Bleach Fan Fiction ❯ Knowing ❯ co-'accidents' not co-'incidence' ( Chapter 5 )

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Okey…I’m so into ichiruki right now with that chapter 285. One panel. That’s all it took to launch me fangirling again. Waaaah!!!! Ichigo loves Rukia!!! Yipppeeee!!! I can’t wait for 286! Finally! I dedicate this chapter to us my friends because I’m so happy right now!

-about that horse-driven carriage, I made it like that because how would a noble look traveling from his mansion using shunpo when he could afford those kind of luxury? And also I remember in one episode of bleach, when Rukia and Renji were kids, there was a shinigami who was riding one. But of course, Byakuya’s would be more elegant-

That’s all. And don’t miss a single sentence. I’m warning you, or else you’ll end up confused. Okay?

Please enjoy.

Disclaimer: Tite Kubo owns the entire bleach universe. I’m just using his characters for my own enjoyment and, hopefully, your enjoyment too.

V. Co-‘accidents’ not co-‘incidence’

He sat on his bed.
He can’t go back to sleep. His head was aching like hell. It wasn’t your normal headache or migraine, he had known many of those, it was more like a painful feeling of loss, as if he had found something but was---

He shook his aching head. Better not think of such things, it would serve to make his head ache more and God knows he didn’t want it to. With the little light from the open window by his bedside, he looked at the time and saw that it was four something in the morning. Feeling fully awake, he rose and went out of his bed to the door. Pausing long enough to spare a glance at the empty closet and his luggage which contained a month long worth of clothes.

He went out of the room, and adjusted his eyes to the darkness before he dared to go down the stairs to go down the kitchen and fetch a glass of water. He was not thirsty; he just needed something to do.

He had arrived that morning, unannounced, but what a surprise that as soon as he was out of his car, he was greeted by a flying kick which he avoided but his car had not. His car window was smashed. He emptied his glass of water in one gulp and decided what he would do for the rest of his time since his father and Yuzu were still asleep.


He shut the door firmly behind him. He had decided to simply take a walk through the town. It was small, compared to where he lived with Orihime, but it gave him a lot to think about especially the changes in the time he was gone, and honestly, he didn’t know why he gets the feeling that Orihime doesn’t like to go visit Karakura with him.

Shrugging it off, he started to walk onwards. He came by an old-looking, closed shop.

Urahara Shoten. He read the sign above the closed door. It was where children bought candies and he vaguely remembers this was where his sisters often bought theirs too. As far as he can remember, he had never even once, stepped in the store.

He slipped his hands into his pockets and continued walking. Passing by teenagers who were up to no good, he thought to himself. God forbid he had ever been like that in his youth. He passed a familiar lamppost. And he stopped.

He knew this place. This was where he had encountered the ghost of that little girl almost eleven years ago (1). Eleven years…he had never thought it had been that long. This was one of those times that that fact hit him forcefully.

He never knew what happened to that girl. He kicked some imaginary dirt and continued along his way.

He passed by the park. And remembered he last time he had been there was with Orihime. A smile tugged at the end of his lips.

His feet had carried him to where he had not wanted to go. The river. He stopped where he stood; he wanted to go there and see if the stones there were as white as he remembered them, or was the water as clear as it had been. He remembered himself as a child, before and after his mother’s death.

The light mood he carried with him, darkened considerably. Maybe some other day. He shuffled his foot and decided to go the other way. It was then that as he was about to look away, his eye caught it.

His eyes widened, and he looked again to the direction of the river. There, her back to him, was the familiar profile of someone. A sudden wave of longing rushed in him. He had never….he took a step forward.

Rukia. He wanted to shout out her name. She looked so forlorn standing there. He wanted to simply go to her. But something held him back.

She turned around and he hoped she’d notice him. But no, she kept her face downward. She was walking forward. Towards him.

A flash of light caught his attention and he turned his head to look at it. A car. A car was heading towards her. In a few seconds, it could hit her.

Oh, shit.

Heeding nothing, not even when the warning bells resounded in his mind, he ran towards her.

He reached her just in time. The pain of having her in his arms for the first time in many years more intense than when the car hit him. The pleasure of hearing his name pass through her lips.

The relief he felt that she wasn’t going to be hurt consumed him. He had saved her.



(1) The ghost of that girl in the first episode and the first chapter of the manga and the anime.
How about that? But I feel that it hasn’t gone as I wanted it to. But I hoped it was okay?
Hint: This could be more than ten chapters. Hopefully, I could update by next week.