did he do that? His shades were gone and I could lust in his eyes when he looked at us grinding against each other, my dick sliding in and out Ichigo's fist. Zangetsu smiled slowly and dropped to his knees in front of me, swallowing my cock down until his lips touched Ichigo's hand at the base of my cock. My hips jerked up and I moaned at the intense pleasure. I'd thought it was kinky cool for him to watch me and Ichigo grind against each other. What was happening now beat that all to shit.
Zangetsu slid some of his reiatsu up my ass hitting that sweet spot inside me that made me see stars and my legs turn to rubber. He worked his mouth up and down my cock while Ichigo pinched one of my nipples and licked my neck. I didn't mean to moan out loud but what Ichigo and Zangetsu were doing to me was too erotic for me to keep quiet. Holy hell, I was close and I didn't care if Ichigo was gonna rag on my ass for blowing my load before he did.
“Oh fuck,” Ichigo moaned and yanked my hips back against his, grinding his cock between my ass cheeks.
I figured that Zangetsu just stuffed some of his reiatsu up Ichigo's ass, too. Ichigo was panting in my ear and making impossibly hot sex noises. Zangetsu was running his hands over my legs and between me and Ichigo, muffled sounds of pleasure vibrating from his throat, pushing me even closer to the edge. He wrapped more reiatsu around us and that did it for me. My head dropped back onto Ichigo's shoulder, my whole body tightening when my orgasm whipped through me. I bit my lip, barely holding back a scream. Ichigo pumped his hips twice and stifled his groan of pleasure by biting down hard on my shoulder. I shivered at the feel of his come spurting over my back and his teeth sinking deep into my shoulder. Zangetsu swallowed my come and played his tongue over my now sensitive cock before letting it slide slowly out of his mouth at the same time that his reiatsu slipped out of my ass making me moan again. Ichigo and I swayed together a little and panted. That'd been way fucking hot and something I'd definitely do again. I knew Ichigo and Zangetsu'd be up for it, too.
Zangetsu stood and wiped a trickle of my come from his lip. He slid his finger into his mouth, sucking it clean while watching us. Both Ichigo and me groaned softly and Zangetsu smirked at us. He undid his pants and sat on the bed, his hand stroking his cock quickly. We watched Zangetsu jerk himself off in front of us. He was pretty fucking hot for an old guy and when he came, the quiet, throaty sounds he made had both me and Ichigo shivering in reaction to how erotic he sounded. Damn, I'd already gotten off and my cock was twitching again. So was Ichigo's. Zangetsu was fucking good.
Zangetsu closed his eyes and tipped his head back, breathing slowly as he rode out the pleasure. He eventually stood and wiped his hand clean with a tissue before tucking himself back into his pants. He kissed me and then Ichigo making a pleased sound in his throat. He vanished back to the inner world without saying a damn thing but I still felt like he was keeping tabs on us. He was one kinky bastard.
“That was too fucking cool,” I said feeling all relaxed now.
“Yeah. How long do you think Zangetsu was watching?” Ichigo asked moving away from me and getting some tissues to clean up.
I stared at Ichigo. He wasn't serious, was he? He hadn't known Zangetsu was watching the whole damn time? Well fuck me sideways. I started to grin. I could so use this to get a little more action out of my king. I wondered what Ichigo would give up to learn how to always be aware of Zangetsu. Or me.
And Zangetsu said I never used my brains.