Bleach Fan Fiction ❯ Bleach Ficlets: Dare To Live ❯ 42 The Morning After ( Chapter 42 )
[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Authors Note: I don't own Bleach and make no claims on it. If I did, there'd be a whole hell of a lot of kinky shit going down.
42 The Morning After
I woke slowly to the sound of steady thumping under my ear and warm skin against my cheek. A hand stroked leisurely over my back. My legs were tangled with someone else's. I felt comfortable and relaxed. It took my drowsy brain several minutes to realize I was naked and pressed against an equally naked person. I vaguely remembered Renji waking me and urging me, in a soft voice, to take off my jacket and pants and get comfortable. A smile appeared on my face. Being pressed naked to Renji was very comfortable.
“Finally awake, sleepyhead?” Renji teased.
I didn't say anything, but snuggled tighter against Renji and opened my eyes slowly. The room was just starting to lighten and I guessed that the sun was rising. I frowned and bit my lip in indecision. Should I leave Renji's room now before everybody else woke up? Or was it okay for me to stay since Hisagi had pretty much told everybody that Renji and I were seeing each other? Renji said I was his boyfriend last night but I wasn't sure if that meant I could be seen coming from his room. I didn't want to do anything that might embarrass him or cause him trouble.
“What's wrong, Nova?” Renji asked softly.
I blinked in surprise. I hadn't realized that Renji would notice anything. He was getting really good at reading my moods and that made me feel happy on the inside. I looked up at him and saw concern in his eyes. He brushed a hand over my hair and just stared at me, waiting. I was a little shocked when I realized that hot-headed Abarai Renji was patiently waiting for me to say something.
“Do you want me to leave?” I asked.
“What? Hell no. What gave you that idea? I'm liking you exactly where you are, Nova. Really liking,” Renji said with a smile that just barely managed to avoid being a leer and a firm squeeze to my ass.
A blush heated my cheeks and I glanced away. If the hand on my ass hadn't been enough of a clue, Renji's cock firming against my belly would have been a dead give away that he enjoyed the way our bodies fit together. Renji tipped my face up to his and kissed me, his tongue doing positively lewd and erotic things. My cock hardened and my fingers somehow ended up tangled in his loose hair. When he pulled back from the kiss, I made a little sound of protest. Renji was a really good kisser. Not that I had anything to compare his kisses to, but some things, you simply knew.
“Still think you should leave?” Renji asked in a rough voice.
I shook my head no.
“You're not embarrassed to be seen coming out of my room are you?” Renji asked with a little uncertainty in his voice.
I smiled and shook my head again. I could see the relief in Renji's eyes at my answer. I stretched up a bit and kissed him as a wicked thought occurred to me. I gathered up my courage and rubbed my body against his. I wasn't used to being as forward as I was about to be, but Renji had told me that I could do anything I wanted with him. That kind of permission was heady stuff.
“So, is it later?” I asked against his lips.
The shocked expression on Renji's face only lasted a few seconds, but it made me grin. His hand on my ass pressed me into his body. Arousal and excitement made his brandy-coloured eyes warm.
“If you're ready for it to be later, Nova, so am I. Uhhh… you do know what later involves, right?”
I nodded. “After that time in the training room when you used your mouth on me, I asked Urahara what to expect.”
Renji turned as red as his hair and a choking sound came from his throat. He groaned softly and squeezed his eyes shut.
“Renji? Are you okay? Urahara was very helpful. He loaned me a book with pictures and mentioned specific pages that we might find fun.”
Renji swore softly under his breath and the blush in his cheeks travelled down his throat to spread over his chest. I'd never seen anyone blush that much.
“Next time, if you have any questions about sex, ask me, Nova. I can't believe you asked Urahara. He's like the biggest perv on the planet,” Renji groaned.
“I thought Urahara would be a good person to ask. Him and his lovers seem to enjoy themselves very much when they're together. Their reiatsu when they're together is… it feels very intense even though I'm sure they're trying to mute it.”
“Urahara's lovers? As in more than one? At once? Holy shit! Who's he… never mind. Not my business,” Renji said with a little shrug before he pushed the blankets off us and started to kiss his way down my throat and over my shoulders.
Thoughts of Urahara and his lovers fled my mind as Renji kissed and licked my skin. My back arched when Renji's teeth grazed my nipple. I'd seen the pictures in the book Urahara lent me, but didn't know it'd feel so electric when Renji teased my nipple. My hands found their way to Renji's hair again, tangling in the long strands, and drawing a low rumble of pleasure from him. His hands skimmed over my ribs pulling a soft moan from me at the gentle touch. His thumbs glided over my hip bones and had me twisting to encourage him to touch me more intimately. All the while he caressed me; his mouth was busy leaving tiny nipping kisses followed by slow swipes of his tongue to erase the brief sting. The lower down my body he moved, the more impatient I was finding myself. I knew where he was headed and what he was going to do and I wanted it with a fierceness that surprised me. When Renji pulled back slightly, my fingers tightened briefly in his hair. The groan that escaped his throat made my cock twitch between us.
“Ya gotta let go of my hair for a couple of minutes, Nova. We need lube and I can't get that if you've got fistfuls of my hair. After I get it, you can play with my hair as much as you want. I'd… uhhh… kinda like it if you pulled on my hair like that again,” Renji said with a little nervousness in his voice.
Renji wanted me to pull his hair? I remembered reading something about that in Urahara's book. I tugged sharply on Renji's hair just to see what would happen. Heat flared in his eyes and his reiatsu spiked sharply. He groaned out the word yes and his fingers tightened almost painfully on my thighs before gentling. The heady rush of erotic power surged through me at making Renji react so strongly from something so simple.
“Fuck, Nova, are you trying to make me lose control?” Renji asked in a low voice heavy with desire.
I shrugged and smiled at him. “You said you wanted me to pull your hair again, so I did. You liked that?”
“Yeah. Sometimes. You're not weirded out by that are you?”
“No. Why would I be? Isn't sex about feeling good and making your partner feel good?”
Renji looked startled for a moment before he moved up my body and kissed me fiercely. His lips were aggressive and his hands a little rough where he gripped my arms, but I found I liked the almost conquering feel of what he was treating me to. When he pulled back from the kiss, both of us were breathing hard. He ground his hips against mine making a bolt of lust shoot straight to my groin when our cocks rubbed together.
“I'm gonna make you feel so good,” Renji said with a leer before leaning in again for another erotic kiss.
He tugged my hands from his hair, kissed the backs of my fingers and moved slightly away from me to rummage around in the drawer of the bedside table. I admired the muscled curve of his ass and ran my fingers lightly over the bold black lines of the tattoos on his hip. Renji paused in what he was doing and shivered. He made a sound of triumph and held up a bottle I assumed was lube. He was back between my legs so quickly, I almost wondered if he'd used shunpo.
“Any time you want me to stop, you say so. I'm not gonna be mad, I swear. We don't have to… go all the way. I don't want to hurt you on your first time, Nova,” Renji said with a serious expression.
I snorted softly. Hurt me? I was a Mod Soul. I was made to fight in the front lines of battle. I was pretty damn tough. Besides, when I'd asked Urahara about having sex, he'd said it would probably burn a little the first time, but after a few minutes that went away and it just felt really good. He also said it got easier every time after that first time. Renji was sweet to worry about something like that.
“I'll tell you if it hurts too much,” I said softly my cheeks warming in a blush when I thought of what we'd soon be doing. Urahara, and his book, had been very graphic and enlightening.
I hadn't blushed like this when I'd spoken to Urahara about sex with Renji. Then again, I hadn't been naked, with my legs spread, waiting to have a cock stuffed up my ass while I had that conversation either. Renji nodded and popped the cap on the bottle. He drizzled lube over his fingers and my belly fluttered with excitement and nerves. I jumped a little at the first touch of his fingers over my hole.
“Relax, Nova. It's easier if you're not all tense,” Renji said in a soft voice as he rubbed lube-slicked fingers back and forth over my hole.
Urahara told me that, too. I drew in a deep breath and let it out slowly, forcing myself to relax. Renji hummed approval and leaned forward, his hair brushing against my skin. A quiet gasp escaped me when Renji rubbed his finger back and forth over my hole and started flicking his tongue along my cock. I very clearly remembered how good it felt to have Renji sucking me. My heartbeat sped up with anticipation. I'd been hoping for that special pleasure again ever since that first time. I shivered and my fingers tangled in Renji's hair as he licked a broad path from my balls to the tip of my cock. A pleased rumble came from Renji as he swirled his tongue over the head of my cock. My hips jerked up when he closed his mouth over the head and sucked lightly.
Renji had a very talented mouth. My breath was coming in little gasping pants as he bobbed his head up and down. My fingers flexed in his hair, pulling slightly and he moaned. My breath caught in my throat at the delicate vibrations on my cock and I pushed my hips up wanting more. I felt Renji staring at me and looked down my body at him. Need twisted hard in my belly at the erotic sight of him crouched between my legs, his hair fanning out over my thighs, my cock stretching his mouth wide. I'd never seen anything so arousing.
I tugged on Renji's hair again. Heat flared in his eyes and he moaned once more around my cock. I groaned and bit my lip, trying to control the sudden urge to forcefully move his head up and down. I sucked in a startled breath when something firm and slender slid easily up my ass. It felt strange, yet good at the same time. There was no burning or pain of any kind. When Renji started to bob his head over my cock again, he moved his finger in and out of my ass to the same rhythm. If dying from pleasure was possible, what Renji was doing to me was going to kill me in the sweetest way I'd ever heard of.
Renji's mouth moved down my cock until I felt the back of his throat against the head and then stilled. I squirmed a little when he withdrew his finger and pressed back with two. It didn't hurt but definitely felt fuller than just the one finger. Goose bumps travelled over me and my hands tightened in Renji's hair again. He groaned and my hips surged up, pushing more of my cock into his mouth. He choked a bit and backed off a little. A blush burned across my nose and for one, brief moment, I wanted my hood to hide my embarrassment at nearly making my lover gag on my cock.
Renji's free hand rubbed soothing circles over my belly before he pressed firmly down on my hip and pushed his fingers deeper into my ass. A shiver of pleasure travelled over my body and I moaned softly. Renji backed off my cock until only the head was still in his mouth. He pressed his arm over my hips, holding me motionless as his fingers gently stretched me. I'd assumed from what Urahara told me and what the book detailed, that this would feel good, but I'd had no idea it would feel this erotic to have something in my ass. Arousal curled through me. I wanted more. A low whine left my throat. I wanted him to keep moving his mouth on me. I needed him to keep sucking my cock. Amusement warmed Renji's eyes and I had less than a heartbeat to wonder why when he twisted his fingers inside me and made me see stars.
Heat pooled in my groin and my cock twitched in his mouth. Renji pressed against that spot again sending pleasure spiking through me and I started to pant raggedly. Orgasm teased me and I struggled to hold it back. I didn't want to be the only one to find release. Renji swallowed my cock down as far as he could and twisted his fingers hard inside me. My hands clenched in his hair and my mouth opened in a silent scream as my seed shot down Renji's throat. Pleasure crashed through me when Renji pulled back and the last few spurts of come hit his lips and trickled down his chin. My hands fell from his hair to lie limply on the bed as I sucked in huge gulps of air. I felt utterly boneless and satisfied beyond anything I'd ever experienced.
Renji straightened and knelt between my sprawled legs, his fingers around his cock. His breathing was harsh and sweat made the hair around his face darken and stick to his skin. He jerked his cock roughly a few times before a deep groan rumbled from his chest. I gasped and shivered in pleasure at the feel of his seed hitting my cock and balls and moaned softly when he slowly slipped his fingers from my ass. He braced himself over me, his hair sliding forward like a curtain, our softening cocks brushing against each other, his breathing jagged.
“That… was… incredible,” Renji panted softly as he struggled to get his breathing under control before kissing my cheek. “We are so doing that again some time. Did you like that? My fingers inside you, I mean?”
I nodded and managed to find the strength to bring my hand up to wipe my come from his chin. I stared at my slicked fingers for a few seconds before popping them in my mouth and sucking them clean. Renji groaned, flopped to his side and pulled me tight to his chest.
“Fuck, you're trying to kill me with the sexiness, aren't you?” Renji said with a husky laugh as he nuzzled my neck.
“No. I thought we were going to have sex. Did you change your mind?” I asked a little puzzled. The taste of my come wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. Maybe, when I finally got my mouth on Renji's cock, I could swallow for him after all.
“We did have sex, Nova. Awesome sex by the way. Sex is about more than just stuffing your cock into your partner. We'll get around to the whole dick up the ass thing eventually. There's no rush. I want you to be comfortable and relaxed. I want it to be good for you,” Renji said with a serious tone in his voice.
I smiled at Renji and hugged him hard. I had no doubts that when we did do the… dick up the ass thing, it would be good. I could hardly wait.