Bleach Fan Fiction ❯ Knowing ❯ a little coincidence ( Chapter 4 )

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I’m sure everyone’s noticed…I’m not anymore jackass.kit but gorgeous’moth…

Bwahahahahaha!!!! How do you like it? –goes away to own world-

Disclaimer: Tite Kubo owns the entire bleach universe. I’m just using his characters for my own enjoyment and, hopefully, your enjoyment too.

IV. A Little Coincidence

The time was late. Really late that he doubted Orihime would still be up and waiting for him. She was probably curled up in her cozy chair, sleeping, probably with a book open, the page dog-eared.

He turned off the engine, got his keys and went out of the car. He walked to the front door, opened it, and went inside. The living room was flooded with a soft yellow light that came from a lamp. In one side of the room, was Orihime, just as he knew she would be. Curled up in her chair, sleeping with her mouth hanging open.

He placed his things on the nearest chair and gazed at his wife’s sleeping face. He sighed, he was tired from that emergency operation he had just done, and it was nerve-wracking to say the least, but the old man was saved, and finally had his chances of living much greater than it had been.

He laid her slowly on their bed, careful to wake her up. He loosened his tie, but he happened to glance at the window at just that moment, the great expanse of the night sky visible. And a great longing filled him. He was tired and sleepy, but he didn’t feel like sleeping beside her yet.

He sat on the chair beside the window, the cool breeze gently lulling him to sleep.



She looked across the elegant table to her brother.

“Yes, nii-sama?”

They were having their breakfast together, one of the few times they ever had, before going to Seireitei together.

Byakuya rested his eyes on his sister, feeling a bit worried and calmly contemplating her. He wasn’t sure about his decision. But he was going to try it nonetheless, and he would tell her himself before anyone got the chance to do so.

“I…You have been reinstated to a mission in the Living World.”

It was hard convincing Yamamoto to do that, but it wasn’t so when he decided to finally put sake into his efforts. The finest sake of the Kuchiki family too.


Her head shot up, he could see that she was surprised only for a second because worry soon replaced it. The fact that he barely heard her made him wince inside.

“You are going to be reinstated for a mission back to the living world, Rukia.”

“But, nii-sama…I---”

“Pls. don’t refuse Rukia. I was the one who recommended you.”

She was silent for a moment, she was probably thinking about it. She can’t refuse, not now; he couldn’t bear to live with another Hisana again.

Her mouth opened and she spoke something, but he was too far away to make any sense of it. She cleared her throat.

“Where would it be, nii-sama?”


Violet eyes widened at that one word.

“Karakura…? But he…he is living there and weren’t I…?”

“He’s not living there anymore. He has moved out of that city with no clear indication that he’s returning back.”

She nodded, suddenly looking paler than ever.


< br> He woke up as soon as the sun’s warmth hit his face. With his eyes barely opened , he rose out of the chair and went to the door. Noticing that the bed was tidied up, he knew that she was already awake.

As soon as the door opened, the scent of cooking assailed his senses. His stomach grumbled. Oh, yeah, he had forgotten to eat his dinner last night…

“Good morning, Ichigo!” a voice reached him from the kitchen.

Still groggy, he went straight to the kitchen and propped himself on a seat and placed his head on the table.

“That smells yummy.” He remarked while stifling a yawn.

“Yup. It does, doesn’t it?”

He lifted his head and glanced at the dishes she had just laid on the table. His jaw almost dropped to the floor. He better not look at it anymore. He was fully awake now. He looked at Orihime’s cheerful face.

He better not ask what they were made of.

Orihime began putting large servings of it on his plate. He didn’t mind tasting it.

“So…when do you like to go back?”, Orihime asked him.

“To Karakura? Probably the week after next, at the latest, or if the hospital’s director could find me a replacement for a month by this week, probably next week.”

An awkward silence filled the room.

“You sure you’ll be okay here, alone?”

Ichigo asked her. She didn’t, after all, say she would like to go with him.

“Um, yes, of course. I’d still have to help the other teachers prepare for the start of the new school year.” She smiled, a very big contrast to what she was actually feeling.

‘Ichigo didn’t ask me to go with him.’


Byakuya called out to her before she proceeded to step out of that horse-driven carriage into the 13th division quarters.

“Byakuya nii-sama…?”

“Ukitake will probably tell you about your mission as soon as you arrive today. Rukia…”


He looked at her. Should he tell her..?


And she went out of the carriage.

“Wait, Rukia.”

She turned her head to face him.

“When you arrive in the Living World, look for Yoruichi. She knows.”

She opened her mouth to speak but he had already given the signal for the carriage to head off for the sixth division, and he left her standing there.

He just hoped that his decision wouldn’t end up hurting all of them.


K ind of…confusing, is it not?

Hopefully…all of you can still bear it until when I decide to reveal those mysteries that I’m sure are piling one by one in your head right now…so…don’t kill me yet.